Traci Smith Prof. Farley H.E. Philosophy 9/24/12 My Philosophy Statement on Health Education According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO Definition of Health). Most people think that health simpl y involves not being sick, eating right and exercising, but there is actually so much more involved. The lack of knowledge is where health education comes into play. Clearly societ y as a whole isn’t properly educated about what health is and how to obtain optimal health. So, where do we start teaching people? The answer to that is right in the heart of school. Kids and young adults are the ones that we should be teaching now. They are our future and can help advocate good health practices to future generations. It is our job as an educator to properly inform the students so they can take the knowledge they learned and use it in society and their own families. The goal of health education is to facilitate individuals of all ages to use the knowledge to change unhealthy habits into healthy habits. In a society that one-third one -third of Americans are obese, it is evident that most people aren’t properly educat ed about the importance of proper health practices (Philosophy of Health Education). Many schools are cutting their health education classes, due to a lack in funds, because they feel that health education isn’t that important in a student’ student’s curriculum. Thomas Jefferson believed that health education is a necessary element in school, “…….leaving all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary
as reading; I will rather say more necessary, because health is worth more than learning.” I agree with the statement Jefferson once said beca use in order to perform at your optimal level you physically and mentally have to be healthy. According toDr. to Dr. Yolandra Hancock, students who are obese score less on standardized testing and basic tests given in the classroom (Cardoza). Cardoza). If we were to take health education edu cation out of the classroom students will not be properly
Traci Smith Prof. Farley H.E. Philosophy 9/24/12 educated about weight issues and good nutrition, therefore they will do worse in school. I think it is absolutely necessary for health education to be required in the classroom. Students need to know the information so they can relay rela y it to friends and family and start making this society healthier. My goal as an educator is that I want each and every one of my students to walk out of my classroom and know what they the y have to do in order to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. As stated in the American Association for Health Education’s position statement, “Health education is a unique and separate academic discipline. It influences individual, family and social development, knowledge, attitudes and behavior (Philosophy of Health Education).” Education).” Since health is a valuable subject the way wa y that it is taught to the student is just as important as the subject itself. When pushing the word out to students about health I have to take the time to make sure that they fully understand the information. Too many times information is thrown at students and many of them fail to comprehend it. Everything in the classroom has to be positive and active. It is my job to not just teach to reach a goal or and end but rather to teach so that the students know how to make use of the healthy choices to achieve life’s end goal. The choices that kids and adults make on a daily basis are a reflection of their beliefs and morals. It is our duty as an educator edu cator to mark into the minds of our ou r students what they should be doing so that they can live life to the fullest at their healthiest. If we can start with the younger generations now they can be the advocates we need to keep a healthy tradition going. Anymore, people listen to society more than their own body and therefore we need more people who are willing to push those that are struggling. Life is a men tal game and if people don’t have ha ve the proper information they may be stuck in their unhealthy ways forever. We have to shape the advocates today so that this obesity epidemic d oesn’t continue to rise. Health education is a
Traci Smith Prof. Farley H.E. Philosophy 9/24/12 necessity in every single person’s life. If we don’t have he alth education this world would be falling apart.
Traci Smith Prof. Farley H.E. Philosophy 9/24/12 Works Cited
Cardoza, Kavitha. "At School, Overweight Children Carry A Heavy Burden." NPR. NPR, 23 Sept. 2012. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. .
"Philosophy of Health Education." AAHE . American Association for Health Education, n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. .
"WHO Definition of Health." WHO. World Heath Organization, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. .