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PHYSICS Multiple Choice- Reviewer
____ 1.A ball is thrown thrown vertically upward upward with an initial velocity velocity of 3 m/s from a window of a tall building. The ball strikes the ground level 4 seconds later. etermine the height of window above the ground. a. !!.331 m b. !!.4"# m c. !$.%3& m d. !$.4&% m ____ %.A stone was dropped freely from a balloon at a height of 1 m. above the ground. The balloon is moving upward at aspeed of 3# m/s. etermine the velocity of the stone as it hits the ground. a. !&.#3 .#3 m/s m/s b. !'.#3 .#3 m/s c. !$.3# .3# m/s m/s d. !&.%3 .%3 m/s m/s ____ 3. A ball is thrown vertically at a speed of %# m/s from a bldg. 1## m. above the ground. ground. (ind the velocity and position of thestone above the ground after " seconds. a. 4.!$ m) 4'.3# 4'.3# m/s b. 4."4 m) 4$.!' 4$.!' m/s c. ".43 m) 4$.!& 4$.!& m/s d. ".!' m) 4'.%# m/s ____ 4.A pro*ectile is +red from the top of a cli, &% m. high with a velocity of 43# m/s directed 4"o to the hori-ontal. (ind the range on the hori-ontal plane through the base of the cli,. a. 1'.&"& km b. %3.4#' km c. 1".%$3 km d. %#.3!" km ____ ".A stone is thrown outward) at an angle of 3#o with the hori-ontal as shown in the drawing) into the river from a cli, that is 1%# meters above the water level at a velocity of 3! kilometers per hour. At what height above the water level will the stone start to fall a. 1%1.%$ m b. 1'&.%&m c. 111.3' m d. 1"%.%% m ____ !.A block passes a point 4 m from the edge of a table with a velocity of " m/s. t slides o, the edge of the table which is " m high and strikes the 0oor 3 m from the edge of the table. hat was the coe2cient of friction between the block and the table a. #.!" b. 1.#4 c. #.%1 d. #.11 ____ $.A ball is shot at a ground ground level at an angle of !# degrees with the hori-ontal hori-ontal with an initial velocity of 1# m/sec. hich ofthe following most nearly gives the maimum height h5 attained by the ball a. %.4$ m b. 3.%& m c. 4.!1 m d. 3.'% m ____ '.A pro*ectile pro*ectile leaves leaves a velocity velocity of "# m/s at at an angle of 3#6 3#6 with the hori-ontal. (ind (ind the maimum height that it could reach a. 31.'! b. 41.%! c. %'.4! d. "1.%! ____ &.A light hangs from two cables. 7ne cable has a tension of 3&.$% lb and is at an angle of 43.4owith respect to the ceiling. hat is the weight of the lamp if the other cable makes an angle of 1$.1 o with respect to the ceiling a. 3$.% lb b. 3".' lb c. 3!.' lb d. 3!.1$lb ____ 1#.A 4!.#$ 8 light hangs from two cables at angles "4.& o and !1.4o with respect to the ceiling. hat is the tension in the +rst cable a. %4.!8 b. %"8 c. %3.&8 d. %!.48 ____ 11.A light light hangs from from two cables. 7ne cable has has a tension of %'.$" 8 and is at an angle angle of o "'.1 with respect to the ceiling. hat is the tension in the other cable if it makes an angle of &.4o with respect to the ceiling a. 1".48 b. 1!.18 c. 14."8 d. 14.&8 ____ 1%.A '.3 kg mass and and a 1$.1 kg mass are tied to a light string and hung hung over a frictionless frictionless pulley. hat is their acceleration a. 33.&"m/s% b. 4 m/s% c. 4.3&" m/s% d. 3.3&" m/s% ____ 13.9entrifug 13.9entrifugal al force is _____ a. irectly proportional to the radius of the curvature
b. irectly proportional to the s:uare of the tangential velocity c. nversely proportional to the tangential velocity d. irectly proportional to the s:uare of the weight of the ob*ect ____ 14.An unknown mass and a &.& kg mass are tied to a light string and hung over a frictionless pulley. f the tension in thestring is 14." 8) what is the unknown mass a. 1kg b. #.' kg c. 1.'kg d. #."kg ____ 1".A lady pulls a cart with a force of 1'3$ 8. 8eglecting friction) if the cart changes from resting to a speed of 1.3 m/s ina distance of #.#3%'& m) what is the total mass of the cart a.$1."kg b. $".1kg c. $#."kg d. 1$."kg ____ 1!.A 3.!! lb book is resting on a 1&.41 lb table. hat is the normal force from the 0oor on each table leg a. "lb b. ".$!$" lb c. 4.&lb d. !.$!$"lb ____ 1$. A bo sits on a ramp inclined at %1.$o to hori-ontal. f the normal force on the bo from the ramp is %#.&4 8) what isthe mass of the bo a. 3.% kg b. %.&kg c. %.3kg d. 3.&kg ____ 1'. A $.& kg bo sits on a ramp. f the normal force on the bo from the ramp is 41.'% 8) what is the angle the rampmakes with the hori-ontal5 ground a. $".3o b. "$."o c. "$.3o d. $"."o ____ 1&. A man sees a 44." kg cart about to bump into a wall at 1.$ m/s. f the cart is #.#4%#3 m from the wall when hegrabs it) how much force must he apply to stop it before it hits a. 1"3#8 b. 1%"#8 c. 13"#8 d. 1"%#8 ____ %#. hat is the minimum force re:uired to start a 4.% kg bo moving across the 0oor if the coe2cient of static frictionbetween the bo and the 0oor is #.! a. %3.$!18 b. %".4!&8 c. %4.!&!8 d. %!.4&!8 ____ %1. hat is the kinetic energy of a $# kg man running along at !.3! m/s a. 131"; b. 1"1"; c. 1%1"; d. 141"; ____ %%. hat is the speed of a "3.! kg woman running with a kinetic energy of 1!1$ ; a. $.$$m/s b. $."$m/s c. $.!$m/s d. $.'$m/s ____ %3. hat is the gravitational potential energy of a 14&.1 kg man at a height of $4.%1 m above the ground a. 1##)###; b. 1#$)3##; c. 1#')4##; d. 11#)"'#; ____%4. hat is the height where a 1%1.% kg woman would have a gravitational potential energy of 1#!1# ; a. &."4m b. $."$m c. '.&4 m d. $.'$ ____ %". hat is the change in gravitational potential energy for a !'.& kg man walking up stairs from a height of !3.#$ m to1#$.!& m a. <3#133 ; b. 3#1%3# ; c. 3#3%# ; d. 3#13# ; ____ %!. hat is the change in gravitational potential energy for a 13%." kg woman walking down a hill from a height of1#%.'! m to $#.3' m a. <41%3 ; b. <4%1$" ; c. <" ; d. 43%1 ; ____ %$. =ow much work is done by gravity when a '%.3 kg diver *umps from a height of ".%3 m into the water a. 43%1 ; b. 4%1' ; c. 4'$1 ; d. 4334 ; ____ %'.n 0uid mechanics) this shows the pressure of a 0uid decreases as the speed of the 0uid increases. n addition) the pressure of a 0uid decreases as the elevation increases. a. 9lairut>s e:uation b. ?ernoulli>s e:uation c. @awell e:uation d. =ydro0uid e:uation
____ %&. uppose that energy B is re:uired to accelerate a car from to v) neglecting friction) how much energy would be re:uired to increase the speed from v to %v a. B b. %B c. 3B d. 4B ____ 3#. A constant force acts on a %"s e,ect ____ 3%. uppose that an ob*ect is pushed with a steady force along a frictionless surface. hen you multiply the ob*ect>s mass by the length of time for which it is pushed and then multiply the result by the ob*ect>s acceleration over that period of time) you get< a. @omentum b. Delocity c. mpulse d. A meaningless :uantity ____ 33. f the lifetime of pions at rest in the laboratory is ".! 1# <'s) at what speed must the pions travel with respect to the laboratory so that their lifetime is &.4 1# <'s as measured by a lab observer a. #.!4c b. #.&1c c. #.&'c d. #.'#c ____ 34. A ball is swinging in a circle on a string when the string length is doubles) as the same velocity) the force on the string will be ________. a. Twice as much b. =alf as much c. 7ne
d. Eravitational
____ 3!. hat would happen if Farth>s gravitational pull on the @oon suddenly stopped a. 8othing b. The moon would 0y out of the Farth>s orbit. c. The moon would fall into the Farth. d. The moon would fall into the un. ____ 3$. A ball is dropped from a height of %!m above a tile 0oor with a coe2cient of restitution e:ual to #.&%. 9ompute its fourth rebound height. a. 1'.!%m b. 1".$!m c. 13.33m d. 11.%&m ____ 3'. The work done by a force of 1 dyne eerted through a distance of 1 cm. a. att b. Frg c. ;oule d. (oot
c. Eamma decay
d. none of these
____ 4#. ?ecause light moves with a +nite velocity) the position observed for an astronomical ob*ect from the rotating Farth corresponding to that a short time before the instant of observation a. ?lack hole aberration b. Clanetary aberration c. 9osmic aberration d. tellar aberration ____ 41. t states that every point on a primary wavefront serves as the source of spherical secondary wavelets. a. Gortewegs Haw d. =uygen>s Crinciple ____4%. An nstrument used to detect radioactivity. t emits a series of audible clicks if ioni-ing radiation passes through it. a. park 9hamber b. Eeiger 9ounter c. Flectroscope d. Eolay 9ell ____ 43. These are electrons) de0ected by magnetic and electric +elds) show much greater penetration and produce less ioni-ation.
a. Alpha particle
b. ?eta particle
c. Eamma particle
d. elta
particle ____ 44. f the source of a sound wave moves through a medium with a speed in ecess of the speed of sound in that medium) a ______ is produced. a. Iltrasonic b. nfrasonic c. hockwave d. etonation Delocity ____ 4". The resistance encountered by solids passing through 0uids and the friction set up with li:uids and gases. a. (luid friction b. Jolling friction c. Discosity d. 9racking ____ 4!. t is the maimum displacement of a particle in vibration relative to the position of the e:uilibrium. a. avefront b. (re:uency c. Amplitude d. Ceriod ____ 4$.Jefers to the :uantity of visible radiation passing per unit time. a. Huminous 0u b. Humen c. 9andle
d. lluminance
____ 4'.The closeness of an indication or reading of a measurement device to the actual value of the :uantity being measured. Isually epressed as positive of negative percent of full scale output or reading a. Crecision b. Accuracy c. 9ompression d. F,ectiveness ____ 4&. The energy stored in a stretched elastic material such as a spring is ________. a. nternal energy b. @echanical energy c. Ginetic energy d. Flastic potential energy ____ "#. (ind the theoretical speed of sound in oygen at #K9 for a diatomic gas yL1.4#) and for oygen @L 3%.## g/mole. a. 1.!% m/s b. 3.1$ m/s c. 3.1$ m/s d. 1.%! m/s ____ "1. According to the Haw of 9onservation of @omentum) when multiple ob*ects collide in an ideal system) a. Fach ob*ect has the same momentum after the collision as before b. Fach ob*ect transfers its momentum to any ob*ect with which it collides c. Fach ob*ect in the system has the same momentum d. The total system momentum does not change as the collision takes place. ____ "%. t occurs when re0ected sound waves return to the observer #.1s of more after the original wave reaches him) so that a distinct repetition of the original signal is perceived. a. Dibration b. onic c. Fcho d. ?eats ____ "3. hen the pressure on any part of a con+ned 0uid is changed) the pressure on the other part of the 0uid is also changed by the same amount. This is known asM a. Archimedes> Crinciple b. ?ernoulli>s Crinciple c. Cascal>s Crinciple d. Torricelli>s Crinciple ____ "4. A _______ is the path followed by a pro*ectile a. pline b. Jange c. Cro*ection
d. Tra*ectory
____ "". hen the velocity of an ob*ect is tripled) another :uantity which is tripled at the same time is the ob*ect>s< a. @omentum b. Cotential energy c. Ginetic energy d. @ass ____ "!.The resultant gravitational force acting on the body due to all other bodies in space. a. eight of the body b. ork on the body c. @ass of the body d. Fnergy of the body ____ "$.t occurs when two sources of slightly di,erent fre:uencies are sounded at the same time. a. Dibration b. ?eats c. Fcho d. onic
____ "'. A highly concentrated pressure wave produced when an ob*ect 0ies faster than the speed of sound. a. upersonic b. onic splash c. Iltrasonic d. onic boom ____ "&. An instrument for comparing the luminous intensities of light sources. a. Chotometer b. (oot candle meter c. Huminous meter d. Humina meter ____ !#.n nuclear physics) what particle contains % protons and % neutrons a. Alpha particle b. ?eta particle c. elta particle particle
d. Eamma
____ !1. ome light beams will follow curve paths a. Inder no circumstances b. hen measured inside a spaceship that is coasting at high speed c. hen measured in the presence of an etreme gravitational +eld d. hen measured from a reference frame that is accelerating ____ !%. The negative ratio of the relative velocity after a collision to the relative velocity before collision a. 9oe2cient of elasticity c. 9oe2cient of collision b. 9oe2cient of velocity d. 9oe2cient of restitution ____ !3.The time rate of change of velocity.ince velocity is a directed or vector :uantity involving both magnitude and direction) a velocity may change by a change of magnitude speed5 or by a change of direction or both. a. Eravitation b. Acceleration c. invariant mass d. none of the above ____ !4.The closeness of an indication or reading of a measurement device to the actual value of the :uantity being measured.Isually epressed as N percent of full scale output or reading. a. Accuracy b. 9ompression c. 9hemical F:uilibrium d. istance ____ !".The rate of change of angular velocity with respect to time. a. Angular Delocity b. Acceleration c. Angular Accelerationd. none of the above ____ !!. s a physical :uantity epressing the si-e of a part of a surface. a. Hever b. Area c. @easurement d. ?end ____ !$.The rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time. a. Angular Delocity b. Hoad c. nstantaneous d. ?rittle ____ !'. hat is the product of the mass and velocity of an ob*ect a. =ydraulics b. physical body c. 0uid power
d. momentum
____ !&. The three laws proposed by ir saac 8ewton to de+ne the concept of a force and describe motion) used as the basis of classical mechanics. a. law of inertia b. 8ewton>s Haw of @otion c. 8ewton>s Haw d. none of the above ____ $#.The maimum displacement of a particle in vibration relative to the position of the e:uilibrium. a. ave front b. (re:uency c. Amplitude d. Ceriod ____ $1.A type of wave in which the particles vibrate in direction at right angles to the direction of the wave travel. a. ave front b. Transverse waves c.Hongitudinal waves d. wave length ____ $%.A type of wave in which individual particles vibrate in a direction parallel to the direction of the wave travel. a. Hongitudinal waves b. tationary wave c. wave front d. Transverse waves
____ $3. A surface that passes through all points in the wave those are in the same phase. a. Hongitudinal waves b. Transverse waves c. wave front d. stationary wave ____$4. nterference in which two waves arrive at a point in phase with each other and the resulting amplitude is the sum of the amplitudes is the sum of the amplitudes of the two original waves. a. 9onstructive interference b. estructive interference c. both a5 and b5 d. none of these ____ $". The waves arrive a half wave out of phase and the resultant amplitude is the di,erence between the two amplitude. a. 9onstructive interference b. estructive interference c. both a5 and b5 d. none of these ____ $!. A principle stating that each point on a wave front may be considered as a new source of disturbance sending wavelets in forward direction. At any instant the new wave front is the surface tangent to all wave length. a. =uygen>s principle b.=ygen>s principle c.=ugen>s principle d.=egyn>s principle ____ $$.The change of direction of a wave due to speed changes. a. ispersion b. Jefraction c. wave front
d. wave misalignment
____$'. ave produced when two waves of e:ual amplitude and fre:uency travel in opposite directions in a medium. a. tationary ave b. wave frontc. Antinodes d. wave misalignment ____ $&.Coints in a stationary wave at which the amplitude is -ero. a. antinodes b. nodes c. amplitude d. period ____ '#. Coints of maimum amplitude. a. antinodes b. nodes
c. amplitude
d. period
____ '1. A disturbance caused by a vibrating body and sense by the ear. a. force vibration b. resonance c. sound d. intensity ____ '%.The apparent fre:uency of a sound source is changed if there is relative motion between the source and the observer. a. oppler e,ect b. interference c. supersonic d. ultrasonic ____ '3.hat is the kinetic energy of a 4### lb. automobile which is moving at 44 ft/s a. 1.%1 1#" ft
a. 1.44 m
b. ".%% m
c. %."" m
d. 3.%" m
____ '$.A force of %## lbf acts on a block at an angle of %'6 with respect to the hori-ontal. The block is pushed % feet hori-ontally. hat is the work done by this force a. 3%# ; b. "4# ; c. 4'# ; d. %1" ; ____ ''. A "# kg ob*ect strikes the unscratched spring attached to a vertical wall having a spring constant of %# G8/m. (ind themaimum de0ection of the spring. The velocity of the ob*ect before it strikes the spring is 4# m/s. a. 1m b. 3 m c. % m d. 4 m ____ '&. To push a %" kg crate up a %$6 incline plane) a worker eerts a force of 1%# 8) parallel to the incline. As the crates slides 3.!m) how much is the work done on the crate by the worker and by the force of gravity. a. 4## ; b. 3'# ; c. 4%# ; d. 3"# ; ____ .A train weighing 1%)### G8 is accelerated at a constant rate up a %Q grade with a velocity increasing from 3# kph to "# kph in a distance of "## meters. etermine the horse power developed by the train. a. ".3&4 k b. 4.4!' k c. ".1%# k d. 4."&1 k ____ &1. An elevator has an empty weight of "1!# 8. t is design to carry a maimum load of %# passengers from the ground 0oor to the %"th 0oor of the building in a time of 1' seconds. Assuming the average weight of a passenger to be $1# 8 and the distance between 0oors to be 3."m) what is the minimum constant power needed for the elevator motor a. &4.3 k b. &$.4 k c. '"." k d. $$.! k ____ &%. A piano string is '# cm long and weighs " 8. f the string is stretched by a force of "## 8. what is the speed of the waveset up when the hammer strikes the string a. %! m/s b. %' m/s c. %$ m/s d. 3# m/s ____ &3.An unknown mass and a 13.% kg mass are tied to a light string and hung over a frictionless pulley. f the tension inthe string is !1.3114 8) what is the unknown mass a. 3.& kg b. 4.# kg c. 4.1 kg d. 4.%kg ____ &4. A 3.1 lb book is resting on a $3.$! lb table. hat is the normal force with direction5 of the book on the table a. <3.%lbs b. 3.%lbs c. <3.1lbs d. 3.1 lbs ____ &". A ".% kg bo sits on a ramp inclined at 4%.4o to hori-ontal. hat is the normal force on the bo from the ramp a. 3$.!4 8 b. 3$."4 8 c. 3$."38 d. 3$.!3 8 ____ &!. A !.$ kg bo sits on a ramp inclined at 3$.4o to hori-ontal. hat is the normal force on the ramp from the bo a. "%.1$8 b. <"%.1! 8 c. "%.1! 8 d. <"%.1$ 8 ____ &$. A bo sits on a ramp inclined at %1.$o to hori-ontal. f the normal force on the bo from the ramp is %#.&4 8) what is the mass of the bo a. %.3 kg b. %.%kg c. %.4kg d. %.1kg ____ &'. A $.& kg bo sits on a ramp. f the normal force on the bo from the ramp is 41.'% 8) what is the angle the rampmakes with the hori-ontal5 ground a. "$.3o b. "$.4o c. "!.3o d. "".3o ____ &&. hat is the minimum force re:uired to start a 11." kg bo moving across the 0oor if the coe2cient of static friction between the bo and the 0oor is #.!4 a. $%.13 8 b. $%.13 8 c. $%.1 8 d. $%.1%' 8 ____ 1##.The component of linear acceleration tangent to the path of a particle moving in a circular path. a. tension b. tensile c. tangential acceleration d. tension ring