Narrative Report on Earthquake and Fire DrillFull description
Narrative Report on Earthquake and Fire DrillFull description
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON
Earthquake is one of the famous disasters that caused people died or injured. It cannot be detected when and where it would be happened to anyone. This This is most mostly ly happ happen ened ed in plac places es wh wher ere e peopl people e are are hang hangin ing g arou around nd and and working. Earthquake is understood by being a natural phenomenon caused by the constant movements of the earth’s crustal plates and due to climate change too. Conn Connec ecti tive vely ly the the Calu Calubc bcub ub! ! Elem Elemen enta tary ry "cho "chool ol cond conduc ucte ted d the the simultaneo simultaneous us "chool#$ased "chool#$ased Earthquak Earthquake e %rill %rill on &une '(!). *ursuant *ursuant to the %ivision +emorandum which was uploaded last &une '! '(!) ,*-/ ,*-/-0I1 -0I1 ' nd 2uarter '(!) 0ational "imultaneous Earthquake %rill. The drill started with the ceremonial tapping of the bell where the pupils from from 3inderg 3indergart arten en to rade rade "i4 togeth together er wit with h their their teache teachers rs and followe followed d strict strictly ly the three three import important ant things things during during an earthq earthquak uake. e. These These were were the %ucking Covering and 5olding 6atching out for falling objects and 3eeping calm and -voiding panic. $efore the actual drills +r. Irec 7. $ernarte school %88+C Coordinator conducted an orientation during the 9ag ceremony. 5e disseminated the information about the occurrence of earthquake as well as the needs needs to carr carry y out out a dril drilll to enha enhanc nce e the the pupi pupils ls’’ awar awaren enes ess s on the the safe safety ty measures before during and after the earthquake. e arthquake. The drill participants were :;; pupils and !: school personnel. The drill lasted for four minutes. 0o untoward incident happened during the drill. +rs. +rs. Eu Euni nice ce ". %ela %elaci cion on *rin *rinci cipa pall ! eval evalua uate te the the dril drill. l. "he "he said said ,Earthquake preparedness should be taught well to the pupils and should be follow followed ed strict strictly ly during during drill. drill.1 1 "he further further said that ,Earthqu ,Earthquake ake drill1 drill1 are immersions and if the pupils are taught on what to do or how to act then actions and reactions will be automatic.1
Prepared by:
IREC L. BERNARTE "chool %88+C Coordinator 0oted= EUNICE S. DELACION *rincipal !