UAVs systems represent a flexible technology able to collect a big amount of high resolution information, both for metric and interpretation uses. In the frame of experimental tests carried out at...
Light WorksheetDescripción completa
worksheet for grade 10Full description
This is a tip for beginners on How to get a better Triangulation fro modeling terrains using Minesight.Descripción completa
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I want to believe in this feeling. We might never get anyone’s attention. We might never have an audience cheering for us, but we’ll keep trying. We’ll do everything we can to get this feeling out there. This feeling in our hearts that brought us here. Someday we’ll definitely fill every seat in this auditorium - onoka !ousaka, "ove "ive School Idol #ro$ect % &' ()*T+)!(S #ractice with Triangulation' "ocating an earthuake epicenter In the &. /otes, you learned that seismologists determine the distance to the earthuake epicenter using the difference between S and # wave arrival times. To locate the epicenter of the earthuake, seismologists use the distance data from 3 different seismographs, and then draw circles that distance away from the station. Where they intersect, that’s the epicenter00 1or close to it2
)n earthuake was recorded at Stations ), 3, and % shown on the map below.
Station A reported that the epicenter of the uake was Station B reported a distance of 3500 km. Station C reported a distance of 5000 km. sing a ruler, compass, and the scale below of 1/2 the earthuake on this map.