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Author:  christiano

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Kesehatan merupakan investasi untuk mendukung pembangunan ekonomi serta memiliki peran penting dalam upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan. Pembangunan kesehatan harus dipandang sebagai suatu inve…Full description

Kesehatan merupakan investasi untuk mendukung pembangunan ekonomi serta memiliki peran penting dalam upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan. Pembangunan kesehatan harus dipandang sebagai suatu inve…Deskripsi lengkap

- Pengaturan warna pada display produk: Penempatan warna-warna yang cerah di[padukan dengan warna cerah lain,misal Misalnya warna merah,kuning,orange, putih sehingga lebih cepat menangkap p…Full description

Quality of service is very much needed considering that the customer or customer has desires that must be fulfilled and satisfied. Consumers always expect to get the maximum service from the providers of products or services, in this case consumers w

Quality of service is very much needed considering that the customer or customer has desires that must be fulfilled and satisfied. Consumers always expect to get the maximum service from the providers of products or services, in this case consumers w

Quality of service is very much needed considering that the customer or customer has desires that must be fulfilled and satisfied. Consumers always expect to get the maximum service from the providers of products or services, in this case consumers w