A Project on
Impact of
Digital Marketing On Revenue Generation at
Jalandhar Dept. Of Business Management CTIMT
Submitted by: Ajay Kumar | MBA IV | 1504604
CERTIFICATE This is to certify tht the !roject "or# entit$e% st&%y on Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation s&'(itte% to P&nj' Technic$ Uni)ersity in !rti$ f&$fi$(ent of the
re*&ire(ents re*&ire(ents for the "r% of the %e+ree of ,ster of B&siness A%(inistrtion A%(inistrtion in ,r#etin+ is recor% of the ori+in$ "or# %one 'y !"a# $umar &n%er (y s&!er)ision n% +&i%nce n% this !roject "or# hs not for(e% the 'sis for the "r% of -e+ree or si(i$r tit$e to ny cn%i%te of ny Uni)ersity.
Signature of Guide
!C$%O&'DGM%T I ( re$$ re$$y y +rte +rtef&$ f&$ 'ec&se 'ec&se I (n+ (n+e% e% to co(!$e co(!$ete te (y !rojec !rojectt on Impact of Digital Marketing on "ithin +i)en ti(e. ti(e. This This !roject !roject "o&$% not h)e co(!$ete co(!$ete% % "itho&t "itho&t the effort effortss n% Revenue Generation "ithin coo!ertion ,r. G&r!reet Sin+h Vir# /!roject +&i%e0. I "o&$% $i#e to thn# hi( for his s&!!ort n% +&i%nce thro&+ho&t the !roject st&%y. The co1o!ertion is (&ch in%ee% !!recite%.
The $ernin+ fro( this !roject hs 'een i((ense n% "o&$% 'e cherishe% thro&+ho&t $ife. 2|Page
CERTIFICATE This is to certify tht the !roject "or# entit$e% st&%y on Impact of Digital Marketing on Revenue Generation s&'(itte% to P&nj' Technic$ Uni)ersity in !rti$ f&$fi$(ent of the
re*&ire(ents re*&ire(ents for the "r% of the %e+ree of ,ster of B&siness A%(inistrtion A%(inistrtion in ,r#etin+ is recor% of the ori+in$ "or# %one 'y !"a# $umar &n%er (y s&!er)ision n% +&i%nce n% this !roject "or# hs not for(e% the 'sis for the "r% of -e+ree or si(i$r tit$e to ny cn%i%te of ny Uni)ersity.
Signature of Guide
!C$%O&'DGM%T I ( re$$ re$$y y +rte +rtef&$ f&$ 'ec&se 'ec&se I (n+ (n+e% e% to co(!$e co(!$ete te (y !rojec !rojectt on Impact of Digital Marketing on "ithin +i)en ti(e. ti(e. This This !roject !roject "o&$% not h)e co(!$ete co(!$ete% % "itho&t "itho&t the effort effortss n% Revenue Generation "ithin coo!ertion ,r. G&r!reet Sin+h Vir# /!roject +&i%e0. I "o&$% $i#e to thn# hi( for his s&!!ort n% +&i%nce thro&+ho&t the !roject st&%y. The co1o!ertion is (&ch in%ee% !!recite%.
The $ernin+ fro( this !roject hs 'een i((ense n% "o&$% 'e cherishe% thro&+ho&t $ife. 2|Page
Ajy K&(r 2345645
(R)!C As a part of the MBA curriculum and in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of management, I am making a project report on “ Impact of Digital Markti!g o! "#!u $!ratio!%& he basic objecti!e behind doing this project is to get knowledge of different tools of Marketing" In this project I ha!e included !arious concepts, effects and implications regarding the management of relationships with the bank customers" his project helped me not only to enhance the management talent but also to polish my technical skills" It pro!ided me with an opportunity to practically e#perience the application of the business administration fundamentals in the corporate sector" sector" I therefore ha!e pleasure to present my training report, which, I hope is as per the curriculum re$uirements
T!B' O) CO%T%T* *. %o.
(age %o.
Co(!ny !rofi$e
In%&stry An$ysis
Litert&re re)ie"
-i+it$ (r#etin+
I(!ct on Re)en&e Genertion
Reserch (etho%o$o+y : -t An$ysis
=in%in+s : Conc$&sion
+C,TI- *,MM!R (ro"ect title/
A Project on I(!ct of -i+it$ ,r#etin+ on Re)en&e Genertion "ith reference to
-i+it$ (r#etin+ is (r#etin+ tht (#es &se of e$ectronic %e)ices /co(!&ters0 s&ch s !erson$ co(!&ters? S(rt!hone@s? ce$$ !hones? t'$ets n% +(e conso$es to en++e "ith st#eho$%ers. -i+it$ (r#etin+ !!$ies techno$o+ies or !$tfor(s s&ch s "e'sites? e1(i$? !!s /c$ssic n% (o'i$e0 n% soci$ net"or#s. EStreet IT So$&tions P)t. Lt% hs e(er+e% s one of the 'est on$ine (e%i co(!nies in the In%in (r#et!$ce. The co(!ny offers !$ethor of ser)ices in $$ on$ine (e%i !$tfor(s. The offerin+s inc$&%e (r#etin+ n% cons&$tin+ on =ce'oo#? T"itter? Lin#e%In? s$i%eshre? Yo&T&'e? n% Goo+$e. Tho&+h the co(!ny "s strte% on$y t"o yers +o? it is "y he% of (ost of co(!etitors thro&+h its re$ent$ess !&rs&it of !erfection n% enor(o&s (o&nt of creti)ity "hich they !&t in their "or#. The fir( "or#e% "ith (&$ti!$e 'rn%s on soci$ (e%i n% c&rrent$y h)e 5 o&t of To! 94 'rn%s in =ce'oo# In%i. The !roject "s in the (r#etin+ %e!rt(ent of EStreet. The !roject "s >A !roject on I(!ct of -i+it$ ,r#etin+ on Re)en&e Genertion "ith reference to EStreet.” This re!ort "i$$ he$! to +et n i%e 'o&t %i+it$ (r#etin+ n% ho" the %i+it$ (r#etin+ hs i(!ct on re)en&e +enertion for %i+it$ (r#etin+ co(!nies n% "ith reference to EStreet. Thro&+h this st&%y "e "i$$ see ho" on$ine (e%i co(!nies e(er+in+ ho" they re +enertin+ re)en&e n% ho" they re +ro"in+ econo(ic$$y n% re)en&e +enertion (o%e$s of on$ine (e%i co(!nies !rtic&$r$y reference to EStreet. ,in fin%in+s in this st&%y re +i)en here. In%in c&sto(ers re hi+h$y infor(tion see#ers. They co$$ect (ore infor(tion 'o&t !ro%&ct 'efore '&yin+ it. Internet !enetrtion in In%i is #ey !$yer for this !heno(enon. ,ost of In%ins re +ettin+ sti(&$&s thro&+h %)ertise(ents? '&t they re not rechin+ to en% !hse of c&sto(ers !&rchse jo&rney? (in$y in hi+h in)o$)e(ent !&rchses. Brn%s re +ettin+ (ore to&ch !oint to rech their tr+et +ro&! in this %i+it$ er. ,ore %eti$s 'o&t fin%in+s re +i)en in this re!ort.
Chapter 0
I%TROD,CTIO% To 'e+in "ith? s !rt of the c&rric&$&( fin$ !roject re!ort is re*&ire% for co(!$etion of the %e+ree. Gi)en choice one "s $$o"e% to choose the fie$% in "hich heshe "s intereste%. As (y interest n% c&riosity "s in on$ine or %i+it$ (r#etin+? I choose to "or# "ith strt1&! co(!ny n(e% EStreet? I choose the strt1&! co(!ny 'ec&se "ith strt1&! I cn e!$ore (yse$f n% "hy %i+it$ (r#etin+ Bec&se it is 'oo(in+ in%&stry? the +ro"th of %i+it$ (r#etin+ is tre(en%o&s n% e!ecte% to +ro" (ore.
-&e to this
fin$ !roject? I $ernt e)ery s!ect of %i+it$ (r#etin+ inc$&%e /'&siness %e)e$o!(ent !rocess? content "ritin+? soci$ (e%i0 ,r#etin+ !rctices h)e %r(tic$$y shifte% "ith the rise of soci$ (e%i n% !ro$ifertion of %e)ices? !$tfor(s? n% !!$ictions. Yo&r !ros!ecti)e n% c&rrent c&sto(ers re tryin+ to co((&nicte "ith yo&? n% yo& cn $isten n% res!on% fster? n% "ith (ore !erson$iDtion thn e)er 'efore. This shiftin+ en)iron(ent !resents ne" o!!ort&nities n% ch$$en+es for (r#eters. ith %i+it$ (r#etin+? itFs esy to f$$ 'ehin%. -i+it$ (r#etin+ e*&i!s yo& "ith the too$s yo& nee% to ssess yo&r or+niDtion@s soci$ (e%i n% %i+it$ (r#etin+ strte+y n% he$!s yo& i%entify res of i(!ro)e(ent. Usef&$ for in%i)i%&$s fro( s($$1 to (e%i&(1siDe% '&sinesses "ho "nt to &se ne" (e%i s )ehic$e for +ro"th. r+niDtions re $e)er+in+ %i+it$ (r#etin+ (etho%s for s&ccessf&$ (r#etin+ strte+y i(!$e(enttion in'o&n% (r#etin+ thro&+h !&'$ishin+ content on$ine in the for( of !ort$s? !o%csts? e1 jo&rn$s? on$ine c(!i+ns? soci$ (e%i (r#etin+? serch ser)ices n% o&t'o&n% (r#etin+ inc$&%in+ e(i$ (r#etin+? RSS /Re$$y Si(!$e Syn%iction0 fee%s n% others. A recent s&r)ey of 9944 '&siness eec&ti)es fro( )rio&s in%&stries in%ictes tht on n )er+e? 95 of co(!ny@s $e%s co(e fro( in'o&n% (r#etin+ )erses 77 thro&+h 2 o&t'o&n% (r#etin+.
0.0 Digital Marketing / -i+it$ (r#etin+ cn 'e %efine% s the !rocess of !ro(otin+ of 'rn%s &sin+ %i+it$ %istri'&tion chnne$s co(!risin+ internet? (o'i$e n% other intercti)e chnne$s. The 'sic %)nt+e in this for( of %)ertisin+ $ies in its $o" cost (o%e$. -i+it$ ,r#etin+ cn 'e c$ssifie% into P&$$ n% P&sh (r#etin+.
(ull P&$$ %i+it$ (r#etin+ techno$o+ies in)o$)e the &ser h)in+ to see# o&t n% %irect$y +r' /or !&$$0 the content )i "e' serches. e' site'$o+s n% stre(in+ (e%i /&%io n% )i%eo0 re +oo% e(!$es of this. In ech of these e(!$es? &sers h)e s!ecific $in# /URL0 to )ie" the content.
(ush P&sh %i+it$ (r#etin+ techno$o+ies in)o$)e 'oth the (r#eter /cretor of the (ess+e0 s "e$$ s the reci!ients /the &ser0. E(i$? S,S1RSS re e(!$es of !&sh %i+it$ (r#etin+. In ech of these e(!$es? the (r#eter hs to sen% /!&sh0 the (ess+es to the &sers /s&'scri'ers0 in or%er for the (ess+e to 'e recei)e%. (|Page
0.0.2 &e3 *ite Designing =ro( the initi$ !rocess of t#in+ in!&ts fro( c$ients? !$nnin+ on the 'sis of s&ch in!&ts to fin$ i(!$e(enttion n% testin+ $$ re %one &sin+ $test "e' %esi+nin+ techni*&es n% s#i$$s. &r ser)ices h)e the %)nt+e of offerin+ c$rity in its %esi+n sty$e? "hich is 'c#e% &! "ith n esy n% free f$o"in+ content n% $test technic$ #no"1ho". Not on$y "e !ro)i%e ffor%'$e "e' site %esi+n n% eco((erce "e' %e)e$o!(ent ser)ices '&t $so serch en+ine frien%$y %esi+ns. &r Ser)ice Inc$&%es •
e'site -esi+n
e'site Re%esi+n Sho!!in+ Crt e' -esi+n -eti$e% n% A%)nce% P+e Lyo&t C&sto( Lo+o -esi+n Bnner A%s C&sto( Gr!hics -esi+n &sin+ %)nce% %esi+n too$s.
0.2 Digital Marketing Trends / r+niDtions re i(!$e(entin+ "i%e rn+e of %i+it$ chnne$s so s to en++e c&sto(ers in (ore !erson$iDe% "y. -i+it$ (r#etin+ tren%s tht or+niDtions re r!i%$y e('rcin+ inc$&%e
0.2.0 Mo3ilit#/ B&siness Insi%erFs recent re!ort in%ictes tht +$o'$$y? one in e)ery fi)e !eo!$e o"ns s(rt !hone? n% one in e)ery 28 o"ns t'$et. ThtFs n increse of ner$y 2.9 'i$$ion s(rt!hones in $st fo&r yers. Therefore? n increse% &ser 'se ccessin+ the internet )i s(rt!hones hs !ro(!te% (ny co(!nies to o!ti(iDe their on$ine content for (o'i$e %e)ices.
0.2.2 *ocial media/ r+niDtions re foc&sin+ on en++in+ "ith c&sto(ers thro&+h soci$ (e%i to offer re$1ti(e interctions. Soci$ (e%i he$!s or+niDtions rech o&t to )st !oo$ of !otenti$ c&sto(ers 'y s&!!$yin+ the( "ith (e%ic$ n% c(!i+n1re$te% infor(tion.
0.2.4 *ocial5'ocal5Mo3ile marketing/ The +ro"in+ !o!&$rity of s(rt (o'i$e %e)ices? incresin+ $oction 'se% soci$ cti)ities $i#e e!erience shrin+? re)ie" re%in+ )i soci$ (e%i n% the e)o$&tion of G$o'$ Positionin+ Syste( /GPS0 re he$!in+ co(!nies $e)er+e Soci$1Loc$1,o'i$e (r#etin+ cti)ities.
0.2.6 (ersonali7ed Content marketing/ C&sto(er en++e(ent? c*&isition n% retention h)e $$ t#en on ne" %i(ension "ith the %e$i)ery of &ni*&e? !erson$iDe%? n% re$e)nt (ess+es thro&+h i%entifie% %i+it$ chnne$s. E(i$ is one of the (ost )|Page
!referre% (r#etin+ chnne$ to 'ro%cst tr+ete% or+niDtion (ess+es n% c(!i+ns to eistin+ n% !ros!ecti)e c&sto(ers.
0.2.8 !dvanced anal#tics/ Increse% %o!tion of %i+it$ chnne$s is +enertin+ $r+e )o$&(es of c&sto(er 'eh)io&r$ %t. A%)nce% ction'$e n$ytics cn he$! or+niDtions %efine tr+ete% (r#etin+ strte+ies. *earch ngine Marketing 9*M: ; *earch ngine Optimi7ation 9*O: r+niDtions re foc&sin+ on
SE efforts n% !i% serch %)ertisin+ for enhncin+ the )isi'i$ity of their !ro%&cts n% ser)ices. ne (ore tren% tht hs 'een o'ser)e% recent$y is the contin&$$y (o&ntin+ costs of !y1!er1c$ic# /PPC0 tht hs res&$te% in the increse% %is!!oint(ent "ith this for( of serch en+ine A%)ertisin+. Accor%in+ to e!erts? the reson 'ehin% s&ch hi+h costs is the h&+e in)est(ents (%e 'y $r+e '&siness concerns. Conse*&ent$y? on$ine '&siness o"ners h)e no" t&rne% to the or+nic serch res&$ts %e$i)ere% thro&+h serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion to enjoy so (ny %)nt+es. There is c&rrent$y (ore e(!hsis +i)en to &ser1+enerte% content? i(!ro)e% con)ersion rtes? $oction1 or $n+&+e s!ecific c(!i+ns? n% E1(i$ ne"s$etters. The f&t&re of on$ine A%)ertisin+ is +oin+ to 'e (ore intercti)e "ith e$e)te% 'n%"i%th n% co(!&tin+ s!ee%. Vie"in+ n% trns(ittin+ )i%eos "i$$ 'e c#e"$# for "e' s&rfers. There is $so e)ery !ossi'i$ity of "itnessin+ 'ro"ser1s!ecific res&$ts in the co(in+ %ys. Soci$ (e%i "i$$ conso$i%te their %o(innce f&rther. They "i$$ not on$y (#e (ore re)en&es? '&t "i$$ +r' the ttention of (ore n% (ore &sers s "e$$. As fr s serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion is concerne%? the serch en+ine $+orith(s n% $in# %eter(intion fctors "i$$ 'e co(!$icte%. =&rther? there'y +i)in+ hr% ti(e to on$ine A%)ertisin+ co(!nies. e'sites "i$$ 'e $ot s$i((er to enhnce &ser 'ro"sin+ e!erience. Lst '&t not $est? )i%eo serch "i$$ +ro" in !ro(inence "ith the !otenti$ity to %ictte the ter(s in the "or$% of Internet %)ertisin+.
TIT': ! (ro"ect on Digital Marketing1
0.4 %D O) T= *T,D / A%)ertisin+ is nor($$y %one 'y thir% !rty #no"n s %)ertisin+ +ency. An %)ertisin+ +ency is ser)ice 'se% '&siness %e%icte% to cretin+? !$nnin+? n% hn%$in+ %)ertisin+ for its c$ients. An % +ency is in%e!en%ent fro( the c$ient n% !ro)i%es n o&tsi%e !oint of )ie" to the effort of se$$in+ the c$ientFs !ro%&cts or ser)ices. An +ency cn $so hn%$e o)er$$ (r#etin+ n% s$es !ro(otions for its c$ients. Ty!es of % +encies re
=&$$ ser)ice +encies Creti)e +encies S!eci$iDe% +encies In1ho&se +encies -i+it$ +encies or ne" (e%i +encies
This re!ort is co(!$ete$y %isc&ssin+ 'o&t %i+it$ or ne" (e%i +encies. There "s ti(e "hen Te$e)ision "s the (ost !o!&$r (e%i&( for ,r#eter to !ro(ote? s!re% "reness n% +enerte $e%s for their !ro%&cts '&t no" the tren% hs chn+e% n% -i+it$ (e%i hs t#en its !$ce. ,in reson for this chn+e "s
Tr%ition$ (etho%s re e!ensi)e. Co(!re% to %i+it$ (r#etin+ chnne$s? yo& co&$% en% &! s!en%in+ $#hs of r&!ees (ore.
Tr%ition$ (r#etin+ chnne$s fi$ to !ro)i%e instnt fee%'c# n% re!orts 'o&t "ho s" or her% n %? n% too# ction. This %t is co$$ecte% $on+ fter the initi$ % i(!ression is (%e /n% sti$$ then? the sttistics re fr fro( ect n&('ers0.
-i+it$ (r#etin+? on the other hn%? refers to (r#etin+ (etho%s tht $$o" or+niDtions to see ho" c(!i+n is !erfor(in+ in re$1ti(e? s&ch s "ht is 'ein+ )ie"e%? ho" often? ho" $on+? s "e$$ s other sttistics s&ch s s$es con)ersions.
The %i+it$ $n%sc!e is (o)in+ t $i+htnin+ fst !ce. E)ery in%&stry hs 'een ffecte% 'y the %)nces in %i+it$. -i+it$ (r#etin+ is n essenti$ !rt of this for co(!nies "ho "nt to &ti$ise the !o"er of the internet in or%er to 'oost '&siness. The tre(en%o&s sco!e of Internet ,r#etin+ in In%i? "e h)e to &n%erstn% tht (r#etin+ thro&+h the internet cn 'e n entire$y %ifferent '$$ +(e. In fct? it is !otent co('intion of techno$o+y n% (r#etin+ c&(en.
-i+it$ ,r#etin+ $i#e tr%ition$ for( of (r#etin+ is hi+h$y res&$t %ri)en n% set o'jecti)e !rctice. ne cn@t 'e+in %i+it$ (r#etin+ c(!i+n "itho&t settin+ the c(!i+n o'jecti)es. A %i+it$ (r#eter &n%erstn%s the nee%s of the c$ients n% )is&$iDes their nee%s to %e$i)er "ht they "nt. 10 | P a g e
T#in+ $oo# t $st yer@s fi+&res? $et@s see "ht A%A+e %isco)ere% "hen $oo#in+ t the sttistics 88 of !eo!$e interct "ith 'rn%s on =ce'oo# 'y $oo#in+ t !osts 28 shre ne"s n% e!eriences "ith others 'o&t the 'rn% 29 !ost &!%tes 'o&t 'rn%s they h)e connecte% "ith 36 si% they "o&$% reco((en% 'rn% fter 'eco(in+ fn on =ce'oo# 95 of %i+it$ (r#eters h)e +enerte% $e%s fro( T"itter so s (r#etin+ (n+e(ent st&%ent itFs )ery essenti$ to reserch on s&ch n i(!ortnt (r#etin+ too$ n% st&%y on its i(!ct on re)en&e +enertion "i$$ he$! yo& to #no" 'o&t ho" (r#etin+ +encies !erfor(in+.
0.4.0 *cope of the pro"ect 0
To &n%erstn% the %i+it$ (r#etin+ (o%e$s.
0: To &n%erstn% (r#etin+ effecti)eness. 2: To &n%erstn% ho" %i+it$ (r#etin+ c(!i+nFs t#es !$ce. 4: To &n%erstn% ho" %i+it$ (r#etin+ +encies "or#s n% +enertin+ re)en&e. 6: To &n%erstn% ho" %i+it$ (r#etin+ hs i(!ct on re)en&e +enertion.
0.4.2 'imitations of this pro"ect 2. The ti(e s!n for the !roject is $i(ite%. 7. This re)en&e +enertion (o%e$ co(!$ete$y "ith reference to EStreet 9. Ti(e of c(!i+ns for so(e c$ient is (ore thn three (onths. 5. A%)ertisin+ e!en%it&re of so(e co(!nies is confi%enti$ so it cn@t 'e re)e$e%
11 | P a g e
Chapter 2
Compan# (rofile
12 | P a g e
COM(!% (RO)I' Estreet is (r#et $e%er n% f&$$y1f$e%+e% o&tso&rcin+ ser)ice !ro)i%er tht 'rin+s "or$%1c$ss stn%r%s n% !ro)en c!'i$ities in offerin+ !rofession$ IT ser)ices i(e% t %%ressin+ the e)er1e)o$)in+ infor(tion techno$o+y nee%s. e re !rofession$ IT co(!ny "ith #een eye on !ro)i%in+ so$&tion1 'se% ser)ices in "e' %esi+n n% %e)e$o!(ent? $o+o %esi+n n% !rint %esi+n (on+ other ser)ices. e !ri%e o&rse$)es in 'ein+ one1sto! sho! tht offers )riety of IT so$&tions to +i)e o&r c$ients +oo% "e' !resence. e h)e 'een ser)in+ '&sinesses thro&+ho&t the Unite% Sttes n% E&ro!e n% contin&e to !ro)i%e c&ttin+ e%+e IT so$&tions to "i%e rn+e of c$ients? 'oth in the !&'$ic n% !ri)te sector. &r sesone% e!erts foc&s on cretin+ hi+h1i(!ct IT so$&tions to $r+e cor!orte fir(s? strt1&!s? s($$ '&sinesses s "e$$ s non1 !rofit or+niDtions.
MI**IO%: C&sto(er Stisfction is o&r !ri(ry o'jecti)e n% "e stri)e for Ece$$ence in it. En% &ser Contct n% I((e%ite Pro'$e( Reso$&tion is o&r Stren+th.
&r )ision is to set the hi+h stn%r%s for -i+it$ (r#etin+ : Techno$o+y ro&n% the "or$%? cross $$ in%&stries thro&+h hr% "or#? inno)tion n% creti)ity &nti$ the !referre% o&tco(e is chie)e%.
*ervices Offered GOOG' !D&ORD*
This is )ery !o"erf&$ %i+it$ (r#etin+ too$. It !&ts yo& on$ine to the &%ience tht is $re%y thirsty for yo&r !ro%&cts n% is on the s!ce $oo#in+ for so(ethin+ to (eet their %e(n%s. This ser)ice !$ces yo&r %)ertise(ent either t the to!? 'otto( or si%e"ys of the Goo+$e $ist of serch res&$ts. The !osition of %)ertisin+ co!y %e!en%s on the re$e)nce of the s(e to the serch *&ery. e re so enth&sistic 'o&t %i+it$ (r#etin+ n% "e %o this 'y (#in+ s&re tht yo& re not on$y !resent in the cy'er s!ce '&t tht yo&r !resence cn 'e fe$t. e therefore crete ece$$ent A% or%s? !osition the( strte+ic$$y n% o!ti(iDe the( in "y tht no serio&s !otenti$ trffic fi$s to 'e con)ersion.
'OC!' *!RC= O(TIMI>!TIO% Loc$ serch o!ti(iDtion is the strte+y &se% 'y '&sinesses to he$! the( rn# hi+her is s!ecific $oc$
1' | P a g e
(r#ets. It is n i(!ortnt strte+y tht is &se% 'y '&sinesses to re(in re$e)nt in $oc$ (r#ets. Estreet is !rofession$ serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion co(!ny tht offers $oc$ serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion ser)ices. e h)e in)este% in te( of !rofession$ n% e!ert serch en+ine !rofession$s "ho h)e c$er &n%erstn%in+ of "ht it 'oosts yo&r "e'site on the $oc$ rn#in+s. !(( *TOR O(TIMI>!TIO% *R-IC* ith the incresin+ &se of (o'i$e %e)ices s&ch s s(rt !hones? t'$ets n% others? rechin+ %ifferent c$i'er
of c&sto(ers hs 'eco(e etre(e$y esy n% ch$$en+in+ t the s(e ti(e %&e to co(!etition. itho&t the ri+ht !!$iction of tctics tht $$o" yo& to ttrct the ri+ht &%ience to yo&r "e'site? the techno$o+ic$$y %)nce(ent (y not )i$ (&ch. &r %)nce% e!ertise in %i+it$ (r#etin+ hs en'$e% &s to %irect re$e)nt &%ience to ny %esire% !!$iction so esi$y n% econo(ic$$y thro&+h !! store o!ti(iDtion.
O%'I% R(,T!TIO% M!%!GM%T n$ine re!&ttion (n+e(ent hs 'eco(e n inte+r$ co(!onent of ny effecti)e 'rn% (n+e(ent
strte+y. This hs 'een (%e necessry? thn#s to the !ro$ifertion of on$ine '$o++in+? re)ie"s n% soci$ (e%i interctions tht $e)e ne+ti)e content on "e'sites $$ o)er the internet. Estreet IT So$&tions is re!&t'$e on$ine re!&ttion (n+e(ent co(!ny tht hs 'een !ro)i%in+ (n+e(ent ser)ices to "i%e rn+e of "e'sites. ith te( of !rofession$ (n+ers? "e re one of the finest n% res!ecte% on$ine re!&ttion (n+e(ent co(!nies offerin+ ee(!$ry (n+e(ent ser)ices. (! (R C'IC$ Py1!er1c$ic# /PPC0? $so #no"n s cost !er c$ic# /CPC0? is n internet %)ertisin+ (o%e$ &se% to %irect
trffic to "e'sites? in "hich n %)ertiser !ys !&'$isher /ty!ic$$y "e'site o"ner or net"or# of "e'sites0 "hen the % is c$ic#e%. Py1!er1c$ic# is co((on$y ssocite% "ith first1tier serch en+ines /s&ch s Goo+$e A%or%s n% ,icrosoft Bin+ A%s0. ith serch en+ines? %)ertisers ty!ic$$y 'i% on #ey"or% !hrses re$e)nt to their tr+et (r#et. In contrst? content sites co((on$y chr+e fie% !rice !er c$ic# rther thn &se 'i%%in+ syste(. PPC %is!$y %)ertise(ents? $so #no"n s 'nner %s? re sho"n on "e' sites "ith re$te% content tht h)e +ree% to sho" %s n% re ty!ic$$y not !y1!er1c$ic# %)ertisin+. Soci$ net"or#s s&ch s =ce'oo# n% T"itter h)e $so %o!te% !y1!er1c$ic# s one of their %)ertisin+ (o%e$s.
H)in+ +oo% serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion strte+ies is 'sic co(!onent of +oo% n% effecti)e "e'site. This is 'ec&se there is no !oint of h)in+ "e'site tht %oes not ttrct the inten%e% trffic. This is "hy yo& nee% to in)est in the ser)ices of !rofession$ serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion ser)ice !ro)i%er. e re to!1 notch "e' %esi+n co(!ny tht offers co(!rehensi)e serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion ser)ices. e !rtner "ith "i%e rn+e of co(!nies? 'oth $r+e cor!ortions n% strt1&! '&sinesses.
14 | P a g e
Soci$ (e%i o!ti(iDtion /S,0 is the &se of n&('er of soci$ (e%i o&t$ets n% co((&nities to +enerte !&'$icity to increse the "reness of !ro%&ct? ser)ice 'rn% or e)ent. Ty!es of soci$ (e%i in)o$)e% inc$&%e RSS fee%s? soci$ ne"s n% 'oo#(r#in+ sites? s "e$$ s soci$ net"or#in+ sites? s&ch s T"itter? n% )i%eo shrin+ "e'sites n% '$o++in+ sites. S, is si(i$r to serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion? in tht the +o$ is to +enerte "e' trffic n% to site n% increse "reness for "e'site. In +ener$? soci$ (e%i o!ti(iDtion refers to o!ti(iDin+ "e'site n% its content to enco&r+e (ore &sers to &se n% shre $in#s to the "e'site cross soci$ (e%i n% net"or#in+ sites. S, $so refers to soft"re too$s tht &to(te this !rocess? or to "e'site e!erts "ho &n%ert#e this !rocess for c$ients.
15 | P a g e
Chapter 4
Industr# !nal#sis
16 | P a g e
I%D,*TR !%!'*I*
The In%in ,e%i n% Entertin(ent /,:E0 In%&stry? one of the (ost )i'rnt n% ecitin+ in%&stries in the "or$%? hs h% tre(en%o&s i(!ct on the $i)es n% the In%in econo(y. As the ,:E in%&stry "i%ens its rech? it !$ys critic$ ro$e in cretin+ "reness on iss&es ffectin+? chnne$$in+ the ener+y of n% '&i$%in+ s!irtions (on+ In%i@s (i$$ions. As it entertins n% infor(s the co&ntry? the ,:E in%&stry hs 'een ct$yst for the +ro"th of $r+e !rts of the In%in econo(y. ,:E in%&stry consist of TV? Print? =i$(s? R%io? ,&sic? H? Ani(tion n% V=M? G(in+ n% -i+it$ A%)ertisin+. The )ICCI5$(MG 2?06 Re!ort FThe St+e Is SetF sho"in+ the In%in (e%i n% entertin(ent /,:E0 in%&stry hs +ro"n 'y 22.< !er cent in 7429 "hi$e co(!rin+ "ith 7427 n% to&che%Rs;2< 'i$$ion. It is e!ecte% to to&ch Rs 28<3.< 'i$$ion 'y 742 "ith CAGR of 25.7 !er cent. By the en% of 7425? the in%&stry is e!ecte% to stn% t Rs 249; 'i$$ion. A%%ition$$y? %i+it$ %)ertisin+ hs sho"n !ro(isin+ +ro"th in 7429 "hi$e co(!rin+ "ith 7427? "hich is 'o&t 9<.8 !er cent? fo$$o"e% 'y +(in+ "hich +re" 'y 73.3 !er cent. As for the 742< !re%iction -i+it$ %)ertisin+ is e!ecte% to $e% the CAGR "ith 78.8 !er cent? fo$$o"e% 'y r%io "ith 2<.2 !er cent. G(in+ n% te$e)ision re e!ecte% to re+ister CAGR of 26.7 !er cent ech? fo$$o"e% 'y +ro"th rtes of ni(tion n% V=M /23.; !er cent0? (&sic /29.7 !er cent0? fi$(s /22.; !er cent0 n% H "ith ;.7 !er cent e!ecte% CAGR.
Accor%in+ to the nn&$ %)ertisin+ e!en%it&re re!ort fro( GroupM? The %i+it$ (e%i %)ertisin+ re)en&es for the yer 7429 is esti(te% t Rs 7?374.2 crore /ro&n% 543 (i$$ion0 ? &! 94 fro( Rs 2?;9<.6 crore in 7427?. -i+it$ contri'&te% to 6.3 of the tot$ (e%i %)ertisin+ e!en%it&re in 7429? &! fro( 3.3 1( | P a g e
shre in 7427. The +ency esti(tes tht the %i+it$ (e%i %)ertisin+ re)en&es to rech Rs 9?547.7 crore /356 (i$$ion0 in 7425? re+isterin+ 93 +ro"th yer on yer. This "i$$ re!resent ro&n% 8.; of the tot$ (e%i %)ertisin+ e!en%it&re in 7425? "hich is esti(te% t Rs 59?463.5 crore. The co(!ny notes this "i$$ 'e %ri)en 'y e$ection s!en%in+ 'y the +o)ern(ent n% !o$itic$ !rties cross $$ (e%i. Gro&!, (%e the !re%iction in the $test e%ition of its nn&$ re!ort This Yer? Net Yer. -i+it$ (e%i "ere !rojecte% to increse 93? "ith TV s$o"in+ to 27 fro( $st yer@s 25.6 n% !rint !ic#in+ &! to <.3 fro( 5.6 in 7429. -i+it$ % s!en%s cco&nte% for <.9 !ercent of the tot$ % s!en%s of Inr967.3 'i$$ion in 7429. -i+it$ (e%i %)ertisin+ in In%i is +ro"n 'y 9<.8 !er cent in 7429? fster thn ny other % cte+ory. ith the %r(tic +ro"th in (o'i$e &s+e? content !ro)i%ers n% %)ertisers re see#in+ o!!ort&nities to +et their (ess+e cross on this !referre% (e%i&( of the (sses. It is esti(te% tht the tot$ internet &ser 'se "i$$ rech 5;5 ,i$$ion 'y the en% of 742< s +inst ;9< (i$$ion TV )ie"ers in the s(e yer. This (ens tht the internet &ser !o!&$tion "i$$ 'e !!roi(te$y 39 !er cent of the tot$ n&('er of TV )ie"er in the co&ntry in 742< co(!re% to 78 !er cent in 7429. This shift to"r%s the %i+it$ (e%i is i(!ortnt for %i+it$ (e%i strte+ists to consi%er? in or%er '$ncin+ their (r#etin+ '&%+ets 'et"een on$ine (e%i n% tr%ition$ TV strte+y. IA,AI : I,RB re!ort of ,rch 7429 sho"in+ tren%s in 're#&! of -i+it$ % (r#et (on+ )rio&s % ty!es $i#e serch %s? %is!$y %s? (o'i$e %s? soci$ (e%i %s? e(i$ %s n% )i%eo %s. By seein+ this 're#&!? "e cn &n%erstn% (r#eter re +i)in+ i(!ortnce to $$ )en&es to !$ce %s.
So(e of the #ey !$yers in the -i+it$ %)ertisin+ re +i$)y : ,ther? e' ch&tney? IBS? Iso'r? ,&s? 77 =eet? Grey -i+it$? ,in% Shre? Intercti)e A)en&es? (nico( ,e%i Gro&!? -i+it$ L" : Kenneth? Pinstro(.
4.0 Business Model of Industr#/
1) | P a g e
!TD5 !genc# Trading Desk
D*(5 Demand *ide (latform
**(5 *elling *ide (latform
4.0.0 !3out (rocess C$ients "o&$% +i)e &thority to +encies? to "er the shoes of c$ients. A+ency "i$$ crete %s? "hich (y 'e 'nner %s or )i%eos. After the cretion n% +ettin+ !!ro)$ fro( c$ients? +ency "hi$e fin% o&t the !ort$s or "e'sites "here the T.G is !resent. Lter +i)e the or%er to -SP or AT-? this or%er contins %eti$s re+r%in+ "here to !$ce %s or "hich !ort$ is re*&irin+ to !$cin+ the %. This -SP AT- "i$$ 'i% in % echn+e for tht !ort$. ther"ise +ency cn %irect$y !!roch to % net"or#s n% +i)e or%ers. These % net"or#s '&y the in)entories fro( !&'$isher n% +i)e to +ency. =ro( !&'$isher )ie" he cn se$$ in)entories thro&+h A% net"or#s or thro&+h SSP. If !&'$isher +i)e to SSP? they "i$$ !$ce those s!ce in % echn+e for 'i%%in+. Thro&+h % echn+e -SPAT- "i$$ '&y those in)entories. Bi%%in+ "i$$ not on$y for s!ce '&t $so for T.G "hich re*&ire% for c$ients. !d e@changes re techno$o+y !$tfor(s tht fci$itte the 'i%s for '&yin+ n% se$$in+ of on$ine (e%i
%)ertisin+ in)entory fro( (&$ti!$e % net"or#s. The !!roch is techno$o+y1%ri)en s o!!ose% to the historic$ !!roch of ne+otitin+ !rice on (e%i in)entory. A Demand5*ide (latform 9D*(: is syste( tht $$o"s '&yers of %i+it$ %)ertisin+ in)entory to (n+e (&$ti!$e % echn+e n% %t echn+e cco&nts thro&+h one interfce. Re$1ti(e 'i%%in+ for %is!$yin+ on$ine %s t#es !$ce "ithin the % echn+es? n% 'y &ti$iDin+ -SP? (r#eters cn (n+e their 'i%sfor
The 'nners n% the !ricin+ for the %t tht they re $yerin+ on to tr+et their &%iences. A *uppl#5*ide (latform or *ell5*ide (latform 9**(: is techno$o+y !$tfor(? "e' !&'$ishers of the "or$% &se s&!!$y1
si%e !$tfor( to &to(te n% o!ti(iDe the se$$in+ of their on$ine (e%i s!ce.
4.2 (orterAs )ive Model !nal#sis of Digital !dvertising Industr#/ Porter@s (o%e$ "i$$ he$! n$ysis the in%&stry n% &n%erstn% "here the !o"er $ies in the '&siness. Here I ( &sin+ !orter@s (o%e$ to &n%erstn% %i+it$ %)ertisin+ in%&stry in In%i. Gener$$y? in the In%in %)ertisin+ in%&stry? contrcts re $on+ ter(e%? n% c&sto(ers re $i#e$y to #ee! +oin+ 'c# to the s(e %)ertiser so $on+ s res&$ts "ere o'tine% the first ti(e. 1* | P a g e
0: Threats of %e< ntr# =&$$ ser)ice +encies h)e hi+h %e(n% in ,r#et. Lc# of +ettin+ efficient "or# force is thret in %i+it$ %)ertisin+. Cost of settin+ &! %i+it$ +ency is $o". B&t +encies nee% to in)est h&+e (o&nt in 'c#en%
f&nction $i#e techno$o+y. Gettin+ c$ients in the initi$ st+e is 'it %iffic&$t? 'ec&se c$ients "i$$ &s&$$y $oo# the !st
e!erience of +ency. Go)ern(ent re+&$tions in the %i+it$ %)ertisin+ re $o". hi$e co(!rin+ "ith ,:E in%&stry. 2: Bargaining po
co(in+ to the in%&stry. Eistin+ co(!etitors h)e hi+h !rofi$e c$ients n% c$ients $oy$ to"r% the(. ,ost of the tr%ition$ +encies re no" concentrtin+ in %i+it$ $so. Eistin+ fir(s in the In%&stry re cretin+ )riety n% &ni*&e c(!i+n for c$ients. ,ost of the fir(s h)e efficient 'c#en% s&!!ort in techno$o+y. Eistin+ fir(s h)e the e!ertise (n!o"er n% fir(s +i)in+ +oo% re(&nertions to e(!$oyees.
So e(!$oyees re $oy$ to"r%s e(!$oyers. So(e fir(s re !o!&$r %&e to eec&tion of inno)ti)e c(!i+ns.
Conclusion of (orterAs )ive )orce !nal#sis
Lo" threts for ne" entry. Hi+h 'r+inin+ !o"er of s&!!$iers. Br+inin+ !o"er of '&yer is (e%i&(? '&t in co(in+ yer there is chnce for increse. -&e to $ot of !$yers re co(in+ to in%&stry. Threts of the s&'stit&tes re hi+h? '&t it "i$$ chn+e in co(in+ yers.
20 | P a g e
Ri)$ry 'y eistin+ co(!etitors is hi+h? '&t !ossi'$e to 're# it 'y %oin+ so(e &ni*&e c(!i+n for
c$ient. In%in (r#et is !otenti$ (r#et for %i+it$ %)ertisin+ %&e to hi+h internet n% (o'i$e !enetrtion.
Chapter 6
'iterature Revie<
21 | P a g e
2. Nee$i# Aror 97 hs !&'$ishe% reserch rtic$e entit$e% >Tren%s in n$ine A%)ertisin+O in %)ertisin+ E!ress? -ec 7429. The +$o'$ on$ine %)ertisin+ re)en&es re e!ecte% to to&ch US 24'n 'y 7423. In In%i? the re)en&es t !resent re esti(te% to 'e Rs.<4 cr. n% re e!ecte% to increse si ti(es (ore "ithin the net fi)e yers. In In%i? Internet s (e%i&( is cce!te% 'y "i%er in%&stri$ se+(ent tht inc$&%es &to(o'i$es? te$eco(? e%&ction? 'n#in+? ins&rnce? cre%it cr%s? =,CG /=st ,o)in+ Cons&(er Goo%s0? !!re$c$othin+? %&r'$es? (e%i? '&siness ser)ices n% to&ris(. &t of these? it is esti(te% tht the 'n#in+? =,CG n% ins&rnce sectors to+ether cco&nt for 53 of the tot$ %)ertisin+ s!en%. In co(!rison to this? &to(oti)e? tr)e$ n% reti$ s!en% 98 of the tot$ %)ertisin+ re)en&e n% finnci$ ser)ice co(!nies s!en% 27 on$y. So(e of the to! s!en%ers in In%i re &to(o'i$es? fo$$o"e% 'y 'rn%s $i#e Pe!so%ent? Ke$$o++s? C%'&ry? H-=C /Ho&sin+ -e)e$o!(ent =innce Cor!ortion Lt%.0 $ons n% S&nsi$#. In %%ition to these the er$y %o!ters in the fie$% of finnce n% IT re $so incresin+ their s!en%in+. G$o'$$y? the tren% is tht $(ost 64 of the re)en&e +oes to fi)e fir(s1 Go++$e? Yhoo? ,icrosoft? AL /A(eric n$ine L&nchers0? n% )ert&re. A!!roi(te$y? ;4 of the Go++$e re)en&es co(e fro( %)ertisin+. In In%i? !ort$s $i#e in%iti(es.co(? echn+e5(e%i.co(? re%iff(i$.co(? +encyf*s.co( etc re ttrctin+ (jor on$ine s!en%er. This rtic$e e!$ins %e(o+r!hic !rofi$e of In%in &sers. It $so +i)es the co(!rison 'et"een +$o'$ tren% n% In%in tren%? "hich is &sef&$ for (y reserch "or#.
7. S&(njeet98 hs !&'$ishe% rtic$e on >n Line Bnner A%)ertisin+O in In%in Jo&rn$ of ,r#etin+. n$ine 'nner %)ertisin+ hs +ret !otenti$ s n %)ertisin+ (e%i&(. It is esy to crete? !$ce n% &se. It offers co(!nies tr+etin+ "e$$ e%&cte%? inno)ti)e? ff$&ent ($esfe($es or st&%ents "ith +ret !otenti$ for s&ccess s their se+(ents re hi+h$y re!resente%. 9. Jffrey Grh(53 hs !&'$ishe% his rtic$e entit$e% >e' %)ertisin+@s f&t&re e1,r#etin+ strte+yO ,or+n Stn$ey -en itter !&'$ishe% n e*&ity reserch re!ort n$ysin+ the Internet (r#etin+ n% %)ertisin+ in%&stry. The re!ort st&%ies reserch fro( %oDens of co(!nies n% c$c&$tes the cost n% effecti)eness of %)ertisin+ cross )rio&s (e%i. Brn%in+ on the Internet "or#s. =or eistin+ 'rn%s? the Internet is (ore effecti)e in %ri)in+ rec$$ thn te$e)ision? (+Dines? n% ne"s!!ers n% t $est s +oo% in +enertin+ !ro%&ct interest. 5. A%)ertisin+ in soci$ (e%i Ho" cons&(ers ct fter seein+ soci$ %s. A%!te% fro( Nie$sen /7427 240. Soci$ (e%i hs not on$y chn+e% ho" !eo!$e co((&nicte on$ine? '&t it hs $so chn+e% the cons&(!tion of other (e%i too. n$ine soci$ connections re &se% to fi$ter? %isc&ss? %isse(inte? n% )$i%te ne"s? entertin(ent? n% !ro%&cts for cons&(!tion. /Ryn 7422 230 The net ch!ters "i$$ e!$in (ore 'o&t ech of the "or$%@s c&rrent (ost "i%e$y &se% soci$ (e%is. There re? of co&rse? (ny other soci$ net"or#s n% !!$ictions /!!s0 )i$'$e '&t consi%erin+ the st&%y? the foc&s is on the (in ,e%is. 22 | P a g e
3. Vi#s Vi#s Bon%r hs !&'$ishe% his rtic$e on >s$es n% (r#etin+ (r#etin+ strte+iesO Internet is re$$y +oo% thin+. The Internet +i)es !eo!$e +reter (o&nt of infor(tion s "e nee%. It is the 'est "y to +et co(!rison of the !ro%&cts tht "e nee%. If "e re intereste% in '&yin+? it is 'est for &s to chec# the e' sites. A$so if "e "o&$% $i#e to (#e o&r o"n e' !+e "e cn %o this? "itho&t !yin+ $ot of (oney. =ro( "here %o "e set $$ this infor(tion The ns"er is fro( %)ertisin+? "hich "e see? e)ery"here on TV? on the Internet? in the ne"s!!ers n% (ore. Yer fter yer "e +et (ore n% (ore ne"? interestin+ infor(tion n% in the f&t&re the Internet &se "i$$ increse (ore thn no". This rtic$e e!$ins ho" internet is &sef&$ too$ for %)ertise(ent. 6. Accor%in+ to Gr%ers s&r)ey /74290? the to! !riority in %i+it$ (r#etin+ in)est(ent "i$$ 'e to i(!ro)e co((erce e!eriences thro&+h soci$ (r#etin+? content cretion n% (n+e(ent n% (o'i$e (r#etin+. Key fin%in+s $so re)e$e% tht co(!ny@s (r#etin+ s&ccess re$ies (ost$y on their "e'site? soci$ (r#etin+? n% %i+it$ %)ertisin+? "hich re $$ !rts of %i+it$ (r#etin+. In %%ition? s)in+s (%e 'y &sin+ %i+it$ (r#etin+ cn 'e rein)este% e$se"here. Nor($$y? co(!nies s!en% 24 !ercent of their re)en&e on (r#etin+ n% 7.5 !ercent on %i+it$ (r#etin+? "hich "i$$ increse to ; !ercent in the f&t&re. 8. J. S&resh Re%%y76 hs !&'$ishe% rtic$e in In%in Jo&rn$ of ,r#etin+. Tit$e of rtic$e is >I(!ct of E1 co((erce on (r#etin+O. ,r#etin+ is one of the '&siness f&nction (ost %r(tic$$y ffecte% 'y e(er+in+ infor(tion infor(tion techno$o+ies. Internet is !ro)i%in+ co(!nies ne" chnne$s of co((&niction co((&niction n% interction. interction. It cn crete c$oser yet (ore cost effecti)e re$tionshi!s "ith c&sto(ers in s$es? (r#etin+ n% c&sto(er s&!!ort. Co(!nies cn &se "e' to !ro)i%e on+oin+ infor(tion? ser)ice n% s&!!ort. It $so cretes !ositi)e interction interction "ith c&sto(ers tht cn ser)e s the fo&n%tion for $on+ ter( re$tionshi!s n% enco&r+e re!et !&rchses. <. Econo(ic ti(es !&'$ishe% rtic$e on >In%in co(!nies &sin+ %i+it$ (r#etin+ for co(!etiti)e %)nt+eO in ct 7425. Accor%in+ to this rtic$e +ro"in+ n&('er of (r#eters in In%i re $e)er+in+ %i+it$ (r#etin+ to increse their co(!etiti)e %)nt+e? reserch 'y A%o'e n% C, Co&nci$ hs re)e$e%. Accor%in+ to the st&%y? In%i $e%s in the confi%ence in %i+it$ (r#etin+ s %ri)er of co(!etiti)e %)nt+e. Ninety1si !er cent of the In%in (r#eters h)e hi+h confi%ence in the 'i$ity of %i+it$ (r#etin+ to %ri)e co(!etiti)e %)nt+e. It is (on+ the hi+hest in Asi1Pcific APAC "ith on$y A&str$i $e%in+ "ith ;8 !er cent? the reserch si%. Ho"e)er? "hi$e In%in (r#eters 'e$ie)e tht the #ey %ri)er to %o!tin+ %i+it$ is +ro"in+ internet !o!&$tion /84 !er cent in In%i +inst 3; !er cent in APAC0? APAC0? their 'e$ief tht c&sto(er !reference n% %i+it$ %e!en%ence %ri)e the %o!tion of %i+it$? n% tht %i+it$ cn en++e the &%ience? is $o"er thn the APAC APAC )er+es? it %%e%. The 7425 A%o'e APAC -i+it$ ,r#etin+ Perfor(nce -sh'or% "s co(!i$e% thro&+h *&ntitti)e s&r)eys "ith o)er <44 (r#eters cross the re+ion. ,r#eters fro( A&str$i? Kore? Chin? In%i? Hon+ Kon+? Sin+!ore n% other co&ntries "ere co)ere%. 2' | P a g e
Ho"e)er? "hi$e In%i is n e(er+in+ $e%er in -i+it$ ,r#etin+? it hs %i!!e% in its o"n !erfor(nce this yer s co(!re% to the !re)io&s yer. It is i(!ortnt to note tht In%i score% (&ch hi+her thn the APA APAC )er+e $st yer? it si%. A%o'e ,n+in+ -irector So&th Asi U(n+Be%i si% tht c&sto(er !reference n% %i+it$ %e!en%ence "o&$% increse $on+ "ith the increse in !enetrtion of internet in the In%in (r#et. Therefore? "ht "o&$% (tter is ho" the In%in (r#eters re '$e to increse en++e(ent n% cti)te &%ience thro&+h %i+it$ %i+it$ (r#eti (r#etin+. n+. This This !resents !resents ch$$en ch$$en+es +es in !ro+r( !ro+r((e (e !$nnin+ !$nnin+?? eec&tio eec&tion n n% (os (ostt i(!ort i(!ortnt$y nt$y (es&re (es&re(en (ent? t? he %%e%. %%e%. The st&%y st&%y $so re)e$e% re)e$e% tht co(!re% co(!re% to their their APAC co&nter! co&nter!rts rts?? In%in In%in (r#eters (r#eters re recei)in+ $esser s&!!ort fro( chnne$ n% s$es te(s for incresin+ %i+it$ s!en%s. Ho"e)er Ho"e)er they re %oin+ 'etter s co(!re% to $st yer s&++estin+ tht %e!rt(ents tht h)e c&sto(er interfce re re$isin+ the i(!ortnce of %i+it$ (r#etin+ in &+(entin+ their effort. ;. An%y ,$$inson in %i+it$ (r#etin+ (+Dine on Jn 79 7423 !&'$ishe% rtic$e tit$es ho" soci$ (e%i en++e(ent "i$$ i(!ct the reti$ s!ce it sys Tr%ition$$y? soci$ net"or#s h)e not 'een &se% s too$ to %irect$y %ri)e e1co((erce s$es? '&t s Nie$sen re!orte% in its G$o'$ eco((erce re!ort in A&+&st 7425? 7425? n esti(te% 62 of !eo!$e s!en% consi%er'$e (o&nt of ti(e reserchin+ !ro%&cts thro&+h on$ine chnne$s 'efore (#in+ !&rchse. An% interestin+$y? si+nificnt 59 of cons&(ers re)e$e% tht they s!ecific$$y 'ro"se thro&+h o&t$ets s&ch s =ce'oo#? T"itter? Pinterest? Inst+r( n% Goo+$eQ to see# ins!irtion for the ty!es of !ro%&cts to '&y. This $st sttistic re)e$s j&st ho" !o"erf&$ soci$ (e%i cn 'e in ter(s of enticin+ sho!!ers to (#e !&rchse? 'oth thro&+h its &se of )is&$ content n% !ro%&ct %escri!tions. B&t "hi$e (ny cons&(ers sti$$ h)e reser)tions 'o&t !&rchsin+ !&rchsin+ ite(s thro&+h soci$ chnne$s %irect$y? %irect$y? the soci$ sho!!in+ !heno(enon is c$er$y on$y +oin+ to +ro" n% it@s !!rent tht this +ro"th "i$$ e)ent&$$y h)e !ositi)e i(!ct on reti$er@s 'otto( $ine. ne reti$er "hich enjoye% s&ccess 'y !ro(otin+ its !ro%&cts )i soci$ (e%i is ASS. At the strt of 7425? ASS !re)ie"e% their s&((er s$e thro&+h =ce'oo# !!$iction? $$o"in+ fns to !$y series of +(es to cc&(&$te !oints? +ettin+ the( to the front of the )irt&$ sho!!in+ *&e&e. The "inners +ine% first ccess to the s$e? n% thro&+h the s&!!ort of s!onsore% %sASS %s ASS "s '$e to +enerte 2 (i$$ion )ie"s thro&+h )ie"s thro&+h the !!$iction? +ro"in+ their fn 'se 'y 97.
This e(!$e sho"s ho" (&ch !otenti$ there is for 'rn%s to %r&( &! or+nic !&'$icity for their !ro%&cts "hi$st en++in+ thro&+h fns cross soci$ (e%i chnne$s. =&rther(ore? =&rther(ore? it !ro)es tht soci$ (e%i o&t$ets 24 | P a g e
h)e e)o$)e% not on$y s too$ for %ri)in+ co((&nity +ro"th? '&t $so s re)en&e %ri)in+ co((o%ity to 'oost '&siness !erfor(nce. !erfo r(nce. Reti$ers (&stn@t &n%eresti(te the !o"er of soci$ en++e(ent s (etho% of +enertin+ s$es. This "s !ro)e% 'y ' y nte% nte% Shoes? "ho recent$y recent$ y "or#e% "ith &s & s to %esi+n n% inte+rte soci$ ct$o+&e@ ct $o+&e@ onto their site. The soci$ ct$o+&e %e!icte% re$1$ife i(+es of !ro%&cts tht c&sto(ers h% recent$y !&rchse%. hen ho)erin+ ho)erin+ o)er !ost? !ost? &sers of the site "ere then %irecte% %irecte% to $in# to '&y the ect shoe %is!$ye% %is!$ye% in the !ict&re? or $ternti)e$y? $ternti) e$y? "ere '$e to sho! for other oth er shoes fro( tht %esi+ner. %esi+n er. S&!!ortin+ the conce!t tht tht soci$ (e%i en++e(ent cn fci$itte !&rchse or%ers? ccor%in+ to Nie$sen? 88 8 8 of sho!!ers sy soci$ so ci$ e!os&re@ n% )$i%tion to !ro%&ct is the (ost !ers&si)e so&rce of infor(tion? n% %oes in%ee% %ri)e the( to (#e (ore !&rchses. After $$? "e (&stn@t for+et ho" !o"erf&$ the tr&st of o&r !eers cn 'e? n% this hs %irect i(!ct of %ri)in+ re)en&e. As nte% Shoes e!erience%? 'y sho"csin+ its !ro%&cts in c&sto(er %ri)en ct$o+&e? they "ere '$e to 'oost re)en&e re)en &e n% enco&r+e (ore !eo!$e to en++e "ith their 'rn%. =o$$o"in+ this e(!$e s "e$$ s the other reti$ +ints tht h)e enjoye% i(!ressi)e res&$ts thro&+h soci$ chnne$s? the reti$er tht i+nores the !o"er of soci$ en++e(ent in 7423 co&$% !otenti$$y (iss o&t on s&'stnti$ re)en&e stre( one tht co&$% %eci%e the %ifference 'et"een s&ccess n% fi$&re in n incresin+$y co(!etiti)e reti$ $n%sc!e. 24. A)i A)insh nsh K&shi# is n In%in entre!rene&r !&'$ishe% n rtic$e in -ec 7425 tit$e% %i+it$ (r#etin+ n% n$ytics re t"o $%%ers of (+nificent s&ccess.
25 | P a g e
Chapter 8
Digital Marketing
26 | P a g e
DIGIT!' M!R$TI%G Meaning/ Digital Marketing /$so n$ine ,r#etin+? Internet ,r#etin+ or e' ,r#etin+0 is co$$ecti)e n(e for
(r#etin+ cti)ity crrie% o&t on$ine? s o!!ose% to tr%ition$ (r#etin+ thro&+h !rint (e%i? $i)e !ro(otions? r%io n% TV %)ertise(ent. The r!i% +ro"th of -i+it$ ,r#etin+ In%&stry is %irect conse*&ence of the +$o'$ !heno(enon tht is the Internet? n% effecti)eness of -i+it$ ,r#etin+ chnne$s in +enertin+ re)en&e n% "reness. Co(!re% to tr%ition$ (etho%s of %)ertisin+? -i+it$ ,r#etin+ offers rther re$istic costs /!rtic&$r$y i(!ortnt for s($$1 n% (e%i&(1siDe '&sinesses n% strt1&!s0? cc&rte tr+etin+ n% ece$$ent re!ortin+.
8.0 T#pes of Digital Marketing In nor($ o&t'o&n% (r#etin+? "e "i$$ &se !&$$ n% !&sh (r#etin+ strte+y. Li#e tht in %i+it$ (r#etin+ $so !&$$ n% !&sh re ty!es. In !&sh %i+it$ (r#etin+ the (r#eter sen%s (ess+e "itho&t the reci!ient cti)e$y see#in+ the content? s&ch s %is!$y %)ertisin+ on "e'sites n% ne"s '$o+s. E(i$? tet (ess+in+ n% "e' fee%s "ith c&sto(iDe% Contents cn $so 'e c$sse% s !&sh %i+it$ (r#etin+ "hen the reci!ient hs not cti)e$y so&+ht the (r#etin+ (ess+e. P&sh (r#etin+ $$o"s yo& to tr+et yo&r %e(o+r!hics n% &se yo&r (r#etin+ %o$$rs to !ro(ote yo&r !ro%&ct to the !eo!$e yo& #no" re intereste% in "ht yo& h)e to se$$. A !&sh (r#etin+ c(!i+n cn 'e (ore e!ensi)e "hen it co(es to &!front costs? so yo& re$$y nee% to 'e s&re tht yo&r (r#etin+ is +oin+ to rech the ri+ht !eo!$e t the ri+ht ti(e. Beh)io&r tr+etin+ is +oo% e(!$e for !&sh %i+it$ (r#etin+. 2( | P a g e
In P&$$ %i+it$ (r#etin+ inc$&%es '$o++in+? e(i$ (r#etin+? soci$ (e%i? info +r!hics n% other for(s of )is&$ (ess+in+ n% serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion /SE0. A !&$$ (r#etin+ c(!i+n $so inc$&%es !&'$ic re$tions or other "ys of rechin+ o&t to !otenti$ or $re%y re$iDe% c&sto(ers "ho yo& "nt to #ee! en++e%. hi$e !&$$ (r#etin+ c(!i+n cn 'e $ess e!ensi)e to +et strte%? yo& "i$$ inc&r costs in other "ys. =or e(!$e? if yo& re r&nnin+ soci$ (e%i c(!i+n? yo& "i$$ nee% to hire so(eone to (n+e yo&r soci$ (e%i n% res!on% to !eo!$e "ho $e)e co((ents or s# *&estions. Soci$ (e%i +ets !eo!$e t$#in+ n% tht hs (jor i(!ct on s$es. P&$$ (r#etin+ $so re*&ires +reter in)est(ent in ti(e? '&t it +i)es yo& (ore 'i$ity to entertin yo&r c&sto(ers n% e%&cte the( 'o&t yo&r co(!ny. B&t %onFt +et conf&se% 'y seein+ E(i$ in !&sh n% !&$$? there is %ifference. If (r#eter is sen%in+ e(i$s "ith c&sto(iDe% content or 'nners to s!ecific +ro&! of c&sto(ers is !&sh %i+it$ (r#etin+. If (r#eter is sen%in+ e(i$s "ith the s(e content or 'nner to $$ c&sto(ers is !&$$ %i+it$ (r#etin+.
8.2 DIGIT!' M!R$TI%G C=!%%'*/
0. *O 9*earch ngine Optimi7ation:/ +arc, !gi! optimi-atio! %+./& is the process of affecting the !isibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's (natural( or un)paid %(organic(& search results" S*+ may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, !ideo search, academic search, news search and industry)specific !ertical search engines"
As n Internet (r#etin+ strte+y? SE consi%ers ho" serch en+ines "or#? "ht !eo!$e serch for? the ct&$ serch ter(s or #ey"or%s ty!e% into serch en+ines n% "hich serch en+ines re !referre% 'y their tr+ete% &%ience. !ti(iDin+ "e'site (y in)o$)e e%itin+ its content? HT,L n% ssocite% co%in+ to 'oth increse its re$e)nce to s!ecific #ey"or%s n% to re(o)e 'rriers to the in%ein+ cti)ities of serch en+ines. Pro(otin+ site to increse the n&('er of 'c# $in#s? or in'o&n% $in#s? soci$ 'oo# (r#in+? %irectory s&'(ission is the SE tctic.
2) | P a g e
+./ /" /"$AI
2. *M 9*earch ngine Marketing )/ *earch engine marketing /*M0 is for( of Internet (r#etin+ tht in)o$)es the !ro(otion of "e'sites 'y
incresin+ their )isi'i$ity in serch en+ine res&$ts !+es /SERPs0 thro&+h o!ti(iDtion n% %)ertisin+. SE, (y &se serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion /SE0? "hich %j&sts or re"rites "e'site content to chie)e hi+her rn#in+ in serch en+ine res&$ts !+es? or &se !y !er c$ic# $istin+s.
There re fo&r cte+ories of (etho%s n% (etrics &se% to o!ti(iDe "e'sites thro&+h serch en+ine (r#etin+. 2. $e#
en+ines? fin%in+ the (ost re$e)nt n% !o!&$r #ey"or%s for the site n% its !ro%&cts? n% &sin+ those #ey"or%s on the site in "y tht "i$$ +enerte n% con)ert trffic. A fo$$o"1on effect of #ey"or% n$ysis n% reserch is the serch !erce!tion i(!ct. Serch !erce!tion i(!ct %escri'es the i%entifie% i(!ct of 'rn%Fs serch res&$ts on cons&(er !erce!tion? inc$&%in+ tit$e n% ,et t+s? site in%ein+? n% #ey"or% foc&s. As on$ine serchin+ is often the first ste! for !otenti$ cons&(ersc&sto(ers? the serch !erce!tion i(!ct sh!es the 'rn% i(!ression for ech in%i)i%&$. 7. &e3site saturation and popularit# ? or ho" (&ch !resence "e'site hs on serch en+ines? cn 'e n$yDe% thro&+h the n&('er of !+es of the site tht re in%ee% on serch en+ines /st&rtion0 n% ho" (ny 'c#$in#s the site hs /!o!&$rity0. It re*&ires !+es to contin #ey"or%s !eo!$e re $oo#in+ for n% ens&re tht they rn# hi+h eno&+h in serchen+ine rn#in+s. ,ost serch en+ines inc$&%e so(e for( of $in#. Po!&$rity in their rn#in+ $+orith(s. The fo$$o"in+ re (jor too$s (es&rin+ )rio&s s!ects of st&rtion n% $in# !o!&$rity Lin# Po!&$rity? To! 24 Goo+$e An$ysis? n% ,r#et $e!@s Lin# Po!&$rity n% Serch En+ine St&rtion. 9. Back end tools ? inc$&%in+ e' n$ytic too$s n% HT,L )$i%tors? !ro)i%e %t on "e'site n% its )isitors n% $$o" the s&ccess of "e'site to 'e (es&re%. They rn+e fro( si(!$e trffic co&nters to too$s tht "or# "ith $o+ fi$es n% to (ore so!histicte% too$s tht re 'se% on !+e t++in+ /!&ttin+J)Scri!t or n i(+e on !+e to trc# ctions0. These too$s cn %e$i)er con)ersion1re$te% infor(tion. There re three (jor too$s &se% 'y EBSC /0 $o+ fi$e n$yDin+ too$ e' Tren%s 'y NetI /'0 t+1'se% n$ytic too$ e' Si%e StoryFs Hit'o n% /c0 trnsction1'se% too$ Te$ef Re$iTe. V$i%tors chec# the in)isi'$e !rts of "e'sites? hi+h$i+htin+ !otenti$ !ro'$e(s n% (ny &s'i$ity iss&es n% ens&rin+ "e'sites (eet 9C co%e stn%r%s. Try to &se (ore thn one HT,L )$i%tor or s!i%er si(&$tor 'ec&se ech one tests? hi+h$i+hts? n% re!orts on s$i+ht$y %ifferent s!ects of yo&r "e'site.
6. &hois tools re)e$ the o"ners of )rio&s "e'sites? n% cn !ro)i%e )$&'$e infor(tion re$tin+ to co!yri+ht n% tr%e(r# iss&es.
2.0 (a# per click 9((C:/ Py !er c$ic# /PPC0? $so c$$e% cost !er c$ic#? is n internet %)ertisin+ (o%e$ &se% to %irect trffic to "e'sites? in "hich %)ertisers !y the !&'$isher /ty!ic$$y "e'site o"ner0 "hen the % is c$ic#e%. It is %efine% si(!$y s >the (o&nt s!ent to +et n %)ertise(ent c$ic#e%.O ith serch en+ines? %)ertisers ty!ic$$y 'i% on #ey"or% !hrses re$e)nt to their tr+et (r#et. Content sites co((on$y chr+e fie% !rice !er c$ic# rther thn &se 'i%%in+ syste(. PPC %is!$y %)ertise(ents? $so #no"n s 'nner %s? re sho"n on "e' sites or serch en+ine res&$ts "ith re$te% '0 | P a g e
content tht h)e +ree% to sho" %s. In contrst to the +ener$iDe% !ort$? "hich see#s to %ri)e hi+h )o$&(e of trffic to one site? PPC i(!$e(ents the so1c$$e% ffi$ite (o%e$? "hich !ro)i%es !&rchse o!!ort&nities "here)er !eo!$e (y 'e s&rfin+. It %oes this 'y offerin+ finnci$ incenti)es /in the for( of !ercent+e of re)en&e0 to ffi$ite% !rtner sites. The ffi$ites !ro)i%e !&rchse1!oint c$ic#1thro&+h to the (erchnt. It is !y1for1!erfor(nce (o%e$ If n ffi$ite %oes not +enerte s$es? it re!resents no cost to the (erchnt. Vritions inc$&%e 'nner echn+e? !y1!er1c$ic#? n% re)en&e shrin+ !ro+r(s. e'sites tht &ti$iDe PPC %s "i$$ %is!$y n %)ertise(ent "hen #ey"or% *&ery (tches n %)ertiserFs #ey"or% $ist? or "hen content site %is!$ys re$e)nt content. S&ch %)ertise(ents re c$$e% s!onsore% $in#s or s!onsore% %s? n% !!er %jcent to? 'o)e? or 'eneth or+nic res&$ts on serch en+ine res&$ts !+es? or ny"here "e' %e)e$o!er chooses on content site. The PPC %)ertisin+ (o%e$ is o!en to '&se thro&+h c$ic# fr&%? $tho&+h Goo+$e n% others h)e i(!$e(ente% &to(te% syste(s to +&r% +inst '&si)e c$ic#s 'y co(!etitors or corr&!t "e' %e)e$o!ers. Py1!er1c$ic# is c$c&$te% 'y %i)i%in+ the %)ertisin+ cost 'y the n&('er of c$ic#s +enerte% 'y n %)ertise(ent. The 'sic for(&$ is (a#5per5click !dvertising cost !ds clicked
There re t"o !ri(ry (o%e$s for %eter(inin+ !y1!er1c$ic# f$t1rte n% 'i%1'se%. In 'oth cses? the %)ertiser (&st consi%er the !otenti$ )$&e of c$ic# fro( +i)en so&rce. This )$&e is 'se% on the ty!e of in%i)i%&$ the %)ertiser is e!ectin+ to recei)e s )isitor to his or her "e'site? n% "ht the %)ertiser cn +in fro( tht )isit? &s&$$y re)en&e? 'oth in the short ter( s "e$$ s in the $on+ ter(. As "ith other for(s of %)ertisin+ tr+etin+ is #ey? n% fctors tht often !$y into PPC c(!i+ns inc$&%e the tr+etFs interest /often %efine% 'y serch ter( they h)e entere% into serch en+ine? or the content of !+e tht they re 'ro"sin+0? intent /e.+.? to !&rchse or not0? $oction /for +eo tr+etin+0? n% the %y n% ti(e tht they re 'ro"sin+.
2.0.0 )lat5rate ((C In the f$t1rte (o%e$? the %)ertiser n% !&'$isher +ree &!on fie% (o&nt tht "i$$ 'e !i% for ech c$ic#. In (ny cses the !&'$isher hs rte cr% tht $ists the !y1!er1c$ic# /PPC0 "ithin %ifferent res of their "e'site or net"or#. These )rio&s (o&nts re often re$te% to the content on !+es? "ith content tht +ener$$y ttrcts (ore )$&'$e )isitors h)in+ hi+her PPC thn content tht ttrcts $ess )$&'$e )isitors. Ho"e)er? in (ny cses %)ertisers cn ne+otite $o"er rtes? es!eci$$y "hen co((ittin+ to $on+1ter( or hi+h1)$&e contrct. The f$t1rte (o%e$ is !rtic&$r$y co((on to co(!rison sho!!in+ en+ines? "hich '1 | P a g e
ty!ic$$y !&'$ish rte cr%s. Ho"e)er? these rtes re so(eti(es (ini($? n% %)ertisers cn !y (ore for +reter )isi'i$ity. These sites re &s&$$y net$y co(!rt(ent$iDe% into !ro%&ct or ser)ice cte+ories? $$o"in+ hi+h %e+ree of tr+etin+ 'y %)ertisers. In (ny cses? the entire core content of these sites is !i% %s.
2.0.2 Bid5Based ((C/ ith the 'i%1'se% PPC (o%e$? the %)ertiser is $$o"e% to 'i%? to co(!ete +inst si(i$r %)ertisers in !ri)te &ction. Ech of the 'i%%in+ %)ertisers $ets the !&'$isher #no" the (i(&( (o&nt they re "i$$in+ to !y for +i)en % s!ot or #ey"or%. The "innin+ %)ertisers then !y for ech c$ic# on their %)ertise(ent? 'se% on the (o&nt they 'i%. The co((on !rctice (on+st 'i%1'se% PPC "e'sites s&ch s Goo+$e A% or%s? is to chr+e s($$ (o&nt (ore thn the net hi+hest 'i%%er.As yo& cn see? Py !er C$ic# cn 'e (ssi)e$y effecti)e (ens of %irectin+ tr+ete% trffic to yo&r "e'site? n% is re$ti)e$y ine!ensi)e. hi$e there is the ris# of c$ic# fr&%? (ost of the (jor Py Per C$ic# !ro)i%ers s&ch s Goo+$e or Yhoo? h)e e(!$oye% se)er$ &to(te% syste(s to !re)ent '&si)e c$ic#s 'y corr&!t "e' %e)e$o!ers or co(!etitors o&t to cost yo& %%ition$ (oney. If &se% !ro!er$y? yo& cn fin% ne" c&sto(ers "ith ese &sin+ Py !er C$ic#. It (i+ht $so 'e 'enefici$ to fin% re!&t'$e !y !er c$ic# co(!ny to ssist yo& "ith yo&r c(!i+ns.
4. *MM 9*ocial Media Marketing:/
*ocial media marketing is the !rocess of +inin+ "e'site trffic or ttention thro&+h soci$ (e%i sites.
Soci$ (e%i (r#etin+ !ro+r(s &s&$$y center on efforts to crete content tht ttrcts ttention n% enco&r+es re%ers to shre it cross their soci$ net"or#s. The res&$tin+ e$ectronic "or% of (o&th /eo,0 refers to ny stte(ent cons&(ers shre )i the Internet /e.+.? "e' sites? soci$ net"or#s? instnt (ess+es? ne"s fee%s0 'o&t n e)ent? !ro%&ct? ser)ice? 'rn% or co(!ny. hen the &n%er$yin+ (ess+e s!re%s fro( &ser to &ser n% !res&('$y resontes 'ec&se it !!ers to co(e fro( tr&ste%? thir%1!rty so&rce? s o!!ose% to the 'rn% or co(!ny itse$f? this for( of (r#etin+ res&$ts in erne% (e%i rther thn !i% (e%i.
'2 | P a g e
4.0 ngagement In the contet of the soci$ "e'? en++e(ent (ens tht c&sto(ers n% st#eho$%ers re !rtici!nts rther thn )ie"ers. Soci$ (e%i in '&siness $$o"s nyone n% e)eryone to e!ress n% shre n o!inion or n i%e so(e"here $on+ the '&siness@s !th to (r#et. Ech !rtici!tin+ c&sto(er 'eco(es !rt of the (r#etin+ %e!rt(ent? s other c&sto(ers re% their co((ents or re)ie"s. The en++e(ent !rocess is then f&n%(ent$ to s&ccessf&$ soci$ (e%i (r#etin+.
4.2 )ace3ook Marketing =ce'oo# is the "or$%Fs (ost!o!&$r soci$ net"or# for 'oth '&sinesses n% in%i)i%&$s. ith o)er one 'i$$ion &sers? yo&r frien%s n% fns re $i#e$y $re%y &sin+ the !$tfor( n% yo& sho&$% 'e too. In fct? !eo!$e re 80 more likel# to make a purchase after ElikingE a 3rand on )ace3ook. =ce 'oo# (r#etin+ re*&ires +oo% inte$$ects n% &ni*&e thin#in+ to (#e the c(!i+n effecti)e.
In fce 'oo# (r#etin+ in fct in )is&$ "e' (r#etin+ yo&r content s!e#s $o&% tht is "hy (#e s&re yo&r content sho&$% 'e re$e)nt to yo&r &%ience n% '&siness.
(ros )ace3ook is a lo<5cost marketing strateg# ,r#etin+ cti)ities tht "o&$% cost tho&sn%s of %o$$rs thro&+h other chnne$s cn 'e &se% on =ce'oo#
for frction of the cost. This (#es it i%e$ for s($$ to (e%i&( '&sinesses "ith $i(ite% (r#etin+ '&%+et. Lr+er '&sinesses cn $so tri$ (r#etin+ conce!ts n% the(es thro&+h =ce'oo# 'efore co((ittin+ to 'i++er c(!i+ns. *hare 3asic information a3out #our 3usiness
Yo&r =ce'oo# !+e is !$ce "here yo& cn !&'$icise yo&r '&siness n(e? %%ress n% contct %eti$s? n% 'rief$y %escri'e yo&r !ro%&cts n% ser)ices. Yo& cn $so t$# 'o&t yo&r stff? history? or ny other s!ect of yo&r '&siness tht is $i#e$y to ttrct other =ce'oo# &sers n% crete interest in "ht yo& %o. '' | P a g e
*hare pictures and videos from #our 3usiness
As "e$$ s $$o"in+ yo& to !ost tet? =ce'oo# $ets yo& &!$o% !ict&res n% )i%eos fro( yo&r '&siness. This cn 'e !o"erf&$ "y to co((&nicte "ith c&sto(ers n% !otenti$ c&sto(ers? $$o"in+ the( to see yo&r !ro%&ct or ser)ice "itho&t h)in+ to )isit yo&r !re(ises. =ce'oo# $so $$o"s &sers to Ft+F !hotos to in%icte if =ce'oo# frien% !!ers in the(. This f&nction cn 'e &se% to !ro(ote yo&r '&siness. =or e(!$e? to&r o!ertor co&$% !ost !hoto on their !+e of +ro&! +oin+ "hite1"ter rftin+? then in)ite ech !rtici!nt to t+ their i(+e in the !hoto. Ech t++e% i(+e "i$$ sho" &! s n &!%te on the !rtici!ntFs =ce'oo# cco&nt? "here their frien%s "i$$ see it too. This increses the $e)e$ of interest in the !ict&re? n% yo&r '&siness.
If yo& %o %eci%e to &se t++in+? 'e cref&$. It cn 'e !ri)cy iss&e? n% so(e =ce'oo# &sers re sensiti)e 'o&t 'ein+ t++e% in !hoto+r!hs. =or this reson? it is 'etter to s# !rtici!nts to %o the t++in+? rther thn %oin+ it on their 'eh$f.
Talk to e@isting and potential customers
Yo& cn &se =ce'oo# to Ft$#F to eistin+ n% !otenti$ c&sto(ers 'y !ostin+ n% recei)in+ (ess+es. B&t %onFt &se =ce'oo# to ++ressi)e$y !ro(ote yo&r !ro%&cts or ser)ices. Yo&F$$ h)e (&ch +reter s&ccess if yo& shre infor(tion re$te% to yo&r '&siness tht is ct&$$y &sef&$ or interestin+ to other &sers. This increses yo&r cre%i'i$ity n% !ro(otes yo&r '&siness 'y '&i$%in+ $on+1ter( re$tionshi!s "ith other &sers. =or e(!$e? )eterinrin co&$% !ost ti!s for $oo#in+ fter !ets? ti(in+ the( ccor%in+ to "hen !rtic&$r he$th iss&es rise /e.+. tic#s in s&((er0. (rovide customer support C&sto(ers cn !ost fter1s$es *&estions on yo&r =ce'oo# "$$? n% yo&r stff cn ns"er the( there. This
is often (ore efficient thn stff ns"erin+ !hone c$$s? n% $$o"s other c&sto(ers to re% co((on *&estions n% ns"ers "itho&t h)in+ to !!roch yo& in%i)i%&$$y
Raise 3rand a
c$ic# the FLi#eF '&tton on yo&r =ce'oo# !+e. nce they $i#e yo&r !+e? yo&r c&sto(ers "i$$ recei)e yo&r &!%tes on their "$$? "here their frien%s "i$$ $so see the(. This he$!s to '&i$% "reness of yo&r '&siness? n% to ssocite yo&r frien%s "ith yo&r 'rn%. C&sto(ers cn $so !ost !ositi)e (ess+es 'o&t yo&r !ro%&cts or ser)ices? shre% on their "$$s for $$ their frien%s to see.
'4 | P a g e
)ace3ook can steer traffic to #our
Yo& cn inc$&%e $in# to yo&r "e'site on yo&r =ce'oo# !+e. In%ee%? (ny '&sinesses re!ort tht the +retest 'enefit of =ce'oo# is the etr trffic tht it steers to their site. Visitors "ho co(e to the "e'site cn 'e e!ose% to stron+er (r#etin+ (ess+es n%? often? the o!tion of '&yin+ +oo%s n% ser)ices. C&sto(ers "ho co(e to yo&r "e'site fro( =ce'oo# re $i#e$y to 'e (ore rece!ti)e thn the )er+e )isitor? 'ec&se they $re%y #no" so(ethin+ 'o&t yo&r '&siness n% "ere (oti)te% to c$ic# the "e'site $in#.
Targeted advertising
=ce'oo# cn n$yse $$ the infor(tion tht (i$$ions of &sers enter into their !rofi$es. As the o"ner of '&siness !+e? yo& cn !y to &se this infor(tion to %e$i)er tr+ete% %)ertisin+ to s!ecific +ro&!. =or e(!$e? n o&t%oor store co&$% &se =ce'oo# to c$c&$te ho" (ny (en o)er certin +e in certin city h)e $iste% Ffishin+F s n interest. Then they co&$% %e)e$o! n % for ne" fishin+ $&res? n% !y for it to !!er on$y on the !+es of those !eo!$e. /A%s !!er on the ri+ht1hn% si%e !+es in =ce'oo#.0 Offer deals through )ace3ook (laces
=ce'oo# P$ces $$o"s &sers to Fchec# inF on (o'i$e %e)ices t !rtic&$r !$ce? so tht their frien%s cn see their $oction on =ce'oo#. =ce'oo# P$ces $so i%entifies !o!&$r !$ces c$ose to "here &ser chec#s in. B&sinesses cn &se =ce'oo# P$ces so tht "hen &ser chec#s in to nei+h'o&rhoo%? street or '&siness? they recei)e $ist of ner'y '&sinesses offerin+ %e$s /e.+. %isco&nts? free'ies? $oy$ty re"r%s0. B&sinesses tht h)e =ce'oo# !+e re &to(tic$$y inc$&%e% in the =ce'oo# P$ces %irectory.
Cons/ 'oss of Control =ce'oo# "s %esi+ne% s n intercti)e on$ine for&( tht enco&r+es (e('ers to shre infor(tion )i
!hotos? )i%eo c$i!s? $in#s n% "ritten !osts. hi$e cco&nt o"ners &$ti(te$y h)e contro$ of "ht re(ins on their !&'$ic !rofi$e? there is $itt$e contro$ o)er "ho !osts infor(tion or "ht those !osts contin. It is re$ti)e$y esy for co(!etitor? n+ry c&sto(er or %is+r&nt$e% e(!$oyee to !ost cc&story co((ents tht re inf$((tory? %ero+tory or other"ise s$n%ero&s to yo&r '&siness on yo&r =ce'oo# "$$. E)en "e$$1 (enin+ !osters (y &se $n+&+e or !hotos tht re not in $ine "ith the i(+e yo& "nt to (intin for yo&r '&siness. ,intinin+ )i+i$nt contro$ o)er the content tht !!ers on yo&r =ce'oo# !+e t#es the ti(e n% effort of !!ro)e% content (onitors? "hich cn 'e cost$y n% ti(econs&(in+ for s($$ '&siness o"ners.
'5 | P a g e
Cost of Maintenance Content !+es (&st contin&$$y 'e &!%te% "ith ne" infor(tion tht re%ers "i$$ fin% &sef&$? 'enefici$ or
interestin+ for =ce'oo# (r#etin+ to 'e effecti)e. This re*&ires %e)e$o!(ent of %eti$e% inno)ti)e soci$ (e%i (r#etin+ strte+y cost$y in)est(ent for s($$ %)ertisin+ '&%+ets. =ce'oo# (r#etin+ strte+ies inc$&%e )i%eo !ro%&ct %e(onstrtions? intercti)e for&(s n% on$ine contests? $$ of "hich (&st 'e crete%? &!$o%e%? (onitore% n% (intine% 'y '&siness o"ner? stff (e('er or soci$ (e%i %)ertisin+ +ency. Competition ,r#etin+ !$tfor(s eec&te% )i =ce'oo# re o!en to esy %&!$iction 'y co(!etitors. Ri)$ '&siness
o"ners cn esi$y !ose s >frien%sO or >fnsO to +in ccess to yo&r content. Photos? rt"or# n% other i(+es !oste% to yo&r site re esi$y ccesse% n% re&se% 'y )isitors n% cn sho" &! in other !$ces yo& (y not !!ro)e of. (rofessionalism Soci$ (e%i !$tfor(s $i#e =ce'oo# "ere crete% to fci$itte the cs&$ shrin+ of infor(tion tht (y
not (esh "ith the !rofession$ re!&ttion yo& "nt to est'$ish for yo&r '&siness. =or e(!$e? =ce'oo# (r#etin+ of ni+htc$&' nee%s to 'e )st$y %ifferent fro( =ce'oo# (r#etin+ of %octor@s office or $" !rctice. Cre (&st 'e t#en to %e)e$o! n% (intin =ce'oo# !resence tht ref$ects yo&r cor!orte !hi$oso!hy? or it co&$% !$ce yo&r co(!ny t %is%)nt+e.
!dvertising Costs
hi$e 'sic =ce'oo# !+es re free of chr+e for !erson$ &sers? '&siness cco&nts tht fet&re %)ertisin+ o!!ort&nities co(e "ith !rice t+ ttche%. This %%e% !ro(otion$ e!ense cn 'e %is%)nt+e for s($$ '&siness o"ners. %egative Content
Co((&nictin+ "ith yo&r c$ients or fns o)er =ce'oo# so&n%s frien%$y in theory? '&t so(e !eo!$e (y &se yo&r =ce'oo# !+e s )en&e to "rite offensi)e co((ents or !ost s!(. A &ser (i+ht e)en !ost f$se $$e+tions 'o&t yo&r '&siness on yo&r !+e for nyone to see. As res&$t? yo&r '&siness nee%s to 'e (onitorin+ its =ce'oo# !+e fre*&ent$y? i%e$$y chec#in+ ech in%i)i%&$ !ost. E)en if yo& %%ress these iss&es *&ic#$y? yo&F$$ ne)er #no" ho" (ny !eo!$e s" the ne+ti)e co((ents on the !+e n% "i$$ ssocite tht (e(ory "ith yo&r '&siness. *u3scriptions
J&st 'ec&se so(eone c$ic#s Li#e on yo&r !+e %oes not +&rntee tht she "i$$ see yo&r &!%tes in her =ce'oo# ne"s fee%. In n effort to +i)e &sers (ore contro$ o)er their =ce'oo# e!erience? the soci$ net"or#in+ site $$o"s !eo!$e to &ns&'scri'e fro( !+eFs &!%tes. hen &ser &ns&'scri'es fro( yo&r &!%tes? yo&r ne" !osts "i$$ 'e hi%%en fro( her ne"s fee%? so she "i$$ on$y see yo&r !osts if she cti)e$y )isits yo&r !+e. This (#es it i(!ossi'$e to #no" ect$y ho" (ny !eo!$e re ct&$$y )ie"in+ yo&r !osts in their ne"s fee%s? so yo& cnnot cc&rte$y (es&re i(!ressions. '6 | P a g e
Time Consumption
Uti$iDin+ =ce'oo# !+e s !rt of yo&r %i+it$ strte+y is )ery ti(e1cons&(in+ if %one ri+ht. In %%ition to "tchin+ o&t for ne+ti)e co((ents? '&siness sho&$% res!on% !ro(!t$y to ny *&estions or !ositi)e s&++estions !ose% 'y c&sto(ers. Bec&se =ce'oo# is &! n% r&nnin+ 75 ho&rs %y? !osts (y cc&(&$te *&ic#$y. If '&sinessFs =ce'oo# en++e(ent +ro"s? it (y e)en 'eco(e necessry to %esi+nte n e(!$oyee strict$y to soci$ (e%i %&ties. This (i+ht not 'e re$istic for so(e co(!nies? (#in+ it &nreson'$e to !ro!er$y (n+e =ce'oo# !+e.
Thum3 rules/ •
• • •
E(!hsiDe on )is&$iDtion. Rich )is&$s (#e the 'est content n% the 'est ti(e$ines. Hi+h$i+ht@ !osts to +i)e the( the f&$$ "i%th of the =ce 'oo# continer. To (#e it (ore ttrcti)e. PIN@ !osts? these !osts sty t the to! of the fee% !ro(otin+ !osts. Ens&re =B !!s h)e re$e)nt info yo&r &%ience is $oo#in+ for. An$yse "ht "or#s? n% "ht %oesn@t "or# =ce 'oo# Insi+ht. E%+e Rn#. Soci$ '#ers.
4.4 T
The )ery first thin+ in t"itter (r#etin+ yo& nee% to &n%erstn% n% $ern the t"itter ter(ino$o+ies "e$$. 2.=!*=T!G A hsht+ is ny "or% 'e+innin+ "ith the si+n. Peo!$e &se hsht+s to or+niDe con)erstions ro&n% s!ecific to!ic. C$ic#in+ on hsht+ t#es yo& to serch res&$ts for tht ter(. 7. M%TIO% So(eti(es yo& "nt to 'rin+ T"eet to so(eone@s ttention? '&t yo& sti$$ "nt $$ of yo&r fo$$o"ers to see the (ess+e. So inste% of re!$y? &se (ention. Inc$&%e the &sern(e of "ho(e)er yo& "nt to (ention in yo&r T"eet? n% it "i$$ !!er in the ,entions section /in the Connect t'0. A$$ &sern(e (entions re '( | P a g e
c$ic#'$e n% $in# 'c# to the (entione% in%i)i%&$@s !rofi$e.
4.R(' Yo& cn res!on% to T"eet 'y hittin+ the re!$y '&tton. hen yo& re!$y? yo&r res!onse is !&'$ic? n% "i$$ sho" &! in yo&r ho(e ti(e$ine n% the ti(e$ine of the !erson to "ho( yo& re res!on%in+. The re!$y "i$$ $so 'e )isi'$e in the ho(e ti(e$ines of !eo!$e "ho fo$$o" 'oth yo& n% the !erson to "ho( yo& sent the re!$y. ,enin+? so(eone not in the con)erstion hs to fo$$o" 'oth of the !eo!$e re!$yin+ to 'e '$e to re% 'oth si%es of the con)erstion. 6. RT&T
Yo& cn !ss $on+ so(eone@s T"eet 'y ret"eetin+ it. J&st hit the ret"eet '&tton to sen% the ori+in$ (ess+e to $$ of yo&r fo$$o"ers. 8. 'I%$*
T"itter@s $in#1 shortenin+ fet&re $$o"s yo& to !ste $in# of ny $en+th into the T"eet 'o n% it "i$$ &to(tic$$y 'e shortene% to 2; chrcters. This (#es it esier to fit $on+ URLs into the 2541chrcter $i(it. F. )!-O,RIT
Yo& cn f)o&rite the t"eet for f&t&re reference. This is j&st $i#e n rchi)in+ so(ethin+ tht@s re$$y interestin+ to yo&. . DM 9direct message:
Yo& cn sen% !ri)te (ess+es to so(eone? j&st $i#e n e(i$. =or -,? sen%er n% recei)er sho&$% 'e fo$$o"in+ ech other.
(ros/ The targeted market is most pro3a3l# on T
Since )ery $r+e n&('er of !eo!$e &se soci$ net"or#? there is hi+h !ro''i$ity tht the intereste% !rties for the !ro%&ct yo& re %)ertisin+ is in the )irt&$ "or$%. This is one +ret %)nt+e e)ery '&siness sho&$% try to (#e &se of 'ec&se if yo& re not &sin+ soci$ net"or#s for %)ertisin+? then yo& re (issin+ $r+e (r#et. Great
ith the +ro"in+ !o!&$rity of the internet? (r#et reserch hs 'eco(e esy. Inste% of s!re%in+ *&estionnires or s#in+ !eo!$e or$ *&estions? the &se of soci$ net"or#s (%e it esy 'y (#in+ it esier to crete free s&r)eys n% !ostin+ the $in#s so tht !eo!$e cn !rtici!te. This is )ery esy "y of %oin+ (r#et reserch? #ee!in+ in (in% the fct tht the settin+ &! the s&r)eys "on@t cost (oney n% !eo!$e cn finish those s&r)eys in $ess ti(e thn the hr% co!y one.
') | P a g e
Gro |
There is no %o&'t tht the &se of soci$ net"or#s is r!i%$y +ro"in+. ht this (ens to '&siness is tht? there re &%ience on the )irt&$ "or$% thn the '&siness co&$% e)er rech thro&+h ny other ty!e of (e%i. This is in fct one of the (in %)nt+es of &sin+ T"itter n% other soci$ net"or#s for '&sinesses. asier
ny"here e$se. This costs $ess or $(ost nothin+ co(!re% to other (o%es $i#e sen%in+ (i$ or (#in+ !hone c$$. I $so %on@t #no" if this is tr&e for e)eryone e$se? '&t I (y re% $ots of st&ff on$ine tht I (y not re% if they "ere on hr% co!y or so(e"here e$se.
Cons/ *pams and viruses/
hen the &se of the internet "or$% hs increse%? the !otenti$ ris#s tht one cn o'tin fro( the internet h)e increse% s "e$$. ht this (ens is s!((ers co&$% s!( yo&r site or "orse thn tht? cn fin% ccess to yo&r infor(tion thro&+h soci$ net"or#s. Soci$ net"or#s co&$% 'e &sef&$? '&t if not !ro!er$y &se%? then they co&$% $e% to (ore !ro'$e(s.
,sing for 3usiness needs/
T"itter n% other soci$ net"or#s re %esi+ne% to 'e &ser frien%$y. n the other hn%? there re $so !!$ictions n% other i%s tht (#e it esier to &se. ne thin+ "ith soci$ net"or#s is tht '&sinesses n% in%i)i%&$s %o not &se it the s(e "y. ht this (ens is tht '&sinesses nee% to $ern ho" to efficient$y n% effecti)e$y &se T"itter n% other soci$ net"or#s so tht they co&$% (#e the &se o&t of it. 'imited space/
I thin# e)eryone "ho &se% T"itter or !i% $itt$e ttention to ho" it@s &se% #no"s 'o&t the 254 chrcters@ thin+y. This #in% of s!ce or $i(ittion on chrcter is not eno&+h for (ost '&siness n% this is "here $ernin+ to effecti)e$y n% efficient$y t"itter co(es into !$ce. n the +oo% si%e? (y 'e this is +oo%? 'ec&se other"ise !eo!$e "on@t 'e in the (oo% to re% "ho$e '$o+ (ost of the ti(e. *treamline nature of t
It@s co((on e!ecttion of nyone "ho fo$$o"s others on t"itter not to fo$$o" e)erythin+. ne of the resons this h!!ens is 'ec&se the t"eets in t"itter re %esi+ne% to stre( re$$y *&ic#$y n% &s&$$y sho" the $test t"eets. So so(e of ti(es? so(e of the t"eets one (#es or '&siness (#es (y $ost in the $on+ sh&ff$e of t"eets. Li#e I si% 'efore? this c$$s for $ernin+ to &se t"itter effecti)e$y.
'* | P a g e
4.6 'inked In Marketing/ 'inkedIn is '&siness1oriente% soci$ net"or#in+ ser)ice. =o&n%e% in -ece('er 7447 n% $&nche% on
,y 3? 7449 it is (in$y &se% for !rofession$ net"or#in+. In 7446? Lin#e%In increse% to 74 (i$$ion (e('ers. As of J&ne 7429? Lin#e%In re!orts (ore thn 73; (i$$ion c*&ire% &sers in (ore thn 744 co&ntries n% territories. Lin#e%In $$o"s co(!nies to crete !rofession$ !rofi$es for the(se$)es s "e$$ s their '&siness to net"or# n% (eet others. Thro&+h the &se of "i%+ets? (e('ers cn !ro(ote their )rio&s soci$ net"or#in+ cti)ities? s&ch s T"itter stre( or '$o+ entries of their !ro%&ct !+es? onto their Lin#e%In !rofi$e !+e. Lin#e%In !ro)i%es its (e('ers the o!!ort&nity to +enerte s$es $e%s n% '&siness !rtners. ,e('ers cn &se >Co(!ny P+esO si(i$r to =ce'oo# !+es to crete n re tht "i$$ $$o" '&siness o"ners to !ro(ote their !ro%&cts or ser)ices n% 'e '$e to interct "ith their c&sto(ers. -&e to s!re% of s!( (i$ sent to jo' see#er? $e%in+ co(!nies !refer to &se Lin#e%In for e(!$oyeeFs recr&it(ent inste% &sin+ %ifferent jo' !ort$s. A%%ition$$y? co(!nies h)e )oice% !reference for the (o&nt of infor(tion tht cn 'e +$ene% fro( Lin#e%In !rofi$e? )ers&s $i(ite% e(i$. (ros and Cons of social media marketing on 'inkedIn
Lin#e%In is one of to%y@s 'i++est soci$ net"or#s '&t it@s not ect$y "ht yo& (i+ht c$$ >strict$y soci$.O Lin#e%In !ro)i%es +ret %e$ of e!os&re to '&sinesses n% cn he$! fin% ne" !rtners? '&siness o!!ort&nities? or e(!$oyees. So(e (i+ht e)en c$$ Lin#e%In soci$ net"or# for '&siness s it@s &se% (in$y for >!rofession$ net"or#in+.O As soci$ !$tfor( Lin#e%In incor!ortes (ny soci$ s!ects? '&t its (in foc&s is the '&siness "or$%. As res&$t? (ny s($$ '&siness o"ners join Lin#e%In "ith the ho!es of e!n%in+ their )ent&res n% cretin+ ne" connections tht (i+ht !ro)e 'enefici$. B&t $i#e (ost thin+s? Lin#e%In hs its !ros n% cons.
(ros •
The first? (ost o')io&s 'enefit fro( &sin+ Lin#e%In co(es fro( the $+orith(ic re$( of SE /serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion0. It@s yet nother )en&e tht serch en+ines &se to 'rin+ '&sinesses in serch *&ery res&$ts. It@s the !erfect too$ to +i)e '&siness (ore e!os&re "hi$e $so $$o"in+ it to e!ose the (ost cr&ci$ !rts of its '&siness the (ission? the 'c#+ro&n%? the (e('ers of the te(? etc. Increse% SE e!os&re $e%s to increse% "e' trffic "hich? in t&rn? $e%s to n increse% con)ersion rte.
Lin#e%In is $so +ret "y to sty &!1to1%te "ith the ne"s fro( yo&r in%&stry or fie$% of interest. This is (jor 'enefit it #ee!s yo& in the c&rrent $oo!? in%ictes &!co(in+ tren%s or 'i+ i%es? n% !ro)i%es ri!e sto(!in+ +ro&n% for shrin+ e!eriences n% %)ice (on+ e!erts s&rro&n%in+ to!ics tht re i(!ortnt to the '&siness. These esi$y ccessi'$e reso&rces re in)$&'$e to co(!ny? !rtic&$r$y s($$er ones? %&e to its $o" cost n% hi+h 'enefici$ )$&e.
40 | P a g e
Lin#e%In is $so +ret sset 'ec&se of the (o&nt of infor(tion it +i)es 'o&t !rtic&$r
co(!ny or '&siness. Si(i$r to =ce'oo#? Lin#e%In "i$$ te$$ yo& $$ the (jor %t yo& nee% to #no" 'o&t co(!ny s "e$$ s +i)e yo& the !rofession$ !rofi$es of the in%i)i%&$s ssocite% "ith the '&siness fro( e(!$oyees to in)estors. Access to this ty!e of s!ecific %t n% infor(tion $$o"s &sers to esi$y fin% !otenti$ !rtners or recr&it ne" e(!$oyees? s)in+ yo& $ot of ti(e? ener+y? n% reso&rces. Lin#e%In Ans"er $so +i)es &sers the chnce to %e(onstrte their #no"$e%+e n% s#i$$s in their
res!ecti)e fie$% to est'$ish the(se$)es s cre%i'$e e!erts "ith )st #no"$e%+e n% e!ertise. In t&rn? this is 'enefici$ for Lin#e%In &sers s it !ositions the( s e!erts n% 'oosts the co(!ny@s cre%i'i$ity.
Cons/ •
hen $oo#in+ t Lin#e%In? it@s $so i(!ortnt to 'e "re of n% c#no"$e%+e its cons. ne of the (jor ne+ti)es is the "y &sers &se Lin#e%In s n %)ertisin+ (e+!hone )i SPA, so 'rce yo&rse$f for the s$e" of SPA, co(in+ yo&r "y.
nce est'$ishe%? Lin#e%In is (jor ti(es)er. B&t in the 'e+innin+? it re*&ires $ot of !erson$ ti(e n% "or# )ersion of Lin#e%In? '&t tht (i+ht not 'e n o!tion for s($$er co(!nies "ith $i(ite% '&%+et. to +et yo&r connections f$o"in+ n% con)erstions strte%. Users nee% to constnt$y s# others to 'e intro%&ce% to co(!nies n% in%i)i%&$s they re intereste% in connectin+ "ith? "hich cn 'e c&('erso(e t ti(es. A$"ys #ee! in (in% tht Lin#e%In is !$tfor( for connections n% con)erstions so !!roch these ts#s "ith the o&tco(e of '&i$%in+ '&siness re$tionshi! in (in%. This ts# cn 'e si%este!!e% "ith the !i%
)er$$? Lin#e%In is so$i% !$tfor( for '&sinesses n% in%i)i%&$s. If yo& re j&st +ettin+ strte%? #ee! these !ros n% cons in (in%. If yo& %o? yo&r re$tionshi! n% e!erience "ith Lin#e%In "i$$ !ro)e 'enefici$.
In o&r s&r)ey? "e &se% Lin#e%In to +ro" the !rofession$ net"or# of Instit&te of -i+it$ ,r#etin+. This instit&te not on$y !ro)i%es #no"$e%+e '&t $so %o '&siness "ith its s#i$$ sets. Lin#e%In he$!s in '&i$%in+ +ret !rofession$ net"or# n% in +ettin+ ne" '&sinesses. A!rt fro( the "or#sho!s n% co&rse c$sses? Instit&te of -i+it$ ,r#etin+ hs so(e set of !eo!$e "ho %e)e$o!s e1co((erce "e'sites n% o!ti(iDes the(. Hence? in or%er to +et '&siness? "e h)e &se% Lin#e%In s (jor !$tfor(.
In Lin#e%In +ro&!s? there "i$$ 'e %isc&ssions +oin+ on e)ery ti(e. So? "e h)e crete% Lin#e%In +ro&! n% strte% %isc&ssions on )rio&s to!ics on %i+it$ (r#etin+. In the 'e+innin+
41 | P a g e
the res&$ts "ere )ery s$o" since Lin#e%In is strict$y !rofession$ net"or# n% the tr+ete% !eo!$e (i+ht not Sho" (&ch interest here. As it +oes on? o&r %isc&ssion hs +ot "i%e !o!&$rity "ith st&%ents fro( %ifferent co$$e+es s#in+ *&estions n% cti)e$y !rtici!tin+ in the %isc&ssion. ith this +ro"in+ !o!&$rity on Lin#e%In? s$o"$y '&siness strte% co(in+ in. in the 'e+innin+ on$y s($$ !rojects &se% to co(e $i#e $n%in+ !+e cretion? content cretion? '$o+ !ostin+s etc. There "ere t"o 'i+ !rojects c(e %&rin+ (y s&r)ey ten&re fro( -hrni Co(!&ters n% The S&ntech Cor!ortion for %e)e$o!in+ n% (n+in+ the "e'site n% %o serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion for the(.
4.8 (interest/ It is )is&$ %isco)ery soci$ net"or#. It is "y of shrin+ i(+es of nythin+? fro( fshion to !ets to !ot !$nts. Yo& cn crete yo&r o"n on$ine !in 'or%s to s&its ny the(e n% shre it "ith $i#e(in%e% !eo!$e. Pinterest co(!$ete$y re)o$)es ro&n% the !re(ise of 'ein+ creti)e n% )is&$. 84 &sers re fe($e n% +e% 'et"een 73 n% 55. So if yo& re tr+etin+ "o(en Pinterest is the ri+ht !$tfor(. Pinterest is no" one of the to! 24 soci$ net"or#in+ sites trc#e% 'y Hit "ise.
=o< 3rands can use (interest
Pinterest %oes not enco&r+e !ro%&ct !&shin+? this (ens 'rn%s (&st $oo# t crtin+ 'or%s tht re c&$t&re n% $ifesty$e re$te%. Yo& cn crete 'or%s on tren%s? 'ehin% the scenes? !re$i(inry s#etches for !ro%&cts.
42 | P a g e
4.F Instagram/ Inst+r(? the ne" re)o$&tionry !hoto1shrin+ !ro+r(? (#in+ it esier thn e)er to shre yo&r 'est !ict&res "ith the "or$%. The soci$ (e%i !ro+r( $$o"s yo& to &!$o%? %% %i+it$ fi$ters? n% then !ost yo&r !ict&res on yo&r Inst+r(1fee%? s "e$$ s other soci$ net"or#in+ sites. Yo& cn connect yo&r Inst+r( cco&nt "ith =ce'oo#? T"itter? T&('$r? =$ic#r? =o&rs*&re n% yo&r e(i$ cco&nt. This (#es it esy to shre yo&r !ict&res on (&$ti!$e !$tfor(s $$ t once. hen it co(es to 'rn%s n% '&sinesses? Inst+r( +o$ is to he$! co(!nies to rech their res!ecti)e &%iences thro&+h c!ti)tin+ i(+ery in rich? )is&$ en)iron(ent. ,oreo)er? Inst+r( !ro)i%es !$tfor( "here &ser n% co(!ny cn co((&nicte !&'$ic$y n% %irect$y? (#in+ itse$f n i%e$ !$tfor( for co(!nies to connect "ith their c&rrent n% !otenti$ c&sto(ers.
4' | P a g e
4. Google H/ Goo+$e hs %escri'e% Goo+$eQ s soci$ $yer tht enhnces (ny of its on$ine !ro!erties? n% tht it is not si(!$y soci$ net"or#in+ "e'site? '&t $so n &thorshi! too$ tht ssocites "e'1content %irect$y "ith its o"ner&thor. It is the secon%1$r+est soci$ net"or#in+ site in the "or$% fter =ce'oo#. 354 (i$$ion (onth$y cti)e &sers re !rt of the I%entity ser)ice site? 'y interctin+ soci$$y "ith Goo+$eQFs enhnce% !ro!erties? $i#e G(i$? Q2 '&tton? n% Yo&T&'e co((ents.In cto'er 7429? Goo+$e co&nte% 354 (i$$ion cti)e &sers "ho &se% t $est one Goo+$eQ ser)ice? of "hich 944 (i$$ion &sers re cti)e in the stre(.
(ros/ ith (ost (r#eters co(fort'$e "ith &sin+ =ce'oo# for their !ri(ry soci$ (e%i (r#etin+ tctics they *&ite often %on@t see the other o!!ort&nities. Here re so(e co(!e$$in+ resons to re+ister n% strt &sin+ Goo+$eQ !+e to co(!$e(ent yo&r =ce'oo# !+e? yo&r soci$ (e%i n% %i+it$ (r#etin+ cti)ities. GoogleH hangouts
Goo+$eQ hn+o&ts h)e 'een n i(!ortnt !rt of the Goo+$eQ !$tfor( since %y one. They $$o" yo& to crete on$ine (eetin+s tht re $i(ite% to 24 cti)e &sers '&t it $$o"s yo& to stre( Yo&T&'e )i%eo to n &n$i(ite% n&('er of )ie"ers. Hn+o&ts !ro)i%e "y to en++e "ith s($$ +ro&!s of c&sto(ers tht yo& (y "nt to shre i(!ortnt infor(tion n%or e%&cte. %o update filtering
Goo+$e %oesn@t nee% to (#e (oney fro( Goo+$eQ s its (jor re)en&e /o)er 94 'i$$ion0 is fro( its Goo+$e % "or%s n% serch %)ertisin+. It %oesn@t nee% to force yo& to !y to 'e )isi'$e on Goo+$eQ. =ce'oo# hs incresin+$y !!$ie% its E%+e rn# techno$o+y tht fi$ters the &!%tes tht re seen 'y !eo!$e tht h)e $i#e% yo&r 'rn%@s >=ce'oo# !+eO. So(e reserch sho"s it t $ess thn 23 n% shrin#in+. This is so they cn force yo& to s!en% to %)ertise on =ce'oo# to +et ttention. It hs 'eco(e > pay to playO Goo+$e !$&s %oes not fi$ter /censor0 yo&r &!%tes to fo$$o"ers tht re fo$$o"in+ yo&r !+e. %o ads
Point t"o $e%s to nother %)nt+e. There re no nnoyin+ %)ertise(ents on Goo+$e !$&s. No %istrctions n% no one "ntin+ to se$$ yo& "ei+ht $oss or %tin+ ser)ices. 44 | P a g e
*ocial signals
Goo+$e "nte% to enhnce its serch en+ine c!'i$ities 'y h)in+ h&(ns )ote on "ht content they $i#e%. /Tht is the Goo+$eQ '&tton0. This is no" '&i$t into Goo+$e@s serch $+orith(s to ens&re tht Goo+$e re(ins re$e)nt on the "e'. This (#es certin tht yo&r content is recei)in+ )otes /soci$ si+n$s0 "hen yo& re !rtici!tin+ on Goo+$eQ. *earch visi3ilit#
By !rtici!tin+ on Goo+$e !$&s yo& re incresin+ the )isi'i$ity of yo&r 'rn%. E)er serche% for 'rn% or '&siness n% notice% "ht co(es to the to! of the rn#in+s It is $$ the (jor soci$ net"or#s tht !!er on the first !+e. A$so "ht sho&$% 'e consi%ere% is the i(!ortnce of sec&rin+ yo&r 'rn% n(e on Goo+$eQ? "hich is n i(!ortnt !rt of '&i$%in+ yo&r on$ine %i+it$ ssets. It is the second largest social net
Goo+$e !$&s is no $on+er so(ethin+ to 'e i+nore% "ith o)er 644 (i$$ion re+istere% &sers n% o)er 934 (i$$ion cti)e (onth$y &sers. ,ny of yo&r c&sto(ers re no" on Goo+$eQ. Tht on its o"n sho&$% 'e eno&+h to (#e yo& (oti)te% to !rtici!te. Yo& %o nee% to est'$ish (r#etin+ 'echhe% on this si+nificnt !$tfor(. 'ocal marketing Goo+$e hs re(o)e% >Goo+$e P$cesO n% no" hs crete% >Goo+$eQ P$ces P+eO. This (ens tht
c&sto(ers "ho re on Goo+$eQ cn $e)e re)ie"s for yo&r '&siness there. This t&rns &! on $oc$ serch res&$ts. No" tht is so(ethin+ yo& sho&$%n@t i+nore if $oc$ $oction (r#etin+ is )it$ for yo&r reti$ store or '&siness. Integration
>coreO to its entire on$ine strte+y so it is "o)en into G(i$? the Chro(e 'ro"ser? Pics n% Yo&T&'e. This inte+rtion "i$$ $e% to (ore effecti)e (r#etin+ o)er ti(e.
Cons/ Google (lus still has Relativel# 'o< Reach
Goo+$e P$&s sti$$ ser)es (&ch s($$er (r#et thn T"itter n% =ce'oo#? n% it is not s&r!risin+ tht (ny c&sto(ers cnnot 'e reche% thro&+h Goo+$e P$&s. As s&ch? (ny !otenti$ c&sto(ers "i$$ not see or 'e intereste% in yo&r co(!ny@s Goo+$e P$&s content on yo&r '&siness !+e 'ec&se they %on@t "nt to &se Goo+$e P$&s. GoogleAs (oor *ocial Media Track Record
This is $e+iti(te ris# fctor. ,ny of Goo+$e@s !st forys into soci$ (e%i $i#e B&DD n% )e not on$y fi$e%? '&t fi$e% "ith scn%$s n% contro)ersy. There is fir (o&nt of sce!ticis( "hether or not Goo+$e P$&s is j&st nother ho&se of cr%s "itin+ to co$$!se? e)en fter se)er$ yers of o!ertion. 45 | P a g e
4. ou tu3e Yo&T&'e is )i%eo Soci$ Net"or#in+ site? n% the 7n% (ost !o!&$r serch site on the Internet fter Goo+$e? "ho o"ns Yo&T&'e. Yo&T&'e )i%eo "tchin+ is si+nificnt cti)ity on the Internet? "ith o)er 2 'i$$ion )isits to Yo&T&'e %i$y n% o)er 244 (i$$ion )i%eos "tche% %i$y. An% itFs esy for nyone "ho sees yo&r )i%eo to rte it n% shre it "ith his Soci$ Net"or#.
(ros/ -ast !udiences for #our -ideo
The s&ccess of ny '&siness %e!en% &!on its )isi'i$ity n% Yo&T&'e +i)es yo& tht )ery (&ch re*&ire% e!os&re "ith $itt$e or no effort t $$. It is j&st the (tter of se$ection of &!$o%in+ yo&r )i%eo &n%er ri+ht !$ce? &n%er ri+ht cte+ory. So it is )ery esy n% (ore $i#e$y to rech (sses "hen yo& &se Yo&T&'e for yo&r )i%eos? n% hence chnces of c$e)er )i%eo to +r' )ie"ers@ ttention n% +o )ir$? is *&ite hi+h on Yo&T&'e? "hen se$f1hoste% )i%eos/"e'sites0. Any'o%y cn e('e% )i%eos on their "e'sites? '$o+s etc. n% if +oo%? yo&r )i%eo "i$$ $so 'e !!roch'$e fro( o&tsi%e of Yo&T&'e. In cse yo& "nt yo&r )i%eo to 'e )ie"e% 'y se$ecte% n&('er of !eo!$e. Yo& cn %o tht 'y (#in+ it !ri)te. *ave Dollars
If yo& re !$nnin+ to host yo&r )i%eos on yo&r o"n )i%eo hostin+ ser)er or thin#in+ 'o&t +ettin+ $icence fro( )i%eo !$tfor( then yo& h)e to t#e in cco&nt? this etr '&r%en of %o$$rs on yo&r "$$et. Tho&+h Goo+$e %on@t !ro(ote co((erci$ )i%eo shrin+ '&t hs no" (%e n (en%(ent in the ter(s n% con%itions for sharing original contents of 3rands . It is one1ti(e in)est(ent n% yo& "o&$% 'e h!!y to &!$o% yo&r content on Yo&T&'e s yo& re sti$$ s)in+ the %%ition$ %esi+n n% f&nction$ costs. Hence? if yo& co(!re the c&rrent cost for $icences of )i%eo !$tfor( ouTu3e 3rand channel is s(rt 'et.
46 | P a g e
The ease to use it
Tho&+h "e $$ +et (oti)te% eno&+h to cross $$ h&r%$es n% %o hr% "or#? "hen "e %eci%e to %o so(e '&siness '&t "hy to choose hr%er !th "hen si(i$r res&$ts cn 'e chie)e% "ith n esy n% fir o!tion. This is the reson "hy Yo&T&'e is f)o&rite o!tion. A$$ yo& nee% is to fo$$o" so(e )ery 'sic n% si(!$e ste!s to &!$o% yo&r )i%eo/s0. Crete n cco&nt? si+n1in? &!$o% n% 'efore yo& '$in# yo& re on Yo&T&'e. Yo& cn esi$y &!$o% )i%eo )i flip video camera or #our smartphone "ithin (in&tes. In fct? if &ser is intereste% in j&st "tchin+ )i%eo no re+istrtion is re*&ire%. Yes It is s si(!$e s tht. 'inks and &e3 Traffic
Not on$y s$es '&t trffic for the )i%eo /ct&$$y "e'site0 is $so )ery i(!ortnt for ny '&siness 'se% on "e'. Yo& %on@t h)e to 'rin+ !eo!$e to )isit yo&r )i%eo inste% Yo&T&'e 'rin+s the( for yo& n% if yo& re $&c#y eno&+h n% yo&r content +o )ir$/i.e. yo&r content $i#e% 'y /e!onenti$$y incresin+0 hi+h n&('er of !eo!$e0 then if yo& re on Yo&T&'e other "e'site "i$$ e('e% yo&r )i%eo to (#e the(se$)es (ore o!ti(iDe% for serches. As (entione% er$ier ouTu3e is o
Yo&T&'e is %e%icte% "e'site fro( the "e$$1est'$ishe% +int Goo+$e? n% it hs its o"n %e%icte% ser)ers to hn%$e he$$ $o% of trffic /h&n%re%s of tho&sn%s or (i$$ions of )isitors o)er short !erio% of ti(e0. Consi%er the cse "hen yo&r )i%eo +oes )ir$ n% yo& strt +ettin+ "hoo!in+ n&('er of hits? then "i$$ rise the nee% of s&'stnti$ (o&nt of 'n%"i%th to hn%$e s&ch he)y trffic. So if yo& re not &sin+ Yo&T&'e? yo& re in tro&'$e? n% &nfort&nte$y inste% of 'ein+ h!!y yo& "o&$% 'e in !nic sit&tion %&e to the !otenti$ $o" 'n%"i%th of yo&r "e'site. f co&rse? it is "ise to &se Yo&T&'e "hen the "ho$e "or$% is intereste% in yo&r )i%eo/s0. %um3er1 length1 si7e of -ideos To%y Yo&T&'e if the "or$%@s %o(innt reso&rce n% re!ository for )i%eos n% $&c#i$y there is no $i(it on
the n&('er of )i%eos yo& cn &!$o%? "hich is not !ossi'$e if yo& re &sin+ so(e other $icence% )i%eo !$tfor(. Yo& (y sy 23 (in&tes "hich is the c&rrent $$o"e% $en+th of )i%eo is $ess for yo&r content. Is it re$$y Anythin+ effecti)e cn 'e !resente% e)en in $esser ti(e '&t if yo& thin# other"ise then $$ yo& nee% to %o is to 're# yo&r content in %ifferent )i%eos $o+ic$$y n% &!$o% the( in !rts inste% of sin+$e )i%eo. Is it not coo$ =or )i%eo? 7GB siDe is +oo% (o&nt n% it is the c&rrent siDe yo& cn &!$o% on Yo&T&'e. Bsic$$y stn%r% siDe% )i%eo "i$$ esi$y fit on Yo&T&'e. )eed3ack is Important If "e %on@t $isten to others n% n$yse their s&++estions or co((ents 'o&t o&r "or#? "e cn@t $ern n%
s&r)i)e in this co(!etiti)e en)iron(ent. Yo&T&'e $$o"s )ie"ers to !ro)i%e co((ents for the )i%eos n% hence yo& re in %irect to&ch "ith $i)e &%iences n% !otenti$ c&sto(ers. I(!ortnt$y $ the co((ents re e(i$e% to yo& n% in cse yo& "nt to %e$ete ny co((ent? yo& cn %o it esi$y.
4( | P a g e
as# navigation and supported )ormats
There re se)er$ "ys one cn serch for )i%eos on Yo&T&'e 'y #ey"or%? 'y to!ic or 'y si(!$y scnnin+ the (ost !o!&$r )i%eo@s $ist. If yo& $i#e the "or# of so(e !ro%&cer? si(!$y s&'scri'e n% no (ore serchin+ "o&$% 'e re*&ire% for tht !ro%&cer. Yo&T&'e &ses A%o'e =$sh to !$y 'c# )i%eos "hich is stn%r% for(t s&!!orte% 'y (ost 'ro"sers /IE? =irefo? Sfri? n% !er0. Yo& cn &!$o% (ost !o!&$r )i%eo for(ts .,V? .AVI? .,V? n% .,PG fi$es "hich re &to(tic$$y con)erte% to f$sh. Peo!$e cn rech Yo&T&'e )i%eos thro&+h their (o'i$e %e)ices s "e$$. Point is? "hen !o!&$r ser)ice is esy n% cn 'e co((on$y &se% then it is "ise to host yo&r )i%eos on tht "e'site.
Cons/ Concept overrides content Goo% content is not s necessry s +oo% conce!t in )i%eo1(#in+. To +et tho&sn%s of )ie"s n% %ri)e
)isitors to yo&r Yo&T&'e )i%eo? yo& h)e to inject +ret conce!t tht (#es the( $(ost for+et ho" they "ere $e% to the site. Lern ho" to re(i )i%eos n% &%ios n% crete the e$e(ent of s&r!rise. Bre# %o"n $on+ c$i!s to shorter n% 'ite1siDe% ones to !!e$ to $r+er &%ience. ,#e yo&r %s o&tri+ht n% (Din+. Yo& cn &se tit$e o!ti(iDtion 'y &sin+ intri+&in+ he%$ines tht "o&$% (#e the( "nt to fin% o&t (ore 'o&t yo&r to!ic. Reuires more attraction Users of the Internet &s&$$y j&st scn tet1'se% content to fin% the infor(tion n% +et to the core of the
content i((e%ite$y. Re$iDe tht in )i%eos? this cnnot entire$y 'e !!$ie%. Vie"ers "tch )i%eos fro( 'e+innin+ to en% n% not j&(! fro( one se+(ent to nother to fin% (enin+ in the )i%eo. Hence? the intro of yo&r )i%eo (&st 'e $$&rin+ eno&+h to +et the( contin&e "tchin+ &nti$ the en% or &nti$ yo& h)e (%e yo&r !oint +et cross. ,#e it sn!!y n% no $on+er thn three (in&tes. E$se? es!eci$$y for those "ith s$o" Internet connection n% those "ith shorter ttention s!ns? &sers "i$$ (ore $i#e$y to j&st !ress the M '&tton n% (o)e on to the net )i%eo. )resher uploaded videos result from the search hits Ty!ic$$y? in Goo+$e serches? the (ore +e% the '$o+ !ost is? the (ore it +ets 'ro&+ht &! to the to!
res&$ts !+e. This is 'ec&se the !+e hs inc&rre% (ore 'c#$in#s n% hs increse% cre%i'i$ity rte on$ine. In co(!rison? Yo&T&'e serches %on@t ct tht "y. Rther? it consi%ers the ne"est )i%eos s the to!1rte% hits. There is "ht@s c$$e% the >freshnessO fctor in e)ery )i%eo. So in or%er for yo&r )i%eos to rn# hi+h n% !ro%&ce the hono&rs? yo& (&st either res&'(it or re1&!$o% the( "hene)er yo& +ot the ti(e n% re(o)e the o$%er )i%eo. Note $so tht in Yo&T&'e? )i%eos on$y h)e she$f $ife of t"o %ys 'efore it is (o)e% o&t fro( the -i$y ,ost Vie"e% $ist to the ee#$y ,ost Vie"e%. So the #ey here is to (#e s&re tht it@s +ettin+ )ie"e% (ore n% (ore ech %y? to sty on to!. ,r#etin+ thro&+h Yo&T&'e )i%eos cn 'e one of the effecti)e "ys on ho" to t#e %)nt+e of the fct tht !eo!$e re )is&$. Vi%eos cn entertin yo&r )ie"ers or fo$$o"ers thn tet&$ content. Ho"e)er? "hen %one "ron+? they 4) | P a g e
"i$$ on$y 'e 'ore% n% (y hit on the Uns&'scri'e '&tton.
6. OD! 9Online Displa# !ds:/ Displa# advertising is ty!e of %)ertisin+ tht is $octe% on "e'sites. It cn 'e seen in "i%e rn+e of
%ifferent for(ts n% contins ite(s s&ch s tets? i(+es? f$sh? )i%eo n% &%io. The (in !&r!ose is to %e$i)er +ener$ %)ertise(ents n% 'rn% (ess+es to the !$&s 54 (i$$ion !eo!$e connecte% to the Internet ech (onth. It is i(!ortnt to choose the ri+ht for(t 'ec&se it "i$$ he$! to (#e the (ost of the (e%i&(. It is $so !ossi'$e to %% •
E!en%'$es f$sh fi$es tht e!n% "hen the &ser intercts on (o&se o)er
)er$ys %s tht !!er n% tht it is !ossi'$e to re(o)e c$ic#in+ c$ose '&tton
S!onsorshi! inc$&%in+ $o+o or %%in+ 'rn% to the %esi+n of "e' site.
To he$! to 'etter se$ectin+ the ri+ht for(t for ty!e of %? Intercti)e A%)ertisin+ B&re& hs re$iDe% -is!$y Stn%r% A% Unit Portfo$io tht "or#s s +&i%e$ine tht cn 'e fo$$o"e% 'y the creti)e.
*tandard si7e IAB hs $so crete% &ni)ers$ stn%r% for %is!$y % siDes P+e tet. There re fo&r %i(ensions tht h)e 'een %eci%e% s &ni)ers$ n% re res!ecti)e$y •
Bnner 87< ;4
Rectn+$e 996 7<4
S#yscr!er 264 644
S*&re 734 734
4* | P a g e
8. ORM 9Online Reputation Management: n$ine re!&ttion (n+e(ent coine% 'y the !&'$ic re$tion. Bsic$$y R, is !rocess inc$&%e
Un%ert#e the co(!rehensi)e reserch n% n$ysis the on$ine content. Trc# yo&r &sers@ ctions n% o!inions 'o&t 'rn%. Re%&ce yo&r ris# of fet&rin+ (on+st the ne+ti)e &ser senti(ents. Enhnce yo&r "e' !resence n% crete !ositi)e !erce!tions.
F. MMT 9Mo3ile Marketing:/ Mo3ile marketing is (r#etin+ on or "ith (o'i$e %e)ice? s&ch s s(rt !hone. ,o'i$e (r#etin+ cn
!$+&e c&sto(ers "ith ti(e n% $oction sensiti)e? !erson$iDe% infor(tion tht !ro(otes +oo%s? ser)ices n% i%es. In (ore theoretic$ (nner? c%e(ic An%res K!$n %efines (o'i$e (r#etin+ s ny (r#etin+ cti)ity con%&cte% thro&+h &'i*&ito&s net"or# to "hich cons&(ers re constnt$y connecte% &sin+ !erson$ (o'i$e %e)ice. ,o'i$e (r#etin+ )i S,S hs e!n%e% r!i%$y in E&ro!e n% Asi s ne" chnne$ to rech the cons&(er. S,S initi$$y recei)e% ne+ti)e (e%i co)er+e in (ny !rts of E&ro!e for 'ein+ ne" for( of s!( s so(e %)ertisers !&rchse% $ists n% sent &nso$icite% content to cons&(erFs !hones ho"e)er? s +&i%e$ines re !&t in !$ce 'y the (o'i$e o!ertors? S,S hs 'eco(e the (ost !o!&$r 'rnch of the ,o'i$e ,r#etin+ in%&stry "ith se)er$ 244 (i$$ion %)ertisin+ S,S sent o&t e)ery (onth.
F.0 &a#s of mo3ile marketing/ MM* ,,S (o'i$e (r#etin+ cn contin ti(e% s$i%esho" of i(+es? tet? &%io n% )i%eo. This (o'i$e content is %e$i)ere% )i ,,S /,&$ti(e%i ,ess+e Ser)ice0. Ner$y $$ ne" !hones !ro%&ce% "ith co$or screen re c!'$e of sen%in+ n% recei)in+ stn%r% ,,S (ess+e. Brn%s re '$e to 'oth sen% /(o'i$e ter(inte%0 n% recei)e /(o'i$e ori+inte%0 rich content thro&+h ,,S A7P /!!$iction1to1!erson0 (o'i$e net"or#s to (o'i$e s&'scri'ers. In so(e net"or#s? 'rn%s re $so '$e to s!onsor (ess+es tht re sent 50 | P a g e
P7P /!erson1to1!erson0. Goo% e(!$es of (o'i$e1ori+inte% ,,S (r#etin+ c(!i+ns re ,otoro$Fs on+oin+ c(!i+ns t Ho&se of B$&es )en&es? "here the 'rn% $$o"s the cons&(er to sen% their (o'i$e !hotos to the LE 'or% in re$1ti(e s "e$$ s '$o+ their i(+es on$ine.
(ush notifications P&sh notifictions "ere first intro%&ce% to s(rt!hones 'y A!!$e "ith the %)ent of the iPhone in 7448. They "ere $ter f&rther !o!&$riDe% "ith the An%roi% o!ertion$ syste(? "here the notifictions re sho"n on the to! of the screen. It hs he$!e% !!$iction o"ners to co((&nicte %irect$y "ith their en% &sers in si(!$e n% effecti)e "y. If not &se% "ise$y it cn *&ic#$y $iente &sers s it c&ses interr&!tions to their c&rrent cti)ities on the !hone. It cn 'e (&ch che!er if co(!re% to S,S (r#etin+ for the $on+ r&n? '&t it cn
Beco(e *&ite e!ensi)e on the short r&n? 'ec&se the cost in)o$)e% in !!$iction %e)e$o!(ent. nce the !!$iction is %o"n$o% n% inst$$e% !ro)i%e% the fet&re is not t&rne% off it is !rctic$$y free? 'ec&se it &ses internet 'n%"i%th on$y. S,S n% !&sh notifictions cn 'e !rt of "e$$1%e)e$o!e% in'o&n% (o'i$e (r#etin+ strte+y.
!(( Based marketing ith the incresin+$y "i%es!re% &se of s(rt!hones? !! &s+e hs $so +ret$y increse%. Therefore? (o'i$e (r#eters h)e incresin+$y t#en %)nt+e of s(rt!hone !!s s (r#etin+ reso&rce. This $$o"s for %irect en++e(ent? !y(ent? n% tr+ete% %)ertisin+. There is $ot of co(!etition in this fie$% s "e$$. Ho"e)er? j&st $i#e other ser)ices? it is not esy ny(ore to r&$e the (o'i$e !!$iction (r#et.
In game mo3ile marketing There re essenti$$y three (jor tren%s in (o'i$e +(in+ ri+ht no" intercti)e re$1ti(e 9- +(es? (ssi)e (&$ti1!$yer +(es n% soci$ net"or#in+ +(es. This (ens tren% to"r%s (ore co(!$e n% (ore so!histicte%? richer +(e !$y. n the other si%e? there re the so1c$$e% cs&$ +(es? i.e. +(es tht re )ery si(!$e n% )ery esy to !$y. ,ost (o'i$e +(es to%y re s&ch cs&$ +(es n% this "i$$ !ro''$y sty so for *&ite "hi$e to co(e. Brn%s re no" %e$i)erin+ !ro(otion$ (ess+es "ithin (o'i$e +(es or s!onsorin+ entire +(es to %ri)e cons&(er en++e(ent. This is #no"n s (o'i$e %)er+(in+ or A%1f&n%e% (o'i$e +(e. 51 | P a g e
KR codes R co%es $$o" c&sto(er to )isit "e' !+e %%ress 'y scnnin+ 7- i(+e "ith their !honeFs c(er? inste% of (n&$$y enterin+ URL. The res&$tnt URLs ty!ic$$y inc$&%e trc#in+ fet&res "hich "o&$% 'e &n"ie$%y if ty!e% 'y the c&sto(er. ri+in$$y !!ro)e% s n ISS stn%r% in 2;;8?-enso1)e first
-e)e$o!e% the stn%r% for trc#in+ &to(o'i$e !rts in J!n. R co%es h)e 'een +ro"in+ in !o!&$rity in Asi n% E&ro!e? '&t h)e 'een s$o" to 'e %o!te% in North A(eric. So(e hi+h1!rofi$e R c(!i+ns in the Unite%
Sttes h)e inc$&%e% 'i$$'or%s 'y C$)in K$ein in Ti(es
S*&re? R co%es for
e)ery SKU in Ho(e -e!ot n% Best B&y stores? n% sc)en+er h&nt !ro(otin+ Str'&c#s n% G+. A!!$e !ss 'oo# I(!$e(ente% s nti)e !! for iS6? hs e(!$oye% R co%es s one of the "ys tht the iPhone /or iPo% To&ch0 &sers cn t#e re$ "or$% ction. I.e. scn the Brco%e on their Pss'oo# Pss. In %%ition to R co%es? the Pss'oo# /!!$iction0 $so s&!!orts P-=528 n% ADtec 7- Brco%es.
Bluetooth The rise of B$&etooth strte% ro&n% 7449 n% fe" co(!nies in E&ro!e h)e strte% est'$ishin+ s&ccessf&$ '&sinesses. ,ost of these '&sinesses offer hots!ot syste(s "hich consist of so(e #in% of content1(n+e(ent syste( "ith B$&etooth %istri'&tion f&nction. This techno$o+y hs the %)nt+es tht it is !er(ission1'se%? hs hi+her trnsfer s!ee%s n% is $so r%io1'se% techno$o+y n% cn therefore not 'e 'i$$e% /i.e. is free of chr+e0. The $i#e$y er$iest %e)ice '&i$t for (o'i$e (r#etin+ )i B$&etooth "s the contet t+ of the A('ie Sense !roject /7442174450. ,ore recent$y Tt ,otors con%&cte% one of the 'i++est B$&etooth (r#etin+ c(!i+ns in In%i for its 'rn% the S&(o Grn%e n% (ore of s&ch cti)ities h)e h!!ene% for 'rn%s $i#e $t -isney !ro(otin+ their (o)ie FHi+h Schoo$ ,&sic$F.
(ro@imit# s#stems 52 | P a g e
,o'i$e (r#etin+ )i !roi(ity syste(s? or !roi(ity (r#etin+? re$ies on GS, 49.52 "hich %efines the Short ,ess+e Ser)ice 1 Ce$$ Bro%cst. S,S1CB $$o"s (ess+es /s&ch s %)ertisin+ or !&'$ic infor(tion0 to 'e 'ro%cst to $$ (o'i$e &sers in s!ecifie% +eo+r!hic$ re. In the Phi$i!!ines? GS,1 'se% !roi(ity 'ro%cst syste(s re &se% 'y se$ect Go)ern(ent A+encies for infor(tion %isse(intion on Go)ern(ent1r&n co((&nity1'se% !ro+r(s to t#e %)nt+e of its rech n% !o!&$rity /Phi$i!!ines hs the "or$%Fs hi+hest trffic of S,S0. It is $so &se% for co((erci$ ser)ice #no"n s Proi( S,S. B$&e"ter? s&!er1re+ion$ sho!!in+ Centre in the UK? hs GS, 'se% syste( s&!!$ie% 'y NTL to he$! its GS, co)er+e for c$$s? it $so $$o"s ech c&sto(er "ith (o'i$e !hone to 'e trc#e% tho&+h the Centre "hich sho!s they +o into n% for ho" $on+. The syste( en'$es s!eci$ offer tets to 'e sent to the !hone. =or e(!$e? reti$er co&$% sen% (o'i$e tet (ess+e to those c&sto(ers in their %t'se "ho h)e o!te%1in? "ho h!!en to 'e "$#in+ in ($$. Tht (ess+e co&$% sy S)e 34 in the net 3 (in&tes on$y "hen yo& !&rchse fro( o&r store. Snc#s co(!ny? ,on%e$eD Interntion$? (#ers of C%'&ry n% reo !ro%&cts hs co((itte% to e!$orin+ !roi(ity1'se% (ess+in+ citin+ si+nificnt +ins in !oint1of1 !&rchse inf$&ence.
'ocation Based services Loction1'se% ser)ices /LBS0 re offere% 'y so(e ce$$ !hone net"or#s s "y to sen% c&sto( %)ertisin+ n% other infor(tion to ce$$1!hone s&'scri'ers 'se% on their c&rrent $oction. The ce$$1!hone ser)ice !ro)i%er +ets the $oction fro( GPS chi! '&i$t into the !hone? or &sin+ r%io$oction n% tri$tertion 'se% on the si+n$1stren+th of the c$osest ce$$1!hone to"ers /for !hones "itho&t GPS fet&res0. In the Unite% Kin+%o(? "hich $&nche% $oction1'se% ser)ices in 7449? net"or#s %o not &se tri$tertion LBS ser)ices &se sin+$e 'se sttion? "ith Fr%i&sF of incc&rcy? to %eter(ine !honeFs $oction.So(e $oction1'se% ser)ices "or# "itho&t GPS trc#in+ techni*&e? inste% trns(ittin+ content 'et"een %e)ices !eer1to1!eer .
,ser controlled media ,o'i$e (r#etin+ %iffers fro( (ost other for(s of (r#etin+ co((&niction in tht it is often &ser /cons&(er0 initite% /(o'i$e ori+inte%? or ,0 (ess+e? n% re*&ires the e!ress consent of the cons&(er to recei)e f&t&re co((&nictions. A c$$ %e$i)ere% fro( ser)er /'&siness0 to &ser /cons&(er0 is c$$e% (o'i$e ter(inte% /,T0 (ess+e. This infrstr&ct&re !oints to tren% set 'y (o'i$e (r#etin+ of cons&(er contro$$e% (r#etin+ co((&nictions. -&e to the %e(n%s for (ore &ser contro$$e% (e%i? (o'i$e (ess+in+ infrstr&ct&re !ro)i%ers h)e res!on%e% 'y %e)e$o!in+ rchitect&res tht offer !!$ictions to o!ertors "ith (ore free%o( for the &sers? s o!!ose% to the net"or#1contro$$e% (e%i. A$on+ "ith these %)nces to &ser1contro$$e%,o'i$e ,ess+in+ 7.4? '$o+ e)ents thro&+ho&t the "or$% h)e 'een i(!$e(ente% in or%er to $&nch !o!&$rity in the $test %)nces in (o'i$e techno$o+y. In J&ne 7448? Air "i%e So$&tions 'ec(e the offici$ s!onsor for the 5' | P a g e
,o'i$e ,ess+in+ 7.4 '$o+ tht !ro)i%es the o!inions of (ny thro&+h the %isc&ssion of (o'i$ity "ith free%o(. GPS !$ys n i(!ortnt ro$e in $oction1'se% (r#etin+.
. MT 9mail Marketing: mail marketing is %irect$y (r#etin+ co((erci$ (ess+e to +ro&! of !eo!$e &sin+ e(i$. In its
'ro%est sense? e)ery e(i$ sent to !otenti$ or c&rrent c&sto(er co&$% 'e consi%ere% e(i$ (r#etin+. It &s&$$y in)o$)es &sin+ e(i$ to sen% %s? re*&est '&siness? or so$icit s$es or %ontions? n% is (ent to '&i$% $oy$ty? tr&st? or 'rn% "reness. E(i$ (r#etin+ cn 'e %one to either so$% $ists or c&rrent c&sto(er %t'se. Bro%$y? the ter( is &s&$$y &se% to refer to sen%in+ e(i$ (ess+es "ith the !&r!ose of enhncin+ the re$tionshi! of (erchnt "ith its c&rrent or !re)io&s c&sto(ers? to enco&r+e c&sto(er $oy$ty n% re!et '&siness? c*&irin+ ne" c&sto(ers or con)incin+ c&rrent c&sto(ers to !&rchse so(ethin+ i((e%ite$y? n% %%in+ %)ertise(ents to e(i$ (ess+es sent 'y other co(!nies to their c&sto(ers.
T#pes of email marketing E(i$ (r#etin+ cn 'e crrie% o&t thro&+h %ifferent ty!es of e(i$s
Transactional emails/ Trnsction$ e(i$s re &s&$$y tri++ere% 'se% on c&sto(er@s ction "ith co(!ny. To 'e *&$ifie% s trnsction$ or re$tionshi! (ess+es? these co((&nictionsF !ri(ry !&r!ose (&st 'e to fci$itte? co(!$ete? or confir( co((erci$ trnsction tht the reci!ient hs !re)io&s$y +ree% to enter into "ith the Sen%er? $on+ "ith fe" other nrro" %efinitions of trnsction$ (ess+in+. Tri++ere% trnsction$ (ess+es inc$&%e %ro!!e% 's#et (ess+es? !ss"or% reset e(i$s? !&rchse or or%er confir(tion e(i$s? or%er stt&s e(i$s? reor%er e(i$s n% e(i$ recei!ts. The !ri(ry !&r!ose of trnsction$ e(i$ is to con)ey infor(tion re+r%in+ the ction tht tri++ere% it. B&t? %&e to its hi+h o!en rtes /32.9 co(!re% to 96.6 for e(i$ ne"s$etters0? trnsction$ e(i$s re n o!!ort&nity to en++e c&sto(ers to intro%&ce or eten% the e(i$ re$tionshi! "ith c&sto(ers or s&'scri'ers? to ntici!te n% ns"er *&estions or to cross1se$$ or &!1se$$ !ro%&cts or ser)ices. ,ny e(i$ ne"s$etter soft"re )en%ors offer trnsction$ e(i$ s&!!ort? "hich +i)es co(!nies the 'i$ity to inc$&%e !ro(otion$ (ess+es "ithin the 'o%y of trnsction$ e(i$s. There re $so soft"re )en%ors tht offer s!eci$iDe% trnsction$ e(i$ (r#etin+ ser)ices? "hich inc$&%e !ro)i%in+ tr+ete% n% !erson$iDe% trnsction$ e(i$ (ess+es n% r&nnin+ s!ecific (r#etin+ c(!i+ns /s&ch sc&sto(er referr$ !ro+r(s0.
54 | P a g e
Direct emails/ -irect e(i$ or interr&!tion 'se% (r#etin+ in)o$)es sen%in+ n e(i$ so$e$y to co((&nicte !ro(otion$ (ess+e /for e(!$e? n nno&nce(ent of s!eci$ offer or ct$o+ of !ro%&cts0. Co(!nies &s&$$y co$$ect $ist of c&sto(er or !ros!ect e(i$ %%resses to sen% %irect !ro(otion$ (ess+es to? or they cn $so rent $ist of e(i$ %%resses fro( ser)ice co(!nies? '&t sfe (i$ (r#etin+ is $so &se%.
!IDM! and !I*!* I% DIGIT!' R! AI-,A "i%e$y cce!te% (o%e$ %escri'in+ the !sycho$o+ic$ !rocess $e%in+ &! to the cons&(er@s %ecision to !&rchse !ro%&ct. This (o%e$ is si(i$r to AI-A (o%e$. The AI-,A ,o%e$ "s first %)octe% 'y Ro$n% H$$? n A(ericn econo(ist? ro&n% 2;74. Accor%in+ to this (o%e$? there re fi)e #ey !rocesses Attention? in "hich the cons&(er first notices the !ro%&ct or %)ertise(ent? fo$$o"e% 'y Interest? -esire? ,e(ory? n% Action. This (o%e$ hs 'een &se% etensi)e$y in the %)ertisin+ n% (r#etin+ in%&stries.
55 | P a g e
Attracti on
!I*!* is !rocess (o%e$ of cons&(ers !&rchsin+ cti)ities in the Internet +e. AISAS is cons&(!tion
'eh)io&r (o%e$ tht hs 'een %)octe% 'y -ents& since 7445. It "s %e)e$o!e% to o'ser)e 'eh)io&rs 'se% on the &n%erstn%in+ tht the Internet hs 'eco(e !re)$ent? n% tht cons&(ers no" h)e ccess to en)iron(ents in "hich they cn o'tin n% trns(it infor(tion the(se$)es. In this (o%e$? the #ey !rocesses re Attention? in "hich the cons&(er first notices the !ro%&ct or %)ertise(ent? fo$$o"e% 'y Interest. After this? the cons&(er Serches for infor(tion? n% then (#es !&rchse /Action0? fter "hich infor(tion is shre% "ith others. In co(!rison to >AI-,A?O the !sycho$o+ic$ !rocess hs 'eco(e (ore co(!ct? n% the Action !rocess hs e!n%e%.
Attracti on
These chn+es re sho"n ho" !resences in %i+it$ re i(!ortnt for 'rn%s. Brn%s cn '$e to crete "reness n% internet "itho&t %i+it$. B&t it "i$$ not $e% to ction in c&rrent scenrio. C&sto(ers nee% (ore infor(tion in !resent er they re infor(tion see#er n% $"ys serch for 'est %e$. Brn%s cn@t s&stin "itho&t %i+it$ (e%i.
!dvantages of Digital Marketing -i+it$ A%)ertisin+ is incresin+$y n inherent '&%+etry co(!onent of (ny or+niDtions to%y. r+niDtions of $$ siDes &se the (e%i&( to !ro(ote their !ro%&cts n% ser)ices. So "e$$? "hy %o so (ny or+niDtions &se the (e%i&( Si(!$y !&t? it is %&e to the n&(ero&s %)nt+es tht on$ine %)ertisin+ offers. These re %isc&sse% in the !r+r!hs he%. Reach
The 'i$ity of the on$ine (e%i&( to tr+et certin %e(o+r!hic of &sers is one of the +retest %)nt+es of %i+it$ %)ertisin+. In %%ition? the +eo+r!hic$ rech of the on$ine (e%i&( is fr +reter thn tht of tr%ition$ (e%i. It@s not on$y cost effecti)e to chie)e "i%er +eo+r!hic re '&t the %s cn $so 'e tr+ete% to the %esire% &%ience. =or e(!$e? if n %)ertiser is #een on se$$in+ his or her !ro%&cts tr+ete% to certin %e(o+r!hic of !eo!$e? it is *&ite !ossi'$e thro&+h on$ine %)ertisin+. -i+it$ %)ertisin+ hs (t&re% to the etent tht "e' !&'$ishers? (e%i +encies n% %)ertisers the(se$)es #no" the o!ti($ "ys 56 | P a g e
n% "e'sites for certin cte+ory of !ro%&cts or ser)ices. Measurement
ith )rio&s too$s 'eco(in+ )i$'$e? trc#in+ effecti)eness of % c(!i+ns is 'eco(in+ !ossi'$e to%y. In other "or%s? (es&rin+ Ret&rn of In)est(ent /RI0 is incresin+$y !ossi'$e to%y. r+niDtions tht "ere !re)io&s$y re$&ctnt to s!en% on$ine? no" re$iDe tht the on$ine (e%i&( %oes offer (ens to $$e)ite ny s&ch fers. ,oreo)er? "hen !ro!er$y %esi+ne% on$ine (r#etin+ c(!i+ns +enerte the %esire% res&$ts? %)ertisers re f&rther enco&r+e% to contin&e %)ertisin+ on$ine. Interactive and ngagement
The Internet is r+&'$y the (ost intercti)e n% en++in+ (e%i&( (on+ )rio&s others. Intercti)e c(!i+ns h)e 'eco(e nor( "ith the !o"er of the on$ine (e%i&(. ne s&ch %)ertise(ent "orth (entionin+ is the c(!i+n 'y AME "here the en% &ser co&$% $ter the s(i$e of "o(n s heshe $i#e% to i.e. in n intercti)e fr(e"or#. The %)ertise(ent str&c# n instnt chor% "ith the yo&th to "hich AME the 'rn% is !ositione% for C&sto(ers re 'sic$$y j&st c$ic# "y fro( the %)ertisers. In other "or%s? %irect res!onse 'et"een en% &sers n% %)ertisers is !ossi'$e thro&+h the on$ine (e%i&(. Time
Thro&+h the Internet? n %)ertiser cn rech %esire% tr+et +ro&! or %e(o+r!hic in (&ch shorter ti(e fr(e. =or e(!$e? if n %)ertiser nee%s to !$n so(e sort of ('&sh (r#etin+? the on$ine (e%i&( cn 'e n effecti)e (ens of chie)in+ it. E)en other"ise i.e. for re+&$r (r#etin+ c(!i+ns? the tot$ ti(e necessry to co(!$ete n on$ine %)ertisin+ c(!i+n is $ess thn tht of tr%ition$ %)ertisin+ (etho%s. Cost
hen co(!re% to tr%ition$ for(s of %)ertisin+? %i+it$ %)ertisin+ is che!er. Vrio&s !y(ent (o%e$s re )i$'$e 'et"een the %)ertisers n% !&'$ishers. ,ny ti(e? %)ertisers re chr+e% on$y "hen )isitors c$ic# on their %s. The )rio&s !y(ent (o%e$s re %isc&sse% in %eti$ in the net section.
.0 Monetar# term in Digital Marketing
Cost L(er5 !ction 9C(!: Cost of %)ertisin+ 'se% on )isitor t#in+ so(e s!ecific$$y %efine%
ction in res!onse to n %. >ActionO inc$&%e s&ch thin+ s s$e? trnsction? c&sto(er c*&isition or c$ic#.
Cost5 (er 5Click 9C(C: Cost of %)ertisin+ 'se% on the n&('er of c$ic#s recei)e%.
Cost5 (er5Thousand 9C(M:/ The stn%r% &nit for '&yin+ or se$$in+ Internet %)ertisin+. The
tho&sn% stn%s for tho&sn% %)ertisin+ i(!ression or )ie"s@.
(a#5 (er5 Impression n$ine %)ertisin+ "here n %)ertiser !ys !re1+ree% !rice ech ti(e
&ser c$ic#s on their %)ertise(ent. The cost for the c$ic# is often ne+otite% thro&+h &ction? "ith % !$ce(ent %eter(ine% 'y the re$ti)e siDe of the 'i%? s "e$$ s other fctors.
(a#5(er5Inclusion Serch en+ine (r#etin+ !ro+r(s tht +&rntee "e' site $istin+ for s!ecific
5( | P a g e
#ey"or% serch ter( for fee.
(a#5(er5'ead Pyin+ to c*&ire $e%s fro( n o&tsi%e !rty t set rte or (o&nt !er $e%.
Chapter F
Impact on Revenue Generation 5) | P a g e
IM(!CT O) DIGIT!' M!R$TI%G O% R-%, G%R!TIO% -i+it$ (r#etin+ is ne" tren% in (r#etin+? &n$i#e tr%ition$ (r#etin+ (ost of co(!nies not &se their o"n (r#etin+ chnne$s for %i+it$ (r#etin+ (ost$y it cn 'e o&tso&rce% to thir% !rties $i#e %i+it$ (r#etin+ +encies $i#e EStreet cons&$tncy $t%. Co(!nies $i#e EStreet +enertin+ re)en&e &sin+ %i+it$ (r#etin+ it hs +ret i(!ct on re)en&e (o%e$ of these co(!nies. Sen%in+@s of )rio&s co(!nies on %i+it$ (r#etin+ is re)en&e for %i+it$ (r#etin+ +encies $i#e EStreet.
F.0 Digital agencies/ t#pes and services -i+it$ +encies re s )rie% s the nee%s of the %)ertisers n% (r#eters "ho hire the(. At the hi+h en%? for +$o'$ enter!rises? re the +ency ho$%in+ co(!nies "ith h&n%re%s of f&$$1ser)ice %i+it$ +encies ro&n% the "or$%. There re $so 'o&ti*&e n% s!eci$ty +encies tht !ro)i%e chnne$1s!ecific %i+it$ (r#etin+ ser)ices s&ch s (o'i$e (ess+in+ !ro+r(s? soci$ (e%i (r#etin+? or SE $in#1'&i$%in+ c(!i+ns. An% there re +encies tht foc&s on strte+y n% !rofession$ ser)ices? s&ch s 'rn%in+ or "e' %esi+n. Li#e ny or+niDtion? ech ty!e of +ency hs its o"n stren+ths? "e#nesses? n% c&$t&re. -i+it$ +encies $so cn 'e %ifferentite% 'y their foc&s on !rofession$ ser)ices )ers&s !ro!rietry techno$o+y !$tfor(s. A+encies tht e(!hsiDe their !rofession$ ser)ices c!'i$ities reco((en% n% &se thir%1!rty techno$o+y s&ch s PPC c(!i+n (n+e(ent !$tfor(s? SE too$s? n% soci$ (e%i (n+e(ent !$tfor(s to (n+e their c$ients@ %t n% %i+it$ c(!i+ns. These +encies )ie" their ro$e s strte+ists tht cn n$yse n% inter!ret %t to !ro)i%e ction'$e res&$ts n% chie)e their c$ients@ +o$s.A+encies tht %e)e$o! n% offer !ro!rietry too$s )ie" their !$tfor(s s co(!etiti)e %)nt+e o)er thir%1!rty too$sets tht re "i%e$y )i$'$e. The !$ethor of %i+it$ chnne$s hs $eft (ny %)ertisers %ro"nin+ in %t. By !ro)i%in+ techno$o+y !$tfor(s tht re '&i$t n% c&sto(iDe% to c$ient nee%s? these +encies 'e$ie)e they re !ro)i%in+ &ni*&e n% critic$ &to(tion too$s tht co$$ect? n$yse? n% o!ti(iDe %t for their c$ients.
F.2 The Benefits of
-i)ersity of c!'i$ities fro( co1o"ne% (e%i !ro!erties.
B&i$t1in sister +ency re$tionshi!s n% !riority referr$s.
In1net"or# efficiencies.
or#in+ "ith s!eci$ty or 'o&ti*&e +ency offers &ni*&e 'enefits s "e$$? inc$&%in+ •
,ore +rn&$r chnne$ strte+y n% tctic$ e!ertise.
5* | P a g e
C$ient ccess to +ency %ecision (#ers n% to! !ersonne$.
Lo"er s!en%in+ (ini(&(s
Vrio&s s&r)eys sho"in+ tht s!en%in+ of co(!nies on %i+it$ (r#etin+ is incresin+ e)ery yer? here is s&r)ey sys
F.4. Gartner *urve# Reveals Digital Marketing Budgets &ill Increase 3# 0? (ercent in 2?0 -i+it$ (r#etin+ '&%+ets "i$$ rise 'y 24 !ercent in 742 fo$$o"in+ %o&'$e %i+it !ercent+e increse in 7423? ccor%in+ to s&r)ey of (r#etin+ eec&ti)es 'y Grtner? Inc. The s&r)ey fo&n% tht? on )er+e? co(!nies s!ent 24.8 !ercent of their nn&$ 7423 re)en&e on o)er$$ (r#etin+ cti)ities? "ith %i+it$ (r#etin+ s!en%in+ )er+in+ 9.2 !ercent of re)en&e. These fin%in+s re inc$&%e% in GrtnerFs -i+it$ ,r#etin+ S!en%in+ re!ort tht is 'se% on s&r)ey of 7<3 in%i)i%&$s '&t ns"erin+ (in$y for their entire or+niDtion. Res!on%ents re!resent or+niDtions "ith (ore thn 344 (i$$ion in nn&$ re)en&e /)er+e re)en&e 5.5 'i$$ion0 cross ei+ht in%&stries finnci$ ser)ices n% ins&rnce? hi+h1tech? co((&nictions? (n&fct&rin+? (e%i? reti$? +o)ern(ent n% he$thcre. The s&r)ey too# !$ce fro( J&$y thro&+h Se!te('er 7423. The re!ort e(ines ho" (r#eters re $$octin+ their '&%+ets? "ht cti)ities re contri'&tin+ to (r#etin+ s&ccess n% other fctors. ,r#etin+ $e%ers re sec&rin+ 'i++er '&%+ets to %efine (r#ets? %e)e$o! offerin+s? n% ttrct? c*&ire n% retin c&sto(ers? si% Y)onne Geno)ese? (n+in+ )ice !resi%ent t Grtner. -i+it$ (r#etin+ is t#in+ n incresin+ shre of the (r#etin+ '&%+et "ith nn&$ %i+it$ (r#etin+ o!ertin+ '&%+ets tot$in+ 9.2 !ercent of co(!nyFs re)en&e in 7429? s co(!re% "ith 7.6 !ercent in 7425? re!resentin+ 74 !ercent increse. E$e)en !ercent of res!on%ents si% they s!ent (ore thn h$f of their (r#etin+ '&%+ets on %i+it$ cti)ities in 7429 co(!re% "ith on$y 9.4 !ercent in 7425. -i+it$ (r#etin+ re!resente% n )er+e of 7<.3 !ercent of the tot$ (r#etin+ '&%+et in 7429? s co(!re% "ith 73.3 !ercent in 7425. A f&rther s&r)ey fin%in+ "s tht 88 !ercent of co(!nies h)e chief c&sto(er officer /CC0 or the e*&i)$ent. C&sto(er to&ch !oints inc$&%e "e'sites? (o'i$e !!s? soci$ !rofi$es? %irectory $istin+s? on1site serch? e(i$ interctions? co((&nities? c$$ center n% (ore hence? the incresin+ !o!&$rity of the ro$e of the chief c&sto(er officer to he$! +&i%e the c&sto(er ri+ht thro&+h the '&yin+ cyc$e n% 'eyon%. Ei+hty1one !ercent of or+niDtions "ere $so fo&n% to h)e chief (r#etin+ techno$o+ist in 7423? &! fro( 84 !ercent in 7425.
60 | P a g e
hen it co(es to '&%+et $$oction? (r#etin+ $e%ers s&!!ort %i)erse? n% incresin+$y co(!$e? (r#etin+ (i. The s&r)ey fo&n% tht 27.7 !ercent the 'i++est shre of their %i+it$ (r#etin+ '&%+et "s $$octe% to %i+it$ %)ertisin+ in 7423? j&st s in 7425. Ho"e)er? (r#eters contin&e to "rest$e "ith %i+it$ %)ertisin+Fs effecti)eness. In%&stry ssocitions? %)ertisin+ +encies? (e%i? techno$o+y? n% (etrics !ro)i%ers n% 'rn% %)ertisers re $$ "or#in+ to %%ress this concern 'y i(!ro)in+ ttri'&tion (o%e$s n% crc#in+ %o"n on !hony e' trffic. -esi+n? %e)e$o!(ent n% (intennce of the cor!orte "e'site cco&nt for the secon%1$r+est shre of %i+it$ (r#etin+ '&%+ets s the increse of in'o&n% (r#etin+ chnne$s s&ch s soci$ net"or#s? c&sto(er for&(s n% the '$o+os!here cretes (ore trffic on the cor!orte "e'site. -i+it$ co((erce? soci$ (r#etin+ n% (o'i$e (r#etin+ three cti)ities tht incresin+$y o)er$! re c$ose$y tie% for the thir%1$r+est shre of %i+it$ (r#etin+ '&%+ets. In 7425? (r#eters !$n to (#e $on+ o)er%&e e!en%it&res for (o'i$e (r#etin+ too$s n% techni*&es. This s&r)ey re!ort sho"s (r#et shre of %i+it$ (r#etin+ '&%+et in (r#etin+ '&%+et incresin+ e)ery yer? "e cn (#e (oney 'y &ti$iDin+ the nee% of %i+it$ (r#etin+. By strtin+ %i+it$ +ency? yo& cn +enerte $r+e (o&nt of re)en&e "ith $ess (o&nt of in)est(ent. EStreet $so %i% the s(e? CE A%)it Sh%e) i%entifie% the o!!ort&nity n% strte% EStreet "hich stn%s on$ine %i+it$ (r#etin+ cons&$tncy "hich f&$fi$$ %i+it$ (r#etin+ nee%s of )rio&s co(!nies they chr+e s !er their !erfor(nce n% 'se% on fee str&ct&res s I (entione% 'o)e.
F.6 Digital agenc# fee structures A+ency free str&ct&res )ry "i%e$y? e)en "ithin c$ient cco&nts. It is not &nco((on for c$ient to co(!enste their +ency &sin+ %ifferent fee str&ct&res for %ifferent ty!es of (e%i c(!i+ns. =or e(!$e? co((on +ency fee (o%e$ for !i% (e%i "or# is !ercent+e of s!en%. Ty!ic$$y? n +ency "i$$ 'e !i% 24174 of c$ient@s %i+it$ (e%i s!en% on !i% serch or %is!$y %)ertisin+ c(!i+ns. S($$er c$ients (y !y hi+her !ercent+e? "hi$e enter!rise c$ients (y !y s($$er !ercent+e %&e to the $r+er %o$$r )o$&(e of their cco&nts. Gener$$y %i+it$ +encies $i#e EStreet chr+e their c$ients for (intinin+ their %i+it$ !resence this is ho" they (#e (oney? necessity of %i+it$ !resence for co(!nies $et the %i+it$ +encies to (#e (oney. -ifferent sorts of +encies %)ertisin+ +encies &se %ifferent (o%e$s.
Methods of Charging Clients 0. (ro"ect 3ased clients/ ften &se% for s($$er +encies? s($$er 'rn%s n% ty!ic$$y for +encies tht %o one s!ecific !rt of the (i? e.+. A %i+it$ +ency. B&t e)en $r+e +ency "o&$% h)e so(e c$ients on this 'sis. Nor($$y there "o&$% 'e Sco!e of or#? this "o&$% co(e "ith n esti(te to %o tht one set jo'. This esti(te "o&$% 61 | P a g e
nor($$y 'e 'se% on the !eo!$e? ho" (ny ho&rs they "or#? n% "ht their ho&r$y rte is. B&t there "o&$% $i#e 'e
So(e !ss thro&+h costs for !hysic$ +oo%s? for ser)ices fro( other co(!nies etc. The !rofit the +ency (#es co(es entire$y fro( the +! 'et"een the ho&r$y rtes of "ht they !y !eo!$e.
2. Retained agencies/ So(eti(es there is fee 'se% on !ercent+e of (e%i s!en%? '&t this is $r+e$y %yin+. So(eti(es itFs !roject te(? "here yo& '&y certin n&('er of !eo!$e? certin !ercent+e of their ti(e? for *&rter or yer. These ho&r$y rtes "or# the s(e "y s the te( for the S 'o)e. So(eti(es there is n (o&nt of (oney !&t si%e for ti(e n% costs n% the A+ency (n+es this ti(e n% cost to ser)e the c$ient. A sort of !y s yo& +o (o%e$. ith $$ of the 'o)e? there is n incresin+ (o)e to"r%s !y for !erfor(nce. So itFs $i#e$y tht ny of the sorts of +ree(ents in retine% str&ct&re? "i$$ $$o"for 'on&s to 'e &n$oc#e%. This co&$% co(e %o"n to s$es res&$ts? 'rn% )$&e? stisfction $e)e$s? or other criteri? n% often (it&re of the(. •
=ee1'se% or retiner1'se% (o%e$s re *&ic#$y +inin+ trction? (ost often t the e!ense of co((ission1'se% co(!enstion (on+ $r+e 'rn%s n% their +encies. The Assocition of Ntion$ A%)ertisers@ 7429 Tren%s in A+ency Co(!enstion S&r)ey fo&n% tht fee1'se% +ree(ents h)e +ro"n to <2 of $$ co(!enstion +ree(ents? "hi$e co((ission1'se% co(!enstion hs f$$en to j&st 3 of $$ co(!enstion +ree(ents. The t"o co(!enstion (o%e$s h)e 'een on o!!osite trjectories since 2;;5? ccor%in+ to the ANA s&r)ey? "hen co((ission1'se% (o%e$s re!resente% 62 of $$ +ree(ents? n% fee1'se% (o%e$s cco&nte% for 93 of +ency co(!enstion +ree(ents.
=ee1'se% (o%e$s h)e 'eco(e (ore ttrcti)e 'ec&se they !ro)i%e !re%ict'$e e!enses for (r#eters n% %)ertisers? !rtic&$r$y on $on+1ter( cco&nts tht re*&ire on+oin+ (intennce? s&ch s (onitorin+ SE rn#in+s or soci$ (e%i content. Retiners (y $so enco&r+e +encies to test ne" c(!i+n strte+ies n% tctics? #no"in+ tht they "i$$ 'e co(!enste% for their ti(e re+r%$ess of res&$ts.
-i+it$ (r#etin+ '&%+ets tot$ 7.3 of re)en&e n% "i$$ increse ; this yer. ,r#etin+ $e%ers h)e sec&re% 'i++er '&%+ets to %efine (r#ets n% ttrct? c*&ire n% retin c&sto(ers. Yet? increse% f&n%in+ is %o&'$e1e%+e% s"or%. It 'rin+s ne" o!!ort&nities '&t !&ts (ore !ress&re on (r#eters to %e$i)er n% !ro)e ret&rn on the in)est(ents.
62 | P a g e
Research Methodolog# Data !nal#sis
6' | P a g e
O3"ectives of the stud# The %i+it$ $n%sc!e is (o)in+ t $i+htnin+ fst !ce. E)ery in%&stry hs 'een ffecte% 'y the %)nces in %i+it$. -i+it$ (r#etin+ is n essenti$ !rt of this for co(!nies "ho "nt to &ti$ise the !o"er of the internet in or%er to 'oost '&siness. The tre(en%o&s sco!e of Internet ,r#etin+ in In%i? "e h)e to &n%erstn% tht (r#etin+ thro&+h the internet cn 'e n entire$y %ifferent '$$ +(e. In fct? it is !otent co('intion of techno$o+y n% (r#etin+ c&(en. The ,in o'jecti)e of the st&%y "s to 2. To &n%erstn% the %i+it$ (r#etin+ (o%e$s. 7. To &n%erstn% (r#etin+ effecti)eness. 9. To &n%erstn% ho" %i+it$ (r#etin+ c(!i+nFs t#es !$ce. 5. To &n%erstn% ho" %i+it$ (r#etin+ +encies "or#s n% +enertin+ re)en&e. 3. To &n%erstn% ho" %i+it$ (r#etin+ hs i(!ct on re)en&e +enertion.
R*!RC= MT=ODO'OG The reserch %esi+n n% (etho%o$o+y is !resente% s fo$$o"s
2.0 Data collection / The ts# of %t co$$ection 'e+ins fter reserch !ro'$e( hs 'een %efine% n% reserch %esi+n hs 'een ch$#e% o&t. hi$e %eci%in+ 'o&t the (etho% of %t co$$ection to 'e &se% for the st&%y? the reserch sho&$% #ee! in (in% t"o ty!es of %t )iD. Pri(ry n% Secon%ry.
2.2 *ources of data 0 Pri(ry -t. '0 Secon%ry -t.
2.2.0 (rimar# data/ The o'ser)tion (etho% is the (ost co((on$y &se% (etho%. -t !ertinin+ to %i+it$ (r#etin+ !rocess n% (ost of infor(tion is co$$ecte% fro( !roject +&i%e in the co(!ny. &estionnire (etho% is $so )ery "i%e$y &se% in or%er to +i)e str&ct&re to the entire st&%y.
64 | P a g e
2.2.2 *econdar# data/ Secon%ry %t is co$$ecte% fro( $re%y eistin+ so&rces in )rio&s or+niDtion 'rochers : recor%s. Secon%ry %t for the st&%y "ere co$$ecte% fro( the (+Dines? "e'sites : other !re)io&s st&%ies. To (eet the o'jecti)es? the st&%y &se% *&$itti)e reserch. The %escri!ti)e st&%y "s %one thro&+h re)ie" of eistin+ $itert&re tht he$!e% in )$i%tion n% etrction of the i(!ortnt )ri'$es n% fctors. -t "s co$$ecte% fro( secon%ry so&rces. Secon%ry so&rces "ere (+Dines? "e'sites? 'oo#s? office eec&ti)es? n% co(!ny %t.
R*!RC= (ROB'M* Technical !spects of pro3lem/ • • • •
=in%in+ the on$ine !resence of the c$ient. Un%erstn%in+ "hy it is so "e#. I%entifyin+ "ht so$&tions "o&$% 'e 'etter for !rtic&$r c$ient. Ho" to i(!ro)e their !resence? etc.
Managerial !spect of the pro3lem • • •
To %efine ST for the c$ient. To %efine their re*&ire(ents n% the corres!on%in+ so$&tions. To %efine the +! n$ysis for the c$ient.
Business !spect of the pro3lem/ • • •
To fin% 'etter '&siness o!!ort&nity for R. To reso$)e the c$ient@s !ro'$e( in ter(s of RI. Co(!etiti)e 'enefits n% 'ets !ricin+ offerin+.
65 | P a g e
D!T! !%!'*I*/ 2. Ho" %o yo& +et infor(tion 'o&t ne" Pro%&cts Other Sources
S(!$es sho"in+ tht 54 of !eo!$e +et to #no" 'o&t ne" !ro%&cts thro&+h %)ertise(ents n% fo$$o"e% 'y frien%s (ens reference +ro&!.
7. -o yo& Co$$ect infor(tion 'efore !&rchsin+ the !ro%&cts
3 Yes No
S&r)ey res&$ts sho"in+ tht ;3 of !eo!$e co$$ect infor(tion 'efore !&rchsin+ the !ro%&cts. n$y fe" !eo!$e %on@t 'other 'o&t info 'efore !&rchsin+ !ro%&ct.
9. ht ty!e of infor(tion %o yo& co$$ect C&sto(erFs E!erience &ntity Attri'&tes &$ity Price
72 22 24 97 76
S&r)ey res&$ts sho"in+ tht !eo!$e "ho si% they co$$ect infor(tion 'efore !&rchsin+ !ro%&ct they (in$y concern 'o&t the !ro%&ct *&$ity n% !rice $est concern 'o&t ttri'&tes.
5. -i% yo& e)er !&rchse fro( n on$ine site 66 | P a g e
!% &es No
&estion s#e% to (ost of yo&n+ !eo!$e n% <2 !eo!$e si% they '&y fro( on$ine site n% on$y fe" !eo!$e si% they ne)er !&rchse% fro( on$ine 'ec&se of re$i'i$ity iss&es.
3. If yes? then "ht ty!e of !ro%&ct ser)ices %i% yo& !&rchse on$ine '"
=shion Accessories
S!ort e*& i!(ents
Peo!$e "ho si% they !&rchse !ro%&cts fro( on$ine they !&rchse e$ectronic !ro%&cts? fo$$o"e% 'y fshion n% tr)e$ ccessories thro&+h on$ine.
6. -o yo& "tch te$e)ision !ro+r(s on$ine
Yes 39
S&r)ey res&$ts sho"in+ tht $(ost e*&$ !ercent+e of res&$ts.39 !eo!$e "tch TV !ro+r(s thro&+h on$ine.
8. -o yo& re% the Ne"s on$ine
6( | P a g e
76 YES No 85
85 re re%in+ ne"s!!ers thro&+h on$ine !ort$s n% on$y 76 !eo!$e si% N to re% ne"s!!er on$ine.
<. ht %o yo& (ost$y %o "ith yo&r +%+ets thers
tch Vi%eos
S&r)ey res&$ts sho"in+ tht 72 &se these +%+ets for chttin+? 26 for s&rfin+ n% 25 for "tchin+ )i%eos : for +(es s "e$$.
;. here %o yo& notice (ore of the %)ertise(ents R%io
,+Dines Ne"s!!er
!" !#
n$ine A%s TV
3) ''
;8 of the s(!$es re seein+ %s? (on+ the( 93 of s(!$es notice% %s thro&+h on$ine (e%i? 77
on TVC n% 28 on Ne"s!!ers 24. ,ention one for( of (e%i? "hich yo&@$$ !refer o)er the others "hen it co(es to the %)ertise(ents
6) | P a g e
R%io H Ne"s!!ers
" 3 !!
n$ine TV
"$ 3"
5< of the s(!$es re syin+ they h)e tr&st in on$ine %s? 95 re syin+ they h)e tr&st in T.V.
6* | P a g e
)indings Conclusion
(0 | P a g e
)I%DI%G* 2. ,ost of the re$ sector !eo!$e ct&$$y re &n%erstn%in+ the )$&e n% o!!ort&nities of %i+it$ (r#etin+. 7. ith the st&%y of %i+it$ (r#etin+ I c(e to its e(er+ence n% etre(e +ro"th in to%y@s scenrio. 9. ht I fo&n% in c$ient ser)icin+ is con)incin+ c$ients is 'it co(!$e s they too h)e co(!$ete #no"$e%+e 'o&t the %i+it$ (r#etin+ n% $so e!$inin+ ho" "e re 'etter thn others. 5. ,ost of the sectors initi$$y o!t for the %i+it$ (r#etin+ chnne$s n(e serch en+ine o!ti(iDtion? serch en+ine (r#etin+ n% soci$ (e%i (r#etin+ n% $ter they "i$$ thin# 'o&t other chnne$s "hich (en these three chnne$ hi+h cce!tnce. 3. It is esier to !!roch co(!ny@s if yo& first sen% the( n E1(i$er to re$te% sector n% then c$$ the( in fct so(eti(es the co(!ny itse$f c$$ h)in+ seen the E1(i$er. 6. In%in c&sto(ers re hi+h$y infor(tion see#ers. They co$$ect (ore infor(tion 'o&t *&$ity? !rice n% refer c&sto(er@s e!eriences 'efore !&rchsin+ !ro%&ct. 8. A%)ertise(ents h)e hi+h i(!ct for cretin+ sti(&$&s in In%in c&sto(ers. B&t this sti(&$&s "i$$ +et in to ction on$y thro&+h o!inion $e%ers. <. In%in cons&(ers h)e hi+h ten%ency to +o for on$ine !&rchse. They h)e hi+h ffinity to +o on$ine for e$ectronic !ro%&cts n% !!re$s. ;. ne of the c&rrent tren%s in In%in yo&th n% yo&n+ In%ins re "tchin+ the T.V !ro+r(s )i on$ine !ort$s. ,y 'e the (in reson is con)enience of ti(e? they cn "tch !ro+r(s "hich they h% s#i!!e% %&e to so(e resons. 24. The s(e thin+ is h!!enin+ for the ne"s!!er $so? !eo!$e h)e (ore ffinity to"r%s on$ine ne"s !ort$s. HereFs the reson (y 'e they cn +et ne"s &!%tes )ery er$y they %on@t nee% to "it for %i$y ne"s!!ers. 22. In this sit&tion? one o!!ort&nity is +in $osin+ to 'rn%s n% one o!!ort&nity is e(er+in+ for 'rn%s to rech their T.G. 27. =ro( the first !rt of this reserch itse$f? "e #no" tht c&sto(ers re hi+h$y infor(tion see#er. It (y 'e the reson for hi+h tr&st in on$ine %s. They cn serch for (ore infor(tion fter seein+ n % or on$ine is the on$y t"o1"y co((&niction chnne$ for c&sto(ers. 29. ,ost of the In%ins !refer to !&rchse fro( reti$ sho! on$y? '&t 'efore +oin+ to reti$ sho! they "i$$ see# infor(tion 'o&t the !ro%&ct thro&+h n on$ine !$tfor(. Here is ct&$$y chn+e h!!ens in cons&(er '&yin+ jo&rney? er$y ti(es cons&(er 'e$ief !ro%&ct on$y fter seein+ the !ro%&ct in reti$ sho!. 25. B&t no" In%in c&sto(ers "nt to +et con)iction 'o&t !ro%&ct 'efore +oin+ to reti$ sho!. So fro( (r#eters )ie" they "nt to con)ince their c&sto(ers 'efore +oin+ to reti$ sho!. 23. Brn%s "nt to '&i$% coo$ !resence o)er %i+it$ !$tfor(s 'ec&se the c&sto(er "i$$ %o reserch 'o&t the !ro%&ct fter seein+ n % or fter +ettin+ sti(&$te%. 26. Brn%s re +ettin+ (ore to&ch !oints to rech tr+et +ro&! in cost effecti)e (nner.
CO%C',*IO% The s&ccessf&$ co(!$etion of this st&%y in%ictes tht the f&t&re of (r#etin+ is in the hn%s of %i+it$. -i+it$ (r#etin+ is not on$y concerne% "ith !$cin+ %s in !ort$s? it consists of inte+rte% ser)ices n% inte+rte% chnne$s. ,r#eters "nt to &se these co(!onents in n effecti)e "y to rech tr+et +ro&!s n% (1 | P a g e
to '&i$% 'rn%. In this %i+it$ er (r#eter is not the c&sto%in for 'rn%? !eo!$e "ho re connecte% cross the %i+it$ !$tfor(s re the c&sto%ins. Brn%s "nt to '&i$% their !resence o)er %i+it$ !$tfor(? 'ec&se c&sto(ers h)e hi+h ffinity to"r%s %i+it$ (e%i thn other (e%i@s. ,ore thn tht c&sto(ers re hi+h$y infor(tion see#ers n% %i+it$ (e%i is the on$y !$tfor( for t"o1"y co((&niction 'et"een 'rn%s n% c&sto(ers. -i+it$ (e%i is the 'est !$tfor( to con)ert !ro%&ct to 'rn%. Bec&se it is (ore cost effecti)e n% it !ro)i%e $ot of to&ch !oints to (r#eter. Brn%s cn '$e to en++e their tr+et +ro&! in n effecti)e "y thro&+h %i+it$ !$tfor(s. -i+it$ (e%i is not on$y for en++e(ent 'rn%s cn increse their c&sto(ers or they cn retin their eistin+ c&sto(ers. -i+it$ !$tfor(s he$! to increse the i(!ct of 'rn% rec$$ in tr+et +ro&!s. I(!ortnce of %i+it$ !resence incresin+ i(!ortnce of %i+it$ +encies? so they (#in+ (oney thro&+h %i+it$ %)ertisin+ risin+ of %i+it$ (r#etin+ conscio&sness (#in+ (oney for %i+it$ +encies 'y "hich they re 'oo(in+ n% (#in+ (ore (oney "ith s($$ in)est(ents. I honest$y 'e$ie)e tht this !roject re!ort "i$$ 'e t (ost &sef&$ for (r#eters to &n%erstn% the %i+it$ (r#etin+ n% $so to !$n for f&t&re strte+ies.
(2 | P a g e
Bi3liograph# &e3sites/ htt!sen."i#i!e%i.or+"i#i-i+it$W(r#etin+ htt!stf(insi+hts.co(%i+it$1(r#etin+1"ht1re1the1(ost1!o!&$r1%i+it$1(e%i1chnne$s1for17423 htt!""".s(rtinsi+hts.co(on$ine1'rn%1strte+y(&$tichnne$1strte+iesse$ect(r#etin+1chnne$s
Books/ The !rt of Digital Marketing 'y In -o%son ,nderstanding Digital Marketing 'y -(in Ryn
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