Capt. Awasti Phase1: ROR cards Anchoring Grounding Passage from Rotterdam to Glasgow Anchor n anchor chain cert. Phase 2: Your instructions to a Newly joined 3rd mate Loading oil. Prior while n after Heavy lift loading Chair register (who endorses it in India) Phase 3: Anchor dragging Galley fire Forepeak tank Double bottom tank Capt. Awasti - yourwatch as chief mate.. u have a slight doubt that the vessel has smelled the bottom, action? a lot of cross questioning on the same. - what are statutory certificates? - what is the PMS on the ETA What are your duties as per ISM code What is non- conformity Then he asked me how would you go about planning a passage from Barcelona to Rotterdam ,was a what all thing you will keep in mind... answer-check load line zone, security threats, check fresh water onboard, confirm with C/E how much fuel he is expecting to consume and at what rate...he interrupted and asked how much fuel reserve will you carry...I dint he said though it’s not your look out yet for yourknowledge u should have spare fuel for 3 day....then he asked me to go for lunch break n come back at 1400.... 1400-1545.. Function 2 and 3 -Content of IMSBC IMDG and ISGOTT -angle of repose -how will you go about taking over as -what is sheer plan and what all information you gt from it and when is it referred to -what are seams (welding)and what are vertical and horizontal seams called as...i dint knew the later part if the question -C/E requires to carryout emergency repair....master decides to beach vessel of bhavnagar.....your duties as -what is shoring -how will u train your cadet on board -general question regarding dry docking
Date: 10-jan-2013 Venue: D.G.SHIPPING Internal: Capt. R. AWASTI External: NONE Functions: -2-3 Attempt: 2ND Result: -P-P function 1 rule no-10 of ROR day signal for aground and CBD vsl passage plan from balboa to jakarta vsl aground action as a chief mate what is basic principle of bridge watch keeping – EFFICIENTLY, ECONOMICALLY what is great circle sailing how u plan great circle sailing what factors u take into account when doing great circle how does gnomonic charts look FUNCTION 2 1. Grain loading…….. 2. IMDG cargo how to load in bulk …….. 3. ISGOTT CONTENT and how to use? 4. Product tanker diagram in details….inside the tanks and outside the tanks…. 5. Heavy lift loading in details……….. 6. Boat note, bill of lading FUNCTION 3 1. Heavy weather precautions in detail…….. 2. Statutory and mandatory certificates. 3. What actions you will take after one crew hit to other and other one is bleeding. Capt oak (ext)/ avasthi it was rapid fire round. fun-i 1) follow n non follow up mode. 2) diff. between course up n head up 3) wt is safe water mark i detail complete. ROR situation ask in traffic near this bouy. 4) tell all actions for eastbound vsl coming from north in sinapore strait 5) various situation in rv. 6) latest cyclone ? y its call hurricane 7) various ROR situations fun 2 1) contents of CSS 2) as a mate all actions before loading heavy lift on gearless container ship. 3) wt r d types of thermometer use on gas carrier tanks 4) contents of BC code. 5) maintenance of windlass n wt type of grease is use 6) tell d segregation of crude oil not d type of crude oil fun 3 1) how to slip anchor n complete method to regain it 2) what is OLB.
3) how to make report of tank inspection 4) if meat room stinks wt will b mates actin 5) CAS n CAP 6) contents of chain register Int. -Capt.Mudhali Ext -Capt.Coutinho Venue -old mmd 17 th January 2013 Lots n lots of questions guys. The oral was never ending. F1 Last ship, date built Did the ship hv vdr or s vdr Diff betwen s vdr n vdr How will u know vdr functioning at its best Errors GPS GDOP 2 or 3 ..which is better Vsl aground lt n shape n fog Signal Towing vsl lt shape n fog 4 situations Why do u calculate ex meridian Explain procedure Ex meridian limits from where u get Hig lat precautions as mate both bridge n deck Polar code contents n use Other publications in high lat Navigation in ice Trs Approaching signs Actions to avoid trs Rv crossing vsls, who is giveway n who is stand on F2 Loading steel coils precautions Docs required Loading of containers n docs required Loading of IMDG containers n docks required Problems associated with car carriers Car carrier stability problem Grain loading procedure Doa Stabilty criteria with n without doa Chain register content n entries Cargo securing manual in detail What are trimming tables how do u use it Stowage factor? Load density Chemical tanker loading wrt to cargo planning n stowage Loading precautions in chem tankers Ig failure actions Igc code contents Loading of high density cargo Sulphur loading precautions Cargo loading stopped from shore actions
F3 Bill of lading explain Shipper not providing b\l actions Mates receipt who signs it Boat note Nop importance Dock labour act, as a mate precautions prior port arrival Co ordinate of high risk area Preps as a mate for hra Mlc 2006 – Mlc is it in force - NEW EDITION MLC 2012 IN FORCE Disch criteria for mach space bilges OLB entries as a mate Cba Aoa What is form e Annual survey n renewal survey intervals How will u know anchor is brought up Maintenance on anchor cable in dry dock When will u change the shackles Hanging of anchor procedure Foul anchor action Dragging anchor action How will u enter chain locker What will u check in chain locker Eta requirement: SOLAS CH II/ REG 3-4: TKRS 20,000 DWT AND ABOVE AT BOTH ENDS. Etb is it mandatory Steering gear test Steering gear requirement Date : 10th Jan 2013 Venue : Old MMD External : Capt Kutino Internal : Capt Muduli Result : F P F Attemp : 1st attemp Function : 1 1. when was last ship built? Wht did u hd in yourship VDR or S-VDR ? wht r d solas requirements of VDR? 2. Hw mny GPS ? ErRORs of GPS? 3. Precautions fr navigating in Higher Latitudes ? 4. Wht publications are required for navigating in higher latitudes? Wht information does it contain? Hw is it use full fr u while navigating in higher latitudes ? He is talking abt Polar Code 5. Hw will u determine formation of TRS? Pressure gradient in path n track of TRS ? How ll u determine location of storm centre ? Wind directions experienced in northern hemisphere? Avoidin Actions in both dangerous quadrant n navigable quadrant ? 6. RV situation ? 7. Lights n shapes for towin vsl hvin length from d stern of towin vsl to end of tow more than 200 mtrs? Crossin situation of towin vsl/ 8. sound signal of yourvsl, towin vsl n tow in dis situation? 9. Sound signal of vsl at anchor n aground ? 10. u r approaching port , u see a aground vsl, action ?
Function : 2 1. Hw ll u load steel coils onboard n secure them ?Draw n show ? hazards n precoutions 2. Was der any manual for stowage n securing onboard? He is talking abt cargo securing manual Which all ships hav it onboard ? nt on tankers 3. wht is chain register? Cn u make entry in chain register ?Who makes entry in chain register ? competent person from shore 4. hw ll u load concentrates onboard ? wht precautions n major hazard associated with its carriage ?tell him liquification n hw does it occurs onboard? 5. Hw ll u load grain onboard? With n without DOA? 6. Wht r trimming tables ? Hw to use them ? Draw n shw? Lcg is most important factor wch he wants from u .Whr ll u find corrections for drafts fr change in densities ?To wch drafts ll u apply this corrections? 7. Wht is stowage factor, units, load density, units? Hw ll u go abt loading high density cargoes in cargo holds? Precautions? Hazards associated with it? Wht r trimming hatches ?hw to determine trimming quantities for trimming hatches? 8. A brand new 3rd mate jst passed his exams, joins yourship..n ship loading 6 grades of cargo on chemical tanker, cargo is abt to start? Hw ll u go abt loading these different parcels with him? Wht all things to be emphasized for his training? Tell him u ll nvr leave d ccr alone on him ,wht all information he shd note in ccr n normal loading procedures as per company checklist fr chemical tankers n explain every pt in detail..he wants all points from u 9. Wht is Bill of Lading ? Hw many types of Bill of Lading? Can u make a remark on it ? Who signs it, its importance ? 10. Wht is mates receipt ? Wht details does it hv ? can u make a remark on mates receipt ? wht is boat note ? 11. A consignment in containers is to be exported from Delhi, It is transported by road to Mumbai, then shipped from Mumbai to Singapore, then from Singapore dock it is again transported by road in trailer to some place in Singapore, suppose trailer meets with an accident n cargo is damaged in this process . who is responsible n why ? Wch kind of bill of lading is issued ? Door to door bill of lading is used in such CASe n carrier is responsible fr tht. Cross questioning here tht cargo is already discharged from ship, then hw cm carrier is responsible…but still he is responsible as per the clause in this type of bill of lading. 12. u r on Aframax crude oil tanker, 2 different grades is to be loaded..hw ll u go about segregation of these grades..use different groups available fr cargo, use double v/v segregation at crossovers.. determine quantity of both parcels n tankwise distribution to be done..loading plan prepared.. while loading cargo shore tank is finished n no cargo is rcvd from 1 hose… Shore inform ll resume after som time.. action ? reduce rate on another hose…check loading condition with only 1 grade.. chk stresses, SF & BM with reduced rate on 1 hose on loadicator ,if satisfactory continue loading with 1 hose n redistribute loading as per new loading rate …cross questioning..ll u stop loading other grade also ? No, continue other grade.. chk conditions on loadicator.. revise loading plan, ask shore when ll they resume other grade etc. 13. Wht is SF n BM ? explain with example ? 14. u chk SF n BM on loadicator in wch condition, Sea or harbour n why ? 15. Hw IBC code is useful fr chemical tankers? 16. Hw IMSBC code is useful for u onboard ? Function : 3 1. ETA requirement ?, hw much time to deploy? Eta manual, hw mny onboard? Wch all places ? Information available in it ? 2. Marpol Annex 1 discharge criteria for machinery spaces? Amendments ? 3. As a mate, hw MLC 2006 is useful for u ? 4. mrng 4-8 watch..daily Capt comes on bridge..
today he does ‘nt appear action ? chkd response.. action? U r middle of North atlantic ocean..ll u divert to port of refuge ? inform evry1 cmpny, owners, charterers, P & I clubs, lst n nxt port , nearest port of refuge, etc ..he means to say master is inCAPacitated ..take over command..make log entry in official log book …cross questioning as per wht ? as per ISM. 5. In TSS man overboard..action ? Date 02 Jan 2013 External Panigiri Internal Kapoor Reault: P - P Asked by panigiri Func 1 1.What are yourduties when navigating in high lattitudes 2. Quote rule 8, 10, 19 3. Gyro compass..use in high lat 4. Ecdis requirement and performance std 5. Trs action 6. How will u use weathr forCAStin in makin a passage plan 7. Beaching and ground tackle..y prefered over tugs.. Capt.kapoor 1. Does ROR apply to warship 2. Sailing vsl ahead state youraction as per which rule 3. Fishing vsl ahead state youraction and as per which rule 4. Pilot vsl ahead state youraction 5. How wil u train yourcadet wrt colreg 6. Mates duties in passage plannin Func 3 Panigiri 1. Critical moment 2. Cetificates carried on oil tanker 3. Emg steering requirement 4. Stcw contents 5. Foundering. Action 6. Cargo shift. Action 7. ISM contents Internal Kapoor Result P P P Func 1 1.What are yourduties when navigating in high lattitudes 2. Duty as per ISM 3. Passage planning from gulf to mumbai what all will u check 4. You are in port and minimum crew on board the port says that you have to move fwd no tugs and no use of engine permitted how will u go bout it if u are overall i charge.(in this he wanted to hear that u will do yourcontrol test and keep yourengines ready) 5. How will u derermine u are aproaching trs 6. Reporting systems (dont forget to mention INSPIRES N INDSAR) 7.what are the elements of ships routing 8. What are the principles of watchkeeping 9. Narrow channels n restricted visibily duty as mate 10. Safe water mark n special marks
11. Cardinal marks 12. Sailing vsl ahead state youraction as per which rule 13. Fishing vsl ahead state youraction and as per which rule 14. Pilot vsl crossing on port side state youraction 15. Vsl aground lights and shapes 16. Contents of annual notice to mariners and mariners handbook Func 2 1. How will go bout loading grain 2. Loading of oil preparations 3. Loading IMDG cargo 4. Concentrates precautions 5. Can u load timber on cargo ships 6. What do u mean by PLT on tankers (protective location of tanks) 7. What are the various types dual purpose carriers 8. Timber loading precaution and hazards 9. Types of lashing on timber and grain ships 10. How will u go about loading heavy lift 11. Chain register 12. How many types of oil record books are there and what all will u log 13. IMDG precautions 14. What all will u check during loading Func 3 1. Duties during dry dock 2. You are in charge in port how will u manage all activities. (master not there) 4. What is the use of anchor 5. What is ground tackle 6. Class survey what will u check 7. Iopp cert renewal what all will u check 8. How will Mlc benefit u as mate 9. What is cba and contents 10. How will u deal with indisciplin 11. What all will u check in dry dock if all surveys are carried out 12. Vsl grounded youraction as mate Capt. Kapoor 1. How will mlc benifit u as c 2. it wil benifit u as mate 3. Pms which mate wil b concerned with 4. Surveys 5. Hw u wil train cadet as per sstp 6. Vsl grounded..action as mate Internal-Capt Kapoor passage planning in detail along with role of a mate in navigation ROR crossing Storm signals Contents of weather messages
who issues nav warnings In India TRS drydocking including grounding emergency actions as per mate bi party agreement tri party agreement article of agreement cba all differences How to control crew all the different type of surveys done in DD Mates role in DD Int: Capt Kapoor Ext: Capt Mishra PPP how to load IMDG documents for IMDG grain loading book who issues clean bl what is fraud what is LOI how to load hvy lifts cargo discharging .. oil coming out from mast riser Reasons and solution tonnes of cross questioning on every question what is survival CAPablity what is protective location of tanks what are chemical tanker types what are gas tanker types what factors taken into account before making cargo tanks how to make sure u r complying with stability criteria on grain lodicator fails action what are statutary certs what are mandatory certs clc bclc bl mateS recpt lop nop blackout actions oprc conv hns protocol anchoring in river dragging anchor actions
risk assesment stcw explain coswp is it mandatory enclosed sp entry gas meters rv overrtaking normal overtaking vl 22.5 abaft beam approaching action one light house in the ocean how to fix position no radar GPS vs radar fix erRORs in visual fix kapoor passage planning mlc routing vts reporting internal: Capt.Kapoor external: --attempt: 2nd (1st-absent) result : F P P FUN 1 ------how many Rules in ROR Which is imp? On magentic board, resembling to ROR cards Sailing vsl lts right ahead and action ( tell him u can alter to any side as per rule 8 and 18. aground vsl lt. and action, day signals,distance between them(tell action go on Reciprocal course) Towing vsl lights right ahead, action Vsl engaged in fishing using pursiene gear lt( i was not able to tell) vsl engaged in trawling what is Nav warning? who issues it? how much Navareas? India-number? Navigational watch as per STCW? Navigational watch in VTS area, Preacautions?? ship routeing system and elements of ship routeing system. how does chapter 5-safety of navigation of solas helps u? Who issues nav area warning in india ship reporting system(he want to listen TSS,no go, precautionary areas) Passage planning in north atlantic from UK to South America? Weather is imp Storm signals displayed per Ports(i told him i will get it from ASD) storm signal when port is closed. passage plannin is a requirement of which convention? Principles of STCW watchkepping Safe water mark special mark Uses of anchors Who issue navarea warning in india(indian hydrographic department) Fun 2 -------
Loading as per IMSBC of Solid Bulk cargo? Can u do Alternate Hold loading? No? as per which convention? Can u do Alternate hold Loading? No As per which convention? SOLAS can timber be loaded on Generel Deck cargo? Yes Does Timber code apply when cargo loaded under deck? No Do u require lashings? No.Compact stowage is required. Loading IMDG on Grneral Cargo? Is there diff. segregation table for Dang.containers in IMDG ? Tell him DOC,Shippers declaration and cargo packed,labelled and placarded properly. Loading heavy lifts(checking of cargo gears is imp) As a chief officer , what all corcerns you in a voyage? When u load cargo what are the important documents to look after as a mate.? U see Damaged cargo? what is youraction ? Grain code? what hazards ? how to reduce ? will u load Grain withot DOA? requirements? Fun 3 ------What is the importance of time sheet and statement of facts in a voyage charter party? (tell him laycan time, dispatch,demurrage,clauses) what ESP and special survey? Loadline survey what u will check? IOPP survey what u will check?( he want to listen SBT,CBT) SAFCON survey Requirement of Dry docking ? as per which convention? What is CBA?(he wants actual contents overtime,wages etc. how to maintain Discipline on board? how to implement ISM on board? PMS on board Training of cadets When in port wchich conventions to be followed? (marpol annex 1,2,4,5,6,Dock labour etc.) Grounding, actions as per mate ? What types of conventions will PSC inspector check when he comes on board? Who makes entries in the chain register? what it contains? Difference between seamenship and ordinary practice of a seamen What entries are required in a official log book? when mate will sign it? Capt Khatri Capt Panigri Fun1 Rule 8,10 n 19 Vts req as per solas Trs Gyro compass.. High lat nav Fun2 Contingencies..grounding, leakage,foundrin,list Heavy lifts CSS Lashing plan
Contents of isgot, ibc, igc Loading of cargo wit high h2s Ship shore safety c/list in detail.. Stab criteria for grain Bonjean curves Fun3 Cert carried onboard Issuin authority Dry dockin.. Critical period..precautions Stcw 2010 contents ISM contents Wind heelin criteria Beaching Ground tackle Emg steerin requirement Ecdis n Doppler ka performance standards were extra question asked Date 02 Jan 2013 External Capt Shukla Internal Capt O P Yadav Attempt 1 Time Around 1200-1230 ... Result: P P P Asked by Capt O P Yadav Func 1 1. u r vsl is 200 m long.......technical speciafications of all lights ? (annex 1 ) 2. south cardinal buoy lights ? 3. safe water mark.........everything about it ? 4. vsl agrounf.......fog signal ? 5. rile 28..........quote.......not word by word but close to it 6. which part of the superstructure effects the magnetic compassl the most ? (funnel) 7. what is catenary ? ( lead of the towing cable or the towing pennant ) 8.vsl heading east....full head......current e'ly 3 knots.........berth 4 miles on port.......take the vessel alongside as master u will get a tug when u r 1 mile off ? ( i took the vsl on the other side.....enquired him if there is sufficient water there......stemmed the current....vsl on slow 1 mile parallel to the berth.......when abot 3-4 cables off berth ask tug to give a bodily push ) 9.when u r alongside which will be first two line ? (fwd hd line and aft stern lines? 10.wind veering wt u understand fm this? fuct 2 1. wt type of ships have u done? 2. m master i call u in my cabin....we r on a 89000 dwt tanker.....v have to load 80000 dubai crude.....tell me how will u report to me weather we can load or not?(i asked him abt different ld line zones.....then input everything in loadicatoe......bunker,fw,constants etc......cargo upto 95% in tanks.....if reqd upto 98%......avoid if possible.....then check ullage of tanks and stresses and drafts.....if vsl not exceeding stresses and drafts then we can load and i presented this to him in the form of a stowage plan) 3.everything about draft survey and calculation? 4. load density and importance and where to find?
Func 3 1. u r discharging in haldia......u hav to go for dry dock in sri lanka.....owners give u 12 hrs extra time at berth.....wt all preparations will u make for the dry dock ? 2. vsl aground.....acitons....? (everything whatever u know as mate,master,engineer etc.) 3.statutory certificates.........wt r they and name them exactly? 4.wt is seq (safety equipment certificate) will u go abuot preparing for seq survey? 5.wt r the surveys fir seq.........n..............wt is the validity of the certificate? External o p yadav Internal Azad All questions asked by external Result F P P 21:31, 12 Dec 2012 - Subramanian: Func-1 do u determine risk of collision wat interval does vsl aground sound signal in RV 3.wat is spacing of mast light and side light fr vsl more thn 200m as per annex-1 4.wat is day signal fr CBD VSL RESULT-fail Vry hard to believe naaa But i did on sch silly Q 21:31, 12 Dec 2012 - Subramanian: Func-2 1.draft survey on bulk carrier 2.y tank cleaning is carried out on product tanker 3.load 80000MT of crude oil dead weight 89000MT prepare loading plan wil u load heavy lift on ship 5.content of ISGOTT 6.point to be included in loading plan 7.whr do u find load density for hold and fr deck Cross questioning on above RESULT-PASS 21:32, 12 Dec 2012 - Subramanian: Function-3 only statutory cert 2.hw many ORB parts r der 3.entry on OLB as a chief mate 4.what is flare 5.berth vsl wit current from stern and ship is provided wit tug sufficient sea room Shw it wit model Evry actiom at each stage External Capt Oak Internal Capt Khatri Attempt 1 Time 1420-1510 Result: P P P Asked by Capt Oak Func 1 1.What are yourduties of mate wrt to navigation 2. rule 2,19,38-explain 3. erRORs of gyro 4. significance of giving two prolong blast in rv 5. various ROR situation,exiting singapore strait near horseburg lt 6. roti performance and use in countering banking effect
7. contingency anchorage if in other area. 8.calculation for tidal stream wrt to diamond on charts fuct 2 1. wind heeling criteria for container ship,formula wit explaination of constant 2. draft survey calculation 3. working of gas detector on gas carrier 4. loading of IMDG,checks on container 5. testing of containers 6. CSS ,csm contnts, 7.IMSBC and bc code ammendments 8.IMDG on fire,how to go abt discharging if cannot contained 9.loading precaution for concentrates. Func 3 1. preparation for drydock,from pre arrival in dock to sailing out of dock,all calculations,stability and checks 2. surface preparation of hull 3. various plans for dry dock and info u wil get from it 4. resolve dispute between crew 5. ranging of anchor chains and the requirements for changing length 6. failure of crane while weight still hanging Capt Iyeer Fun1. 1) iyer chart which includes bouy system , sum vsl, turning circle, explain turning circle , which turning circle you will prefer long or short ? Why?, angle of drift where is small and large, ROR cards etc 2) he gave me 1 chart which has shallow patch all over .... POB n RV, explain BTM 4 above situation. Anchoring in emergency? Wat instruction you u give 2 fwd station? 3) weather chart explain everything. 4) TRS. 5) Turning circle in more details ..... N wat iz 1st overshoot 2nd overshoot. Fun2. 1)IMSBC code in details, loading of bulk cargo , contents etc. 2) Gain code in details, DOA , W/O DOA. 3) Timber code in details, why timber vsl has less free board???? 4) IMDG code in details ,if only name iz given den how u r goin 2 load , where u get de details. 4) charge separation. FUN 3. 1) marpol .. Annex v changes , annex 4 special area. 2) certification in details 3) testing of crane 4)dry docking 5) code of safe working ( requirement 4 stage)
questns - whr r u from. background, state n district - how many posters r there in my cabin - why is vaishali famous? ( as i am from bihar. vaushali) - who is gautam buddhas son n his wifes name. - how many squadrons r der in NDA - who is the cm of jharkhand - what is d name of the movi in which dev anand n hemalini shot a scene in rajgir, gaya bihar i din no d answers of most of them but all i said was - sir i dont know but i can find out. - later he asked me what is d governing body for buddhISM in india he gave me a half hr lunch break.. n i used it for finding all d answers. wen i was back he made me relax a but n was again back to his comfortable best. n i did what i am good at - talk. i gave him all d answers n he was happy n said i like yourattitude n zeal to learn. n den explained the right n wrongs of life. but all felt meaningful and knowledgble. later he said lets get back to yourorals. n asked few questns; - yourwatch as chief mate.. u have a slight doubt that the vessel has smeelled the bottom, action? a lot of cross questioning on the same. - what are statutory certificates? - what is the PMS on the ETA ( he advised me not to use any abbreviations in an interview) these are all the questions i can remember. all in all he is a true gentleman and his approach to a mates candidate is more on the attitude. he did ask me a lot of questions on politics, mmd, role of dg, feedbacks on exams and orals. before i end i would convey my sincere thanks to abhijit mohite( for his notes n insight) , sumeet sharma, deepak chaudhary and kalpak. and of cos massa colleages. wish u all the very best.
Int. -Capt.Mudhali Ext -Capt.Coutinho Venue -old mmd 17 th January 2013 Lots n lots of questions guys. The oral was never ending. F1 Last ship, date built Did the ship hv vdr or s vdr Diff betwen s vdr n vdr How wil u know vdr functioning at its best ErRORs GPS GDOP 2 or 3 ..which is better Vsl aground lt n shape n fog Signal Towing vsl lt shape n fog 4 situations Why do u calculate ex meridian Explain procedure
Ex meridian limits from where u get Hig lat precautions as mate both bridge n deck Polar code contents n use Other publications in high lat Navigation in ice Trs Approaching signs Actions to avoid trs Rv crossing vsls, who is giveway n who is stand on F2 Loading steel coils precautions Docs required Loading of containers n docs required Loading of IMDG containers n docks required Problems associated with car carriers Car carrier stability problem Grain loading procedure Doa Stabilty criteria with n without doa Chain register content n entries Cargo securing manual in detail What are trimming tables how do u use it Stowage factor? Load density Chemical tanker loading wrt to cargo planning n stowage Loading precautions in chem tankers Ig failure actions Igc code contents Loading of high density cargo Sulphur loading precautions Cargo loading stopped from shore actions F3 Bill of lading explain Shipper not providing b\l actions Mates receipt who signs it Boat note Nop importance Dock labour act, as a mate precautions prior port arrival Co ordinate of high risk area Preps as a mate for hra Mlc 2006 Mlc is it in force Disch criteria for mach space bilges OLB entries as a mate Cba Aoa What is form e Annual survey n renewal survey intervals How will u know anchor is brought up Maintenance on anchor cable in dry dock When will u change the shackles Hanging of anchor procedure Foul anchor action
Dragging anchor action How will u enter chain locker What will u check in chain locker Eta requirement Etb is it mandatory Steering gear test Steering gear requirement
Date : 10th Jan 2013 Venue : Old MMD External : Capt Kutino Internal : Capt Muduli Result : F P F Attemp : 1st attemp Function : 1 1. when was last ship built? Wht did u hd in yourship VDR or S-VDR ? wht r d solas requirements of VDR? 2. Hw mny GPS ? ErRORs of GPS? 3. Precautions fr navigating in Higher Latitudes ? 4. Wht publications are required for navigating in higher latitudes? Wht information does it contain? Hw is it use full fr u while navigating in higher latitudes ? He is talking abt Polar Code 5. Hw will u determine formation of TRS? Pressure gradient in path n track of TRS ? How ll u determine location of storm centre ? Wind directions experienced in northern hemisphere? Avoidin Actions in both dangerous quadrant n navigable quadrant ? 6. RV situation ? 7. Lights n shapes for towin vsl hvin length from d stern of towin vsl to end of tow more than 200 mtrs? Crossin situation of towin vsl/ 8. sound signal of yourvsl, towin vsl n tow in dis situation? 9. Sound signal of vsl at anchor n aground ? 10. u r approaching port , u see a aground vsl, action ? Function : 2 1. Hw ll u load steel coils onboard n secure them ?Draw n show ? hazards n precoutions 2. Was der any manual for stowage n securing onboard? He is talking abt cargo securing manual Which all ships hav it onboard ? nt on tankers 3. wht is chain register? Cn u make entry in chain register ?Who makes entry in chain register ? competent person from shore 4. hw ll u load concentrates onboard ? wht precautions n major hazard associated with its carriage ?tell him liquification n hw does it occurs onboard? 5. Hw ll u load grain onboard? With n without DOA? 6. Wht r trimming tables ? Hw to use them ? Draw n shw? Lcg is most important factor wch he wants from u .Whr ll u find corrections for drafts fr change in densities ?To wch drafts ll u apply this corrections? 7. Wht is stowage factor, units, load density, units? Hw ll u go abt loading high density cargoes in cargo holds? Precautions? Hazards associated with it? Wht r trimming hatches ?hw to determine trimming quantities for trimming hatches? 8. A brand new 3rd mate jst passed his exams, joins yourship..n ship loading 6 grades of cargo on chemical tanker, cargo is abt to start? Hw ll u go abt loading these different parcels with him? Wht all things to be emphasized for his training? Tell him u ll nvr leave d ccr alone on him ,wht all information he shd note in ccr n normal loading procedures as per company checklist fr
chemical tankers n explain every pt in detail..he wants all points from u 9. Wht is Bill of Lading ? Hw many types of Bill of Lading? Can u make a remark on it ? Who signs it, its importance ? 10. Wht is mates receipt ? Wht details does it hv ? can u make a remark on mates receipt ? wht is boat note ? 11. A consignment in containers is to be exported from Delhi, It is transported by road to Mumbai, then shipped from Mumbai to Singapore, then from Singapore dock it is again transported by road in trailer to some place in Singapore, suppose trailer meets with an accident n cargo is damaged in this process . who is responsible n why ? Wch kind of bill of lading is issued ? Door to door bill of lading is used in such CASe n carrier is responsible fr tht. Cross questioning here tht cargo is already discharged from ship, then hw cm carrier is responsible…but still he is responsible as per the clause in this type of bill of lading. 12. u r on Aframax crude oil tanker, 2 different grades is to be loaded..hw ll u go about segregation of these grades..use different groups available fr cargo, use double v/v segregation at crossovers.. determine quantity of both parcels n tankwise distribution to be done..loading plan prepared.. while loading cargo shore tank is finished n no cargo is rcvd from 1 hose… Shore inform ll resume after som time.. action ? reduce rate on another hose…check loading condition with only 1 grade.. chk stresses, SF & BM with reduced rate on 1 hose on loadicator ,if satisfactory continue loading with 1 hose n redistribute loading as per new loading rate …cross questioning..ll u stop loading other grade also ? No, continue other grade.. chk conditions on loadicator.. revise loading plan, ask shore when ll they resume other grade etc. 13. Wht is SF n BM ? explain with example ? 14. u chk SF n BM on loadicator in wch condition, Sea or harbour n why ? 15. Hw IBC code is useful fr chemical tankers? 16. Hw IMSBC code is useful for u onboard ? Function : 3 1. ETA requirement ?, hw much time to deploy? Eta manual, hw mny onboard? Wch all places ? Information available in it ? 2. Marpol Annex 1 discharge criteria for machinery spaces? Amendments ? 3. As a mate, hw MLC 2006 is useful for u ? 4. mrng 4-8 watch..daily Capt comes on bridge.. today he does ‘nt appear action ? chkd response.. action? U r middle of North atlantic ocean..ll u divert to port of refuge ? inform evry1 cmpny, owners, charterers, P & I clubs, lst n nxt port , nearest port of refuge, etc ..he means to say master is inCAPacitated ..take over command..make log entry in official log book …cross questioning as per wht ? as per ISM. 5. In TSS man overboard..action ? Date: 10-jan-2013 Venue: D.G.SHIPPING Internal: Capt. R. AWASTI External: NONE Functions: -2-3 Attempt: 2ND Result: -P-P FUNCTION 2 1. Grain loading…….. 2. IMDG cargo how to load in bulk …….. 3. ISGOTT CONTENT and how to use? 4. Product tanker diagram in details….inside the tanks and outside the tanks…. 5. Heavy lift loading in details……….. 6. Boat note, bill of lading FUNCTION 3
1. Heavy weather precautions in detail…….. 2. Statutory and mandatory certificates. 3. What actions you will take after one crew hit to other and other one is bleeding. Guys don’t bullshit, don’t argue and try to use more time on non profession discussion. Whatever you answer he will go in detail that answer and will create more question. Keep eye on his cabin content as 15 certificates posted on front of him…………there is one map also behind him…………..he want good observance……………… Thanks everybody specially MASSA friends, LBS friends, and BF9 members,…… wishes for all of you and happy new year.
Date 02 Jan 2013 External Panigiri Internal Kapoor Reault: P - P Asked by panigiri Func 1 1.What are yourduties when navigating in high lattitudes 2. Quote rule 8, 10, 19 3. Gyro compass..use in high lat 4. Ecdis requirement and performance std 5. Trs action 6. How will u use weathr forCAStin in makin a passage plan 7. Beaching and ground tackle..y prefered over tugs.. Capt.kapoor 1. Does ROR apply to warship 2. Sailing vsl ahead state youraction as per which rule 3. Fishing vsl ahead state youraction and as per which rule 4. Pilot vsl ahead state youraction 5. How wil u train yourcadet wrt colreg 6. Mates duties in passage plannin Func 3 Panigiri 1. Critical moment 2. Cetificates carried on oil tanker 3. Emg steering requirement 4. Stcw contents 5. Foundering. Action 6. Cargo shift. Action 7. ISM contents Capt. Kapoor 1. How will mlc benifit u as c 2. it wil benifit u as mate 3. Pms which mate wil b concerned with 4. Surveys 5. Hw u wil train cadet as per sstp 6. Vsl grounded..action as mate All d best guys
Date 07 Jan 2013 External :None Internal : Capt Awasti Attempt 2 Time 1100-1210 Result: func-1 pass general questions abt whr u stay whch company as usual rule no-10 of ROR day signal for aground and CBD vsl passage paln from balboa to jakarta vsl aground action as a chief mate what is basic principle of bridge watch keeping what is great circle sailing how u plan great circle sailing what factors u take into account when doing great circle how does gnomonic charts look its was fun giving orals wit Capt.Awasti as he make u vr comfortable after evry Q really he is gem of person and after evry Q he gives his own good experience supporting his explanation finally i m vry thnkful to my parents fr supporting me during all dis days and aftr tat i wil lke to thanks to my lucky mascot Abhijit Mohite who is been vry helpfull throughout my chief mate preparation ,love u buddy best of luck to all who r preparing for orals keep posting these group is really vry helpfull thank you all
Date 02 Jan 2013 External Capt Shukla Internal Capt O P Yadav Attempt 1 Time Around 1200-1230 ... Result: P P P Asked by Capt O P Yadav Func 1 1. u r vsl is 200 m long.......technical speciafications of all lights ? (annex 1 ) 2. south cardinal buoy lights ? 3. safe water mark.........everything about it ? 4. vsl agrounf.......fog signal ? 5. rile 28..........quote.......not word by word but close to it 6. which part of the superstructure effects the magnetic compassl the most ? (funnel) 7. what is catenary ? ( lead of the towing cable or the towing pennant ) 8.vsl heading east....full head......current e'ly 3 knots.........berth 4 miles on port.......take the vessel alongside as master u will get a tug when u r 1 mile off ? ( i took the vsl on the other side.....enquired him if there is sufficient water there......stemmed the current....vsl on slow 1 mile parallel to the berth.......when abot 3-4 cables off berth ask tug to give a bodily push ) 9.when u r alongside which will be first two line ? (fwd hd line and aft stern lines? 10.wind veering wt u understand fm this?
fuct 2 1. wt type of ships have u done? 2. m master i call u in my cabin....we r on a 89000 dwt tanker.....v have to load 80000 dubai crude.....tell me how will u report to me weather we can load or not?(i asked him abt different ld line zones.....then input everything in loadicatoe......bunker,fw,constants etc......cargo upto 95% in tanks.....if reqd upto 98%......avoid if possible.....then check ullage of tanks and stresses and drafts.....if vsl not exceeding stresses and drafts then we can load and i presented this to him in the form of a stowage plan) 3.everything about draft survey and calculation? 4. load density and importance and where to find? Func 3 1. u r discharging in haldia......u hav to go for dry dock in sri lanka.....owners give u 12 hrs extra time at berth.....wt all preparations will u make for the dry dock ? 2. vsl aground.....acitons....? (everything whatever u know as mate,master,engineer etc.) 3.statutory certificates.........wt r they and name them exactly? 4.wt is seq (safety equipment certificate) will u go abuot preparing for seq survey? 5.wt r the surveys fir seq.........n..............wt is the validity of the certificate? fds m sry i remb only these there were some more ques on fun 2 n 3....i don remb them but they were easy........i referred only nitin mahajan notes for fun 1, samsul alam khan notes for fun 2 n fun 3..........ROR book by bhandarkar,few topics fm danton seamanship,principles of nav by joseph n rewari,practical navigation book. THANX to mr. SAMSUL ALAM KHAN and MR. NITIN MAHAJAN for writing such good notes............. Dats all, Capt. Shukla only asked me to give my Exn form ,no questions.......only small informa lconversation............ Thanks to all my friends ,this group on fb and God ,for successfully clearing my orals.and also a big thanks to the candidates who help me at dg before the orals to clear some of my doubts,special thanx to MR. SUMIT NIRBHAVNE (SCI,LBS)..........who early in the mrng was reading me Capt. shukla's and Capt. o p yadav's sst............................. thanks, Best Of Luck to u all..........................keep posting on this really helps just don rd n forget........helpothers..............
Date 04 Jan 2013 External Capt Oak Internal Capt Khatri Attempt 1 Time 1420-1510 Result: P P P Asked by Capt Oak Func 1 1.What are yourduties of mate wrt to navigation 2. rule 2,19,38-explain 3. erRORs of gyro 4. significance of giving two prolong blast in rv
5. various ROR situation,exiting singapore strait near horseburg lt 6. roti performance and use in countering banking effect 7. contingency anchorage if in other area. 8.calculation for tidal stream wrt to diamond on charts fuct 2 1. wind heeling criteria for container ship,formula wit explaination of constant 2. draft survey calculation 3. working of gas detector on gas carrier 4. loading of IMDG,checks on container 5. testing of containers 6. CSS ,csm contnts, 7.IMSBC and bc code ammendments 8.IMDG on fire,how to go abt discharging if cannot contained 9.loading precaution for concentrates. Func 3 1. preparation for drydock,from pre arrival in dock to sailing out of dock,all calculations,stability and checks 2. surface preparation of hull 3. various plans for dry dock and info u wil get from it 4. resolve dispute between crew 5. ranging of anchor chains and the requirements for changing length 6. failure of crane while weight still hanging Dats all, Capt Khatri only asked me to give my Exn form ,no questions asked Thanks to all my friends ,this group on fb and God ,for successfully clearing my orals.and also a big thanks to the candidates who help me at dg before the orals to clear some of my doubts, thanks, Best Of Luck to u all
Date : 03 Jan 2013 Venue : DG Shipping Surveyor : Capt. Awasthi No external surveyor Result : P - 1) Why is mumbai hotter than pune? (Since i am from pune) 2) Tld, Trs 3) Ice accretion. Everything about it. 4) Quote rule 6. Capt. Awasthi then asked me some general knowledge questions based on indian history which i answered correctly. He basically wants to see how confident you are in answering and if u hv d requisite knowledge of it. Also explains you things if u hv gone wrong. All in all a gentleman. Thanx to my family and all my teachers at MASSA and friends namely Sagar Parseshi, Cliffton Diaz, Chandra Mouleshwar Kumar, Kevin Sequeira, Rahul Panchal, Sachin Patil, Abhijeet
Mohite and Abhinav Mehta who have helped me through all. Best of luck to all.. cheers!!!!
Date: 03/01/13 and 04/01/13 venue: DG shipping internal: Capt.Kapoor external: --attempt: 2nd (1st-absent) result : F P P FUN 1 ------how many Rules in ROR Which is imp? On magentic board, resembling to ROR cards Sailing vsl lts right ahead and action ( tell him u can alter to any side as per rule 8 and 18. aground vsl lt. and action, day signals,distance between them(tell action go on Reciprocal course) Towing vsl lights right ahead, action Vsl engaged in fishing using pursiene gear lt( i was not able to tell) vsl engaged in trawling what is Nav warning? who issues it? how much Navareas? India-number? Navigational watch as per STCW? Navigational watch in VTS area, Preacautions?? ship routeing system and elements of ship routeing system. how does chapter 5-safety of navigation of solas helps u? Who issues nav area warning in india ship reporting system(he want to listen TSS,no go, precautionary areas) Passage planning in north atlantic from UK to South America? Weather is imp Storm signals displayed per Ports(i told him i will get it from ASD) storm signal when port is closed. passage plannin is a requirement of which convention? Principles of STCW watchkepping Safe water mark special mark Uses of anchors Who issue navarea warning in india(indian hydrographic department) Fun 2 ------Loading as per IMSBC of Solid Bulk cargo? Can u do Alternate Hold loading? No? as per which convention? Can u do Alternate hold Loading? No As per which convention? SOLAS can timber be loaded on Generel Deck cargo? Yes Does Timber code apply when cargo loaded under deck? No Do u require lashings? No.Compact stowage is required. Loading IMDG on Grneral Cargo? Is there diff. segregation table for Dang.containers in IMDG ? Tell him DOC,Shippers declaration and cargo packed,labelled and placarded properly. Loading heavy lifts(checking of cargo gears is imp) As a chief officer , what all corcerns you in a voyage?
When u load cargo what are the important documents to look after as a mate.? U see Damaged cargo? what is youraction ? Grain code? what hazards ? how to reduce ? will u load Grain withot DOA? requirements? Fun 3 ------What is the importance of time sheet and statement of facts in a voyage charter party? (tell him laycan time, dispatch,demurrage,clauses) what ESP and special survey? Loadline survey what u will check? IOPP survey what u will check?( he want to listen SBT,CBT) SAFCON survey Requirement of Dry docking ? as per which convention? What is CBA?(he wants actual contents overtime,wages etc. how to maintain Discipline on board? how to implement ISM on board? PMS on board Training of cadets When in port wchich conventions to be followed? (marpol annex 1,2,4,5,6,Dock labour etc.) Grounding, actions as per mate ? What types of conventions will PSC inspector check when he comes on board? Who makes entries in the chain register? what it contains? Difference between seamenship and ordinary practice of a seamen What entries are required in a official log book? when mate will sign it? Dont bullshit him, he wants answers point to point, he will do cross questioning if u r not confident. sometime he will give hint also, will try to discourage u sometimes, dont loose yourconfidence. thanks to all.... All the best...
PICKLING AND PASSIVATION ON CHEMICAL TANKER.................................Pickling Pickling is the removal of any high temperature scale and any adjacent low chromium layer of metal from the surface of stainless steel by chemical means. Where the steel has been heated by welding, heat treatments or other means, to the point where a coloured oxide layer can be seen, there is a chromium depleted layer on the surface of the steel underneath the oxide layer. The lower chromium content gives lower corrosion resistance. To restore the best corrosion resistant performance, the damaged metal layer must be removed, exposing a fully alloyed stainless steel surface. Mechanical removal may leave abrasive or other particles embedded (interfering with corrosion performance) or may be impractical, so chemical means are usually employed. Procedures incorporating pickling solutions of nitric (HNO3) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids remove the scale and the underlying chromium depleted layer and restore the corrosion resistance. Pickling solutions also remove contaminants such as ferrous and ferric oxide particles. Pickling solutions other than mixtures of nitric and hydrofluoric acids exist and can be used for specialised applications. Pickling pastes, where the solution is mixed with an inert carrier, are commonly used to treat selected areas such as welds. Pickling involves metal removal and a change or dulling in the visual brightness of the metal. Electropolishing is a useful alternative to pickling. Metal removal is achieved, but usually results in a bright, smooth and more highly corrosion resistant finish.
Passivation Passivation is the treatment of the surface of stainless steels, often with acid solutions (or pastes), to remove contaminants and promote the formation of the passive film on a freshly created surface (eg through grinding, machining or mechanical damage). Common passivation treatments include nitric acid (HNO3) solutions or pastes which will clean the steel surface of free iron contaminants. Care must be taken in selecting and using passivation treatments to ensure the selected treatment will target the contaminant. Passivation will also aid in the rapid development of the passive oxide film on the steel's surface. Passivation does not usually result in a marked change in appearance of the steel surface. Both pickling and passivation solutions can employ dangerous acids that can damage both the operator and the environment if not handled correctly. Stainless pickling acids are highly corrosive to carbon steel. It is essential that all acids are thoroughly removed by rinsing the component after completing the process. Residual hydrofluoric acid will initiate pitting corrosion. It may be advantageous to neutralise the acid with an alkali before the rinsing step. ASTM A380 Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems is a valuable source of information on pickling and passivation treatments. Other sources of information may be obtained by contacting ASSDA. The corrosion resistance of the stainless steel is affected by the roughness of the surface after polishing, with a marked decrease of the corrosion resistance as the surface roughness increases above a Ra value of about 0.5 micrometres. This roughly corresponds to the surface produced by grinding with 320 grit abrasives. Either passivation or electropolishing can be used to improve the corrosion resistance of mechanically polished surfaces. Safety Pickling and passivation use strong acids, and normal precautions for safety should be followed. Consult Materials Safety Data Sheets and product packaging for detailed advice. Further sources of information on both pickling and passivation can be obtained by contacting ASSDA.
Date: 20.12.2012 Venue: DG Shipping, Jahaz Bhavan Surveyors Internal: Capt. Panda External: Capt. J.B Singh Result: P - 1. IBS - Advantages & Disadvantages 2. What is Restricted Visibility // He does not want to hear the definition as mentioned in Colregs. Restricted visibility is a weather phenomenon, is the answer for him// 3. Spring tide,Neap Tide, Lee tide 4. What is TRS - general discussion 5. Normal house hold bulb and Navigational bulbs difference // Normal bulbs have only single filament whereas navigational ones have double. Also navigational bulbs have a locking arrangement // 6. Principle of Navigational watch keeping. 7. What is an Effective watch. 8. General Discussion on Magnetic Compass 9. Assisting Master in discussion making 10. Slipping off an Anchor - procedure 11. Some ROR situations - Actions As per which rules. 12. Immd Action in CASe of black out, while on bridge watch 13. Audible ranges of sound signalling appliances
14. Latest Amendment to Colregs 15. What advantage does passage planing have over traditional methods of navigation (olden times) // Mentioned Reg 34 - Safe navigation and Avoidance of Dangerous Situation, CH 5 solas along with Guidelines for voyage planning IMO res A.893(21)// 16. Emergency Steering procedure // Does not want to hear the requirements or procedure. will follow the instructions posted in wheel house and steering gear room, is the answer// 17. Methods of position Plotting at sea 18. 2 GPS on the same vessel, then too difference in the position obtained, reason for that ? 19. Ocean Currents Capt JB singh was very helpful and the entire session was more of like a discussion. He wants to point and simple answers (eg. RV) Venue DG shipping Date 19 December Internal Awasthi External Hk mishra Result F F F In the morning got awasthi, was very happy. But wen I entered his room in the afternoon h k mishra was along with him All questions below asked by hk mishra Blackout actions in sequence Ex meridian How to calculate Where do u find ex meridian limits Gave 3 chart symbols asked to identify Two ROR situations Radar inoperational got only one buoy diff methods of posn fixing Which is more accurate radar fixing or GPS fix, as per him it's GPS fix What is ibc Asked about special provisions in ibc As per ships construction, what are the measures provided to avoid static Precautions to avoid static What is ISGOTT Is Der info regarding static in ISGOTT, where will u find it Diff types of tanks on gas What are the diff type of integral tanks Load a gas tanker What is heavy lift definition Additional books on contanierships Statutory cert definition, Mates receipt Clean bl Foul bl Entries made in bl Legal implications of the same What is loi Beaching Vsl precaution as a mate Orb What is it Wat entries to be made in orb
What is internal transfer of cargo Why do u carry out If master not onboard mmd surveyor comes n takes the orb with him n goes will u allow Indiscipline What will u do What is OLB Whats the speciality of OLB Why is it different from other books What entries will u make 'in OLB C/e wants to transfer er bilges to slop tanks Will u allow If no den why Mooring winch oil leakage actions Where wil u use this oil Jus remem one more,what is mandatory expansion plan
Date: 14 & 17th -Dec-12 Venue: DG Shipping, Jahaz Bhavan Surveyors Internal: Capt. H.Khatri External: Capt. Ajay Achutan Attempt: First. Result: P P P Friday 14th Dec: Capt Chand as external for Capt Khatri took oral of 1 candidate and went away, then Capt Khatri was very busy till late evening, so he asked me to come on Monday on 17 th. Monday 17th Dec: Capt Ajay Achutan came as external for Capt Khatri, he called me inside Capt Khatri's Cabin and the session started. 1. Checked my file. 2. "So u wanna go from Operational level to Management level ! what difference is it going to make " ? I answered wrt STCW & ISM. 3. wot all ships u did?( Chemical tankers and oil tankers) tell me 15 differences between chemical tanker and oil tanker. i gave him 24 difference then he stoped me. ( Capt Khatri said " Good " ) 4. Capt Ajay Achutan got call from DG, he said he will be back and mean while u do a proper risk assessment on ecdis on paper chartless ship. 5. He returned after 30 mins. and looked at RA paper and said Good. 6. How will u come to know if the ship which u r joining is safe?... answered him. 7. Talk about RA.... i started talking. in 2 mins he stopped me... said good, u wait outside i will call u. i was picking my bag, Capt Khatri said " Give me yourEXN form, u seem to be well prepared. Which all functions u r appearing, i said all 3, he wrote those golden P-P-P, said me well done, which company? do well onboard. Now go...... i was surprised with that since my talking session hardly lasted for 10 mins ! Capt Khatri is really a awesome guy, he is the perfect surveyor , and Capt Achutan also askes practical questions and expects practical answers......I am great-full to God, My family and all My MASSA friends, Members of 1 MFG group, Great job by Mr Samsul Alam Khan.
Date : 17/12/12 & 18/12/12 Venue: DG Shipping First the file was with Capt. Shukla on 17th. Later in the evening Capt. Awasthi swiped my file with one of his candidates. 17/12/12 Called me inside around 1740. Asked some general, out of topic questions as to where did i come from. After abt two or three mins, he started showing me the ROR cards. Following cards were shown: towing vessel, mine clearance vessel, safe water marking buoy, trawler, fishing vessels, aground vessel , Towing vessel NUC. he emphasized on telling the entire details properly and slowly (during this, i made some silly mistakes) So he told me to come tomorrow morning with the fresh mood around 10 18/12/12 I reached arnd 0930...He came and called me around 1030 asked me following questions ( questions were not related or sequential abt functions) 1) How will you go about beaching your vessel in Bhavnagar, if u have to repair some damage in the engine room and it is causing Water ingress? (u hve to keep on speaking till he stops you) i spoke about 10 -15 mins....CROSS QUESTIONS abt Ground tackle and how can you experience in you daily life 2) how will you go about loading Grain in Bulk on bulk carriere? (kept on speaking abt everythgn,including grain code for abt 20 mins) CROSS QUESTIONS abt the sequence of loading , and wanted to hear that we willl load the end holds i.e first and last, in the final stage which will help us to adjust trim. 3) if a fellow seafarer has got a cut on the chin, it is very deep and how will you treat him ( he emphasized on how u will stop bleeding, and wanted to listen that you will stitch his cut, later on) 4) a new 3/O has joined on the ship...Hw will you carry out his detailed Familiarisation upon joining, starting from fwd to aft, then top to bottom. (kept on speaking abt 20-25 mins) he didnt stop me...asked CROSS QUESTIONS abt the material of brake liner, how does the brake liner of winch work, whats the significance of counter shunk bolts? pattern and how r they fitted? 5) How does the basic air conditioning system works? He wanted me to know jst the principle and stopped me there... As per my experience, He wants to see you confidence and how enthusiastic you are to take up your new rank... Also he wants you to be honest, tell him whatever you dont knw, bcz he can catch u at the first instant.. Also he wants you to answer, whatever you know properly.. Result: P-P-P All in alll, he is very motivating and encouraging person... annex one ammenments Oil Content Meters – resolution MEPC.107(49) / resolution MEPC.60(33) Existing equipment typically has oil content meters meeting the previous standard, MEPC.60(33). It is important that the upgrading of existing equipment include the incorporation of an oil content meter complying with the current standard, MEPC.107(49).
Differences between the performance requirements in these two standards for oil content meters: 1. MEPC.107(49) oil content meter is accurate over a wider range of bilge fluids. 2. MEPC.107(49) oil content meter is designed to read oil-water emulsions, while the MEPC.60(33) oil content meter has no such requirement. 3. MEPC.107(49) oil content meter is required and tested to read heavy oil (residual fuel oil), while the MEPC.60(33) oil content meter has no requirement to read heavy oil. The only requirement in MEPC.60(33) for oil content meters is to read distillate oil. (A characteristic of heavy oil is that, it is more viscous and has a higher wax number than that of distillate oil). 4. The MEPC.107(49) oil content meter is more discriminating with solids than the MEPC.60(33) oil content meter. 5. The required response time for the MEPC.107(49) oil content meter is 5 seconds. By comparison, the required response time for MEPC.60(33) oil content meter is 20 seconds. 6. MEPC.107(49) oil content meters are required to be tamper resistant and the meters are to be designed to not allow the equipment to discharge while flush water is being fed to it. There are no such requirements in MEPC.60(33). 7. MEPC.107(49) oil content monitors are required to store pertinent operational data which can be reconciled with the oil record book to assure conformance, while MEPC. 60(33) oil content meters had no such requirement. Date: 18-Dec-12 Venue:DG shipping External:Capt.V K Chand Internal: Capt. Shukla Result - Pass Fail Pass Time : 11am to 12:20pm Function-1 Q.1 As a chief mate you have a first time 2nd mate on bridge how will you help him plan a passage plan from Mumbai to Singapore. State Precautions and the Nautical publications you are going to use for the voyage.(Don't forget NP131) Q.2 What is the most important information w.r.t Environment you will convey to 2nd Mate for passage planning? Ans : Zones(Summer,Tropical) Q.3 R.O.R Situation for overtaking ..Own vessel being overtaken by Sailing Vessel ..State Action Q.4 1 Card for Restricted Ability to Maneuver Q.5 How will you join a TSS Q.6 State Rule 13 only first 2 lines(Overtaking) Q.7. Your Vessel in Dangerous Quadrant of TRS> State Actions Q.8 After a rough weather your cadet comes to you with magnets in hand which he found on the monkey island as a chief mate what will be your actions? (He wants you to tell him that u will refer to the deviation card and the compass adjustors report of where he has placed which magnets) Q.9 ROR Situation of N.U.C asked the day and night signals that will be displayed if your own Vessel's M.E Stops and you are still making way. Q.10 Own vessel is being drifted by current and M.E is non-functional Q.11 What all checks you will carry out on Magnetic compass Q.12 Your vessel is dragging anchor what will be your action as a OOW Q.13 Your vessel has grounded on a soft bottom how would you re-float it if there is no tidal variations in the location Q.14 What all checks will you carry out as a Chief mate to check damages of your own vessel which was grounded? what is damage stability?(He mixed this question with Fun2)
Result - PASS ------then he shifted to Function-3 Q.1 As a chief mate what all log books are you going to take care off..what are the entries in the Garbage mgmt log book and as per wht(Marpol reg 5) Q.2 Entries you will make as a C.O in Oil record book Q.3 Entried you will make as a C.O in OLP Q.4 Duties as STCW'2010, State the no of total working hours in a week for the Bosun and Pumpman(tried to confuse me here) Q.5 As a C.O what is the most important thing to know w.r.t Oil pollution Q.6 You are on watch on bridge and you notice Pirates boarding your ship, state actions Q.7 Requirements of a Citadel onboard. Q.8 How will you carry out training onboard for a first time cadet Q.9 What publications you should have onboard with respect to Piracy and SAR Q.10 What are Statutory Certificates? Name a few Q.11 Have you dry-docked ? I answered NO.. then he asked tell me what is the GM when the aft part of the ship touches the blocks.(And GM Critical) and then he asked what is the GM when the ship is on the blocks. Result - PASS ---Last he asked Func- 2 Q.1 Gave me a paper and told me to write a Note of protest (Basically wanted to see LAT/LONG and the nature of the protest) Q.2 Your heavy lift is having SWL of 15T, till how many tones will you test the Heavy lift and how? (Answered : I will find it out I'm not sure) Q.3 Contents of Grain Code(Answered contents of BLU Code instead) he stopped here,asked me the time i told him 12:20 he said ok send the next candidate in and you come for Func 2 again next time. Result - FAIL All questions were asked by Capt. V K Chand and Capt Shukla was only sitting on the main table listening.. Capt. V K Chand is very funny he will lighten up by cracking a light joke about shipping and he will get serious again in no is to be precise about your answers. This is all i can recollect as of now! cheers All the Best guys!! The following is a compilation of the questions asked by the surveyors in the month of December : Quest asked Fun1 Rule 8,10 n 19 Vts req as per solas Trs Gyro compass.. High lat nav Fun2 Contingencies..grounding, leakage,foundrin,list Heavy lifts
CSS Lashing plan Contents of isgot, ibc, igc Loading of cargo wit high h2s Ship shore safety c/list in detail.. Stab criteria for grain Bonjean curves Fun3 Cert carried onboard Issuin authority Dry dockin.. Critical period..precautions Stcw 2010 contents ISM contents Wind heelin criteria Beaching Ground tackle Emg steerin requirement Datz all I can remember ....................................... Date-05-12-12 Time1200-1300 &1400-1545 Internal-Capt.Awasthi External-None Result - FPP 1200-1300 First one hour was just general conversation.He basically wants to know what kind of person are you your back ground and few cross question regarding what you do in your personal life What are your duties as per ISM code What is non- conformity Then he asked me how would you go about planning a passage from barcelona to rotterdam ,was a what all thing you will keep in mind... answer-check loadline zone,security threats, check fresh water onboard,confirm wth C/E how much fuel he is expecting to consume and at what rate...he interputed and asked how much fuel reserve will yu carry...i dint he said tought its not your look out yet for yourknowledge u should have spare fuel for 3 day....then he asked me to go for lunch break n come back at 1400.... 1400-1545.. Function 2 and 3 -Content of IMSBC IMDG and ISGOTT -angle of repose -how will you go about taking over as -what is sheer plan and what all information you gt from it and when is it refered to -what are seams (welding)and what are vertical and horizontal seams called as...i dint knew the later part if the question -C/E requires ti carryout emergency repqir....master decides to beach vessel of bhavnagar.....your duties as -what is shoring -how will u train yourcadet on board -general question regarding dry docking
Guys thts it....basically after you answer.....he will explain u everything in detail even if u have answered question correctly...he jist wants to check you oractical knowledge.... Capt Awasti is a gem of a person.he want to pass everyone....plzzz dont bullshit n hive him practical answer only..... ............................................. Iyer Fun1. 1) iyer chart which includes bouy system , sum vsl, turning circle, explain turning circle , which turning circle you will prefer long or short ? Why?, angle of drift where is small and large, ROR cards etc .. Sori sum thing I can't remember. 2) he gave me 1 chart which has shallow patch all over .... POB n RV, explain BTM 4 above situation. Anchoring in emergency? Wat instruction you u give 2 fwd station? 3) weather chart explain everything. 4) TRS. 5) Turning circle in more details ..... N wat iz 1st overshoot 2nd overshoot. Fun2. 1)IMSBC code in details, loading of bulk cargo , contents etc. 2) Gain code in details, DOA , W/O DOA. 3) Timber code in details, why timber vsl has less free board???? 4) IMDG code in details ,if only name iz given den how u r goin 2 load , where u get de details. 4) charge separation. FUN 3. 1) marpol .. Annex v changes , annex 4 special area. 2) certification in details 3) testing of crane 4)dry docking 5) code of safe working ( requirement 4 stage) guys can't remember ... Hope diz will help .... All de best ............................................ These are the question asked to Venil.... Internal-Capt Kapoor passage planning in detail along with role of a mate in navigation ROR crossing Storm signals Contents of weather messages who issues nav warnings In India TRS drydocking including grounding emergency actions as per mate bi party agreement tri party agreement article of agreement cba all differences How to control crew all the different type of surveys done in DD Mates role in DD
this is all that i can remember right now... .q............................................ 10-12-12 at 1330-1415 by Capt oak (ext)/ avasthi it was rapid fire round. fun-i 1) follow n non follow up mode. 2) diff. between course up n head up 3) wt is safe water mark i detail complete. ROR situation ask in traffic near this bouy. 4) tell all actions for eastbound vsl cmng from north in sinapore strait 5) various situation in rv. 6) 6) latest cyclone ? y its call hurricane 7) various ROR situations fun 2 1) contents of CSS 2) as a mate all actions before ldng heavy lift on gearless container ship. 3) wt r d types of thermometr use on gas carrier tanks 4) contents of bc code. 5) mainteance of windlass n wt type of grease is use 6) tell d segregation of crude oil not d type of crude oil fun 3 1) hw to slip ancor n cmplte method to regain it 2) wts OLB. 3) hw to make report of tank inspection 4) if meat room stinks wt will b mates actin 5) CAS n CAP 6) contents of chain register thts wt i rembr. b frank. i cd hv pass bt i didnt prepare well. oak asked all practical ans. avasthi jst sign exn form. all d bst ........................,,,,,.....,,,,,,......... Date 12 December 2012 External nil Internal Kapoor Result P P P Func 1 1.What are yourduties when navigating in high lattitudes 2. Duty as per ISM 3. Passage planning from gulf to mumbai what all will u check 4. You are in port and minimum crew on board the port says that you have to move fwd no tugs and no use of engine permitted how will u go bout it if u are overall i charge.(in this he wanted to hear that u will do yourcontrol test and keep yourengines ready) 5. How will u derermine u are aproaching trs 6. Reporting systems (dont forget to mention INSPIRES N INDSAR) 7.what are the elements of ships routing
8. What are the principles of watchkeeping 9. Narrow channels n restricted visibily duty as mate 10. Safe water mark n special marks 11. Cardinal marks 12. Sailing vsl ahead state youraction as per which rule 13. Fishing vsl ahead state youraction and as per which rule 14. Pilot vsl crossing on port side state youraction 15. Vsl aground lights and shapes 16. Contents of annual notice to mariners and mariners handbook Func 2 1. How will go bout loading grain 2. Loading of oil preparations 3. Loading IMDG cargo 4. Concentrates precautions 5. Can u load timber on cargo ships 6. What do u mean by PLT on tankers (protective location of tanks) 7. What are the various types dual purpose carriers 8. Timber loading precaution and hazards 9. Types of lashing on timber and grain ships 10. How will u go about loading heavy lift 11. Chain register 12. How many types of oil record books are there and what all will u log 13. IMDG precautions 14. What all will u check during loading Func 3 1. Duties during dry dock 2. You are in charge in port how will u manage all activities. (master not there) 4. What is the use of anchor 5. What is ground tackle 6. Class survey what will u check 7. Iopp cert renewal what all will u check 8. How will Mlc benefit u as mate 9. What is cba and contents 10. How will u deal with indisciplin 11. What all will u check in dry dock if all surveys are carried out 12. Vsl grounded youraction as mate This is all i can remember for now guys will let ull know as soon as i recollect neting imp. Capt kapor is a very practical guy he jus wants to hear a few imp point and once he gets wat he needs he changes the question. Wishing ull all the best... .............,..........................,,....... Phase1: ROR cards Anchoring Grounding Passage from rotterdam to glasgow Anchor n anchor chain cert. Phase 2: Your instrictions to aNewly joined 3rd mate
Loading oil. Prior while n after Heavy lift loading Chair register (who endorses it in india) Phase 3: Anchor dragging Galley fire Forepeak tank Double bottom tank Rest history of india. No of floors in mmd. Why is mathura such a nice place. 5 very famous lawers in india. Wht did mayawati said lately. Where do yadavs come from. External -awasthi .................................. 13.12.12 dg shipping int kapoor ext mishra PPP how to load IMDG documents for IMDG grain loading book who issues clean bl what is fraud what is LOI how to load hvy lifts cargo discharging .. oil coming out from mast riser Reasons and solution tonnes of cross questioning on every question what is survival CAPablity what is protective location of tanks what are chemical tanker types what are gas tanker types what factors taken into account before making cargo tanks how to make sure u r complying with stability criteria on grain lodicator fails action what are statutary certs what are mandatory certs clc bclc bl mateS recpt lop nop blackout actions oprc conv hns protocol anchoring in river dragging anchor actions risk assesment stcw explain
coswp is it mandatory enclosed sp entry gas meters rv overrtaking normal overtaking vl 22.5 abaft beam approaching action one light house in the ocean how to fix position no radar GPS vs radar fix erRORs in visual fix kapoor passage planning mlc routing vts reporting and mostly all questions posted by Brihad .. all the best guys ... ..ww................................ external func 1 achutan 2&3 fun 1 1.container v.l 22 knots. pr drop 4mb.say trs as per subu..heaving to wid min speed imp 2.passage plan uk to us onli weather all secondary 3.diff causes of depression accumulation..diff types of ice accumulation 5.ROR situation rv.a vl stbd qtr overtaking 6.tld..he wants to hear the word tld which occurs in lat while performing above pp.. 7.eta requirement 8.compasses compared courses checked except evrything we kno radar gyro stab n course rec gyro rptr 9.what r the points on which efficient watchkeeping depends.. ex lookout,,observance of gud seamanship etc ........................... Suveyor : Capt R K Mudhali Venue : Old Mmd Date : 19 Dec 2012 Funct 1 : 1.LRIT / VDR/AIS carriage req. 2.Perf stndrd of lrit..sdme..ecdis 3. Adj of magnetic compass...erROR of gyro...which structure onboard d vsl affects d mag compass d most...
4.Procedure for making deviation 5.Quote rule 28...he wanted d exact words... 6.Bnwas perf stndrd 7.horizontal nd vertical spacing of navigation lights 8.Procedures as mate for towing 9.Which states get lrit info 10. Cbd...aground...fog signals... Fucnt 2: Type of vsls done...oil..product nd chemical...nt a single qstn abt dem... 1. Loading on gas tanker...nd cargo calculation...plan loading for gas cargo 80,000 nd ships dwt 93,000 2. Asked hv u read errol fernandes book...stab ceiteria for livestock carrier 3. IMDG code classes wd one eg. each... 4. Load plan wd IMDG cargo on hold nd below hold wd classes given on a sheet....check manualy whether u can load dem from IMDG book 5.ISGOTT contents... 6.Loading timber deck cargoes...nd concentrates... Fucnt 3 1. 2.Contents of mlc nd compa re mlc wd msa 3. OLB reqd for wat gt ships as per msa...entries as chief mate 4. Stcw 2010/ISM code amendments... 5.Emergency catenary towing 6. Cba...AOA... 7.Contents of coswp...nd is it mandatory... 8.current from astern berth d vsl ..which lines u will pass first nd y... 9. Diff b/ w hague nd h visby rules... 10. Dry docking t dont we dry dock a ship wd even keel... Said will give fnct 1 & 3 initially...called me again after 30 mins saying since its yourfirst attempt will give u fnct 1 only : ( ..................................... Guys this is all I could gather., if somebody has got more questions do post it.. As it will help us all in January Thank u one n all
Date: 12-Dec-12 Venue:DG shipping Surveyors:Capt.O.P.YADAV Internal: Capt.AZAD Func-1 do u determine risk of collision wat interval does vsl aground sound signal in RV 3.wat is spacing of mast light and side light fr vsl more thn 200m as per annex-1 4.wat is day signal fr CBD VSL RESULT-fail Vry hard to believe naaa But i did on sch silly Q
Func-2 1.draft survey on bulk carrier 2.y tank cleaning is carried out on product tanker 3.load 80000MT of crude oil dead weight 89000MT prepare loading plan wil u load heavy lift on ship 5.content of ISGOTT 6.point to be included in loading plan 7.whr do u find load density for hold and fr deck Cross questioning on above RESULT-PASS Function-3 only statutory cert 2.hw many ORB parts r der 3.entry on OLB as a chief mate 4.what is flare 5.berth vsl wit current from stern and ship is provided wit tug sufficient sea room Shw it wit model Evry actiom at each stage And cross questining on above Result-PASS Capt.Azad took my orals and since i passed in func 2 and 3 He asked me type of ship i worked loading inspection of tank tank cleaning all most evrythng abt chem tanker Thn he asked me amendments to ISM and all abt risk assessment tat Also abt ISM AND ISPS SURVEY REQUIRED Date: 13-Dec-12 Venue: DG Shipping, Jahaz Bhavan Surveyors Internal: Capt. Azad External: Capt. H.K. Mishra(LBS) Following Questions were asked by the external surveyor. Result: F P P Function 1: 1)when do you use long pulse and short pulse of radar 2) diffrence between trs and tld? 3) 2 ROR situations ? 4) how will you disconnect anchor and make fast the chain to a mooring buoy? 5)berthing of ship without tugs( Capt.azad) 6) Maintainance schedule of gyro compass. I went wrong with the ROR situation and that is why i failed fn 1 Function 2: 1)how will you ensure that the vessel has been loaded according to grain stabilty requirments? 2) where will you get grain stability criteria from? told him everything intact stabilty booklet , d.o.a , grain stability booklet but he was not satisfied. 3)you draw a s.f b.m curve , b.m curve is not closing what could be the possible reasons? 4)what are shearing forces , how can you calculate for a ship shaped vessel 5)started discharging , oil coming from mast riser , reasons 6)loading of iron ore fines in bulk . hazards
7)you see lightning in front of you , on an oil tanker action. 8) what are the constructional and operational precautions against static electricity. 9)odme faliure , slops on board , what will you do. 10) procedure for treatment of hydraulic waste oil from leaked winches , windlass.( Told him incenerator , shore reception faclities, mix it with grease and use , but he told there are more methods . 11)chemical tanker cargo not listed in cof , and chartrers want you to load .action. 12) A lot of question on ph2 written paper of stability ques 1 ( november month) 13)polymerisation 14)tlv/twa Function 3: 1) clean b/l 2) shipper want you to give a clean b/l precautions. i told lOI 3) legal standing of loi 4) is loi acceptable to underwriters 5) appeal and review procedure in CASe of a psc detention.( he wanted some reporting to mou ) 6) stability aspects to be checked prior undocking 7) statutory and mandatory certificates. 8) liferaft securing arrangment to deck and launching arrangments( draw on paper) CAPT. AZAD 1) latest ammendments to ISM , marpol 2) how will you incorporate bnwas maintanance in you pms 3) life boat davit pms . 4)biparty and triparty 5) inspection of cargo tanks and ballst tanks what all you check and whom to report 6) how to carry out risk assesment . 7)drydock precautions ( docking) 8)pin in the lugless joining schakle 9 ) equipments on ship to remove that pin Orals lasted for 1hr 15mins Best of luck to all!! See you on 24th reeboking Date: 04-Dec-12 Venue: DG Shipping, Jahaz Bhavan Surveyors Internal: Capt. Khatri External: Capt. Achyutan Capt. Khatri did not take orals as he was busy wid DG. Following Questions were asked by the external surveyor. Result: F P P Function 1: 1) Month of December, factors taking into account while planning passage from UK to US? 2) What do you mean by Compasses Compared, Courses Checked and erROR verified? 3) Pressure dropped by 5mb, strong winds, what will be your action? 4) ErROR in position fixing of GPS and Method of position fixing of a gps? 5) How will you train a cadet who has come for the first time on the bridge with respect too seeing a vessel 4 points on your port bow? Function 2:
1) how will you go about grain loading and other questions relating to grain such as where do you get VHM from and what do you mean by compensation for shift of G? 2) What do ou mean by concentrates? 3) Precautions when loading concentrates and hazards? Function 3: 1) You are a chief officer and you go to sleep at 2200. When you come at 0400 for watch 2nd mate reports u have 5 deg list. Action? 2) Everything about ISM code. Orals lasted for 45 mins and he wanted practical answers. Best of luck to all!! Date: 13-Dec-12 Venue: old MMD Surveyors Internal: Capt. R.K. MUDHALI Functions: 1-2-3 Attempt: 1st Result: P-F-F FUNCTION 1 1. What do u know about LRIT and requirments, which all states will get LRIT data , 2. Which Leagal document facilitates any state to request the LRIT data from another state 3. LRIT preformance standerd, 4. DIff betwn VDR/SVDR, is the VDR diffrent for diffrent ships ,,, eg strress not needed for bulk .... bilge alaram not needed for container ... , and if so ... which code governs this varience 5. to which ships is the VDR/SVDR not applicable other than small pleasure crafts 6. Ideal conditions of a TRS , how is it formed , all these conditions are PRESNT IN MUMBI AS WELL... WHY IS THE trs NOT FORMING. Everything about TRS he wants to listen. 7. Adjustment of a Magnetic compass. 8. AIS Performance standards, requirement, Indian gov. regulations? 9. Banwas performance std , which is it in force , WHICH ships is it not required to carry BNWAS. 10. GPS ERROR AND performance standards. 11.ECDIS performance standards. 12. ROR actions with reference of rule. 13. aground vessel day signal, night signal, fog signal. 14. C.B.D. VESSEL day signal, night signal, fog signal. FUN -2 1. Grain loading in details, witnout and with DOA. allowable VHM given in stability booklet is drawn by administration on what basis? Have you seen this booklet or just theoretical knowledge? 2. CONTAINER loading. In detail. How much spares you should have onboard for Refer container? as per which rules? While picking up IMDG container, CONTAiner damaged and started leaking and its hanging, whats your action? 3. sulphor loading and hazards. 4. oil tanker loading, stowage, 2 parcel stowage plan and loading and discharging principles. 5. use of trimming table in loading. 6. COW, IG FAILURE ACTION, valve segregation.
7. CSS code in detail, csm requirements? 8. IMDG classes with examples Various cross questions. Fun 3 1. CLC convention 2.FUND convention 3.nairobi convention 4.MLC 2006 5.Rotterdam convention 6.Hongkong convention 7.Opa 90 8. dry docking 9. PMS for anchor cable. 10. maintain. in chain locker 11. statutory certificates and period of validity? 12. certificates which does not changed even if flag changed? 13. ALL ISM certification. If ISM renewal survey finish on anniversary date, and surveyor told next port u will receive certificate, in next port before certf. Receiving PSC onboard what document u will show to PSC. 14. where you will find duties of chief mate other than COMPANY SMS. 15. CBA, AOA 16. STCW Finally he told me to wait outside, after 20 minutes he called me and told that I m happy with your function 1 and 2 performance, function 3 you need to brush up as it seems to be you know it but you can not recollect it. He asked me about written , I told him phase one cleared and phase 2 results awaiting then suddenly his mind changed and he said me as it is your 1st attempt I am giving you only function one, you brush up your non tanker ships practical knowledge and come prepared next time for 2 and 3, definitely u will get remaining 2 functions. Then he seen me upsate and started 10 minutes normal talking and told be happy with whatever you get it. As its only matter of 30 days only. Sorry for all MASSA and LBS friends as i could not make it to complete your wish in PPP. date: 07th dec' 2012 venue: dg shipping internal: Capt. kapoor external: Capt. bhatia (all questions were asked by Capt. bhatia, Capt. kapoor did not ask any questions) result: f - - - p function 1: 1. passage planning in detail, along with requirements of solas and what the solas regulation says 2. ROR crossing situation with a vessel on the port side 3. role of a mate in navigation 4. ecdis all details regarding regulations and operation function 3: 1. dry docking in detail, specs list, stability and planning 2. trim & stability booklet 3. damage stability booklet 4. grounding 5. bi party agreement
6. tri party agreement 7. articles of agreement 8. cba 9. duties of a mate as per stcw 2010 10. all the different certificates that are carried onboard this is all that i can remember mr. shamsul alam khan's notes for function 3 were very handy. thanks sir. Date: 06-Dec-12 Venue: DG Shipping, Jahaz Bhavan Surveyors Internal: Capt. R. K. Awasthi External: Capt. P. Kumar *All questions by Capt. P. Kumar Functions: 1-2-3 Attempt: 1st Result: P-P-P Function 1 - Safe water mark? Likely location? Passing by own vessel? - Emergency wreck marking buoy? Describe in detail? - WIG craft? Lights? Intensity of lights (whether high or low)? - Air cushion vessel? Lights? Intensity of lights (whether high or low)? - How do you ascertain if own vessel is dragging anchor? - What is a beam bearing? What will happen to such a bearing if a vessel drags anchor? - AIS data types? - Is cargo data mandatory in the voyage data message? - ErRORs of a Gyro compass? - What is a TRS? - Warning signs? - Barometric pressure corrected for what erRORs to use as a warning sign? - What is a hurricane? - Wind speed of a hurricane? - Where is this word Hurricane used? - Storm in the pacific near Philipines at present? - Dangerous & navigable semi-circles in NH & SH? - Ascertaining vessel's position in the semi-circles? - What is heaving to? - Veering & Backing? - Evasive action when vessel is in dangerous semi-circle in NH? - Sector method of avoiding a TRS centre? - Placement of a watchkeeper for navigational watch as lookout(Physical positioning)? - On What factors does the above placement depend on? - In Which conditions of fog a navigator should place the watchkeeper at a higher or lower level? - What is the most suitable highest & lowest level location on board a ship for a lookout with respect to navigational watch? - What is Advection fog, Radiation fog & arctic sea smoke? - How do the above occur? - What is Beaufort scale? Describe same in brief? Function 2
- What cargoes were carried on last vessel? How many cargo tanks aboard? - Cargo nomination has only 1 product, how to go about loading? Which tank will you start loading first? (Important-As the ballast goes down to stripping level ship's trim to be increased) - What are dangerous goods? - IMDG Classes? - Examples of class 4.3? - How is Acetylene produced? (Calcium Carbide with water) - What are MHB cargoes? Give examples? - Hazards of coal? Loading Precautions? - Formula of Methane? - Density wise comparison of Methane with air? Which other gas is lighter than air? (Remember N-Natural Gas A-Ammonia I-Inert Gas L-LPG) - Oil Record Book-II Entries? - Chemical Tankers are built according to what rules? - Hazards of woodpulp? Precautions for loading same? - What is a Jumbo derrick? Function 3 - What crisis can result from ship's grounding? - Actions after grounding? - As a Mate what will u check in a Dry Dock after pumping out has been completed? - If u find any damages, which document/plan will u refer to determine the location of defect/damage? - What is sheer & garboard strake? - What are bilge shores? - Official Log Book is required as per which Rules? - What is a stiff & tender ship? - What is angle of Loll? - What are Rotterdam rules? - What is Bill of Lading? What purpose does it serve? - What is a negotiable Bill of Lading? My fellow mates, this is all that i can recollect from yesterday's events. Hope it will be useful for your preparations for viva. Thanks & Best Regards. DG Shipping Internal: Capt Awasthi ( nearly 1hr 15 mins) No external as usual Func:1 1)Plan a passage from Cochin to Genoa & precautions to be carried out 2)Synoptic & Prognosis Chart 3)How to plot posn by other than GPS 4)Colregs Rule 2 & 8 5)Local weather routing , in india who provides it 6)Actions to be carried out by a mate to beach a ship 7)Actions to be carried out by a Master to beach a ship 8) If asks u to proceed in piracy area without armed guards ..would u proceed ..Actions as per Mate first then as Master?
Func 2 1)How to do tank.clng onboard 2)What books u refer to 3) Whether mandatory to refer to that book 4)What is the size of the tank 5)How shore authorities verifies tank clng carried out is satisfactory 6)Gas meters 7)How to prepare a man entry in cargo tank 8)Explain purging/gas freeing /inerting 9)What all precautions u will take during man entry Func 3 1)PMS schedule 2)What all PMS jobs are carried out on your ship along with Engineers 3)Statutory cert 4)SEQ survey 5)MOB actions if you r on bridge 6)Length of MOB marker buoys line 7)Particulars of l/boat ( speed,eq,req etc) 8)Whether ladder should be called embarkation/disembarkation ladder 9)Lifesaving appliances on your ship & req ( no, reg governing them) 10)Safety on board , by which manual & requirements 11)Cert of registry , who issues, what does it mean, any expiry , in India who issues it In between , alot of topics that r not concerning abt the exam ( for eg have u visited Taj Mahal , Agra, Kandla ,do u know to play TT, r u member of any club etc..) He wants practical answers & practical knowledge what actually happens on board ,how u do it etc ...Not from booksssss...
old mmd internal: Capt muduli external: Capt oak attempt: 1st func1: will u identify safe water mark in day and night time 2. light for isolated danger mark japan u see composite group2+1 action? 4.ristricted visibility, with operational radar, u hear fog signalon yourport bow,intensity keep on increasing action? will u indicate other vessel about youraction? dose a gong look like, how it operates 7.requirment of ecdis , ais 8. vsl less than 500 gton indian coast, require ais? 9. yourgps not working, how will u calculate the star sight in evening, start from begining will u identify a dradger at anchor? 11.what is new danger mark and specification? 12.when does spring and neep tide come? what is neep and spring tide, how will u come to know the dates for above?
13.difference b/w vdr and svdr 14.fog signal for agground vessel func2: many types of temprature sensors on gas carrier and their working. do u change yourmarves setting 3.loading precaution of IMDG 4.can u load IMDG on gen cargo vsl. what documents reqrd 5.starting from fwd to aft where do u use the wire rope, their use dimension and construction 6.what is technical name of preventer wire of mast 7.what is insurence wire will u change gangway wire will u indent a preventer wire for mast will u open the new coil of wire rope 11.what is static accumlator oil 12.potective location of tank on gas carrier 13. brinr trap? whai is the use?
func3. 1.what are statury and mandatory certificate reqrd for international vayage 2.does SART expire 3.what is csr 4.what is latest ammendment to ISPS drydock yoursuperintendent ask whether ship side is ready for paint . how will u go about 6.what is sa1, sa2.5, sa3 to decide anchor link is reqd to be changed 8.official log book entry by mate Date: 18.10.2012 Venue: DG Shipping Int: Capt. Kapoor Ext: None Attempt: 2nd Func.: 1 Result: P 1. Principle of watch keeping as per STCW 2. Lights exhibited by sailing vessel and your action when you see it 3. Action when vessel aground is sighted 4. Lights exhibited by vessel CBD and your action on sighting 5. You see a towing vessel on port side, your action 6. Lights exhibited by fishing vessel 7. How many rules in COLREGS 8. Which rules you find of importance in COLREGS 9. When you will use rule 2 10. RV and you hear a fog signal forward of your beam, your action 11. Your obligations in TSS 12. Contents of passage plan 13. When will you call master on bridge Date: 15.10.2012 Venue: DG Shipping Int: Capt. Awasthi Ext: Capt oak
Attempt: 2nd funct: 2 result: pass all questions were asked by both CAPs.... writtens cleared? which company? what ships u sailed on? 6000 mt cargo remaining to load in # 1/9 ch lodicator nt wrkiing initial trim 60 cm final 40 cm? precautions for coal in passage? temp of one of the holh increasing action? coal IMDG cargo? wot u kno abt IMDG? contents? hw will u extinguish fire? nw at disch port without lodicator hw will u tell shore hw much cargo remaining? looking at hold can u tell hw much cargo left? can u lod explosives ongeneral cargo? what r magzines? construction requirement for IMDG cargo? hw will u stow explosives? what is doc? hw u'll get doc? who issues it? onboard v/l at 2 in night 2/off call u n tells u labour ijured in hold action? other labours r coming to hit u action? and many cross quetions..... guys all they want to c is yourconfidence and way u handle situation.... rest all is urs all the best..... Date: 10.10.2012 Venue: DG Shipping Int: Capt. Awasthi Ext: None Attempt: 1st Result: - P I could give only Function 2 as i have not yet answered Phase-II exams. Function 2: First of all he asked me to draw the side view of my ship giving maximum possible details. I started drawing it, but it was getting too cluttered and so after drawing a few things i drew the line diagram (he was fine with it). He then asked me how many grades I could load with this arrangement and why? He then asked me details about the carriage of Palm Oils and the various requirements and terms used as I had carried Palm Oils. He then asked me what is Naptha as I told him that I had carried it on my last ship. He asked me how the different products were obtained from Crude oil and to explain the process (Fractional Distillation). After that he asked me to come back after lunch and then asked the following questions: 1. Explain the carriage of dangerous goods on a general cargo ship. 2. Explain the carriage of dangerous goods on a container carrier and where will you load the
container and why? 3. Explain the carriage of heavy lift cargoes and the precautions to be taken while planning. In between he asked many general knowledge questions like: 1. Why is your name Ryan? 2. How many states are there in India? 28 3. Which are the 3 new states? 4. What is the CAPital of Jharkhand? Ranchi 5. What is the CAPital of Chhatisgarh? Raipur 6. What is the CAPital of Uttarakhand? Dehradun 7. What is the meaning of Uttarakhand? Etc. In the end he said that he is passing me but I need to know about other type of ships also. Capt. Awasthi is cool. If you answer his questions that he asks to check your presence of mind and the questions on general knowledge he is very helpful. Date : 18/09/2012 Internal : Capt. Saggi External : Capt. C L Dubey Attempt : 1 Result : P P P Function 1 : 1.Quote Rule 2 and 9 2.ROR situations : SV, RV (2), Crossing in TSS CBD 3.TRS formation, in which month in India and what it is called & dangerous quadrant NH actions 4.Weather Routeing 5. Contents of NTM ( once i told him he asked me, Is there any reporting in the end, I could not answer and was stuck in Hyd. Note and forms ) 6. Ice Navigation, Polar Code is it Mandatory ? ( i said NO ) and its content (just told him the 4 Parts name n told him it has total 16 chapters, no more quetsion on this. ) 7. what is routeing charts and what all information you get from it. 8. Azimuth and Amplitude formula Function 2 : (Asked me what all ships i have done, i told him All Crude oil Tankers till date) 1. What all plans required in general cargo ships for loading and what information they give. ( i didn't say rigging plan so asked me what is rigging plan and can it be used and what information it gives ) 2. How will you load iron ore 3. Hazards of Coal and Prevention method 4. Segregation as per IMDG apply to what all class. ( asked me to draw Away from and Separated from ) 5. Content of ISGOTT 6. Principle of O2 Analyser, Flammability diagram 7. COW checklists, Precautions while carrying out COW 8. What is livestock man ? and his duties.. 9. Can you load grain without DOA and what is the criteria. 10. CSS code and CSM ( asked me to tell the chapters of CSS, didn't ask after i named 3 chapters) Function 3 :
1. Beaching 2. Dry Docking in general ( asked me if i have done, i told him NO ) 2. Critical Instance, Critical Period what is most dangerous with regard to Stability 3. Note of Protest ( I donno why he asked me this here ) 4. Marpol mandatory discharge requirements as per Annexe 4 5. Open Moor and Standing Moor ( and whether i have ever done it, No was the answer ) 6. CAP ( I told him about CAS also as he was looking to me to speak more on CAP ;-) finally he changed the question ) 7. What is Min. Mandatory survey as per ESP Guys this is all i could recollect as all the questions were asked in a rapid fire mode he didn't wait for even one question's answer to get complete and fired the other questions in succession. All he allowed me to answer 5-6 lines for every questions. It was a very bad day for many of us as 8 guys were total washouts At, 1935 Capt Saggi called shook hands and congratulated me and it made my day complete. Thanks to everyone out here and Specially all My "SCHOLARS" batch-mates of MASSA Date: 14.09.2012 to 20.09.2012 venue: DG Shipping Tutorials Int: CAP H Khatri Ext: Capt. Oak Attempt: 1st Result: P P P Fuct 1: 1. RV operational radar.Vsl on port bow and stbd qrtr .Action. 2 Quote Rule 19 3 RV, radar not operational sound signal on port bow,closing in .Action 4 Quote rule 2 5 what do u mean by constraints imposed by radar range scale in use.(Refer Cockroft) 6 Quote Rule 6 7 U are outbound singapore anchorage n have to join east bound lane .as u reach seperation zone . the engines of another approaching vessel fails n she is dangerously close to you.What action will you take. 8. suppose u collide with that vessel in singapore straits ..Action. 9 How does Solas Chapter 5 Effects you as a Chief Officer. 10 What instruction will u give a cadet to check the combination ladder. Funt 2: 1. Latest Requirement for Water Ingress System in cargo holds for bulk carrier.(Solas Chapter XII Reg 12) 2 Requirement for pumping out spaces forward of collison bulkhead .(Solas Chapter XII Reg 13) 3 Types of Apartures on gas carrier.(I dont Know) 4 Cargo calculations on gas carrier. 5 How ull load heavy lift on general cargo ship. 6 How ull load explosives on general cargo ship 7 where ull find load density. 8 IMDG Code 9 Procedure for chainging gangway wire. 10 Types of temperature sensors in gas carrier 11. Requirements for fixed DCP system on gas carrier.
Funt 3: 1. Drydocking procedure. Stability Part. 2. What maintenance ull carry out in chain locker in DD.Type of paint used in chain locker. 3. U are drydocking in china . How will you decide when to paint.(curing temp should be less than ambient temp) 4 How will you classify paints as per drying time.(I still didnt get this question) 5 What are surface preparation standards for grit blasting. Thats It Orals were like an Agony started on 14.09.12... Capt Oak took orals on 18.09.12 1700 Hrs.......Capt khatri finally took orals on 20.09.12 around 1530 hrs (He called me in and asked .are u satisfied with the types of questions asked n your performance. I said It didnt go that well as i had prepared.He smiled n said i m giving u all 3) Thank you Ganpati Bappa for sending Capt Khatri as my saviour.... Thanks to all my MASSA Batchmates for help n support. CHEERS>>>>> Date : 18/09/2012 Internal : Capt. Saggi External : Capt. C L Dubey Attempt : 1 Result : P F P Function 1 1) Quote Rule 2 and explain examples of ordinary or good practice of seamanship. Gave examples (ref Cockcroft) 2) RV own vessel overtaking from port side risk of collision exists, action. As per which rule will you take action? (Quote Rule 19) 3) RV crossing situation. 4) Quote Rule 6 5) Limitations of Radar 6) C/O taking over watch at 0400, thick fog, coastal waters. 7) What are the ways to obtain compass erROR at sea? Where should the position of the sun be while taking bearing? 8) What are the ways to obtain compass erRORs while in port? 9) Principles of gyro and magnetic compass. What are the problems associated in high latitudes and why. 10) What are the ideal conditions for the formation of TRS? How is the energy generated? 11) Why and how SHM used for tidal calculation. 12) You are on watch and collision takes place, what will be your action. What will you do for the other vessel? What info will you share? Function 2 1) Which type of ships have you done? I have sailed on tankers, sir. OK 2) What is the difference between load density and stack weight? Where will you get this info from? 3) Loading Zinc concentrate (in detail) 4) Refrigerated container loading and care in transit. What will you do if the required temperature is not holding and the cooling reduces? 5) What is the full form of ASTM? 6) What is the full form of ISGOTT? Contents 7) VRF and WRF. What is it? Why applied?
8) Static cargo and its precautions? 9) While loading heavy lift by own vessel’s lifting gear there is a blackout and the it is hanging in air, action? Told me I need to know more about other ships also not only about tankers. Function 3 1) Maneuvering and berthing vessel in port without tug with current from astern. 2) What is foul anchor? What action will you take? 3) List contents of Form E. 4) What is chain register? What are the contents? What entries are made? 5) What is annealing? Guys thanks for all the info and knowledge sharing.... We all need to continue contributing to this group to the best we can... Everybody pls share your orals questions here... date- 11.9.12 int- Capt. Shukla ext- Capt. Panigrahy result- P P P f1 1. emegcy stry requirements 2. quote rule 8, 19 3. trs. vsl in dangerous quadrnt..action 4. heavy weather action 5. gyro in high lat f2 1.contents of ISGOTT, IMSBC 2.class of IMDG cargos 3.prep. for loading coal 4.contents of CSS 5.precautions for heavy lift f3 1.cert. req on a gas carrier 2. duties as mate as per ISM 3. critical moment n why it is called critical 4.contents of chain register 5.contents of coswp 6. heeling due to weather on high freeboard ships(i couldnt answer so i asked him if i could find out n let him know. He agreed as he had to attend a meeting in 10 minutes. But he never came back to continue orals...i was directly called by Capt. Shukla after waiting for 2 hrs....) Date: 13/209/2012 External: CAPT. Baweja Internal: CAPT. Shukla Result: P P P Function 1: 1. Qoute Rule 5 2. 8 to 10 cards>>>>>wants all the data behind the card
3. RV rule, situations and precautions to be taken 4. Full form of RADAR and ARPA 5. Taking over watch 6. Information on weather fax 7. Synoptic charts 8. Gyro>>>principle and types 9. Actions in grounding 10. Tidal publications on board with contents Function 2: 1. Heavy lift precautions 2. Load density 3. Angle of repose and method to determine the same 4. IMDG supplements and classes 5. B/L and its functions 6. Note of protest>>>>>thorough information 7. Mate's receipt 8. Power failure during cargo operations>>>>>>action 9. CSS code and cargo securingf manual Function 3: 1. PSC and Flag state>>>>> differenc>>>>if an indian ship calls mumbai pot which inspection she will have???? 2. Bi party and Triparty agreeements 3. AOA and CBA>>>>>>>thorough knowledge 4. Official log book enteries 5. PMS for steering gear 6. Precautions while transitting pirate infested area>>>>>>>>BMP4 7. Vessel anchored at innner anchorage>>>>>master ashore on shore leave>>>>vessel dragging anchor>>>action as a mate 8. Drydocking>>>>>>>>everything>>>>>>thorough knowledge 9. Chain register 17.9.2012 Capt deepak kapoor from 1930 to 2045 1P2P3F function 3 1.constructional requirement of container v/l,bulk carrier and a tanker will u implement environment safety and protection policy onboard as a mate. 3.cadet slaps u..ur action and as per which regulation 4.surveys carried out in dry dock. 5.difference between esp ans special survey will u prepare vessel for class survey will u prepare yourvessel for special survey. 8.what all things are checked in esp. 9.constructional requirement of lifeboat falls. 10.difference between eta ans emergency towing procedures. 11.ur ship breaks and tug is coming for towing.what all things u will keep ready. 12.duties of safety officer. of CBA of SCI(my company). 14.entries in OLB and its propose. 15.why we make entries in orb.
He asked me abt my ship i told him i did product carriers and 1 container... function 2 will u load concentrate. 2.hazards and precaution when loading concentrates. 3.can u load in alternate holds if yes by which convention and if no y?? will u load grain. will u determine volumetric heeling moment. 6.stability criteria of container. 7.what all things u will keep in mind before making a stowage plan. will u load heavy lift (full procedure as mate). 9.information given in stability booklets 10.action as a mate when cargo gets damaged. 11.what all things u will check before approving a stowage plan on a container vessel. will u load IMDG.(i forget to tell him abt DOC he told me full thing then). some more question i don remember now then function1 function 1 will u navigate in a T.S.S.(he wants to listen as per rule no 10). will u navigate in the vicinity of a T.R.S. of TRS in west bengal(cyclone)and atlantic . 4.what r the procedure u will follow when making a passage plan. 5.high latitude navigation. 6.who will issue ice warning in india. 7.who issue navarea warning in india(indian hydrographic department) 8.what r special marks and give examples. many navarea in the world. many rules and annexes. 12.obligation towards a CBD vessel(i told ill not to impede safe passage) 13.ROR situations fishing vessel ahead(action and as per which rule) 14.pilot vessel coming from port bow action(i told him first ill see if he is my pilot if he is boarding my vessel ill reduce speed and pick him otherwise ill maintain course and speed.)i think he was happy with my ans. 15.sailing vessel ahead action and as per which rule(he also ask can u go to port and as per which rule) 16.normal towing vessel coming from port bow action i told maintain co and speed.he said if towing vessel is not taking action i told him alter to stbd he told no u cnt go to stbd there is an obstruction then i told reduce speed he asked me as per which rule i said rule no 8) 17.when will u call master(i told as per his standing order or when i m in doubt) some more question i don remember now guys Captain deepak kapoor is a very decent surveyor.he really make me feel comfortable and help me in many question he tells me a lot of important things which will be useful for me as a mate.he asked all practical question and he wants practicle approach only.if u deserve he will definitely pass u. Date : 17.09.2012 int. : Capt.SHUKLA ext. : Capt. KHAMBATTA fn. 2: P Function 2: 1. WHAT U WILL DO IF yourVSL IS HOGOR SAG ? A)TOLD HIM IT DOESN'T MATTER TO ME AS LONG AS MY STRESSES ARE IN LIMITS. 2.WHAT IS KEY CAR IN CAR CARRIER.
3.WHAT IS BONJEAN CURVE? A) IT IS CURVE DRAWN WITH DRAFT ON Y -AXIS AND TRANSVERSE CROSSECTIONAL AREA OF IMMERSED PART ON X-AXIS. USE TO CALCULATE BUOYANCY ,WE KNOW HOW MUCH CARGO IS LOADED SO WE CAN CALCULATE LOAD CURVE AND BY WHICH WE CAN CALCULATE SF AND BM. 4.HOW MUCH PETROL DOES CAR IN RORO SHIPS HAVE ? A) JUST TO MOVE FROM DOCK TO SHIP N SHIP TO DOCK. 5.STABILITY CRITERIA FOR GRAIN .F 6.HOW WILL U LOAD GRAIN 7.HOW CAN U PREVENT CONCENTRATES FROM BECOMING LIQUID. 8.DOCUMENTS REQUIRE FOR CARRYING DG CARGO. 9.CERTIFICATE REQUIRED IN LIVESTOCK CARRIER. 10.PRECAUTION REQUIRE IN PRODUCT CARRIER. SOME QN ASKED BY SHUKLA ABT VSL AMSTERDAM BRIDGE THATS ALL VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO DON ,N DON ,N DON TO BEAR ME FOR LAST THREE DAYS N OFFCOURSE MEHUL FOR GIVING ME MORAL SUPPORT M VIKAS DWIVEDI ,VIVEK MEHTA ,SHASHANK GORIVALE N ASHISH SHARMA Date : 7.9.2012 int. : Capt. Awasthi ext. : No fn. : P P P Capt. Awasthi as always with his strange way of making you feel comfortable.. Func 1- Only RAM Lts right ahead of you... Identify and explain action with respect to ROR referring the Rules. TSS, RV RAM vessel ahead action... Asked me if you ever experienced Grounding or Hull Damage and asked actions to take First as a Navigating Officer and then as Mate.. Func-2 As i Had done Gas tankers... asked lot of questions about loading, unloading, reefer plant, How does it work, and why loading at slow rate initially and why reliquified gas is sprayed and not freely put back into the tank.. Maintenance on-board a gas carrier- Please do not say regular chipping and painting. Critical Equipments.. Wot preparations before Dry-Dock and how to go about it.. cut me short in the middle asked a lil about COW, how to clean tanks in Gas Tankers.. Asked me what is Angle of Repose and why is at actually called REPOSE... Func-3 Here guys he simply Stuck to Safety on board and various procedures.. i.e. basically ISM. Like what affects the Moral of the crew and officers on-board adversely.. Attitude towards work and how can u inprove it to get maximum output. Asked me to narrate an incident on-board and then analyse about wot went wrong, how nd why? Use of COSWP.. Neways thats all that i can remember coz the Orals went on for almost 50 mins... So thanx guys for posting the questions, nd best of luck to all. Karn shukla
Date : 14.09.2012 int. : Capt. Khatri ext. : Capt. Achutan fn. : F P P All questions by Capt. Achutan Asked me what all ships I have done. I replied last 3 were tankers and before that a bulk carrier. He started in reverse order. Function 3: 1. He checked my file and asked if I have done all modular courses and he pointed at copy of RANSCO certificate with STCW II/2 mentioned on it and asked me that have you gone through this. I replied with no. He gave me STCW 2010 code and asked me to find out same. While searching for it I replied that my certificate is as per STCW 95. So he started looking for old edition and replied that this old edition will not be here so find it in new edition only, it won't be different. Somehow I managed to find out this section and read in front of him. He asked me the content of STCW code. I started with some standards in random order and he stopped me in between and asked to refer STCW 10 in future. 2. You as a mate going to join a new company and joining in next 4 to 5 days. How will you come to know that the ship you are going to join is a safe ship? I will check if company has valid DOC. I will ask company to familiarize me with company SMS procedure. That's all I could answer. Then he replied to state functional requirement of SMS. I explained him few points and then he gave me ISM code. This was definitely old edition. He asked me to read out the functional requirements. After reading out those 6 points I explained it better this time. Function 2: 1.Why there is a grain code and why not included in IMSBC. I replied: 2 major hazards associated with carriage of grain i.e. settling and shifting. He agreed and in reply is asked if due to settling G goes down and GM increases than why it is not good for the stability of the ship. I was speechless. He asked me to write down the stability criteria for grain ships on a paper. I wrote the first point of stability criteria for ships without DOA. He stopped me there and asked me to draw a GZ curve for grain ship and to show initial GM in the same. I did the same. 2. Your ship suffers damage due to iceberg like Titanic breaching 5 holds in a way. What will be your action? I replied to refer to damage stability booklet for stability calculations for damage assumptions given in the booklet. He replied "do you think such assumption will be given there?" I replied "probably not and since we can not calculate same using intact stability booklet, I will report to the rapid response damage assumption. Than he asked who provides this shore based facility, I replied "class". 3. How will you calculate KM of the ship? It is given in the hydrostatic particulars against various drafts. But how will you calculate KM? Along with that he gave me a hint if I have done problems on bilging in phase 2. I immediately replied yes and wrote on same paper KM=KB+BM(T). What is BM(T): BM(T)=I/V What is ‘I’: ‘I’ is the second moment of inertia for water plane area. He corrected me that ‘I’ is the second moment of inertia for ‘intact’ water plane area and all related parameters in hydrostatic particulars are based on intact water plane area and thus in CASe of any damage we can not use intact stability booklet. 4. On an oil tanker, IG plant gives alarm and fails during discharging operation, your action as a chief mate.
Immediately stop discharging, inform terminal, master and duty engineer. Ask duty engineer when IG plant can resume working. Some cross questions: Chief engineer replies that plant can not be resumed, some spare parts will be required which are not on board then what will you do? I remained stuck to my previous answer that discharging will not be resumed without IG plant operational and added owner, charterer and operator will be informed so that spares can be arranged operation can be resumed. Will you wait for so long? What is the problem in discharging while IG plant inoperational? I explained him about pyrophoric oxidation and he was satisfied (‘Pyrophoric oxidation’ and exothermic reaction’ these are the two words that he wants to hear from you) 5. At last he explained me about settlingof grain, settling of grain will cause the GM to increase (not reduce). Due to settling grain will rise up (this was surprising to me). Now knowing this when will you load the heavy lift in general cargo ship, at the beginning, at intermediate stage or at end? Heavy lift must be loaded at the beginning so that it can be loaded as low as possible in the hold. If not and if loaded at last, it will cause it to load at the top level reducing the GM. Function 1: 1.Plan a passage from UK to US in month of December, what factors will you take into account? I explained him regarding normal procedure of passage planning adding marking of ECA areas, load line zones and other special areas. Precautions against cold weather and ice etc. What is ice accumulation? Have u ever seen ice accumulation? How much ice can accumulate overnight? I replied I have never seen ice accumulation and no idea about quantity. Then he explained, about 400 tons of ice can generate overnight effecting stability of the ship tremendously, ceasing the access to the foreCAStele which is again a dangerous situation. 2. Make a risk assessment on use of ECDIS: I prepared it normal way but he was not satisfied sating some columns are missing in this, I could not understand his reasoning. 3. You have a vessel 4 points on a port bow, clear day, good visibility, you have a trainee cadet on bridge with you who will keep an independent watch when he is officer, how will you train him regarding this situation? Train that cadet how to report a target like 4 points on port bow, 2 points abaft the beam etc. take visual bearing and keep monitoring, if bearing remains constant and vessel is approaching than risk of collision exist as per rule 8. Determine the situation such as head on, crossing or overtaking. He asked how will you do that? By determining the aspect. What is aspect? I gave him a proper definition of aspect. After that? In this particular situation if aspect is more than 112.5 than we r overtaking and if less than it’s a crossing situation. He stopped me here. 4. You are in northern hemisphere, moving at 15 knot, wind veering, pressure drop 4mb, your action. I replied with the action to be taken when TRS is encountered and also told him since I am not stationary, I have to stop the ship to ascertain the wind pattern. He was surprised to hear a word ‘stopping’ from me and asked me can you stop the ship in such heavy weather? I replied no I want. Than what will you do? I was really stuck here and didn’t know what to say. He told me you are very close to the answer but you don’t know that term, there is a specific term for this. finally he only told me that its ‘heave to’ which later on stricked me and that was the end.
11.09.2012 Name: Sharafat Mulla Result: PPP Internal: Capt. Saggi External : Capt. C.L Dubey function I : rule no 5 &19 1 ROR r.v situation - overtaking ones steering gear failure weather routeing and routeing chart content star sight -polaris avoiding action trs fun-ii loading precautions of cotton and coal tanker static electricity static accumlator cargoes and its precautions stress calculator instrument on board actions on failure of loadicator IMDG segregation table angle of repose - type of angle of repose, which cargoes it apply information from where. fun III what are steller plates what r bilge keel u r c/o watch on bridge ab reports fire in paint store (tell him of prior leavng bridge proper handjover to master and fight with sprinkler system) stcw 10 contents andj ammendments this is all i remember guys Attempt: 1st Venue: DG Shipping External: Capt. Chand Internal: Capt. Shukla Result: P F F Func-1: 1. TRS in Southern Hemishere. V/L in dangerous quadrant. Action. 2. V/L dragging anchor. Master gone ashore. Action. 3. Precautions prior entering TSS. By this question he is expecting you to quote rule no. 10 No situations....thank god Func-2: 1. Define angle of repose. How is it important from ship's stability point of view. When is a cargo more likely to shift, wid angle of repose more or less? 2. Contents of ISGOT 3. Contents of Stability booklet. Func-3: 1. Regulation regarding balllast exchange. 2. How will you train your 2nd Mate for Passage Planning practically. I started wid first I will show him how to find the necessary required charts using NP 131- Chart Catalogue n he seemed satisfied. 3. List of statutory certificates. What are the contents of SSEC. 4. V/L aground. Action. 5. How will you go about training your cadet.
It was like a rapid fire round....he is cool and he quickly decides whether to pass you or not. No question asked from Capt. Shukla. Attempt: 2nd Venue: DG Shipping External/Internal: Capt Awasthi Result: -- P F Func-2: 1. Define Angle of repose. If the angle of repose is 0 will the cargo shift? 2. Can you load IMDG cargo on a bulk carrier? Dats all! Func-3: 1. How will you practically n quickly test the quality of weld in dry dock? I told him all d methods ultrasonic test, dye penetrant test, leak test, etc. bt he was not satisfied. He told me u just need to take some soap water, pour it along the weld and make some suction on the liquid. If bubbles appear der is a problem wid d weld. Dats all too! Attempt: 3rd Venue: DG Shipping External: Capt Baweja Internal: Capt Kapoor Result: -- -- P 1. Contents of Chain Register. 2. What are Biparty and Triparty agreement. Example of a triparty agreement 3. Duties of Chief Mate as per STCW '95. Guys plz start wid 'he is the 2nd in command...'and den blah blah... all he is expection for dat 1st sentence. 4. Duites of Chief Mate as per ISM. 5. Difference between Port State Control inspection and Flag State inspection. 6. How will you prepare the PMS of a new deck machinery. All he is expecting is 'I will do it as per manufacturer's or yard instructions'. 7. V/L dragging anchor. Master gone ashore. Action. Pls start wid 'First i will contact master if he has given his contact no. or else local agent'and then inform port control, nearby ships, send 2nd officer for anchor stations, etc. 8. V/L aground. Action. 9. Define Foul Anchor. Actions for d same. 10. Difference between bilge blocks and bilge shores. No question asked from Capt. Kapoor.
08-Mar-2013 External: Capt Chand, Internal: Capt. Shukla - No questions by Capt Shukla Result : P-F-P Capt Chand is a nice fella and was waiting outside the room to come in, he called inside when Capt. Shukla seemed busy and is very soft spoken and I mean literally soft spoken was not able to hear him very well,
He initially began with what ships have u done and sea time experience and all. Told him have done 10 ships on an oil tanker and he said nno problem, we'll see how it goes, He doesn't start with any particular function, he starts randomly, he started with 1. What are the duties of mate - started blabbering whatever was coming in to the mind (He also wanted to hear 'Care of personnel' 2. I mentioned rest hours in one of the points so he asked me what are the rest hour requirements. gave him the requirements, 3. He then went to cargo and asked me how is testing of the crane done, what angle is it done at, can it be tested if the crane is parallel to the horizontal, what are used in the testing of the crane and this was where I faltered coz I could not give the correct answers to some of these questions, 4. He then went to the ROR, no cards, no quotes, just situations and very practical ones, nothing to be afraid off, sailing vessel overtaking, approaching TSS actions (He wants to hear safe speed), asked when will you be at safe speed, a combination of sailing vessel overtaking in a TSS, which is on a collision course and a vessel crossing ahead stbd to port... action, he then changed the situation to RV and asked for action, gave him action, he asked why would you be taking this action, told him the relevant section of Rule 19 5. he then asked what are the approaching signs of TRS and what would you do in the situation 6. V/l running aground - actions as oow and mate and documentation and who all would you inform, mention DPA as well 7. He asked about the lashing code 8. He asked about heavy lifts and their securing 9. Then he asked about loading, how would you come to know that cargo has started to flow gave him the info, then he said that the person where you have kept at the tank after even 2 mins has said that there is no cargo come in, actions - ???, I told him would check the other tanks sounding, status of valves, pressure in tanks etc etc, he just basically wanted to hear that i would start the cargo at that instant after 2 minutes and that was point number 2 where i did not answer, he also said that you should have checked the other manifold, i told him that it was standard practise to have someone on the other manifold, but he said that I should have said that... Couldn't argue much then and had accepted defeat, he said it's a cargo emergency and should be called for 10. He said that vessel short loaded, actions - gave him all the reqd info, he also wants to hear 'note of protest' 11. he asked if AB is not listening to you what would you do - gave him the info He asked a few more small questions, not coming to mind at the moment, but he's a nice fellow and tries to help as much as possible, even while leaving I asked him to give me one more chance for func 2, he thought twice and then said 'Really sorry, but i can't' 12-03-12 Dg shipping Captain Mishra ROR rule 6 and 9 ... Cards, action as per rule 19. Fog signal forward of beam Audibility range for vessel 200m Action in trs Wind in eye, rhsc, lhsc, determination of storm center What is sight reduction table Principle of lookout as per stcw Factors to be taken in account Packing groups as per IMDG Which class is most dangerous Contents of class 9 ISGOTT contents All documents required for loading on bulk carrier
Precautions for loading grain What is grain Danger of loading timber on deck and loading inside hold On oil tanker, you are discharging cargo, 10 minutes later shore tells you they have not received cargo. . Reason Coal precautions Which all certificate audits are done for? Something else he had asked about grain and oil. .I don't remember Fire in pump room. .action Difference between cofferdam and void space. . Use Form A and Form B Psc inspector writes on form B inspection suspended. .what does it mean and action to take In port lifeboat catches fire, action. .. and can vessel sail. .. what will happen And function 3 a few other questions I don't remember Capt Mishra Attempt 1 Result: f-p-f Function1: ROR rule no 2 and rule no 6 quote Defn fishing vessel Why is buoyage system used Defn occulting isophase and flashing Rv ab on bridge wing reports a fog horn of vessel fwd of beam visibility 1nm Your duties and actions Whats the range of fog signals as per annexe of ROR Okay you reported to master and master says bring her to safe speed Defn safe speed as per ROR(rule 6) How will you bring her to safe speed? (he basically wants to hear maneuvering charecteristics and that youll inform engine roon to bring her down to a particular rpm… you have to tell him that you will refer the maneuvering characteristics and the stopping distance to be 1nm and adjust rpm accordingly) What are sector lights? Function 2 What are markings on a container? What are different types of fittings and lashings of a container? What precautions will you take to load container of different size containers( height)? Aft draft 11.8 fwd 11.3m shore wants you to have 11.5 ek…(max draft at berth allowed) How will you bring her to even keel? More than one methods(transfer of ballast, transfer of fuel oil , pumping out fresh water and asking agent to provide fw asap when vsl alongside) How will you load a heavy vehicle on deck? Precautions What is crb? Which ships require it? What is oil record book and which ships require it? Function 3 Whats a convention and non convention ship? Whats the difference between deficiency and non conformity? Which certificates require audits? What is the min time for emergency lighting for different types of ship? Which code requires ships identification no? What is ships identification no? What are the performance standards of auto pilot? Why will you beach the vessel? What precautions will you take for grounding?
Date - 08/04/13 Venue - DG shipping Attempt - 1 Fn - 1 2 3 Result - P P P Ext - Capt.Khambhata Int - Capt.Shukla Fn 1 1) Passage planning and duties as a mate and few question related while answering. 2) TSS overtaking situation,own vessel lost engine who's duty to keep clear. 3) TRS avoiding action in southern hemisphere. 4) Difference between aneroid barometer and mercury type barometer. 5) Precaution navigating in ice region. 6) Precaution entering piracy area. 7) ErRORs of GPS. 8) What is GDOP and which value is better. 9) How many GPS Satellites are there. 10)GPS based on which datum.Full form of WGS-84. 11)What precaution you will take before plotting GPS posn.How will u apply the correction for different datum on GPS and Charts ? 12)Name someother datum u aware of ? Fn 2 1) Requirement for tanks to be crude oil washed 2) Advantage of COW 3) How you will decide is it required to do crude oil washing for the particular cargo. 4) Lashing systems on container. 5) How will you decide what type of lashing system to be adopted. 6) Charters given 6 parcel of chemicals,4 chemicals name listed in COF and other 2 not listed.Action ? 7) Chemical tanker designed for 3 segregation,charters given 4 you will segregate and all cargo's will have double v/v segregation or single v/v segregation. 8) Doing cargo calculation on loadicator stresses touching 100% at sea going condition,will u advice master that we will load the full cargo or not. 9) Loading heavy lift.Procedure and precaution. 10)Heavy lift picked up from the jetty and power failure.Action ? 11)Does IMDG applies to tankers ? Fn 3 1) Changes in STCW 10 2) Rest hour requirement in STCW 10 and exception. 3) Procedure for dry docking. 4) Duties of in dry docking. 5) use of PMS ? Is overdue jobs are non conformity. ? Capt Khambhat is very cool person and he expects only practical answers.once we give him the key words he is very happy..All my questions were only practical.Capt.Shukla dint ask me anything.But after he gave the EXN form signed ,he asked about morning sight.
Thank you all for posting some of the previous questions online.I see now the trend is going down.I humbly request all to post their questions whenever possible and keep the forum active.
22nd April 2013 2nd attempt for F2 & F3 U get all the sympathetic looks, lots of best wishes from everyone whom u havent ever met and a big sigh of relief on others faces when yourname is called first ;) OLD MMD :( Capt mudali Hez a gas carrier person and goes deep in it. I prepared on general ops..but not in depth.. Result: P - F Started with asking what went wrong in f2 last time...i knw he`d ask me to answer it there i go and replied what i was confident to answer abt ;) i said loadicator failure and loading of grain cargo 1. Tell me about the loadicator failure (told him all the relevant things...he wants to hear there is a backup computer as well which can be used in an emergency. Asked me abt the types of loadicator certificate....and there i was blank.... :( . Its either a software specific - meaning it can be installed on other computers as well - and the other one is Instrument specific - meaning loadicator can be used only on that particular computer and no any other) 2. Who issues the loadicator certificate?? 3. Take this paper and write down all the steps of cargo calculation on gas carrier (hadn`t prepared on this...gave him general things like check ullage, temp, tank pressure, trim, density, and feed in the loadicator. There comes a reply from him... gas tnkr calculations are done manually on a me that...cldnt answer) 3. How is a gas tanker size measured (in cubic meters) 4. What is the pressure inside the cargo tank on a gas tanker called (i replied absolute pressure...which i guess is thing what is absolute pressure which i answered) 5. So what do u use for cargo cals...absolute or at press or u cal in vacc?? 6. U have discharged ammonia from yourship..tell me the procedure for tank preparation for man entry. 7. What is the coolant on an LPG ship?? 8. Cal and show me how much coolant will u need to do a grade change operation?? Couldn`t answer anything on gas and hence no more function 2 questions. He kinda gets super upset if u cant answer gas carrier questions. Function 1 : 1. Types of fronts. 2. How are fronts formed??? 3. Weather associated with fronts. All the fronts....including stationary 4. WHat are the isobaric patterns associated with fronts?? Draw and show 5. How are they shown on a weather chart?? 6. Difference between a TRS and a TLD 7. How will u go about taking evening star sight? Opened up his almanac on the computer and start calculating the sight assuming yourin mumbai. 8. U are passing south off Sri Lankan coast and yourvessel meets with a collision near hold #2 and starts taking water in hold number 2...ur actions as a mate. (lot of cross questioning on thiis..went on for a long time....told him everything i knw....asked me reporting too whom..i said coast guard - sri lankan. 9. Then he went into this reporting part..i compiled a message for transmission and he wanted some channel on which to report to the coast guard. told him from the alrs....but a weird look on his face. Then he went onto MF/HF dsc alerts and shit. Finally i told him iif my pumps cant cope up..then i will assist master in decision making and consider beaching the vessel. One eru imp point here to mention is that first u will check if u are in a condition to reach the beaching spot
and then proceed. Also told him abt the ERS service....then he asked me what is that and who issues a certificate in that context. He is a tuff nut to crack guys... 10. What is heeling is it corrected???? 11. What are the round spheres on the magnetic compass it a magnet?? (its not a magnet) I thought i have lost it all again...but he gave me funct 1. He will not ask u anything if u cant answer a gas carrier. Also one of his fav questions iis what are the types of sensors on a gas carrier. He has no pet questions coz he asks diff questions everytime and the ones that are least expected, Good luck everyone. Hi folks, here are some questions asked to me by Capt Oak, Capt Awasthi and Capt Mudali in my 2 attempts. 18th March 2013, DG -Capt Awasthi. Result : F - F -P As his nature goes, makes u feel comftble by asking yourdetailed background and stuffprovided hez in good mood 1. Distance from yourhouse to MMD (not only the rail dist; the actual distance) 2. How many floors in DG bldg Mind it guys, he judges u based on these questions as well not only subject related questions..asks u lot abt GK and newspaper stuff and abt current affairs, so make sure u`ve read the newspaper, then the topic related questions, 3. Why do ship owners prefer registering their ships in countries like Panama, bahamas and not India (told him abt stringent rules here an stuff, wants to hear the word flag of convenience and the biggest reason is processing is fast and cheap as compared to other companies) 4. Hes a car carrier person, started with passage planning from mumbai to abu dhabi on a loaded car carrier (wants to hear the mate`s part and not 2nd mate). 5. What is the thing on ramps for grip (metal grooves on ramps and anti skid tape in the car decks) 6. How wld u go abt loading power will u guide the cars from main ramp to topmost deck. Just as i started answering...saw my luck goin away as Capt Oak (ext) walked in and he handed me over to him. Capt Awasthi was just a spectator after this. Capt Oak..rapid fire...with no expressions and satisfaction on whatever u say. 7. Cntd with passage planning question 8. yourship jst sailed out of mumbai port, pilot disembarked at 0400, master gone down....ur actions as a aspect like closing doors and all taken care of.. jst nav duties (told him all possi stuff...but no reaction) 9. ROR - SV crossing from port, PD crossing from stbd, PD right ahd, youraction.(one short blast wide alt to stbd, pass behind the crossing PD vsl) 10. RV- yourovertaking another ..ur actions?? (initially told him will ovtk from stbd sde, he said no sea room..overtake from port. told him of the fog signal shifting fwd, observing the other vesels brgs, crse and stuff..he was insisting on some more signals...God knws what -) Also mention of calling the master 10. Same situation, interaction of ships while u ovtk 11. While overtaking, blackout on ship, complete failure and u started drifting towards shore...ur actions?? (told him abt the emergcy procedure, transmitting emergency message - transmitted the complete msg verbally, inform other vessels, rectify the fault, emegcy generator - asked what all things on emergcy generator power, if reqrd i ll drop the anchors to reduce speed avoid drifting ashore) Grilled me on anchoring, how can u drop anchor at high spd..have u ever anchored and stuff - I was still persistent that iits an emergncy sit..loosing the anchor wld be pref than running aground -- not at all satisfied) 12. In and out of TRS (replied it pretty well) 13. Types of weather chrts and info given in them...from where u get those.
Funct 2. 1. Loading / special criteria for phosphorous (i was blank - never heard of it) 2. Failure of loadicator while discharging iron ore - actions...what all cals will u do 3. current trim 100cm, 6000t cargo yet to be disch, completion trim 60cm... calculate and show. 4. loaded car carrier...mid sea...suddenly 5deg list...causes (i told him abt checking the ballast, fuel, stabilty, cargo shifting) 5. Asked me of actions iif the cargo has shifted in above CASe, youractions?? (will try to place iit bk, ballast transfer, if relocating not possi..will try to lash it in the same pos to avoid further shifting...lot of cross if cannot shift bk cars, cars are locked and shit) 6. Relevance of a key car on a car carrier 7. If the foreman forgets to handover the keys to c/o in load port..what will u do?? 8. planning the stowage, movable ramps, can u stow on ramps, segregation of cars, orser of disch. 9. Hydr will u lower the main ramp???? 10. Spares for the ramp and other hydraulic parts. 11. Oil tanker completed disch....preparation of tanks for goin to DD (complete procedure for a crude tanker) 12. Static accumulator cargoes??? their loading?? 13. Small diameter line,,,its use and dimensions??? Function-3 1. CAS and CAP 2. Inspection of ballast tanks...prepare a report. 3. Detailed surface preparation of ships hull in a dry dock before painting..list all the methods of surface will u give a go ahead for painting....what all u will check??? if surface prepared 2 day and painting 2mrw..will u directly paint?? what all things will u check before painting on nxt day??? same sit if yourvsl is in DD in nrthern china in prep and every minute details of things u will look for before painting the hull??? a long session on this question 4. Maintenance on Anchor chain in DD?? What all spares provided onbrd for anchor cable?? How will u go abt replacing a damaged cable link in the middle?? Arrgmt for dISMantling the lugless joining shackle??? what is the pin in that shackle called (its a stud pin). 5. What is laying of cables in a dd called? 6. How do u do it...complete disconnection and lowering procedure of anchor along with cable from the ship in dd?? 7. Prep for dd as a mate 8. Towing arrangement and deployment 9. SEQ certificate...its contents...what is the page attached to this cert?? its relevance and what does this page say?? prep for SEQ survey. 10. Fire pump CAPacity. 11. Fire line testing pressure and procedure. 12. Testing procedure of sea chest 13. Type of valve in the bilges. 14. What is a storm valve?? 15. explain working of all the valves - gate, SDNRV, globe, butterfly. 16. which all locations gate valves are used. No reaction and satisfaction on Capt Oak`s face to any of the answers. told to wait outside for results, orls duration was 1hr 35 mins...nxt guy in..15 mins.. FFF Was called after lunch by Capt awasthi...Thankfully Capt oak wasnt there. Switch on the a/c..(its one of yourpassing criteria - trust me). The a/c is not switched off locally from the a/c panel, but from the main switch behind...its in a small corner next to the sofa. 17. While picking up anchor...u see some wire on the anchor...what is it called?? 18. youractions as a mate?????
19. after i replied if cant let go off the cable then will have to slip the anchor... then he asked me to explain the anchor slipping off procedure in detail with a diagram. (dnt just draw the cable and the relevant bitts, but a complete bow with all the unrequired rollers, bitts bosun store...thats hoe he wants it) 20. Procedure oof releasing bitter end along with a diagram. 21. What is at the bottom oof the chain locker (perforated plate for collection of water and muck in the chain locker bilge) 22. Procedure of testing fwd bilges with diagram 23. Diagram and working of an eductor. Finally the questions stopped. Capt oak played the spoil sport...dnt knw what more he expects. This is all i cld remember. see my nxt post for 2nd attempt questions.
1st attempt:internal Capt Awasthi external:Capt Oak 2 attempt:internal Capt Khatri external Capt Srivastava questions asked in 1st and 2nd attempt passage planning squat ukc stat. certificates sso duties and requirements of security certification ISM code,ammendments,doc/smc chief off duties as per stcw rule 6 safe speed quote manoeuvering speed contents and purpose of damage stability booklet contents of stability booklet cow washing certificate of class requirements drydock with formulae vessel overloaded action with legal complications gangway wire renewal with diagram difference between gangway and accomodation ladder saf con survey loading of a product tanker radar in true motion mode and showed a land echo on a paper.with ship speed how does it moves. ofb.failure of engine in ofb entries in official record book stability criteria of a ship rest hours sushil kumar bhadu 1st attemt :internal Capt shukla,external Capt panigiri 2nd attemt:internal Capt azad, external Capt panigiri so panigiri asked qstns> 1. quote rule 8,10,19 i dint qoute rule 8 properly so he asked 10, i told him in normally, dint qoute word to word n he said k no prob 2. solas chap v, reg 10,11,12
3.contents of ISGOTT,ibc,ship shore checklist,he dont listen all but in starting 2,3 4.contentts of ISM,stcw 2010, psc latest resolutoin dat is 1052(27) 5.critical period,critical moment. 6.certificates,plans:gas tanker,chemical tanker 7.mediteranian moor 8.foundering,cargo shift, 9.emergency steering reqments, dep test as pe reg 26 chap 5 10.bonjine curve. 11. code of safe working practises contents 12.advantage of ground tackle over tug he basically ask qstns from his fix set only , dats all i remember, thanx to all ppp all d best to all.
26th Apr 2013 Attempt- 2 Ext. Capt Chand Int. Capt. Shukla Result: P - P (No questions asked by Capt. Shukla) Had cleared Func2 earlier Capt Chand, very practical person, doesn't want bookish knowledge, will help u while u r struck in answering something. a very reasonable person. started with Func-3 1- what happened last time, which questions u could not answer. 2- How ISPS cert is obtained. precautions prior entering piracy area. action in CASe pirates chasing, pirates attacking, pirates boarded, pirates took all crew hostage. survey prepartations. 3- fresh cadet on board-how will u do training of him. 4- drill requiremnets 5- types of certificates, certificates important for ch off. 6- duties of ch off as per STCW2010 7- hx weather precautions(ch off part). 8- marpol annex1 and 5 discharge criteria 9- drydocking-critical period nd instance. 10- why is the process of drydocking critical 11- precautions/preparations for drydocking. Func 1 1- few situations and cross questioning.(no cards asked) 2- Rule7, 19,10 3- duties of ch off in passage planning. 4- navigational Training of cadet on bridge . 5- vessel grounded. action as duty officer and action as chief officer. 6- how to refloat the ship after grounding(vessel intact, no damages). while answering i told him
about Ground tackle and he got irritated. he told to answer practicle things and not bookish. he used these words "tum log sala kidher se seekh ke ata hai ground tackle, ship pe emergency me Capt ka baaap bhi ground tackle nahin bana sakta".and started laughing 7- TRS-avoiding action. 8- voyage precautions between Europe-US passage and ice navigation precautions. 9- how to assist master in command making situations 10- preparation prior transiting singapore strait. 11- own vessel dragging-actions. 12- when to renew deviation curve and when to call for adjustment. After the questions he told me to wait outside and Capt shukla will call u. after an hour Capt shukla called and asked for exn form and just wrote pass nd pass. no questions asked by him. a very special thanx to all the people of this community for helping fellow seafarers by posting valuable info. …vivek yadav Ext : Capt. Jairam Int: Capt. khatri Cpat. Jairam is very soft spoken.. After formal intro about pre sea training and functions including result of written exams.. fun 2: PLD, Dunnaging Loading steel coils, plates .. preacautions Loading sulphur right from hold preparation IMDG some more details. types of B/l, boat note , mates receipt Loading chemical tanker 6 diff grades how will go about .. Fun 3: cotents of chain register Entries in ORB Entries in OLB,, i expalined many but asked anything else, i dont know wht else he wanted berthing of vessel without tug heavy weather precautions, port state control , conc inspetion campaign , expalained abt 1052.27 u r disch (tanker ) in US , oil leak action, many cross questions fire in E/ R , u hv to release CO2 , hw wil come to know CO2 is gone in E/R & nt some other place, and also reentry many cross questions ...thts the failing question.. thts all i can recollect right now .. no questions asked by Capt. khatri. Capt. Jairam does not give any response to youranswers.. thanks to all frnds for their great support sushil kumar bhadu 1st attemt :internal Capt shukla,external Capt panigiri 2nd attemt:internal Capt azad, external Capt panigiri so panigiri asked qstns> 1. quote rule 8,10,19 i dint qoute rule 8 properly so he asked 10, i told him in normally, dint qoute word to word n he said k no prob 2. solas chap v, reg 10,11,12 3.contents of ISGOTT,ibc,ship shore checklist,he dont listen all but in starting 2,3
4.contentts of ISM,stcw 2010, psc latest resolutoin dat is 1052(27) 5.critical period,critical moment. 6.certificates,plans:gas tanker,chemical tanker 7.mediteranian moor 8.foundering,cargo shift, 9.emergency steering reqments, dep test as pe reg 26 chap 5 10.bonjine curve. 11. code of safe working practises contents 12.advantage of ground tackle over tug he basically ask qstns from his fix set only , dats all i remember, thanx to all ppp all d best to all. 6th May 2013 Attempt- 2 Ext. Capt Khambatta Int. Capt. Panda Result: - P P Time : 1020 -1115 As usual the tension was mounting as to where would they send me today ..would it be DG or MMD...anyways i guess luck was on our sides as all of us were asked to go to DG. Reached DG around 10.20..... before i could even settle down and know who the surveyor would be ..was asked to go to Capt Panda's cabin. I was like " screwed again???" but things went much smoother once inside as Capt Khambatta started off with the orals. Firstly he asked me what ships have i done. Since it was tankers and bulk he started off with tankers...All questions were quickfire. he hears a key word which he wants and that's it hes is onto the next one, just sees how confident you are... Func 2. - IG fails onboard action? - what if you are a product tanker? - what books tell you that you can continue discharging. - How will you decide upon the loading rate? - Precaution when loading H2s cargo? - What type of primary and secondary means of venting available onboard? - Requirements for COW - How many checklists? - IS IMDG code applicable to tankers? - Why? - Type of Packing - Action in CASe you find spillage of a dangerous cargo on deck? -Bay plan - stack weight, torsional weight - effects of both on container ship - what is COF? - you receive orders to load a cargo which is not in your COF. actions? - CRb entries? -P&A manual what is this?
-Cargo securing manual info? -Chain register what do you find? - Who makes entries in the chain register? - Are you a authorised person. -how often will the loose gear be checked? -how much fuel available in a car which is loaded on a RO RO? - precautions when loading on car carriers? -the last one was a little funny ... he was like i know you will never go on a cattle carrier but then tooo.. how will you go abt loading sheep onboard? FUNC 3 -how did you carry out PMS on your last ship? was it Card system or Digital? -What will you do if you have pending items in your PMS? -How often dou you carry out the gangway checks? -How will you Know when to change the brake liner of the windlass? -How will you go about doing the job? -What do you understand by risk assessment? -Asked me to just roughly draw and explain the risk assessment sheet for changing windlass break liner -he drew a Cargo tank and asked me to explain the sloshing effect and from where exactly will this take place. - Why do you carry out ballast exchange? From where will you know that the country you are arriving needs ballast exchange? - How will you carry out ballast exchange? -What condition will you use when vessel is at anchor on loadicator? - what if the weather goes bad and then how will you know that the SF / BM you calculated is sufficient? - BM shows as 99.88 at frame 121 what action will you take? -Difference in STCW 95 and STCW 2010 w.r.t rest hours? What will you do if your crew comes and tells you that he has fallen short of the 77hrs / week criteria? - Pirates attack you. action? -how will you know what actions to take? -BMP which is the current edition? - how will you decide on the anchor scope? - Anchoring procedure. -Declivity of dry dock? - How will you decide how much ballast will you retain onboard while you come for DD? - What is critical period? Well that was it he asked me to wait outside. i was called in again at 12.15 after the orals of master candidate. Capt panda just checked through the previous attempt questions and said i don't think i have to ask you anything more, i heard you answering Capt . khambatta... And then the magical moment (P P written on the EXN form) :) Had a small talk and that was it guys. Thank you one and all who posted the questions on this forum... please keep updating questions here....and for the rest of you going for the orals ALL THE VERY BEST and God Bless! SAMSUL BABA KI JAI HO!!!!!!!!
7th May 2013 DG shipping External : Capt gupta Internal : Capt.azad Function : 1 ( passed ) Both Capt gupta and Capt Azad are nice guys and put you at ease. .Capt gupta first took my orals. ..he's a nice guy and he even goes ahead and tells me that go im passing you. later on I thought that Capt Azad would only sign my exn form...but he tricked me and took my orals too. ..luckily at the end of it he passed me. .. Capt gupta will you decide how many cables to use while dropping Anchor...precautions to be taken. .. 2. Anchoring procedures 3. Lights / shapes / sound signals of fishing vsls and trawlers. 4. Situations related to the above 5. Lights / shapes / sound signals of aground vsls 6. How will you know that a storm is forming. 7. Qts on TRS 8. How will you anchor between 2 vessels...precautions to be taken. ..and duties as a watch keeper in this situation 9. You are navigating in coastal waters. ..restricted visibility. ..what are the precautions you undertake as a navigating officer. ..situations in RV 10. What is normal atmospheric pressure and where will you find it 11. ETA 12. Passage planning as a mate 13. How will you go about towing another vessel. .precautions to be carried out. ... 14. Duties as a watch keeper while towing another vessel 15. Lights / shapes / sound signals of towing vsl and a vessel being towed. 16. You are coasting and gyro fails. .action taken and there is no record of gyro erROR onboard. will you find out the compass course to steer. . Capt. Azad 1. How will you anchor 2. Situations regarding CBD n RAM vessels. 3. Lights and shapes for CBD vessel 4. Situations in TSS restricted visibility 5. Which compass is better gyro or magnetic at higher latitudes 6. Position of magnetic poles 7. Which place has high variations and where will you find it. .. 8. TRS ...definitions. .avoiding actions..signs.. 9. How will you plot a TRS. 10. Whats the distance you will keep in avoiding a trs 11. Principles of Bridge watch keeping as per stcw10. That's all guys. ..
10.May.12 ext - oak int - shukla fun I pass tss, rv and overtaking precaution... interaction forces when overtaking weather roueting
how u will decide on limiting latitude spring and neap occurrence aground vsl lights and sound signal u take over vsl from greek.... checks to confirm safe operation of gyro..... isolated danger mark princple of safe watchkeeping as per stcw10 16.Apr.13 Int: kapoor Fun II and III pass duties of safety officer some port regulation that u have visited dock regulations. contents of iopp cert witness entries that u will make in official log book joined as c/o how u will u know she is seaworthy........ special survey and enhanced survey program.... pms and items in pms to make crew discipline procedures when u find damage cargo on board while loading papers sign by mates while loading papers recd by mates IMSBC cargo..... Information that need to be given to c/o
DG Shipping Function – I and III Internal: Capt. Deepak Kapoor External: Capt. Baweja PASS PASS 11.07.2011, Monday Questions asked by Capt. Baweja Function – I 1. Principal of Gyro and Gyro Errors … with Formula + Effect of Ship’s motion on Gyro 2. Radar – Performance Test, True and Relative motion, Trial Manoeuvre 3. Situations with two targets and in Restricted Visibility 4. Fog signal for Pilot Vessel underway 5. A single Green Light, what it can be? 6. Rule 5, 6, 8 and 10 7. Grounding in your whatch, what can be the reason? 8. After Grounding, what will be your action as Duty officer? 9. Type of Ship Reporting System in Indian Waters? 10. What do you understand by Synoptic Chart and Prognosis?
11. What is latest amendment to SOLAS related to Towing Arrangement onboard Function – III 1. Certificates required for Passenger Ship and its validity 2. Certificates required for Special Trade Passenger Ship….. Certificate A and B 3. Duties of Mate as per STCW 4. Requirement for Rest Hours as per STCW 95 as well as STCW 2010 5. Fitness for Duty? 6. What is bi-party and tri-party? 7. What is Article of Agreement and Collective Bargaining Agreement 8. PMS for deck machinery 9. Precautions in Heavy Weather 10. Slipping of Anchor 11. Chain Register content? 12. Precautions for Dry Docking? 13. Why Dry Docking is required? 14. Explain about Maritime Lab our Convention
Cargo gear breakdown contingency plan: Ans: Stop cargo operation as soon as breakdown occurs by pressing ESDS or cut off switch(he wants t here this 1st) inform ch eng elec officer inform port and chief inspector who will send a competent person. 5) What is Bipartite and tripartite with eg Ans: bipartite CBA (between owner and union) , tripartite AOA(owner/master , shipping master and employee)
Function 3: 1) Why is dry docked needed? Ans: 1) class requirement 2) and for underwhater hull maintenance 2) construction of LNG/LPG ships. 3) Statutory and mandatory certificates. Ans: statutory which is required by the law or statute mandatory: local reg 4) Chain register parts. 5) what is Bipartite and tripartite with eg Ans : bipartite CBA(between owner and union) , tripartite AOA (owner/master , shipping master and employee) 6)Duties of mate as per STCW and Ism Ans : 2nd in command(he wants to hear this 1st) and then blah blah... 7)As a mate prepare for PSC inspections
Ans : tell him i will first check the last PSC report and all the previous NCs, if any are rectified. Master- certificates 2off- Bridge items 3off- LSA/FFE mate-loadicator printouts log book entries: ORB, ballast whater management, OFB (drill entries) etc, work rest hours. crew - know their duties and their duties during emergency. 8) Give examples of NC rest hours not complied 2.cannot lower life boat 3.gmdss equipment not working 5.emergency equipment not working. 9) As a mate how will u make a PMS for any equipment on board? Ans:1) i will refer to maker's manual. 2) as per company SMS. 10) contingencies Grounding- stop engine...then blah blah collision- stop engine. Exchange of info and check the feasibility of staying interlocked. 11) Master gone ashore and you’re anchored in port limits. Action if there is any emergency. I used dragging anchor eg as emergency. Ans:1) since I’m send 2nd in command i will assume the responsibility 2) send 2nd officer for emergency anchor stations. Inform port and alert nearby ship. Contact master on mobile (he is actually waiting to hear this) 3) inform engine room. 4) Pay out extra cable. 5) if still not holding then pick up anchor 12) can u pick up anchor on our own. Ans: no sir. Before picking up i have to inform port and request their permission who will arrange for a pilot
that’s all guys i remember....Capt. baweja is a very nice guy.. he will ask u practical questions. He helps and gives u chance if you’re stuck. He is looking for the key words eg: 2nd in command (STCW question), stop engine (grounding) etc. ------------------2nd Attempt (only fun 3 ) DG Shipping Capt. Saggi / Capt.Bhaveja In: 1600 hrs Out: 1610 hrs Result: PASS FUN 3 statutory/mandatory certificates? Duties of chief mate as per ISM/STCW? Port state control? What is MOU? Total how many MOU?
PMS? How will u make PMS for steering gear? Actions in case of grounding? Anchor dragging, action?? Dry docking surveys n requirement? definition n e.g. of non-conformity as per ISM? ----------diff. between SOF and Time Sheet?
Statement of facts (SOF). This is the document attached to a record of calculation of lay time used (the "Timesheet") and is a record of the events that can affect the counting of lay time. In some calculation forms, the Statement of Facts could be part of the Timesheet, preceding the columns in which the perio for loading, discharging, shifting, inclement weather, other excepted periods and tendering of Notice of Readiness etc., are noted. function1 : 1.ror few RV situations 2.fog signals for pilot vessel 3.principles of gyro 4.assisting master in command decision 5.trs sign of approach and actions 6.indian ship reporting systems 7.towing arrangements as required by SOLAS 8.radar use of "performance monitor”. Use the word “to check efficiency of radar" you`ll use trial maneuver button 10.SOLAS requirement of ARPA. How many targets it can acquire as per SOLAS 11. vessel grounded action...mention 1st point "stopping of engines" he`ll be happy.. 12. Quote rule 5, 6, 7 13. Explain synoptic chart
function 3: 1.stautory certificates. Examples and meaning of statutory. 2. Duties of chief mate as per ISM code 3.PMS for steering gear 4.port state and flag state control differentiate. And who is superior 5.vsl anchored in port limits, master ashore and anchor dragging action 6.drydocking. Requirement as per?? And preparation for DD 7.latest ms notices. Asked me to tell ms notice for piracy in detail (mention safe house and explain safe house in detail) Date: 03-Mar-2011 Venue: DGS Internal: Capt. Shukla External: Capt. Baweja 1st Attempt. Passed Func. 1 n 2 All questions asked by Capt. Baweja. He started with Func. 1
1. Quote Rule 5, 6, 19 2. 5-6 Cards 3. Different types of Ocean Currents. 4. Performance Standards of Radar n ECDIS 5. How to check Performance of Radar equipment?? 5. Is the Radar performance switch mandatory or optional?? 6. What is the use of anti-clutter n gain control switch?? {He prefers to use the exact word for this n don forget to tell "efficiency" of Radar} 7. Grounding in your whatch. Action?? 8. Beaching n when its use n how to select the area for beaching?? 9. Principle of Gyro n it’s Error?? 10. Echo-sounder Principle n it’s Error??? 11. Signs of TRS n Action when in TRS??
Func. 2 1. You are going for shore leave in Venezuela, what instruction will you give to your 2nd Off to carry out COW?? { 1st of all hearing shore leave in Venezuela my face brightened up, but bhavnao ko control karte hue i gave him answer for precautions carried out while COW n requirement for COW} 2. How to load in an oil tanker?? 3. What are the Documents required for loading Grain?? 4. Define angle of Repose?? 5. Precautions to be taken when loading Concentrates?? 6. Distinguish between IMDG n ISGOTT?? 7. Safe carriage of Coal?? Func. 3 1. What are statutory n mandatory certificates?? 2. Master gone to shore leave, Anchor Dragging, action as a mate?? 3. What is the importance of Dry dock n how will you enter a Dry dock??? That's all i can remember now....
Note: He is particular with Cards, don't get that wrong. He will go deep in RADAR, n in the ships you have served for Func. 2; and just don't forget to call Master on his Cell phone if any emergency comes u coz that's what he wants... M still wondering why he failed me in Func. 3. Otherwise he is a jovial n nice guy... He will help you to relax n b confident about your answer..
Santosh Kumar Yadav 22nd dec 2010 1st attempt, External Capt. Baweja n internal Capt. Mandal got func 2 Fun 1: By external 1. Principle of Gyro 2. Purpose of Trial n manoeuvre in radar..., how to check the performance test of radar... what is OAW triangle, explain... 3. Errors of echo sounder 4. 14 to 15 cards of NUC, aground, fishing vessel, pilot vessel, bouys 5. How will u keep an efficient navigational whatch as chief mate n how will u train your junior officers
6. How will u approve a passage plan prepared by your 3rd mate. 7. Precautions b4 entering ice. 8. Checks in steering room b4 departure 9. Drift, upwelling n gradient current... name some warm currents By Internal 1. Quote rule no. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19.... While i was on 19 he asked 2. What all calculations u do in moon sight....... :( Fun 2: External 1. Diff between RORO n car carrier 2. Defn of Heavy lift, ans is anything which affects the stability of the vessel or which causes concern to da vessel's GM 3. What is contingency planning for cargo gear arrangement, ans is limit switches, manual over ride.. 4. Defn of load density, SWL, breaking strength 5. Contents of IMSBC code 6. Loading of IMDG goods, how will u plan... start from, u will ask un no. from shipper 7. Calculations of grain loading.... VHM in detail 8. What all info u get from trim n stability booklet 9. Precautions for loading sulphur 10. Tanker Calculations in detail 11. Diff between pulpwood n wood pulp 12. Def timber 13. Hazards associated with concentrates 14. Diff between boat note n mates receipt Fun3: by external 1. Cert as per SOLAS 2. Statutory cert n mandatory cert... diff 3. Contents of chain register 4. Entries in OLB 5. Requirement of ORB n entries made by c/o 6. Diff between bipartite n tripartite agreements 7. How will u maintain discipline on board 8. Diff in port state n flag state inspection 9. Training of cadets 10. Grounding... action in detail 11. Running moor n standing moor 12. Preparation before dry docking 2nd attempt: 21st jan 2011 Capt. Deepak Kapoor got func 3 Fun 1: 1. Plan passage from new york to some port in uk (i forgot its name), mention polar code in ans n precaution to take in case encountering ice 2. What is haze 3. Situations in RV. 3 to 4 4. What is MSI (maritime safety info) 5. How will u check your whatch keeper is fit for duty 6. Rule 19 Explain 7. How will u assist master in decision making of abandoning the vessel 8. Synopsis n prognosis charts
9. What is weather routing 10. Diff in TLD & TRS? 11. Avoiding action in navigable semi-circle in SH. I said keeping wind 4 points o port quarter, I will keep altering as the wind veers, he said ok... now, u have no room to alter..., I said I w heave to n let the storm pass over 11 How does SOLAS ch v helps in keeping efficient nav whatch 12. Dist between 2 day shapes of Ram vessel 13. Contents of ships routeing guide n routeing charts 14. normal vis situations... u c a pilot vessel on your stbd side on 4 pts, passing from stbd to port side, risk of collision is existing.... your action... i said m a give way n she is stand on, m supposed to keep clear, so i will alter to stbd n pass her stern....n he said, as per which rule n is aid, as pper rule 15.. He said, rule 15 will not apply n rules 5, 6, 7, 8 will apply in dis situations because she is not a power driven vessel.... :( Fun 3 1. What is environment and protection policy 2. Shell expansion plan 3. Who endorses chain register... i said competent person n he said if vessel is in port den who will b da competent person.. i said chief inspector..... he said chief inspector of da port 4. Diff between special survey n ESP 5. How will u implement ISM on board as mate 6. Preparation for loadline n seq survey 7. wen carrying out enhanced survey, what all info u make available ( List of defect n damages w.r.t. shell expansion plan, previous survey rpts, hull summary rpts, hull survey rpts) 8. Amendments to ISGOTT, ISM, SOLAS ch v 9. Drills frequency 10. PMS for windlass 11. MS notices regarding iron ore fines, nav warnings. Prepare MS notices very well... 12. What is foundering 13. How will u make use of anchors in berthing 14. Cargo shifted in seaway, action.... tell him about angle of loll 21st feb 2011 External: Capt Oak, Internal: Capt. Khatri got fun 1
Fun1 1. Situation in RV, u r going in singapore st. behind a vessel, your spd is more, risk of collision exists... action... Ans i will overtake her, he said shallow patch on stbd side, tell him, I will overtake from port side because as per rule, u can alter to port for a vessel being overtaken... 2. Calculation of tide in detail, what is neap n spring tides 3. Errors of GPS 4. SRS (ship reporting system) n VTS (vessel traffic services) in detail 5. RED Flashing 2+1, in Japan... describe the buoy 6. In Singapore straits near OFB master died action..... i was answerin suddenly he said engine fails, action... while i was answering, he askd how much is one fathom, i said... 6 feet den he said, soon after anchored, vessel listed 2 deg to port, action... 7. How will u assist master in command decision making (read from nitin mahajan) 8. have u taken sights... i said yes sir... explain theory of posn lines....den he told me to wait outside... den he called me in about 10 mins n Capt. khatri told me congrats.... gv me your exn form.....:)
Date: 18.07.12 DG shipping Capt. Kapoor
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Duties of a safety officer? Contents of IOPP forms How will you load grain cargo? How will you load timber cargo? How will you load IMDG cargo? How will you load container cargo? How will you load oil cargo? Last 5 questions for asked to check 1 thing, as a mate how will you start, because the reply was supposed to be charter party….rest of the procedures were all normal, but a big mess as far func. 3 is concerned, because I started with receiving the cargo query? 8. Action on sighting a damaged IMDG container, make sure where your vessel is, when such a container is first scene i.e port or at sea? 9. Storm signals, nothing specific, it’s a plus if u can give an example? 10. Duties of mate? Now this is endless and the “and” from surveyor would keep on popping up. 11. Situations: fishing vessel, pilot vessel, ( for pilot vessel I mentioned rule 1, am not sure if he was happy or not), but this question ended my ROR part. 12. IALA description? Wooden models. 13. SOLAS ch. 5? 14. Principles of keeping a watch (in port, at sea) 15. Surveys in dry dock? 16. Difference between special survey and esp. Will update this post if I remember more questions, the number of questions were limited but needed comprehensive answers……
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
what is tide, neap tide spring tide what is routing synoptic and prognosis chats requirement for ECDIS & AIS how you will assist Capt in heavy traffic on bridge constrain of radar fx2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) fx 3
content of CSC (container safety convention) how to load a container how to load coal,50,000 t on your ship stiff vessel & tender vessel on a tanker list is increasing 2nd mate inform u action and vat is the cause. IG alarms oil in ballast tank seen action grain code in general where you ll find old temp of reefer container what is heavy lift, how to load container on hatch top of a gear less container where will you find load density
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
seq survey your duty as a mate bipartite tripartite agreement ceo goes fwd fr windlass repair work as c/o your action ISPS new amendment or he asked new piracy ms notice type of survey. action on renewal survey how will you anchor in heavy weather
Date: 16/03/12 Venue: DG Int: Capt Awasthi Ext: Capt Oak Attempt: 1st Time In: 1100 hrs Time Out: 1220 hrs Result: P,P,P Initially Capt. Awasthi introduced himself And Capt. Oak to me and asked to calm down and told me to Ans question after hearing it and understanding it properly. Told me that mainly oral will be taken by Capt. Oak and in between I will be participating in the same the cunning smile…. Function 1: 1. Gave an RV situation that u in TSS and over taking, that vessel is on your port bow how will u go about, then he altered his question to that u don’t have room on her portside… (Radar operational) 2. Then as soon as I started over taking he asked about the interaction between the vessels 3. Then when my vessel was abeam of the other vessel then Bada Saab ka engine fails what action? How would that vessel know about your situation apart from your R/T msgs… Basically he wanted to hear about the fog signals. 4. Now when taking action with engine failed now my astern kisses her stern what actions? 5. Now since both vessel collided how will you go about controlling the flooding of engine room? (I said that we will use emergency bilge suction to pump out) 6. Then he asked me which pump is used for it? 7. Now third emergency onboard that engine room continuously taking in water, all generators gone no supply on board emergency generator kaput. Action? 8. I was telling him about the deployment of collision mat…. He asked me to explain how to deploy it … I explained then. But he again reminded me that no electrical supply…. Then I told them that we will use purchase to haul the same initially I also told them we can try hauling it manually but I thought with such amount of water in flow it’s not so easy and I could make out that he wanted to hear the same ans… that was the first and last time that I saw Capt. Oak changed his facial expression 9. What is beaching and grounding, ground tackle? 10. How to go about beaching your ship and refloating? 11. Now he asked in RV u hear fog signal on your port bow and radar in operational action? 12. Quote Rule No.19 13. Quote Rule No.6 14. Catp. Awasthi asked tell me all the amendment in Annex vi ( he got pissed off when he asked that do I know the amendment by heart, I said that NO sir I just read them twice ) 15. What all MSI ‘s u receive on board with various equipment? 16. Who transmits Nav Warning on Indian Coast 17) Difference between Clearing bearing and clearing marks 18. How do u determine which semi-circle u r in TRS? 19. Capt Awasthi Asked as a mate how would u assist master in planning your action when
approached by TRS 20. How do u know the average pressure of a local area for that particular month and how is it represented (graphically/ tables) told me to draw one on paper. 21. What is diurnal variation of pressure and what is its significance 22. Diff between VDR and S-VDR apart from their name? Regulations? 23. Types of AIS. Which type used on which ships and frequency on which the work (didn’t recollect the frequency) 24. New Pilot ladder to be made as a chief mate what introduction give to your Bosun (Specs and he was mostly interested in knowing how u secure the last rubber step?) That is all what I could remember of Function 1 Function2: 1. how would u go about loading a general cargo ship? 2. How u load a vessel without loadicator? 3. How would u load heavy lift cargo on hatch cover of a gearless container ship? Explain step by step….. All of a sudden he informs there is no eye pad and lashing point on board ship how would u go about getting them, who would approve it. 4. What is Accumulator oil? 5. How would u load an accumulator oil? 6. Stowage Plan on oil tanker (Basically loading plan) 7. Cargo calculation on oil tanker. 8. As a chief mate on oil tanker what all file/ documents u maintain onboard 9. COW tanking requirement? (Mainly cow requirements) 10. COW line on 1P leaking heavily action?? Rain started???? 11. What is the plate at break of accommodation called? And its dimension (I told him that sir I tried to find the name but couldn’t find it Capt Awasthi started laughing…..) Dimension -300 mm or more 12. Define concentrates, how to go about loading them 13. Angle of repose 14. Carriage of explosive and type of magazines? 15. On what parameter a hold/ or ship is given GO to load explosives. 16. Type of segregation in IMDG? 17. Diff cargo claims u get? That’s all with function 2 Function3: 1. Have u seen the CO2 room again cunning smile by Capt oak… I was like What the hell… So tell me how does co2 system works after u have actuated the pilot bottle? Then when I was explaining he asked me how does actually the gangs are released when the gas from pilot bottle reaches the first bottle (actually he wanted to know how the chain reaction of co2 bottle puncturing starts) 2. What are the maintenance & test carried on the co2 line bye shore and by ship staff? (Weighing by shore and line pressure test and blow through by ship staff) 3. What are the tests carried out on life boat davit? 4. As a mate how will u prepare for SEQ survey? 5. What is docking plan and what all info u get from the plan 6. What maintenance u carry out on anchor and its chain? In dock And as a chief mate what u carry out? 7. On what basis u discard the anchor chain 8. What type of paints used in chain locker 9. How do u slip your cable in emcee 10. What is the dewatering arrangement in fpk store? ( I took the question wrongly bye thinking that hes asking about fpk tank… later when he repeated his question) 11. Work rest hour amendment as per STCW and told me to draw a table for watchkeeping in heavy traffic area keeping in mind the work rest hour.
12. As a chief mate how will u train your cdts and new crew in various ship ops…. Then he told me to teach the cdt how to unreel a 28mm wire rope to renew crane wire, reel kept in poop deck. Then Capt Awasthi told me to wait out side and I will be called later…. I was like ki aur kitna ?? again will be called …. I waited till 1530 mean while he took orals of other candidates and I was waiting for my 2nd round but when I was called again only Capt Awasthi was updating my file I managed to sneak a peek into the file and saw function 2 and 3 passed. I was like ki chalo kuch to mila. But after some 15 min of talk about the ways to approach towards different aspect of life and the working culture to maintain and discipline ….. he told me to pass on ma EXN form and he wrote ma result P,P,P and I was like ( to ma self .. Congrats mr Mate )
Date: 14/03/12 Venue: DG Int: Capt. Shukla (20 mins) Ext: Capt. Oak ( 50 mins ) Attempt: 1st Result: P P P Initial chit chat about company, experience , ships sailed on ... Most answers were cut short after hearing what he wanted precisely. He asked some questions from other functions in between (generally one liners) ... He would purposely jump to next question to break your answer flow ... Func 1 1. Overtaking a vessel in zero visibility in a narrow channel / obstruction on stbd side and have to overtake from port. Interaction forces when bow close to stern in above case - how / what helm to use 2. Vsl on port bow at 2 miles, hearing fog horn, radar also operational 3. Sound signals as per rule 34 4. This was a long discussion.. Own vessel CBD and target NUC - head on / action as per which rule, same scenario in RV now radar not operational, after everything done by you NUC still keeps coming ... now just a few cables from you and collision imminent how would you go about it, why glancing blow why coll. preferred fwd of collision bulkhead 5. Now that you have collided with the NUC vessel, action as mate 6. What is weather routing / shore based and ship based? 7. What MSI do you receive on bridge from various equipment 8. Tides - Spring and Neap tides / How often do they occur? 9. Navigation in Ice / Precautions and preparation as mate 10. Who transmits Nav-warnings in India 11. What is diff between clearing bearing and clearing mark Func 2 1. Prepare a plan for loading concentrates 2. Preparation of stowage plan on a tanker
3. Vsl discharging - What night orders would you leave for your 2nd mate (the above three on paper as he was doing his work) 4. You have to overhaul a damaged cargo valve / line ... this is inside a cargo tank how would you go about it (as i was answering jumped to next part) What is the fasted method to gas free this tank how do you practically do it on board a tanker ... 5. Carriage of explosives ... requirements for magazine stowage (had finished saying mag type A, jumped to next ques) 6. Why is VCF important / what is it 7. Carriage of reefer containers (again cut short on the answer) 8. how do you monitor temperatures in cargo holds of a reefer ship 9. any incident related to cargo operations that you have faced - in brief followed by cross questioning ( this later came back to haunt me as my last ques after func 3) 10.what is heavy crude oil? 11.standard ques now - 6000 T remaining to load in #1 and #6, present trim 30 cm and final trim 60 cm .. how do you go about it ... in brief pls
Func 3 1. Steel coil fell on stevedore's leg - action how will you safeguard your interest in above case 2. PMS for Lifeboat davit 3. How would you test lifeboat davits during dry dock 4. What is docking plan / info in it 5. What plans are of most use to you for dry docking 6. You are on a general cargo ship - What kind of cargo related claims may arise? (yet again cut short on the answer) 7. Imagine a joining shackle in front of you, what equip do you have onboard to dismantle it? Name the parts 8. CO2 system requirements for machinery space (again cut short) 9. take this room as a cargo tank ... how would you report the condition of the coating 10.what is fire control station 11.have you seen a CO2 remote operation lever in control room - what is actually happening as you release the pilot cylinder - how the signal reaches the CO2 room for other bottles to release. 12.IOPP survey in brief 13.COW line - heavy leak on deck, a lot of oil collected at the break of accm - action have you seen torrential rain - yes now combine the heavy downpour with the above leak condition next part to this ques now the water oil mixture is flowing overboard (i had already covered - de-pressurizing ,opening dump valve , etc) still oily water is going overboard Bouncers as per me 1. what is fish plate (answered) - what is the criteria to decide its height ????? 2. Have you seen a vertical plate at the break of accom (Yes - to prevent flow of oil aft towards the poop deck and utilize the dumping valves to drain the decks of oil) what is the name of the plate and yet again - how high should it be ?????? 3. although CO2 one was simple ... but i made a mess of it ... Then waited for Capt Shukla to come to office
I was called and asked for EXN form ... then asked me about ships i am sailing on, Meanwhile he wrote the golden letters on it !!!!!!!!!!!!! then came a ques ... How does SOLAS decide on differentiation between Crude oil tanker and product tanker ( i beat around the bush, all he wanted to hear were two terms - volatility n flash point) gave me a lecture for 10-12 mins then asked me Principles of STCW .... and finally said thank you!!!!
Date - 01 Mar 2012, Venue - DG Shipping, Int - Capt. Shukla, Ext - Capt. Oak, Result - P, F, P. All questions by Capt. Oak. Function - 1 1) how will u identify Fairway Buoy. 2) While crossing TSS in Singapore straits M/E failed - Action. 3) On radar showing vessel ahead of u in TSS in RV condition, how will u overtake (Hazard on stbd side) - Action. 4) Quote Rule 19. 5) Diamond symbol with Alpabet 'A' on chart, what does it indicate. 6) How will u know whether its spring tide or neap tide. 7) How will u move the anchor sideways for mooring buoy. 8) What is VDR & S-VDR. 9) Requirement & types of AIS. 10) Different Types of messages u recieve from various equipment on bridge. 11) Who Send safety msgs on Indian coast. 12) What is the latest MS notice regarding ISPS code Function - 2 1) Amendments to BC code. 2) What is manila convention & its amendments? 3) How will u load grain cargo. 4) U found Rusted Steel Coils kept on jetty for loading - Action (Master not onboard). 5) What test need to be done on coils before loading. 6) During loading u found shore man got stuck underneath coil - Action 7) How will u load Explosives. 8) How will u load concentrates. 9) Loadicator failed, how will you prepare discharging plan. 10 Initial trim - 1m, Final trim - 0.6m, cargo in No.1 & no.9 hold, how will u discharge, told me to show calculation on paper. 11) Contents of CSS code. Function - 3 1) how will u change Crane Running wire n how you will uncoil it. 2) What is P & A manual? 3) Cow requirements.
4) What is CAP-CAS. 5) What is overhaul survey & close up survey? 6) How will u carry out tank inspection? 7) How will u prepare for load line survey. 8) Cargo line has hole, as a mate how will u prepare requisition to change that damage part. 9) What is condition of assignment for freeboard? 10) What plans to refer before dry-dock.
First of all guys, sorry for the late posting. Date : 7th and 9th Dec Venue: DG Shipping Internal : Capt. Azad External : Capt. Oak Attempt : First Result : P P P I was initially sent to Old MMD in the morning. However from there was sent back to mmd as surveyor was going to come late. From mmd was sent to DG. I reached DG at about 11 am and was told that Capt. Azad shall be conducting my exam with Capt. Oak as the External. Capt. Oak is a very practical person and will ask practical questions. He expects concise and to the point answers. Once u start answering and u start in the right manner he won’t wait for u to complete and will carry on with the next question. Started off with the name of company ans what type of vessels i have done. Also checked the written exam results Function 1: 1.Started off with RV situation. Radar in operational and fog signal fwd of bow closing in. Lot of cross questioning. Rule 19 in detail. 2. Fog signals. Wanted me to make the sound of a vessel aground. 3. Approaching One fathom Bank. Engine failure. Master not coming up on bridge. Actions?? 4. What does a gong look like? 5. Quote Rule 6. 6. Characteristics , Efficiency and Limitations of Radar. 7. How will u decide the safe speed for your vessel? 8. Northern hemisphere, signs of approaching TRS . How will u determine eye of trs. some cross questioning. 9. High latitude navigation... Polar code.. Cross questioning about problems with gyro and magnetic compass. 10. What all MSI do you get on baord. Went in detail on the Navtex and on Nav Area Warnings. Basically he went in detail on RV . Function 2 : 1. What is latest amendment to BC code? (Basically wanted everything about IMSBC) 2. How will u prepare hold for loading coal? 3. How will u calculate max cargo that can be loaded? 4. Trimming operation. 6000 mt remaining. You have to load in no.1 and 6. Show me how u will do the calculation. Gave me a paper and pen and wanted the formula and explanation. This was the most important question i guess. He looked satisfied when i wrote down the whole procedure. 5. What all documentation upon completion of cargo. 6. Now during transit fire in the cargo. Action??
7. How will u load High density cargoes. 8. How many checklists for COW. 9. What do u know about P&A manual? 10. Cargo shifting at sea. Action?? 11. Grain loading. How will you go about calculations. 12 After completion of cargo the shore figures are 2000 mt more than your draft survey figures. Action?? Function 3 : 1. Dry-docking in detail. 2. Critical moment and period. Some cross questioning. 3. Showed me a wall and said how you will go about ordering paint for this wall and surface preparation. Surface preparation Standards and requirements. 4. Tell me MS notices related to Security. 5. What do u know about CRB. 6. What was the construction of Lifeboat falls on your vessel. 7. Preparation for SEQ survey. Questioned about list of equipment. Basically wanted to hear Form E. 8. Maintenance onboard. How will you go about it? 9. What do u know about Bi Party and tri party. Thats all that i remember . I may be missing out on something. He took my orals for just above 1 hour. Later asked me to wait outside. This wait was a bit to long. Had to wait till 1915 hrs. Finally Capt. Azad called me in and took my orals till 2015 hrs. his questions were not exactly function wise. Here are a few of them. 1: Life boat release mechanism. Requirements. 2. What all test are carried out on the davits and at what duration? 3. What certificate carries the entry to Dry-dock. 4. Under what certificate does Windlass come. 5. Anchoring in Singapore strait. In detail. Gave me 5 vessels making a circle and gave me a position in the center to anchor. Distance from each vessel 3 cables. Lot of cross questioning. Wanted the stopping distance of my last vessel at various speed’s 6. What is crash stop? 7. Various certificates and surveys required. 8. TRS in detail. Wanted action as per Sectors drawn. 9. Gyro servicing. What Spares did u carry on board? What spares for magnetic compass did u carry onboard? 10. Grain loading. How will u go about it. What information will u get from grain loading booklet. 11. IMSBC code in detail. What are latest amendments. 12 What is MHB. Do u know any MHB. I answered DRI. Asked me action in case of fire in DRI. 13. Latest amendments to SOLAS Ch. 3 and 5 14.Entries to be made in cargo record book. 15. In case of Damage to cargo on a bulk carrier, which convention is applicable? 16. Is mates receipt still used on Bulk carriers? What is its use?? Basically lot of cross questioning in all the answers. He wanted practical answers and was not looking for any bookish answer. He asked me to come back on wednesday. On wednesday i had to again wait till 1615 hrs. Finally he called me again. Asked me about the questions which i had not satisfactorily answered earlier? Asked me about Foul hawse and anchor and the procedure to clear the same.
FUN 1 ====== 1. You came on watch at 40'clock and vessel is approaching Japan u see a red light Group flashing (2+1). Action. 2. How will the buoy on above question look like in day time?? 3. What is a fairway buoy?? Light Characteristics?? 4. R.V, radar in operational, u can hear a fog horn 2 points on stbd bow. Action?? Ans: I told him that I will reduce speed to minimum to maintain the course and carefully listen to the fog signals. Q. Still the other vessel is in a collision course. Action?? Ans: I will go astern. Q. How will u indicate your action to the other vessel?? Ans: When i stop i will change over my for signal to 2 prolonged blast. And when i start making way astern, then again i will change the fog signal... he was pretty happy with the answer. 5. R.V, Vessel in TSS, Radar operational, you have to overtake a vessel, action?? 6. What is synoptic chart?? 7. What is prognosis?? 8. He had a synopsis chart with him and told me to explain it. 9. Prepare a passage plan from Peru to Japan. 10. TSS. Approaching signals and avoiding Action. 11. Neap tide and spring tide?? How it occurs and how many times a day?? 12. How will u calculate ETA to Singapore pilot boarding ground?? Ans: He wanted me to take current and tidal stream into account!!! 13. How will you calculate Ex- Meridian limits??- Might be the failing question as i was not prepared on Ex- M calculations 14. Doppler log working and Janus Configuration. 15. Vessel transiting near One fathom bank. Rudder got stuck in port 20. Action?? Master not coming up. 16. Lights for sailing vessel Aground. 17. Maintenance to be carried out on a gyro compass. I don’t know. Any comments?? 18. How will you come to know that vessel is brought up?? FUN 2 ===== 1. How will you determine maximum loadable quantity in an oil tanker 2. Requirements for Crude oil washing. As per MARPOL which regulation?? 3. IMDG Code. Contents. 4. CSS code contents 5. Stability criteria for grain loading 6. DOA?? How will you load grain in a General cargo ship? 7. Amendments of B.C code 8. P&A Manual requirement and content. 9. How will u carry out Gas freeing and Inerting. 10. Explain displacement and dilution method in detail. 11. Contents of IMSBC code. 12. How is reefer cargo classified?? 13. you have to load a heavy lift on a container ship on hatch covers. Precautions and procedure 14. What is load density, Stowage factor?? 15. What is high density cargo?? 16. What is CRB?? Under which regulation it is carried?? 17. What is static accumulator oil? 18. How will you carry out test ODMCS Equipment onboard??
19. How are cargo damages claimed?? FUN 3 ===== 1. As a mate how will prepare for Dry dock?? 2. Critical Moment and critical period 3. Checks before refloating?? 4. Biparty and triparty agreement 5. AOA and CBA?? 6. You have not received salary for two months. Action?? Ans: i will enquire with master Master tells u that company is out of funds. Action?? 7. What maintenance to be carried out on winches 8. How will you change brake band?? 9. What test will be carried out on life boat davits in a dry dock 10. Procedure for dynamic load test. 11. CAS and CAP. 12. Preparation for CAS and CAP?? 13. What maintenance will you carry out in chain locker during dry dock 14. What maintenance will be carried out on Anchor?? 15. You have to paint 100m X 20 m area on deck. How much paint will you order?? 16. You will have 8 days of anchorage. Plan maintenance to be carried out on anchorage 17. What is docking plan? What information will you get from it? 18. What is shell expansion plan?? How will u identify a palate and how plates are marked? 19. How does trim change due to change in density??
12 Sept at DG Shipping Int : Capt Rakesh Awasthi Ext: Capt Oak Attempt : 1st ( taking a cue from vishal jaiswal : it doesn't really matter ) Result : PPP All questions were asked by the external surveyor, Capt Awasthi being the silent audience. Function 1: Contents of 'Bridge Procedures Guide' Is it mandatory?? As per which requirement?? 2 RV situations. (Both actions requiring action as per 19(e) Lots of ship models in Singapore straits, how will you assist Master on Bridge?? Fairway buoy, identify by day and night? Signal for astern propulsion in RV? TSS precautions? Bridge manning level arrangements? Function 2: Draw Flammability Diagram and explain? All about DG loading, IMDG Code Vol 2, Packing Provisions, Stowage segregation. A high container on deck is smoking. How will you combat fire? (Fighting the fire of a 5-high container is extremely difficult. Thus jettisoning of container before it can harm all the others, especially DG in the vicinity. Answering this question consumed a lot of time as all the options I suggested for jettisoning were impractical or let's say difficult to carry out. The final answer that
he agreed upon with a little input from Capt Awasthi. Stop the vessel. Reporting procedures as per SOLAS, IMDG code carried out by Master. Use ships crane, attach wires (not spreader), lift up, swing over side, get close to deck level and cut off slings using Gas cutter.) Steel coils loading? (Mention that P&I surveyor to be present during loading for inspecting coils) Stained steel coils what action?? Bill of ladings clausing? Letter of indemnity?? Under what circumstances will you issue Clean Bill of Lading even if cargo is slightly damaged? Where can you find load density? Can you exceed?? (Short discussion: I maintained that we cannot exceed load density, he kept insisting that ship needs to load heavier cargo) Cargo securing manual contents? Change runner wire of deck crane and precautions? (Right from uncoiling the new wire rope.. Always uncoil from a suspended drum, like a kite manjha, winch: P . Asked me draw and explain the fittings that might need to be welded to carry out this) Function 3: Preparation for a SEQ survey? Crew rest hrs? How will you know if Anchor brought up in force 4? Letting go anchor from bitter end, 4 shackles in whatever?(Don't forget the anchor marking buoy) Emergency steering drill requirements, procedure? Alignment of gyro repeater in steering flat? Biparty/triparty? Examples No wages paid to you for a month? (First request Master to write to the Company asking reasons. If still no pay, inform Shipping Master because he has signed on your AOA, wait for further communication.) How does trim change with change in density? (Draw and explain) Definitions of stealer plate, margin plate, garboard strake, shell expansion plans, numbering of frames and strake. Dry docking plan contents? I think I may have missed out on some questions in function 2, but they were also straight forward ones. Tip : Capt Oak might feed you with a wrong answer, just to check your confidence. Remain assured of your answer.
DG Shipping Int: Capt Khatri Ext: Capt Oak 1st Attempt Duration: 2Hrs 20 mints...with External; 45 mints with Internal P P P ......... Function 1 1. RV situaition & Quote Rule 19 ( I had almost an argument with him as he was asking me to find the sound signal in RV for stern propulsion....As i was insisting there is no such thing in ROR)
2. 5 ships around your ship, action for each. In this scenario how can u assist Master? Under What regulation u can assist master. 3. What s Janus configuration? 4. Difference between VDR & S-VDR 5. Features of ECDIS. How to correct ECDIS 6. How to prepare vessel for Ice Navigation (In detail) 7. What is Roaring Forties? (God Knows...) 8. Why 1 fathom bank is called so? (God knows again...) Precaution approaching 1 fathom bank as OOW. 9. Just before 1 fathom, steering failed. Action? 10. How to know Tidal streams, spring tide, neap tide, Full moon & new moon. 11. How to use tide tables? 12. SMS system on board ship. 13. TRS, its formation, action in SH and weather associated with it. 14. Various emergencies on board ship and as Mate how to deal with it.( Basically HR management) 15. Crew complained, accommodation not in good condition. Action as Mate & under what regulation (Regulation No. again.... god only knows again) 16. Risk assessment on board as Mate. 17. Planning of how to remove Bow thruster motor in motor room? 18. How to handle crew on board (almost all aspects like discipline, welfare, drills, parties, legal actions.....etc...Etc...) 19. MSI on board & who send MSI in India.... (I gave a wild guess - Nautical advisor...he started laughing as i cracked some adult joke...) Capt. Oak commented: - Mr. Gupta u don’t seem to know any regulation No..... I replied - Sir as a mate its more imp. to know the things around and understand them well instead of mugging up regulation No.....even the big lawyers and arbitrators who fight legal cases cannot know the rules by’s always case by case......By this reply Capt. Oak seems to get irritated and told me that I am offensive...I said sorry to him but I was still sticking on to my comment....he smiled and said let’s start again... Function 2 1. LNG cargo operation...its system..... 2. For every answer he want me to quote IGC code regulation numbers & as usual I was answering him well but without regulation numbers....he told me again dat as mate i shud be thorough with IGC code...I smiled and replied - Sir m thorough with IGC code. I know where to look for what but regulation numbers I can’t remember... 3. Contents of cargo securing manual 4. Grain loading preparation. (All from grain code) 5. Emergencies involved on gas to deal with it....specially cargo fires... 6. DCP requirement on gas carriers & regulation No. as per FSS code (as usual I was smiling at reg. No.) 7. Types of cargo damages on Bulk carrier.... 8. How to load grain in General cargo ship... 9. During loading U find a steel coin fully rusted....action as mate.... 10. If charterers still insist to load that coil ... what u will do as mate. 11. Loadicator fails. How to calculate SF / BM now. 12. Heavy lift precautions.... Overall he told me that he is very impressed with my cargo oral but I need to brush up Regulation numbers also.....Un- intentionally I laughed.... Function 3 -
1. Letting go anchor from bitter end... (All told from Danton baba ki book...) 2. Duties of mate as per STCW & ISM....under what regulation...( damn) 3. He asked me IN & OUT of surveys....including survey in dry dock... 4. Everything regarding dry dock......In detail (thanks to Danton baba again) 5. AOA & CBA 6. Statuary certificates on board.... 7. SEQ surveys preparation as mate... 8. Types of anchors...inspection of chain locker..... 9. Various types of to calculate amount of paint required.......what paints to be used in dry dock.... 10. How will u train cadet and crew on board... 11. PMS system on board....under what regulation...... 12. POLAR code again in detail.............. He asked me to wait outside as Capt. khatri was not in the room ....As i got up I saw him writing 7/10 in my Func 2 & 3 but he was writing some remarks in F 1.... Later in the evening Capt. khatri called me and I asked me what was my last i replied him LNG ship so he asked me to start talking about it until told to stop.....So i started on LNG operation....from dry dock , inerting, gassing up, cool down, loading, loaded passage, discharging, warm up, gas free etc..... suddenly he wrote P P P....and told me - Good well on board.... So...that was all.. Overall I was able to reply him every question, may be with something here and there without any regulation numbers.....but all well......
Date: 06 July 2012 Venue: DG Shipping Internal: Capt. Saggi External: Capt. Panda Attempt: 2nd Appeared for function 1 Result; Passed 1. Amendments of SOLAS Ch 5: LRIT, BNWAS, AIS 2. Principle of LRIT. LRIT data centres in India: DG Shipping, Mumbai, Delhi, Cochin i.e. to say all around Indian coast. 3. Performance standards of BNWAS. Lot of cross questioning on that motion sensors 4. Meaning of E-Navigation 5. Relation of E-Navigation and LRIT 6. If gyro fails what will be the effect on ECDIS. How will u transfer position from ECDIS to Paper Chart 7. Various methods of position fixing 8. Reasons for ocean currents, tidal stream and tides 9. Why currents on western side of the oceans are stronger than that on eastern side went on for long time on this 10. Vessel in eye of a TRS , What will be the weather like 11. Reasons for formation of TRS, warning signs of a TRS 12. Vsl in dangerous quadrant Action
13. Quote rule no 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, and 19. Lot of cross questioning on rule no 6 and 19 14. Apparently forward of beam sound signal of another vessel what does word apparently means 15. Crossing situation and vessel overtaking in RV 16. Difference between ship routing and ship reporting 17. Master incapacited there is an area of high traffic density how will u navigate the vessel 18. Steering failed action 19. In and out of Emergency towing 20. Vsl grounded action 21. Synoptic and prognosis charts 22. Advantages of ECDIS over paper charts date : 17-oct-2010 venue: DG shipping Int : Capt Saggi Ext: Capt Panda All questions were asked by Capt Panda Result - P-P-P( approx 1.5 hours) Func11)How do u carry out Voyage planning in general and as a chief officer what all things to be taken care of? 2) Difference between magnetic and gyro compasses? 3) Difference between terrestrial and celestial position lines? 4) Difference between tidal stream and current? 5) Ship’s routeing and weather routeing? 6) ECDIS, raster and vector charts? 7) Synoptic charts?How to forecast weather? 8) Tropical revolving storms? 9) Quote Rules 2, 6, 8, 17,13,14,15 10)ROR situations? Lights? 11) Why the western currents of the earth is stronger than eastern part? Gulf Stream is stronger, why? 12) IALA bouyage system? Func 21) How to go about loading grain? 2) IMSBC? 3) Heavy lifts and Load density? 4) Loadicator? (in general not so deep) 5) GZ/ heeling arm curve? 6) How to go about loading concentrates? 7) Intact stability of cargo ships and tankers? 8) Stowage of cargo on last ship? (tanker) 9) Oil tanker operation? 10) Shipping bills / Bill of entry ?(shipping bills - for cargo exported and bill of entry - for cargo imported .This is what he said.) 11) Note of protest? 12) Bill of lading, Mates receipt? 13) Damage stability booklet? Damage stability criteria? Trimming stability? (he said the calculations we did by MV Hindship was trimming stability problems) 14) Stresses acting on a ship? Func31) Statutory and mandatory certificates with eg? 2) List of statutory certificates?
3) PSC inspection, why? Preparations? (he said there is no additional preparations needed as the ship is already maintained in seaworthy" condition) 4) Anchor dragging? Actions as Chief mate and in general? 5) Actions to take in case of Foul anchor? 6) What action will be taken if the cadet makes an offence?or he doesnt follow any particular order? 7) ISM? contents and purpose? 8) On which plate the deck line (of the load lines) is drawn? 9) What are stringers, coffin plate, stealer plates? 10) Define Piracy? What is MS notice 01/2011 say about piracy? 11) STCW 2010? and how chief officer the second in command though he doesn’t have a Masters license) 12) Heavy weather precautions? 13) Drydocking? Different types of drydocks? how to dock a ship trimmed by head? 14) AOA?Is it triparty or Biparty ( Triparty - for indian ships as Shipping master is also present along with master and the crew and Biparty for foriegn ships as on foreign companies there is no shipping master involved and the contract is signed between the company and officer/crew) 15) Difference between Code and Convention?
NAME - KASHIF HANIF RANGILA VENUE - DG SHIPPING DATE - 18-JUL-11 ( MONDAY ) ATTEMPT - 2ND EXTERNAL - CAPT PANDA INTERNAL - CAPT D.KAPOOR RESULT - ALL CLEAR - ( FUNCTION 1 AND 2 ) Entered in a room on 5th floor where only Capt Panda was sitting. following questions were asked. Questions are not in any order as stated by me as too many questions and topics were covered up. questions by Capt panda ( from 11.00 to 12:30 ) function 1 1) how will u take weather precautions on a voyage 2) details on polar code 3) weather criteria for ships 4) with what instrument on board will chief officer monitor effect of weather on the vessel ( loadicator ) 5) how loadicator can be used to monitor stress due to bad weather answer given by him :- loadicator sea condition is given for beufort scale 4. so increase teh scale in teh loadicator and then check teh stresses if they are acceptable at higher beufort scale 6) difference between current and tides 7) what drift ( not satisfied by my answer ) he explained by drawing on paper . he explained that there is cyclic rotation of the water which sets in the water speed
8) what is upwelling ( not satisfied by my answer) he explained by drawing on a paper how upwelling occurs. For me this concept was new and it did not match at all with subra book 9) GPS fails on board. How will u come to know on ECDIS (alarm) 10) ECDIS fails. What will u do? (not satisfied by my answer ) Answer as per him - change to paper charts , compare the scale of the ECDIS chart and paper chart, plot the dr on the chart, plot own course from dr , check for how long it is safe to continue on that course 11) how does a TRS form ? 12) In bay of Bengal, where would a trs develop ? (Andaman nicobar) 13) why wil it develop there? 14) What are convection currents in formation of clouds? 15) What is a ship routeing system? ROR TIME: - HE TOLD U MAKE ONE MISTAKE AND FUNCTION 1 IS OUT FOR U. I AM VERY STRICT IN ROR AND RULES he kept about 5 models of ships in front of my model and told me to assess the situation and answer for all the vessels giving the situation with all vessels, type of action i would take, due to which rule, and then to quote the rule whatever i used in the situation. i told him i won’t be able to quote the rule but would be able to say the full rule in the understood way. he said that that is not acceptable by me. u have to quote the rule. I said i will try sir. 16) situations involved a) crossing from port bow - rv and normal b) fishing vessel on port bow c) head on situation d) sailing vessel overtaking e) crossing from stbd bow with sailing vessel on stbd bow overtaking us 17) rules quoted - 6,13,14,15,19 ( best i could ) 18) master informed u that vessel is to be beached, action as chief officer ? 19) How to calculate the stability of the vessel in this situation? (I didn’t knew) - he was frustrated by me at this point of time 20) how would u calculate value of P when dry docking? (I told i don’t know the formula to find out p at this point of time) 21) how does the stability of the vessel is effected when dry docking of the vessel? ( I told about virtual loss of GM as weight of p is discharged virtually when vessel dry docks ) 22) what is difference between bilging and damaged vessel above waterline ( I told bilged vessel will create a loss of buoyancy and water plane area will be affected and that won’t happen in damage vessel above waterline) - he was not satisfied his answer :- bilging can cause flow of water in both directions in and out while the other can cause only ingress 23) principal of gyro compass 24) explain precession and explain how does the movement happen when torque is applied ( he gave me a pencil and told me to explain ) 25) how will u make a gyro north seeking ? (explained precession in tilt and azimuth and top heavy bottom heavy etc)
26) principal of magnetic compass? (tried to explain but could not satisfy him) 27) can magnetic compass used in higher latitude? 28) Reason for not being used? (i tried to answer as per nitin mahajan - he got wild at me and told me to stop my nonsense) 29) why are currents on western sides are stronger than eastern sides? (Western intensification and coriolis force. i followed by saying that i am not too sure on how that helps making the currents stronger! he replied U ARE NOT SURE ABOUT ANYTHING TILL NOW!! 30) Precautions for ice navigation? 31) What happens when u use de-icing compound? (it prevents ice accretion on decks) 32) how will u determine your position in open seas 33) in which rule does it say “scanty info should not be used " 34) different types of ship reporting systems in the world? 35) Reports to be sent to them? Function 2 1) grain loading precautions? 2) Stability requirements for grain loading? 3) Intact stability requirements for normal ships 4) how will u find out the initial GM of the vessel? asked me to draw the graph of GZ curve and explain --- i drew a tangent from zero to the point of contraflexture where it reaches the vertical line of 57.3 to find out initial gm. he didn’t agree with me and told me that all my concepts are totally wrong. He said that it is not always that that line will pass through point of contraflexture. This point is different from deck edge immersion point. He was totally pissed off at me with this point. 5) what is that angle 57.3 ( i told its 1 radian ) 6) from the point so called as point of contraflexture, he asked me what should be the angle on the x-axis for it to be allowable? (12 degrees ) 7) tell me everything u know about ISGOTT. - He told me u make one mistake in this and u will go out of this room failed! (I told him the parts of ISGOTT and its latest amendments) 8) what is a mate’s receipt? 9) What is a bill of lading? 10) Why bill of lading is an EVIDENCE OF CONTRACT AND NOT A CONTRACT? His answer: - b/l is signed only by master and a contract is between two parties. so b/l is not a contract but an evidence of contract 11) securing arrangements for grain 12) oil loaded on a tanker is dangerous goods?.( i said no . as its not in packaged form ) this is all I can remember what Capt panda asked. He was mostly not happy with more than 50 percent of my answers. He wanted a deep and thorough knowledge full answer for all the questions which was becoming difficult for me. many a times he became very angry with me telling me " don’t give foolish answers and say anything u like " he kept on giving advice regarding not be be oversmart by trying to, but showing it with your own knowledge. Finally he told me that he wants to give me a benefit of doubt and pass me in both functions but then rest would depend on internal. He told me to wait outside again and that Capt. kapoor would call me in his cabin when he returns from the meeting. ---------------with Capt. KAPOOR, it was as good as a doing the full thing again. He started asking me from
all functions again. TIME:- 1445 TO 1510 questions were asked randomly from all functions. 1) What does your father do? 2) Who was safety officer on your last vessel? 3) Duties of safety officer 4) duties of safety officer while cargo work is going on 5) how u will go about loading in a bulk carrier. (I said a few points and stopped. cud not cover all the imp points) he didn’t seem happy with this 6) loading heavy lifts (I did not mention that I will check all the gear associated with picking up the heavy life) he said that why u straight jumping to the stability and loss of gm without checking the gears and ropes for picking up the heavy lift?? 7) How will u load dangerous cargo? 8) What all documents and information are given by the shipper for loading dangerous cargo 9) what is the importance of time sheet and statement of facts in a voyage charter party? 10) How will u go about loading a bulk carrier which is on a voyage charter party? (He wanted to hear the clauses associated with voyage charter party regarding loading time i guess) - Ans as per me :- i told that in a voyage charter party it’s very important to finish loading in the lay time and hence delays should be minimum he was not happy with this and told me that I had expected an answer wrt arrived ship, lay time etc. 11) as a chief officer , what all concerns you in a voyage? (I answered load lines, ice, weather, traffic, etc.) 12) ship routeing system and elements of ship routeing system. i could not understand what to answer in elements of routeing system. so i told about mandatory TSS , areas to be avoided, ASL lanes, etc. he said that u are forgetting most of the things like precautionary area, DW route, flow of traffic arrow etc. 13) ship reporting system 14) as an OOW, how does chapter 5-safety of navigation of SOLAS and COLREGS help you I answered that all 35 regs of chapter 5 helps in navigation. 15) name a few of them all I could remember is carriage requirements few points, SRS, VTS, TSS, master obligation to report. At this is stopped, he asked me to continue and name more. He said that u are forgetting SRS VTS.... at this I just told him that i had said VTS earlier. He got very angry at this and told me that he was not deaf and don’t act smart in front of me. he asked me to go outside and wait till he thinks he has time to take my orals. i was totally shocked at this reactions and thought that now all over. Nothing in my hand will be given by him. he called me again after about 2 hours. TIME :- 1715 - 1730 15) told me to continue my answer on chapter 5 of SOLAS. (this time I said many things. 2 hours are enough to know most of the regulations of chapter 5) 16) on magnetic board, resembling to ROR cards, showed me towing vessel on port bow. . actions and as per which rule 17) sailing vessel ahead, action as per which rule
18) fishing vessel ahead, action as per which rule 19) on magnetic board, made aground vessel more than 50 mtrs. action? 20) Fog signal for such aground vessel? 21) Your action as a mate when u see such vessel right ahead? Master is sleeping and does not wake up? (i said i will check the chart and see why this situation has happened and why it has come on our course. that means even our charts are not corrected or our position is not being plotted properly as per the passage plan. I will go on reciprocal course and then check the next best route to be taken for transmitting that area. Also I will report this situation to the coast guard/VTS/port) during this answer he wrote p-p- on my form. My mind was more on seeing what he was writing than in answering!! 22) Who issues nav area warning in India (I said I don’t know ... I was having a feeling that he will cut the letter p and put f in
Date : 01/07/11 Venue: DG Shipping Internal: Capt Shukla External: Capt Panda (LBS guy) Duration: 50 Mins Attempt: 2ND Attempt Result: FN-1 PAssed Initially wen came inside Capt Shukla's Office he asked me i have seen u some were and i reminded him ki 2ND mates Batch LBS. He smiled and said ok ok.... and started with questions. 1. U have come on watch 2nd mate tell u that pressure has drop by 3mb what all actions u will take as a mate ? 2. Conversion of gyroscope to gyro compass. 3. Difference between gyro compass and magnetic compass? 4. What is synopsis charts? 5. Difference between Celestial and Terrestrial P/L.? 6. Why P/L is perpendicular to Az.? 7. What is accretion of ice? What all stability requirements you will take a mate when transiting in the polar region? 8. What precautions u will take wen navigating in ice? 9. Actions to be taken a mate wen vessel aground? 10. Difference between currents and tidal stream? 11. Types of current? 12. How Gulf Stream is formed? 13.TRS factors and actions? 14. PRINCIPLE OF A GYRO COMPASS. 15. WHY ARE CURRENTS STRONGER IN THE WEST ATLANTIC AS COMPARED TO EAST ATLANTIC? 16. Quote Rule: 5, 6, 9, and 10,13,18,19 17.Showed me ROR 15-20 cards.
Orals notes from facebook
Rahul Todankar 17th feb 2011 3rd attempt Internal:Capt Saggi External:Capt. Jairam Orals for func 2 result :pass
in:12.20 p.m out: 12.50 p.m
Capt jairam tuk my orals,,all questions askd by hm,,n mainly wat Capt. mishra n Capt. mandal had asked me,,, asked from whr hav i dne pre sea ,,which company n wat types of vessel hav u sailed on,,,makes u very comfortable,,,a very decent person,,
FUNC 2 1.precautions during carriage of DRI,, 2.wat is permeability? 3.what is multimodal transport vessel? 4.During dish wheat cargo u found tht cargo is damaged thn wat is ur action ? 5.whr do u find cargo densities i said cert of class 6. in timber loadline can u load more or less,,i said more timbr LL are deeper,, 7. carraige of grain without DOA? 8.if thrs n oil spill in US, wat is ur action,,,(mainly he wanted to listen abt QI NOTIFICATION,,,i did not knew who is QI individual,, he told me to got out find out n cme in 1 min,,,i found out from masters tht QI individual is appointed by our company to tk care of oil pollution taking place in US waters,,) told me to wait outside,,, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 21/02/2011 Name: Saagar Vyas Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Mandal
External: None Result: fail
Attempt: 2nd Internal: Capt. saggi External: Capt khmabatta Result: Pass pass pass( all 3) first he asked me abt my company n then he asked who took ur last attempt n all. function 1 1. Overtaking situation. Im the vessel over taking her from stbd side, what action…..then I overtake and alter my course to port and situation seems to be crossing whose responsibility ( I said still my responsibility cos any chnge in brg wil nt relieve me of my duty of keeping clear til it is finaly past…happy) 2. Southern hemisphere U r near a Trs .Action … ( tel every thing from determining the bearing til taking wind on port bow or quarters depending on the semi circle) 3. Errors of GPS 4.Which is accurate GPS or DGPS and how will it be indicated if it is a DGPS ( markings are not there) … 5.In Ecdis how will you put T n P notices…Does T n P corrections come in C.D. for correcting…( In Ecdis manualy data can be added and erased when required…this is used for T n P correction s and T n P corrections wil not come thorugh c.d. as normal ECDIS correction comes) 6. what is BTM and BRM 7.U r leaving a port and u have a small UKC… will the ship squat ..( yes) then what are the factors on which squat depends ( I told on speed ) and then he asked anything else any co efficient( I recalled block co efficient ) does the ship always squat by stern ( said no) then how is it related to coefficient and if block co efficient more then squat by head and if less then squat by stern
8. mooring operations , what precautions will u take ( said all abt normal mooring practices and snap back zone) 9. In what conditions tug rope will part and what precautions will u take to take cre of the crew. ( said if rope is bad or tug pulls it more then the strength required or chafing of rope and to prevent wil keep crew out of that area when tug id pulling) 10. Anchor is dragging , action 11. If the pressure is dropping and u don’t see anything on the weather fax, what are your obligations ( said him open bridge door and tap the barometer and then may be trs is developing or a tropical depression then inform other vessels and coastal authority as per solas ch V met services reg. ) then he asked answer me as a mate .. I replied I will first have to inform the master …that was what was required )
12.when are you allowed to enter a traffic seperation zone. Function 2 1. when will u condemn a wire rope 2. what all conditions are there in Loadicator ( said sea and harbour). At anchor which condition will use and why ( said sea condition and reason being at emergency if I have to move out I will need sea condition) 3.Heavy lift precautions . ( told all) then asked if load density is little less then the load of cargo will you load ( I said yes but only after applying proper dunnage so that the load gets distributed. And load is not applied on a point ) if lifting a heavy lift crane stops .actions . ( ask chief engineer if manual over ride is there to lower the crane . then ask for shore assistance wheter they have any crane to hook on load and just take the weight) 4.While discharging on tankers IG system fails action. ( stop discharging and cannot proceed till IG system is back) .what if it is a product tanker ( I said still no. but he said it is possible ….asked master candidate outside he said in Isgott provision for product tankers is given) 5.contents of d.g. manifest. When I told un no. he asked what is un no. (said no given for all dangerous cargo which helps to identify all the properties from vol 2) 6. does IMDG apply to tankers ( no its only for D.G. carried in packaged form ) . then to tankers what Chapter applies ( Solas Ch 6 and 7) 7. what is vapor recovery line . ( used to supply tank vapors to terminal where during loading it is prohibited to release vapor in atmosphere like U.S.A California state ) if at discharge port terminal person is fitting a discharge chiksan on vapour line by mistake what wil u do ( I said not possible cos it has a stud at 12 oclock position due to which normal discharge line cannot be fitted ) how will you identify vapor line ( said that 1m yellow band and red band on either said and black stencil of vapor wriiten on it) 8.loading rate depends on what ( said first the dia of line and thn recalled also on venting capacity ) 9.precautions against shifting of cargo ( saucering, bundling , lashing, longitudinal divisions, strapping with wire mesh ) 10. What is marpol annex 2.( said jst the tittle and shifted to next function) 11.Loading explosives in general cargo ship, what all documents are required. Function 3 1.STCW req fr rest hours 2.What is STCW 3.Does it apply to chief cook and fitter and how ( said the full form of stcw and said they require certificate for working on ship as well as pre sea training and courses) 4. with ism what r u expected to do in a safety meeting ( gave him a practical ans what v actualy do on ship ) 5.what is risk assesment and how wil u determine wheter risk is high or low ( said determining hazards and eliminating them or preventing them is risk assesment and how often it occurs and what is the consequence will determine its degree, but sir was looking for 2 words which are probability and severity)
6. what if the port side anchor is not coming up cos motor is not working, can you bring it back ( said yes by taking the wire rope from the adjacent winch to the spring winch , operate the srping winch and this will move the port windlas winch which wil then help to move up the anchor.) on this he asked me think out of the box. ( told him can apply three fold purchse like that on a ground tackle and hauling in the cable slowly…bt he asked me can u use the stbd motor I said yes port can be replaced by stbd, thn asked any other method…was thinking til that time he told if u want to move out in short time then said slip the anchor . then he told yes and also put a bout at the last end so that anchor can be retrieved later on…) 7. What is mast head light. What will be its intensity when at 112.5 and what is the cut off range( cloregs annex 1 horizontal sectors) 8.Preparation for dry docking 9.what is pms and how it is helpful. If there is any overdue job. How wil u carry it, cos if overdue jobs are completed then present jobs wil get overdue …( said I wil take assistance from master and ask him for sme time then carry out the job which are more important and simultaneously divide crew in groups to complete all jobs pendin as well as upcomin jobs ….was happy with the answer bt wanted to hear the word prioritize at the end it was ok) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rahul Todankar 21st dec 2010 1st attempt Internal:Capt Mandal External:none result :fail
in:7.20 p.m out:8.00 p.m
totally saturated by now
func 1 1.quote rule 1 , 2 some defn 4m rule 3 (he needs word by word) 2.annex 1 in detail 3.sailin vsl card 4.frequency of quick flashing light,,,said dnt knw many annexs r the in ror,,( i said 4,,,he got angry,,took out ror book from his cupbrd n kept in front of me,,,n said c thr r 5 annxs,,,u dont knw hw many annxs r thr in ror n u hav cme 4 mates orals.. i said sir ths is d old book which u hav,,,in new 1 ths 5th anx is nt thr) he din agree n wrote poor in ror,,,
FUNC 2 6.wat is permeability,,,he wants ans ki bs/sf% 7.use of trim tables in stability booklet,,,(its thr in hindship book) 8.wat documents 2 check before handlign heavy heavylift,,, 9.wat is load density,,whr do u get it,,,i said capacity plan,,,he askd hav u seen it,, i said no,,,he wants u to tell hm hw does d column look like,,, 10.precautions 2 carry DRI,, 2 test ur lodicator ?
11. if lifeboat falls into d water,,wat is ur action as a mate 12. annual survey 13.before dry dock hw will u calculate d paint area..,,(its in ur docking plan d wetted area) 14.wat is MLC,,,gve brief description,,, 15.if both anchors r entangled in each other hw wll u get thrgh it,,, 16.wat i d 11th chapter of ism code,,wants chapter nos also,,,its his favrte question,,,
he wants evrythn in detail,,,discourages u a lot,, u shud not get discouraged,, no other surveyor behaves like hm,,,no other surveyor considers tht u r poor if Capt .Mandal has failed u,,, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rahul Todankar 19th jan 2011 2nd attempt Internal: Capt P. Mishra External: none result :cleared 1 & 3 in: 11.15 out: 12.10
func 1
1.what is principal of gyro? 2.wat is deviation,,3 reasons on which dev changes? 3.details given in weather fax? 4.which rule allows u 2 make departure from rules ? fog wat i d additional signal for pilot vessel ? he asked y Capt . Mandal has written poor in ror,, i told hm tht he was not aware tht as per new regulations only 4 anxs r thr,,he had d old ror book with him,,, n also told me 2 quote rule 1,,thts it NO CARDS NO QUOTING
FUNC 2 6.what is multimodal transport vessel? said dnt knw 7.wat is permeability,,,he doesnt want ans ki bs/sf% bulkis Whr do u find d density range of cargo ur vessel is suppose 2 carry,,? ( its in cert of class),,,,i din knew tht 9.wat all codes apply 2 bulk carrier 10.wat is bill of lading,,, 11.can a master sign mates receipt,,(shud say no) 12.if ur vessel is discharging crude oil and all suction n discharge pressures r fine but still cargo is not reaching manifold, thn wat is ur first action as a mate,, ? ( i said 1st i will check d line up for discharging,,he said line up is okk,,, 2nd if ny valve is stuck thn,,he said thn d pressure will vary,, 3rd i said tht means cargo is goin overboard or in some other tank,,i wl stop d operations,,,,he said no,,, thn i dont knw hw it came out i said i wll chk tht d drop valve is shut or not,,yess thts d answer,, i told him sir i told u abt d line up in tht drop valve is checked,,no no beta u shud say drop valve only,,thts means cargo is gettin recirculated,,,i said OKK SIR) 13.if ur vsl is not a timber carrier n u hav to load timber thn wat is ur action,,, (according 2 Capt mishra ans is master shud call for timber load line marks n lashing requirements required as per timber code) 14. wat is STP,,,wat r pilgrims(he wants ...ppl goin 2 makka madina sme thng lke tht he told me)
11. wat is d frequency for dry dock..
12. precautions during dry docking n specially if u hav cargo on board,,? 13. new tanker first dry dock, wat r d pms routines for pumproom in dry dock,,? ( acc to cpt mishra 1/3 or1/4 of d valves to b overhauled n not all,,shud consider d economical point of view also) many entrances r thr for duct keel,,hav u seen a duct keel,,i said no,, 15.numbering of frames? i said afft,,he askd from whhich point but,?,i said aft perpndicular,,n wat is thr behind aft prpndlr no frames?,,i said dnt knw sir,,he said negative numbering of frames,,
Santosh Kumar Yadav 22nd dec 2010 1st attempt, External Capt. Baweja n internal Capt. Mandal got func 2
Fun 1: By external 1. Principle of Gyro 2. Purpose of Trial n manoeuvre in radar..., how to check the performance test of radar... wat is oaw triangle, explain... 3. Errors of echo sounder 4. 14 to 15 cards of nuc, aground, fishing vsl, pilot vsl, bouys 5. How vl u keep an efficient navigasnl watch as chief mate n how vl u train ur junior officers 6. How vl u approve a passage plan prepared by ur 3rd mate. 7. Precautions b4 entering ice. 8. Checks in steering room b4 departure 9. Drift, upwelling n gradient current... name some warm currents
By Internal 1. Quote rule no. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 19.... while i was on 19 he askd 2. Wat all calculations u do in moon sight....... :(
Fun 2: External 1. Diff between roro n car carrier 2. Defn of Heavy lift, ans is anything which affects the stability of da vsl or which
causes concern to da vsl's GM 3. Wat is contingency planning for cargo gear arrangement, ans is limit switches, manual over ride.. 4. Defn of load density, SWL, breaking strength 5. Contents of imsbc code 6. Loading of imdg goods, how vl u plan... start from, u vl ask un no. from shipper 7. Calculations of grain loading.... vhm in detail 8. Wat all info u get from trim n stability booklet 9. Precautions for loading sulphur 10. Tanker Calculations in detail 11. Diff between pulpwood n woodpulp 12. Def timber 13. Hazards associated with concentrates 14. Diff between boatnote n mates receipt
Fun3: by external 1. Cert as per SOLAS 2. Statutory cert n mandatory cert... diff 3. Contents of chain register 4. Entries in olb 5. Reqmt of ORB n entries made by c/o 6. Diff between biparty n triparty agreement 7. how vl u maintain discipline on board 8. Diff in port state n flag state inspecsn 9. Training of cadets 10. Grounding... action in detail 11. Running moor n standing moor 12. Preparasn b4 dry docking
2nd attempt: 21st jan 2011 Capt. Deepak Kapoor got func 3
Fun 1: 1. Plan passage from newyork to some port in uk(i forgot its name), mention polar code in ans n precausn to take in case encounering ice 2. wat is haze 3. situations in r.v. 3 to 4 4. wat is msi (maritime safety info) 5. how vl u chk ur watchkeeper is fit fr duty 6. rule 19 Explain 7. How vl u assist master in decision making of abandoning the vsl 8. Synopsis n prognosis charts 9. wat is weather routing 10. Diff in TLD N TRS?11. Avoiding action in navigable semi circle in SH..i said keeping wind 4 points on port qtr, i vl keep altering as the wind veers, he said ok... now, u hv no room to alter..., i said i vl heave to n let the storm pass over 11 How does solas ch v helps in keeping efficient nav watch 12. Dist between 2 day shapes of Ram vsl 13. Contents of ships routeing guide n routeing charts 14. normal vis situasn... u c a pilot vsl on ur stbd side on 4 pts, pasing from stbd to port side, risk of collision is existing.... ur action... i said m a giveway n she is stand on , m supposed to keep clear, so i vl alter to stbd n pass her stern....n he said, as per which rule n is aid, as pper rule 15.. he said, rule 15 vl not apply n rules 5, 6, 7, 8 vl apply in dis situasn bcos she is not a powerdriven vsl.... :(
Fun 3 1. wat is environment n protecsn policy 2. Shell expansion plan 3. who endorses chain register... i said competent person n he said if vsl is in port den who vl b da competent person.. i said chief inspector..... he said chief inspector of da port 4. Diff between special survey n esp 5. how vl u implement ism on board as mate 6. Preparasn for loadline n seq survey 7. wen carrying out enhansed survey, wat all info u make available ( List of defect n damages w.r.t. shell expansion plan, previous survey rpts, hull summary rpts, hull survey rpts)
8. Ammendments to isgott, ism, solas ch v 9. Drills frequency 10. PMS for windlass 11. MS notices regarding iron ore fines, nav warnings..Prepare ms notices very well... 12. wat is foundering 13. How vl u make use of anchors in berthing 14. Cargo shiftd in seaway, action.... tell him abt angle of loll
21st feb 2011 External: Capt Oak, Internal: Capt. Khatri got fun 1
Fun1 1. Situasn in RV, u r going in singapore st. behind a vsl, ur spd is more, risk of collision exists... action... ans i vl overtake her, he said shallow patch on stbd side, tel him, i vl overtake from port side cos as per rule, u can alter to port for a vsl being overtaken... 2. Calculasn of tide in detail, wat is neap n spring tides 3. Errors of GPS 4. SRS (ship reporting system) n VTS (vessel traffic survices) in detail 5. RED Flashing 2+1, in Japan... describe the buoy 6. In Singapore straits near OFB master died action..... i was answerin suddenly he said engine fails, action... while i was answering, he askd how much is one fathom, i said... 6 feet den he said, soon after u anchored, vsl listed 2 deg to port, action... 7. How vl u assist master in command decision making (read from nitin mahajan) 8. hav u taken sights... i said ysss sir... explain theory of posn lines....den he told me to wait outside... den he calld me in abt 10 mins n Capt. khatri told me congrats.... gv me ur exn form.....:) Date:20/01/2011 Name: Saagar Vyas Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Mandal External: None
Result: fail
as soon as i went in i was told to sit down very nicely.. then started the function 1
function 1 1. terminology of TRS( wanted all the defination and its meaning including angle of indraft n vertex n all) 2. Recite Rule no.1 exactly word to word and Rule no.7 3. Fishing vessel defination word to word ( also asked me what fishing gears are there and which annex it is given jst to confuse its all in Rule 3 only) 4. procedures to take moonsight ..( dont miss to say augmentation of S.D. and HP which i missed) 5. Procedures to calculate Ex Mer sight by Noories table ( i told him the formulae bt he wanted from Noories table) 6. 5/6 ROR Cards ( his fav is Red White Green light in a vertical line ,,,,,i answered him seaplane ....and i gt a plus point ther bt of no use) 7. then red and green combined side light in fwd and two white lights above it ( i answered vessel less than 12m and towing sme object ....he dint say nethin) 8. Ror cards for isolated danger mark, North cardinal buoy and Preffered channel to stbd in region B. also what is the purpose of North cardinal buoy ( i said for markin the north side of a shallow patch ...or it shows the direction according to compass...he was nt satisfied,,,n he said it was started initialy fr markin wrecks.) 9. characterstics of VQ and Q flashing lights....( i cudnt answer ...he wants the no of flashes per minute ) 10. Sailing vessel situations....( both were sailing vessel and who is supposed to take action( ask fr which side the wind is ) 11. then Annex 3 Requirement for bell..( he told me to draw a bell jst a normal dia i drew a manual bell he wanted an electric bell...minus one there) 12. gave one Narrow Channel situation 13. Fog signal for vessel aground.... ( exact sequence how the signal will be heard) 14. Approaching Restricted visibility ...preparation as a duty officer 15. In cards Fishing vessel with hauling nets shooting nets and nets fast upon an obstruction ( will show hauling nets underway and then ask what if the instead of white over red there are two red lights one above other i told its nets fast upon and obstruction then he asked nethin else needs to be dne i said no then he said if nets are fast upon an obstruction then hw can a vessel be underway so side lights and mast head lights are not required)
Function 3
1. what is Cabotage Law 2. Duties as per STCW of a mate( i said a few points then he asked where else can u find i said ISM then he asked ne new regulation or convention where u can find i said no idea) 3. what if a seamen stabs another ( i gave him sme points then he asked what if u r in coastal waters i said then this becomes a civil jurisdiction case mre qns on this ) 4. what if a seamen is not coming for work inspite of being fit ( i told him all the points of giving him a warning and making an entry in log book,,,then i forgot only to tel that a copy of this statement should be given to the seamen for his records then i tol i will not punish him bt try to talk to him thn next qn was ) 5. what is the quantum of punitive action and where will u find it... 6. When will a DOC ( ISM ) be taken back ( i said when then auditor finds a major non conformity and and ISM and SMS is not followed and he wanted something more which i cudnt recollect)
Function 2
1. how to load a heavylift ( istarted and he stopeed me at plans ) 2. what all plans are required ( i said rigging plan ... he asked have u ever seen it i said no not the one on a bulk carrier or a general cargo as i havent sailed...he was nt happy here only then he asked tel me abt stuelken derrick , v shaped derrick or a twin mast derrick ....clean bold by nw ) 3. grain code (i said yes... what all documents are required i said 1st is DOA then he said what are the contents ..have u ever seen it i said no i have never been on a grain carrier ...then he was finaly not satisfied and said bye bye )
very particular about function 1 specially annexes cards and sights,...please dont ans if u dnt knw ans only wen ur sure ...function 1 went on for an hour and then rest two function for half hour...and finaly i was left with nothing,...had lots to learn from this experience....newas stil thx to rane lalit sheldon fr boostin me to face the orals atleast.... Date:21/12/2010 Name: Kedar Thakare Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Khatri External: None Result: All 3 functions Pass He asked me type of ships.... When i told him i was on LPG carrier, He told me to talk abt my previous ship in detail...
That included the size, lenght, types of Tanks, working pressure, temperature, type of cargo pumps, compresso...r, description of the entire cargo console etc.... Then he started with Function 2
Function 2 & 3 : 1.Things tht i would check when i enter in a hold of a fully ref gas carrier.... I told him everything except the most basic thing....tht he wanted to hear....Frosting , which is an indication of a leak in a tank... 2. Wht kind of insulation was there onboard 3. Loading ....what action would u take incase the pressure in the tank is rising after commencement of loading, all compressors working.... Ans: i told him tht i would ask if shore could take the vapours.....but the "Shore " declined... Then i told him i would stop loading.. Pressure is still rising....i told him i would check compressors functioning....which was in perfect normal condition.....then he told me tht consider u are on a pressurised vessel and now answer....then i told him tht i would use the water spray system to cool the tank from outside...thts wht he wanted to hear. 4. Dry Docking with respect to LPG... i) Stability Aspect ii) Last cargo carried is Ammonia...he wanted entire operation from stripping the liquid to Airing 5. How would i prepare for a survey of Certificate of Fitness on a Gas carrier... Ans: Told i would check everything tht made a LPG carrier, "a LPG carrier " including i would check tht extra SCBA sets and safety equipment 6. How does ESD work? In wht all cases does it get activated and wht all does it stop. 7. Whats the idea behind having independent tanks on LPG carrier... ??? Function 1 : 1. What are the principles of working of a Gyro? 2. Explain Rigidity in Space 3. Errors of Gyro Compass 4.Principles of working of GPS ? 5. Errors of GPS 6. Latest Amendment of ROR 7. Explain WIG craft 8. Navigating in vicinity of TRS All those who have done a LPG carrier....Capt Khatri will ask exclusively abt LPG carrier... Personally speaking....if u don't knw the exact answer and u have to think....then think aloud....Sometimes...its the thinking process which clears u than the final answer....
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Sujith Surendran Date: 18.01.2011 Day: Tuesday Attempt: 2nd
Functions : 1 and 3 Result : PASS
external : None Internal : P.Mishra
I entered mishra's cabin at 11.30.... As i was tired and coz my tongue was dry, i sipped some water from my water bottle as i took my place in front of mishra.....
Mishra got pissed off, " with who's permission did u drink water....???? errrrr" me :" sorry sir, i was thirsty"....
" My dear son , when u r in this room, u have to take permission for everything,.. u have to show some respect to the examiner......i wud have not stopped u if u had asked me that u wanted to drink water,....u can do anything, but u have to take permission...u want cofeee, tea, ..just ask me.....
the only thing u need not take permission for is to breath"......grrrrrrr..bhowwww..woowwwww.......
with such a welcome, i was pretty sure..that im gonna get screwed today...
mishra " Ok, i'll start with function 1"... " u have come for 1 and 3 na.."
me: " yes sir"
1 . what is function 3.......?????? i got lost....i said safety...emergencies and ship handling....
mishra" bloody...that is what comes under function 3...i asked u what is the name of function 3.."
me:" lost.....!!! by now i was sure i will get nothing "
mishra " bloody...u dont know what function 3 is and u expext me to pass uuuuuu....???'' me " sir , i know fun 1 is navigation, func 2 is cargo, i cant recollect, func 3" mishra " fun 3 is called ship operations my son"
2. what are the approaching signs of a TRS? 3. Clouds assosiated with TRS? 4. what is wet and dry bulb thermometer used for? 5. A power driven vsl should keep clear of which all vsls? 6. Which vsls are RAM? 7. 5/6 cards ( fishing vsl with purseine gear, trawler shooting nets/ nets fast upon obstruction, mine clearance vsl card shown upside down ( i corrected him for this and he was happy)
Function 3 :
1. Duties of mate before and during drydock 2. surveys in drydock? 3. What survey is associated with machinery space? 4. what is done to the overboard valves ? 5. when is the safcon survey carried out? 6. what is weather tight and watertight? 7. hatchcovers are weathertight or watertight ? 8. Methods to check weathertightness? 9. Vsl grounded, actions???
he asked me a few more, but this is all i can remember right now... Date: 13/01/2011 Name: Nirav Parsawala Attempt: 2nd Internal: Capt. P. Mishra External: None
Result: All 3 functions Pass
Questions were asked Randomly
Function 1:
1. No of rules, sections & annexes in ROR? 2. U hear sound signal of a v/l fwd, radar inoperational, wht action? 3. cards : towing and fishing v/l 4. U r a PD v/l, which all v/ls u will keep clear? 5. define RAM and NUC? 6. Sound signal of anchored v/l and v/l aground? 7. Posn fixing in open sea? GPS not working? 8. Errors in GPS? 9. What is BTM & who are members of Bridge Team? 10. what is dangerous & navigable semicircle? 11. How u'll determine u r in which semicircle?
Function 2:
1. What is Heavy lift? 2. From where u'll get details of all chemicals? 3. What is angle of repose & why it is reqd? 4. Chain register contents? who endorses certificates? 5. Upto which LL a v/l can load while loading in winter zone?
6. Reqmt for COW?
Function 3:
1. What is ILO? 2. Frequency of dry docking? 3. What is CAS/ CAP? 4. What is ESP, Harmonic survey? 5. What is statutory & mandatory cert.? 6. Cert reqd as per SOLAS? 7. What is statutory freeboard? how it is shown? width of draft marks and center of plimsol mark? 8. Cargo overflow when u r in CCR, Wht immediate action? 9. Maintenance of anchor chain and chain locker in dry dock? 10. Wht additional item FFA reqd on chemical tanker? 11. What is a Competent Person & responsible person? 12. Reqmt for drills? Date:20/12/2010 Name: Vikesh Suvarna Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Deepak Kapoor External: None
Result: All 3 functions Pass
He asked Questions in Random
Function 3:
1. Are you aware of the MS notices? give brief description 2. As a mate, how will u implement ISM code in a dry dock. 3. ESP applies to what ships? How about Tanker of more than 15 years age?
4. Vessel aground in Indian waters. Action as mate. 5. What is the frequency of Drydocking? 6. What all Surveys are carried out during Drydock. 7. How will you achieve discipline on-board? I just gave a general answer 8. Official log book entries made by master and yourself?
Function 2:
1. What is the hazard related to grain and how to mitigate it? 2. IMDG cargo Loading 3. Iron ore fines loading.(I answered as per loading from indian port) How will u load it Alternate loading or Homogenous? I said as per Solas ch 12 Reg 14 4. Heavy lift precautions, 5. Chain register? what is it? Did ur last ship have it? who endorses its certificates?
Function 1:
1. Navigating in vicinity of TRS 2. As Chief mate how will you aproove a plan made by 3rd mate? 3. One simple crossing situation 4. Then action if crossing v/l not taking action ( Told as per rule 17 pass from astern, alter stbd) 5. What are the day signals, lights and fog signals of a grounded vessel? 6. What are your action on sighting such a vessel? 7. What are your obligations towards a CBD vessel? NO CARDS, NO QUOTING. Date:12-01-2011 Attempt: 1st( Fnct.1 - Capt.Kapoor on 13/12/2010) 2nd (Internal - Capt.Khatri, External - Capt.Oak)
Time in: 12:10 hrs 1. Name of the Company & types on vessel served on? - said Crude oil tankers
Very well then..........
Fnct.2 2. vsl loading coal from australia for indian port? load the vsl, hazards & explain trimming? 3. upon completion, 6000mt to go, trim 1 mtr, required to finish at 40 cms, load in hold 1 & 9? explain working on paper? 4. can a general cargo vessel load grain cargo n how? 5. grain loading without DOA? 6. timber loading - height n types of lashing? 7. load a heavy lift on hatch cover? 8. wher to get the swl n load density for above? 9. precautions for above? 10. hazards related to bulk cargoes? 11. p n a manual? 12. cow - hazards n precautions? 13. cow line leaking, actions? 14. note of protest? evidence required n how to collect same? 15. dock water allowance? 16. change in trim due to change in density? with diagram on paper? 17. case of oil spill, unable to put the wilden disch hose in slop tank due to ig pressure? what neesd to be done? 18. alternate arrangement for above? - dump valves. 19. testing on odmcs n how will you go baout it?
Fnct.3 20.d/dock preps as mate? stability related? 21. plans required for docking n information avilable? 22. d/dock maintainence on anchoe chain n chain locker? 23. paints required for chain locker? type? 24. how to indent for paint required in d/docking? calculation of vol. required?
25. pms? specific to windlass? 26. types of grease? 27. preperations for load line survey? 28. ms notice? how are they useful? 29. olb entries? 30. runner wire of port crane damages/needs replacement, spare coil on poop deck, how will you go about it? 31. wages not paid for month, how will you deal with it? w.r.t CBA n AOA? 32. whom will you inform for above? 33. crew informs you about meat damaged in meat room, how will you deal with this? how will you make out if the meat id damages/rotten? 34. training of cadets n crew? 35. various types of trainings? Time out: 12:50 hrs Date:05/01/2011 Name: Girish Kumar Dwivedi Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Deepak Kapoor External: None
Result: All 3 functions Pass
Questions were asked Randomly
Function 3:
1. Are you aware of the MS notices?Tell me few in details. 2. Official log book entries made by you along with the master? 3. As a mate, how will u implement ISM code onboard your vessel? 4. What all preparations will you make as Mate for SAFCON Survey? 5. Is drydocking a requirement of Class or Flag State?What all Surveys are carried out during Drydock? what all certificates issued? 6. Vessel aground in Indian waters. Detailed Action as a mate. 7. How will you achieve discipline on-board?
8. As a mate how will articles of Agreement help you? How is it different from CBA? (he wanted contentwise difference) 9. Who is Safety officer in your company? What are his responsibilities? 10. Principles of STCW as an OOW? 11. What are Statutory , Mandatory Certificates and list them with their validity? 12. Preparations as mate for SMC renewal survey?
Function 2:
1. What is break bulk Cargo? 2. How will you plan the stowage of IMDG cargo , timber , heavy Lift and Grain? What all precautions and preparations will you undertake? 9my answer included DOC , DOA, Reference procedure of IMDG Vol-2...etc in details) 3. What is rigging plan? 4. What is a Competent Person? Who is a competent person in Mumbai? 5. Chain register contents? who endorses certificates? 6. What are various contingencies that you can come across with regard to Cargo? (in port and at sea)
Function 1:
1. How does SOLAS CH-V help you as a mate? 2. Your duties as a Navigating officer? 3. Showed a Towing vessel on my port bow crossing 4. Then action if crossing v/l not taking action ( Told as per rule 17 pass from astern, alter stbd) 5. What are the day signals, lights and fog signals of a grounded vessel? your action on sighting such a vessel? 7. What are your obligations towards a CBD vessel? 8. What are your obligations towards a Pilot vessel? 9. When will You call Master? 10. COLREGS amendments. 11. How many Rules and Annexes in ROR? Date: 04-Jan-2011
Venue: DG Internal: Capt. Deepak Kapoor External: None Orals for Func 1 only Result Pass
1. What duties have you been doing onboard as a 2nd mate? 2. Weather is getting bad, what could be the reason? 3. Ans to question no. 2 was TRS so he asked abt signs of an approaching TRS. 4. COLREGS amendments. 5. SOLAS Ch-V regulations, How does it help us in the watch? 6. Solas Ch-V Ammendments 7. Obligations towards a CBD vessel (I assumed own vessel to be Power Driven) 8. He asked me as per what rule I answered Q7 above, Rule 18. 9. How does the ROR annexes help us in navigation? 10. How will you identify grounded vessel? 11. Action if you see a grounded vessel Rt Ahd? 12. Towing vessel lights shown on magnetic board, Tow vl on port bow, own vessel PD vessel, Tow vl not taking any action, I said Rule 17, he drew my attention to another vessel overtaking own vessel from stbd quarter, I said reduce speed. 13. Under what circumstances will you call Master While I was answering Q 13, he asked for EXN-45, marked Pass for function I and congratulated me. Date:22.12.2010 Name: Vijay rajiv attempt: 1st Internal: Capt P Mishra(Santa Claus) External:koi nahin Result: pappu paas ho gaya
Capt mishra asked me if im ready for orals n i told him im well prepared.he asked me if i have cleared my writtens ..i told him yes sir 1st attempt ...he asked what abt during second mates i told him sir 1st attempt including orals.
he started wid function 1: 1.Which all bodies rise. all celestial bodies as earth rotates from west to east. 2.have u seen any planets rising. yes sir...venus as it is morning n evening star. 3.Planets mer pass time. in almanac in the initial pages we get the notes about planetry motion. do u calculate sunrise time in smt. apply LIT and Zone time. 5.Diff between time zone n zonetime. i gave some bullshit answer which i do not remember.
then he said all these questions are basic 2nd mates level and he told me as im appearing for mates i should know all these answers.
function 3: 1.Cargo record book? annex 2 for ships carrying nls in bulk. 2.COF? for chemical n gas tankers issued by administartion for a period of 5yrs.....blah blah. 3.Master has malaria will u take over? yes sir as im next in command . 4.PSC inspection .Which certificate is issued? i told port state inspection cetificate.(bullshit)he asked have u seen cetificate A n B. I dont know what happened i told i have not seen it but it is also the for STP ships. AUR MAINE APNE TANG PE KHUD KULHADI MAARI.... 3.What are STP ships? carrying more than 30 passengers n passengers are carried in compartments more than 8 berths. 4.who is a passenger?
other than master , crew n child under 1 yr of age. it crew or seaman? im not sure is seaman.Who all are seaman onboard? exepting master, passengers n supernumery. 7.Articles of agreement. blah blah.... 8.Fire fighting appliances on chemical tankers. 2 scba sets extra which i missed. 9.Chemical suits material. NEOPRENE (with full power n confidence)....(thanks ashmit) 10.very good.which all plans are required for drydock. docking plan , shell expansion plan , midship section plan...blah blah. 11.How do u indent for paint. sir there is a formulae for calculating using thickness of coating n area required to paint(it is given in Capt errol fernandes cargo work book) i didnt tell him the formulae.
Function 2.
Function 2 : 1.cargo gear register?is it there on tankers? yes sir...provision crane, engine room gantry crane n hose handling crane is included in it. 2.Competent person n responsible person. blah blah.... chief officer competent or responsible. i said responsible. 4.Heavy lift defination. Weight as well as volume is large ....100-800t.(pls find out what is the defination) 5.DOA blah blah.....
then he started again wid fuction 1...showed me few ror cards...sab simple towing showing...
what is the fog signals for vessel at anchor? continous rininging of bells for 5 seconds followed by..... n before i could finish the answer he wrote the golden letters PPP... n asked me how does a gong look like.... i was super excited i told him it is circular n some crap.... .he told me all the best n do well. Date:20/12/2010 Name: Ross Tauro Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Deepak Kapoor External: None
Result: All 3 functions Pass
He started with Function 3 and then followed with 2 n 1 respectively... Most of the questions are the same as that asked to Vikesh..
Function 3:
1. Are you aware of the MS notices? give brief description 2. Explain in detail any one MS Notice concerning cargo operations? (MS Notice 9/2010 Reg iron ore loading in indian ports) 3. As a mate, how will u implement ISM code in a dry dock. 4. How will u prepare for a emergency in a dry dock as per ISM Code? 5. What all certificates are issued in the drydock? 6. What are Statutory , Mandatory and Obligatory Certificates and list them? 7. ESP applies to what ships? How about Tanker of more than 15 years age? 8. Vessel aground in Indian waters. Action as mate. 9. What is the frequency of Drydocking? 10. What all Surveys are carried out during Drydock. As a mate how will u assist in these surveys? 11. How will you achieve discipline on-board? (was happy when i told him that my actions will be corrective and not punitive)
12. Official log book entries made by master and yourself? 13. What are the inspections u will carry out onboard along with the master and their frequencies? 14. Why are Articles of Agreement signed? As a mate how will this help u ?
Function 2:
1. What is the hazard related to grain and how to mitigate it? 2. Document of Authorisation explain ? 3. IMDG cargo Loading 4. Contents of Oil Record Book and why is it necessary to maintain it ? 5. General precautions to be taken before loading any cargo? 6. As a mate what are your responsibilities towards cargo operations? 7. Heavy lift precautions and list the procedures in detail concerning how will you load the same using ships gear? 8. Chain register? what is it? why do you require it? contents of chain register?
Function 1:
1. Navigating in vicinity of TRS? 2. Precautions when navigating in high latitudes as a OOW? 3. How will you implement the passage plan as a OOW during your watch? 4. Why is Passage plan necessary? 5. One simple crossing situation 6. Then action if crossing v/l not taking action 7. One simple Restricted Visibility situation 8. What are the day signals, lights and fog signals of a grounded vessel? 9. What are your action on sighting such a vessel? 10. What are your obligations towards a CBD vessel? 11. What are your obligations towards a RAM vessel? 12. What are the instances when you will call the Master? NO CARDS, NO QUOTING. Date:21-12-10
Ashmit Uberoi Attempt: 1st Surveyor: Mishra and Shukla Result Pass Pass Pass
1-star sights how? 2-LMT Merpass Calculation how? 3-Gyro fail action. 4-Path of TRS 5-Avoiding action in NH 6-Ur in DangerousQuadrant of one altering course will take u to dangerous quadrant of other action? 7-master incapaciated u have to anchor action?how to plan how to anchor including engines helm heading? 8-dragging anchor actions? 9-grain capacity,bale capacity 10-heavylift lifted excessive list action 11-bc code-wat do u know abt it? 12-max cargo height tht can be loaded? 13-can mate sign B/L 14-wat is mates receipt?use of it?u load 25bags of sugar how do u mention it on mates receipt? 15-IMDG classes and eg? 16-types of gas carriers.? 17-containment system of membrane n moss? 18-what is HD / LD and use of them? 19-do u use ig on gas ships? 20-ig requirements on tanker 21-ORB reg n wat does it say?which ships need?entries to b made? 22-how do u not allow air to enter tank? 23-fire system on lng ships? 24-duration of foam on tankers? 25-IOPP how to prepare and checks 26-DD how to prepare?
27-How to float vessel?checks? 28-how are plates n frames numbered? 29-how to use shores n where to position them? 30-say lights for a towing vessel less than 50m more than 200mts tow length? 31-Say light for fishing vessel at anchor? 32-few ror situations? 33-sperry mark 20 principle and gyro working principle? Date: 02/12/2010 Name: Nitin Chougale Attempt: 1st Internal: Capt. Deepak Kapoor External: None
Result: All 3 functions Pass
Called me inside at 1815 hrs and orals continued till 1930 hrs.
He started with function 3
Function 3:
1. What is ISM code?( ISM is his favorite) 2. As a mate, how will u implement ISM code onbrd.( wants section 1.2 of ISM in particular) 3. Your companys safety and environment protection policy. 4. ESP applies to what ships? 5. Tell in detail about ESP. 6. Vessel aground in Indian waters. Action as mate. 7. What is Condition of class? 8. Class notation for bulk carriers 9. As a mate preparations u will do for PSC / Flag state inspection. 10. MS Notice 08/2010 in detail
11. MS Notice 09/2010 in detail( This is about loading Iron ore fines in Indian waters, his favorite question) 12. Cargo gear register and Chain register. 13. How often lifting appliance need to be tested. ( Told annual examination) 14. Ships Routeing as per Solas ( Wants as per Ch 5 Reg 10) 15. As a mate how u will implement Marpol onboard. 16. Off Log book entries made my Master and Mate 17. Indisciplined seaman onboard. How will u deal with him? 18. Note of Protest
Function 2:
1. Prepare for Grain Loading as a Chief officer( wants to know about DOA, Grain loading booklet and Volumetric heeling moments) 2. DOA for grain loading ships. 3. Prepare for loading IMDG cargo on ship( Told all in detail like Shipper's declaration, Checking UN no, EMS, MFAG, Stowage, Segregation, Compatablity, etc) 4. Contents of IMDG code 5. As i ve done reefer ship- Mate preparations before loading and during carriage 6. Precautions during loading concentrates 7. Heavy lift precautions 8. Alternate hold loading ( Solas Ch 12 Reg 14) 9. Contents of CSS code. 10. What all cargoes need lashing ( Told him as per CSS code standardised, semi standardised and non standardised cargoes and all mentioned in its annexes 1 to 13)
Function 1:
1. Def as per rule 3( Vessel, WIG, CBD, RAM)
2. As 2nd mate implement Rule 10 in ur Passage plan. 3. One simple crossing situation 4. Then action if crossing v/l not taking action ( Told as per rule 17 pass from astern, alter stbd , etc) 5. One RV situation where i had to reduce speed. Gave ships from all sides with me in centre) 6. Rule 19 7. Number of rules and annexes in ROR 8. TRS - How u know ur approaching TRS and avoiding action 9. Situation own vessel and right ahead Sailing Vl (Told as per rule 18 i will take action alter stbd) 10. What all rules apply to RV( Rule 19 and 35) 11. Rules applying to narrow channel ( Rule 9 and 34) 12. INSPIRES and what all reports u need to send( Indian ship reporting system) 13. Prepare as mate for high latitude navigation( He wants to see ur knowledge about Polar code. Tell him will refer Polar code, take all precautions as per it. Indent items mentioned there, etc.) 14. Plan passage from UK to USA( Dont forget to tell u will check ice limits 40 N 40 W, if need to enter will check charter party if it is allowed, will obtain ice reports, Avoid bermuda triangle due to aereation in area and ships loose buoyance and can sink, will send AMVER etc) Date : 15 dec 2010 Name : kaushal Attempt : 1st Internal : P mishra No external
Result : All 3 passed
Called me in at 1100
1) S: Why u wearing suit ? K: Cos i wanna look decent. S: Good, i dont knw why mates dont wear , where is it written only master to wear ?
2) S: What function u wanna start with ? K: I have pr...epared equally for all, u can start with anyone. S: Ok i will start with function 2
3) S: Which ships u have done ? K: Lpg S: Ok then i will ask everything except LPG
4) Function 2 - Difference between stowage plan n load plan - contents of each - loadicator failure - action - how to test loadicator - gemini crane ? - how to load a 30 ton cargo if ur derrick swl is 20 t - union purchase final swl? - what is solid bulk cargo?hazards? - cargo record book ? - cow tanks to be inerted ? why? - which manual for cow? - container markings?which convention? who tests? customs seal? - overstow , overload, restow, overcarriage - why is density of solid bulk cargo important? - imsbc code?
5) Function 3
- certificates required as per marpol - all ? - Cof? - chemical suits for which ships? material of construction? - ok tell me for fireman suit? - SCBA - parts - no of hoses reqd? - no of oars in a lifeboat - open and enclosed - why and when are they reqd - crutches and sum funny term i dint knew - steering oar ? what colour? - stcw? - how will u chck if lookout is fit for duty? - how much rest hours? - ESP - Non-conformity - which code n convention - Fire in no . 1 hold action - How much co2 u will use? how many bottles? - Sopep - shell expansion plan - where does numbering of frame start from? how abt b4 aft perpendicular?
6) Function 1 - flashed 1 card (CBD) , day signal - how many rules , how many annexes .... name - rule 19 ? quote - sidelights ? - annex what regulations - (positioning n screening) - manoeuvring light - ok which plan on board tells u where to place shapes and llights so that they follow annex 1 ? - 2 situations - what is dictionary meaning of lateral and cardinal? - Ok you in a lifeboat open ocean , no compass ... plan course - polaris - ? whats the use in its sight?
- when will it be exactly equal to latitude - range of azimuth for polaris - can u see it in southern hemishpere? - what constellation , other than great bear - what constellation points towards south - where u get moonrise,sunrise and planet rise? - No i dont expect page no - tell me where starting,middle or end? - U go on ship now and new year starts , no new almanac what will u do? - ok at anchor u take 2 bearings and plot position and then 2 ranges and plot position from b radar conspicous objects and tide is negligible , which one is more accurate ? - why ? - why did i use the term "tide is negligible" - what is yawing? - why does it happen at anchor - How to control ? 2 methods - what is weather management in your syllabus? - hanging anchor? - angle of indrift - Execute a short round turn - what is twin screw?
7) Ok i think u have answered majority of questions in a satisfactory manner .... I am gonna pass u .... Be a good chief officer and keep indian flag high
8) Before u leave i am gonna explain you everything that u had doubt or cudnt answer Sujith Surendran day /date : thursday , 16.12.10
DG shipping External : Capt. Jairam Internal : Capt. Shukla
Result : Only Function 2 passed All question asked by Capt. Jairam
Initially as i entered, he asked me bout my pre sea training, mates college, and present company.
Then he himself saidd that he will start with function 1 and proceed later with 2 and 3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function 1. -----------1. U are in north atlantic ocean, how do u come to know that where r u wrt a TRS?. 2. How wil to determine u are in the dangerous quadrant? 3. Ok, now u r in the dangerous quadrant, how will u keep clear of the trs? (here he was not satisfied with my answer, i told him everything that is there in subra, but still he wanted something else, he tried giving he some hints but i culdnt understand, he said he wanted a practical answer --- i didnt know what practical answer shud i give, then he asked, since u r telling me that u will face the true wind on ur stbd bow and proceed and keep altering as the wind veers where will the storm lie - i said on the stbd quarter( i was not sure in my mind) how will u clear the storm if u keep on altering explain...i gave all subras fundas...jairam unsatified, said u guys shud not just tell things written in some books, i want practical answer ...---- i was lost ....i gave up.) 4. Ur vessel in aground in south china sea, in ur watch i.e c/o watch, actions ? (after giving all the aground fundas, i finally told him , i'll try to refloat the vessel, and i'll try to ascertain the nature of the seabed....ok, sea bed is rocky, i said i'll chk if there is ny change in ny soundings of ny tanks, he said ur fpk tank and ur no.1 db port and no.1 db stbd are open to sea, what will u do.....second time lost) 5. he asked me 3 ROR cards 1. fv seen from astern with gear extending more than 150 mts., 2.cbd more that 50 mts seen end on, 3.lateral port hand buoy region B 4. What is region A , B ?
Function 2. -----------1. U are in brazil and u are loading steel plates and steel coils in ur cargo holds for a trans atlantic voyage, what all precautions u'll take ? ( i told everything related to lashings, csm, css ) 2. How will u make sure that the lashings are done properly ? ( i said visual inspection )
3. U are loading sulphur, what instructions u'll give to ur duty officers ? (told in general but the hazards and precautions of sulphur) 4. what is a b/l ? 5. what are the diff types of b/l (i didnt know the answer) 6. what is a STALE b/l ? ( B/L not made available to the consignee even after the date specified in the letter of credit, not acceptable as a valid document )- thanks to nitin choughle
Funtion 3. ----------1. What is the rest hour requirement as per STCW, ILO? 2. What is CBA? 3. Bosun come to u and say he wants more rest, as per what u'll act? 4. Is ur party refering to IBF ? ( i said i dont know, but to act smart i said IBF stands for international bargaining forum -- screwed) 5. Does ur company refer to ITF ( i said yes ) 6. Where does ITF and IBF take rest hours from (i was for Lost 3rd time- he asked is it stcw, i said yes, but i guess i was wrong) 7. What all statuatory cetificates are carried for a chemical tanker of 30,000 dwt? 8. Ur ship is at sea and the ship side is damaged in way of no.2 hold, what precations will u take while taking the vsl to the dry doc? ( i told about weather , trim n drafts, keep the area always above waterline - no happy ..i asked what all precautions will u take for taking the vsl to dry dock - lost .....function 3 gone. 9. how much trim will u keep before entreing the dock? 10. How will u assure the master that ur stability is adequate? Mithil M. Mirkar
Ext- Capt. Oak
Int- Capt. Khatri
Venue- D.G. Shipping 3rd Floor
Reached MMD at 9.00 with almost C/O Sheldon Miranda (who just passed all 3 from Capt. Deepak Kapoor) after going to D.G. mandir and giving 11rs chadhava. Was freaking out and reading all amendments, made him read them as well. 9.30 went up. Gave attendence and then we were awaiting for our fate. Sheldon's name called out thrice for
Clinton Miranda and he went for attendance twice. Sheldon's name was finally called at 10.30 and then mine for (YESSSSS) D.G. We both wished other Good Luck again as the first one worked wonders. Then off we went to D.G.
Anyways to the point, went on 5th floor and got the news Im off to Capt. Khatri. 3 masters waiting. Im the only mate. Capt. Oak called me in at 1145. Orals with him lasted for around 40 mins upto 1220. As follows---
Function 1
No cards, No quoting, No Magnetic boards. Capt. Khatri's cabin has models. So straight forward models for situations. I was confident with ROR though.
1. 4 vessels ahead, 1 on STBD bow abaft the beam crossing, 1 overtaking from fine quarter vessel entering port. I said reduce speed, assess situation and tackle each target as per least CPA. 2. Rest. Visib. operational RADAR- 1 on STBD quarter and 1 on Port Bow. I said reduce speed and let both vessels pass as per rule 19. 3. Red buoy 2+1 flashing in Japan- Which buoy. Preferred channel to PORT. Topmark- I said Triangle, He said cone. 4. Then asked about fairway buoy characteristics. Told him for Special mark. 5. Vessel in Singapore Straits, one vessel o'taking not taking action. Action- 5 short blasts. Narrow Channels rule. 6. Now you are NUC, OFB Buoy on Port Buoy (OFB btw is ONE FaTHOM BANK and I didnt know. I told him never been to Singapore as a officer and then he asks me how much is one fathom, yaha se mera Function 1 starting getting screwed)- I said I'll show proper signals, inform VTS and consider anchoring. 7. What speed will U anchor- I said Emergency Situation and Shallow very close so at 4-5 knots. Not satisfied says anchor gone and Master will come up on bridge. (Then remembered Master ko kal raat ko daru pilake sulaya hai). He says anchor gone Master gets a heart attack, U have to land him ashore. Said about Helicopter ops, inform VTS and stuff after anchoring. 8. If other anchor does not hold and breaks. I said beach the vessel. He asks how without engines. Im clean bowled, runout, caught, hitwicket all at once. I said wherever find suitable beaching ground go and beach. Aise hi just to show miracles do happen. 9. Towing vessel comes to ake you out. Not coming close coz of shallow, how to pass heaving line. I said LTA. He asks which side. I said into wind. He says 1 LTA wasted. I sad use the other I have two now away from the wind. Happy. 10. What is MSI?? Stumped that was the only one left. Ok Its Maritime Safety Information. Ch V reg 4. I took it in terms of Meterology since we were talking of wind. Wrote it on my form. 11. VTS and SRS regulations. 12. What is Ship Routeing? Answered and Happy.
13. Which Solas Ch. V regs important as a Mate. Said all, then most impo Pilot Hoisting arrangement coz under mate's control and his responsibility. Happy.
Function 2
I think Cargo was where I increased my chances of passing
1. Grain loading on Gen Cargo ship. I asked him do I have DOA. 2. Grain loading without DOA. 3. You have to load 1200 tons of Iron Ore and have to trim the vessel from 1.2 m to 0.6 m. How to do it. Told him using Hydro tables using LCB and LCG or Using wd/100MCTC taking 60 cm trim change. Told him another crude method by keeping people on marks. He said not practicable. I said the same since terminal must be informed where how much, because shoots cannot be repositioned. I said the using the formulae. I guess he was Happy. 4. Load Heavy lift on Container Vessel's hatch cover. Told whatever I knew about CSM. 5. Where will you get load densit of Hatch Cover. I said Capacity Plan and CSM. 6. Loading precautions and Position. I said C/L to keep accelerations minimum. Happy. 7. Prepare Crude Oil tanker for DD. How will you go about tank preparation. I started I will cow all tanks at last disch port. He then asked have U done crude. No. 8. Then to Chem. My Baby. I took good care of it. Types of Chem Tankers. What is Cargo containment. He was Happy with my answers. 9. P and A Manual? 10. Cargo Samples Fail when Vessel in Disch port. I saw maybe due to SW ingress. Keep temp and press logs ready. Inform Charterers, P and I and ask for independent Survey. 11. Says Cargo gone bad due to Bulkhead failure. Intertank leakages. Everyday occurence on UNIVAN vessels. Faad diya. Cargo offspec. Discharge to barge. 12. Which survey for checking Transverse bulkheads, I said SAFECON. OK off to 3.
Function 3
1. CAS/CAP 2. ESP 3. Removing anchor 1st shackle for towing, how will you go about. I said take extra lashings, Lower slightly to check if bearing weight of Anchor + Chain. Remove lugless Shackle and pass cable. What is pin of shackle called. Spile pin, choked with Lead. 4. ETA which reg- I said SOLAS Ch. 2 and requirements for deployment. All OK, but said reqd for 10000GT+ but actually for 20000DWT+.
5. Risk Assessment for removing bow thruster motor. Said all. Fine. 6. What is close up survey and what is overall survey. All part of ESP. 7. How to arrange for close up survey. Again ESP. 8. P and I clubs. Just started and said enough. Wait outside.
Well after this I felt, I'll get 2 and 3. Went for lunch and Waited Waited and Waited. Mr. Miranda for my entertainment and constantly cursing himslef for not studying and going for some feast yesterday. Masters were telling me chill U will get atleast 2.
Capt. Khatri called me at 3.30
Went in and asked why I havent written date of my pre-sea training in the form. He actually asked me do U want to hide it from people. I said no. Dont carry the certificate anymore coz have COC. He was upset with calls and with his peons and PA. Actually asked me would U like working with me. I said I dont have the requisite experience. He said I dont mind having a mate under me (Should have understood the that he'll pass me) Anyways, I shared experiences with him of my senoir masters who dont wanna work ashore coz they wanna live the life of a king on the ship. Capt. Khatri says I feel the diff, When I say half ahead as a Capt. ship is on half ahead. Here, people are dumb. I said I know, My father was a BMC officer for 40 years so its all not new to me. He said good. From your form it seems U havent done good in Surveys. I said no I feel I answered well.
He said Ok, his standard question for people he wants to pass. Ur job onboard as a chief mate. He asked me for Chem Tankers. Told everything from Tank Cleaning to Discharging. Guess Very Happy. Then, why do U think vetting inspections are conducted, Spoke for almost 10 mins on it. Right from type of ship, type of officers to Matrix and I guess I hit a six longer than POLLARD or PATHAN. He sent me out for about 5 mins. Then called me in. Took my form P. P. P.
I was surprised. He said why are U surprised, not expected. I said Sir Honestly Not Expected. I thought I'll fail in Nav. He joked, I'll fail you then. I was out of words. Never ever thought in my dream I was worth it. But he did make me feel I can work as a mate from this day on. He said all we want is that U guys work well and run the ship safely and I think U will do that. I just felt my chest got 2-3 inches broader. Said thanks and wished him a Very good day... Dhiraj Chandwani 2nd Dec 2010, Thursday DG, Internal: Capt. Shukla, External: Capt. Jairam Capt. Jairam asked all questions, Capt. Shukla was in a meeting. Capt. Jairam started with asking about Pre-Sea Training, Company (Told him half of my blood belongs to TORM) , types of ships, functions college etc.
Very soft spoken and practical. Are you prepared? Yes Sir. We will start with Function 1 and then on to 2 & 3. Ok Sir
Function I Showed some 6-7 ROR cards including buoys. He wanted action, day signal, fog signal in order. Guys check card no. 26, ek hi mein mujhe ghuma diya You are in Northern atlantic and there is confirmed news abt the trs in vicinity, how will you now find storm centre. I told him abt Buys Ballots but he dint look happy with it. Met equipments on the bridge that you carry and under what regulations Was not very sure. May be he wanted some thing from solas. I told him, barometer, hygrometer, whirling sychrometer, barograph and I told him as per safety equipment survey. Not happy Grounding– What actions Told him all….signals, stop engines, alarm, dayshapes, soundings, log entries etc etc…was happy Function II Sulphur loading, precautions and what instruction will you give your duty officers. I spoke in general abt Hold prep, hazards with sulphur. He moved, fairly satisfied Stale Bill of Lading? I said I am not sure but shall I try? He laughingly said ofcourse go ahead, I said this is post dated bill of lading. Ok tell me what exactly is a bill of Lading I started like a talking machine and he said ok ok good Then contents of Chain register, he was happy as I told him abt 3 parts and additional forms which are entered upon an inspection. Function III In US waters, discharging and there is an oil spill, oil is in water. I went in details abt notifications but he said son this is for asm orals, what will you do as a mate, I said activate ESD / stop discharge and he said Yessss this is what I want to know and then asked me if u are the man at the spot and you have some chemicals which can disperse oils will you use, I said No. Happy. What is Collective Bargaining Agreement, CB. Act? Told him unions and flagstate and stuff. Then he asked me what does your company refer to when they prepare a seamans contract. I said ITF He said do you know what is IBF? I said no sir.
Ok is your company a part of IMEC? I said I am not sure.
Okay the AB onboard is misbehaving, what will you do as a mate. I told him abt finding out his problems, warning and making a log book entry as per MSA in OLB. Happy You have a hold no. 2 damaged and you have to proceed to Dry Dock what precautions will you take, I talked abt careful passage planning reviewing the weather vis-à-vis damaged condition. Then damaged stability seeking advice from em’cy response services etc. The he asked abt choice of Dry Dock. Told him abt Floating or if circumstances so desire then Graving dry dock. He said what would be the trim that you would prefer? I said as low as possible as reason very simple, less upthrust which will reduce undue stresses on the hull. Happy Sheldon Internal:Capt Deepak Kapoor no external.... Venue:DG Shipping
Entrance history as per mithil's comments.
Orals started at 730 completed at 815 in d evening....
started with function 3 first
1) Role of a safety officer. 2)As per ISM Code new ammendments and told to speak abt it.. 3)Surveys as a mate which one are u interested in...seq is for third mate safcon is done on basis of what.(he wants solas chpt2) 4)Loadline survey carry it out. 5)Flag state n port state which is more stricter and why.... he wants to hear flag state cos port state carries out inspection as per d conventions d coastal state has ratified to whereas flag state carries it out using codes and everythng. 6)Indian flag ensign for merchant ships,coastguard and navy red:merchant . blue:navy and white for coastguard 7)indian flag. 8)advantages of sailing on indian registered ships
there are at high seas eg:piracy area convoy, indian consulate in every country and easy extraction of casualty. 9)preps for drydock and as a mate which r the most imp surveys. 10)how to maintain discipline onboard. indentures of cadets...If bosun is disobeying u can u get him removed...he wanted to heqar ms act and also as per CBA. 11)entries in the orb and official log book...where will u use guidance from. 12)few ms notices mostly 6,8 and 9.speak on 9 which is iron ore fines carriage. 13)aadl safety measures for bulk carriers speak on it chpt 12 of solas. ammendments to solas,ism and imdg (mithil thanks for this) 14)pms how will u plan it and what as a mate will u check for...i mean what is most important. 15)few topics on ms act explain.(his favourite topicafter ms notices) 16)Is treatment for seamans mentioned inthe articles of agreement. 17)non conformity how will apply corrective action.. Lalit Nagulapati
Internal: Capt. Mandal External: None Venue: Old MMD Orals started at around 1600hrs and lasted for more than an hour
Function 1 1. Use of flinders bar and spheres 2. Schuler tuning 3. Started with cards. a. W - R light in a horizontal line b. R - W - G in a horizontal line (Seaplane. I did not know) c. Asked afew more cards. 4. Situations a. NUC CBD
RAM Which v/l will take action and by which rule. I said CBD will not impede the passage of NUC and RAMas per rule 18. NUC RAM Now, which v/l will keep clear and as per which rule? I said rule 2 but he wanted to hear crossing situation and said that rule 2 is the last resort and he wanted a more immediate rule b. Two sailing, which v/l will take action. i forgot to ask him the wind direction By now i was sure that function 1 was out of my hands 5.After this he went into Annex 1 COLREGs
Function 2 1. Started with Grain code 2. Timber on deck- hazards 3. IMSBC contents and differences from BC code 4. Oil tanker cargo calculations 5. Heavy lift definition and precautions. Where will you get load density of deck? 6. Define dangerous goods, hazardous goods
Function 3 1. Pipeline arrangement 2. Calculation of SF & BM 3. Article of agreement contents. Procedure on Indian v/l's 4. Tripartite arrangement example 5. ISM code contents
Gives you time to think but its difficult to convince him. He needs specific answers. Sai kisnan old mmd: no external, internal vas.
dint get anything guys, he dint ask much questions, but yeah kinda keeps on cross questioning, anyways here are the quesitons i faced..
opening question: what information do you get from M.O.I (din know what it meant, supposedly it is meteorological office of India. a mate what are the regulations you are interested in solas ch v. he wants a list of regs... 2. he gave me restricted visibility situaitons 2 of them, over taking inside tss, and one with a isolated danger on stbd side and port bow and right ahead targets. 3.then a vsl proceeding from singapore to japan at night you observe a red light flashing (2+1) basically preferred channel buoy in region b. 4. heavy lift loading on container hatch. if wire breaks which regulations to refer on actions required. he wanted specific answer. 5.then he asked about procedure to change the wire of a crane, step by step, including reporting and also requesting for surveys, which i missed out. 6.he grilled regarding grain loading, but i guess it went well with me, stabvility requirements and stuff and about volumetric heeling moments, doa he was very particular, lot of cross questioning, like who issues and how they issue and who maintains teh standards and stuff 7. he asked what is the unit of conductivity, ( pico siemens) then he asked what are static accumilator oils, and last part i couldnt answer, he wanted what should be the conductivity of an oil for it to become static accumilator oil.he wants precise value there. 8. precautions against static electricity, was ok cud answer
9. name any two codes that came to force after isps. also guys learn about the code a lil bit, i din do that question well too. 10.what are surface preperation standards. who sets these standards, and how do u know as a chief officer the surface preperation is done to what standard in teh dry dock 11. can you load grain if gm is coming less than 0.3, i said that we cannot, and minimum gm required is 0.3. but im wrong, he finally gave that answer to me saying that we can load if the ship complies with volumetric heeling moments below permissible moments,