Digital Signature Digital SignatureFull description
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Obtain Digital Signature Certificate What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
The Information Technology Act, 2000 provides for use of Digital Signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form in order to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed electronically. This is the only secure and authentic way that a document can be submitted electronically. As such, all filings done by the companies under !A2" e#$overnance programme are re%uired to be filed with the use of Digital Signatures by the person authorised to sign the documents. Legal Warning:
&ou can use only the valid Digital Signatures issued to you. It is illegal to use Digital Signatures of anybody other than the one to whom it is issued. Certification Agencies:
!ertification Agencies are appointed by the office of the !ontroller of !ertification Agencies '!!A( under the provisions of IT Act, 2000. There are a total of seven !ertification Agencies authorised by the !!A to issue the Digital Signature !ertificates 'DS!s(. The details of these !ertification Agencies are available on the portal of the inistry Class of DSCs:
The inistry of !ompany Affairs has stipulated a !lass#II or above category c ertificate for e#filings under !A2". A person who already h as the specified DS! for any other application can use the same for filings under !A2" and is not re%uired to obtain a fresh DS!. Validity of Digital Signatures:
The DS!s are typically issued with one year y ear validity and two year validity. These are renewable on e)piry of the period of initial issue. Costing/ ricing of Digital Signatures:
It includes the cost of medium 'a *+S toen which is a one time cost(, the cost of issuance of DS! and the renewal cost after the period of validity. The company representatives and professionals re%uired to obtain DS!s are free to procure the same from any one of the approved app roved !ertification Agencies as per the web site. The issuance costs in respect of each Agency vary and are maret driven.
owever, for the guidance of staeholders, the inistry has obtained the costs of issuance of DS!s at the consumer end from the !ertification Agencies. The costs as intimated by them are as underrices !or "ssuance Of Class#"" Digital Signature at the Consu$er %nd Sr& 'o&
'a$e of Certification
Cost of S Cry*toto+en
Cost of DSC ,ith one year -alidity
T/ !A
eference of *S+ crypto toen which the user can procure is provided on
s. 100# ' for T/ phone subscriber( and s. 340# for others 'Ta)es e)tra(
Agency (CA)
s. 300# Inclusive ' for T/ phone subscriber( and s. 500# for others ' Ta)es e)tra(
s. 640 'Inclusive of 37 s. "234 Sales Ta)(. Any other 'Inclusive of applicable Ta)es 8)tra. "2.237 Sales Ta).( Any other applicable Ta)es 8)tra.
s. "000# 'Inclusive of "2.237 Sales Ta)( Any other applicable Ta)es 8)tra
s. "900# ot :rovided by 'Inclusive of !A "2.237 Sales Ta)( Any other applicable ta)es 8)tra(
ot provided by the !A. The user can procure the toen from maret directly and get his DS! loaded into it
s. 640# 's. 400# towards administrative e)penses and s 240#for !ertificate(
s. 640#
s. "400#
s. "000#
s. 994#
s. 994#
s. "540#
s. 900# 4.
Su**ort charges
s. 100# ' for T/ phone subscriber( and s. 340# for others 'Ta)es e)tra(
SA;8S!&:T 'SAT&A( Ta)es e)tra
.ene,al Cost of DSC Charges for ,ith t,o DSC ,ith one year -alidity year -alidity
'o service ta) applicable(
'o service 'o service ta) applicable( ta) applicable(
s. "090#
s. 400# per site visit payable directly to the Authorised :artner.
s. "540# ot ;inalised
'Inclusive of =ATSales 'o service ta)
Inclusive 'o service
I! 5.
!entral 8)cise > !ustoms
!ertificate provided in All certificates I/ Smart card. !ost of !ard provided with 2 s. 300#. ;or DS!s on years validity *S+ toen, the subscribers have to bring I!!A approved *S+ toen
ta) applicable( Training !harges-
I/ for $overnment s. "40# for s. 400# per :S*, participant Autonomous 'optional( > Statutory +odies
Does not issue DS!s to person other than those from the Department