National Telecommunications Commission - NCR
National Telecommunications Commission - NCR
National Telecommunications Commission - NCR
Tariff Heading
National Telecommunications Commission - Regulation Branch
National Telecommunications Commission - Regulation Branch
National Telecommunications Commission - Broadcast Service Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Equipment Standards Division
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Special Radio Services Division)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Special Radio Services Division)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Special Radio Services Division)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Special Radio Services Division)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Special Radio Services Division)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Special Radio Services Division)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch (Saet! Radio Services " STC# Compliance Division (SSCD))
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch Special Radio Services Division (SRSD)
National Telecommunications Commission - Special Licensing Branch Special Radio Services Division (SRSD)
Comments$ Comments$ Comments$ Comments$ Comments$ Comments$ Comments$
Commodity Description
Legal Basis (Enaling La!"
Customer %remises Equipment (C%E)& are as ollo's$ %rivate Branch Echanges (%Bs)* +e! Telephone S!stems (+TS)* Corded Telephone Sets* Cordless Telephone Sets* ,utomatic dialer* ,utomatic ans'ering machine* Call distriutor* DTE* .acsimile* Teleprinter* #ireless %aging Receiver* C/TS Terminal* 0/%CS* .ied #ireless ,ccess Suscrier 1nit* 2S,T* %3S* CL4D* and ,dvanced C%Es& Caller 4D* Dial-up modem* R566 parts* %3TS* %,B* ,nalog Telephone* .3* 0S/* Cordless %hone* Special %urpose Terminal Equipments includes the ollo'ing ut ae not limited to$ ,larm dialing " signalling equipment& Traic recorder& 2ariation monitors& multipleer
MC No. 02-01-2001
#ireless Data Net'or7 (#DN) 4ncludes devices 'ith 0S/8#L,N8Bluetooth .requenc! range$ 9:;;-9:<=>? /h@ ?6?;-?=?; /h@ ?:A;-?; /h@
MC No. 09-09-2003
Short Range Devices (SRDs) includes devices 'ith #L,N8Bluetooth 2.& 1. and . requencies Belo' 9?;m# po'er output
MC No. 03-05-2007
Radio equipment
Act No. 3846 , as am
Capital equipment& materials and accessories to e used E>3 ;& Tari and ! pulic telecommunications entities pursuant to their Customs Code ranchises and authori@ations
Broadcast and C,T2 equipments
NTC MC no. 9-8-91
/oile %hone
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
/oile Terminal
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
Corded %hone
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
Cordless %hone
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
.a /achine
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
MC #1-04-88,MC #02
Radio .req 4dentiication (R.4D) .requenc! range 'ith 6=>??= to 6=>?A /h@& 6<- 9; /h@& 9::- 9:?: /h@
RA 3846/MC - No. 03-
Short Range Devices (SRDs) 2.& 1. and . requencies Belo' 9?; m# po'er output
RA 3846/ MC No. 03-0
Short Range Radio Service (SRRS) .req> Range =9? =9?>:
RA 3846/MC No. 01-0
#ireless Data Net'or7 (#DN) .requenc! range$ 9:;; 9:<=>? /h@ ?6?; ?=?; /h@ ?:A; ?; /h@
RA 3846/MC No. 09-0
Radio Transmitter8 Transceivers 2.& 1.& . .requencies
RA 3846/et. "de"
Non-Radio8 ,ccessories (unregulated items)
Radio Transmitter and8or Transceiver
2.8/.8. (maritime8aeronautical)
Navigational Tele (N,2TE)
ACT 3846, As Amend
Search and Rescue Transponder (S,RT)
Emergenc! %osition 4ndicating Radio Beacon (E%4RB)
4N/,RS,T Ship Earth Station
,utomatic 4dentiication S!stem (,4S)
Long range 4dentiication and trac7ing (LR4T)
Ship Securit! ,lert S!stem (SS,S)
Radio Transmitters and Transceivers
#ireless Devices #ith the ollo'ing .requenc! 2.& 1. and . and
#ireless Data Net'or7 (#DN)
,CT =<:8 Dept 3rder No> 66
4ncludes devices 'ith 0S/8#L,N8Bluetooth .requenc! range$ 9:;;-9:<=>? /h@ ?6?;-?=?; /h@ ?:A;-?; /h@
/C No> ;-;-9;;=
Short Range Devices (SRDs) includes devices 'ith #L,N8Bluetooth 2.& 1. and . requencies Belo' 9?;m# po'er output
/C No> ;=-;?-9;;A
#mport Re%$irements (clearances and permits"
Doc$mentary Re%$irements
,ttaching the ollo'ing documents (online applications thru NS#)$
%ermit to 4mport8Release Clearance rom NTC
.or Dealer8/anuacturer o C%E (Commercial 1se)$ 6> Cop! o %roorma 4nvoice 9> Technical Speciications => T!pe ,pproved Certiicate o Equipment :> Cop! o valid %ermit (Dealers /anuacturers %ermit8C%E ,ccreditation) ?> ,ir #a! Bill or Release Clearance onl!> .or 4ndividuals8Corporation (3'n-use8Compan! 1se not more than ? units)$ 6> Cop! o %roorma 4nvoice 9> Technical Speciications
Certiicate o Eemption
6> Cop! o %roorma 4nvoice 9> Technical Speciications
Permit to P$rc&ase'Possess (This %ermit is granted once a Certiicate o %ulic Convenience and Necessit! (C%CN) or %rovisional ,uthorit! (%,) is issued to a %TE> The C%CN or %, is applicale onl! to importation o equipment to e used in providing pulic telecommunications services>)
4mport permit onl!
6> .or transmitter8eciter$ a> proorma invoice > cop! o (ntc) permit to purchase 9> other equipment8s$ a> proorma invoice
6> .or transmitter8eciter$ a> proorma invoice > cop! o (ntc) permit to purchase 9> other equipment8s$ a> proorma invoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
4mport %ermit or t!pe approval " demo purposes
Letter o 4ntent " Cop! o 4nvoice
%ermit to 4mport 8 Release Clearance ,ttaching the ollo'ing documents rom NTC (online applications (thru NS#)$ .or Dealer8/anuacturer o Radio Communication Equipment 6> Cop! o %roorma 4nvoice 9> Cop! o valid %ermit (Dealers /anuacturers %ermit) => T!pe approved Certiicate o Equipment .or 4ndividuals8Corporation 6> Cop! o %roorma 4nvoice 9> Cop! o 2alid %ermit to %urchase => T!pe approved Cert> o Equipment
%ermit to 4mport or Release Clearance Dealer$ 6> %roorma 4nvoice 9> 2alid Dealers %erimit => T!pe-,pproval certiicate o equipment .or 4ndividual 'ith approved net'or78RSL$ 6> %roorma 4nvoice 9> %ermit to %urchase => Cop! o valid RSL
Clearance to Eport Radio 4tems rom 6> Letter stating the purpose o NTC eportation 9> Cop! o %ermit to import8authorit! used in the importation o mentioned radio items>
#mport Proced$res Lead Time #mport Proced$re and pecifications
6> ,pplicant 'ill register online thru '''>ns'>gov>ph and create application> 9> ,pplicant sumits application online 'ith required documents (import requirement) to NS#> => NTC-NCR receives and chec7s the completeness and correctness o applications> :> 4 the application ound to e complete8correct& NTC-NCR 'ill indicate the necessar! ees to e paid ! the applicant> ?> 4 the application is not ound complete8correct> NTC-NCR 'ill mar7 the application pending 'ith corresponding remar78s or the applicant to compl!> The applicant shall update their application and resumit> > ,pplicant pa!s the prescried ees through ,T/8Bancnet accredited ! NS#> A> NTC-NCR process and authori@es the applications> <> Deput! Commissioner 'ill approve the %ermit> > %ermit is approved> The permit is availale at NS#8B3C and ma! e printed>
6> ,ppl! through National Single #indo's (NS#) under Broadcast Services Division 9> .ill up the required ields and attached scan cop! o the invoice Note$ or transmitter8eciter also attached cop! o (NTC) %ermit to %urchase => %a! online using Bancnet accredited Ban7 :> %rint 4mport %ermit (can e vie' using NS# account)
.ive (?) 'or7ing da!s
6> ,ppl! through National Single #indo's (NS#) under Broadcast Services Division 9> .ill up the required ields and attached scan cop! o the invoice Note$ or transmitter8eciter also attached cop! o (NTC) %ermit to %urchase => %a! online using Bancnet accredited Ban7 :> %rint 4mport %ermit (can e vie' using NS# account)
3ne (6) da!
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
,pplicant applies online thru %NS#
= -? da!s
6> ,pplicant sumit application online 'ith required documents (import requirements) to NS#> 9> SLB-SRSD chec7 the completeness and correctness o applications> => 4 the application ound to e complete8correct& SLB-SRSD 'ill indicate the necessar! ees to e paid ! the applicant> :> ,pplicant pa! the prescried ees through ,T/8Bancnet accredited ! NS# ?> SLB-SRSD receive& process and authori@e the applications> > Deput! Commissioner 'ill approve the %ermit A> %ermit is approved> The permit is availale at NS#8B3C and ma! e printed>
6> ,pplicant sumits application online thru NS#> 9> SLB8SSCD chec7s completeness and correctness o application> => 4 complete and correct& SSCD 'ill indicate necessar! ees to e paid ! the applicant> :> ,pplicant pa!s the ees thru ,T/8Bancnet accredited ! NS#> ?> 8SSCD receives& processes& approves8authori@es the application > Deput! Commissioner shall approved the %ermit to 4mport
EXPORT 6> ,pplicant sumit application to SLB- SRSD 9> SLB- SRSD chec7 the completeness and correctness o application> 4 ound to e complete and correct SLB-SRSD prepare order o pa!ment> => ,pplicant pa! the prescried ees at Cashier Section> :> SLB-SRSD 'ill receive& process the application> ?> Deput! Commissioner approved the certiicate> > %ermit is approved and read! or release> N3TE$ Requirement in claiming Certiicate 6> ,uthori@ation letter 3riginal cop! o Receipt issued ! NTC>
Processing )ee
ample Permit
6> %ermit to 4mport %h% 9:;>;;8invoice 9> Release Clearance$ .or 9 units onl!- %h% 9:;>;;8invoice$e %e"m!t and .or more than 9 units %hp>;;8unit => Documentar! Stamp %h% 6?>;;8permit
Certiicate o Eemption .ees (thru NS#)$ 6> Certiication .ee %h% 69;>;;8invoice 9> Documentar! Stamp %h% 6?>;;8permit
%ermit .ee$ %hp 9:;>;; 8 invoice
......%+C - NTCa
Documentar! Stamp $ %h% 6?>;;8invoice
%ermit .ee - %hp 9:; Documentar! Stamp - %hp 6?
......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d( ......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d( ......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d(
......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d(
......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d(
Schedule o .ees$ 6> %ermit to 4mport - %hp 9:;>;;8invoice 9> Release Clearance - %hp 9:;>;;8invoice => Documentar! Stamp Ta %hp6?>;;8permit Certiicate o Eemption .ees (thru NS#)$ 6> Certiicate ee %hp 69;>;;8invoice 9> Documentar! Stamp Ta %hp 6?>;;8certiicate
......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d( ......%+C NTCam$e %e"m!t and C$ea"ancesam$e +mo"t %e"m!t .d(
6> .iling .ee-%hp 6<;>;;8invoice 9> %ermit to 4mport-%hp 9:;>;;8invoice => Documentar! Stamp-%hp 6?>;;8%ermit to 4mport>
6> Certiication .ee- php 69;>;;84nvoice 9> Documentar! Stamp Ta- %hp 6?>;;8cert>
Contact Position
,RN3LD %>B,RCEL3N, Engineer 2
/,RCEL3 /> B1N,0& 5R> Engineer 444
Contact Details
*ational Capital Region N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43NS C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-:;6; Email$ ntcncrF!ahoo>com #esite$ '''>ntcncr>com
The Director& Regulation Branch
,lvin Blanco Chie& Broadcast Services Division Deput! Commissioner Delilah Deles
Tel> 9::;;
Tel> 9::;;
Tel> 9::;;
Regulation Branch Tel No> (;9) 9:=A9?8 (;9) 9::;9
T8.$ 9:-=A:: Email$ sdGntcF!ahoo>com
Tel> 9::;;
Tel> 9::;;
Tel> 9::;;
Tel> 9::;;
D,NTE /> 2EN01, Officer+#n+C&arge pecial Licensing Branc&
04L /> /ER4N3 Officer+#n+C&arge pecial Radio er,ices Di,ision (RD"
N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43N C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-:;-9: Email$ rrldntcF!ahoo>com #esite$ '''>ntc>gov>ph N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43N C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-:;-A Email$ srsdFntch>gov>ph
D,NTE /> 2EN01, Officer+#n+C&arge pecial Licensing Branc&
0LENN ,NT3NH C> /ERC,D3 C&iefafety Radio er,ices . TC/ Compliance Di,ision (CD"
N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43N C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-:;-9: Email$ rrldntcF!ahoo>com #esite$ '''>ntc>gov>ph N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43N C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-=A-=6 Email$ stc'Fntch>gov>ph
D,NTE /> 2EN01, Officer+#n+C&arge pecial Licensing Branc&
04L /> /ER4N3 Officer+#n+C&arge pecial Radio er,ices Di,ision (RD"
N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43N C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-:;-9: Email$ rrldntcF!ahoo>com #esite$ '''>ntc>gov>ph N,T43N,L TELEC3//1N4C,T43N C3//4SS43N Tel No> 9:-:;-A Email$ srsdFntch>gov>ph