A Network Operations Operations Center, or NOC, is is the primary work work space engineers utilize utilize to monitor, monitor, manage and troubleshoot problems on a network. The Network Operations Center offers oversight of problems, configuration and change management, network security, performance and p olicy monitoring, reporting, uality assurance, scheduling, and documentation by utilizing sophisticated network management, monitoring and analysis tools. The NOC provides a structured environment that effectively coordinates operational activities with all participants and vendors related to the function of the network. The NOC technicians typically provide support twenty!four hours a day, seven days a week. Typical daily processes include"
#onitoring operations of all backbone links and network devices. $nsuring continuous operation of servers and services.
%roviding uality support for network users.
Troubleshooting of all network and system related problems.
Opening tickets to track and document resolution of problems.
&' hours a day, ( days a week supervised operation by highly skilled network and system engineers.
)*+ has eperience in designing, building, and installing Command Centers, Control Centers, Network Operation Centers, Network #anagement Centers, Network Control Centers, -ata Centers, ecurity Operations Centers, #ock Trading )ooms and various other monitoring intensive control facilities. *e can provide a turn!key solution by handling everything you need including space design, console furniture, audio/visual systems, network 0 support infrastructure monitoring and/or managed services as well as installation including display and video walls. )*+ can help you make the most out of your available space. * e start by analyzing your specific needs and goals for the pro1ect including the operational reuirement, space limitations, time constraints and budget ob1ectives. *ith your goals in mind, our team of designers and audio/visual eperts develop possible configurations. *orking closely with you, we make the n ecessary revisions to initial design concepts to arrive at the best possible solution for your particular operation. )*+ -ata Center olutions has a proven process 0 holistic approach to plan, design, and build your Command 0 Control Center to meet all your design criteria. Our aim is to provide a Network Operations Center design and solution that is conducive to having people, technology, and facilities work seamlessly together. These services leverage the fifth phase in the eleven 2334 step progression of the )*+ data center pro1ect process.
5n addition to providing eperienced, high level Network Operations Center design services, )*+ is the single!source vendor you can rely on from the Conceptual %lanning 0 6easibility %hase, through the -esign 0 $ngineering %hase, to the Construction, 5mplementation 0 Commissioning %hase, and finally to the upport 0 #aintenance %hase.