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By Management Representative
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Ref. No:KECL-SOP-F-016 No:KECL-SOP-F-016 Rev. No:00 Issue Date: 24 th Oct, 2011.
Page 2 of 12 CHANGE (S)/AMENDMENT (S) The change(s)/amendment(s) noted below have been made and approved by the Managing Director for issue.
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Description of Change/Amendment
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Ref. No:KECL-SOP-F-016 No:KECL-SOP-F-016 Rev. No:00 Issue Date: 24 th Oct, 2011.
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SCHEDULE structure
4.1 Level 1 Schedule
4.2 Level 2 Schedule
4.3 Level 3 Schedule
4.4 Detail Schedules
4.5 Physical Progress
4.6 Resources
8.1 Invoicing on Schedule of rate or call-out Contract 9.0
Attachment 1 - Schedule Methodology
Attachment 2 - Schedule Hierarchy
Attachment 3 - Network Schedule Control Principles
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Ref. No:KECL-SOP-F-016 No:KECL-SOP-F-016 Rev. No:00 Issue Date: 24 th Oct, 2011.
Page 4 of 12 1. SCOPE This Thi s pro proce cedur dure e cov covers ers ov overa erallll pla planni nning, ng, sch sched eduli uling ng and sch schedu edule le con contro troll requirements for projects and identifies specific schedule reporting and control applications. 2. PURPOSE ♦
To id ide ent ntif ify y th the e ty type pes s of sys yste tems ms to be used, fo form rma at, co con nte tent nt and maintenance. To es estab tablis lish h a pro proce cedur dure e to imp implem lement ent an eff effect ective ive and co compre mprehe hensi nsive ve project planning and schedule control program. Attached schemes illustrate schedule schedule hierarchy (Attachment 1), planning and schedu sch edulin ling g met method hodolo ology gy (At (Attac tachme hment nt 2) and net networ work k sch schedu edule le co contr ntrol ol principles (Attachment 3).
3. RESP RESPON ONSI SIBI BILI LITI TIES ES Under Und er the dir direc ectio tion n of the Proje Project ct Mana Manager, ger, the tas tasks ks rel relate ated d to pla planni nning, ng, scheduling and their control are supervised by the Project Control Manager, developed by the Planning and Scheduling manager who is assisted by a team of skilled engineers. Preparation and maintenance of reports and charts are assigned as follows: ♦ Level 1 - Contract Schedule managed by Proje Project ct Mana Manager ger , maintained by Planning and Scheduling Manager. ♦
Level 2
- Planning and Scheduling Manager.
Level 3
- Planning an a nd Sc S cheduling En E ngineers in i n li l iaison with Lead Discipline Engineers and Site Representatives, under Planning and Scheduling Manager supervision.
Sche Sc hedu dule le up upda dati ting ng - Plann Plannin ing g an and d Sc Sche hedu duli ling ng En Engi gine neer ers s in li liai aiso son n wi with th Lead Disc Discipline ipline Engi Engineers neers and Site Repre Representa sentatives tives are responsible for the input and updatin ing g of schedules and detailed control documents.
4. SCHE SCHEDU DULE LE STRU STRUCT CTUR URE E The sch schedu edules les will be dev develo eloped ped in co compl mplian iance ce wit with h mile milesto stone nes s an and d dat data a defined in the Contract. Project scheduling activities are implemented on a hierarchical basis of four levels, defined as follows: 4.1 Lev 4.1 eve el 1 Sch Sche edu dule le The Level 1 Schedule, presented with a bar chart format, provides an overview of the Project main steps and interfaces. This schedule is part of the Contract. It is intended to provide a general synthesis of the project scope organisation to the top management level and to show all the main contract phases. This Th is Sc Sche hedu dule le of th the e ma main in ac activ tiviti ities es co cove vers rs al alll th the e ph phas ases es of th the e Pr Proj ojec ectt execution and shows all the main m ain contract phase milestones. The level 1 Schedule results from a thorough analysis of the duration of each activity and of the identification of the logics between the various activities.
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Page 5 of 12 This schedule is a roll-up of the level 2 schedule. 4.2 Le 4.2 Leve vell 2 Sc Sche hedu dule les s The main purpose of the level 2 Schedules is to set up an overall monthly project status, used by the Project Management to take appropriate decisions. They are made of a set of schedules, one for each main area: ♦ Engineering ♦
Plant Shutdown ♦ Hook-ups-Commissioning, Thes Th ese e sc sche hedu dule les s co cove verr al alll pr proj ojec ectt ph phas ases es by gr grou oup p of ac acti tivi vitie ties s in ea each ch discipline. They identify the main milestones necessary to reach the contractual objectives, the main interfaces between the groups of tasks in each discipline, the duration of each main step of the procurement cycles by group of requisitions (inquiry, purchase order, delivery on site). The Th e le leve vell 2 sc sche hedu dule les, s, wh whic ich h ar are e sy synt nthe hesi sis s of th the e le leve vell 3 sc sche hedu dule les, s, ar are e intend int ended ed to pro provid vide e ov overa erallll con contro troll of the job job,, def definin ining g mile milesto stone ne da dates tes for engi en gine neer erin ing, g, proc pr ocur urem emen ent, t, subc su bcon ontra tract ctin ing, g, fabr fa bric icat atio ion, n, tran tr ansp spor orta tatio tion, n, instal ins tallat lation ion,, ho hookok-up up an and d com commis missio sionin ning g ac activ tivitie ities, s, and sh showi owing ng the maj major or restraints and relationships between them. For For report reporting ing purpo purpose, se, this this set of schedu schedules les is prepa prepared red using using “Miles “Mileston tones es Professional” software. Automated roll up from level 3 schedule described below will be performed to ascertain consistency of the level 2 schedule. These These schedu schedules les are includ included ed in the Projec Projectt Monthl Monthly y report report with with the status status updated. ♦
4.3 4.3 Leve evel 3 sch sched edu ule 4.3.1Principle The level 3 Schedule is used for the day-to-day follow-up of each activity to be carried out during project execution. It is a CPM network developed with Primavera or Microsoft Project software package, using the WBS and OBS structure developed for the project. It gives enough detailed information so as to allow: ♦
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The Project Management Management team to coordinate coordinate all activities activities of the project, The engine engineeri ering ng Depar Departme tments nts,, the procur procureme ement nt and and the Area Area Superintendents at site to be able to plan and optimize their detailed activities and the related manpower resources, The preparation of the implementation of the physical progress monitoring system,
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Ref. No:KECL-SOP-F-016 No:KECL-SOP-F-016 Rev. No:00 Issue Date: 24 th Oct, 2011.
Page 6 of 12 4.3.2Content This schedule schedule covers covers all phases of the project scope, engineeri engineering, ng, procurement, subcontracting, fabrication, transportation, installation, hook-u hook-up p and and commis commissio sionin ning g by group group of activi activitie ties s and and units units and identifies: ♦
All the project milestones (the schedule milestones, and the common milestones of the entire project where EPC is involved) which will be linked with the activities required to m eet them,
The interfaces between engineering disciplines,
The interfaces interfaces between between technical technical data supplied supplied by equipment equipment vend vendor ors s and and need needed ed for for engi engine neer erin ing g purp purpos ose e (ven (vendo dors rs drawings),
The equipment and material deliveries per unit or area and per site,
The activities of various subcontractors involved in construction works, taking into account the necessary interfaces,
The prioritie priorities s in the issue issue of constr construct uction ion drawings drawings and the deli delive very ry of equi equipm pmen ent/ t/ma mate teri rial als s taki taking ng into into acco accoun untt the the fabrication and erection sequences by area,
The prioritie priorities s in the issue issue of constr construct uction ion drawings drawings and the deli delive very ry of equi equipm pmen ent/ t/ma mate teri rial als s taki taking ng into into acco accoun untt the the fabrication sequences by area,
The transportat transportation, ion, installatio installation, n, hook-ups hook-ups and commissio commissioning ning activities.
4.3.3Coordination with sites The coding structure of the level 3 schedule will be provided to subc subcon ontra tract ctor ors, s, usin using g Prima Primave vera ra or Micr Micros osof oftt Proj Projec ect, t, for for thei their r contributing part of the project. Level 1 and level 2 schedules, as well well as inte interf rfac ace e mile milest ston ones es,, will will also also be prov provid ided ed to them them.. Inte Interf rfac aces es will will be code coded d so that that they they can can be extr extrac acte ted d and and highlighted. These elements will allow them to develop their part of the the leve levell 3 sche schedu dule le.. Inte Integr grat atio ion, n, cons consis iste tenc ncy y and and plan planni ning ng interfacing will be performed at Contractor project head office. 4.3.4Coordination with other parties Milestones with other contractors, with Company or with other third party will be coded so that they can be extracted. A table and/or a milestones schedule can therefore be used for coordination with these parties. 4.3.5Calculation Float is calculated for each activity and a critical path for the project is identified.
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Page 7 of 12 Perio Periodi dica cally lly upda update ted d with with actu actual al data data,, it is used used for for the the tren trend d analysis. Narrat Narrative ive descri descriptio ptions ns explai explainin ning g main main assump assumptio tions ns made made and critic critical al paths paths identi identifie fied d and highli highlight ghting ing main main achie achieve vemen ments ts are atta attach ched ed to the the first first issu issue e and and sche schedu dule le revi revisi sion ons s of Leve Levell 3 schedule. 4.3.6Evolution of the level 3 schedule Once approved by Company, this schedule becomes the Project Execution Schedule. This schedule will then be used as the target against updates and trend analysis. The level of detail of the remaining activities of the level 3 schedule will will incre increas ase e with with the the evol evolut utio ion n of the the proj projec ect, t, as the the proj projec ectt defini definitio tion n improv improves es and as the projec projectt execu executio tion n plans plans evolve evolve,, focusing on subsequent phases of the project. Revisions to the Project Execution Schedule will be performed only when major changes occur during the life of the project, and will require Company approval before implementation. 4.4 4.4 Deta Detail iled ed Sche Schedu dule les s 4.4.190 day look ahead schedule: At the commencement of the project and prior to the development development of the Level 3 schedule, a 90 day schedule is prepared and issued to plan in detail all works performed within that period by discipline. This schedule is updated every two weeks and used for control until the level 3 schedule and the engineering and procurement progress measurement systems are implemented. 4.4.2Engineering Detailed control schedules: Once budget breakdown and level 3 schedules are defined and issued by the project team, engineering disciplines are able to set up the detailed schedules of their activities in the time frame defined by the level 3 area schedule. 4.4.3Specific milestones schedules: Spec Specif ific ic sche schedu dule les s can can be deve develo lope ped, d, base based d on the the leve levell 3 schedule, focusing on a particular set of activities 4.4.4Fabrication/Erection schedules On each site, detailed fabrication/erection schedules are developed by the Fabricator’s Scheduling Engineer on the basis of the level 3 schedule, before the start of the construction works. These schedules, detailed by unit/area of fabrication, are developed on the basis of the fabrication fabrication plan and relevant relevant priorities while compromising compromising with upstream engineering and procurement constraints.
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Page 8 of 12 The detailed fabrication schedules allow fabrication monitoring on the basis of a peri period odic ical al eval evalua uati tion on of the the rema remain inin ing g dura durati tion ons s and and issu issues es of trend/forecast analysis and critical activities status. These detailed schedules are the basis for implementation of the Fabrication Progress System. 4.4.5Transp 4.4.5Transportati ortation, on, Installation Installation,, Hook-up Hook-up and Commission Commissioning ing activities A detailed schedule will be developed for Transportation, Installation, Hookup and Commissioning activities based on the logical related sequences. 4.5 4.5 Phys Physic ical al pro progres gress s The The deta detaile iled d sche schedu dule les s are are used used for for track trackin ing g the the phys physic ical al prog progre ress ss by discipline, area and trade at a very elementary level, as well for engineering, procurement and site works. Progress measurement systems are based on detailed work items, weighted and progressed on identified milestones (progress scales). Specific in-house software are used for physical progress measurement except for procur procureme ement/ nt/man manufa ufactu cturing ring activ activitie ities s where where PRIMAV PRIMAVER ERA A or Micros Microsoft oft Project shall be used: The level 3 schedule will be the basis to set up planned dates for each step of each deliverable in the progress measurement system (for each phase of the project). 4.6 Resources Resources will be measured, initially by determination of planned hours, then thro throug ugh h monit monitor orin ing g of actu actual al and and fore foreca cast sted ed hour hours, s, for for engi engine neer erin ing g and and construction. Related histograms will be produced. 5. PROJECT PROJECT PROGRESS/S PROGRESS/SCHEDU CHEDULE LE MONITORING MONITORING At each agreed cut-off date, the progress measurement systems are updated with actual data. These data will be used for the calculation of actual and forecasted progress. Appropriate data and information will be used for updating the level 3 schedule. A Trend Analysis will be supported by the level 3 schedule simulation report allowing the determination of the new completion dates (final and intermediate) resulting from the actual progress. The total floats of the remaining activities will be automatically calculated and shown. This trend report will enable all new critical work items to be anticipated and new completion dates to be forecasted, as well as decision on recovery plans, when necessary. New forecast dates for remaining and downstream activities, progress curves, mobilization histograms and corresponding efficiency ratio will allow and help the Project Management to make decisions for corrective actions. Corrective Corrective actions will be tracked tracked by Project Project Control Control Manager Manager and Scheduling Scheduling Team as per the action list/action plan approved by the Project Management
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Page 9 of 12 6. REPOR PORTING In accordanc accordance e with the contractua contractuall requireme requirements, nts, the following following documents will be included in the Project Monthly Report: ♦
Bar chart schedule (Level 1 and 2 schedules) showing the progress on a broken line established on the basis of reference schedule.
Critical path schedule, with the status of the actual progress and anticipated critical activities.
Prog Progre ress ss "S" "S" curv curves es and and hist histog ogra rams ms (ove (overa rall ll,, construction).
List of activities to be completed or to be initiated in the succeeding reference period.
Schedu Schedule le trend trend analys analysis is with with forec forecast ast remain remaining ing durati duration on versus versus planne planned d activities.
home home offi office ce acti activi viti ties es,,
Narrative and alert notice highlighting areas of concern.
Progress Measurement System Procedure (NGGN-TCE-1A-AP-036-ZA-1605)
Work Breakdown Structures Procedure (NGGN-TCE-1A-AP-036-ZA-1601 (NGGN-TCE-1A-AP-036-ZA-1601))
Project Progress Reporting Calendar Procedure (NGGN-TCE-1A-AP-036-ZA1602)
8. ATT ATTACHM ACHME ENTS NTS Attachment 1Schedule Methodology Methodology
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Attachment 2-
Schedule Hierarchy
Attachment 3-
Network Schedule Control Principle
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Page 10 of 12 Attachment Attachment 1 - Schedule Hierarchy
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Page 11 of 12 Attachment Attachment 2 - Schedule Methodology
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Page 12 of 12 Attachment 3 - Network Schedule Control Principle
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