Sam Sharpe Teacher’s College
In partial completion of a Bachelor’s Bachelor ’s Degree in Primary Education
Name: Ashani Ashani ee Course: Citi!enship ecturer: "s# Culyard ID$: SS%&'()*++ Date: "arch '+, %&')
Reflection On Educational Technology Technology Course
As a young teacher in the classroom, my stance has al-ays .een to enhance the teaching and learning process proce ss through the ade/uate use of Technology# Technology# It is my .elief that -e li0e in a day and age -here students are e1tremely moti0ated -hene0er they get the opportunity to utili!e technology, especially -hen it comes on to school# I -as 2no-ledgea.le of utili!ing technology in the classroom .ut this course has se0erely e1posed me to understand that there is a higher le0el of integrating technology in the classroom# It is upon completing this course that I ha0e reflected and decided that as great educators -e need to introduce -e. %#& tools to reach our pupils# Technology Technology helps .ridge the gap .et-een the teacher and student as through tools such as .logs, .logs, podcasts and -e.sites you can communicate -ith your pupils outside the contact hours# The course Educational Technology Technology as the name suggest in0ol0es using technology in the classroom to enhance the teaching learning process# pr ocess# At first, this course -as 0ie-ed .y many as a repetition of the course Technology in Education one and t-o# 3o-e0er, as the course progressed ne- information started to surface# It -as ama!ing to see ho- simple things such as a cellular phone could .e used in your classroom to capti0ate student’s student’s attention attention and ultimately used to con0ey important information# At some points in this course I felt frustrated as most of these technological de0ices -ere ne- to me# This -as -hen I reali!ed that I -as indeed an immigrant# "y lecturer, "s# Culyard , -ill
al-ays .e remem.ered as an indi0idual -ith a sense of humour and creati0ity# She afforded me the opportunity to manipulate many ne- de0ices and tools# 4e 4e -ere also e1posed to different materials highlighting the importance of integrating technology in the classroom# As I reflect on the course, I must say that I ha0e really learnt a lot#
I .elie0e that technology integration continues to increase in the 5amaican society# This is so after doing an essay on the article 67ur Brain E1tended8 .y "arc Prens2y -hich states that the ne- curriculum has many implications for the -ider society, e0en the 5amaica’s system of education, -here the use of technology is a reality# It is important that teachers possess the s2ills and .eha0iours of professionals in a digital age# They They must .ecome comforta.le .eing co9learners -ith their students and colleagues# Applying technology at school has had a great impact on me as it has gi0en me more 2no-ledge of technology gadgets such as using the internet to create, ha0ing discussions and gaining information through schoology, podcasts, mo0ie ma2ers, interacti0e presentations and much much more# This course has taught me different techni/ues that I can use to plan effecti0e lesson plans for students# ;sing the 2no-ledge of technology application, I can help my students at -or2 and my classmates at the college to analyse, learn, e1plore and thin2 critically and also to .e creati0e, inno0ati0e in this digital age#
In this class it -as challenging at times, .ut I ha0e learned so many ne- -ays -ays to incorporate technology into my classroom# I ha0e learned ho- to engage students more .y using technology in different -ays, such as telling story using audacity to record my 0oice or using mo0ie ma2er to sho- and tell the story# I ha0e also learned ho- to operate many tools that -ill .ecome useful in helping my teaching s2ills in the classroom# classroo m# As As I learnt ho- to use different technological tools, I opted to try different things e0en though I -asn’t sure hoit -ould -or2, .ut .ecause of my determination and curiosity, I did it any-ay and it -or2ed# I guess this says that I ta2e ris2s in learning on my o-n at times#
As I -illingly accepted the opportunity oppor tunity to e1plore educational technology, my dar2ened state -as lit as it -as .rought to my attention ho- technology sa00y
the %'st century learners are# 3o-e0er, as the course progressed neinformation surfaced# At some point in the course I felt frustrated, .ut I continued to do -hat I had to do, 2no-ing that it -ould only redound to my success#
As I continue to reflect I reali!e that this course has helped me to understand that the use of interacti0e educational acti0ities can promote higher order thin2ing s2ills, such as pro.lem sol0ing, so l0ing, critical thin2ing and creati0ity# I ha0e pro0en this to .e true, .ased on the presentations and group teaching teaching lessons done in class# This course has helped me as I -or2 -ith my colleagues and -e colla.orate and ma2e decisions -hile -e use 0arious acti0ities using "icrosoft po-er point, pu.lisher, and podcastaudio recording to create meaningful, learning e1perience#
4ithout 4ithout a dou.t technology has .ecome a 0ehicle for educational gro-th and I am happy to .e a part of this 0ision# This course has definitely helped me to reali!e it and special than2s must go out to "s, Culyard for facilitating this opportunity for me to impro0e as an educator#