A Te Term Paper Report on
Pick And Place Arm and Robot Movement Control By Using Android
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the aard of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology !B"Tech# in
$lectronics and Communication $ngineering
Under the guidance of
Sri K.Sambasiva Rao Associate Professor
Submitted by
R.N.Sudheer Y.Sudheer
S.Sainath U.Naga Raju
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Bapatla Engineering College (Autonomous) (Afliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University)
BAPATLA-522 11! A"P! #$D#A
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Bapatla Engineering College (Autonomous) (Afliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University)
This is to certify that the project
Pick And Place “
Arm and Robot Movement Control By Using Android ” ” is the bonafide
Y.Sudheer#Y$%A&'(*$+,U.Naga Raju#Y$%A&'+, submitted in partia fufiment of the re-uirements for the a!ard of the degree of acheor of Technoogy !B"Tech# in &ectr &ectroni onics cs and 'o 'omm mmuni unicat cation ion &ngin &nginee eerin ringg
by Acharya Acharya Nagarjuna
University during the academic year %/$(0%/$1.
4ead of the 5epartment3
Sri K.Sambasiva Rao
5r. . 'handra 6ohan
Associate Professor 5epartment of &'& apata &ngineering 'oege apata
Professor 5epartment of &'& apata &ngineering 'oege apata
7t is !ith the immense peasure and heartfet gratitude, 7 e8press my sincere than"s to '"(ambasiva Rao sir) Associate Professor for Professor for his
usefu suggestions, continuous
guidance, guidance, and mora support support for the progress of of my !or" . !e !oud fee great to than" our beoved *R" B"Chandra Mohan sir)4ead of the 5epartment ,&ectronics9 'ommunication &ngineering,apata &ngineering 'oege, for Providing us amenities to compete this Project :or"
R.N.Sudheer S.Sainath Y.Sudheer U. Naga Raju
Contents i ii
+ist of o f Tables Tables +ist of &igures Abstract ,"%ntroduction
$.$.Robotics $.$.$ 4istory of Robots $.$.% Robot Architecture $.$.) 'omponents of Robot $.% Android
$ % ; ; <
-"+iterature Revie %ntroduction
%.$ 4ard!are %.$.$.Arduino %.$.% 2ripper %.$.) Stepper 6otors %.$.; R.=.>ammer %.$.(. uetooth 6odue %.% Soft!are %.%.$.Android Appication 5eveopment %.%.%.Arduino &nvironment &nvironment
$/ $/ $% $( $* %/ %* %?
." Robot and Application *esign
7ntroduction ).$ Robot 5esign ).$.% Robot 6ovement 5esign ).$.) Arm 6ovement 5esign ).$.; &-uipment of R.=.>ammer 6odue ).% Appication 5esign for Robot ).%.$ Arduino Programming for Stepper motor ).%.% 5eveopment of .ap" fie
)1 )< )< )? ;; ;( ;<
Conclusions Conclusio ns and &uture (cope
;.$ 'oncusions ;.% =uture Scope References
($ (% ()
+ist of &igures =ig =ig No No.. Na Name me @f =igu =igure re
Page No
$.$ $.$ 'o 'omp mpon onen ents ts of of Robo Robott
$.% Po!er so source
$.) Actuators
$.; $.; An Andr droi oidd Archi rchite tect ctur uree
%.$ Android uno board
%.% 2ripper
%.) Stepper motor
%.; :or"ing of motor
%.( R= >ammer
%.1 &cipse
%.< anguage Preferences of Android
).$ Robot movement
).% 6ovement contro
).) Arm movement
).; Pi P ic and pace operation
).( Agorithm of robot
).1 Arduino UN@ to R= >ammer
).< =re-uency response of >ammer
).* Arduino UN@ to Stepper 6otor
).? 7nstaing of Android S5K
).$/ 'reating a project in android
).$$ Adding information in &cipse
).$% Android &muator
+ist of Tables Tabe No No.
Name @f @f Ta Tabe
Page No
$.$ 4istory of Robots
%.$ Arduino uno specifications
uetooth 5istance Range
%.) uetooth 5ata Rates
This This term term pa pape perr tit tited ed BP7' BP7'K K AN5 PA' PA'& & AR6 AN5 AN5 R@@ R@@T T '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75C AN5R@75C combines the "no!edge of eectronics and programming. The objective of this project is to design and buid a compact, usabe and cheaper pic" and pace robot for educationa purpose using Arduino as the contro system to contro a the activities. Android app ap pic icat atio ionn is used used as an inte interf rfac acee to co cont ntro ro the the pic" pic" an andd pac pace, e, movements movements of bot. A camera is paced paced on the robot for surveiance surveiance and guiding the operator.
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Chapter ,
%ntroduction ,", R/B/T%C( Robot is an integra part in automating the fe8ibe manufacturing system that is great greatyy in deman demandd these these day dayss .Robot .Robotics ics is the branch branch of engin enginee eerin ringg scien science ce 9 Techno chnoogy ogy reate reatedd to robots robots,, and and their their desig design, n, manuf manufac actur ture, e, app appic icati ation, on, and structura disposition. Robotics is reated to eectronics, mechanics, and soft!are. Robotics research today is focused on deveoping systems that e8hibit moduarity, fe8ibiity, fe8ibiity, redundancy, redundancy, faut0toerance, a genera and e8tensibe soft!are environment and seamess connectivity to other machines, some researchers focus on competey automating a manufacturing process or a tas", by providing sensor based inteigence to the robot arm, !hie others try to soidify the anaytica foundations on !hich many of the basic concepts in robotics are buit. 7n this highy deveoping society time and man po!er are critica constrains for competion of tas" in arge scaes. The automation is paying important roe to save human efforts in most of the reguar and fre-uenty carried !or"s. @ne of the major and most commony performed !or"s is pic"ing and pacing of jobs from source to destination. Present day industry is increasingy turning to!ards computer0based automation mainy due to the need for increased productivity and deivery of end products !ith uniform -uaity. The infe8ibiity and generay high cost of hard0automation systems, systems, !hich have been used for automated manufacturing tas"s in the past, have ed to a broad based interest in the use of robots capabe of performing a variety of manufacturing functions in a fe8ibe environment and at o!er costs. The use of 7ndustria Robots characteriEes some of contemporary trends in automation of the manuf manufac acturi turing ng proce process ss.. 4o! 4o!eve ever, r, presen presentt day indust industria ria robots robots aso aso e8h e8hibi ibitt a monoithic mechanica structure and cosed0system soft!are architecture. They are concentrated concentrated on simpe repetitive tas"s, !hich tend not to re-uire high precision. The pic" and pace robot is a microcontroer based mechatronic system that detects the object, pic"s that object from source ocation and paces at desired ocation. 7n $ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
miitary appications this robot is used for omb 5efusa. 7n this paper !e emphasiEe an methodoogy for buiding an robot !hich monitors the !arfied and at utimatey defuse the bomb.
,",", 0istory of Robots1 *ate
Robot 2ame
5escriptions of more than $// machines =irst and automata, incuding a fire engine, a century !ind organ, a coin0operated machine, and A.5. and a steam0po!ered engine, in Pneumatica earier and Automata by 4eron of Ae8andria
$;?( $<)* $*?* $?%$ $?)/s $?;* $?(1 $?1$ $?1)
'reated eary humanoid automata, programmabe automaton automaton band
'tesi sibi bius us,, Phio of y E a ntium, 4eron of Ae8andria, and others Robot band, hand0!ashing automaton
A 0> aE ar ar i
, automated moving peacoc"s 6echanica 5esigns fo for a humanoid ro robot eonardo da Dinci "night 6echanica duc" that !as abe to eat, fap >ac-ues de 5igesting 5uc" its !ings, and e8crete Daucanson Ni"oa Tesa demonstrates demonstrates first radio0 Teeautomation Ni"oa Tesa controed vesse. =irst fictiona automatons caed FrobotsF RossumGs Kare 'ape" appear in the pay R.U.R. Universa Robots : e stin g house 4umanoid robot e8hibited at the $?)? and &ectric &e"tra $?;/ : o r d G s s =airs ' o r po ra tion Simpe robots e8hibiting bioogica :iiam 2rey &sie and &mer behaviors :ater =irst commercia robot, from the Unimation company founded by 2 eorge Unim a te 2eorge 5evo 5evo an and >oseph &ngeberger, based on 5evoGs patents =irst rst insta taed industri tria robot. Unim a te 2eorge 5evo =irs t paetiEing robot PaetiEer = uji Yuso"i Ko g y o
% APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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$?<) $?<(
=ir st st indust r ia r obot !ith obot !ith si8 eectromechanicay driven a8es Programmabe universa manipuation arm, a Unimation product
KU KA Rob KUKA obot ot 2roup
Di c ctor Scheinman
TA& $.$ 47ST@RY @= R@@TS
) APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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,","- Robot Architecture1
Automation as a technoogy is concerned !ith the use of mechanica, eectrica, eectronic and computer0based contro systems to repace human beings !ith machines, not ony for physica !or" but aso for the inteigent information processing. 7ndustria automation, !hich started in the eighteenth century as fi8ed automation has transformed into fe8ibe and programmabe automation in the ast $( or %/ years. 'omputer numericay controed machine toos, transfer and assemby ines are some e8ampes in this category. ,",". Components /f Robot13
&ig ,", Components of Robot ," (TRUCTUR$
The structure of a robot is usuay mosty mechani ca ca and can be cae caedd a "i ne ma titic chain. The chain is formed of in"s, actuators, and joints !hich can ao! one or more d more degrees of freedom. 6ost contemporary robots use open seria chains in !hich each each in" conn connects ects the one before to the one after it. These These robots are caed seria robots and often resembe the human arm. Robots used as manipuators have an end effector mounted on the ast in". This end effector can be anything from a ! e ding device to a mechanica mechanica hand used to manipuate the environment.
; APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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P/4$R (/URC$
At present mosty #ead0acid+ b #ead0acid+ batteries are are used, but potentia po!er sources coud be3 H
Pneumatic #compressed gases+ 4ydrauics #compressed i-uids = y!hee energy storage @rganic garbage #through anaerobic digestion+ Sti untested energy sources #e.g. Nu #e.g. Nucear =usion reac usion reac to r s+
=ig $.% Po!er Source
." ACTUAT%/2
Actuators are i"e the Fmus c e sF of a robot, the parts !hich convert stored energy into movement. y far the most popuar actuators are eectric motors that spin a !hee !hee or gear, gear, and inear inear actuators actuators that contro contro indus i ndustria tria robots in factors. factors. ut there are some recent advances advances in aternativ aternativee types of actua actuato tors rs,, po!e po!ere redd by eec eectr tric icity ity,, chem chemic ica as, s, or compressed air. 5" T/UC0
&ig ,". Actuators
'urrent robotic and prosthetic hands receive far ess tactie information than the human hand. Recent research has deveoped a tactie sensor array that mimics the mechanica properties and touch receptors of human fingertips. The sensor array is constructed as a rigid core surrounded by conductive fuid contained by an eastomeric s"in. &ectrodes are mounted on the surface of the rigid core and are connected to an impedance0measuring device !ithin the core. :hen the artificia s"in touches an object the fuid path around the eectrodes is deformed, producing impedance changes that map the forces received from theobject. 6" 7%(%/2
'omputer vision is the science and technoogy of machines that see. As a scientific discipine, computer vision is concerned !ith the theory behind artificia systems that
( APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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e8tract information from images. The image data can ta"e many forms, such as video se-uences and vie!s from cameras. 7n most practica computer vision appications, the computers are pre0programmed to sove a particuar tas", but methods based on earning are no! becoming increasingy common. 'omputer vision systems rey on image sensors !hich detect eectromagnetic radiation !hich is typicay in the form of either visibe ight or infra0red ight. The sensors are designed using soid0state physics. The The process process by !hich ight propagates and refects off surfaces is e8pained using opti c s. Sophisticated s. Sophisticated image sensors even re-uire -uantum m ec ec hani cs to provide a compete understanding of the image formation process. 8"
Robots !hich must !or" in the rea !ord re-uire some !ay to manipuate objectsI pic" up, modify, destroy, or other!ise have an effect. Thus the GhandsG of a robot are often referred to as end effectors, !hie the !hie the arm is referred to as a manipuator. 6ost robot arms have repaceabe effectors, each ao!ing them to perform some sma range of tas"s. Some have a fi8ed manipuator !hich cannot be repaced, !hie a fe! have one very genera purpose manipuator, for e8ampe a humanoid hand. ,
Mechanica ical 9ripper pers3
@ne of the most common effectors is the gripper. 7n its simpest manifestation it consists of just t!o fingers !hich can open and cose to pic" up and et go of a range of sma objects. =ingers can for e8ampe be made of a chain !ith a meta !ire run trough it.
7acuum 9r 9rippers3
Pic" and pace robots for eectronic components and for arge objects i"e car !indscreens, !i often use very simpe vacuum grippers. These are very simpe astrictive devices, but can hod very ver y arge oads provided the pretension surface surface is smooth enough to ensure suction.
1 APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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,"-", Architecture of Android1
&ig ,"5 A2*R/%* Architecture Architecture
Android @S architecture is divided into ; ayers 3 $. inu8 Kerne ayer %. ibraries 9 Android Runtime ). Appication frame!or" ; ;. Appications ,"-"- +inu: 'ernel layer 3
This is the heart of the Android @S. This ayer contains a the o! eve device drivers for the the vario various us hard hard!a !are re comp compon onen ents ts of an Andro ndroid id devi device ce.. 7t prov provid ides es the the fo foo! o!in ingg functi functiona onait ities ies in the An Andro droid id syste system304 m304ard ard!ar !aree Ab Abstr strac actio tionn ,6emo ,6emory ry 6anage 6anageme ment nt Programs ,Security Settings ,Po!er 6anagement 6anagement Soft!are @ther 4ard!are 5rivers #5rivers are programs that contro hard!are devices.+30 Support for Shared ibraries, Net!or" stac". < APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
,"-". +ibraries ; Android Android Runtime1 +ibraries3
ibraries ibraries carry a set set of of instruc instructions tions to guide guide the device device in in handi handing ng different different types of data. This ayer contains a the code that provides the main features of an Android @S. =or e8ampe, the SJite ibrary provides database support so that an appication can use it for data storage. The :ebKit :ebKit ibrary provides functionaities for !eb bro!sing. (urface Manager 3
7t is used for compositing !indo! manager !ith off0screen buffering. @ff0screen buffering means you can not directy dra! into the screen, but your dra!ings go to the off0screen buffer. There it is combined !ith other dra!ings and form the fina screen the user !i see. This off screen buffer is the reason behind the transparency of !indo!s. (<+ite3SJite is the database engine used in 4eb'it3 7t is
android for data storage purposes
the bro!ser engine used to dispay 4T6 content content
/pen9+3 Used to render %5 or )5
graphics content to the screen
(9+ !(calable 9raphics +ibrary# 3 %5 2raphics /pen 9+=$(3 )5 ibrary Media &rameork 3
Supports paybac"s and recording of various audio, video and picture
formats. &ree Type3 =ont Rendering libc 3System ' ibraries /pen /p en (( ((+ + !(ec !(ecur uree (ock (ocket et +aye +ayerr # 3
A crypto cryptogra graphi phicc protoc protoco o for provid providing ing secu secure re communication over the internet. # e83 internet ban"ing+ Android Runtime3
At the same ayer as the ibraries, the Android runtime provides a set of core ibraries that enabe deveopers to !rite Android apps using the >ava programming anguage. The Android Android runtime aso incudes the 5avi" virtua machine, !hich enabes every Android appication to run in its o!n process, !ith its o!n instance of the 5avi" virtua machine #Android appic app icati ations ons are compi compied ed into into the 5avi" 5avi" e8ecu e8ecutab tabes es+. +. 5avi" 5avi" is a specia speciaiE iEed ed virtua virtua machine designed specificay for Android and optimiEed for battery0po!ered mobie devices !ith imited memory and 'PU. ,"-"5"Application frameork layer 3
&8poses the various capabiities of the Android @S to appication deveopers so that they can ma"e use of them in their appications. @ur app appic icati ations ons direc directy ty intera interact ct !ith !ith these these boc"s boc"s of the An Andro droid id archit architect ecture ure.. These These programs manage the basic functions of phone i"e resource management, management, voice ca management etc. * APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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7mportant boc"s in this ayer are3 Activity Manager3 6anages the
activity ife cyce of appications. To understand the Activity Activity
component in Android Content Providers3 6anage the data sharing Telephony Manager 3
bet!een appications.
6anages a voice cas. :e use teephony manager if !e !ant to
access voice cas in our appication. +ocation Manager3 ocation management, using 2PS or ce to!er Resource Manager 3 6anage the various types of
resources !e use in our Appication.
,"-"6"Applications +ayer 3
At this top ayer, you !i find appications that ship !ith the Android device #such as Phone, 'ontacts, ro!ser, etc.+, as !e as appications that you do!noad and insta from the Androi And roidd 6ar"e 6ar"et. t. Any appicat appication ionss that that you you !rite !rite are ocated ocated at this this ayer ayer..
&8amp &8ampee
appications are3 $.S6S cient app %.5iaer ).:eb bro!ser ;. 'ontact manager (.2ooge 6aps 1. 2aery
? APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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- +iterature Revie
-", 0ardare -",", AR*U%2/3
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroer board based on the ATmega)%*. 7t has $; digita inputoutput pins #of !hich 1 can be used as P:6 outputs+, 1 anaog inputs, a $1 64E crysta osciator, a US connection, a po!er jac", an 7'SP header, and a reset button. 7t contains everything needed to support the microcontroerI simpy connect it to a computer !ith a US cabe or po!er it !ith a A'0to05' adapter or battery to get started. The Uno differs from a preceding boards in that it does not use the =T57 US0to0seria driver chip. 7nstead, it features the Atmega*U% Atmega*U% programmed as a US0to0seria converter. FUnoF means one in 7taian and is named to mar" the upcoming reease of Arduino $./. The Uno and version $./ !i be the reference versions of Arduno, moving for!ard. The Uno is the atest in a series of US Arduino boards, and the reference mode for the Arduino patformI for a comparison comparison !ith previous versions. versions.
$/ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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&ig -", Arduino Uno Board
T&'4N7'A SP&'7=7'AT SP &'7=7'AT7@N3 7@N3
$$ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
@perating Dotage
7npu 7nputt Do Dotag tagee #reco #recomm mmen ende ded+ d+ <0$% <0$%D D 7nput Dotage #imit+
5igita 7@ Pins
$; #of !hich 1 provide P:6 output+
P:6 5igita 7@ Pins
Anaog 7nput Pins
5' 'urrent per 7@ Pin
%/ ma
5' 'urrent for ).)D Pin
(/ mA
=ash 6emory
)% K #ATmega)%*P+ of !hich /.( K used by boot oader
% K #ATmega)%*P+
$ K #ATmega)%*P+
'oc" Speed
$1 64E
1*.1 mm
().; mm
%( g
Technical (pecification of Arduino
$% APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
The Arduino Uno can be po!ered using a US connection or !ith an e8terna po!er suppy. The po!er source is seected automaticay. &8terna#non0US+ po!er can come either from A'0to05' adapter or battery. The adapter can be connected by pugging a %.$mm center0 positive pug into the boardLs boardLs po!er jac". eads eads from a battery can be inserted inserted in the 2nd and Din pin headers of the P@:&R connector. The board can operate on an e8terna suppy of 1 to %/ vots. 7f suppied !ith ess than
The input votage to the Arduino board !hen itGs using an e8terna po!er source #as opposed to ( vots from the US connection or other reguated po!er source+. You You can suppy votage through this pin, or, if suppying votage via the po!er jac", access it through this pin. 671 671
The reguated po!er suppy used to po!er the microcontroer and other components on the board. This can come either from f rom D7N via an on0board reguator, or be suppied by US or another reguated (D suppy. .7.1
A ).) vot suppy generated by the on0board reguator. 6a8imum current dra! is (/ mA. 92*1
2round pins.
The Atmega)%* Atmega)%* has )% K of fash memory for storing code #of !hich /.( K is used for the bootoader+I 7t has aso % K of SRA6 and $ K of &&PR@6 #!hich can be read and !ritten !ith the &&PR@6 ibrary. %nput And /utput 3
&ach of the $; digita pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output, using pin6ode#+, digita:rite#+, and digitaRead#+ functions. -","- 9rippers
A gripper is a device !hich enabes the hoding of an object to be manipuated. The easier !ay to describe a gripper is to thin" of the human hand. >ust i"e a hand, a gripper enabes hoding, tightening, handing and reeasing of an object. A gripper is just one component of an automated system. A gripper can be attached to a robot or it can be part of a fi8ed automation system. 6any styes and siEes of grippers e8ist so that the correct mode can be $) APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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'ompressed air is suppied to the cyinder of the gripper body forcing the piston up and do!n, !hich through a mechanica in"age, forces the gripper ja!s open and cosed. There are ) primary motions of the gripper ja!sI parae, anguar and togge. These operating principas refer to the motion of the gripper ja!s in reation to the gripper body body.. Parallel 9ripper1
The gripper ja!s move in a parae motion in reation r eation to the gripper body. Used Used in a majority of app appic icati ations ons,, para parae e grippe grippers rs are typic typicay ay more more accura accurate te than than other other stye stye grippe grippers. rs.
Angular 9ripper1
The gripper ja!s are opened and cosed around a centra pivot point, moving in a s!eeping or arcing motion. Anguar grippers are often used !hen imited space is avaiabe or !hen the ja!s need to move up and out of the !ay. !ay. Togge Togge 2ripper The pivot point ja! movement movement acts as an over0center togge oc", providing a high grip force to !eight ratio. This mechanism !i remain oc"ed even if air pressure is ost. *ifferences Beteen A -3>a And .3>a 9ripper1 -3>a 9ripper1
The most popuar stye of gripper, a % >a! grippers #anguar, parae and togge+ provide % mounting ocations for the fingers that come in contact !ith the part to be grasped. The ja!s move in a synchronous motion opening and cosing to!ard the centra a8is of the gripper body .3>a 9ripper1
A more speciaiEed stye of gripper, a ) >a! grippers #parae and togge+ provide ) mounting ocations for the fingers that come in contact !ith the part to be grasped. The ja!s move in a synchronous motion opening and cosing to!ard the centra a8is of the gripper body. body. ) >a!s provide more contact !ith the part to be grasped and more accurate centering than % ja! modes. %nternal 7s $:ternal 9ripping1
$; APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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2rippers are used in t!o different hoding options, &8terna and 7nterna. The option used is dete determ rmin ined ed by the the geom geomet etry ry of the the part part to be gras graspe ped, d, the the proc proces esss to be perfo perform rmed ed,, orientation of the parts to be grasped and the physica space avaiabe. &8terna3 &8terna gripping is the most common !ay to hod parts. The cosing force of the gripper is used to hod the part. 7nterna3 7nterna gripping is used !hen the part geometry !i ao! and !hen the process to be performed need access to the outside surface of the part grasped. The opening force of the gripper is used to hod the part. T//+%29?&%29$R *$(%92 C/2(%*$RAT%/2(1
'ustom gripper tooingfingers are needed for each appication. =ingers are used to actuay ma"e contact !ith the part to be grasped. 'arefu consideration !hen designing these fingers can greaty reduced the siEe and grip force of the gripper needed for the appication. The encompassing or retention finger shape is preferred because it increases stabiity and aso reduces the necessary grip force. 4o!ever, the additiona ja! trave re-uired to encompass or retain the part must be ta"en into consideration.
&igure -"-"9ripper
-",". (tepper Motor1
$( APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&ig -". (tepper Motor
'ustom 'ustom grippe gripperr tooin tooingg steppe stepperr motor motor is an eectr eectrome omecha chanic nica a dev device ice !hich !hich con conver verts ts eectrica puses into discrete mechanica movements. The shaft or spinde of a stepper motor rotates rotates in discrete discrete step increments increments !hen eectrica eectrica command command puses puses are appied to it in the proper se-uence. se-uence. The motors rotation has severa direct reationships reationships to these appied appied input to these these appied appied input input puses. puses. The se-uenc se-uencee of the appied appied puses puses is directy directy reated reated to the direction reated to the fre-uency of the input puses and the ength of rotation is directy reated to the number of input input puses appied. appied. -",".", The rotor1
The rotor itsef is mad madee from t!o discs, a itte i"e gear gears, s, one of !hic !hichh is a magnetic magnetic north poe and the other is a south poe .:hen !e put the t!o discs bac" to bac", !e get north and south poe teeth aternating around the edge. 7f you find that hard to picture, imagine your eft hand is a magnetic north poe and is coored red, !hie your right hand is a magnetic south poe and coored bue. 7f you put one hand on top of the other so the fingers of one hand aternate !ith the fingers of the other, then oo" do!n, youG see aternating north and south poe FteethF #the fingers+ around the edge. ThatGs effectivey !hat !e have in the rotor of a stepper motor. -","."- The (tator
$1 APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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Around the edge of the rotor, !e have the stator3 in this e8ampe, four eectromagnets that can be s!itched on and off individuay. 2eneray the eectromagnets in a stepper motor !or" in pairs, !ith each opposing pair of magnets s!itching on together to ma"e a north poe at the same time, foo!ed by the magnets at right anges, !hich aso !or" together. 7 prefer to dra! it a sighty different !ay, !hich 7 thin" is simper and easier to understand. &8acty !hat s!itches on !hen depends on ho! many rotor teeth #steps+ there are and ho! many eectromagnet cois surround them3 the geometry and aignment of a stepper motor has to be just right to ma"e the rotor turn.
&ig -"5 4orking of Motor
The right ee eectr ctroma omagne gnett is ene energ rgiEe iEedd and become becomess a no north rth po poe e #re #red+ d+ and the ef eftt eectromagnet becomes a south poe #bue+. This pus the rotor around by one step so a bue tooth on the rotor snaps to!ard the right r ight eectromagnet and a red tooth snaps to!ard the eft eectromagnet. $. No! the bottom eectromagnet eectromagnet becomes a north poe, poe, the top magnet becomes becomes a south
poe, and the t!o horiEonta horiEonta magnets are s!itched s!itched off. Again, Again, the teeth of the rotor are pued around by one step. $< APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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%. The vertica magnets are no! s!itched off and the horiEonta magnets are s!itched on
again, but !ith the opposite poarity #pattern of magnetism+ that they had before. The teeth of the rotor advance by one more step. ). =inay, the vertica magnets are s!itched on again, in the opposite poarity to before,
and the horiEonta magnets are s!itched off. The rotor mores around one more step. The !hoe cyce then repeats.
$* APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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-","5 R& >ammer1
The omb >ammer or 7&5#7mproved &8posive 5evice+ >ammer can neutraiEe prevent deady crimina acts such as radio controed 'ar ombs, roadside bombs, ambush by remote 7&5 attac"s, assassinations, and remote controed terrorist events. A Radio =re-uency #R=+ >ammer is a device used to disrupt or prevent communication via a broadcasted R= signa. R= >ammer can be directiona i.e., focus energy !here the user intends to jam, directing R= >amming signas on areas of concern. The effective range of a jammer is dependent upon the strength of its po!er source and the immediate physica environment #his or !as !hich may boc" the jamming signa+.
&ig -"6 R& >ammer
o!er po!ered jammers have a ca0boc" range of about )/ feet !hie higher po!er units can create a ceuar signa0free Eone about the siEe of a footba fied. >amming1
Through the transmission of a high po!er signa on the same fre-uency of a ce phone, the jamming device creates a competing signa that coides !ith, and, in effect, cances out the ceuar signa. 'e phones, !hich are designed to increase po!er in the case of o! eves of interference, react to this interference. >ammer components 3
The components !hich can be ocated in every jammer incude3
$? APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
The antenna transmits the jammers interrupting signa. 'ertain jammers contain an interna antenna !hie others have e8terna antennas !hich give the user a onger range to broadcast the signa and more contro over fre-uency tuning. 7oltage3controlled oscillator 3
The osciator is responsibe for generating the competing radio signa. Tuning Tu ning circuit3
7n those units the enabe user0specified fre-uency tuning, the tuning circuit contros the broadcast fre-uency fre-uency of the circuit by sending sending a specific specific votage to the osciator. osciator. 2oise generator 3
The noise generator, !hich is part of the tuning circuit, actuay creates randomiEed eectric output !ithin a specific fre-uency range !hich is used to disrupt a 7&5 net!or" signa. R& amplification !gain stage# 3
This ampifier contros the eve of po!er to the tuning circuit. 7t is responsibe for boosting the po!er as necessary to jam signas. Poer (upply3
Smaer jamming devices may use batteries !hie arger and more po!er0intensive devices can be pugged into a standard outet or connected through the eectrica system of a vehice R& @ammers are used1 • • •
6ainy used to disrupt the communications of criminas and terrorists. 7n drug raids, jammers can be used to prevent outside communication. R= jammers to prevent the use of ce0phone activated bombs in sub!ays, airports, and the routes of presidentia motorcades. %/
APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75 R& Transmitter 3
:or"ing :o r"ing votage3 )D 0 $%D fo ma8. po!er use $%D :or"ing :o r"ing current3 current 3 ma8 ess than ;/mA ma8 , and min ?mA Resonance mode3 #SA:+ 6oduation mode3 ASK :or"ing :o r"ing fre-uency3 &ve )$(64E @r ;))64E Transmission Transmission po!er3 %(m: #)$(64E at $%D+ =re-uency error3 M$(/"4E #ma8+ Deocity De ocity 3 ess than $/Kbps So this modue !i transmit up to ?/m in open area .
R& Receiver 3
:or"ing votage3 (./D5' M/.(D :or"ing current3(.(mA ma8 :or"ing method3 @@KASK :or"ing fre-uency3 )$(64E0;)).?%64E and!idth3 %64E Sensitivity3 e8ce O$//dm #(/+ Transmitting Transmitting veocity3 Q?.1Kbps #at )$(64E and 0?(dm+ the use of an optiona antenna !i increase the effectiveness of your !ireess communication. -","6 Bluetooth Module1
A uetooth modue is used for interfacing the Arduino Robot !ith the Android Smartphone !ireessy. !ireessy. 4ere !e are using uetooth 6odue %./. (pecifications of Bluetooth Module -" 3 •
This is a fuy -uaified uetooth version of D%./M&5R
&nhanced 5ata Rate for both )6bps and %6bps moduation modes %$
APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&asy to use and a ).) D is re-uired for its !or"ing
Provide a fu speed of uetooth connection !ith Scatternet and Piconet Support
UART,US, P'6 interface
o! po!er operation
Motor *river3
=or controing the eectrica motors used in the Arduino Robot, a motor driver 7' 0 %?)5 Push0Pu =our 'hanne 5river 7'0 is used. (tepper motors1
The 5' motors are used for the movement of the Arduino Robot according to the input given by the user. user. uetooth is a !ireess protoco utiiEing short0range communications technoogy faciitating data transmission over short distances from fi8ed andor mobie devices, creating !ireess persona area net!or"s #PANs+. #PANs+. The intent behind the deveopment of uetooth !as the creation of a singe digita !ireess protoco, capabe of connecting mutipe devices and overcoming issues arising from synchroniEation of these devices. uetooth uses a very robust radio technoogy caed fre-uency hopping spread spectrum. 7t chops up the data being sent and transmits chun"s of it on up to <( different fre-uencies. 7n its basic mode, the moduation is 2aussian fre-uency shift "eying #2=SK+. 7t can achieve a gross data rate of $ 6bs. uetooth provides a !ay to connect and e8change information bet!een devices such as mobie phones, teephones, aptops, persona computers, printers, 2PS receivers, digita cameras, and video game consoes over a secure, gobay unicensed 7ndustria, Scientific, and and 6edi 6edica ca #7S6 #7S6++ %.; %.; 24 24EE shor short0r t0ran ange ge radi radioo frefre-ue uenc ncyy band band!i !idt dth. h. The The ue ueto toot othh specifications are deveoped and icensed by the uetooth Specia 7nterest 2roup #S72+. The ueto uetooth oth S72 con consis sists ts of compan companies ies in the areas areas of teeco teecomm mmuni unicat cation ion,, comput computing ing,, net!or"ing, and consumer eectronics. uetooth is a standard and communications protoco primariy designed for o! po!er consumption, !ith a short range #po!er0cass0dependent3 $ meter, $/ meters, $// meters+ based on o!0cost transceiver microchips in each device. uetooth enabes these devices to comm commun unic icat atee !ith !ith each each othe otherr !h !hen en they they are are in rang range. e. The The devi device cess use use a radi radioo communications system, system, so they do not have to be in ine of sight of each other, and can even be in other rooms, as ong as the received transmission is po!erfu enough. uetooth device
%% APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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cass indicates the type of device and the supported services of !hich the information is transmitted during the discovery process.
Ma:imum Permitted Poer Range m4!dBm# !appro:imate#
Class , $// m: #%/ dm+
$// meters
Class - %.( m: #; dm+
$/ meters
Class . $ m: #/ dm+
$ meter
Table -"- Bluetooth *istance Range
7n most cases the effective range of cass % devices is e8tended if they connect to a cass $ transceiver, compared to pure cass % net!or". This is accompished by the higher sensitivity and transmission po!er of 'ass $ devices.
7ersion 7ersion ,"-
*ata Rate
$ 6bits
7ersion -" $*R ) 6bits
4iMedia Alliance !proposed#
() 0 ;*/ 6bits
Table Table -". Bluetooth *ata Range Bluetooth devices1
uetooth e8ists in many products, such as teephones, printers, modems and headsets. The technoogy is usefu !hen transferring information bet!een t!o or more devices that are near each other in o!0band!idth situations. uetooth is commony used to transfer sound data %) APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
!ith !ith teeph teephone oness #i.e. #i.e. !ith !ith a ueto uetooth oth headse headset+ t+ or byte byte data data !ith !ith han hand0h d0hed ed comput computers ers #transferring fies+. uetooth protocos simpify the discovery and setup of services bet!een devices. uetooth devices can advertise a of the services they provide. This ma"es using services easier because more of the security, security, net!or" address and permission configuration can be automated than !ith many other net!or" types. /perating system support1
Appe has supported uetooth since 6ac @S v$/.% !hich !as reeased in %//%. =or 6icrosoft patforms, :indo!s P Service Pac" % and ater reeases have native support for uetooth. inu8 has t!o popuar uetooth stac"s, ue and Affi8. The ue stac" is incuded !ith most inu8 "ernes and it !as originay deveoped by Juacomm. The Affi8 stac" !as deveoped by No"ia. =reeS5 features uetooth support since its (./ reease. NetS5 features uetooth support since its ;./ reease. 7ts uetooth stac" has been ported to @penS5 as !e. Mobile Phone requirements requirements
A mobie phone that is uetooth enabed is abe to pair !ith many devices. To ensure the broadest support of feature functionaity together !ith egacy device support. The @6TP foru forum m has has rece recent nty y pub pubis ishe hedd a reco recomm mmen enda dati tion onss pape paper, r, enti entit ted ed F Fu uet etoo ooth th oca oca 'onnectivityF, 'onnectivityF, see e8terna in"s beo! to do!noad this paper. This pubication recommends t!o casses, asic and Advanced, !ith re-uirements that cover imaging, printing, stereo audio and in car usage. 0igh3speed Bluetooth1
@n %* 6arch %//1, the uetooth Specia 7nterest 2roup announced its seection of the :i6edia Aiance 6uti0and @rthogona =re-uency 5ivision 6utipe8ing #60@=56+ version of U: for integration !ith current uetooth !ireess !ir eess technoogy. technoogy. U: integr integrati ation on !i !i create create a versio versionn of ueto uetooth oth !iree !ireess ss techno technoog ogyy !ith !ith a high0 high0 speedhigh0data0rate option. This ne! version of uetooth technoogy !i meet the high0 %; APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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speed demands of synchroniEing and transferring arge amounts of data, as !e as enabing high0-uaity video and audio appications for portabe devices, muti0media projectors and teevision sets, and !ireess D@7P. At the same time, uetooth technoogy !i continue catering to the needs of very o! po!er appications such as mouse, "eyboards, and mono headsets, enabing devices to seect the most appropriate physica radio for the appication re-uirements, thereby offering the best of both !ords. Communication and connection1
A master uetooth device can communicate communicate !ith up to seven devices. This net!or" group of up to eight devices is caed a piconet. A piconet is an ad0hoc computer net!or", using uetooth technoogy protocos to ao! one master device to interconnect !ith up to seven active devices. Up to %(( further devices can be inactive, or par"ed, par"ed, !hich the master master device can bring into active status status at any time. At any given time, data can be transferred bet!een the master and one other device, ho!ever, the devices can s!itch roes and the save can become the master at any time. The master s!itch s!itches es rapid rapidyy from from one dev device ice to ano anothe therr in a round0 round0rob robin in fashio fashion. n. #Simu #Simuta taneo neous us transmission from the master to mutipe other devices is possibe, but not used much.+ uetooth specification ao!s connecting t!o or more piconets together to form a scatternet, !ith some devices acting as a bridge by simutaneousy paying the master roe and the save roe in one piconet. 6any US uetooth adapters are avaiabe, some of !hich aso incude an 7r5A adapter. @der #pre0%//)+ #pre0%//)+ uetooth uetooth adapters adapters,, ho!e ho!ever ver,, have imited services, services, offering ony the uetooth &numerator and a ess0po!erfu uetooth Radio incarnation. Such devices can in" computers !ith uetooth, but they do not offer much in the !ay of services that modern adapters do. (etting up connections1
Any uetooth device !i transmit the foo!ing information on demand3
%( APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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5evice name.
5evice cass.
ist of services.
Techn chnica ica inform informati ation, on, for e8am e8ampe pe,, dev device ice featur features, es, manuf manufac acture turer, r, ueto uetooth oth specification used, coc" offset.
Any device may perform an in-uiry to find f ind other devices to connect to, and any device can be configured to respond to such in-uiries. 4o!ever, if the device trying to connect "no!s the address of the device, it a!ays responds to direct connection re-uests and transmits the information sho!n in the ist above if re-uested. Use of device services may re-uire pairing or acceptance by its o!ner, but the connection itsef can be initiated by any device and hed unti it goes out of range. Some devices can be connected to ony one device at a time, and connec con nectin tingg to them them preve prevents nts them them from con connec nectin tingg to other other devic devices es and app appear earing ing in in-uiries unti they disconnect from the other device. &very device has a uni-ue ;*0bit address. 4o!ever these addresses are generay not sho!n in in-uiries. 7nstead, friendy uetooth names are used, !hich can be set by the user. This name appears !hen another user scans for devices and in ists of paired devices. 6ost phones have the uetooth name set to the manufacturer and mode of the phone by defaut. 6ost phones and aptops sho! ony the uetooth names and specia programs that are re-uired to get additiona information about remote devices. This can be confusing as, for e8ampe, there coud be severa phones in range r ange named T1$/. Pairing1
Pairs of devices may estabish a trusted reationship by earning #by user input+ a shared secret "no!n as a passkey. A device that !ants to communicate ony !ith a trusted device can cryptographicay authenticate the identity of the other device. Trusted devices may aso encrypt the data that they e8change over the air!aves so that no one can isten in. The encryption can, ho!ever, be turned off, and pass"eys are stored on the device fie system, not on the uetooth chip itsef. Since the uetooth address is permanent, a pairing is preserved, even if the uetooth name is changed. Pairs can be deeted at any time by either device. 5evices generay re-uire pairing or prompt the o!ner before they ao! a remote device to
%1 APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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use any or most of their services. Some devices, such as mobie phones, usuay accept @& business cards and notes !ithout any pairing or prompts. 'ertain printers and access points ao! any device to use its services by defaut, much i"e unsecure unsecuredd :i0=i :i0=i net!or"s. net!or"s. Pairing Pairing agorithms agorithms are sometime sometimess manufact manufacturer0 urer0spec specific ific for transmitters and receivers used in appications such as music and entertainment. uetooth %.$ has an optiona Ftouch0to0pairF feature based on N='. y simpy bringing t!o devices into cose range #around $/cm+, pairing can securey ta"e pace !ithout entering a pass"ey or manua manua configuration. configuration. Air interface1
The protoco operates in the icense0free 7S6 band at %.;0%.;*)( 24E. To avoid interfering !ith other protocos that use the %.;( 24E band, the uetooth protoco divides the band into chan channe nes s #eac #eachh $ 64E 64E !ide !ide++ and and chan change gess chan channe nes s up to $1// $1// times times per per seco second nd.. 7mpem 7mpement entati ations ons !ith !ith versio versions ns $.$ and $.% reach reach speed speedss of <%) <%).$ .$ "bits "bits.. Dersion rsion %./ impem impement entati ations ons featur featuree ueto uetooth oth &nhanc &nhanced ed 5ata 5ata Rate Rate #&5R+ #&5R+ and reach reach %.$ 6bits 6bits.. Technicay, version %./ devices have a higher po!er consumption, but the three times faster rate reduces the transmission times, effectivey reducing po!er consumption to haf that of $.8 devices #assuming e-ua traffic oad+.
+ist of applications1 •
:ire :ireess ess con contro tro of and and commu communic nicati ation on bet!ee bet!eenn a mobie mobie pho phone ne and a hands hands0fre 0freee headset. This !as one of the eariest appications to become popuar.
:ireess net!or"ing bet!een P's in a confined space and !here itte band!idth is re-uired.
:ireess communications !ith P' input and output devices, the most common being the mouse, "eyboard and printer.
Transfer of fies bet!een devices !ith @&.
Transfer of contact detais, caendar appointments, and reminders bet!een devices !ith @&.
%< APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Repacement of traditiona !ired seria communications in test e-uipment, 2PS receivers, medica e-uipment, bar code scanners, and traffic contro devices.
=or contros !here infrared !as traditionay used.
Sending sma advertisements from uetooth enabed advertising hoardings to other, discoverabe, uetooth devices.
T!o seventh0generation game consoes, NintendoGs :ii and SonyGs PayStation ) use uetooth for their respective !ireess controers.
5ia0up internet access on persona computer or P5A using a data0capabe mobie phone as a modem.
%* APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
-"- (oftare -"-",Android *evelopment environment $clipse
7n computer computer programmi programming ng,, $clipse is an integrated integrated deveopm deveopment ent environme environment nt #7 #75& 5&+. +. 7t contains a base !or"space and !or"space and an e8tensibe pug0in e8tensibe pug0in system system for customiEing the environment. :ritten mosty in >ava, >ava, &cipse can be used to deveop appications. &cipse is used to deveop appications in other programming anguages3 anguages3 Ada Ada,, AAP, AAP, ', 'M M, '@@, '@@, =ortran, =ortran, 4as"e, 4as"e, >avaScript, >avaScript, asso, asso, ua, ua, Natura, Natura, Per, Per, P4P, P4P, Proog, Proog, Python. Python . Android 5eveopment Toos #A5T+ is a pugin for the &cipse 75& that is designed to give you a po!erfu, integrated environment in !hich to buid Android appications. A5T e8tends the capabiities of &cipse to et you -uic"y set up ne! Android projects, create an appication U7, add pac"ages based on the Android =rame!or" AP7#Appication program interface+, debug your appications using the Android S5K toos, and even e8port signed #or unsigned+ .ap" fies in order to distribute your appication. 5eveoping in &cipse !ith A5T is highy recommended and is the fastest !ay to get started. :ith the guided project setup it provides, as !e as toos integration, custom 6 editors, andd de an debu bugg ou outp tput ut pa pane ne,, A5T gi give vess you an in incr cred edib ibe e bo boos ostt in de deve veo opi ping ng And ndro roid id appications.
&ig -"8 $clipse -"-"- Arduino $nvironment
%? APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Programming Programming of Ardiuno1
The Arduino 7ntegrated 5eveopment &nvironment 0 or Arduino Soft!are #75&+ 0 contains a te8t editor for !riting code, a message area, a te8t consoe, a toobar !ith buttons for common functions and a series of menus. 7t connects to the Arduino and 2enuino hard!are to upoad programs and communicate !ith them. 4riting (ketches1
Programs Programs !ritten using using Arduino Arduino Soft!are #75&+ are caed s"etches. s"etches. These s"etches s"etches are !ritten in the te8t editor and are saved !ith the fie e8tension .ino. The editor has features for cuttingpasting and for searchingrepacing te8t. The message area gives feedbac" !hie saving and e8porting and aso dispays errors. The consoe dispays te8t output by the Arduino Soft!are #75&+, incuding compete error messages and other information. The bottom righthand corner of the !indo! dispays the configured board and seria port. The toobar buttons ao! you to verify and upoad programs, create, open, and save s"etches, and open the seria monitor. Note3 Dersions of the Arduino Soft!are #75&+ prior to $./ saved s"etches !ith the e8tension .pde. 7t is possibe to open these fies !ith version $./, you !i be prompted to save the s"etch !ith the .ino e8tension on save.
Derify 'hec"s your code for errors compiing it. Upoad 'ompies your code and upoads it to the configured board. Note3 7f you are using an e8terna programmer !ith your board, you can hod do!n the FshiftF "ey on your computer !hen using this icon. The te8t !i change to FUpoad using ProgrammerF Ne! 'reates a ne! s"etch. @pen Presents a menu of a the s"etches in your s"etchboo". 'ic"ing one !i open it !ithin the current !indo! over!riting its content. Note3 due to a bug in >ava, this menu doesnGt scroI if you need to open a s"etch ate in the ist, use the =ie S"etchboo" menu instead. instead. )/ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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Save Saves your s"etch. Seria 6onitor @pens the seria monitor.
Additiona commands are found !ithin the five menus3 =ie, &dit, S"etch, Toos, Toos, 4ep. The menus are conte8t sensitive, !hich means ony those items reevant to the !or" currenty being carried out are are avaiabe. &ile •
Ne! 'reates a ne! instance of the editor, !ith the bare minimum structure of a s"etch aready in pace. @pen Ao!s to oad a s"etch fie bro!sing through the computer drives and foders. @pen Recent Provides a short ist of the most recent s"etches, ready to be opened. S"etchboo" Sho!s the current s"etches !ithin the s"etchboo" foder structureI cic"ing on any name opens the corresponding s"etch in a ne! editor instance. &8ampes Any e8ampe provided by the Arduino Soft!are #75&+ or ibrary sho!s up in this menu item. A the e8ampes are structured in a tree that ao!s easy access by topic or ibrary. 'ose 'oses the instance of the Arduino Soft!are from !hich it is cic"ed. Save Saves the s"etch !ith the current name. 7f the fie hasnGt been named before, a name !i be provided in a FSave as..F !indo!. Save as.. . Ao!s to save the current s"etch !ith a different name. Page Setup 7t sho!s the Page Setup !indo! for printing. Print Sends the current s"etch to the printer according to the settings defined in Page Setup. Preferences @pens the Preferences !indo! !here some settings of the 75& may be customiEed, as the anguage of the 75& interface. Juit 'oses a 75& !indo!s. The same s"etches open !hen Juit !as chosen !i be automaticay reopened the ne8t time you start the 75&.
)$ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
UndoRedo 2oes bac" of one or more steps you did !hie editingI !hen you go bac", you may go for!ard !ith Redo. 'ut Removes the seected te8t from the editor and paces it into the cipboard. 'opy 5upicates the seected te8t in the editor and paces it into the cipboard. 'opy for =orum 'opies the code of your s"etch to the cipboard in a form suitabe for posting to the forum, compete !ith synta8 cooring. 'opy as 4T6 'opies the code of your s"etch to the cipboard as 4T6, suitabe for embedding in !eb pages. Paste Puts the contents of the cipboard at the cursor position, in the editor. Seect A Seects and highights the !hoe content of the editor. 'ommentUncomment Puts or removes the comment mar"er at the beginning of each seected ine. 7ncrease5ecrease 7ncrease5ecrease 7ndent Adds or subtracts a space at the beginning of each seected ine, moving the te8t one space on the right or eiminating a space at the beginning. =ind @pens the =ind and Repace !indo! !here you can specify te8t to search inside the current s"etch according to severa options. =ind Ne8t 4ighights the ne8t occurrence 0 if any 0 of the string specified as the search item in the =ind !indo!, reative to the cursor position.
Find Previous
4ighights the previous occurrence 0 if any 0 of the string specified as the search item in the =ind !indo! reative to the cursor position. (ketch •
Derify'ompie 'hec"s your s"etch for errors compiing itI it !i report memory usage for code and variabes in the consoe area.
Upoad 'ompies and oads the binary fie onto the configured board through the configured Port.
Upoad Using Programmer3 This !i over!rite the bootoader on the boardI you !i need to use Toos V urn ootoader to restore it and be abe to Upoad to US seria port again. 4o!ever, it ao!s you to use the fu capacity of the =ash memory for your s"etch. )%
APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&8port 'ompied inary3 Saves a .he8 fie that may be "ept as archive or sent to the board using other toos.
Sho! S"etch =oder 3 @pens the current s"etch foder.
7ncude ibrary3 Adds a ibrary to your s"etch by inserting Wincude statements at the start of your code. =or more detais, see ibraries beo!. Additionay, Additionay, from this menu item you can access the ibrary 6anager and import ne! ibraries from .Eip fies.
Add =ie...3 Adds a source fie to the s"etch #it !i be copied from its current ocation+. The ne! fie appears in a ne! tab in the s"etch !indo!. =ies can be removed from the s"etch using the tab menu accessibe cic"ing on the sma triange icon beo! the seria monitor one on the right side o the toobar.
Tools •
Auto =ormat This formats your code nicey3 i.e. indents it so that opening and cosing cury braces ine up, and that the statements inside cury braces are indented more.
Archive S"etch Archives a copy of the current s"etch in .Eip format. The archive is paced in the same directory as the s"etch.
=i8 &ncoding 9 Reoad =i8es possibe discrepancies bet!een the editor char map encoding and other operating systems char maps.
Seria 6onitor @pens the seria monitor !indo! and initiates the e8change of data !ith any connected board on the currenty seected Port. This usuay resets the board, if the board supports Reset Reset over seria port port opening. ))
APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
oard Seect the board that youGre using.
Port This menu contains a the seria devices #rea or virtua+ on your machine. 7t shoud automaticay refresh every time you open the top0eve toos menu.
Programmer =or seecting a har!are programmer !hen programming a board or chip and not using the onboard US0seria connection. Normay you !onGt need this, but if youGre burning a boot0oader boot0oader to a ne! microcontroer, microcontroer, you you !i use this.
urn ootoader The items in this menu ao! you to burn a boot oader onto the microcontroer on an Arduino board. This is not re-uired r e-uired for norma use of an Arduino or 2enuino board but is usefu if you you purchase a ne! ne! ATm ATmega ega microcontroer microcontroer #!hich normay come !ithout a bootoader+. &nsure that youGve seected the correct board from the Boards menu before burning the bootoader on the target board.
4ere you find easy access to a number of documents that come !ith the Arduino Soft!are #75&+. You You have access to 2etting Started, Reference, this guide to the 75& and other documents ocay, ocay, !ithout an internet connection. The documents documents are a oca copy of the onine ones and may in" bac" to our onine !ebsite. •
Find in Reference
This is the ony interactive function of the 4ep menu3 it directy seects the reevant page in the oca oca copy of the Reference Reference for the function or command under under the cursor. cursor. (ketchbook
The Arduino Arduino Soft!are #75&+ uses the concept of a s"etchboo"3 a standard pace to store your programs #or s"etches+. s"etches+. The s"etches s"etches in your your s"etchboo" can be opened from the &ile (ketchbook menu menu or from the /pen button on the toobar. The first time you run the Arduino soft!are, it !i automaticay create a directory for your s"etchboo". You You can vie! or change the ocation of the s"etchboo" ocation from !ith the Preferences diaog. Beginning ith version ,") files are saved ith a "ino file e:tension" Previous versions use the "pde e:tension" Dou may still open "pde named files in version ," and later) the softare ill automatically rename the e:tension to "ino .
Tabs) Multiple &iles) and Compilation
); APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Ao!s you to manage s"etches !ith more than one fie #each of !hich appears in its o!n tab+. These can be norma Arduino code fies #no visibe e8tension+, ' fies #.c e8tension+, 'M M fies #.cpp+, or header fies #.h+. Uploading
efore upoading your s"etch, you need to seect the correct items from fr om the Toos V oard and Toos V Port menus. The boards are described beo!. @n the 6ac, the seria port is probaby something something i"e devtty.usbmod devtty.usbmodem%;$ em%;$ #for an Uno or 6ega%(1/ 6ega%(1/ or eonardo+ eonardo+ or ?devtty.usbseria0$$ devtty.usbseria0$$ #for a 5uemianove or earier US board+, or devtty.USA$?J:$b devtty.USA$?J:$b$P$.$ $P$.$ #for a seria board connected !ith a Keyspan US0to0Seria adapter+. @n :indo!s, :indo!s, itGs probaby or '@6% #for a seria board+ or '@6;, '@6(, '@6<, or higher #for a US board+ 0 to find out, you oo" for f or US seria device in the ports section of the :indo!s 5evice 6anager. 6anager. @n inu8, it shoud be devttyA'68 , devttyUS8 or simiar. @nce youGve youGve seected the correct seria port and board, press the upoad button in the toobar or seect the Upoad item from the =ie menu. 'urrent Arduino Arduino boards !i reset automaticay and begin the upoad. :ith oder boards #pre05iecimia+ that ac" auto0reset, youG need to press the reset button on the board just before starting the upoad. @n most boards, youG youG see the R and T T &5s bin" as the s"etch is upoaded. upoaded. The Arduino Soft!are #75&+ !i dispay a message !hen the upoad is compete, or sho! an error. :hen you upoad a s"etch, youGre using the Arduino bootoader, bootoader, a sma program that has been oaded on on to the microcontroer microcontroer on your board. 7t ao!s you to upoad code code !ithout using any additiona hard!are. The bootoader is active for a fe! seconds !hen the board resetsI then it starts !hichever s"etch !as most recenty upoaded to the microcontroer. microcontroer. The bootoader !i bin" the on0board #pin $)+ &5 &5 !hen it starts #i.e. !hen !hen the board resets+. resets+. +ibraries
ibraries provide e8tra functionaity for use in s"etches, e.g. !or"ing !ith hard!are or manipuating data. To To use a ibrary in a s"etch, seect it from the S"etch V 7mport ibrary menu. This !i insert one or more Wincude statements at the top of the s"etch and compie the ibrary !ith your s"etch. ecause ibraries are upoaded to the board !ith your s"etch, they increase the amount of space it i t ta"es up. 7f a s"etch no onger needs a ibrary, ibrary, simpy deete its Wincude statements from the top of your code. There is a ist of ibraries in the reference. Some ibraries are incuded !ith the Arduino soft!are. @thers can be do!noaded from a variety of sources or through the ibrary 6anager. Starting !ith version $./.( of the 75&, you do can import a ibrary from a Eip fie and use it in an open s"etch. Third3Party 0ardare
Support for third0party hard!are can be added to the hard!are directory of your s"etchboo" directory. directory. Patforms instaed there may incude board definitions #!hich appear in the board menu+, core ibraries, bootoaders, and programmer definitions. To insta, create the hard!are directory, directory, then unEip the third0party patform into its o!n sub0directory. #5onGt use FarduinoF as the sub0directory name or youG override the buit0in Arduino patform.+ To uninsta, simpy deete its directory. )( APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
(erial Monitor
5ispays seria data being sent from the Arduino or 2enuino board #US or seria board+. To send data to the board, enter te8t and cic" on the FsendF button or press enter. 'hoose the baud rate from the drop0do!n drop0do!n that matches matches the rate passed passed to Seria.begin in your your s"etch. Note that on :indo!s, :indo!s, 6ac or inu8, the Arduino or 2enuino 2enuino board !i reset reset #rerun your s"etch e8ecution to the beginning+ !hen you connect !ith the seria monitor. You can aso ta" to the board from Processing, =ash, 6a86SP, etc . Preferences
Some preferences can be set in the preferences diaog #found under the Arduino menu on the 6ac, or =ie on :indo!s :indo!s and inu8+. The rest can be found in the preferences fie, !hose ocation is sho!n in the preference diaog. +anguage (upport
&ig -"E +anguage Preference of Arduino
)1 APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
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."Robot and Application *esign .", Robot *esign %ntroduction1
7n this modern environment everybody uses smart phones !hich are a part of their day0 to0day ife. They use a their daiy uses i"e ne!spaper reading, socia net!or"ing, home automation contro, vehice security, security, heath maintenance etc in the form of appications !hich can be easiy instaed in their hand hed smart phones. This project approached pic" and pace arm and robot controed using android smart phones . 4ence a dedicated appication is created to contro an embedded robotic hard!are. &mbedded hard!are is deveoped on Arduino and to be controed by an Android patform smart phone. phone. Arduino Arduino is to receive the the AT AT commands from the smart phone and ta"es the ease of use. ).$.Robot 5esign
.","- Robot Movement *esign1
The purpose of the robot contro program is to have the freedom to transate the robot in any direction, and rotate to given anges. ecause the robot has omni directiona !hees and amost has a radia symmetric body, fe! rotationa adjustments need to be programmed. )< APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
7nstead a creative method of coordinating the four omni directiona !hees shoud be impemented !ith appropriate considerations for a B"ic"ingC mechanism on the BfrontC of the robot.
Input Robot Data (x, y, theta)
Destination (x, y)
Processes Assume Unblocked Path to Location
Calculate Anle to Destination
"ranslate to Destination
Check i! "heta is in Anle Rane
Packae Data !or "ransmission
Decompose %o&ements %o&ements into %otor Commands "ransmit Commands to Robots
&ig .", /perations during Robot Movement %nterface1
After processing the image a ocation for the robot shoud be avaiabe in 8,y coordinates. Additionay, Additionay, using rudimentary strategy functions, the BbehaviorC part of the program shoud give a vague idea of !here the robot needs to be reocated to. Using these t!o parameters as input, the movement is merey a Bstraight ineC path to the destination. asic movement agorithms assume strategy is responsibe for coision avoidance and for the destination for each robot. =oo!ing the main programLs evauation for movement, the instructions need to be transated into simpe motor commands and sent out to the robots using some sort of communication parser. Abstraction1
&ach robot is assumed to be a member an array. array. :ith this in mind, every robot has an array of ; motors. An individua motor can be decomposed decomposed into a singe data structure of for!ard and reverse #binary+, and it is the coection of these states mutipied across the ; motors that gives the robot more degrees of freedom. y manipuating the data in the structure, the motor arrays can be output as pac"ages and the uni-ue combination of direction and speed for each motor motor can can dictat dictatee the robotL robotLss movem movement ents. s. Ad Addit dition iona ayy, becaus becausee the robots robots hav havee omni omni
)* APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Robots Robot (')
Robot ()
Robot (n)
%otors %otor (')
%otor ()
%otor ()
%otor (*)
Control (')
Control ()
Direction (+orard - Re&erse) Re&erse)
Direction (+orard - Re&erse) Re&erse)
%o&ement "ranslate
+/ D
+/ D3RI2
+/ D3L0+
&ig ."- Movement Controlling (tructure %mplementation
The easiest method of programming the transations is to manuay set each to a function. 4o!ever, this method is rather useess in a program !ith * distinct functions. 7nstead 7 propose eementary vector decomposition decomposition for movement. 7f each motor pair is assigned a direction based on itLs ocation on the robot, then by using the t!o pairs as the B8C and ByC component of the vector, the resutant can be dra!n to the given destination. )? APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
.",". Arm Movement
&ig .". Arm Movement
The term robot comes from the 'Eech !ord robota, generay transated as Fforced abor.F This describes describes the majority majority of robots robots fairy !e. 6ost robots in the !ord are designed designed for heavy, repetitive manufacturing !or". They hande tas"s that are difficut, dangerous or boring to human beings. beings. The most common manufacturing robot is the robotic arm. A typica robotic arm is made up of seven meta segments, joined by si8 joints. The computer contros the robot by rotating indi indivi vidu dua a step step moto motors rs conn connec ecte tedd to each each join jointt #som #somee arg arger er arms arms use use hydr hydrau auic icss or pneumatics+. Uni"e ordinary motors, step motors move in e8act increments This ao!s the computer to move the arm very precisey, repeating e8acty the same movement over and over again. The robot uses motion sensors to ma"e sure it moves just the right amount.
;/ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&ig ."5 Pick and Place /peration
An industria robot !ith si8 joints cosey resembes a human arm 00 it has the e-uivaent of a shouder, an ebo! and a !rist. Typicay, the shouder is mounted to a stationary base structure rather than to a movabe body. This type of robot has si8 degrees of freedom, meaning it can pivot in si8 different !ays. A human arm, by comparison, has seven degrees of freedom. Your Yo ur armGs job is to move your hand from pace to pace. Simiary, Simiary, the robotic armGs job is to move an end effector effector from from pace to pace. pace. You You can outfit robotic arms !ith a sorts of end effect effectors ors,, !hich !hich are suite suitedd to a partic particua uarr app appic icati ation. on. @ne commo commonn end effector effector is a simpified version of the hand, !hich can grasp and carry different objects. Robotic hands often have buit0in pressure sensors that te the computer ho! hard the robot is gripping a particuar object. This "eeps the robot from dropping or brea"ing !hatever itGs carrying. @ther end effectors incude bo!torches, dris and spray painters. 7ndustria robots are designed to do e8acty the same thing, in a controed environment, over and over again. =or e8ampe, a robot might t!ist the caps onto peanut butter jars coming do!n an assemby assemby ine. To teach a robot robot ho! to do its job, the programmer programmer guides guides the arm through the motions using a handhed controer. The robot stores the e8act se-uence of movements in its memory, and does it again and again every time a ne! unit comes do!n the assemby ine.
;$ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
6ost industria robots !or" in auto assemby ines, putting cars together. Robots can do a ot of this !or" more efficienty than human beings because they are so precise. They a!ays dri in the e8acty the same pace, and they a!ays tighten bots !ith the same amount of force, no matter ho! many hours theyGve been !or"ing. 6anufacturing robots are aso very important in the computer industry. 7t ta"es an incrediby precise hand to put together a tiny microchip. *egree /f &reedom 3
The number of 5@= that a manipuator possesses is the number of independent position variabes that !oud have to be specified in order to ocate a parts of the mechanismI it refers to the number of different !ays in !hich a robot arm can move in the particuar direction. 7n the case of typica industria robots, because a manipuator is usuay an open "inematic chain, and because each joint position is usuay defined !ith a singe variabe, the number of joints e-uas the number number of degrees of freedom. :e can use the arm to get the idea of degrees of freedom. Keeping the arm straight, moving it from from shoud shouder er,, !e can can move move in three three !ay !ays. s. Up0and Up0and0do 0do!n !n moveme movement nt is cae caedd pitch. pitch. 6ovement to the right and eft is caed ya!. y rotating the !hoe arm as scre!driver is caed ro. The shouder has three degrees of freedom. They are pitch, ya! and ro. 6oving the arm from the ebo! ony, hoding the shouder in same position constanty. The ebo! joint has the e-uivaent of pitch in shouder joint, thus the ebo! has one degree of freedom. No! moving the !rist straight and motion ess, !e can bend the !rist and up and do!n, side to side and it can aso t!ist a itte. The o!er arm has the same three degrees of freedom. Thus the robot has totay seven degrees of freedom. Three degrees of freedom are sufficient to bring the end of a robot arm to any point !ithin its !or"space, or !or" enveope in three dimensions.
;% APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Algorithm for *esigning Arm1
;) APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&ig ."6 Algorithm of Robot
."5 $quipment of R& >ammer3
$. 'onnect the modue in the foo!ing manner Dcc pin connects to Arduino (D 2N5 to Arduino 2N5 and 5ATA to Arduino Pin $% %.The button connects to Arduino pin % and needs to be earthed ). The antenna needs to be sodered onto the modue. The antenna is )(cm ong and sodered into an antenna sot in the transmitter modue. ;. The antenna is to be straight if possibe. The transmitter can be po!ered by any votage#Dcc+ bet!een $.(D and $%D. The higher the votage , the stronger the R= signa becomes. >ust ma"e sure not to e8ceed $%D because if you do the transmitter !i brea", !hich is bad. The data that the microcontroer !i be sending !i go into the pin abeed F5ata 7nF . ;; APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&ig ."8 Arduino Uno connected to R& >ammer
&ig ."E &requency Response of >ammer
;( APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
."- Application *evelopment for Robot ."-", Programming Arduino for Robot (tepper +ibrary &unctions1
Stepper#steps, pin$, pin%+ Stepper#steps, pin$, pin%, pin), pin;+ 5escription3 This function creates a ne! instance of the Stepper cass that represents a particuar stepper motor attached to your Arduino board. board. Use it at the t he top of your s"etch, above setup#+ and oop#+. The number of parameters depends on ho! youGve !ired your motor 0 either using t!o or four pins of the Arduino board. Parameters1
steps3 the number of steps in one revoution of your motor. 7f your motor gives the number of degrees per step, divide that number into )1/ to get the number of steps #e.g. )1/ ).1 gives $// steps+. #int+ pin$, pin%3 t!o pins that are attached to the motor #int+ pin), pin;3 optiona optiona the ast t!o pins attached attached to the motor, motor, if itGs connected connected to four pins #int+ Returns3 A ne! ne! instance of the Stepper motor cass. &8ampe3 Stepper myStepper X Stepper#$//, (, 1+I set(peed!rpms#
5escription3 Sets the motor speed in rotations per minute #RP6s+. This function doesnGt ma"e the motor turn, just sets the speed at !hich it !i !hen you ca step#+. Parameters3 rpms3 the speed at !hich the motor shoud turn in rotations r otations per minute 0 a positive number #long + Returns3 None step!steps#
5escription Turns the motor a specific number of steps, at a speed determined by the most recent ca to setSpeed#+. This function is boc"ingI that is, it !i !ait unti the motor has finished moving to pass contro to the ne8t ine in your s"etch. =or e8ampe, if you set the speed to, say, $ ;1 APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
RP6 and caed step#$//+ on a $//0step motor, this function !oud ta"e a fu minute to run. =or better contro, "eep the speed high and ony go a fe! steps !ith each ca to step#+. Parameters3 steps3 the number of steps to turn the motor 0 positive to turn one direction, negative to turn the other # int + Returns3 None
fig ."F Arduino to stepper motor (ketch
."-"-*evelopment of "apk file
;< APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
*onloading and %nstalling the Android Android (*'
ThereLs no cost to do!noad do!noad or use the AP7, and 2ooge 2ooge doesnLt doesnLt re-uire your appication to pass a revie! to distribute your nished programs on the 2ooge Pay Store. Athough the 2ooge Pay Store re-uires a sma one0time fee to pubish appications, if you chose not to distribute via the 2ooge Pay Store, you can do so at no cost. You can do!noad the atest version of the S5K starter pac"age for your chosen deveopment patform from the Android deveopment home page at http3deveoper.android.c http3deveoper.android.comsd"inde8.htm. omsd"inde8.htm. To get started, simpy chec" the bo8es corresponding to the ne!est frame!or" S5K and the atest version of the toos, compatibiitysupport ibrary, documentation, and sampe code.
&ig ."G %nstalling Android (*'
."8"- *eveloping ith $clipse1
&cipse is a particuary popuar open0source 75& for >ava deveopment. 7tLs avaiabe for do!noad for each of the deveopment patforms supported by Android #:indo!s, 6ac @S, and inu8+ from the &cipse foundation #!!!.ecipse.orgdo!noa #!!!.ecipse.orgdo!noads+. ds+. ."8". Creating a 2e Android Android Pro@ect1
To create a ne! Android project using the Android Ne! Project :iEard, do the foo!ing3 $. Seect =ie Z Ne! Z Project. %. Seect Seect the Android Project appication appication type from the Android foder, and cic" Ne8t. ;* APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
). 7n the !iEard that appears, enter the detais for your ne! project, the Project Name is the name of your project e. You can aso seect the ocation your project shoud be saved.
&ig .", Creating a Pro@ect in Android
;. Seect the buid target for your appication. The buid target is the version of the Android frame!or" S5K that you pan to deveop !ith. 7n addition to the open sourced Android S5K ibraries avaiabe as part of each patform reease, 2ooge offers a set of proprietary AP7s that offer additiona ibraries #such as 6aps+. 7f you !ant to use these 2ooge0speci c AP7s, you must seect the 2ooge AP7s pac"age corresponding to the patform reease you !ant to target. (. The Appication Name is the friendy name for your appicationI the Pac"age Name species its >ava pac"ageI the 'reate Activity option ets you specify the name of a cass that !i be your initia ActivityI and setting the 6inimum S5K ets you specify the minimum version of the S5K that your appication !i run on.
&ig .",, Adding information in $clipse
1. :hen youLve entered the detais, cic" =inish. 7f you seected 'reate Activity, the A5T pug0in !i create a ne! project that incudes a cass that e8tends Activity. Activity. Rather than being compete competeyy empty, empty, the defaut defaut tempate tempate impement impementss 4eo :ord. :ord. efore efore modifyin modifyingg the project, ta"e this opportunity opportunity to con gure gure aunch con gurations for running and and debugging. ;? APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
."8"5 Creating an Android Android 7irtual *evice
AD5s are used to simuate the hard!are and soft!are con gurations of different Android devices, ao!ing you test your appications on a variety of hard!are patforms. There are no prebuit AD AD5s in the Android S5K, so !ithout a physica device, you need to create at east one before you can run and debug your appications. $. Seect :indo! Z AD5 6anager #or seect the AD5 6anager icon on the &cipse toobar+. %. Seect the Ne!... button. The resuting 'reate ne! Android Dirtua 5evice #AD5+ diaog ao!s you to congure a name, a target buid of Android, an S5 card capacity, and device s"in. ). 'reate a ne! AD5 caed B6y[AD5C that targets Android ;./.), incudes a $16 S5 'ard, and uses the 2aa8y Ne8us s"in. 'ic" 'reate AD AD5 and your ne! AD AD5 !i be created and ready to use.
."8"6 Running and *ebugging Dour Android Application1
YouLve YouLve created your rst project and created the run and debug con gurations for it. efore ma"ing any changes, test your instaation and con gurations by running and debugging the 4eo :ord project. =rom the Run menu, seect Run or 5ebug to aunch the most recenty seected con guration, or seect Run 'on gurations\ or 5ebug 'on gurations\ to seect a specic con guration. 7f youLre using the A5T pug0in, running or debugging your appication does the foo!ing3 ] 'ompies the current project and converts it to an Android e8ecutabe #.de8+ ] Pac"ages the e8ecutabe and your projectLs resources into an Android pac"age #.ap"+ ] Starts the virtua device #if youLve targeted one and itLs not aready running+ ] 7nstas your appication onto the target device ] Starts your appication 7f youLr youLree deb debugg ugging ing,, the &cip &cipse se debug debugge gerr !i !i then then be attac attached hed,, ao!i ao!ing ng you you to set brea"points and debug your your code.
(/ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
&ig .",- Android $mulator
($ APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
Chapter 5 Conclusions and &uture (cope 5", Conclusion
This project gives !or"ing of Robot using Android technoogy technoogy for Pic" and pace operations 7mpementation of jammer to boc" R= communication in !arfied and have capabiity to transmit ive video. @ur project mosty usefu for defense operations i"e bomb diffusion. &ven though bomb is detected it is not easy to defuse by staying nearby. @ur project is very usefu in such that it can defuse the bomb by staying at safe distance. This system can further be deveoped by enhancing the the performance and and by adding more more features.
(% APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
5"- &uture (cope
There are many unsoved probems and fundamenta chaenges for robotics. At very high eve manipuation and physica interaction !ith the rea !ord is difficut. The robot movement can be controed even if it is out of sight by using Dideo Stream and 'amera Robot. After fe! modifications of pic" and pace mechanism !e can improve the robot for bomb diffusion purpose hence !ithout putting human ife in danger !e can fight against terrorism. @ur robots can hande dangerous chemicas in chemica ab or in nucear reactor abs. :ith modifications this robot can hep physicay chaenged peope.
() APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA
P7'K AN5 PA'& AR6 AN5 R@@T 6@D&6&NT '@NTR@ US7N2 AN5R@75
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Arduino 3 ArduinoBoardUno 0https1??"arduino"cc?en?Main?arduinoBoardUno
(; APATA &N27N&&R7N2 '@&2&,APATA