EXERCISE 1: What are the various registers in 8085?
Accumulator register, Temporary Temporary register, Instruction register, Stack Pointer, Program Counter are the various registers in 8085.
In 8085 name the 16 bit registers?
Stack pointer and Program counter all have ! "its.
What are the various flags use in 8085?
Sign #ag, $ero #ag, Au%illary #ag, Parity #ag, Carry #ag.
What is Sta!" #ointer?
Stack pointer is a special purpose !&"it register in the 'icroprocessor, (hich holds the address o) the top o) the stack.
What is #rogram !ounter?
Program counter holds the address o) either the *rst "yte o) the ne%t instruction to "e )etched )or e%ecution or the address o) the ne%t "yte o) a multi "yte instruction, (hich has not "een completely )etched. In "oth the cases it gets incremented automatically one "y one as the inst instru ruct ction ion "yte "ytes s get get )etch )etched ed.. Also Also Prog Program ram regi regist ster er keeps eeps the the address o) the ne%t instruction.
Whi!h Sta!" is use in 8085?
+I- +ast In irst irst -ut/ stack is used in 8085.In this type o) Stack the last stored in)ormation can "e retrieved *rst.
What ha$$ens %hen &'( instru!tion is e)e!ute in $ro!essor?
The 'icro Processor Processor enters into alt&State and the the "uses are tri& stated.
What is meant b* a bus?
A "us is a group o) conducting c onducting lines that carriers data, address, 1 control signals.
What is (ri+state (ri+state logi!?
Three +ogic +evels are used and they are igh, +o(, igh impedance state. The high and lo( are normal logic levels 1 high impedance state is electrical open circuit conditions. Tri&state logic has a third line called ena"le line. 10.
,ive an e)am$le of one aress mi!ro$ro!essor? 8085 is a one address microprocessor. microprocessor.
11. 11.
In %hat %a* interru$ts are !lassifie in 8085? 1
In 8085 the interrupts are classi*ed as ard(are and So)t(are interrupts. 12.
What are &ar%are interru$ts?
T2AP, 2ST3.5, 2ST!.5, 2ST5.5, I4T2. 13.
What are Soft%are interru$ts? 2ST0, 2ST, 2ST, 2ST6, 2ST7, 2ST5, 2ST!, 2ST3.
Whi!h interru$t has the highest $riorit*?
T2AP has the highest priority. 15.
-ame 5 ifferent aressing moes? Immediate, irect, 2egister, 2egister indirect, Implied addressing modes.
&o% man* interru$ts are there in 8085?
There are interrupts in 8085. 17.
What is !lo!" fre.uen!* for 8085? 6 '9 is the ma%imum clock )re:uency )or 8085.
What is the RS( for the (R/#? 2ST 7.5 is called as T2AP.
In 8085 %hi!h is !alle as &igh orer 'o% orer Register? lag is called as +o( order register 1 Accumulator is called as igh order 2egister.
What are in$ut out$ut evi!es? ;ey"oards, loppy disk are the e%amples o) input devices. Printer, +< = +C display, C2T 'onitor are the e%amples o) output devices.
Can an RC !ir!uit be use as !lo!" sour!e for 8085?
>es, it can "e used, i) an accurate clock )re:uency is not re:uired. Also, the component cost is lo( compared to +C or Crystal. 22.
Wh* !r*stal is a $referre !lo!" sour!e? ?ecause o) high sta"ility, large @ @uality actor/ 1 the )re:uency that doesnt dri)t (ith aging. Crystal is used as a clock source most o) the times.
Whi!h interru$t is not level+sensitive in 8085? 2ST 3.5 is a raising edge&triggering interrupt.
What oes 2ualit* fa!tor mean?
The @uality )actor is also de*ned, as @. So it is a num"er, (hich re#ects the lossness o) a circuit. igher the @, the lo(er are the losses.
354 What are level+triggering interru$t? 2ST !.5 1 2ST 5.5 are level&triggering interrupts.
sing '/ an S(/ instru!tions7 %rite a $rogram that %ill transfer five b*te of memor* from lo!ation 000& through 009& to lo!ation 300& through 309& LDA 3000H STA 3200H LDA 3001H STA 3201H LDA 3002H STA 3202H LDA 3003H STA 3203H LDA 3004H STA 3204H
Write a $rogram to e)!hange the !ontents of &' register $air %ith E register $air using ;< instru!tion4 MOV B,H MOV C,L MOV H,D MOV L,E MOV D,B MOV E,C
Write a $rogram to s%a$ lo%er 9 bit nibble %ith u$$er 9 bit nibble of 8 bit ata at memor* lo!ation 3100& an $la!e a result to lo!ation 3101&4 LDA 2100H RAL RAL RAL RAL STA 2101H
Write a $rogram using the /I instru!tion to a the t%o he)ae!imal numbers /& an 98& an store the result in memor* lo!ation 3100&4 MVI A,3AH ADI 48H STA 2100H
Write a $rogram to subtra!t the number in the register from the number in the E register4 Store the result in register C4 MOV A,E SUB D MOV C,A
Write an assembl* language $rogram that /-7 ;R an X;R together the !ontents of register =7 C an E an $la!e the result into memor* lo!ation 000&7 001& an 003&4 MOV A,B ANA C ANA E STA 3000H MOV A,B ORA C ORA E STA 3001H MOV A,B XRA C 4
Write a $rogram that store 00& into memor* lo!ation 3500& through 3510&4 MVI B,10H LXI H,2500H LOC:MVI M,00H INX H DCR B JNZ LOC
Write an assembl* language $rogram to a t%o 8+bit numbers7 the sum ma* be of 16+bits4 MVI A,NO1 MVI B,NO2 MVI C,00H ADD B JNC LOC INR C LOC:MOV L,A MOV H,C
Write an 8085 assembl* language $rogram using minimum number of instru!tions to a the 16 bit number in =C7 E &'4 Store the 16 bit result in E4 DAD B DAD D XCHG
104 evelo$ a $rogram in assembl* that subtra!ts the number in the E register $air from the number in the &' register4 #la!e the result in =C register4 MOV A,L SUB E MOV B,A MOV A,H SBB D MOV C,A
114 Si)teen b*tes of ata are store in memor* lo!ations at 150& to 15@&4 Write a $rogram to transfer the entire blo!" of ata to ne% memor* lo!ations starting at 350&4 LXI H,3150H LXI D,3250H MVI C,10H LOC:MOV A,M STAX D INX H INX D DCR C JNZ LOC
134 Write an 8085 assembl* language $rogram7 %hi!h as t%o three+ b*te numbers4 (he first number is store in memor* lo!ations 800&7 801& 803& an the se!on number is store in memor* lo!ation 80&7 809& 805&4 Store the ans%er in memor* lo!ations 810& u$%ars4 LHLD 3800H XCHG LHLD 3803H DAD D SHLD 3810H LDA 3802H MOV B,A LDA 3805H ADC B STA 3812H
14 Write an 8085 assembl* language $rogram7 %hi!h !he!"s the number in memor* lo!ation 3800&4 If the number is an even number7 then $ut A@@B in memor* lo!ation 3810&7 other%ise $ut A00B4 MVI B,FFH LDA 2800H RAR JNC LOC
194 Write a $rogram to !ount the ata b*te in memor* that e.ual to 55& starting at memor* lo!ation 3800& through 380@&4 #la!e the !ount value in = register4 LXI H,2800H MVI C,10H MVI B,00H MVI A,55H LOC2:CM M JNZ LOC1 INR B LOC1:INX H DCR C JNZ LOC2
154 Write an 8085 assembl* language $rogram to fin the smallest value bet%een t%o number in memor* lo!ation 3800& an 38014 Store the value in memor* lo!ation 000&4 LDA 2800H MOV B,A LDA 2801H CM B JM LOC MOV A,B LOC:STA 3000H