din di n Ro Româ mâni nia a
HOTELURI din România Hotels from Romania
Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu Coordonator proiect editorial / Project coordinator: Viorica Buic` Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Laura Li]canu, Catrinel Negru, Anca Rotar, Loredana Brum` Traducere / English version: Smaranda Nicolau, Anca Rotar Fotografii / Photos: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: {erban Bonciocat Concept grafic, copert` / Graphic concept and the cover: Corina Gabriela Duma Paginare / Layout: Mihai Ene Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David Corectur` / Text editing: Andreea Amzoiu Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2010
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a României Hoteluri din România / pref.: Viorica Buic`; texte: Viorica Buic`, Laura Li]canu, Catrinel Negru, ... ; trad.: Smaranda Nicolau; grafica: Corina Gabriela Duma, Mihai Ene. – Bucure[ti : Igloo, 2010 ISBN 978-606-8026-03-9 I. Buica, Viorica (pref.) (text) II. Litcanu, Laura (text) III. Negru, Catrinel (text) IV. Nicolau, Smaranda (trad.) V. Duma, Corina (il.) VI. Ene, Mihai (il.) 640.432(498)
Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile în vigoare privitoare la dreptul de autor. Orice reproducere total` sau în detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.
Bucure[ti, © igloomedia, 2010
Hoteluri din România Hotels from Romania
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l t s e b o o l g i l a i n â m o r n i d i r u l e t o h l r a m u S l
l hoteluri din românia l prefa]`
11 _11
l Golden Tulip Ana Tower l sibiu
12 _23
l West City l cluj
24 _35
l Golden Tulip Ana Dome l cluj
36 _47
l Cubix l bra[ov
48 _57
l Chambers’n’Charm l bra[ov
58 _69
l Radisson SAS l bucure[ti
70 _79
l Carol Parc l bucure[ti
80 _89
l Rembrandt l bucure[ti
90 _97
l Vilele Lucia l sinaia
98 _107
l Chérica l constan]a
108 _113
l Ramada l sibiu
114 _123
l Concordia l târgu mure[
124 _133
l Golden Tulip Victoria l bucure[ti
134 _143
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t s e b o o l g i
13 hoteluri [i pove[tile lor 13 hotels and their stories
C`l`torul zilelor noastre caut` din ce \n ce mai mult ineditul. Nu-l mai satisfac \n[iruirile monotone de camere identice, fa]adele plate sau holurile \ntunecate. Ce-i poate oferi România acestuia? La prima vedere, turismul local pare „\ngropat” \n pensiuni \ncropite din interes economic imediat, fie decorate excesiv, fie minimalist-mizere, [i hoteluri vopsite \n culori stridente. De-a lungul ultimilor ani, am descoperit \ns` [i o serie de proiecte de calitate, multe dintre ele la nivelul arhitecturii turistice interna]ionale. {i cum ne-am propus, de la prima apari]ie din seria igloobest, s` ar`t`m fa]a „bun`” a arhitecturii locale, le-am adunat \n acest album care se adreseaz` atât c`l`torilor cu stil, ce \[i doresc experien]e personalizate, cât [i celor pasiona]i de design, interesa]i s` descopere proiecte recente, valoroase. Este vorba mai exact de 13 hoteluri din ora[e importante ale ]`rii, a c`ror amenajare poart` semn`tura unor arhitec]i sau designeri de succes. Selec]ia poate p`rea la prima vedere eterogen`, dar ceea ce une[te toate aceste proiecte este tocmai preocuparea pentru confort [i \ntr-un sens vizual, estetic, nu doar fizic. Sunt hoteluri unde arhitec]ii [i proprietarii/investitorii [i-au propus s` creeze o anumit` atmosfer`, [i-au dorit s` poat` spune o poveste (chiar [i la scar` mai mic`) pe care c`l`torul s` o transmit` mai departe. Unele au pornit de la zero, cu construc]ii noi [i concepte globale (exterior-interior), precum West City din Cluj sau Cubix din Bra[ov. Altele au valorificat anumite structuri existente, mutând accentul c`tre spa]iile interioare, spectaculoase [i moderne, cum se \ntâmpl` \n cazul Radisson SAS din Bucure[ti, Golden Tulip Ana Tower din Sibiu sau Concordia din Târgu Mure[. Iar altele au recuperat [i re-adus la via]` cl`diri cu cert` valoare arhitectural`, amintind de farmecul [i atmosfera altor vremuri: Carol Parc din Bucure[ti sau Chérica din Constan]a. Nu avem preten]ia ([i nici nu ne-am propus) c` am epuizat exemplele de calitate din România, dar cu siguran]` prezent`m \n acest album câteva dintre cele mai reu[ite hoteluri ale ]`rii. Lucrurile evolueaz` destul de lent \n acest domeniu, comparând cu ceea ce se \ntâmpl` pe scena interna]ional`. Sper`m \ns` c`, treptat, to]i – investitori, arhitec]i, designeri, utilizatori – vom con[tientiza necesitatea existen]ei unor hoteluri confortabile, dar [i creative, pentru a dezvolta un turism de calitate. VIORICA BUIC~
The contemporary traveller constantly seeks out novelty. He is no longer satisfied by a wearisome succession of identical rooms, flat facades or dark hallways. What does Romania have to offer to such a traveller? At first sight, the local tourism industry seems to be “buried” under guesthouses built on a momentary economical interest – either excessively decorated, either sporting an unfortunate version of minimalism – and hotels painted in tawdry colours. During the last few years, we have, nevertheless, discovered a series of quality projects, many of them rising up to the level of international tourist architecture. And since, starting from the introduction of the igloobest series, we have set out to reveal the “good side” of local architecture, we have brought them together in this album, intended for stylish travellers, who seek out personalized experiences, as well as for those interested in design who are keen on new, valuable projects. More specifically, we are talking about 13 hotels in major Romanian cities, whose design bears the signature of renowned local architects and designers. At first sight, the selection may seem heterogeneous, but all these projects share a concern for aesthetic, as well as physical comfort. These are hotels where the architects and the owners/investors set out to create a certain mood and to tell a story (even a small scale one) that the traveller will be able to pass on. Some projects started from scratch, with new buildings and global concepts (outside-inside), such as West City in Cluj or Cubix in Bra[ov. Others have turned to their advantage certain existing structures, focusing on creating spectacular, modern interiors, as is the case of Radisson SAS in Bucharest, Golden Tulip Ana Tower in Sibiu or Concordia in Tårgu Mure[. Whereas others have recovered and revitalized buildings of doubtless architectural value, recreating the mood and nostalgic charm of by-gone times: Carol Parc in Bucharest or Chérica in Constan]a. We don’t wish to claim – it wasn’t even our intention – that we created a definitive list of the best hotels in Romania, but some of the best are certainly to be found inside this book. Compared to the international hotel scene, things move slower in Romania. Nevertheless, we do hope that, in time, all of us – investors, architects, designers, travellers – will become aware of the need for comfortable, creative hotels in order to improve the quality of Romanian tourism.
a i n â m o r n i d i r u l e t o h l
` ] a f e r p
l ` c i u B a c i r o i V l
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a i n â m o r n i d i r u l e t o h
u i b i S
r e w o T a n A p i l u T n e d l o G
Golden Tulip Ana Tower Sibiu Claritatea [i simplitatea sunt atributele care definesc cel mai bine proiectul de amenajare al Hotelului Golden Tulip din Sibiu. Interioarele sunt net delimitate, func]iunile lor fiind asumate explicit [i, mai mult, accentuate printr-o cromatic` diferit`. Astfel, albul domin` zona de recep]ie, punctat de culorile puternice ale l`mpilor cu picior. |n interiorul camerelor, tonurile calde, pastelate, al`turi de obiectele decorative cu forme organice creeaz` o atmosfer` ideal` pentru relaxare [i odihn`. |n ceea ce prive[te materialele folosite, s-a optat pentru substan]e calde, naturale, ca piatra [i lemnul. Pardoselile au fost realizate din ardezie [i calcar, ultimul fiind \ntrebuin]at [i la placarea pere]ilor. Cadrul este animat printr-un joc de texturi, rezultat din al`turarea dintre tapet [i o serie de accente din sticl` colorat` [i Corian®. |n zona de restaurant, un efect spectaculos a fost ob]inut prin introducerea unei structuri metalice inspirate de aspectul ogivelor gotice, care se \nal]` pån` la plafonul de sticl`. La nivelul \ntregului proiect, mobilierul p`streaz` o linie de austeritate, elegan]a atemporal` fiind preferat` \n locul subordon`rii fa]` de trenduri. Liniile minimaliste sunt completate de prezen]a lucr`rilor de art` contemporan`, de la tablouri la personajele albe din zona de recep]ie. |n spa]iile comune, corpurile de iluminat dramatice [i cu personalitate – cum ar fi Slide de la A(r)telier – contribuie la crearea unei atmosfere animate. Peretele din spatele recep]iei [i mocheta din s`lile de conferin]e sunt decorate cu accente grafice, pentru un efect ludic, dar \n acela[i timp discret.
arhitect/architect: Friedrich Schmidt
Clarity and simplicity are the attributes that best define the design of the Golden Tulip Hotel in Sibiu. The interiors are clearly defined, while their functions are explicitly announced and even accentuated through the use of different colour themes. Thus, the reception area is defined by the use of white shades, marked by the floor lamps’ bold colours. Inside the rooms, warm, pastel tones, along with organically shaped decorative objects, create the perfect setting for rest and relaxation. As for the materials used, the architect chose warm, natural substances, such as wood and stone. The floorings were made of slate and limestone, the latter also being used for coating the walls. The settings are brought to life through a play on textures, resulting from the wallpaper being matched with details in coloured glass and Corian®. Inside the restaurant, the architect achieved a spectacular effect by introducing a metallic structure inspired by the look of Gothic ogives, rising up to the glazed ceiling. Throughout the entire project, the furniture maintains a tone of austerity, timeless elegance being chosen over fleeting trends. The minimalist lines are complimented by the presence of contemporary artwork, from paintings to the white figures in the reception area. Inside the common rooms the dramatic, strongly individualized lighting objects – such as Slide from A(r)telier – contribute to creating a dynamic atmosphere. The wall behind the reception and the carpet inside the conference rooms are decorated with graphic motifs, for a playful, yet discreet overall effect.
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y t i C t s e W
West City Cluj Hotelul se distinge prin designul progresist, prin conceptele de sustenabilitate pe care le abordeaz`, prin c`utarea tehnicilor inovative care s` fac` posibil` ob]inerea unei imagini cât mai moderne, pân` la a deveni provocatoare. Singura construc]ie de cinci etaje realizat` pe structur` metalic` din Transilvania, cl`direa are o suprafa]` desf`[urat` de 7 000 mp, oferind 187 locuri de cazare. Accentul cade pe elementele vizuale, conceptul de amenajare fiind vizibil chiar [i \n detalii, fie c` vorbim despre scenografia de lumini, de nuan]ele lemnului [i de stilul ales pentru mobilier sau despre structura metalic` aparent`. Pentru a evita monotonia, au fost concepute 18 tipuri de camere [i dou` stiluri de amenajare: clasic [i glamour industrial. Prima categorie se caracterizeaz` prin mobilierul din lemn masiv antichizat, \n nuan]e de bej, maroniu, auriu, \n timp ce a doua abordare \nclin` spre nuan]e mai puternice precum movul sau argintiul, pe care le al`tur` unor structuri metalice aparente [i unor compartiment`ri din sticl`. Elementul comun \l constituie direc]ia minimalist` \n mobilare, l`sând loc petelor de culoare, desenelor, texturilor, jocurilor de scafe [i de lumini. Arhitec]ii nu s-au ferit s` adopte [i s` al`ture stiluri diferite: barul de zi este clasic, restaurantul este amenajat \ntr-o manier` clasic`, dar cu influen]e moderne, iar nodul vertical de circula]ie are o puternic` amprent` industrial`, dat` de grinzile structurale, de cele spa]iale cu z`brele devenite montan]i pentru parapetul sc`rii [i de elementele metalice ale luminatorului tip cupol`.
arhitect/architect: Dan Vanca
The hotel stands out thanks to its progressive design, through the concepts of sustainability it approaches and through its search for innovative techniques that make it possible to obtain a more modern look, bordering the provocative. The only 5 storey building in Transylvania that is constructed on metallic structures, the building is laid out over a 7000sqm surface and offers lodgings for 187 people. The emphasis falls on visual elements – the concept of the interior decoration is visible even in the details, whether they be lighting design elements, the shades of wood or the styles chosen for the furniture: classical and industrial glamour. The former is represented by pieces of antique massive wood, in shades of beige, brown and gold, while the latter approach leans towards stronger colorings: mauve and silver set alongside apparent metallic structures and glass compartmenting. The common element in all of this is a minimalist trend in the furnishings, to make room for an abundance of splashes of color, drawings, textures, plays on ceiling platforms and lighting. The architects weren’t afraid to adopt and adjoin contrasting styles: the day bar is a classic space, the restaurant adopts modern influences, while the vertical circulation knot shows off a heavy industrial style suggested by structural beams, barred spatial beams transformed to become load bearers, by the staircase platform and by metallic elements in the cupola like center light.
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a i n â m o r n i d i r u l e t o h l i t [ e r u c u B S A S n o s s i d a R
Radisson SAS
Bucure[ti Dincolo de fa]adele neutre, compuse din zone placate cu piatr` [i pere]i-cortin` din sticl`, accesul \n hotelul Radisson SAS (reamenajarea unei cl`diri cu o pozi]ie foarte avanta joas` \n ora[) surprinde prin spa]iul de primire vast [i luminos, pe conturul c`ruia se desf`[oar` cursivele de acces \n spa]iile de cazare. |n timp ce arhitectura se eviden]iaz` prin elegan]a minimalist` – pere]i, plan[ee [i sc`ri albe cu trepte libere, parape]i din sticl` f`r` montan]i, inclusiv pe curb, sisteme de iluminat \n culori reci [i un bar iluminat interior –, obiectele de mobilier din zona de a[teptare se \ncadreaz` \ntr-un alt discurs, cu modele, ]es`turi [i imprimeuri de inspira]ie clasic`, \n culori predominant calde [i din materiale naturale. Spre curtea interioar`, unde sunt amenajate gr`dina, piscina descoperit` [i un restaurant, holul este complet vitrat, permi]ând luminii naturale s` invadeze interiorul. Dintre facilit`]ile oferite clien]ilor mai amintim: o piscin` interioar`, saloane de frumuse]e, un centru spa, o sal` de fitness, o cafenea deschis` spre Calea Victoriei, precum [i mai multe s`li de conferin]e. Sala de bal beneficiaz` de un plafon luminos, \n câmpurile dintre grinzi fiind dispuse corpuri de iluminat Aqua Creations. Stilul amenaj`rii camerelor de hotel este unul compozit: al`turi de mobilierul masiv, greu, clasic, g`sim pardoseli moderne, obiecte de mic mobilier cu design fluid, organic [i scaune de birou ergonomice. |n amenajare mai sunt incluse obiecte de art` modern`, caroiaje de tip japonez, lambriuri \n stilul bibliotecilor britanice [i fotolii clasice interpretate, de culoare mov. Perspectivele deosebite asupra ora[ului oferite de majoritatea camerelor constituie un mare avantaj, fiind de interes \n special pentru turi[ti.
arhitect/architect: Uri Blumenthal design de interior/interior designer Buki Zuker
Going beyond the neutral facades, made up of stone plaqued areas and glass curtain-walls, the entrance into the Radisson SAS hotel (a remodelling of an extremely well-situated Bucharest building) comes as a surprise – a vast and luminous welcoming space along the outlines of which access cursives lead to guest chambers. While the architecture stands out through minimalist elegance – walls, floors and white staircases without railings, glass panels without beams, even on curved surfaces, lighting elements in cold colors and a bar lit from the inside – the furniture pieces in the waiting room are part of a different architectural discourse, with patterns, fabrics and prints reminiscent of classical periods, in predominantly warm colors and natural fibers. Leading toward the interior courtyard, where the garden, open space pool and a restaurant are situated, the hallway is entirely glazed, allowing light to flood the interior. Amongst the facilities available to guests, we mention: an indoor pool, beauty parlors, a spa center, a fitness center, a cafe facing Calea Victoriei, as well as numerous conference halls. The ballroom ceiling lighting system displays Aqua Creations lighting elements interlaced in the beam structure. The rooms are decorated in an eclectic style: modern floorings alongside massive, heavy, classical furniture, small furniture elements with a fluid, organic design, and ergonomic desk chairs. The interior design also includes modern artwork, Japanese style grids, panellings reminiscent of British libraries and classical armchairs reinterpreted in shades of mauve. Unique views of the city in most of the rooms also constitute a major advantage and tourist attraction.
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a i n â m o r n i d i r u l e t o h l i t [ e r u c u B
c r a P l o r a C
Carol Parc
Bucure[ti Micul palat construit de arhitectul Suter la \nceputul secolului XX \n zona parcului Carol, cu un farmec amplificat de pantele accentuate ale str`zilor, a fost recuperat [i transformat \ntr-un hotel de lux, care se bucur` deja de recunoa[tere interna]ional`. Arhitec]ii au p`strat spiritul arhitectural al casei [i decora]ia exterioar`, dar au efectuat modific`ri importante \n structur` pentru ca noile spa]ii s` corespund` catalog`rii de cinci stele. Cele 19 camere, diferite, la a c`ror amenajare a colaborat [i pictorul Mihai Marinescu, sunt individual decorate [i mobilate cu piese clasice din lemn de cire[, executate pe comand` \ntr-un atelier din Italia. Calitatea se simte \n fiecare detaliu, de la draperiile sau tapetul din m`tase la ceramica b`ilor, materialele [i texturile fiind alese cu mult` aten]ie. Intrarea [i casa sc`rii, din marmur` adus` din Spania [i Venezuela, sunt dominate de un candelabru din cristal de Murano, de dimensiuni impresionante (are 14 metri \n`l]ime [i aproximativ 2 tone). Pe partea de nord a cl`dirii, terasele [i balcoanele generoase sunt finisate \n granit buciardat, oferindu-le oaspe]ilor posibilitatea de a se relaxa \n aer liber, pe timp frumos. Acestor avantaje de amenajare li se adaug` accesul la facilit`]ile ultimelor tehnologii, transformând hotelul \ntr-o destina]ie cu adev`rat privilegiat`. Mai mult, avem de-a face cu un proiect de restaurare ce poate servi drept exemplu \n discu]iile despre necesitatea reintegr`rii cl`dirilor vechi \n circuitul urban contemporan.
arhitec]i/architects: C`lin Irimescu, Mihai Marinescu, Cristina Miu
The small palace built by architect Suter at the beginning of the 20th century in the Carol Park area, whose charm is amplified by the accentuated slopes of the surrounding streets, was renovated and transformed into a luxury hotel that has already received international acknowledgement. The architects’ design, while in keeping with the architectural spirit of the initial building and its exterior decoration, acts drastically on the structure of the construction to the result that the new spaces correspond to a five star cataloguing. The 19 different rooms, in the decoration of which painter Mihai Marinescu also took part, are individually decorated and furnished with classical cherry wood pieces, commissioned from an Italian workshop. All the materials and textures are carefully chosen and quality is to be felt in each detail, starting with the drapes and silk wallpaper and ending with the ceramic tiles in the bathrooms. The entrance to the hotel and the staircase frame, made out of marble imported from Spain and Venezuela, are reigned over by a Murano crystal chandelier of impressive girth (approximately 14m in height and weight nearly 2 tones). On the Northern side of the building, terraces and generous balconies are finished in roughened granite, offering guests the possibility to relax out in the open, whenever the weather allows it. Guests are also provided access to state-of-the-art technology, which only adds up to the many advantages of the interior design, making the hotel a truly priviledged destination. Furthermore, we are dealing with a renovation project that may serve as an example in any talk about the necesity of reintegrating old buildings in the contemporary urban circuit.
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