Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
"H#PT$% I
&'en (e meet ot'er people at 'ome) at s*'ool) on t'e (ay) publi* pla*es or ('ere+er) (e *an gi+e some greeting e,pressions belo(.reetings Salam Hi)--- Hai Hello)--- Helo .ood morning)--- Selamat pagi I am 3ne Saya se'at I am 4kay Saya baik .ood a5ternoon)--- Selamat siang .ood nig't)--- Selamat malam Ho( are you6 #pa kabarmu6 T'ank you- Terima kasi'- I7m +ery (ell) t'ank you- Saya sangat baik) terima kasi'- .ood bye- Selamat Tinggal See you later- Sampai 8umpa See you again soon- Sampai 9ertemu :agi
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
Introdu*tion Perkenalan It7s +ery important to introdu*e yoursel5 in daily li5e- &it' introdu*ing) (e *an kno( ea*' ot'erot'er-
Sebua' 'al yang penting untuk memperkenalkan diri kalian di ke'idupan se'ari'ari- Dengan berkenalan) kita dapat mengenal satu sama lain-
:ook at some e,pressions o5 introdu*ing belo(; :i'atla' beberapa ungkapan perkenalan di ba(a' ini;
To To introdu*e introdu*e onesel5/ot'ers onesel5/ot'ers
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
%andy ini %ina) teman saya- T'is is a 5riend o5 mine) %inaIni teman saya) %ina- :et me introdu*e you to Mrs-:unaPerkenankan saya memperkenalkanmu ke Ibu :una- Ho( do you do6 My name is %aisya#pa kabar6 =ama saya %aisya-
To response
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
Possessi+e Pronoun Subje*t Pronoun I >ou &e T'ey He S'e It
Possessi+e Pronoun My >our 4ur T'eir His Her Its
$,er*ise %ead t'is te,t Hello; :et me introdu*e my sel5- My name is Mia) my 5ull name is $millia Moore) I am nine years old- I s*'ool in Stra(berry $lementary S*'ool at 5ourt' grade- I li+e at 8asmine street number - My 5at'er?s name is 8ason Moore and my mot'er?s name is Su@y Moore) I 'a+e one brot'er) 'is name is Taylor Moore) 'e is a kindergarten student and one sister) 'er name is #manda Moore) s'e is at si,t' grade o5 elementary s*'ool&ould you like to introdu*e your sel5 too6 #ns(er t'e Auestion based on t'e te,t abo+e; 1-
&'o (as introdu*ing 'er sel5 in t'e te,t abo+e6 a- Mia
b- Taylor
*- 8ason d- Su@y 2-
&'at is Mia?s 5ull name6 a- 8asmine Moore *- Su@y Moore
Ho( old is Mia6 a- C
b- 10 *- 11 d-
b- $millia Moore d- #manda Moore
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
&'ere does Mia s*'ool6 a- Stra(berry elementary s*'ool
b- 8asmine elementary s*'ool
*- Stra(berry kindergarten -
d- 8asmine kindergarten
&'at is Mia?s 9rot'er?s name6 a- 8ason Moore *- Su@y Moore
b- Taylor Moore d- $millia Moore
"H#PT$% II 4""
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
%ead T'is Dialouge 9elo( ; Dialouge I # &'at do you do 5or a li+ing6
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
# &'at is your o**upation6 9 I?m a me*'ani*# # me*'ani*6 T'at must be a lot o5 (ork9 It is- $+ery day I 3, *ars# Ho( interesting- Ho( many *ars do you 3,6 9 I 3, about *ars e+ery dayDialouge II >ousi &'at do you do) Mike6 Mike I?m a uni+ersity pro5essor- In addition to tea*'ing) I do a lot o5 resear*' >ousi Do you go to uni+ersity e+ery day6 Mike =o) I do not go to uni+ersity e+ery day- I go to uni+ersity t'ree times a (eek >ousi Do you like your job6 Mike >es) I like my job- Tea*'ing is a +ery important job$,er*ise #- "omplete t'ese dialogues; 1- My mot'er is a s'e (orks at s*'ool2- T'e patien*e is e,amined by at B- T'e t'ie5 (as arrested by atE- &e usually meet in bus station- 8ane is a - I al(ays (at*' 'er in TG s'o(!- T'e 5armer usually goes to e+ery morning- T'e is parking t'eir plane in - S'e is a - Her +oi*e is so goodC- T'e tells t'e ne(s e+ery day to people10- My sister is a (aitress- S'e is (orking in 9- Mat*' t'ese list belo( (it' t'ose pi*tures 1- Tea*'er- a 2- Poli*eman- B- Fire3g'ter- E- Do*tor- - Dentist-
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
!- #r*'ite*t- b - Pilot-
"H#PT$% III H4M$ S&$$T H4M$
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
%ead t'is dialogue belo( ;
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
May Hi Je+in) (ould you like to *ome and play to my 'ouse 6 Je+in 4' sure) it (ould be ni*e- S'ould (e play in t'e li+ing room 6 May =o) (e s'ouldn?t- &e (ould play in ba*kyardJe+in &'y 6 May #ll o5 my 5amily are gat'ering in t'e li+ing room 6 Je+in &'at are t'ey doing t'ere 6 May My mot'er is busy (it' 'er maga@ine) and my little sister *an?t be disturbed (it' 'er Dra(ingJe+in &'at about your older sister and brot'er 6 May T'ey 'a+ing 5un (it' t'eir ne( pet- My older sister lo+es to speaking to 'er sparro( and 9rot'er is sitting around (it' 'is dog on t'e so5a
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
Je+in &'oa) your li+ing room s'ould be +ery *ro(ded- 4kay) lets play to t'e ba*kyard;
Mat*' t'e list (it' t'e pi*tures belo(
Fill in t'e blanks
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
"H#PT$% IG P#%T 4F 94D>
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
Vocabularies Bodies
Head : kepala Hair : rambut Forehead : kening Eye : mata Nose : hidung Mouth : mulut Tongue : lidah Tooth : gigi Chin : dagu Cheek : pipi Ear : kuping Eyebro" : alis mata Thigh : paha %nee : lulut
Calf Ankle Heel Sole Toe nail Fingernail Wrist alm Thumb Fore finger Middle finger #ing finger $ittle finger
Read this text My Body
This is me& ' am a boy ' am nine years old ' am tall& ' am a handsome boy&
: betis : pergelangan kaki : tumit : telapak kaki : kuku kaki : kuku tangan : pergelangan tangan : telapak tangan : ibu !ari : telun!uk : !ari tengah : !ari manis : kelingking
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201! ' ha(e a bro"n skin& ' ha(e t"o eyes) t"o ears) and one sharp nose& My hair is bro"n and my teeth are "hite&
Answer these questions.
*& ,& .& /& 0&
Ho" old is he+ What is the -olor of his skin+ Ho" many eyes does he ha(e+ What is the -olor of his hair+ What is the -olor of his teeth+
Read these sentences and practice it in front of class
' -an see "ith my eyes& ' -an smell "ith my nose& ' -an taste "ith my tongue ' -an hear "ith my ears&
' -an eat "ith my mouth ' -an bite "ith my teeth ' -an "rite "ith my finger ' -an "alk "ith my feet Exercise 1 Choose the right answer. *& ' -an breathe "ith my11111 a& eyes b& nose ,& ' -an "alk "ith my11 a& feet b& hands .& ' ha(e1&& fingers a& one b& three /& ' ha(e1 hands a& one b& three 0& ' ha(e a bla-k hair on my1& a& hand b& feet 3& ' use my "at-h on my1 a& finger b& "rist 4& ' -an ki-k a ball "ith my 1 a& hand b& foot 5& ' listen to the musi- "ith my 1 a& hand b& eyes 6& ' type "ith my 1& a& fingers b& eyes *7& ' ha(e 1& Toes a& fi(e b& ten
-& ears
d& fingers
-& stoma-h
d& eyes
-& si2
d& ten
-& t"o
d& four
-& fa-e
d& head
-& head
d& "aist
-& mouth
d& teeth
-& ears
d& nose
-& ears
d& nose
-& fifteen
d& t"enty
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
"H#PT$% G M> F#MI:> My Family Tree
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
%ead t'is dialogue belo( ; Budiman
: This is my family album.
: Oh, may I see that?
: Sure.
: Who is this?
: This is my aunt.
: Do you have brothers?
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201! Budiman
: Yes, I do.
: ow many brothers do you have?
: I have two brothers.
: ow many sisters do you have?
: I have one sister, ow many brothers do you have?
: I have one brother.
: ow many siters do you have?
: I have one sister.
$,er*ise Read this text carefully
' am Sally) this is my family8s pi-ture) this is me) using blue dress) this is my father his name is Andre" and that is my mother her name is Mary) 9ason is brother he is holding my mom8s hand& We are a happy family&
Answer the questions
Who is the girl in the te2t abo(e+ a& 9ason b& Mary Ho" many brother does sally ha(e+ a& ne b& T"o What is sally8s mother8s name+ a& 9ason b& Mary Who is using green shirt+ a& Father b& Mother Are they happy family+ a& ;es) they are b& No) they aren8t
-& Sally d& Andre" -& Three d& Four -& Sally d& Andre" -& Sally d& 9ason -& d&
;es) they aren8t No) they are
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!
"H#PT$% GI M> H4:ID#>
Modul HMMT Mengajar Departemen Pengabdian Masyarakat HMMT FTI ITS/201/201!