Project Quality Plan Petrodar Contract No.
Document No. Issue and Revision Record
Rev No.
Prepare by
Revie by
!pproved by
Oner " Petr etrodar dar %i$ited
Oper Op erat atin in# #
Co$ Co$pany pany
&PCC Contractor " 'i#( 'i#(ei ei# # ) C*in C*ina a Consorti,$
+ian +ian#s #s, ,
!a"e # o$ 6%
&n#ineerin# ,b-Contractor " C*ina Petro(e,$ &n#ineerin#
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Cover Page
Revision Co Control Sh Sheet
iii. iii.
Cont Contro roll lled ed Doc Document ent Dis Distrib tribut utio ion n Lis Listt
1.0 1.0
Intr Introd oduc ucti tion on,, Defi Defini niti tion ons s & bb bbre rev viati iation ons s
"ualit# Polic#
"ualit# %b %bectives
'.0 '.0
%rga %rgani ni(a (ati tion on,, ut utho hori rit# t# & Res Res)o )ons nsib ibil ilit it# #
"ualit# Pl Planning
Product Reali(ation
easurement, nal#sis nal#sis and Im)rovement Im)rovement
List of of ))endies
!a"e 2 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Cover Page
Revision Co Control Sh Sheet
iii. iii.
Cont Contro roll lled ed Doc Document ent Dis Distrib tribut utio ion n Lis Listt
1.0 1.0
Intr Introd oduc ucti tion on,, Defi Defini niti tion ons s & bb bbre rev viati iation ons s
"ualit# Polic#
"ualit# %b %bectives
'.0 '.0
%rga %rgani ni(a (ati tion on,, ut utho hori rit# t# & Res Res)o )ons nsib ibil ilit it# #
"ualit# Pl Planning
Product Reali(ation
easurement, nal#sis nal#sis and Im)rovement Im)rovement
List of of ))endies
!a"e 2 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Re"! No!
I##ue No!
I##ue Date
De#cri$tion /ith ic 2of meeting 3 Post a4ard submission Incor)orated the follo4ing comments from %4ner6Client and resubmitted for revie4. revie4.
!a"e & o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
'ontro((ed Document Distri)ution *ist Doc,$ent 4" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Doc,$ent it(e, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Doc,$ent ype, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Docu%ent ol&er
Date received
ss,e /6
Copy N,$ber
! *eader -!DO' !ro/ect 'onstruction ana"er - !' !ro/ect ana"er-'onsortium Deut1 !ro/ect ana"er-'onsortium '3ie$ En"ineerin" -'onsortium 'onstruction ana"er- 'onsortium 4E-ana"er- 'onsortium
# 2 & 5 6 7
!ro/ect 'ontro( ana"er- 'onsortium !ro/ect En"ineerin" ana"er- 'onsortium !ro/ect !rocurement ana"er- 'onsortium !ro/ect *o"istic ana"er- 'onsortium !ro/ect 8' ana"er- 'onsortium !ro/ect ite O$$ice - 'onsortium
% #0 ## #2 #&
roved )1 ana"ement Reresentative, +++++++++++
!a"e o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
7his PROJECT QUALITY PLAN of the Consortium Partner is based on guidance from IS% 80019!000 2 "ualit# anagement S#stems Re:uirements & s)ecificall# )re)ared for an EPCC Contract for P;7R%DR %P;R7I<= C%P<> L7D *PDOC+ 2 PDOC NE, O--ICE .UILDIN/. %ur "ualit# anagement S#stem is certified to IS% 80012!000 since ?une !00+ and a co)# of the certificate is attached here4ith as A$$en&i01'. 7he $ur$o#e o2 t3i# Plan is to determine and document the anagement )olic# and "ualit# obectives to illustrate ho4 the "ualit# anagement s#stem and )ractices 4ill be follo4ed, to achieve the obectives in line 4ith Cor)orate "ualit# anagement S#stem anual 222222222222222222222 @latest revisionA. Bncontrolled Co)# of the "S anual Inde & List of "S Procedures attached here4ith as A$$en&i014. lso this P"P Illustrate the instructions to be follo4ed b# the staff to control & assure of )roduct com)liance 4ith re:uirements& determine the a))roaches of )roect set2u) & o)erated 7he :ualit# anagement s#stem re:uirements for this )roect documented 4ith the entire s#stem being subdivided into ' )arts. #.
Proect "ualit# Plan @7his manualA.
!. Proect ethod Statements 3 as Re:uired. $ Ins)ection and 7est Plans 3 I7P for s)ecific sco)e of 4or2 as re:uired. ' Proect " )rocedures 3 as )er " )rocedures List. 1.1
7his P"P addresses all "6"C activities as re:uired and )rovides details of "ualit# ssurance and "ualit# Control )rogram for the /or.
ollo4ing 4ords utili(ed in this PR%?;C7 "BLI7> PL< are defined belo49 OWNER
7he 4ord 5O,NER6 utili(ed in this document refers to 5PETRODAR OPERATIN/ CO7PANY LTD *PDOC+6!
7he 4ord 5CONTRACTOR6 in this document refers to HIGLEIG 1 CINA JIAN/SU CONSORTIUM’
7he 4ord ESu))lierF in this document refers to CONSORTIUM Su))liers 6 Subcontractors
7ana:e%ent Re$re#entati"e 2
5Quality A##urance 8 Quality Control6 7ana:er is &e2ine& as 57ana:e%ent
!a"e 5 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Re$re#entati"e6 as )er anagement S#stem anual
Quality Re$re#entati"e 2
or the Proect, the )osition of 5QA1QC En:ineer6 is 5Quality Re$re#entati"e6 at site for the CONSORTIUM .
Site O22ice 2
CONSORTIUM 2site office
Project 7ana:e%ent Re"ie; 2
7his is conducted in Site %ffice 4eel# 6 fortnightl# or as decided b# the Proect anager 6 Proect Control anager6 Construction anager6 7his 4ill also include "ualit# anagement Revie4 )ertaining to site 4ors.
Quality 7ana:e%ent Re"ie; 2
7his is conducted in %ffice and the meeting is held at least once in * months to chec 5Quality Sy#te% I%$le%entation6 as )er Cor)orate "ualit# anagement S#stem anual.
!a"e 6 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
)art from this a number of abbreviations are used in this PROJECT QUALITY PLAN 4hich are e)lained belo4 for clarit#. 1. Proect anager 2 P !. De)ut# Proect anager 2 D>P $. Construction anager 2 C '. /arrantee anager
+. Proect Control anager
*. ;ngineering anager
-. Procurement & Subcontract anager
8. Chief Engineer
8. "ualit# Re)resentative
10. Planning ;ngineer
11. Personnel & dministration
1!. Logistic anager
1$. Gealth, Safet# & ;nvironment
1'.onitoring & easuring Devices
1+. "ualit# ssurance
1*. "ualit# Control
1-. ethod Statement
H1. Ins)ection & 7est Plan
18. 7hird Part# Ins)ector
!1. Correction ction Re:uest !!. Preventive ction
2 2
C..R. P.
!$. ront ;nd ;ngineering Design
!'. aterial 7aeoff
!+. 7echnical "uer#
!*. Re:uest for "uotation
!a"e 7 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
/eneral State%ent o2 Quality O9jecti"e#
'.1.1 7he )ur)ose of this statement is to inform all our 4or force and our Customer, of our effort to assure :ualit# as sti)ulated in our Cor)orate "ualit# anagement S#stem anual, Latest Revision. '.1.! 7o e%$3a#i=e that "ualit# anagement is a fundamental re:uirement for all contracts undertaen b# the Cor)orat, shall be )racticed b# all )ersonnel including Su))liers in their res)ective activities. '.1.$ "ualit# Polic# is communicated to all em)lo#ees b# dis)la#ing on
'.1.' 7o $ro%ote uni2or%ity in 4or methodolog# throughout the organi(ation, irres)ective of Customer re:uirements through )rocedures, 4hich 4ill be im)lemented at all times, 4ith a vie4 to enhancing "ualit#, Standard and %verall Performance of the %rgani(ation. '.1.+ 7o ensure continuou# I%$ro"e%ent b# 4oring in a s#stematic manner b# em)lo#ee )artici)ation 4ith the formali(ed )rocedures, to eliminate 6 reduce defect, re)air or re4or. '.1.* To en3ance O;ner #ati#2action b# effective utili(ation of resources, )rocedures and ensure time bound com)letion. '.1.- To $ro%ote lea&er#3i$ #>ill# through training and )rovision of resources.
'.1.H 7o ensure that the Su$$lier6# a&3ere to Quality 7ana:e%ent Sy#te% Procedures, ethod Statements and Ins)ection & 7est Plans, as a )art of the Subcontract )hiloso)h# to the entire satisfaction of the Consortium and o4ner
'.1.8 7o en#ure -ee&9ac> from Au&it#, Noncon2or%ance Re$ort# and res)ective Correcti"e Action# and Pre"enti"e Action# and those %4ner com)laints *SN+ are brought to the notice of anagement during "ualit# anagement Revie4 eeting for effective and efficient revie4 and resolutions sought, are incor)orated in net generation )rocedures and im)lemented throughout the organi(ation.
T3e $roject #$eci2ic Quality O9jecti"e# are)
!a"e % o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
7o ensure that the %bectives of the %4ner are fulfilled in re:uired se:uence, schedule and time for our sco)e of 4ors for the Proect b# com)l#ing 4ith the re:uirements of 7echnical S)ecifications & Dra4ings. s a Contractor, 4e are res)onsible for erification, confirmation and com)letion of ;ngineering, construction, )rocurement, Pre2Commissioning & commissioning of the )roect & deliver it for usage as a )roduct of our industr#. 7his 4ill be achieved b# follo4ing "ualit# S#stem and Procedures, GS; Re:uirements and other Statutor# & Regulator# re:uirements.
7o ;nsure Safet# 4areness of all )ersonnel irres)ective of 7rade and understand the J?ero Acci&entJ Polic# and im)lement the safet# )rogram 6 )ractices in each )hase of 4or carried out.
7o eecute the said 4ors for the PDOC Ne; O22ice .uil&in: 4ithin budgetar# )rovisions, simultaneousl# meeting or im)osing u)on Proect Schedule and "6"C re:uirements for the Proect and 4or shall be eecuted strictl# in accordance 4ith the Proect "ualit# Plan & Safet# Plan and in accordance 4ith the %4ner Fs s)ecified rule and meeting the regulations.
Control o2 Project Quality Plan an& Quality Sy#te% Docu%entation *Pre$aration Re"ie; A$$ro"al an& Re"i#ion +
Quality Re$re#entati"e*QR+ *Q!A+ En:ineer 4ill revie4, record and inform QA8QC 7ana:er of the Con#ortiu% about the ade:uac# of this Project Quality Plan6 Document and Dra4ing Registers including ;ngineering Deliverables and suggest necessar# amendment. 7he revision to this Project Quality Plan @to meet contract re:uirements and6or comments from %4nerA 4ill be issued b# Con#ortiu% QA8QC 7ana:er or QA8QC En:ineer at site, 4ho is authori(ed to amend the same in line 4ith document control )rocedure. ethod Statements, Ins)ection & 7est2Plans and Procedures are to be )re)ared and amended to meet the %4ner re:uirements through the Contract 7hese shall be $re$are& b# QC En:ineer# 8 Di#ci$line En:ineer#, re"ie;e& b# QA8QC En:ineer and a$$ro"e& b# Project 7ana:er before sending to O;ner for re"ie;8a$$ro"al.
If %ajor changes in an# document are re:uired, i.e., Change in the methodolog# or a))roach, then it 4ill be i##ue& 2or re"ie; as Rev. , 5, C and so on. Go4ever, necessar# entries shall be made in re"i#ion control $a:e of the corres)onding document. /hen %inor amendments are to be carried out in an# document, i.e., 7#)ogra)hical errors, reordering the contents etc, the same 4ill be issued for a$$ro"al under Issue No! *(+ and so on.
!a"e #0 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
7he QA8QC En:ineer shall )re)are a list of DOCU7ENTS OLDER F. 7he# shall receive the Controlled Co)iesF of this Project Quality Plan and )ertinent issues of other "ualit# S#stem Documents through Docu%ent Control o22ice. 7his 4ill be clearl# sho4n on controlle& &ocu%ent &i#tri9ution li#t .
7he controlle& co$y 3ol&er shall be res)onsible for &e#troyin: o9#olete co)ies of the :ualit# s#stem documents 6 Dra4ings 6 an# other Documents or identif#ing the same as Su)ersededF and ee)ing it under safe custod# if the document is deemed necessar# for an# future reference or financial claim )ur)oses.
!a"e ## o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
%verall Proect %rgani(ation is included as A$$en&i01@, 4hich sho4s the overall organi(ation structure.
/eneral State%ent on Quality A##urance
It shall be the in&i"i&ual &e$art%ent %ana:er6#, res)onsibilit# to ensure that the )rocedures are im)lemented and regularl# revie4ed to reflect current %4ner re:uirements & )hiloso)h#.
It shall be the res)onsibilit# of the QA8QC En:ineer to %onitor continuousl# the im)lementation of the current Project Quality Plan. In order to verif# a+ the necessar# s#stems and )rocedures eist and 9+ )lanned & im)lementation Au&it# b# QA8QC 7ana:er QA En:ineer 4ill be conducted on )roect site office.
Con#truction 7ana:e%ent CONSORTIUM 7ANA/E7ENT has overall authorit# and res)onsibilit# for all activities related to the /ors for com)letion of the )roect
QA8QC Re#$on#i9ility 1CONSORTIU7+ @QA8QC+ 7ana:er Con#ortiu%, 4ho are connected 4ith the )roect for basic in)uts lie technical data, material, man)o4er, regulator# a))rovals and finance are referred to in this Project Quality Plan.
QA8QC 7ana:er @"6"CA anager has overall authorit# and res)onsibilit# for "ualit# anagement S#stem Program. Ge is also 57ana:e%ent Re$re#entati"e6 for Consortium. Gis )rimar# res)onsibilities include9 2
Re)resenting Consortium on all "ualit# matters )ertaining to the "ualit# ssurance Program and he re)orts directl# to Proect S)onsor.
Structuring Project Quality Plan to ensure com)liance 4ith "ualit# re:uirements.
Revie4ing the Con#ortiu% or:ani=ation relationshi)s and develo)ing )ro)osals for im)rovement.
Determining and re)orting )rinci)le causes of "ualit# losses and non2conformances. - uditing various areas and De)artments of the Consortium and its SubcontractorFs "ualit# S#stems as )er udit Plans & Schedule. 2
;nsure that all #$ecial $roce##e# are e22ecti"ely controlle& an& %onitore& to ensure better :ualit# and im)roved reliabilit#. !a"e #2 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
onitoring ConsortiumFs "ualit# ssurance Program to &eter%ine ;3ere i%$ro"e%ent# are nee&e& and recommending a))ro)riate corrective action.
;nsure that all "ualit# Re:uirements are met through udit and e)edite close out of non2conformance, if an#, b# clo#e %onitorin: of corrective actions taen to ensure better :ualit# and im)roved reliabilit#.
Present overall status of "ualit# ssurance S#stem Im)lementation through Quality 7ana:e%ent Re"ie; 7eetin:#F on a regular basis and tae corrective actions in ".. S#stem 6 Procedure as )er "..R resolutions.
De$art%ental ea /ith regard to "ualit#, each De)artment 6 Disci)line anager shall be res)onsible for9
7he "ualit# of 4or carried out b# all )ersonnel 4ithin their de)artment.
erif#ing the a))roved )rocedures are ado)ted 4ithin their de)artment and that an# necessar# additional )rocedures are established, im)lemented, revie4ed and u)dated as re:uired.
;nsuring that all staff are ade:uatel# :ualified and e)erienced in their disci)line to )erform the duties of their )osition in a satisfactor# manner. 7rain them if needed to meet technological advancement.
;nsuring that all staff are familiar 4ith Proect "ualit# )rocedures, have read# access and im)lement them in the da# to da# 4ors.
Aut3ority Re#$on#i9ility *Project+ 7he authorit# and res)onsibilit# of e# )ersonnel for "ualit# ssurance activities for the Proect 4ill be defined in this Project Quality Plan.
Project S$on#or 7he 7o) anagement of the 7o4 Com)anies cor)orate to form a Con#ortiu% .oar& 4hich 4ill be the Proect S)onsor for the Proect on behalf of Consortium. 7he# shall be res)onsible for fulfilling %4nerFs obectives to realise the Proect b# com)leting our ESco)e of /orF in a se:uential, timel# and efficient manner b# maintaining :ualit# assurance, GS; s#stem, Planning and Co2ordination.
Project 7ana:er P7 shall be re#$on#i9le to the Con#ortiu% .oar& for successful eecution of the )roect from a4ard until final com)letion. T3e ;or> area# o2 %ana:e%ent directl# under his control & management shall be9 Proect !a"e #& o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
anagement Integration. , Proect 7ime anagement, Proect Sco)e anagement, Proect "ualit#, GS; anagement, Proect Cost, Ris, Procurement, Communications & Guman resource anagement. Gis res)onsibilit# shall include but not limited to 9 2
Re)resent Consortium and liaise 4ith %4ner on da#2to2da# matters.
%rgani(e a Proect 7eam and assign authorit# and res)onsibilities to his su))orting anagers 6 ;ngineers 6 Su)ervisors in consultation 4ith the Construction anager @CA 6 Proect Control anager @PCA6 /arrantee anager.
7imel# com)letion 4ithin the budgetar# )rovisions.
Revie4 )eriodicall# %verall /or Plans, S2Curve and detailed schedules along 4ith Consortium mobili(ation )lans, and revie4 them )eriodicall# to ensure that )roect )erformance matches 4ith Proect schedule re:uirements.
Providing technical 6 financial in)uts, timel# mobili(ation of man)o4er and e:ui)ment to )roect site. obili(e and utili(e the re:uired services of construction )ersonnel or s)ecialist Subcontractors.
Revie4 ConsortiumFs 4or schedule, man)o4er, machiner#, )roduction, )roductivit# and :ualit#.
Co2ordinate bet4een various functions lie administration, )rocurement, )roect control, design & develo)ment, construction and commissioning and finance, so as to ensure that target dates are set for various actions 6 )rograms and im)lemented in timel# manner to meet the Proect Schedule.
;nsure meeting contractual re:uirements for "ualit#, Gealth, Safet#, ;nvironment and other legal matters.
Regularl# revie4 the )erformance of "ualit# anagement, Safet# & /elfare anagement, ;nvironmental "ualit# anagement b# conducting revie4 meetings 6 obtaining 4eel# re)orts and a))raise the management of the status of im)lementation and ensure corrective actions, if an#, to maintain 6 im)rove these s#stems.
;nsure that subcontractors6su))liers are scrutini(edK short2listed and relevant a))rovals are obtained from %4ner.
%btaining necessar# and relevant a))rovals from Regulator# 5odies through the Local uthorit# Coordinator.
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'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
De$uty Project 7ana:er De)ut# Proect anager *DYP7A is Con#ortiu%6# Project Re$re#entati"e and shall be re#$on#i9le to the Con#ortiu% P7 and shall have the authorit# and res)onsibilit# for eecution of ConsortiumFs Sco)e of /or including coordination bet4een contractor and C%<7RC7%R for design engineering and construction management, "6"C, Gealth, Safet#, ;nvironmental "ualit# Control, and schedule control for a successful com)letion of the Proect. Gis res)onsibilit# shall include but not limited to9 -
Re)resent the Consortium and liaise 4ith %4ner on da#2to2da# matters. Ge 4ill manage the )roect coordination bet4een the ;ngineering Subcontractor and the construction 7eam through the Chief engineering & construction anager. Co2ordinate bet4een various functions lie )rocurement de)t., construction de)t., technical de)t., "6"C de)t. & site office ;nsure meeting contractual re:uirements for "ualit#, Gealth, Safet#, ;nvironment matters.
Regularl# revie4 the )erformance of "ualit# anagement, Safet# & construction anagement, b# conducting revie4 meetings 6 obtaining 4eel# re)orts and a))raise the management of the status of im)lementation and ensure corrective actions, if an#, to maintain 6 im)rove these s#stems.
;nsure that subcontractors6su))liers are scrutini(edK short2listed and relevant a))rovals are obtained from %4ner.
Con#truction 7ana:er *C7A Construction anager @CA is Con#ortiu%6# Site Re$re#entati"e and shall be re#$on#i9le to the DYP7 and he shall have overall authorit# and res)onsibilit# for field eecution of all C;I activities. Ge shall9 2
Re$re#ent Consortium in the a9#ence of P 6 D>P on site 4ith the sole ece)tion of "6"C activities.
;nsure dra4ings are )ro)erl# studied and field checs are made before 4or is undertaen. Pre)are @#ite+ Tec3nical Querie# 2or &i#cre$ancie# in dra4ings 4ith ;ngineering subcontractor after field chec or discre)ancies6clarification in the s)ecification6s if an#.
;nsure 5A#1.uilt6 &ocu%entation and 5-iel& De#i:n 7o&i2ication# is )re)ared b# Design & ;ngineering Subcontractor.
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;nsure )ro)er indents of consumables and Subcontractors 6 Su))lierFs su))lied materials and do necessar# follo42u) 4ith Procurement De)artment through Proect Control ;ngineer. Revie4 that ade:uate resources @man)o4er, e:ui)ment, tools and tacles, etc.A are available as $er Project E0ecution Plan and ensure that necessar# mobili(ation arrangement is made through the Proect anager. 2 Revie4 the )erformance of the 4or, on dail# basis 4ith Proect anager 6 Proect Control 7eam and Proect Services =rou) and ensure that corrective action is taen to ensure Construction Schedule is maintained.
Periodicall# chec 4ith GS; ;ngineer for im)lementation of )rogram, revie4 safet# returns and audit 6 ins)ection re)orts. ;nsure that ade:uate )ersonnel )rotective e:ui)ment is )rovided as )er trade, )ro)erl# utili(ed and the morale of the )ersonnel is maintained b# )rovision of ade:uate health, safet# and 4elfare conditions.
Project Control 7ana:er Proect Control anager @PCA shall be res)onsible to the C for )lanning6scheduling, engineering materials control services and re)orting. Ge 4ill be assigned to the )roect site from the )eriod from commencement of the )roect through to com)letion of commissioning and 4ill be the )erson 4ho 4ill be contacted b# the %4ner in the absence of P, D>P and C. Ge shall92 -
Im)lement and maintain the s#stems and )rocedures for )roect scheduling, monitoring and re)orting )roect eecution throughout the duration of the Contract. Provide overall and detailed )lans and schedules of activities and resources, 4hich are ade:uate and are in accordance 4ith the )roect eecution )lans .
Pre)are the different level of Proect Planning for activities and monitor Proect Progress on onthl#6/eel# schedules.
Pre)are Proect ;ecution Schedules, SM curve, obili(ation Plan for resources, loo ahead schedule etc. and monitor that the mobili(ation, construction is being done as )er )lan and revise the schedule as )er Proect In)ut @including 7%A from %4ner after raising alert to P.
onitor area of interface 4ith %4ner, Subcontractors and other third )arties for com)liance 4ith a))roved schedules and general eecution intent. A&"i#e P7 o2 any &e"iation# an& tren, 4hich %ay a&"er#ely e22ect $roject e0ecution!
Pre)are and maintain s#stems and )rocedures for control of free issue materials from %4ner 3 if an# 2. Direct and manage material control !a"e #6 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
services for com)liance 4ith a))roved )rocedures and in a manner that ensures ade:uate su))ort of effective )roect eecution.
Pre)are and maintain s#stems and )rocedures for control of sco)e deviations and administration of contract terms and condition in relation to 4or eecution. ;nsure ade:uate and timel# identification, :uantification and documentation of contract variations and etra 4or instructions throughout )roect eecution and at Proect closeout.
;nsure )ro)er co2o)eration of activities 4ithin sco)e of res)onsibilit# 4ith other eecution and services grou)s for effective 4oring.
;nsure that the )urchase of )roect materials i.e. consumables, structural steel etc. for various /ors are correctl# s)ecified 4ith regard to sco)e, technical and :ualit# matters and made available as )er Proect Schedule.
Revie4 deliverables submitted b# Subcontractors and confirm that the# match 4ith Proect re:uirements b# organi(ing technical revie4 through "6"C ;ngineers 6 Disci)line ;ngineers and distribution to all concerned through Document Control.
Revie4 aterial Receiving StatisticsF for Purchased Items @)ermanent materialsA and e)edite deliver# of long deliver# items and dela#ed deliver# items through Proect Control ;ngineer 6 D>P.
Control of C%<7RC7%R 6 Subcontractors 4or schedule, man)o4er, machiner#, )roduction and :ualit# b# regular revie4 of re)orts and monitoring Ins)ection and 7est Status. Inform D>P6C through PC 4henever there is sli))age in an# front.
Resolution of technical :ueries, concession notes, design deviation re:uest from Su))liers b# re)resentation to the %4ner and u)dating the status of such matters.
%riginate and control the overall schedule for construction including verification of resources Subcontractor 6 Services 6 man)o4er loading in consultation 4ith C6D>P and inform P for necessar# mobili(ation.
En:ineerin: 7ana:er 7he ;ngineering anager *E7+ shall be re#$on#i9le to the CE Ge shall ensure "ualit# ssurance in Design, Develo)ment, Production6abrication Installation and Commissioning of facilities. Ge shall be res)onsible to ensure the im)lementation of ;ngineering SubcontractorFs Design Control Procedure during all stages of Design & Develo)ment. Ge shallK !a"e #7 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
5e res)onsible to )rovide formal and s#stematic guidelines to all concerned to control and verif# design and detailed engineering related activities of )roect in order to meet %4ner stated and im)lied needs.
5e res)onsible for activit# assignment to Consortium )ersonnel for initial surve# and site data collection, 4hich 4ill form the basis of design in)uts.
Plan and %rgani(e technical interface co2ordination.
Identif# design in)ut, design out)uts, design revie4, design verification, design validation and design change control.
Pre)aration of Proect Co2ordination Procedure 4ith %4ner 5e res)onsible for Document, Dra4ing control and Su))lier data control.
5e res)onsible for Progress Re)ort for Design and Detailed ;ngineering activities indicating areas of concern, )rogress statistics, )rogress curve, dra4ings & documents status re)ort, baclog activities and their antici)ated date of com)letion.
5e res)onsible for revie4 of all material re:uisitions and )acage subcontract documents )re)ared b# Design & Develo)ment Subcontractor2if an# for on4ard a))roval b# %4ner and issue to Subcontractor6Su))liers.
5e res)onsible for revie4 of all documents, dra4ings, data, and technical evaluations, )re)ared b# Design & Develo)ment Subcontractor before issue for a))roval of %4ner and6or )urchase order.
5e res)onsible for maing s)ecific setches, 4rite2u)s for obtaining 4or )ermits, statutor# a))rovals etc., as re:uired during the construction of )roect.
5e res)onsible for ensuring technical conformit# for materials that re:uired @7A, su))lied to )roect site 4ith necessar# third )art# ins)ection re)orts as a))licable and 4itness factor# acce)tance test and site acce)tance test 4ith disci)line engineers.
5e res)onsible for )re)aration of necessar# documentation 6construction s)ecifications for s)eciali(ed 4or.
Resolve da# to da# matters )ertaining to incom)lete information or ambiguit# in s)ecifications 6 dra4ings and field )roblems and if necessar#, for4ard unsolved )roblems to C; 6 D>P & P for taing u) in %4nerFs Progress eeting for resolution& mae a re:uired coordination to raise @S7"A 4ith C , )re)ared b# Su))orting technical )ro)osals . !a"e # o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
mend s)ecifications6dra4ings etc. in line 4ith a))roved design concession6deviation re:uests a))roved b# %4ner and maintain necessar# and relevant data for submission on s25uiltF documentation.
5e res)onsible for maing s)ecific setches, 4rite2u)s for obtaining 4or )ermits, statutor# a))rovals etc., as re:uired during the construction.
mend s)ecifications6dra4ings etc. in line 4ith a))roved design concession6deviation re:uests a))roved b# %4ner and maintain necessar# and relevant data for submission. En:ineerin: Con#truction Coor&ination -
7he ;ngineering & Construction Coordination shall be res)onsible to the DYP7 for coordinating bet4een the ;ngineering Subcontractor through Chief Engineering CE and the con#truction 7ana:er C7 for matters related to their disci)line 4ithin the sco)e of 4or shall be res)onsible for Revie4, e)editing and coordination of the engineering dra4ings6 s)ecifications and the )rocurement of material for ensuring timel# deliver# and conformance to )roect C @a))roved for constructionA dra4ings6 functional s)ecifications. +.+.H
Procure%ent 7ana:er 7he Procurement ang.shall re)ort directl# to Proect anager @PA 4ith Cc to C. Ge shall be res)onsible for timel# )rocurement of materials and arranging subcontracts 6 services as )er the schedule re:uirements of the )roect. Ge shall9
5e res)onsible for R" in consultation 4ith ;ngineering anager.
5e res)onsible for )re)aration of Procurement Schedule in consultation 4ith Planning de)artment as )er )roect s)ecification.
5e res)onsible for evaluation and )re2:ualification of vendors and submit the technical evaluation in consultation 4ith ;ngineering anager and Proect anager for a))roval.
5e res)onsible for floating of en:uiries and receiving :uotations.
5e res)onsible for 7echno2commercial evaluation in consultation 4ith )roect team.
5e res)onsible for cost effectiveness of )rocurement of all materials.
!a"e #% o$ 6%
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5e res)onsible for )lacing of orders and e)editing for effective and realistic deliver#.
5e res)onsible for %R=
%rgani(e third )art# ins)ection 6 audit on vendors of )roducts de)ending on criticalit# class and ins)ection level given in technical s)ecifications and aterial Re:uisition.
5e res)onsible for arranging all sho) test certificates from vendors.
5e res)onsible for the release of materials for trans)ortation and handling, shi))ing and custom clearance at sea )ort 6 air)ort and deliver# to site.
5e res)onsible for )roviding timel# in)ut to all sub2contracts or services and monitoring their )erformance and cost.
Lo:i#tic 7ana:er 7aterial Control 7ana:er Lo:i#tic 7ana:er *L7+ shall be res)onsible to Proect Control anager @PCA and shall have the authorit# and res)onsibilit# for material control at construction site and re)orts to C & PC for
Coor&inate 4ith PC78PE8C7 an& QA8QC 7ana:er to get necessar# )rocedures, data sheets and formats for material control at construction site for )urchased material for )ermanent installation.
Su)ervise storage including )reservation as deemed necessar# as )er Proect S)ecification or anufacturerFs recommendation. ae arrangement of field material control and handling )lan de)ending u)on availabilit# storage area and facilities and ob re:uirements.
Provide re)ort and re:uest as to antici)ate material shortage to PC and C to avoid )ossible dela# of construction 4or.
Pre)are indents of the consumables, services re:uired for eecution of the )roect and send to the Procurement =rou) through C.
Co2ordinate 4ith )urchasing Section to get necessar# material re:uisitioned for the )roect eecution, e.g. tools 6 tacles, consumables.
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isuall# ins)ect and co2ordinate regarding technical matters 4ith ".C. Ins)ector "6"C ;ngineer and 6 or disci)line engineer and segregate non2confirming material in :uarantine area. aintain material recei)t ins)ection records.
aintain records of recei)t, issue and certificates of conformit#, calibration data and batch test certificates for various material received b# him, certification, 4herever necessar#. Co)ies of necessar# records mentioned above are handed over to ".C. De)artment 6 Disci)line ;ngineer for revie4 6 records.
Ins)ect visuall# and re)ort damage, deficienc# 6
ae arrangement of aterial Control and Gandling )lan de)ending u)on ob re:uirements and organi(e suitable storage facilities, closed storage, air2condition storage, o)en shed or free2hold level )lot, )i)e dum), etc.
%rgani(e for Recei)t, Ins)ection, Storage, Preservation and issue of e:ui)ment, )i)es6fittings and other materials.
Su)ervise storage 6 stacing including )reservation of s)ecified com)onents lie Instrumentation Control items.
Coordinate 4ith a))licable s)ecialist for ins)ection all incoming su))lier e:ui)ment 6 materials visuall# and re)ort damage, deficienc# 6
;nsures Product Identification and 7raceabilit# of materials till items are fabricated or erected and maintain relevant data till final hand over in consultation 4ith "6"C anager.
aintain records of recei)t 6 issue, Certificates of Conformit#, Calibration Data, 5atch 7est Certificates and aterial Safet# Data sheets for materials lie )aints, resin and various other materials received b# him as a))licable. Pre)are indents of the consumables, services re:uired for eecution of the )roect and send to PC after a))roval b# C6ield ;ngineers.
2 2
Coordinate 4ith )urchasing function to get necessar# material re:uisitioned for the )roect eecution, e.g. tools6tacles and consumables.
SE 7ana:er GS; anager shall be res)onsible to @P7+ and he shall have overall authorit# and res)onsibilit# for Safet#, Gealth and /elfare at site. Ge shall9 !a"e 2# o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Coordinate 4ith %4ner, Disci)line ;ngineers, Subcontractors and the 4orforce in general for overall safet# )ractices to be follo4ed during eecution of this Proect. ormulate Site Safet# Committee 4ith re)resentatives from all 4oring grou) and conduct regular meetings.
Plan, organi(e and co2ordinate basic induction training and orientation given b# Safet# su)ervisor and maintain status re)ort of each individual.
;nsure that the su)ervisor# staff and 4orers are ade:uatel# trained in the )rocess of im)lementation of ;nvironmental Control b# lectures and constantl# reminded b# the use of Signs and Posters dis)la#ed at )rominent )laces of 4or.
Direct and su)ervise Safet#, Gealth, /elfare and ;nvironment related matters as )er local regulations, C%P<>Fs Proect @GS;A Procedures and ContractorFs a))roved GS; Plan for ContractorFs )ersonnel and for Subcontractors.
7o confirm that all )lant lifting e:ui)ment, tools 6 tacles and lifting belts for use at 4or are eamined and tested b# com)etent authorities and $erio&ically c3ec>e& 2or "ali&ity o2 certi2icate# to ensure reliabilit# and Safet#.
Co2ordinate, conduct and re)ort site safet# related Induction 7rainingK organi(e 4eel# 7ool 5o 7als to im)rove understanding of 4orforce about ris2)otential 6 control 6 elimination.
2 ;nsure that aterial Safet# Data sheetsF for )aints, resin and other chemicals utili(ed in the Proect are obtained and necessar# co)ies are available to the concerned su)ervisor# )ersonnel for use to understand )ossible )otential ha(ards 6 mitigating measures and emergenc# res)onse scheme. 2 Initiate and su)ervise safet# drills 2 fire )revention 6 fire etinguisher 6 electrical safet#, etc. 2
onitor and re)ort site safet# activities, and investigate incident 6 accident 4hether maorF, minorF or near2missF condition.
ttend regular meetings 4ith O;ner6# re)resentative to discuss and coordinate interface 6 safet# related )roblems 4ith other Subcontractors 4oring 4ithin the same area.
;)lore all )ossibilities of im)roving on safe conduct of 4or b# discussion, surveillance, site audit and ins)ection. Inform Su)ervisor# and anagement )ersonnel &urin: ;ee>ly #a2ety re"ie; %eetin:# about
!a"e 22 o$ 6%
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the )ast mistaes and future )lan to im)rove and secure the safet#, health and 4elfare of )ersons at 4or.
Pre)are ;mergenc# 6 Contingenc# Plan for GS; .
%btain necessar# a))roval from %4ner and6or other regulator# bodies and ensure that 4or is not held u) for 4or of )ermits 6 a))rovals.
Regular safet# ins)ection and audits are carried out at 4or )laces and necessar# corrective action are taen on )riorit# basis.
QA8QC 7ana:er "6"C anager @also called anagement Re)resentativeA shall be full time and res)onsible to Proect anager @PA and he shall have overall authorit# and res)onsibilit# for "6"C )rograms at site. Ge 4ill have sufficient authorit# and organi(ational freedom to achieve 5Quality O9jecti"e#6 on site and his res)onsibilit# 4ill be so )laced that the Proect Schedule shall not com)romise :ualit#. Consortium shall identif# the location of its :ualit# organi(ation, the degree of inde)endence from the )erforming organi(ation, and the authorit# of the individuals assigned :ualit# functions. Ge Shall9 2
Coordinate 4ith %4nerFs "6"C re)resentative and "C Ins)ectors, Subcontractors, 7hird Part# Ins)ection gencies and echanical 7esting Laboratories.
Pre)are and obtain %4ner a))roval of ethod Statements, Ins)ection and 7est Plans and Procedures as )er "ualit# anagement re:uirement of the contract.
Revie4 Controlled Document Distribution List at site office and ensure document distribution through Document Control section.
Chec )eriodicall# that )ertinent issues are available to those res)onsible for carr#ing out the 4or and its :ualit#.
onitor )ro)er distribution of relevant )rocedures as Document Distribution atri, dra4ings, s)ecifications 6 method statements to disci)line engineer 6 su)erintendent 6 foreman )eriodicall#.
!a"e 2& o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
%rgani(e and monitor the Stage Ins)ections re:uired at ;:ui)ment SubcontractorFs 4ors as )er the a))roved I7P.
%rgani(e third )art# ins)ection 6 audit on SubcontractorFs of )roducts de)ending on criticalit# class and ins)ection level given in technical s)ecifications and aterial Re:uisition.
Schedule & conduct Internal udits and ;ternal udits on Su))liers.
Coordinate for 7hird Part# Ins)ection @if an#A at SubcontractorFs sho) and ensure )ro)er certifications as )er ins)ection levels and Proect S)ecification re:uirements 6 material re:uirements.
Inform %4nerFs "6"C De)artment regarding
2 Revie4 "6"C re:uirements )eriodicall#, chec Ins)ection and 7est status and ensure that corrective actions are taen on
Continuousl# u)date all "ualit# S#stem records &confirm that "ualit# Program is being effectivel# im)lemented and a))ro)riate actions are taen to correct deficiencies.
7he onthl# re)orting ormat attached as A$$en&i01
*QA+ En:ineer "ualit# anagement S#stem calls for the )resence of " ;ngineer for ensuring com)liance to the "ualit# s#stem. 7he " ;ngineer @uditsA shall re$ort to t3e QA8QC 7ana:er . Ge shall9 -
Revie4 the )roect s)ecifications on regular basis, es)eciall# 4hen revisions are made, to assess the effect on cost and time 4.r.t )resent Procedures and raise 7echnical "ueries @7"A and associate him to resolve the same.
%rgani(e s)ecial training )rogramme related to IS% 80019!000 3 4areness and Im)lementation on regular basis and monitor easurement, nal#sis and Im)rovement Programme including Continual Im)rovement .
%rgani(e s)ecial surveillance on Customer )ro)ert# and sort out discre)ancies, if an#, b# raising 7echnical "ueries and discussion 4ith CustomerFs re)resentative.
!a"e 2 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Pre)are Internal udit Schedule & conduct audits 4ithin the organi(ation as 4ell as on Subcontractors as )er )rogramme, )rovide feedbac to the anagement on audit findings and follo4 u) on closeout of
Carr# out surveillance on various activities during eecution of the )roect and ensure im)lementation of "ualit# anagement S#stem in order to meet "ualit# re:uirements for the )roect and cross chec on "6"C activities carried out b# "ualit# Ins)ectors.
;nsure that
Inform " 8QC 7ana:er regarding
ssist "6"C anager in ;ternal udits.
Quality Control En:ineer# * QC + 7he Proect "ualit# Re:uirements call for )resence of "C ;ngineers 6 Ins)ectors and the# shall re)ort to "6"C ;ngineer 3site. s such res)onsibilit# for "ualit# rests 4ith ;ngineers and Su)ervisors as first line and 4ith "C ;ngineers 6 Ins)ectors as second line. 7he "C ;ngineers 6 Ins)ectors shall be full# a4are of Proect S)ecifications, latest a))roved :ualit# documents lie ".C. Procedures, ethod Statements, Ins)ection and 7est Plan, i.e. Proect Re:uirements and have sufficient e)erience in the field of 4or undertaen. 7he# shall 2 2
Issue RI for in )rocess activit# .
Random chec on incoming materials to chec )ro)er certification 6 verification, ins)ection records to ensure )roduct identification and traceabilit# to confirm that @LA is follo4ing the s#stem and involving concerned disci)line engineers.
ssure that all ins)ection and test outlined in the Ins)ection and 7est Plan are carried out. 7he# shall coordinate Ins)ection and 7est activities 4ith %4nerFs ;ngineer 6 Ins)ectors and ensure that all re:uirement of I7PFs lie Gold, /itness, onitoring or revie4 )oint are satisfied and the necessar# certification is signed b# all. 7he original shall be given in "6"C de)artment and co)# handed over to Disci)line ;ngineer 6%4ner Re)resentative as a))licable.
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Collect, segregate, file and maintain "ualit# records through Documentation Cler and )re)are Ins)ection & 7est Status on regular basis.
Document Controller Document Controller 4ors on site office shall be res)onsible for Recei)t, onitor, ile, and Inde, distribute and maintain a database 4ith the revision status of various documents received6issued and to6from ;ngineering Subcontractor , Subcontractors, Su))liers and %4ner. Ge shall also res)onsible for internal distribution of all :ualit# documents, Dra4ings, S)ecifications, Su))lier documents etc., as )er the Document Distribution matri. ll the corres)ondence to 6 form the %4ner and Su))liers, i.e., Letters, 7ele faes etc. 4ill be handled, monitored and distributed b# the Proect anager #ecretary. n Incoming and %utgoing corres)ondence log shall be maintained either in the form of a soft co)# or hard co)#.
;ngineer, Su)ervisor, oreman ;ngineer, Su)ervisor, oreman shall be res)onsible to the C and the# shall have authorit# and res)onsibilit# for schedule control, :ualit# control and GS; control on assigned 4or at )roect sites. 7hese are direct su)ervisor# )ositions and the s)an of control in each case 4ill be as defined in this Plan, but the )rimar# functions are similar. Disci)line ;ngineers in )articular have to liaise 4ith "C ;ngineer 6 Ins)ectors in the )re)aration of Ins)ection and 7est Plans. Ge shall9 2
Pre)are and eecute detailed construction )lan including detailed schedule, manning )lan, construction e:ui)ment )lan, etc. for da#2to2da# activities and advise PC6P; accordingl#.
Revie4 and )lan according to the Level III Construction Plan for his disci)line @Sco)eA for the 4ee6fortnight.
Direct and su)ervise subcontractor, if an#.
Perform :ualit# control of the assigned 4or in line 4ith ethod Statements & Ins)ection and 7est Plans a))roved b# %4ner.
Direct and su)ervise Subcontractors in their area of 4or.
7ae corrective action on
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Pre)are technical :ueries for discre)ancies in dra4ing after field chec or discre)ancies or clarification in the s)ecification as 4ell.
Co%%i##ionin: 7ana:er 7he commissioning manager shall be res)onsible to the )roect manager. Ge shall be overall res)onsible for )lanning the commissioning activities in co ordination 4ith the PC and the C in the se:uential manner. Ge shall9
erif# all the com)letion records before taing u) s#stems6e:ui)ments for commissioning.
erif# the com)liance to the design of the s#stems and )re)are )ro)er commissioning schedule.
%rgani(e for startu) 6 checout testing and %4ner training along 4ith the commissioning activities.
Control the total commissioning o)eration through co ordination 4ith the various subcontractors.
Carr# out )re functional and functional testing of all e:ui)ment and s#stem to be commissioned using the )rocedures designed for each s#stem 6 e:ui)ment.
Control the )re)aration of commissioning documentation re:uired for o)eration and maintenance of the s#stems6 e:ui)ments.
Revie4 the design against the )erformance efficienc# designed to be delivered b# the s#stem6 e:ui)ment
Delegation of uthorit# s mentioned above and in this )aragra)h of PR%?;C7 "BLI7> PL< each )ersonnel have authorit# and res)onsibilit# for the functions assigned to him. Go4ever, he ma# delegate his duties to assigned individuals 4ithin his relevant Section as a))ro)riate. “The Responsibilit for !"#lit rests $ith o" #n% not onl $ith the st#ff oper#ting the Inspe&tion Sste'( It is the tot#l &o''it'ent of the gro"p th#t '#)es the !"#lit M#n#ge'ent * +,, per&ent s"&&essf"l(-
!a"e 27 o$ 6%
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Consortium 4ill submit " Procedures 6 ethod Statements 6 /or Instructions that are referenced in I7P and 6"ualit# Plan 4hich define ho4 individual elements of the 4or are undertaen, the )ersonnel res)onsible, the im)lementation of ins)ection6verification activities and testing re:uirements. 7he Proect S)ecific Procedures and Ins)ection & 7est Plans @"ualit# PlansA 4ill be )re)ared after stud#ing all Proect S)ecifications, Codes and Standards s)elled out in I.7.P., Proect S)ecifications and Dra4ings for the Contract and good engineering )ractice. Res)onsibilit# for )re)aration, revie4 and a))roval @including revisionA has been identified in Para '.$.1 of this Project Quality Plan the same 4ill be follo4ed. Proect S)ecifications, Documents and Dra4ings listed in the Documents & Dra4ings RegisterM 4ill be used in conunction 4ith C%
"ualit# S#stem Documentation
s e)lained in the introductor# )aragra)h, C%
@cA In#$ection an& Te#t Plan# 2 @or Proect s)ecific sco)e of /or to be submitted A. Proect S)ecific activit#24ise )ro)osed " Procedures, ethod Statements 6 Ins)ection and 7est Plans for this Proect has been )re)ared and given in A$$en&i01B. Go4ever some of these documents ma# be combined or renamed as )er the actual )roect re:uirements, after the a4ard of contract. ll "ualit# documents for the activities to be started after a4ard of contract shall be submitted on )riorit#. 7he u)date of actual submission and a))roval status shall be incor)orated as )art of the Document and Dra4ing RegisterM
!a"e 2 o$ 6%
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Consortium 4ill maimi(e utili(ation 6 modification of e0i#tin: e#ta9li#3e& &ocu%ent rather than )re)aring ne4 ever# time. ccordingl# the documents listed shall be )re)ared to suit the )roect s)ecific re:uirements. *.!.!
*.$ *.$.1
7he " Procedures, ethod Statements and corres)onding Ins)ection and 7est Plan 4ill be )re)ared b# "6"C ;ngineer6Disci)line ;ngineers revie4ed b# "6"C anager and a))roved b# Proect anager before submitting for revie4 of %4ner. T3e In#$ection an& Te#t 2or%at# 5Reue#t 2or In#$ection6 or any ot3er 2or%at 2or 5In#$ection Te#t Statu#6 a# reuire& 9y t3e contractual reuire%ent an& Project tec3nical reuire%ent al#o ;ill 9e #u9%itte& 2or a$$ro"al! QUALITY 7ANA/E7ENT S#stem %utlines 7he follo4ing are summari(ed re:uirements of "ualit# anagement S#stem and details of /G%, /G7 and G%/ are defined in GPSICFs 4ritten "ualit# anagement S#stem Procedures or %)erational or " Procedures, ethod Statements @.SA and Ins)ection & 7est Plans @I.7.PA as a))licable.
Quality 7ana:e%ent Re#$on#i9ility
"ualit# Polic#, "ualit# obective have been defined in )revious )aragra)hs in this Project Quality Plan.
7he organi(ation structure, res)onsibilities and authorit# of )roect2based )ersonnel have been defined in this Project Quality Plan.
%verall "ualit# Planning for the Proect is being done in line 4ith the guidelines given as )er "ualit# Planning )hiloso)h# in "ualit# anagement S#stem anual
Re#ource 7o9ili=ation In2ra#tructure Identification of Resources re:uired for eecution of a contract shall be done b# Proect anager in consultation 4ith Consortium Proect anagement 7eam and documented in92 •
• •
7he PR%?;C7 "BLI7> PL<. Proect GS; Plan. Proect Planning Process grou) for 2 Proect Schedule @an)o4er, ;:ui)mentA &Proect 7ime schedule 2 ;ecution Plan & method statement 2 Commissioning )rocedure
7hese documents determine the Proect in)ut and resources. 7he res)onsibilit# for mobili(ation rests 4ith9 !a"e 2% o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Cor$orate Guman Resources De)artment *RD+ for silled6unsilled )ersonnel, including )rovision of )ro)er 4or environment meeting the statutor# & regulator# re:uirements @Labor La4, Contract Re:uirements etc.,A
Proect Control =rou) for infrastructure re:uirements such as9 Storage & abrication acilities, Cam)s and associated utilities,
aintenance De)artment for mobili(ation of Plant and e:ui)ment, certification, refurbishment as )er the )reventive maintenance schedule and breado4n maintenance.
Purchase =rou) for Identification & obili(ation of Su))liers Permanent materials Consumables
• • • • •
Co2ordination of all these is done b# P to ensure )ro)er 6 timel# mobili(ation of resources 6 infrastructure.
Status of mobili(ation of man)o4er @categor#24iseA and e:ui)ment 4ill be maintained, u)dated and monitored b# PC.
Trainin: Con#ortiu% maintains a s#stem of training staff and 4orers. Con#ortiu% shall ensure that )ersonnel )erforming activities affecting :ualit# are trained, :ualified or certified based on education, training, e)erience or eamination, including training on the a))licable )roect2 s)ecific "ualit# Plan. Recor ;ill 9e %aintaine& to &e%on#trate t3at $er#onnel are uali2ie& or certi2ie&! ll staff and 4orers 4ill have s)ecialist training according to trade. 7he# 4ill receive a))ro)riate instructions and 4ill be tested in accordance 4ith the recogni(ed standards or b# recogni(ed institutions e.g. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Safet# Induction course b# Safet# %fficer ;mergenc# Safet# Procedure b# Safet# %fficer, if an# 7ool 5o 7o)ics b# Safet# %fficer 6 Su)ervisors Crane driver, %)erators, Geav# ehicle Driver etc. 9y re:ulatory aut3oritie#! /elders b# Consortium in the )resence of %4ner Re)resentative. 7raining of )rocess6commissioning for o)eration and maintenance staff shall be )rovided to consortium & %4ner )ersonnelFs 3if re:uired during installation and commissioning stages . !a"e &0 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Recor& o2 all trainin: carried out and certificate issued 4ill be e)t in concerned de)artments and a co)# 4ill be maintained b# dminstrator anager in the corres)onding em)lo#eeFs )ersonnel file. %nl# )ersonnel 4ith valid certificates 6 :ualification shall be allo4ed to )erform the s)eciali(ed sill 4or. Si%ilarly QA8QC anager on site shall en#ure that all oremen and ;ngineers 4oring on site are a;are of our "ualit# Polic#, "ualit# %bective for this )roect and " & "C re:uirement of the )roect b# carr#ing out lectures 6 discussion of "ualit# ssurance )rocedures 6 ins)ection and test )lans and e)laining the needs 6 s)ecified re:uirement of the Proect, organi(ing "ualit# 4areness Programs organi(ed internall# .
Quality 7ana:e%ent Sy#te% I%$le%entation "ualit# anagement S#stem im)lementation :ui&eline# are covered under A$$en&i01F. "ualit# Re)resentative at )roect site shall tae cogni(ance of this re:uirement and ensure effective im)lementation.
7ana:e%ent Re"ie; *Project Le"el+ Proect anagement Revie4 7eetin: conducted e"ery %ont3 4ill include onthl# Progress, "ualit# anagement, Gealth & Safet# and ;nvironmental "ualit# functions.
Docu%ent Control
7he Con#ortiu% shall establish and maintain a s#stem, 4hich shall )rovide for the control of a))roval and issue of all documents, together 4ith methods of changing6modif#ing of this s#stem. 7he Con#ortiu% shall be res)onsible for o)erating a Librar# established for the storage of all records such as dra4ings, s)ecifications, )rocedures, and all other relevant reference documents. 7he Librar# shall consist of suitable secure cabinets that )revent deterioration or damage to documents.
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ll incoming corres)ondence from %4ner & Su))liers, i.e. Letters, 7elefaes etc. shall be recei"e& 9y the P7 #ecretary, verified, date stam)ed and entr# made in the Incoming register and circulated to all concerned a# %ar>e& 9y P7 8 C7 8 PC7 as Documented in the Document Control Procedure. ll incoming documents shall be recei"e& 9y t3e DC &e$art%ent, verified, stam)ed and logged in to the Incoming document register and distributed as )er the )redefined Internal Dra4ing & Document Distribution List. Document Di#tri9ution Li#t 2or%at i# inclu&e& a# Attac3%ent o2 A$$en&i01G! aster Dra4ings & Document Register 4ill be )re)ared including the ;ngineering Deliverable generated for the reali(ation of the )roect. T3e Dra;in: Docu%ent Re:i#ter -or%at attac3e& 3ere;it3 a# A$$en&i01H. /henever ne4 or revised s)ecification 6 dra4ings are received, the# 4ill be entered in aster to reflect revision number, date of issue @on documentA, date of recei)t at site and issued to the relevant disci)line manager 6 engineers 6 ins)ectors and "6"C ;ngineer as )er distribution matri for stud# and im)lementation.
ll the co)ies of su)erseded s)ecifications 6 dra4ings 6 )rocedures, etc., shall be destro#ed or be mared %IDM or SBP;RC;D;DM and the# ma# be e)t in se)arate files if re:uired for future reference. ll outgoing documents shall be issued 4ith a uni:ue serial number, revision designator 4ith date of )re)aration 6 revie4 6 a))roval and listing of all documents shall be maintained in the Document Control Log 6 Dra4ing Inde 6 Procedure Inde 6 ethod Statement Inde 6 Ins)ection and 7est Plans matri. 7he numbering s#stem for document is to be identified in the Document Control Proce&ure! n# re:uest for change to the "ualit# S#stem Documents shall be made to the original a))rover, unless authori(ed or delegated in line 4ith Para +.*.18 and all subse:uent revisions have to be authori(ed. 7he res)onsibilities for )re)aration, revie4, and a))roval including revision have been outlined in this Project Quality Plan. Document Submittal log for )rocedures, ethod statements, I7Ps etc., 4ill be u)dated 4eel# to confirm the status of submission, comments and a))roval etc. ll documents issued for construction )ur)ose shall be mared JCJ6 ICM. 7hese shall be a))roved b# the P 6 PC. 7he numbering s#stem and a))roving authorit# for various documents 6 dra4ings shall be as established b# Consortium accor&in: to nu%9erin: #y#te% $roce&ure 7ransmission of Dra4ings 6 Data Sheets 6 Procedures and other "ualit# S#stem Documents 6 S)ecification shall be done 4ith a Document 7ransmittalN orm, a co)# of 4hich shall be signed b# the receiver and returned to the originator.
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Quality Recor 7he Con#ortiu% 4ill )re)are )rocedure for identification, collection, indeing access, filing storage, maintenance and dis)osition of "ualit# Records to demonstrate the effectiveness of the :ualit# s#stem and the :ualit# of the )roduct. ll batch certificates, Lab certificates, Dail# Ins)ection Re)orts,
7he records 4ill be )roduced in line 4ith s)ecified re:uirement of the )roect s)ecifications and Ins)ection and 7est Plan for each disci)line as )er sco)e of 4or. Such records signed b# Disci)line oreman 6 "C ;ngineer and certified b# %4ner constitute as "ualit# Records.
;ach form utili(ed shall be uni:uel# identified and bear the a))ro)riate authori(ation signatures b# Disci)line ;ngineer 6 "C ;ngineer. Li#t o2 -or%at# to 9e u#e& 2or t3e $roject ;ill 9e attac3e& to t3e %et3o& #tate%ent! "ualit# Records shall be filed and Indeed at a centrali(ed location under the control of "6"C anager, 7he %riginal "ualit# Records shall be e)t safel# in an orderl# manner and shall be accessible to the )ersonnel authori(ed b# "6"C anager. 7he records shall be com)iled in accordance 4ith re:uirement of final submission b# %4ner. Com)ilation of Re)orts shall be )erformed on a dail# basis. ll ins)ection re)orts shall be checed and filed accordingl#. 7he Ins)ection re)orts shall clearl# state, 4hether the subected activit# is acce)ted or reected. 7he re)orts shall be available for %4ner erification6revie4 at their discretion. inal )acage and handover shall be agreed b# %4ner. S#stems %)erations anual shall be develo)ed as )art of the ;ngineering Deliverables @if stated in the contractA b# the Consortium.
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Plannin: 2or Pro&uct Reali=ation Proce## 7he Con#ortiu% 4ill )re)are the Proect obili(ation Schedules, Proect SF curve, Level2III & Level2I Schedules etc., identif#ing the resources re:uired for ;ngineering, aterial anagement, Construction and Commissioning activities to meet the scheduled com)letion date as )er Contract. 7he Procurement anagement, "ualit# anagement, and GS; management 4ill be organi(ed b# 7he Con#ortiu%. 7he Design & ;ngineering 4ill be managed b# 7he Con#ortiu%. 7he schedules 4ill be submitted to the %4ner for their revie4 and comments. %n the a))roval of the Schedule and the )ro)osed SF curve, 7he Con#ortiu% 4ill monitor the )roect )rogress. 7he )roect schedule and )rogress 4ill be revie4ed on 4eel# basis and necessar# actions 4ill be initiated to adhere or eceed the )lanned )rogress re:uirements. s this is an EPCC Proect, meeting the schedules and achieving the )rogress is full# de)end u)on the Design & Develo)ment, Procurement and deliver# schedule of the Long Lead Critical items. "ualit# s#stem documents 4ill be )re)ared. Stage 4ise , ins)ection 4ill be carried out as )er the a))roved Ins)ection and test )lans. ll ins)ection records, necessar# & relevant documents generated 6 identified in various stages of )roduct reali(ation 4ill be com)iled )rogressivel# for final Documentation submission.
Cu#to%er Relate& Proce## Co%%unication fter a4ard of the contract, a )ost2a4ard revie4 4as )erformed b# Proect =rou) i.e. Proect anager @PA, Construction anager @CA, Proect Control anager @PCA, "6"C anager and an# other functions as re:uired to get familiarit# and understanding 4ith the re:uirements s)ecified in the contract. PC has full access to the )re2a4ard contract revie4s, bidding stage documentation, clarifications and :ualifications etc. during )roect handing over to ;ecution =rou). PC has the res)onsibilit# of coordinating the result of the Contract Revie4 and submit an# findings to %4ner through P6C.
/hen resolution of technical :uer# @7"A, Site Instructions @SIA or letter for clarification, confirms that additional material, man)o4er, e:ui)ment hours !a"e &5 o$ 6%
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4ill be s)ent to carr# out the 4or as against sti)ulated in bid, then amendment to contract ma# be re:uired. s a))licable b# the contract conditions, PC has to substantiate claims for variation order 2 direct cost im)act 6 time im)act for the ConsortiumFs sco)e of 4or to %4ner. 7he etra 4or ma# be due to ConsortiumFs increase sco)e of 4or or %4nerFs change of Process Design 6 7echnical s)ecification etc. %btaining Change Re:uestF from %4ner is the res)onsibilit# of Proect Control anager. ll documents )roduced during the )ost2a4ard contract2revie4 shall be filed b# PC and accessible for all concerned )ersonnel.
De#i:n De"elo$%ent
CP; has been assigned as the ;ngineering, Design & Develo)ment Subcontractor, 4ho has a certified "S conforming to IS% 80012!000. co$y o2 t3e Certi2icate attac3e& 3ere;it3 a# A$$en&i01'! 7he ;ngineering, Design and Develo)ment Sub Contractor is res)onsible to carr#out, Design & Develo)ment, Process Design and Detail Design.
Proect S)ecific ;ngineering Contract "ualit# PlanM develo)ed b# ;ngineering, Design & Develo)ment Subcontractor 4ill be submitted to Com)an# for Revie4 and a))roval.
Design ;ngineering Subcontractor shall also be res)onsible to stud# the criticalit# rating for all Proect Permanent materials used on this contract as )er C%P<> Proect s)ecification. Design ;ngineering Subcontractor 4ill cover this as)ect under En:ineerin: Project Quality Plan Pre)ared after the a4ard of the Contract. 7his Procedure 4ill be revie4ed and submitted for C%P<> a))roval.
7he Criticalit# Rating derived shall be used to determine the ins)ection, test and 4itness re:uirements. 7he Criticalit# Rating shall be used to determine the re:uirements for the follo4ing9 • • • • • • • •
dditional endor "ualit# ))raisal endor Design ))roval endor "ualit# Plan re:uirement Reliabilit# and maintainabilit# "ualit# control surveillance Ins)ection and tests Documentation aterial 7raceabilit#
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7he Criticalit# Rating for each )rocurement )acage shall be assigned b# the Design ;ngineering De)artment 6 contractor and authori(ed b# the Contractor Re)resentative. /hen the Criticalit# Rating has been determined it shall be normall# remain fied throughout the )roect c#cle. Go4ever, an# design changes shall be revie4ed to assess if the Criticalit# Rating re:uires amendment. n# decisions concerning the acce)tabilit# of nonconforming items shall tae account of the Criticalit# Rating assigned. C3ie2 En:ineer *CE + t3rou:3 t3e En:ineerin: 7ana:er *E7+ is res)onsible for Coordination & liaise 4ith the Design ;ngineering Subcontractor as 4ell as the %4ner for Design Control i.e. Design & Develo)ment Planning, In)ut, %ut)ut, Revie4, Design erification. or )re)aration of as built dra4ing, construction surve#ors and draftsmen shall red mar the dra4ing and get them a))roved b# eecution team of the %4ner and send them to Design ;ngineering Subcontractor for )re)aring final s25uilt ;ngineering Dra4ings.
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Purc3a#in: Proce##
Proect Control anager at site 4ill co2ordinate 4ith Procurement and Subcontract anager at site. Ge shall be res)onsible for im)lementation of the s#stem and 4ould be re)orting to Proect anager.
ll material received shall be visuall# checed b# L%=IS7IC <=;R @LA against the order and an ins)ection )erformed either b# himself or concerned disci)line engineer or "C Ins)ector to establish conformance to Purchase %rder 6 Purchase Re:uisition.
Su))lier shall be informed immediatel# of an# discre)ancies such as ecess, shortage and damage or non2conformance found bet4een the su))lies and order.
E"aluation an& #election o2 Su$$lier 7he basis of this as)ect is covered under the "ualit# anagement S#stem Procedures.
ll sources of )ermanent )roect installation materials )urchased b# the Consortium and used on the )roect shall be a))roved b# the %4ner or selected from the ))roved Su))lier List )rovided 6 ))roved b# the %4ner, before an# )urchasing is done.
Re:uest for "uotation issued to su))lier b# Purchase anager shall include three re:uirements e.g. aterial Re:uisition, "ualit# Re:uirement, and 7echnical re:uirements, a)art from commercial, contractual re:uirements. or standard com)onents, the certificate of conformit# 6 batch test certificate etc. 4ill be issued de)ending on criticalit# level of the item su))lied and Ins)ection and 7est re:uirement.
Consumables, tools 6 instruments other than )ermanent )lant installation materials re:uisitioned b# @LA on behalf of various disci)line engineers, !a"e & o$ 6%
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P;6"2"C for the )roect are checed b# Disci)line ;ngineers to confirm that these are meeting Proect 7echnical re:uirements, )roect standard for each t#)e of item, re:uirements of 5atch 7est Certificate or Certificate of conformit# and calibration certificate and the same should be incor)orated in the material 6 )urchase re:uisition )urchase order.
;ach Subcontractor utili(ed in the )roect shall be re:uired to develo) a "ualit# anagement S#stem and conform to the Con#ortiu%6# 5Project Quality PlanF and de)ending on his sco)e of 4or, he shall be ased to )re)are ethod Statements and Ins)ection & 7est Plans in accordance 4ith )roect :ualit# re:uirements and technical s)ecifications. the Con#ortiu% shall ensure that all necessar# and )ertinent re:uirements established b# the a))roved " )rogram are im)osed on all su))liers and subcontractors and acce)ted b# these )arties.
ll material received shall be visuall# checed b# *L7+ against the order and an ins)ection )erformed either b# himself or concerned disci)line engineer or "C Ins)ector to establish conformance to Purchase %rder 6 Purchase Re:uisition.
7he Su))lier shall be informed immediatel# of an# discre)ancies such as damage, shortage or overage or non2conformance found bet4een the su))lies and order.
Procure%ent QC Co1or&ination A+ Su$$lier conce##ion reue#t an& tec3nical uerie# 7hese re:uests and :ueries 4ill be received b# Procurement and Sub2 contract anager, 4ho shall for4ard them to the ;ngineering anager, 4ho shall revie4 and send them to ;ngineering Subcontractor for technical revie4, clarification or resolution. 5ased on their out)ut, @iA
;ither su))lier 4ill be ased to chec his :uer# 6 re:uest in the light of alternative suggested b# Design ;ngineering Subcontractor and resubmit the )ro)osal for revie4 and final a))roval.
%r 4hen the Design ;ngineering Subcontractor acce)ts them as essentialM or necessar#M for resolution 4ith %4ner, the concession re:uest and technical :ueries 4ill be for4arded to the %4ner b# !a"e &% o$ 6%
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;ngineering anager along 4ith necessar# bac2u) data )rovided b# Su))liers, Design ;ngineering Subcontractor Fs revie4 etc. and follo4 u) for clarification or resolution. @iiiA
%nce clarified or a))roved b# the %4ner, the loo) shall be com)leted b# Design ;ngineering anager 3 b# sending the documents to Design ;ngineering Subcontractor for incor)orating necessar# and relevant changes in the aterial Re:uisition 6 7echnical S)ecification etc.
7he revised material re:uisition 6 technical s)ecification and 6 or the clarified 6 a))roved concession re:uest and technical :ueries shall be for4arded to su))lier through Procurement ;ngineer. If necessar#, the Purchase %rder ma# be revised accordingl# and issued to su))lier for com)liance.
.+ Su$$lier &ra;in:# &ocu%ent an& &ata 7his shall follo4 the same route as done in the su))lier concession re:uest and technical :ueries, ece)t for follo4ing. −
/hen the# significantl# affect other )rocurement or construction activities.
In this case, the co)# of the documents shall also be sent for revie4 of site conditions, cost and time. 7he comments from them shall be included in the for4ard to Design ;ngineering Subcontractor as 4ell as internal revie4. urther )rocess of resolution, discussion and clarification 4ill be on the same lines as )ara @A. 7he detailed flo4 sheet 4ill be )re)ared in consultation 4ith Design & ;ngineering Subcontractor on a4ard of the contract. -.'.1$
inimum Sho) Ins)ection and Certification re:uirements shall be s)ecified to Su))lier as mentioned in basis of offer. Su))lier shall )re)are the I7Ps detailing all stage 4ise Ins)ection and 7esting re:uirements and submit to the C%<7RC7%R for revie4 and a))roval. Su))lier shall furnish material certificates in accordance 4ith the re:uirements of Proect s)ecification or as s)ecified in the Purchase %rder. 7he stage 4ise ins)ection & 7est status and the )rogress of 4ors at Su))lier sho)s till the dis)atch 4ith site deliver# schedule shall be )rovided to the Site anagement on a regular basis. 7his is ver# critical to enable the Proect anagement to revisit the )roect eecutions )lans and tae necessar# actions accordingl#. 7he Procurement & Subcontract anager at site #3all $re$are a $roject #$eci2ic Procure%ent E0$e&itin: an& Su9contract $roce&ure!
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Con#truction Proce## list of Construction Procedures, ethod Statements, I7PFs to be develo)ed for the )roect 4ere listed in the "ualit# S#stem Procedures Inde. 7he data regarding the Ins)ection & test status and Records 4ill be u)dated and maintained in com)uter database.
Vali&ation o2 Proce##e# 7he validation of the )rocess shall demonstrate the abilit# of the )roduct out)ut to achieve )lanned results. Some of the eam)les for Process alidation are detailed belo49 2
G#drostatic Lea 7est 6 Pneumatic Lea 7est for verif#ing of the Integrit# of installed )i)ing net4or before commissioning.
;lectrical and Instrumentation loo) checing for the validation of the ;lectrical and Instrumentation Circuits before energi(ing and charging the Circuits.
Procedure "ualification Records for alidation of /elding Procedures, P/G7 Procedures,
/hen Process alidation is re:uired, Pre2:ualified Procedure 4ill be used b# the Consortium 4herever )ossible.
or the )re commissioning and commissioning activities as )er contract, 4herever a))licable Su))liers shall be contacted for their availabilit# based on the schedule dates. fter the confirmation of availabilit# of the su))lier re)resentatives the information 4ill be )rovided to the %4ner for the confirmation on the suitabilit# of the )ro)osed dates. %n the confirmation from the %4ner, Con#ortiu% 4ill )re)are a detail )lan of 7raining, )re commissioning and commissioning activities. ))licable 7raining, %& & ?ob anuals, Commissioning )rocedures & Chec Lists 4ill be )re)ared and made available to all the concern. -.+.!
I&enti2ication Tracea9ility
ll incoming )roducts and materials shall be tagged, or individuall# identified, and a record e)t of its location b# @LA in line 4ith the re:uirement of the )roect s)ecification and a))roved Ins)ection and 7est Plans @as a))licableA and material re:uisition )re)ared b# L%=IS7IC <=;R.
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If material has been )reviousl# tagged b# a Su))lier, then these shall remain for traceabilit# to su))lierFs documentation. If re:uired, the# shall be tagged b# ConsortiumFs aterials ;ngineer 4ith an in2house tag and referenced on the relevant documentation. Color2coding of materials shall be noted in aterial Control Procedures as a means of identification. 7ags or other means of identification shall remain on e:ui)ment until fabrication or installation. T3e Con#ortiu% shall identif#, segregate, control and certif# materials and e:ui)ment that 4ill be incor)orated into the 5uilding. ll reected material shall be stored in a designated area a4a# from acce)table material and mared ReectM. ll material that has been reected shall be removed from the store as soon as )ossible. 7he aterial & S)ool Controller shall maintain records of such materials and its de)arture from the storage area. -.+.!.!
Ins)ection & 7est records, 4hich give evidence that the )roduct has )assed 6 failed ins)ection and 6 or test 4ith defined acce)tance criteria, 4ill be maintained on various activities 4ithin the Sco)e of /or.
Cu#to%er Pro$erty If an# customer )ro)ert# is su))lied during the )roect eecution stage Consortium shall verif#, )rotect and safe guard the )ro)ert# for an# damage.
Stora:e Pre#er"ation o2 Pro&uct suitable shed 6 containers 6 o)en s)ace are assigned for storage )ur)ose b# Logistic anager and the material shall be stored )ro)erl# and )reserved as )er t#)e of materials in coordination 4ith "C ;ngineers 6 Disci)line ;ngineers and guidance from su))liers6manufacturers & GS; dvisor. /elding Consumables shall be stored in com)liance 4ith the manufacturerFs recommendations, and )re)ared in accordance 4ith "C Procedures. ll material received and dis)atched from stores shall be recorded on bin card and ;cess 6 Shortage shall be checed b# @LA on regular basis. n# s)ecial re:uirements of material s)ecified b# su))liers shall be adhered to. 7he s)ecific conditions of storage shall be informed b# disci)line engineer to @LA b# referring to 7echnical Data Sheet6"C Procedures. In case of doubt he should consult "C ;ngineer 6 Disci)line ;ngineer on site and )re)are the storage facilit# accordingl#, e.g. air2condition storage or de2humidifier etc. 7he )rogram for )reventive maintenance of e:ui)ment shall be in accordance 4ith the manufacturerFs recommendations and shall )rovide a sufficient level
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of maintenance acce)table for 4arrant# )ur)oses. verif#ing the maintenance )erformed 4ill be e)t. G!F
Pre1Co%%i##ionin: Co%%i##ionin: fter com)letion of the construction activities, Pre2commissioning activities 4ill follo4 4ith lushing & reinstatement and commissioning 4ill follo4 as )er the a))roved commissioning )rocedure, s#stem 4ise, under the strict control of the commissioning team
Control o2 7onitorin: an& 7ea#urin: De"ice# 7he Consortium shall o)erate a s#stem, 4hich ensures control over onitoring and easuring Devices @DA.
ll easuring Devices shall be calibrated )rior to use, in accordance 4ith standard )rocedures and traceable to International Standards in line 4ith %4nerFs )roect s)ecific re:uirement b# Disci)line ;ngineers 6 "C ;ngineer either through an inde)endent laborator# or b# using standard master set on site. "C ;ngineer shall surveillance chec for validit# of measuring Devices lie tem)erature & )ressure gauges, ernier cali)ers, thicness gauges tools, instruments used for activities controlling :ualit#. 7he date of calibration and date of validit# shall be incor)orated in the Calibration Register and technician shall no4 the )eriodicit# of calibration and recall the e:ui)ment before e)ir# date for re2calibration and identified b# a sticer on each instrument se)aratel#. Records and log of all test e:ui)ment calibration shall be maintained in the "6"C anagerFs office. "C ;ngineer should )eriodicall# revie4 to chec the need for recalibration, if an#.
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%rgani(ational Performance and Customer Satisfaction are :ualitative measurements. 7he )rocess for measurement shall include9 aA Data for )roduct or )rocess converted into information and no4ledge base. bA 7he format and method of measurement shall be revie4ed and u)dated. cA Customer Satisfaction or com)liant 3 customer 4ise or )roect 4ise or countr# 4ise. dA udit %bservations 6
7onitorin: 7ea#ure%ent o2 O;ner #ati#2action O;ner Fs Satisfaction about the eecution of the said contract is onitored & easured on regular basis. 7his 4ill be &one 9y Project Control En:ineer b# gathering the information from various )oints, 4here the Conortium has interaction 4ith the %4ner. 7he main sources of such information is from the /eel# and onthl# Progress revie4 meetings, information from all em)lo#ees 4ho are having )oint of contacts 4ith the %4ner Re)resentatives or em)lo#ees during the course of contract eecution, eed bac from the ConsortiumFs to) management. ll such information 4ill be revie4ed on regular basis during the ConsortiumFs internal %ont3ly Proect anagement Revie4 eetings to assess the )erce)tion 6 satisfaction of the O;ner about the 4ors carried out b# 7he Consortium. )art from the scheduled revie4s, an# feedbac 6 com)laints 6 comments from the O;ner during an# stage of the contract eecution 4ill be taen )ositivel# & revie4ed b# the Consortium )roect management and 4herever necessar# immediate necessar# corrective and )reventive actions 4ill be initiated to increase the satisfaction level of the customer, limited to the a4arded contract sco)e of 4ors.
Quality Au&it# *Internal E0ternal+ 7he Consortium maintains a s#stem of auditing to ensure the :ualit# s#stem is being )ro)erl# administered. 7his shall be in oint res)onsibilit# of "6"C anger & "6"C ;ngineer. udit Schedule 4ill be )re)ared in the form of atri 2 Proect ctivit# vs. 7ime and "ualit# s#stem element to be audited vs. time. Internal Au&it #c3e&ule 3a# 9een attac3e& in A$$en&i01!
;ver# effort 4ill be made to meet the )lanned udit Schedule i.e. internal as 4ell as eternal audits @4ill be )re)ared at later dateA on subcontractors and !a"e o$ 6%
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Su))liers as a))licable. %4ner and the auditee 6 organi(ation 4ill be notified about the audits in advance. ll uditees shall be informed of im)ending audits b# " De)artment. %4ner ma# be informed of the audit if the# 4ish to 4itness the audit as an observer and as re:uired b# the contract. 7he audits 4ill be conducted b# :ualified auditors . udit Chec lists shall be )re)ared 6 utili(ed to ensure that all relevant to)ics are covered. Go4ever, the checlist shall not restrict uditors from raising further :uestions, not included in the checlist. n audit re)ort shall be issued b# "6"C anager to P6C indicating an# observations, non2conformance found and it ma# )rovide recommended dis)osition as 4ell as corrective action to be taen. 7he co)# of the udit re)ort shall be issued to the uditee through the de)artment head and to the %4ner, if re:uired. ll non2conformances including those issued b# %4ner shall be acted u)on, and a resolution agreed 4ith the "6"C anager2"6"C ;ngineer and C as )er agreed time frame and corrective actions 4ill be taen accordingl#. log of non2conformances and their status shall be maintained b# "6"C anager for the Proect and discussed during monthl# Proect anagement revie4 meeting. ll the
7onitorin: 7ea#ure%ent o2 Proce##e#
7he necessar# )re)aration and submittal )lan for the Procedures, ethod Statement and Ins)ection and 7est Plans shall be )re)ared to ensure that )rocesses are carried out under controlled conditions and in a s#stematic manner. 7he Consortium and its Subcontractors shall not start 4or in the field until the Consortium has received :ualit# )rograms that have been revie4ed and acce)ted b# the %4ner. ll s)ecial )rocess shall be carried out b# "ualified %)erators and re:uired continuous monitoring and control of )rocess )arameters to ensure that s)ecified re:uirements are met. Proect S)ecific Procedures2if re:uired e.g. /elding 6
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
7he consortium shall notif# the %4nerFs Re)resentative sufficientl# in advance to allo4 %4nerFs Re)resentative an o))ortunit# for 4itnessing Ins)ection 6 7esting activities. ))roved Procedures, ))licable S)ecification, "ualification Records & dra4ing shall be issued to res)onsible )erson, as )er Document Distribution atri.
7onitorin: an& 7ea#ure%ent o2 Pro&uct
7he Consortium shall o)erate a s#stem to ensure that all the necessar#, relevant ins)ection and testing is carried out stage 4ise to meet contractual commitment. 7he Ins)ection and 7est Plan )re)ared to meet technical s)ecification and a))roved b# the O;ner becomes guide.
7he concerned )ersonnel as defined in the I7P shall carr# out the ins)ection activities. "6"C anager shall carr# out surveillance on these activities. inal Ins)ection of each s#stem shall be inde)endentl# verified and recorded and revie4ed b# "6"C ;ngineer 6 Ins)ectors to confirm com)liance 4ith all Proect S)ecification. 7hen the same 4ill be ointl# revie4ed 4ith the O;ner F s ;ngineer 6 re)resentative along 4ith Disci)line ;ngineer 6 Su)erintendent 6 oreman of Subcontractor, as and 4hen necessar#. 7he )erformance of the )ersonnel doing the follo4ing S)ecific activities 4ill be monitored b# "ualit# Control. 7he reection )ercentage is assigned and corrective action is sought b# the )erson as 4ell as su)ervisor# staff. Similar measurement can be made for9 aA bA
Production. Productivit#.
!a"e 6 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
cA dA eA
aintenance of scheduled dates. Revenue 3 actual v6s budget. Safet# Satisfaction, Lost 7ime Incidents @L7IA6Lost 7ime Incidents re:uenc# @L7IA.
etc. as a )art of anagement Information s#stem @ISA 4ithin the organi(ation. 7he communication flo4 4ithin the follo4ing de)artments 4ill be ensured as a )art of monitoring the Product 6 )roduction and have better controls. rom Proect Control to Construction9 aA bA cA dA eA
/eel# Plan for an activit# onthl# Plan for an activit# $ onthl# Plan for an activit# /eel# summar# 3 )lanned v6s actual onthl# summar# 3 )lanned v6s actual and
rom Construction to PC aA bA
Dail# Re)ort 3 activit#, man)o4er, e:ui)ment Dail# Discre)anc# Re)ort 3 maintenance, e:ui)ment or material shortage. cA Reason for dela# or loss of )roductivit# etc. 7his is to be evaluated and fed bac in the )lan for net 4ee. Proect team 4ill finali(e corrective action b# revie4 of the situation, mobili(ation of resources and other necessar# actions. Such and similar actions could be taen on all o)erations lie recei)t of )urchased items, )reservation of all )rocured )roduct, testing and reinstatement or an# activit# 4ithin ContractorFs sco)e. rom the )roect team, a similar re)ort is sent to Consortium anagement on a dail# 6 4eel# and monthl# basis for revie4, clarification.
7he acce)tance and reection of a )roduct, normall# monitored 4ith "C s#stem, could be an indicator of )rogress and status re)orts shall be maintained for information to customers6colleagues from Proect or Proect Cor)orate %ffice as 4ell. 7his shall also be a))licable to Su))liers @vendorsA of )roducts. .2
Control o2 Non Con2or%in: Pro&uct /henever the )roduct or material is found not conforming to the Proect S)ecification 6 Code Re:uirements, a 4ritten
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
shall be decided b# "C ;ngineer 6 Disci)line ;ngineer in consultation 4ith the O;ner as necessar#.
ll non2conformances, u)on both initiating and final dis)osition shall be submitted to the O;ner for their revie4. H!@
Analy#i# o2 Data 7he data collected from the udits,
"6"C9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
O documentation a))roved b# the O;ner 4ithout aor Comments in the first attem)t. /elder Performance, /eld Re)air Percentage.2 if an#
Construction9 2
ctual )rogress vs. Planned
Proect Controls9 2 2 2
Btili(ation of Resources nal#(e the trends of reection Disci)line 4ise )roductivit# and trends
!a"e o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Procurement9 2 2 2 2
Res)onse trends for an en:uir# in the local or International arets Processing time of a )urchase order 7rends in failure to meet the deliver# schedule Performance level of su))liers of various categories
Corrective action could be e)editing, reinforcement of resources or formation of s)ecial team etc. Root cause of the )otential )roblems shall be found and necessar# corrective and )reventive action 4ill be decided on case2to2case basis.
Continual I%$ro"e%ent
7he continual effectiveness and efficienc# of the )rocesses decide the achievement of the )roect obectives. Consortium shall set the targets to be achieved based on the )erformance in the )revious )roects. Some of such targets are9 a.
Com)letion of the )roect 4ithout an# L7I, ). chieving the 4eld re)air )ercentage belo4 !.+ targeting (ero defect, 2if an# c. inimi(ing the Punch list 4hile mechanical com)letion to a maimum of 10 items d. Start )re)aring and handover documentation s#stemM as soon as +0O test )acs are tested. Similar Programs 4ill be develo)ed 4ithin the Proect anagement 7eam and Construction =rou). Sam)le Programs are9 -
Productivit# targets for /elders 6 itters 6 Instrumentation 7echnicians etc., Planning & %)timum utili(ation of the resources due to the 4ide s)read of ob locations. Com)letion of the )roect ahead of the schedule to tae advantage of the )rovided bonus clause of the contract2 if an#.
)art from the above listed areas, )roect management aims for the continual im)rovement in other as)ects also such as Performance im)rovement of the resources. 7his 4ill be achieved b# )roviding )ro)er 4orenviroment 4ith im)roved health and 4elfare conditions to create better 4oring environment for em)lo#ees. aintaining the necessar# s)ares and )erforming the )reventive maintenance according to the )reventive maintenance schedule 4ill enable to utili(e the e:ui)ment at their o)timum ca)acit# levels. H.'.!
Correcti"e an& Pre"enti"e Action !a"e % o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
7he Consortium shall maintain a s#stem to ensure that all non2conformances are revie4ed b# "6"C anager. ll re)orts )roduced on non2conformance found during testing and ins)ection, surveillance audits, Customer audits shall be inde)endentl# revie4ed, b# "6"C anager and Disci)line ;ngineer of the Consortium. 7he course of action to be undertaen is determined, onl# after checing root cause of the defect or deficienc# and actions 6 results shall be recorded. Corrective action shall be onl# )roceed after authori(ed 4ritten instructions have been )roduced and a))roved b# the " 6 "C manager. 7he dis)osition 2 Re4orF, Re)airF, ReectF or BseF as it is shall be carried out. /hen non2conforming conditions re2occurs, detailed eamination shall be made b# "6"C anager, to determine 4hat )reventing action is necessar# based on stud# of available data, re)orts and methodolog# and then root cause of the non2conformance i.e. 4hether 4or man 6 )rocess 6 machiner# shall be identified 6 the situation rectified to ensure re)etition shall not occur.
!a"e 50 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
LIST O- APPENDIX) ))endi21 ))endi2! ))endi2$ ))endi2' ))endi2+ ))endi2* ))endi2 ))endi2H ))endi28
IS% 80012!000 Certificate Inde of "S anual & List of Cor)orates "S Procedures Proect %rgani(ation chart "6"C onthl# Re)ort ormat for R List of Pro)osed "6"C Documents @)rocedures6S6I7PA "ualit# management s#stem im)lementation guideline. ormat of document distribution list. ormat of Document Control Register Internal udit Schedule
!a"e 5# o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 52 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 5& o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
E:c(usions <>
7 !a"e 5 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
E'ION - ;*I< N9EEN <E .#
9enera( Re=uirements
Documentation and Records
ana"ement 'ommitment
'(ient Focus
ua(it1 !o(ic1
ua(it1 1stem !(annin"
Or"ani>ation and 'ommunication
ana"ement Revie?
E'ION 6 - REO;R'E N9EEN 6.#
!rovision o$ Resources
'ometence@ ?areness and rainin"
In$rastructure and WorA Environment
E'ION 7 - !ROE' RE*ICION 7.#
!(annin" o$ !ro/ect Rea(i>ation
'(ient-re(ated !rocesses
Desi"n 'ontro(
onitorin" and easurin" E=uiment
!(annin" o$ onitorin" and easurement
onitorin" and easurement
'ontro( o$ Noncon$ormin" !ro/ect
na(1sis o$ Data
'ontinua( Imrovement
!a"e 55 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
LIS7 % C%RP%R7; "S PR%C;DBR; !-2-0#
'ontro( o$ Documents
ua(it1 1stem Documentation
'ontro( o$ ua(it1 Records
Documentation aster *ist
ua(it1 !o(ic1 ua(it1 O)/ectives !a"e 56 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
ana"ement Revie?
rainin" and ?areness
ervices Bui(din" aintenance
!ro/ects !(annin" and Bud/etin" Be$ore E:ecution
'(ient 'ontract Revie? Estimates
'(ient 'ommunication
'3an"e Orders
u(ier Eva(uation and e(ection
!rocess 'ontro(
E=uiment aintenance
ateria( 4and(in"@ tora"e@ and 'ontro(.
est and insection status
'(ient su(ied ro/ects
estin" E=uiment 'a(i)ration
Interna( ua(it1 udits
Incomin" ateria( Insection and estin"
Insection and estin" $or In-rocess WorAs
Insection and estin" $or t3e 'om(eted !ro/ects
'ontro( o$ Noncon$ormin" ateria(s
'ontinua( Imrovement
'orrective and !reventive ction
!a"e 57 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 5 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 5% o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 60 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Document No.
CONS/PDOC/31/! "#3$%/QA"RPT"
Issued Accepted Hold Rejected Total
!a"e 6# o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
Issued Closed Outstandin g Total
Issued Closed Converted to NCR Outstanding
" %6 contractor on Su7"contractor SN
Issued Closed Converted to NCR Outstanding
!. PROCEDURES AND 'NSPECT'ON 8 TEST P0ANS TYPE OF DOCUMENT Total Required Approved Resubmit Outstanding
!a"e 62 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
$. S'TE TEC&N'CA0 QUERY STQ2 'SSUED %Y CONTRACTOR Total No. Issued To PC Responded b! PC Approved Rejected Pending Outstanding b! PC
!a"e 6& o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 6 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 65 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 66 o$ 6%
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
'%& P&RO%& &RC& N&&N CO.
!a"e 6 o$ 6%