Documentation & Implementation Plan for IMS Sr.. Sr
# Stage .
Responsibl e Person
0 wor2ing da%s
*% 'elf
03 wor2ing da%s
*% 'elf
01 wor2ing da%s
Re!uirements "atering an$ "AP Anal%sis
Time Frame
Basic Understanding Understanding of Business ins & Outs Review of existing management & operational practices/procedures. Review of organization structure and communication channels (reporting hierarchies procedure Review of !xisting !xisting Roles and Responsi"ilities Responsi"ilities along with assigned authorities Review of management# $ualit%# '! and other policies dened "% the management. Review of )ualit% *anagement +ontrols/procedures +ontrols/procedures and 'upporting ,ormats.
Deelopment of "AP anal%sis report b% igligting 'As(Is an$ To()e Mo$el* -pproval of - -nal%sis.
Stage + .Up$ating an$ ,ustomi-ation of eisting $ocuments 4evelopment of *anagement '%stem +ommittee and assign their responsi"ilities and time frame. Revision of 5o" descriptions and Organization chart. -dd 4irect and indirect (matrix reporting in organization chart. 6n 5o" 4escription add authorities as dened "% management. 4istri"ution of 54 and Organization chart to the relevant persons. Update 6*' +ommon rocedures in consultation with relevant o7cials. 1. +ontrol of 4ocuments& records 3. *anagement responsi"ilit% & Review 8. *anaging 9on +onformit% in Operations /'ervices & :. +orrective -ction & reventive -ction . 6nternal -udit Upon completion of each procedure# formal approval will "e ta2en from *anagement. Revise and update ,ormats associated with procedure assign them accurate num"ers
01 wor2ing da%
08 wee2s from start of pro;ect
*anagement & 6'O committee
01 da% 08 da%s each procedure
0 da%s
Stag / .Interme$iatel% Un$erstan$ing & A0areness Session
+ommunicating the importance of 6*' and enforcement action in case of an% negligence. )ualit% & '! *anagement '%stem training for emplo%ees and managers +ommunication of +ommon applica"le 6*' procedures can "e called as '! training for emplo%ees and managers as per 6'O and O'-'. 6ntroduction of 6ntegrated *anagement '%stem to all emplo%ees and managers
(01 da% for each "atch 08 da%s
*anagement 'ta= &
ow to follow the procedures and developed formats in their routine ;o"
>ower sta=
Stage 1. Reision or Deelopment of proce$ures relate$ to 2ualit% Management S%stem 'Inclu$ing associate$ Forms* 4evelop or Update )ualit% *anagement rocedures in consultation with relevant o7cials. ?. 4esign or !ngineering @. ro;ect lanning A. ro;ect !xecution or *anagement . !stimation & Budgeting 10.-dministration and R *anagement 11.rocurement & urchasing;ect )ualit% +ontrol & *anagement 1. Upon completion of each procedure# formal approval will "e ta2en from *anagement. 3. Revise and update ,ormats associated with procedure assign them accurate num"ers
10 da%s for each procedure 100 wor2ing da%s approx
Stage 3. Reision or Deelopment of proce$ures relate$ to 4S5 Management S%stem 'Inclu$ing associate$ Forms* 4evelop or Update )ualit% *anagement rocedures in consultation with relevant o7cials. 18.azard 6dentication & Ris2 -ssessment 1:.'! 6nduction &
0 da%s for each procedure 100 wor2ing da%s approx
Stage 6. ,ommon Implementation an$ Maintenance of Recor$s
1. Detailed Awareness &One on One Sessions with concern Team. •
eneralized understanding & 6nterpretation training for all emplo%ees a"out procedures and complete s%stem +onduct One on One meeting with relevant manager and sta=
2. Maintaining System & Record
• • • •
• •
• • •
Recording all the formats re$uired "% approved procedures Recording +ustomer feed"ac2 !valuating 'upplierDs & 'u" contractor performance 'etting )'! o";ective & Review the status ighlighting and Recording 9+Rs and perform Root cause anal%sis.
3. Controlling Documents & Records num"ering scheme followEup on all the formats *aster list of formats# 4ocument 4istri"ution >ist# +ontrol of external origin documents# 6ncoming and outgoing fax logs rocedure #Records identication tracea"ilit% and retention time
rocedure for storing and preserving the records. 6< "ac2up plan #h%sical storage of les #retrieval procedure of records
. Training & De!elo"ment •
• •
#. Meetings
• • •
'afet% *eetings(*onthl% *anagement *eetings(*onthl% *anagement Review *eeting ( Bi -nnuall%
$. O"eration
• • • • •
'ite visits '! inspection and safet% tours *onitoring the waste management *onitoring the pollution(noise# air# dust and land Reporting the top management
%. Conducting nternal Audit A •
6nternal -udit
'. Ta(ing Actions •
+orrective and reventive -ctions
). Continual m"ro!ement • • • •
+orrective and reventive action -nal%sis of data *anagement review results Updated government re$uirements