Lettering and Type

Author:  gonzalolusi

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Letters and Lettering A Treatise with 200 Examples by Frank Chouteau Brown

from here: https://archive.org/details/theorypracticeof00sherrichDescrição completa

Modern Lettering Artistic and Practical by William Heyny

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Descripción: Modern Lettering Artistic and Practical by William Heyny

Guía para practicar letteringDescripción completa

The present paper is in line with the ongoing efforts meant at discussing and evaluating the set of syllabi recently proposed in the field. It chiefly aims (a) to discuss the merits and limitations...

Modern Lettering Artistic and Practical by William HeynyFull description

Speedball Textbook for brush and pen letteringFull description

Descripción: Instruction to construct accurate pencil drawings, make clean-cut ink lines and legible lettering.

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Guidelines for Lettering DRAW 1

Manual de Rotulación - Al MACK, Lettering. Brush & Pen in the Single Stroke. (Walter Foster Art Books - USA)Full description

The Secrets of Lettering

Tension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension Type HeadacheTension ...

"Los Secretos del Lettering" es una guía para todo aquel que quiere iniciarse en el diseño de letras a mano pero no sabe por dónde comenzar.Descripción completa