MS for Testing and commissioning of electrical panelFull description
Description complète
ITPFull description
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Method Statement for Batteries
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Method Statement for retubing of Heat Exchanger.
method statement for Painting
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Method Statement for Hydroseeding
Method of Statement for MotorsFull description
GoodFull description
Method Statement
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Method StatementFull description
Deep Excavation
Method StatementFull description
sika groutingFull description
Method Statement for retubing of Heat Exchanger.Full description
Deep ExcavationFull description
1. Scop Scope e of of wor works ks 2. Project Project Organiza Organization tion for Health Health & Safet Safety y Contr Control ol 3. Health Health & Safe Safety ty Risks Risks an an Contr Control ol !. "cce "ccess ss # $gr $gres ess s %. ighting '. Plan Plantt & $()i $()ip* p*en entt +. Personne Personnell ,raini ,raining ng Certifica Certification tion -. Hazar Hazaro) o)s s ateria aterials ls & S)/stan S)/stances ces 0. ast aste e ana anage ge*e *ent nt 1. Special Control Control eas)res eas)res 11. 11. "ppenic "ppenices es "ppeni 1 4 5nspection 5nspection Checklist Checklist for $lectrical $lectrical Con)it Con)it 5nstallation 5nstallation "ppeni 2 4 Re()est Re()est for 5nspection 5nspection "ppeni 3 4 Risk "ssess*ent "ssess*ent "ppeni ! 4 $*ergency $*ergency asse*/ly asse*/ly area layo)t plan plan
1. Scope of Works
Scope of Activities
So*e $lectrical con)its shall /e installe conceale#cast6in or s)rface6r)n in the concrete sla/#wall accoring to the constr)ction co6orination rawings. 7or those cast6in or conceale con)it we ha8e to ens)re that we nee to install it /efore the concrete cast6in so that con)it can penetrate /y the & $ cons)ltant.
Site Procedure
Site *o/ilization shall /e one with real ti*e *onitoring the conitions & progress of
/)iler works. 9efore co**ence*ent of the work: carry o)t ea*ination of the physical conition
of the area. Photographs sho)l /e taken where necessary: prior to co**ence*ent an )ring works.
Method Statement
1. Preparation Stae a. Selection an sa*ple s)/*ission of *aterial as per specification /y cons)ltant. /. 5entifying installation *etho whether conceale # cast6in or s)rface6r)n as per gi8en specification.
c. 7or conceale or cast6in con)its *)st /e co*plete with proper fittings an accessories for /oth P;C or <.5. con)its. . 7or s)rface6r)n con)its: *ost wiely )se is <.5. con)its co*plete with fittings an accessories.
e. "ccessories )se for the s)pport of con)it /oth <.5. or P;C 8aries with *etho of s)pport. ,he *ost co**on /eing the con)it sales. ,he spacing /etween s)pports *)st co*ply with specifications /y engineers: fore*an an s)/6contractor. f.
Co6orination with *ain contractor on the propose ro)ting /y $ngineer#S)per8isor.
g. Preparation of etail shop rawings for the propose *o)nting *etho incl)ing s)pport syste* /y $ngineer. h. Con)it sa*ples of the correct class *)st /e s)/scripte for appro8al /y cons)ltant prior to p)rchase of $ngineer.
!. "nsta##ation stae
a. Site s)r8ey of the propose ca/le ro)ting /ase on appro8e CS= /y fore*an # s)/6contractor together with $ngineer.
/. 5nstallation shall /e carrie o)t /ase on appro8e shop rawings & *aterial )se shall /e of appro8e /ran.
c. ark the eact position of the con)it ro)te with the /l)e *arker string an then
install con)it sales.
. 5nstall the correct size of the con)its: /y cla*ping with sales /y fore*an # s)/6 contractor.
e. Check to ens)re no sharp eges within the con)it joints for s)rface con)it an to ens)re proper /oning for all con)it joint for conceale P;C con)it /y fore*an # skill worker # s)/6contractor.
Con)its shall r)n 8ertically or horizontally only for s)rface r)n con)its.
g. "fter installation of con)it: $ngineer6in6charge shall check the co*plete works an co*plete the 5nspection checklist for $lectrical con)it installation works. > $efer to Appendi% 1 ?
h. $ngineer6in6charge shall arrange an re()est for inspections with the Owner@s representati8e &$ clerks of works >CO? )sing appro8e ain Contractor Re()est for 5nspection >R5A? for* > $efer to Appendi% ! ?
here installe within switches: istri/)tion /oars: control panels an the like: wiring shall /e neatly an caref)lly /)nche: /eing ae()ately s)pporte an hel in position /y *eans of s)pports or /rackets or ins)lating *aterial as necessary.
Approved Materia#s
"ll *etal con)its shall /e class ! hea8y ga)ge screwe steel con)its co*plying with 9S !%'-4 part 14 10+ an 9S $A %-'614100!: 9S Con)it <.5.
$A %-'624100'. ,he con)it an all ancillary ite*s shall /e hot6ip gal8anize to 9S $A 5SO 1!'141000. Only gal8anize fittings an co*ponents shall /e )se with gal8anize con)it.
"ll P;C con)it shall /e of hea8y ga)ge high6co*pact co*plying with Con)it P;C "ll to note
9S !'+4 part 1410-! an 9S $A %-'62614100'. Ao con)it of less than 2** ia*eter shall /e )se.
!. Pro&ect Orani'ation for (ea#th ) Safet* Contro# ( Please see attached file )
+. (ea#th ) Safet* risks and contro#s
> Please refer to attach Risk assess*ent in respect to a/o8e scope of works B Appendi% + ?
,. Access - Eress
Proper step laers shall /e pro8ie for access an egress into trenches as applica/le.
"ll workers working at height shall e()ip the*sel8es with proper attire incl)ing f)ll /oy harness if height 2 *eters an aitional with shock a/sor/ers if height ! *eters. ,he harness lanyar shall /e sec)re to the 8ario)s sec)re points.
. /ihtin
"e()ate te*porary#task lighting shall /e pro8ie if work to /e carrie at night or at ark places.
0. P#ant ) Euipment
etal pipe /ener # threaer tools
1 lot
1 lot
Spring /ener
1 lot
$lectrical rill >only for s)rface installation works?
1 lot
D,he a/o8e *achinery & $()ip*ent )se ()antity will /e 8arie epening on site conitions an pro)ction rate.
4. Persona# Trainin Certificates
Summar* of Personne# S(E Trainin
Compan*: 3nited Enineers 5Sinapore6 Pte. /td.
P No
r o t a
d l o a c S
d l o a c S
r s
r o t
r o t a r e p o ! P E
P % S $ r o # m r o "
+a!!at#i ,#a!*ave-
8 O $orker
(#a! +ia#
$ r o Ot&er # m s 'Pls r o " Speci r
Occu p First Aid
0 O
S#a/ 5
r e g g i R
e n a r C
1 O
Sivae!*a! '
n a m l a n g i S
(#idam)ar &
p u S g n i t f i L
7. (a'ardous Materia#s ) Su8stances
Aot "pplica/le.
9. Waste Manaement i. ,he r)//ish which wo)l /e create fro* o)r scope of works will /e ispose to the
esignate )*ping gro)n.
ii. "ll waste *aterials to /e place at the esignate waste /ins accoring to types.
iii. ,he general waste will /e collecte # isposal perioically /y license waste collector.
1. Specia# Contro# Measures i. ,he following general control *eas)res against Safety: $n8iron*ent an E)ality shall /e re()ire for o)r scope of work an special control *eas)res are not applica/le for )s
Scaffoling *)st /e properly erecte /y ()ality erector & *)st ha8e 8ali green pass. Proper PP$ *)st /e worn at all ti*e. =aily tool /o *eeting to /e arrange /efore start work. Reg)lar *aintenance will /e carrie o)t to the tools an e()ip*ent in accorance to *an)fact)res@ reco**enation to ens)re that they are in goo
an safe working conition. "ll workers are ta)ght an traine with /asic safety knowlege /y )sing proper PP$ while working. "ll area will /e kept tiy. S)per8isor@s inspection will /e carrie o)t at e8ery stage an ()ality of work will /e ass)re on each rawing.
ii. $*ergency 5n case of e*ergency: all workers sho)l cease working an the Safety S)per8isor: an the a/o8e *entione ifting S)per8isor >ho* is on )ty? sho)l /e notifie. Fpon oing so: the SSG$AC SH$ anager # Officer *)st /e notifie. "t the sa*e ti*e: all personnel in8ol8e in the operation sho)l asse*/le at the esignate
are as shown in Appendi% ,.
;enera# Notes:
1. ,he contents of this *etho state*ent sho)l /e co**)nicate with the site workforces who are in8ol8e with the acti8ities.
2. "n "ccepteI copy of this *etho state*ent sho)l /e a8aila/le at the work locations at all ti*es )ring work.