Bangladesh University of Professionals Research Proposal Title: Impact of Muhuri dam on livelihoods of sonagazi people, Feni.
Asikunnaby Lecturer Department of Disaster and Human Security anagement Bangladesh University of Professionals
Submitted by
Raihanul !slam " #$%#%#& Sharmin Shara im '#$%#%(% Anika !bnath' #$%#%)%
Submission Date* +%,%-,#)
Abstract: Bangladesh is an agricultural country, .here are many dams in our country to supply /ater for human consumption0 irrigation and industrial use, Ho/ever0 small farmers also carry huge burden due to the construction of a dam, .he purpose of our research is to find out the agricultural and socio'economic impacts due to uhuri dam on small farmers of sonaga1i0 2eni, Data collection methods are both primary and secondary, Some tools and techni3ues of data collection are semi'structured 3uestionnaire survey0 focus group discussion 425D60 key informant intervie/ 47!!6 and necessary data /ill be analy1ed by SPSS soft/are, .he result from the study /ill highlight the present condition of small farmers of the particular area, Socio'economic and agricultural effects of dam construction again vary from upstream region to do/nstream region, .he study dra/ attention of the government authorities to minimi1e the sufferings of the small farmers from the uhuri dam, 7ey/ords* dam0 agriculture0 socio'economic0 small farmer,
5roup embers 8ontribution ame
"esearch #roposal Topic
Raihanul !slam
Literature revie/0 e9pected results and limited of the study
Sharmin Shara im
Literature revie/0 methodology0 introduction0 problem statement0 research 3uestions0 .imeline,
Anika !bnath
Literature revie/0 abstract0 ob:ective0 research 3uestions0 methodology0 .imeline,
$ontents ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; o of page Abstract;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,& 5roup members contribution;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,+ List of figures;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,( !ntroduction;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $ Research ob:ective;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,< Problem statement;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,= Research 3uestions;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,) Literature revie/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;) ethodology;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,#& Limitation of the study;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,#( >9pected results and outcome;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,#( References List of figures #,# ethodology frame/ork;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,#& #,& dam centres to buffer follo/ing #km0+km00
Introduction: Dam is a barrier to obstruct the e9cessive /ater flo/, Dams are built globally as multiple benefit investments 4 ?bour et al0&%#$6,@ater storage pro:ects can provide /ater for irrigation in lean period or during drought and other do/nstream purposes0 control floods by smoothing flo/ and provide /ater for ecological services 4 Bekchanov et al0 &%#$6, , !n >ast0 South and Southeast Asia 0dams have been constructed to store and retain in the s/ollen rivers in the monsoon season for increase the availability of flo/ of /ater during dry season, .he irrigation dams and multipurpose dams has been increasing over the past &$ years rather than single purpose hydropo/er dams 4Rasheed0&%##6, @ith the ob:ective of flood control0 provide irrigation0 drain /etlands0 under the 28D! pro:ect (0=%% kms of irrigation canals0 +(%% kms of drainage channels0 more than -%%% hydraulic structures 4such as sluice gates and regulators60 (+%% bridges and culverts0 -< pump houses and t/o barrages /ere built in Bangladesh 4 Saha0&%#+6, uhuri dam one of the irrigation pro:ect of 28D!, .he ob:ective of muhuri irrigation pro:ect /as to e9pand dry season irrigated area and increase the crop yield by providing conducive environment for high yielding rice 4H6 variety, .he ob:ective /ould be accomplished by building regulatory and closure dam in the mouth of the 2eni river, .his pro:ect also provides flood control and drainage facilities 4 /orld Bank0 #--%6 Bangladesh is dominated by three /ater system sea0 river and /ater , !t is impossible to control seasonal flood ,floods vary considerably from year to year and during e9treme floods 0 over =% percent of the country is covered by /ater 4Scandel0 &%%-6, So it is good to use flood /ater for irrigation purpose, @ater is so central to the lives of rural bangladeshi people 0 that any
intervention in /ater resources has livelihood implications 4 7ibria0 &%%)6, >specially agriculture and fishing is dependent on /ater resources, Do/nstream river dependent communities may en:oy flood protection and enhanced irrigation opportunities provided by dam0 adverse effects of dam out/eigh those benefits resulting in reduction of their livelihoods and income 4 Richter et al0&%#%6, Hydropo/er development promotes the soil salinity by declining /et season flood pulse /hich flushes out much of the salt annually 4 @eatherebee0#--=C 5oh0&%%(C Lam0&%%- cited in Pearse' Smith0&%#&6, Annual natural nutrient distribution by flood/ater has been disrupted by reduction of the /et season flood pulse and this is a threat for do/nstream 45oh0&%%( cited in Pearse'Smith0 &%#&6, Available studies only shed light on dam and its commercial use like irrigation, .o some e9tent some study reveals the impact of dams on agriculture, .here is no specific study about dams effect on the socio'economic specially livelihood of small farmers /ho are dependent on agriculture, .his study strives to fill this gap, Small farmer is defined as a person /ho holds %,,%$ to &,(- acre landE 4 BBS0&%#=6, .his study strives to identify small farmers perception about dam effect on agriculture, 2armers age0 land si1e0 income0 educational level /ill be considered /hile studying perception, .his study /ill help 5overnment and decision makers to take right decision /hile intervening in river or agricultural land, "esearch %b&ective
.o identify the agricultural and socio'economic effects of small farmers among #km0 +km and
#roblem statement:
BangladeshEs economy is largely dependent on agriculture, !n sonaga1i0 most farmers are small farmers, Small farmers can be defined as a person /ho holds %,%$ to &,(- acre landE 4BBS0 &%#=6, Dam plays an important role for agricultural production by irrigating cropland by using /ater stored behind dam and preventing the loss of life and property from flood, Ho/ever0 Dam has also adverse impact on social life of involuntary displaced people as /ell as host communities and riverine communities especially do/nstream countries 4Rasheed0 &%##6, As a result0 small and marginal farmers settling in the do/nstream region /ill be affected through dam, uhuri Dam is in do/nstream area /here /here most people are dependent for their livelihood on natural resources and agriculture, !n case of uhuri !rrigation pro:ect0 many environmental and agricultural impacts /ill arise due to this dam, uhuri River flo/s from upstream to do/nstream and 2eni is the do/nstream region of our country, As a result0 2eni is deprived from the sedimentation load, As0 dams hold back the sediment in the upstream area, Agricultural productivity and socio'economic conditions of small farmers are very much inter'connected,
!nformation about the severity of the agricultural impact0 caused by uhuri !rrigation Pro:ect on the livelihood of small farmers is lacking, .he @orld 8ommission of Dams 4@8D0 &%%%6 stated the do/nstream impact of dam is not common, .here are many scope of research on dams but the impact of each dam is different from each other because the dam itself and the ad:acent area of the dam is vary from one pro:ect to another pro:ect 4Heien0 &%%=6, .herefore0 it is urgent to focus on the do/nstream impact of uhuri !rrigation Pro:ect, .his study focus on agricultural effects of muhuri dam, .his study also tries to find the ans/er ho/ muhuri dam affecting the socio'economic condition of riverine communities more
specifically small farmers, Small farmers perception about dam impact on
agriculture, .his study also strives to find out the perception variation and different impact on agriculture from three different buffer follo/ing #km0 +km0
.he research /ill be guided by the follo/ing 3uestions* #, @hat are the impacts of uhuri dam on agricultural land of small farmersF &,Ho/ and to /hat e9tent uhuri dam changes the socio'economic conditions of small farmers, +,@hat are the agricultural and socio'economic differences of small farmers among #km0 +km and
(iterature "evie) Acheampong0 ?1or and Sekyi'Annan 4&%#(6 e9plore the political0 economic and social realities that shape the development0 operation and management of small dams by using
multiple indicator approach after e9amined si9teen small dams from northern 5hana, ultiple use of small dams like /ater use0 irrigation0 socio'economic significance offers satisfactory performance but provide limited account of performance dynamics of small dams, .he authors also argue that moving beyond technical or engineering fi9E and point out the limitations in national and local institutional arrangements0 interests and rights for effective planning0 management and improved performance of small dams 4Acheampong0 ?1or and Sekyi'Annan0 &%#(6, Siciliano et al, 4&%#$6 figure out the social priorities of 7amchay dam affected communities and institutional actors linked to environmental and social implications of this large hydropo/er pro:ects by using a preference ranking method, Authors further reveal various concerns among dam'affected communities0 /hich included energy access0 livelihood changes0 environmental impacts0 access to natural resources and compensation from the study area, .he study then e9plores divergence bet/een national and local priorities0 /hich brings about an une3ual distribution of costs and benefits of the 7amchay Dam bet/een urban and rural areas, Authors pay attention to policy'makers0 G5?s and international organi1ations regarding governance issues0 consultation processes and mitigation measures about the dam affected people 4Siciliano et al,0 &%#$6, A dam has both positive and negative conse3uences, .he conse3uences of dam construction varies from upstream region to do/nstream region, !n do/nstream region0 rice production0 riverbank agriculture and a3uaculture are hampered by the construction of dam, Because0 a dam is a barrier to deliver the sediment in the do/nstream area, 2redrik 2redn 4&%##60 identified impacts of dam on lo/ land agriculture in the ekong river catchment, 8hania has started a hydropo/er plan on the mainstream river in the upper part of the catchment, .his hydropo/er plan comprises of eight large dams, Upstream areas are getting benefit from this hydropo/er plan, But the do/nstream areas such as cultivated floodplains of Laos0 8ambodia and the delta in ietnam are suffering from lo/ agricultural productivity, Because0 this hydropo/er plan reduces /ater flo/ and traps sediment in dry season 42redrik 2redn0 &%##6 !n case of uhuri !rrigation pro:ect0 many environmental and agricultural impacts /ill arise due to this dam, uhuri River flo/s from upstream to do/nstream and 2eni is the
do/nstream region of our country, As a result0 2eni is deprived from the sedimentation load, Because0 dams hold back the sediment in the upstream area, As a result0 agricultural , de Boer 4&%#(6 identified the conse3uences of changes caused by the hydroelectric dam Belo onte for income0 diet and environment for fishermen in the middle Iingu river and the indigenous community living along the Iingu river, .his hydroelectric dam Belo is constructed in the Ama1on rainforest, As a result0 it affects the natural resources and environment, .he indigenous communtiy and fishermen both divert their source of income from fisheries, .his is caused by the negative conse3uences of dam on fisheries0 agriculture and livelihood, .hey are no/ more dependent on :obs, .he health value of the fishermen and indigenous community is very lo/er, .he fishermen of the area are also confused /hether they could continue their fishing or not, .he construction of the dam also hampers the diversity of the area 4, de Boer0 &%#(6, !f muhuri dam affects the agricultural productivity0 small farmers may divert their source of income, !n conse3uences0 agricultural production /ill decrease, Ho/ever0 up to no/ there is no definite measurable impact small farmers that can be attributed to the uhuri dam, .herefore0 it is important to identify measure and assess the agricultural and socio' economic effects of uhuri dam on small farmers, ?bour et al .he impacts of dams on local livelihoods* a study of the Bui Hydroelectric Pro:ect in 5hanaE attempts to e9amine the effects of pro:ect on local livelihoods, Dams are built globally as multiple benefit investments, Dams have negative environmental and social impacts, Developing countries like Africa envisage dam to provide energy supply and /ater for irrigation and drinking purposes, .his pro:ect have impacted adversely on local people and rarely improved the living conditions of local people, !n most cases0 dam pro:ects has /orsened poverty0 food insecurity0 health problems and property loss amongst people /ho d/ell in basin area, .he reason behind this0 the negative impacts of dams are overlooked in planning stage and sometimes lack of transparency or effective stakeholder participation, .he e9isting literatures consensus does not go on for actual impacts of dam pro:ects on local communities, the Bui hydroelectric pro:ect intended to improvement of national and international level, !t has improved the local infrastructure and generated income opportunities for fe/ local people, Ho/ever this pro:ect
overlooked traditional income activities and resettlers economic activities, !n ne/ farmland resettlers should be trained by e9tension officers for improved agriculture, 8age fishing and a3uaculture can help to continue the practice of fishing, .he local people inclusion in planning in implementing pro:ect may sustain the traditional livelihood practices such as fishing and agriculture,
Pears'Smith04&%#&6 in *.he !mpact of
8ontinued ekong Basin Hydropo/er
Development on Local LivelihoodsE argues that food and economic security of local population depends on natural environment, Hydropo/er development on Basin have adverse impact on basin d/ellers livelihoods, .his study delineates the dams impact on @hole ekong Basin but precisely focuses on lo/er ekong basin specially .hailand and ietnam, !n past fifteen years0 Hydropo/er development has begun to hydrology of the basin 4UG>P0&%%0&%#%a0 cited in Pearse'Smith0&%#&6, .he cumulative effects of hydropo/er dam in mainstream and tributaries are changing the fundamental characteristics of river regime /ith pervasive repercussions not only for natural systems but also social systems and economies 4!8>0 &%#%a0 cited in Pearse'Smith0&%#&6, .he changing environment affects human community, .he altered ekong hydrology /ill degrade or diminish some natural resources such as fish stocks0 natural nutrients 0 agricultural land and forested land /hich are important components of Agriculture or fishing,
Rasheed04&%##60 argues that !rrigation is linked to food production and food security and it
4 Rasheed0&%##6,Discounting con:unctive use of ground/ater and surface /ater 0 & to #< percent food production are contributed by dams 4 @8D0&%%% cited in Rasheed0&%##6, .he scale and significance of large dams for irrigation vary from country to country based on percentage of agricultural land and the proportion of irrigated /ater supplied from large dams, Dams play another crucial role by storing /aterC it performs flood management function by preventing do/nstream inundation during /et season 4 Rasheed0&%##6, About #+ percent of all large dams in the /orld " in more than =$ countries "have a flood control purpose 4 Rasheed0&%##6, Another function is
augmentation of flo/ during dry season, During dry season the stored /ater meet the need of do/nstream population,
2igure#,#* ethodology frame/ork Study area selection
.o conduct the study0 /e have chosen arth Pro, Buffers /ithin
2igure#,&* dam centres to three buffer follo/ing #km0+km0
!ata collection
Primary data /ill be collected through mi9ed research approach, .he mi9ed research approach is purposely chosen to collect 3uantitative and 3ualitative data, .he 3uantitative data /ill be collected through administering 3uestionnaires to small farmers of study area, Appro9imately #%% respondents /ill be intervie/ed, A semi structured 3uestionnaire /ill be administered, Jualitative data /ill be collected through semi
structured intervie/, .hree separate focus group discussions /ill be held in three different buffer area to e9plore some of the issues discussed in the 3uestionnaires, .his also helps to get insight from respondents from different perspectives, >ach of groups composed of $'=members, Small groups promotes easy handling and interactive communication, A key informant intervie/ /ill also held to get data from different voice, Secondary data /ill be collected from peer revie/ :ournals and printed books, Secondary data is chosen to identify e9isting gaps0 overlaps of literatures /ith this study, !ata analysis:
.he collected data from field /ill be cleaned0 edited and entered into 8omputer soft/are and analy1ed by statistical package for the social sciences 4spss6, .he study ob:ective is to identify the perception of small farmers about muhuri dam effects on agriculture, SPSS is purposely chosen to 3uantify the satisfaction level of farmers, .he 3ualitative data /ill be also analy1ed based on ob:ectives, (imitations of the study
.he research /ill reach into its aim despite having some unavoidable limitations, 2irst0 because of the time limit0 the research /ill be conducted on a small si1e of population that is smallholder farmers around uhuri !rrigation Pro:ect /hereas the study should have involved more participants at different level,, Secondly0 lack of financial resources is one of the main constraints of our study,2inally0 there are limited prior research studies on this topic, .here are many secondary data related dam issue in the /hole /orld, Ho/ever0 our country has rare studies on the agricultural and socio'economic effects of dam on small farmers, -pected "esults
.he /ork /ill highlight the agricultural and socio'economic effects of uhuri irrigation pro:ect on smallholder farmers, By doing this study0 /e can get a clear vie/ of the perception of small farmers about the impacts of the dam on agriculture and socio'
economic conditions, @e can also identify the agricultural and socio'economic differences of small farmers among #km0 +km and
.he research proposed period is from Kuly to December &%#), @ithin these si9 months0 research activity /ill be conducted, 2ollo/ing table is the pictorial representation of the time and research activities*
2igure #,+* .imeline
"eferences . Acheampong0 >,G,0 ?1or0 G, and Sekyi'Annan0 >,0 &%#(, Development of small
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