Table of Contents
Abstract………………………………………………………………………………2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..3 Objective……………………………………………………………………………..4 Theory………………………………………………………………………………..5 Procedure…………………………………………………………………………….!" A##aratus and $aterial………………………………………………………………" %esults and calculations……………………………………………………………...&!'( )iscussion……………………………………………………………………………2*!23 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...24 %eco$$endation…………………………………………………………………….25 %eferences……………………………………………………………………………2 A##endi+…………………………………………………………………………….2"!2&
Abstract This e+#eri$ent e+#eri$ent is divided divided into t,o #arts. #arts. The #ur#ose #ur#ose of the first #art is to observe observe the flo, #attern by usin- different #addle and ,ith and ,ithout baffle ,hile the #ur#ose of the second #art is to sho, ho, the #o,er consu$ed by a $i+er varies ,ith s#eed and ,ith the inclusion of baffle. T,o $ediu$ of liuid is used/ ,ater and oil as a $ediu$ of sin-le #hase liuid $i+in-. In this e+#eri$ent0 flat #addle and turbines are used to observe the #attern of ,ater flo,. All the i$#ellers are $ounted on the central vertical shaft inside a cylindrical tan1 and their ran-e of a##lication de#ends to -reat e+tent u#on liuid viscosity. affle is also i$#le$ented in this e+#eri$ent in order to observe the different #attern of $ovin- ,ater in the tan1. The function of baffles is to #revent -ross vorte+ behavior ,hen lo,!viscosity liuids are a-itated in a vertical cylindrical tan1 ,ith centrally $ounted i$#ellers. affles are fitted to the ,all of tan1 or vessel. Therefore0 in the first #art of this e+#eri$ent0 the flat #addle blade ,ithout baffle #roduces a flo, field ,ith lar-e tan-ential co$#onents of velocity co$#ared to turbine i$#eller. After the e+#eri$ent ,as done0 it ,as observed that for ,ater ,ithout baffle usin- flat #addle0 The ,ater $ove very uic1ly round in a circle at the center of the tan1 and faster co$#ared to turbine i$#eller0 the vorte+ also -ettin- dee#er to,ards the botto$ as the an-ular s#eed0 r#$ ,as increased. or turbine i$#eller0 the ,ater $oves $ove uic1ly round in a circle at the center of the tan1. The vorte+ -ettin- dee#er to,ards the botto$ of the tan1 alon- the increasinan-ular s#eed. or the ,ater ,ith baffle by usin- flat #addle and turbine i$#eller0 the ,ater $oves in an uneven circular $otion and scattered by the $ove$ent of i$#eller as the an-ular s#eed ,as increasin-. or oil0 the flo, #attern is the sa$e as the ,ater but as oil is $ore viscous than ,ater so the $otion of oil flo, is slo,. The second #art of this e+#eri$ent is to sho, ho, the #o,er consu$ed by a $i+er varies ,ith s#eed0 ty#es of i$#eller and ,ith the inclusion of baffles for oil and ,ater. or #art that usin- ,ater as $i+in- $ediu$ 0 3* liter of ,ater ,as used to fill the tan1. or the first #art0 that is ,ithout the inclusion of baffle0 the result obtained for torue value usin- the turbine i$#eller ,ere *.* $ for all an-ular s#eed used ,hich ,ere 5* r#$0 '** r#$0 '5* r#$0 and 2** r#$. The result obtained for torue value usin- flat #addle i$#eller ,ere '.4 $0 3." $0 5.' $0 and .& $ for different an-ular s#eed ,hich is sa$e as before. The second #art is ,ith the inclusion of baffle0 the result obtained for torue value usin- the turbine i$#eller ,ere *.4 $0 2.3 $0 3. $0 and 5.5 $. e+t0 the result obtained for torue value usin- flat #addle i$#eller ,ere 4.5 $0 '*.5 $0 '2.' $0 and '.3 $.. or the e+#eri$ent that use oil as the $ediu$ of $i+in-0 firstly0 3* liter of hydraulic oil ,as used to fill the tan1. or the third #art0 that is ,ithout the inclusion of baffle0 the result obtained for torue value usin- the turbine i$#eller ,ere *.3 $0 '. $0 3." $0 and 4.& $ for different
an-ular s#eed ,hich ,ere "* r#$0 '4* r#$0 2'* r#$0 and 2&* r#$ res#ectively. The result obtained for torue value usin- flat #addle i$#eller ,ere '.5 $0 4. $0 .3 $0 and ''.& $ for different an-ular s#eed ,hich is sa$e as before. The fourth #art is ,ith the inclusion of baffle0 the result obtained for torue value usin- the turbine i$#eller ,ere *.& $0 2.& $0 4.* $0 and .3 $. astly0 the result obtained for torue value usin- flat #addle i$#eller ,ere 5. $0 .5 $0 '*.5 $0 and '3." $. or #art '0 the -ra#h of ,ater ,ithout baffle sho,ed that an-ular s#eed constant at * rad6s0 the #o,er increase. or #art 20 the -ra#h of ,ater ,ith baffle0 it is sho,n that the an-ular s#eed increase0 #o,er also increase. or #art 3 and 40 the -ra#h of oil ,ith baffle and ,ithout baffle sho,ed that the an-ular s#eed increase0 #o,er increase.
7i+in- of liuid!liuid syste$ or the solid!liuid s yste$ is a co$#le+ o#eration to analyse and subject to $any variables. The de-ree of the bul1 $ove$ent and the shear $i+in- that reuired in the #rocess should be consider in order to choice the $i+er for the #articular a##lication. In order to #redict full! scale reuire$ents0 it is usual to $odel the syste$ and a##ly di$ensional analysis. There are three conditions $ust be a##ly before the di$ensional analysis can be used and the first one is the -eo$etric si$ilarity that define the boundary conditions and the di$ensions ,ill have the sa$e ratio. The second condition is the 1ine$atic si$ilarity that reuires velocities at the corres#ondin #oints $ust have the sa$e ratio ,ith the other corres#ondin- #oints and for the last condition that $ust be a##ly is the dyna$ic si$ilarity that reuires ratio of forces at the corres#ondin- #oints $ust be eual to other corres#ondin- #oints. The $odes of flo, behaviour e+ist in a $i+er la$inar and turbulent flo,. oth these flo, conditions $ay be described di$ensionally but for turbulent flo, its behaviour is less si-nificant. In #articular0 the #o,er nu$ber beco$es inde#endent of %eynolds nu$ber beyond a certain turbulence ran-e. A further factor to consider is surface ,aves0 ,hich are0 describe by the roude nu$ber -rou#. In a $i+er this #heno$ena is usually function of the hei-ht of the vorte+0 ,hich for$s. Ar$ field have develo#ed a $odel $i+er0 ,hich can be used to #redict the #o,er consu$#tion of a full!si8ed $i+er by euatin- %eynolds nu$ber and roude nu$ber. The effect of #lacin- baffles in the $i+er vessel is also investi-ated.
There are so$e objectives that should be deter$ined in this e+#eri$ent and the first objective is to observe the flo, #atterns that can be achieved by the use of the different i$#ellers ,ith and ,ithout the use of baffles. The second objective is to test the relation bet,een the #o,er a-ainst s#eed ,ith use of different i$#ellers ,ith and ,ithout baffles. ast but not least0 to co$#are the effectiveness of different i$#eller confi-urations runnin- the e+#eri$ent at different s#eed either ,ith or ,ithout the uses of the baffles and also to co$#are the effectiveness of the $i+in- either at lo, or hi-h viscosity of liuids.
Theory An i$#eller is the rotatin- co$#onent of a centrifu-al #u$# that transfer ener-y fro$ the $otor that drives the #u$# to the fluid that bein- #u$#ed by acceleratin- the fluid out,ards fro$ the centre of the rotation. The velocity achieved by the i$#eller is transfers into #ressure ,hen the out,ard $ove$ent of the fluid is confined by the #u$# casin-. I$#eller are usually a short cylinders ,ith an o#en inlet to acce#t inco$in- fluid0 vanes to #ush the fluid radially0 and s#lined centre to acce#t a driveshaft. The a+ial!flo, turbines actually -ive a flo, co$in- off the i$#eller of a##ro+i$ately 45
de-ree and therefore have a recirculation #attern co$in- bac1 into the i$#eller at the hub re-ion of the blades. A+ial flo, i$#ellers include all i$#ellers in ,hich the blade $a1es an an-le of less than (* de-ree ,ith the #lane of rotation. A+ial flo, i$#ellers are usually run at the hi-hest efficiency and the a+ial flo, i$#ellers have the lo,est P9: reuire$ent. The a+ial flo, i$#ellers nor$ally started ,ith the dischar-e valve o#en therefore the a+ial flo, i$#ellers usually reuired the hi-hest #o,er reuire$ent to shut off. A+ial flo, i$#ellers $ay also be $ounted near the botto$ of the cylindrical ,all of the vessel. %adial flo, i$#ellers have blades ,hich are #arallel to the a+is of the drive shaft. The s$aller $ulti! blade ones are 1no,n as turbines and the ones that is lar-er0 slo,er!s#eed i$#eller ,ith t,o or four blades are often called #addles. The dia$eter of a turbines is nor$ally bet,een *.3 and *. of the tan1 dia$eter. They should be s#ecified for hi-h head and lo, flo, conditions. affles are usually needed to sto# the s,irl i n a $i+in- tan1 and ,ithout baffles the tan-ential velocit y co$in- fro$ any i$#eller ,ill causes the entire fluid $ass to s#in. The strai-ht flat #late of a $etal that run alon- the strai-ht side of vertically oriented cylindrical tan1 or vessel ,ere the $ost co$$on ty#e of baffles. There is a tendency for a s,irlin- flo, #attern to for$ in the tan1 ,ithout the baffles re-ardless the ty#e of the i$#ellers. A vorte+ is #roduced o,in- to centrifu-al force actin- on the rotatin- liuid but there is a li$it to the rotational s#eed that $ay be used0 since one the vorte+ reaches the i$#eller and the severe air entrain$ent $i-ht be occur. The s,irlin- $ass of the liuids nor$ally created an oscillatin- in tan1 that $i-ht create a lar-e fluctuatin- force acti n- on the $i+er. or baffles tan10 for vi-orous a-itation of thin sus#ensions0 the tan1 is #rovided ,ith baffles ,hich flat vertical stri#s set radially alon- the tan1s ,all. our baffles are al$ost al,ays adeuate. A co$$on baffle ,idth is ';'* to ';'2 of the tan1s dia$eter. affles are usually used ,ith the turbine i$#ellers or the a+ial flo, i$#ellers for the %eynolds nu$ber -reater than '*0***. or the %eynolds nu$ber bet,een '*!'*0*** ,hich is in the transient re-ion0 the ,idth of the baffles have been reduced to the standard ,idth. Partial len-th baffles have been used if the circulation #attern is satisfactory in the tan1 ,ithout the baffles and the vorte+ creates #roble$ and the len-th of the baffles e+tend about '63 of the liuid volu$e. or the %eynolds nu$ber that are less than '* ,hich is in the re-ion of the la$inar flo, the consu$#tion of the #o,er are still the sa $e ,hether in the #resent of the baffles or ,ithout the baffles. The flo, #attern $ay be affected by the baffles but not al,ays advanta-eously. The baffles are usually #laced on or t,o ,idths radially in order to allo, the fluid to circulate behind the baffles and at the sa$e ti$e it ,ill #roduce so$e a+ial deflection of flo,.
The #o,er ,as s,itch on
The ti-htenin- scre,s ,ere fastened.
?+#eri$ent ' '>
The -eneral start #rocedure ,as #erfor$ed
The tan1 is filled ,ith 3* litres of ,ater .
A flat #addle i$#eller ,as attached at the end of the shaft .
The an-ular s#eed ,as set u# to 5* r#$ 0 '** r#$ 0 '5* r#$ 0 2** r#$ .
The flo, #attern of the ,ater ,as observed at every an-ular s#eed and the torue ,as
recorded >
9te# 4 and 5 ,as re#eated by re#lacin- the flat #addle i$#eller and turbine i$#eller
9te# 3 and 5 ,as also re#eated by re#lacin- baffles inside the tan1 ,ith each flat #addle
i$#eller and the turbine i$#eller . &>
The an-ular s#eed 0 force 0 and #o,er consu$ed for each s#eed ,ere calculated .
?+#eri$ent 2 '>
The -eneral start u# #rocedure ,as #erfor$ed .
The tan1 ,as filled ,ith 3* $l of hydraulic oil
A flat #addle i$#eller ,as attached at the end of the shaft
The an-ular s#eed i$#eller ,as set u# to "* r#$ 0 '4* r#$ 0 2'* r#$ and 2&* r#$ .
The flo, #attern of the oil ,as observed at every an-ular s#eeds and the torue ,as recorded .
9te# 4 and 5 ,as re#eated by re#lacin- the flat #addle i$#eller ,ith the turbine i$#eller .
9te# 3 and 5 ,as also re#eated by re#lacin- baffles inside the tan1 ,ith each flat #addle
i$#eller and turbine i$#eller . &>
The an-ular s#eed 0 force and #o,er consu$ed for each s#eed ,ere calculated.
iuid inside the tan1 ,as re$oved throu-h the outlet valve.
The tan1 ,as ,ashed and rinsed several ti$es until no oil residue left in the tan1 .
The i$#eller ,as re$oved 0 ,ashed and #laced at the ri-ht #lace after used it
The #o,er ,as shut do,n
A##aratus and 7aterials •
luid $i+in- a##aratus
Force Speed Flat Screw
Tank Turbine
@ater •
Coa-ulant Plastic #ellets
RESULT AND CALCULATIONS Experiment 1 : Observing the flo p!tterns b" the #sing of $ifferent t"pes of impellers ith !n$ itho#t the #se of b!ffles in !ter%
&!ter flo p!ttern itho#t b!ffle insi$e the t!n'
T!ble. lo, #atterns of ,ater ,ithout baffles inside the tan1 at 2** r#$ T"pes of impeller
(lo p!ttern
The ,ater $oves $ove uic1ly round in a circle at the center of the tan1. The vorte+ -ettin-
dee#er to,ards the botto$ of the tan1 as the i$#eller
an-ular s#eed0 r#$ ,as increased u# to 2** r#$.
The ,ater $ove very uic1ly round in a circle at the center of the tan1 and faster co$#ared to turbine i$#eller0 the vorte+ also -ettin- dee#er to,ards the botto$ as the an-ular s#eed0 r#$ ,as increased u# to 2** r#$.
lat #addle i$#eller
&!ter flo p!ttern ith b!ffle insi$e the t!n'
T!ble. lo, #atterns of ,ater ,ith baffles inside the tan1 at 2** r#$ T"pes of impeller
(lo p!ttern
The ,ater $oves in an uneven circular $otion
$ove$ent of i$#eller as the an-ular s#eed0 Turbine i$#eller
r#$ ,as increased to 2** r#$.
The ,ater also $oves in an uneven circular $otion and scattered by the $ove$ent of i$#eller as the an-ular s#eed0 r#$ ,as increased u# to 2** r#$. lat #addle i$#eller
Experiment ): *oer +ons#me$ b" the mixer v!ries ith spee$, t"pes of impeller !n$ ith the in+l#sion of b!ffles%
T"pe of
spee$ .rpm/
T#rbine impeller
impeller i%
(or+e .N/
*oer .&/
'5* 2** 5* '** '5* 2**
'5."' 2*.(4 5.24 '*.4" '5."' 2*.(4
*.** *.** '2."3 33.4 4.3 '.&2
*.** *.** '.4 3." 5.' .&
*.** *.** ".33 3&."3( &*.'2' '42.3(2
&!ter itho#t b!ffle insi$e t!n'
T!ble% %esult for ,ater ,ithout baffle inside the tan1
"ower a#ainst speed wit$out bafe usin# water 142!39
-r!ph 1. Po,er a-ainst s#eed ,ithout baffle by usin- ,ater
S!mple +!l+#l!tions
Torue ar$ r> B *.'' $
An-ular s#eed > B
2 π 60
=rad / s
T#rbine impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 34 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 144 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 5.24 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '*.4" rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B * 6 *.'' $
B * 6 *.'' $
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B * + 5.24 rad6s
B * + '*.4" rad6s
Ang#l!r spee$: 134 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )44 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B '5."' rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2*.(4 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B * 6 *.'' $
B *6 *.'' $
B 23.4
B 2&.'&
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B * + '5."' rad6s
B * + 2*.(4 rad6s
(l!t p!$$le impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 34 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 144 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 5.24 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '*.4" rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B '.4 6 *.'' $
B 3." 6 *.'' $
B '2."3
B 33.4
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B '.4 + 5.24 rad6s
B 3." + '*.4" rad6s
B ".33 @
B 3&."3( @
Ang#l!r spee$: 134 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )44 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B '5."' rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2*.(4 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B 5.' 6 *.'' $
B .& 6 *.'' $
B 4.3
B '.&2
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B 5.' + '5."' rad6s
B .& + 2*.(4 rad6s
B &*.'2' @
B '42.3(2 @
&!ter ith b!ffle insi$e t!n'
T!ble% %esult for ,ater ,ith baffle inside the tan1
T"pe of
spee$ .rpm/
T#rbine impeller
Ang#l!r spee$,
(or+e .N/
Tor2#e .N%m/
*oer .&/
.r!$s/ 5.24
'5* 2** 5* '** '5* 2**
'5."' 2*.(4 5.24 '*.4" '5."' 2*.(4
32."3 5*.** '2."3 33.4 4.3 '.&2
3. 5.5 4.5 '*.5 '2.' '.3
5.55 ''5.'"* 23.5&* '*(.(35 '(*.*(' 34'.322
"ower a#ainst speed wit$ bafe usin# water 341!32
19!94 115!17 56!56
23!58 24!8 2!1
-r!ph ). Po,er a-ainst s#eed ,ith baffle by usin- ,ater
S!mple +!l+#l!tions T#rbine impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 34 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 144 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 5.24 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '*.4" rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B *.4 6 *.'' $
B 2.3 6 *.'' $
B 3.4
B 2*.('
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B *.4 + 5.24 rad6s
B 2.3 + '*.4" rad6s
B 2.*( @
B 24.*&' @
Ang#l!r spee$: 134 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )44 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B '5."' rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2*.(4 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B 3. 6 *.'' $
B 5.5 6 *.'' $
B 32."3
B 5*.**
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B 3. + '5."' rad6s
B 5.5 + 2*.(4 rad6s
B 5.55 @
B ''5.'"* @
(l!t p!$$le impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 34 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 144 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 5.24 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '*.4" rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B 4.5 6 *.'' $
B '*.5 6 *.'' $
B 4*.('
B (5.45
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B 4.5 + 5.24 rad6s
B '*.5 + '*.4" rad6s
B 23.5&* @
B '*(.(35 @
Ang#l!r spee$: 134 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )44 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B '5."' rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2*.(4 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B '2.' 6 *.'' $
B '.3 6 *.'' $
B ''*.**
B '4&.'&
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B '2.' + '5."' rad6s
B '.3 + 2*.(4 rad6s
B '(*.*(' @
B 34'.322 @
Oil itho#t b!ffle insi$e t!n'
T!ble% %esult for oil ,ithout baffle in the tan1
T"pe of
spee$ .rpm/
T#rbine impeller
(or+e .N/
*oer .&/
2'* 2&* "* '4* 2'* 2&*
22.** 2(.33 ".33 '4." 22.** 2(.33
33.4 43.4 '3.4 4'.&2 5".2& '*".2&
3." 4.& '.5 4. .3 ''.&
&'.4** '4*."&4 '*.((5 ".4&2 '3&.** 34.*(4
"ower a#ainst speed wit$out bafe usin# oil 346!9
138!6 14!78 67!48 11
-r!ph 6. Po,er a-ainst s#eed ,ithout baffle by usin- oil
S!mple +!l+#l!tions T#rbine impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 74 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 184 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B ".33 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '4." rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B *.3 6 *.'' $
B '. 6 *.'' $
B 2."3
B '4.55
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B *.3 + ".33 rad6s
B '. + '4." rad6s
B 2.'(( @
B 23.4"2 @
Ang#l!r spee$: )14 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )94 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 22.** rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2(.33 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B 3." 6 *.'' $
B 4.& 6 *.'' $
B 33.4
B 43.4
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B 3." + 22.** rad6s
B 4.& + 2(.33 rad6s
B &'.4** @
B '4*."&4 @
(l!t p!$$le impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 74 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 184 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B ".33 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '4." rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B '.5 6 *.'' $
B 4. 6 *.'' $
B '3.4
B 4'.&2
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B '.5 + ".33 rad6s
B 4. + '4." rad6s
B '*.((5 @
B ".4&2 @
Ang#l!r spee$: )14 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )94 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 22.** rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2(.33 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B .3 6 *.'' $
B ''.& 6 *.'' $
B 5".2&
B '*".2&
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B .3 + 22.** rad6s
B ''.& + 2(.33 rad6s
B '3&.** @
B 34.*(4 @
T"pe of
spee$ .rpm/
Ang#l!r spee$,
(or+e .N/
Tor2#e .N%m/
*oer .&/
3.3 5".2" 5*.(' 5(.*( (5.45 '24.55
4.* .3 5. .5 '*.5 '3."
&&.*** '&4.""( 4'.*4& (5.355 23'.*** 4*'.&2'
2'* 22.** 2&* 2(.33 "* ".33 (l!t p!$$le '4* '4." 2'* 22.** impeller 2&* 2(.33 iv. Oil ,ith baffle inside tan1 Table. %esult for oil ,ith baffle in the tan1
"ower a#ainst speed wit$ bafe usin# oil 41!82
231 184!78
95!36 41!5
88 41!8
-r!ph 8. Po,er a-ainst s#eed ,ith baffle by usin- oil
S!mple +!l+#l!tions T#rbine impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 74 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 184 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B ".33 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '4." rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B *.& 6 *.'' $
B 2.& 6 *.'' $
B ".2&
B 25.45
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B *.& + ".33 rad6s
B 2.& + '4." rad6s
B 5.&4 @
B 4'.*" @
Ang#l!r spee$: )14 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )94 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 22.** rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2(.33 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B 4.* 6 *.'' $
B .3 6 *.'' $
B 3.3
B 5".2"
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B 4.* + 22.** rad6s
B .3 + 2(.33 rad6s
B &&.*** @
B '&4.""( @
(l!t p!$$le impeller Ang#l!r spee$: 74 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: 184 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B ".33 rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B '4." rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque ÷ radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B 5. 6 *.'' $
B .5 6 *.'' $
B 5*.('
B 5(.*(
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B 5. + ".33 rad6s
B .5 + '4." rad6s
B 4'.*4& @
B (5.355 @
Ang#l!r spee$: )14 rpm
Ang#l!r spee$: )94 rpm
An-ular s#eed > B 22.** rad6s
An-ular s#eed > B 2(.33 rad6s
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
(or+e .(/ 5 Torque / radius
B '*.5 6 *.'' $
B '3." 6 *.'' $
B (5.45
B '24.55
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
*oer .&/ 5 Tor2#e .T/ x Ang#l!r spee$, 0
B '*.5 + 22.** rad6s
B '3." + 2(.33 rad6s
B 23'.*** @
B 4*'.&2' @
)I9C=99IO The objectives or #ur#oses for this fluid $i+in- e+#eri$ent are to observe the flo, #atterns of t,o fluids ,ith different viscosity
and to study ho, #o,er affect the force0 torue0 an-ular 21
s#eed and flo, #attern by chan-in- the s#eed of $i+er. or this e+#eri$ent0 the $aterials used are hydraulic oil and ,ater ,hile for the a##aratus is flat #addle i$#eller0 turbine i$#eller and baffle. or the first #art of the e+#eri$ent ,hich is observation on the flo, #atterns by usindifferent ty#es of i$#ellers ,ith and ,ithout the use of baffle in ,ater. This observation is done ,ith ,ater si$#ly just because ,hen dealin- ,ith hydraulic oil the flo,s are uite hard to be observed due to the ho, o#aue the hydraulic oil is. Co$#ared ,ith that0 ,ater surely is uite easy to be observed and thus fro$ the results section ,e can si$#ly see the flo, #atterns of ,ater ,ith different ty#e of i$#ellers and the #resence of baffle. The flo, #attern of the ,ater ,hen turbine and flat i$#eller are used is even and $ostly $ovin- uic1ly at the centre of the tan1. ut to co$#are the flo, it is $uch $ore faster ,hen the flat #addle is used this is because the surface area of this #addle has $uch $ore contact ,ith the ,ater co$#ared to the turbine i$#eller. or the ne+t co$#arison0 the ,ater $ove very unevenly and s#lattered all over the tan1. This observation is $ade ,hen baffle is added and thus ,e can si$#ly said that by havin- baffle installed0 it si$#ly $a1e the ,ater $ove in uneven condition and it is very hard to observe the vorte+ as ,ell. This is because baffles are needed to sto# s,irl in $i+in- tan1 so that is #robably ,hy no s,irlin- is observed ,hen baffles are installed. @ithout baffles it ,ill cause the entire liuid $ass to s#in and it $ay loo1 -ood to see the vorte+ all the ,ay do,n the i$#eller0 but the truth is that is the ,orst 1ind of $i+in-. There is very little shear and #articles only -oes around the vorte+. That is ,hy de#ends on situation0 addin- baffles #robably result into a -ood $i+in- #rocess. Part 2 of the e+#eri$ent is calculatin- the #o,er consu$ed by $i+er ,ith different s#eed0 ty#es of i$#ellers used and the inclusion of baffles. 9a$e fro$ before0 flat #lat i$#eller and turbine i$#eller are used. The an-ular s#eed is set to 5*0 '**0 '5* and 2** r#$ ,hich -ive 5.240 '*.4"0 '5."' and 2*.(4 rad6s res#ectively. The values of an-ular s#eed in rad6s are obtained by the for$ula0 r . p . m x
2 π 60
. Torue readin-s are obtained and the force and
#o,er are later calculated. irst of all0 ,ater ,ithout baffles inside the $i+in- tan1. or turbine i$#eller0 the readin-s are all 8ero for all different an-ular s#eeds thus resultin- to 8ero for all the readin-s of force and #o,er. or flat #addle i$#eller the readin-s for the torues are obtained and recorded. or 5* r#$0 the torue readin- is '.4 $. or '** r#$0 '5* r#$ and 2** r#$ the torue readin-s are 3."0 5.' and .& $ res#ectively. To calculate force0 the
torue value is divided by radius ,hich the radius is *.'' $. @hile0 the #o,er is calculated by havin- the torue value $ulti#lied by the res#ective an-ular s#eed. 9o for 5* r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is '2."3 and the #o,er is ".33 @. or '** r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is 33.4 and the #o,er is 3&."3(@. or '5* r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is 4.3 and the #o,er is &*.'2' @. And lastly0 for 5* r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is '.&2 and the #o,er is '42.3(2 @. y the results and calculations $ade ,e can deduce that the torue0 force and #o,er increase ,ith increasin- an-ular s#eed. @e can also clearly see the deduction $ade fro$ the #lotted -ra#h of #o,er a-ainst the s#eed. The #o,er is increasin- ,ith increasinan-ular s#eed for the flat #addle i$#eller. ut for the turbine i$#eller0 increasin- the an-ular s#eed did not have any effect on the #o,er consu$#tion as the #o,ers are all 8ero for all the an-ular s#eed. e+t is ,ater ,ith baffle inside the $i+in- tan1 ,hich also uses turbine and flat #addle i$#eller. )ifferent fro$ before0 usin- turbine i$#eller does -ive values for the torue readin-s. or 5* r#$0 the torue is *.4 $. or '** r#$0 '5* r#$ and 2** r#$ the torue readin-s are 2.30 3. and 5.5 $ res#ectively. 9a$e as before the ,ay to obtained the force and torue are the sa$e ,here for calculatin- force0 the ratio of torue and radius is calculated and the radius is still constant fro$ before0 *.''$. @hile0 the #o,er is calculated by havin- the torue value $ulti#lied by the res#ective an-ular s#eed. 9o for 5* r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is 3.4 and the #o,er is 2.*( @. or '** r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is 2*.(' and the #o,er is 24.*&' @. or '5* r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is 32."3 and the #o,er is 5.55 @. And lastly0 for 2** r#$ an-ular s#eed0 the force is 5* and the #o,er is ''5.'"* @. The increasin- of an-ular s#eeds resulted to increasin- of torue0 therefore increasin- the force and the #o,er. or flat #addle i$#eller the readin-s for the torues are obtained and recorded. or 5* r#$0 the torue readin- is 4.5 $. or '** r#$0 '5* r#$ and 2** r#$ the torue readin-s are '*.50 '2.' and '.3 $ res#ectively. To calculate force0 the torue value is divided by radius ,hich the radius is *.'' $. The force for 5*0 '**0 '5* and 2** r#$ are 4*.('0 (5.450 ''*0 '4&.'& res#ectively. or the #o,er for 5*0 '**0 '5* and 2** r#$ are 23.5&0 '*(.(350 '(*.*(' and 34'.322 @. ro$ the result and calculation ,e can say that increasin- the an-ular s#eed a-ain resulted to incre$ent of torue0 force and the #o,er. To co$#are bet,een the readin- ,hen usin- turbine and flat #addle i$#eller0 ,e can say that the readin-s are hi-her usin- the flat #addle i$#eller. @e can also see the difference fro$ the #lotted -ra#h of #o,er a-ainst the an-ular s#eed. As the an-ular s#eed increase0 the #o,er ,ill increase ass ,ell for both of the i$#ellers.
:ydraulic oil is the ne+t $ediu$ that ,e have used and the #rocedures are all the sa$e as the ,ater #art. ut the difference is that the an-ular s#eeds are set to "*0 '4*0 2'* and 2&* r#$ instead of havin- it to be set to 5*0 '5*0 2** and 25* r#$. irst is $i+in- of hydraulic oil ,ithout baffle. @e started the ste#s usin- the turbine i$#eller first0 sa$e as for ,ater. or "* r#$0 the torue is *.3 $. or '4* r#$0 2'* r#$ and 2&* r#$ the torue re adin-s are '.0 3." and 4.& $ res#ectively. A-ain the force is calculated by calculatin- the ration of torue and the radius0 *.''$. The #o,er is also calculated by $ulti#lyin- torue ,ith the an-ular s#eed. Dee# at $ind that all the values for the an-ular s#eed so be converted first to rad6s in order to calculate the #o,er. 9o the calculations are sho,ed on the result and calculations #art. or "*0 '4*0 2'* and 2&* r#$0 the force are 2."30 '4.550 33.4 and 43.4 res#ectively. or #o,er of "*0 '4*0 2'* and 2&* r#$0 the values are 2.'((0 23.4"20 &'.4 and '4*."&4 @ res#ectively. e+t ,e use flat #lat i$#eller and the sa$e ste#s are a##lied. or "* r#$0 the torue is '.5 $. or '4* r#$0 2'* r#$ and 2&* r#$ the torue readin-s are 4.0 .3 and ''.& $ res#ectively. The force and #o,er are also calculated for all different an-ular s#eed. or "*0 '4*0 2'* and 2&* r#$0 the force are '3.40 4'.&20 5".2& and '*".2& res#ectivel y. or #o,er of "*0 '4*0 2'* and 2&* r#$0 the values are '*.((50 ".4&20 '3&. and 34.*(4 @ res#ectively.
the sa$e conclusion can be $ade ,here increasin- the an-ular s#eed ,ill increasin- the torue and therefore increasin- the #o,er. 9o0 throu-hout conductin- the e+#eri$ent0 ,e $i-ht encounter so$e errors that definitely have affected our results. One of the$ is #robably due to inaccurate ,ays of handlin- the e+#eri$ent. @e $i-ht have #erfor$ed a certain ste#s in a ,ron- ,ays. The $ajor cause that can cause error is #robably ,hen readin- the torue values. This is because the to# of the i$#eller ,here it is connected to a $otor is very sensitive. ?ven a little #ressure can chan-e the values of the torue. And the torue readin-s are uite hard to reach constant and ,e $i-ht have read the values before it -et to constant. Other than that0 settin- the an-ular s#eed also $i-ht cause a -reat error to our results. This is because so$eti$es the readin- of the an-ular s#eeds is not constant. Other than that0 ,e $i-ht do not clean the tan1 #ro#erly after usin- hydraulic oil. This is because ,e #erfor$ed the hydraulic oil first and then follo,ed by the ,ater. This #robably ,ill affect the readin-s of the torue of the ,ater.
The objectives for this fluid $i+in- e+#eri$ent are to observe the flo, #atterns of t,o fluids ,ith different viscosity and to study ho, #o,er affect the force0 torue0 an-ular s#eed and flo, #attern by chan-in- the s#eed of $i+er. The first #art of the e+#eri$ent ,hich is to observe the flo, #atterns of the t,o different fluids0 but ,e only $ana-ed to observed the flo, #attern of ,ater. And to su$$ari8e it ,hen havin- baffle in the $i+in- tan10 the flo,s are $ore uneven and the ,ater is all s#lattered throu-h the inside of the tan1. :avin- the 25
baffle re$oved resulted to $ore even and circular flo,s of the ,ater. 9,irlin- occurs as ,ell as the vorte+. ut havin- vorte+ is one of a ,ay to deduce that it is not a -ood $i+in-. This is because there is very little shear and #articles only -oes around the vorte+. 9o0 de#endin- on the situation0 so$eti$es ,hen you are handlin- a lo, viscosity fluid such as ,ater0 you ,ill $ost li1ely need baffles to achieve -ood $i+in- #rocess. :o,ever0 ,hen you are $i+in- hi-h viscosity $ediu$0 baffles $ay be not reuired because there $ay be enou-h resistance for the $i+er to i$#ose all of its torue on the fluid. e+t is to study ho, #o,er affects the force0 torue0 an-ular s#eed and flo, #attern by chan-in- the s#eed of $i+er. ro$ both ,ater and hydraulic oil0 flat #addle i$#ellers does -ives $uch $ore hi-her values of torue to resultinto hi-her #o,er consu$#tion as ,ell. This is due to that one of flat #addle disadvanta-es is that it does consu$e a hi-h a$ount if #o,er co$#ared to the turbine. ut flat #addle i$#ellers do ,or1 e+cellent ,hen dealin- ,ith heavy duty $i+in- at lo, s#eed. or turbine0 it ,or1s better ,hen dealin- ,ith lo,er viscosity $ediu$ such as ,ater. Co$#arin- ,ith the inclusion of baffles in $i+in-0 havin- baffles does increase the values of torue0 force and #o,er for both turbine and flat #addle i$#ellers and ,ater and hydraulic oil. ut for a certain conditions ,here the s,irlin- of fluid durin- $i+in- ha##ens0 it is advisable to have baffles installed to reduce the s,irlin- and thus i$#rove the $i+in- uality. It is also better for less viscous $ediu$ to have baffles ,hen $i+in-. 9o -enerally0 increasin- the an-ular s#eed ,ill increase the torue thus increasin- the force and #o,er. This relation ,or1s for both of ,ater and hydraulic oil0 ,ith turbine or flat #late i$#ellers and ,ith and ,ithout the baffles. @e can conclude by sayin- this e+#eri$ent is a success because the t,o objectives are achieved.
The $achine need to be chan-e as the value of torue sho,n is not accurate .
To #revent any accident fro$ ha##enin-0 seal the i$#eller at the end of the shaft and also seal tothe tan1 #ro#erly.
or each i$#eller0 attached the$ to the base of the bush level carefully so that it ,ill not -et offdurin- the e+#eri$ent.
@ear -loves to avoid lea1in- of oil and easier to do a job ,hen handlin- the e+#eri$ent
'. ran1 7.@0 luid 7echanics ninth edition0 7c
3. 9ana8 arar Pour0
htt#s;66,,,.acade$ia.edu62'*4&"(69olid!iuidHandHiuid! iuidH7i+in-HaboratoryHforHChe$icalH?n-ineerin-H=nder-raduates0 4 October 2*' 4. :u-o A. Ea1obsen 0FChe$ical %eactor 7odellin-F0 Cha#ter " ; A-itation and luid 7i+inTechnolo-y #a-e &*(!&&'>0 9econd ?dition 2*'4