Candidate’s Candidat e’s observation observati on s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent &t)dent na*e &AEE% &AEE% A$+A%,,, A$+A%,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,, ,
of 12
&t)dent &t)dent n)*ber n)*ber ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,
-ace inspected.&a)di inspected.&a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di &a)di Arabia %ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/ Observations Hazards and consequences
Contro- *eas)res
Immediate and longer term actions
Hazardous Observation Steel Fabrication 1. Insufficient leadership and commit commitmen mentt from from the manage managemen ment, t, safety safety cultur culture e does does not not eist eist which can result into accidents and many other other proble problems, ms, that that can can ruin ruin the the company in no time.
!. "or#ers employed in this company are not using using $$% properl properly y and and also also some some equi equipm pmen ents ts&t &too ools ls have have not not provided to them by their employer,!ic! employer, !ic! can res)-t in serio)s person personnene- in3)r4 in3)r4 ac)te ac)te disc)s disc)sses ses beca)se of noise vibration and d)st5
1-+anagement should lead )ith eamples as role model. !-Set realistic targets and Obectives. '-o revie) the output progress /uarterly as per I0O-OSH !1.
1.Immediately 1.2s per I0O-OSH !1,%very "or#er " or#er "ithin ' days. Should be granted complete $$% free of cost by the employer. !.0es .0ess s than than a !.2lso !.2lso provide provide training training to "or#ers "or#ers 2nd )ee#. %plain them the (isadvantages Of 3ot 4sing $$% properly.
'. (rin#ing )ater is available but date 1.5eplace the (rin#ing )ater 6artridge no mentioned at cartridge of filters. 2nd +entio +ention n date date of 6hange 6hange on on them. them. It can result in that some )or#er )or#ers&p s&pers ersons ons may avoid avoid to drin# drin# because of the epiry date not mentioned on the cartridge of filters.
*. House#eeping is poor House#eeping of the entire fabrication is very very bad& bad&po poor or.. +eta +etall piec pieces es are are laying all around the floor. It can result in trip and fall of )or#ers may result in severe inury.
"ithin One 8ear 9Step by Step: .
1. Immediately "ithin !*Hours.
1. Immediately 1. 5emove all un)anted )aste 2nd Other Scrap. !. 0ess 0ess than than a !. (ispose-off in 2llocated metal scrap "ee#. "aste 7o.
Candidate’s observation s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent na*e &AEE% A$+A%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
of 12
&t)dent n)*ber ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-ace inspected.&a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di Arabia %ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/ Observations
Contro- *eas)res
Hazards and consequences
Immediate and longer term actions
;. here are unclear )al# )ays and 3o designated escape routes nor 2ssembly point. (uring the emergency situation, if there is no clear understanding of 2ssembly point, may cause delay in rescue of someone )ho is inured.
1- "al# )ays should be 6learly +ar#ed and (esignated )hich should lead to 2ssembly $oint. !-(rills&raining eercises must be carried out at least Once in Si-+onths
1- 0ess han a "ee#.
<. Some )or#ers doing )or# in high temperature recording as almost ; degree above 6elsius and for the period of = to > hours. 2nd some )or#ers not using helmets because of heat. It can result in head inury dehydration to )or#ers because of heat. S#in burning because of heat.
1-$rovide 2dequate rest intervals to "or#ers. !-$$% provided to )or#ers Should be 0ight in "eight. '-$rovide )or#ers rest Shelters and (rin#ing "ater. *-rain )or#ers to drin# )ater frequently to 2void (ehydration.
1- 2fter every 1 or ! Hours. !- "ithin !*Hours. '"ithin !*Hours *- "ithin a (ay.
=. First-2id equipment is in good condition and some of )or#ers also leaving training certificates in first aid. 2mbulance is also provides for emergency situations. $roviding all the basic requirements. >. 6ondition of "ashrooms 2nd oilets is very good. %verything is cleaned. here is very less chance of spreading bacterial infections or diseases etc. Slip and rip chances are very lo).
?ood $ractice
?ood $ractice
!-2t least Once in %very < months.
Candidate’s observation s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent na*e &AEE% A$+A%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
of 12
&t)dent n)*ber ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-ace inspected.&a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di Arabia %ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/ Observations
Contro- *eas)res
Hazards and consequences
Immediate and longer term actions
@. %lectrical 6onnections )arning !!&**v are not properly secured. 6ables are oined )ith insulation tapes, %-proof glands not installed near flammable gases. It may result in electric shoc#, %lectrocution. Inury from eposure to 2rcing. Fire or %plosion.
1- Immediate replacement of all damaged glands )ith %-proof glands. !- 6ables to be replaced. '- 2ll unction 7oes should be secured. *- High Aoltage area should be mar#ed as B(anger High AoltageC.
1-"elding )or# )as carried out near the storage of flammable liquids 9(iesel, $etrol:. It is considered as unsafe act, and have potential to 6ause Fire and %plosion. (amage to equipment and property. Serious personal inuries or Fatalities.
11. 0ifting gear accessories e.g. Slings and Shac#les are not 6larified. 3o colour coding is used. It could result in load fall, Inspection of 6ritical 6omponents are Aital for any lift and 6ertification by hird-party is +ust.
1-Stop the )or#. !-Shift the )or# location at safe place. '-$rovide training to )or#ers of Hot )or# and Fire fighting. *-%nsure the ne) )or# location is safe and proper house#eeping is there.
1-5emove the epired or out of service parts. !-hird-$arty should called for inspect Of all Slings, Shac#les )ith 6olour 6oding.
1- Immediate "ithin *>Hours
1. Immediately !. "ithin !*hours '. "ithin !*hours *. 7efore starting the )or# at ne) location&place.
1.Immediately !-One-t)o )ee#s
Candidate’s observation s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent na*e &AEE% A$+A%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
of 12
&t)dent n)*ber ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-ace inspected.&a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di Arabia %ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/ Observations Hazards and consequences
1!. Only t)o Fire-%tinguishers available for entire area. %tinguishing agents )ould be inadequate in result of fire.
1'. "or#ers carrying out the grinding )or# )hich creates (ust, 7ut dust +as#s and other respiratory %quipment is not provided to them. It could result in 0ung diseases and other respiratory disorders 9asthma, emphysema, bronchitis etc:,through Inhalation of dust particles. hese are 6hronic "or# diseases.
Contro- *eas)res
Immediate and longer term actions
1. Immediate procurement of Fire %tinguishers as the )hole Fabrication yard is carrying out Hot-)or# and Fire Fighting equipments are not Sufficient.
"ithin ' days
1. 2s per I0O-OSH !1,all type of $$% including dust mas#s and other "ithin Five days respiratory equipments should be provided to )or#ers by %mployers 9free of cost:.
1. (iscard the soft slings immediately 1*. Soft slings )ere damages to )ear 2nd cut them into t)o-pieces to avoid out. !. hird-$arty inspection should be done It could result in falling of load as the for the soft slings. S"0 may have been lose due )ear and tear. 1-2ll visitors, )or#ers must be given a 1;. here is 3o Induction training to the proper induction training of escape visitors in office premises. routes, 2ssembly point that during It could result in aniety in case of emergency they could easily use them. %mergency as Aisitors are not briefed !- ypes of %mergencies must be on )here the 2ssembly point is, 3ot eplained. sure to escape routes. hey could get trapped.
1-Immediately !-"ithin one )ee#
1. Immediately
!. Once in every < months.
Candidate’s observation s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent na*e &AEE% A$+A%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
of 12
&t)dent n)*ber ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-ace inspected . &a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di Arabia
%ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/
1<. 3ot specific smo#ing area is $rovided at "or#place. Some )or#ers smo#ing )hile carrying out the )or#, "hile there are electricity cables and other flammable liquids are there. It can result in Fire, %plosion. Serious inuries, loss of life. (amage to property or equipment.
1=. 3o building Fire layout plan, %mergency escape routes are not designed )ith proper Signage. It could result in chaos during drill and %mergency situations.
1>. he )or# of steel lifting is carried out at fabrication yard by using crane and auiliary hoistCs safety latch not functioning properly. here is also no maintenance chec#lists for vehicles at "or#place. It can result in equipment damage, fatality of rigger. 2ccidents can occur due to the improper +aintenance of Aehicles.
1. here should be specific smo#ing area provided to )or#ers at )or#place. !. $rovide training to )or#ers of Fire and Safety. '. 2lso provide Supervision as necessary.
1. Station bells and other %mergency plan specially Fire, flooding, %arthqua#es etc, must be displayed. $roper signage should be there because Signage play vital role during any 7lac#out situation.
1. Stop the )or#. !. 5eplace the latch )hich not functioning properly. '. 6arry out daily chec# for crane and maintain the record. *.Only competent person should operate the crane. ;. here should be chec#list for each %quipment at )or#place. <. $rovide training to )or#ers to ma#e them a)are of the importance of chec#lists.
1. 0ess than a )ee#. !. Immediately hree days '.(uring the )or# is carried out.
1. "ithin )o "ee#s
1.Immediately !."ithin !*hours '.o be conducted daily. *.Its 3ecessary. ;.' days <.Once every +onth
Candidate’s observation s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent na*e &AEE% A$+A%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
07 of 12
&t)dent n)*ber ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-ace inspected.&a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di Arabia %ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/ Observations Hazards and consequences
Contro- *eas)res Immediate and longer term actions
1@. In the (ining room, there is proper cleanliness and room is )ell equipped and )ell-maintained. 2ll facilities including 2&6, micro)ave , refrigerator, clean )ash room and tissue papers etc are $rovided.
!. here is no proper segregation and disposal of "aste in the )or#place. Hazardous )aste is being mied )ith the ?eneral )aste. It could result in the spreading different types of life ta#ing diseases including +alaria, (engue , 6ancer by the eposure to )astes.
!1. Observed that there is poor 0ight in the area )here the for#lift is carrying out the lifting )or# of steel. It may lead to an 2ccident due to the poor lightning in the area. It may cause inury and damage to equipment. $oor lightning is a health hazard, too much or too little light strains eyes and may cause eye irritation and headaches.
?ood $ractice
1. Inform the +anager to ta#e the action to segregate and dispose the )aste. !. $rovide separate s#ips and )ith colour codes for hazardous )aste and general )aste. '. Supervisor should ensure that there is proper segregation and dispose of the )aste.
1. $rovide proper local 0ightning in the )or#place for the safe operation. !. "or#ers should be provided and )ear High Aisibility Dac#ets. '. 5egular inspection of the )or#place should be there.
1. Immediately
!. Immediately )ithin ! to ' days '. "hile the )or# is carrying out
1. Immediately )ith in *>hours !. Immediately "ith in *>hours '. Once in a '+onths.
Candidate’s observation s!eet
IGC" # T$E $EALT$ AN% &AFET' RACTICAL ALICATION &!eet n)*ber &t)dent na*e &AEE% A$+A%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
of 12
&t)dent n)*ber ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-ace inspected.&a)di &tee- Fabrication %a**a* &a)di Arabia %ate of inspection 2/ 10 201/ Observations Hazards and consequences
Contro- *eas)res Immediate and longer term actions
!!. +anual Handling E Observed that some )or#ers are used to lift heavy steel material&)eight inside the )or#place and also )ith )rong posture. his can result in bac# Inuries, arm inuries and may also can cause damage to the material that they used to lift.
1. $rovide electric tugs to "or#ers to ma#e the )or# easy. !. %nsure proper posture are adopted in manual handling through supervision. '.2lso provide training to the "or#ers about the 5ight $ostures )hile lifting the load, or directly use electric tugs to avoid any type of Inury.
1. 3eed to provide brea# of ; to 1 !'. "or#er )as using hammer for the minutes after every * minutes. straightening of steel continuously for !. $rovide the )or#er %armuffs or plugs. t)o hours and having no bra#e. '.2lso provide good quality of ?loves to He )as also not using 3oise protection )ear to reduce vibrational effects. ear plugs&%armuffs. *. $rovide proper training to the )or#ers his can result into arm inury, his sense to ma#e them a)are of the hazards of touch can be damage. 3oise and Aibration. Doints Inury and s)elling. he person can also face the problems of innitus, $ermanent deafness.
1-Immediately )ithin !* hours !-"hile "or#ers carrying out the "or#. '- Immediately "ithin !* hours.
1. 2fter every * minutes. !.Immediately "ithin !*hours '.Immediately )ithin !*hours *. Once in ' months.