Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam If you are living in Delhi or NCR, make sure to visit INA Market ( New Delhi ), you will see scores of Africans, literally in hundreds !hey will kee" arriving in self driven Cars or ta#is $ou will see Africans from all over Africa I have seen them since %&'& and used to wonder, where did so many Africans turn u" in India Most of them have een living in India for more than or '& years Africans started coming to India soon after *+A overnment ( led y Congress +resident -onia andhi ) came to "ower Now you can see African immigrants not only all over Delhi ut also all over India Most of these African immigrants come from su. -aharan Africa like Nigeria and there are also scores, who come from Chad, Mali, Mauritania, -omalia and /iya, which are located in -ahara Desert !o understand why you 0ind so many African immigrants in India, you must read 1 Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam At the ehest of R--, Narendra Modi overnment has allowed African immigrants to uy "ro"erty, 2"en usinesses, o"en 3ank Accounts and a""ly for documents to otain Indian citi4enshi" Rules have een tweaked in a manner that African immigrants living in India, can go ack to their home countries in Africa and come ack to India without having to rea""ly for visas Now even African Americans living in *-A have moved to India claiming that they are facing racism in *-A If you are living in Delhi, you will notice thousands of Africans driving around in cars with mi#ed race kids that they had with their Indian wives
Passport Rule : Mantri Bats for Single Passport Mom The Times of India ul! "# , $0"# % Saturda!
Many eautiful young girls from rich families, who lead inde"endent lives, have &i'e%in%Relationships with married African men, or are in &i'e%in%Relationships with them After learning that attractive young women from rich Indian families are readily marrying African men, also rings more and more African men to come and settle down in India If you are living in Delhi, you will notice that hundreds of Africans are now working in International Call Centres and MNCs in urgaon and N2IDA At the ehest of R--, Narendra Modi overnment has "assed a legislation that has made it mandatory for Indian and foreign com"anies to em"loy foreigners, in the name of racial diversity Narendra Modi overnment has also tweaked rules that make it "ossile for unwedded 5 single Indian mothers to a""ly for "ass"ort !his has een done at the ehest of -enior /eaders of R-- $ou will 0ind large African communities living in urgaon, 6aridaad, ha4iaad and N2IDA Most of them come to India under lieral student visas, which is valid u"to 7 years I have seen African men, even in small cities like orakh"ur, +une, Indore and 3ho"al Most of them are married to Indian women from rich families or are in &i'e%in% Relationships with Relationships with them Narendra Modi overnment allows free 0low of Africans to India, in the name of im"roving "eo"le to "eo"le contact etween India and Africa India might e home to more than % million to 8 million Africans 9ven a small state like 2A has a huge African "o"ulation Rothschild controlled Rothschild controlled Indian media goes eserk, if Africans living in India face violence or are attacked y local "eo"le At the ehest of R--, Narendra Modi overnment has ensured that Africans living in India D2N:! face violence from local "eo"le, y ensuring that "olice acts strictly against local "eo"le if they attack Africans At the ehest of R--, Narendra Modi overnment has also ensured that Africans living in India don:t face any "rolems in 0inding accommodation and hundreds of Africans have een resettled in villages surrounding Delhi !his was after Rothschild controlled Indian media com"lained that African immigrants immigrants living in India 0ind it dif0icult to rent accommodation, as many "eo"le don:t want Africans as tenants *nder Narendra Modi overnment, Delhi *niversity and ;N* have created s"ecial
!here seems to e a ulterior aim to convert India into a multi racial country like 9uro"e and America, inorder to dilute Indian racial identity Narendra Modi overnment is =ust an e#tension of *+A overnment of -onia andhi Narendra Modi overnment has retained all the ureaucrats, a""ointed to key "ositions y *+A overnment 9ven the of0icials within the +M2 are the same
If Indians are serious aout 0ighting corru"tion, they must understand the following following e
BJP + Congress Party = One Team BJP + Congress Congress Party Party + AAP + JD(! + "CP + JD(S! + TDP + #ar$ist Parties ( CPI % CP# ! = One Team eam 9ven when they 0ight elections against each other, ehind closed doors they all work like one team !his is a Rothschild conspirac! conspirac! ()*+ > Marist +arties Indians must
+arties 3lack Money of all Corru"t Indian "oliticians is in foreign 3anks located in !a# ?avens, owned y Rothschild 3anking Rothschild 3anking Cartel !he same money comes ack to India IM/, which are controlled y Rothschild as 3illion Dollar /oans from -orld Ban. > > IM/, 3anking Cartel Now arendra Modi 1o'ernment is is -IN@IN India in India in foreign (e2t with his 3S4AM (e'elopment Agenda Agenda $ou won:t read aout it in mainstream 6.78ner of 78ner of British British 6ast India Indian Media, as it is controlled y Rothschild % 6. Compan! Compan! Rothschild connections and those who don:t end u" All 3ig +oliticians in India have Rothschild connections like Former Tamil Former Tamil adu Chief Minister 9 a!alalitha
(o !ou thin. that former Tamil adu Chief Minister a!alalitha 8as M*R(6R6(; 6or Narendra Modi 6ans, they must read this to know truth aout Narendra Modi, when he was chief minister of u=arat !his is a story of how 3;+ > R-- /eaders used
?indutva /eaders within the rank and 0ile of sangh +arivar like they are tissue "a"er u=arat overnment under Chief Minister Narendra Modi, asked for D9A!? +9NA/!$ for ?indutva /eaders already sentenced to life Im"risonment
4indu Muslim riots in 1odhra R--, ?+ > -AN? +ARIAR orchestrated odhra Riots after 3;+ lost assemly elections in si# states in Northern Northern India 3;+ is cash cow for -enior -enior R-- /eaders and and this was "lan 3 when 3;+ cannot win elections on its own strength
1odhra Riots
The Times of India B&th A"ril , %&'' 5 -aturday
RSS <4P Sangh Pari'ar -as Set *p to (efeat (estro! 4indu ationalism RSS supports 4omoseualit! -ere Surgical on Pa.istan fa.ed 2! arendra Modi 1o'ernment; -as Tamil adu Chief Minister a!alalitha Murdered; Augusta August a -estland -estland Scam
!he matter came to light when 8& "ilots elonging to Indian Commercial +ilots Association ( IC+A ) went on strike !hey also level serious allegations of corru"tion which they claimed led to fall of overnment owned Airline Com"any Com"any According According to to Indian Commercial +ilots Association ( IC+A ), erstwhile Indian Airlines, now Air India domestic has a market share of aout '8 and comes No E after ;et, @ing0isher @ing0isher and Indigo A cri""ling det urden of Rs E&,&&& Crore is making Airline:s survival tough
FAll the Netas and aus who took the wrong decision, namely the huge "urchase order of ''' new "lanes worth Rs 8&,&&& Crores Crores G merger of AI and IA G grant of huge 0lying rights to foreign carriers have een "romoted to high "ositions !he em"loyees have een left to leed to deathH Now Narendra Modi overnment is doing to Indian Rail8a!s, Rail8a!s, what *+A overnment India and Indian Airlines Airlines did to government owned Airline Com"anies . Air India and
arendra Modi 1o'ernment destro!ing I(IA RAI& RAI&-A=S
M!sterious (eath of (r Sh!ama Prasad Mu.her>ee RSS -as Set *p to Promote Secularism *nderestanding Bharati!a anata Part! )BP + Arrest of Chhota Chhota Ra>an An Anal!sis Anal!sis on the Arrest Arrest of Chhota Ra>an Indian Soldiers 8ere RAP6(, CASTRAT6( ? S47T (6A(, in @argil -ar -h! former RBI 1o'ernor Raghuram Ra>an 8as forced to R6SI1; Character of /ormer Prime Minister Atal Bihari pa!ee (6M76TISATI7 and Cashless Societ! 6scape of &iuor Baron a! Mall!a 6scape of Moin ureshi -ere Surgical on Pa.istan fa.ed 2! arendra Modi 1o'ernment; -as Tamil adu Chief Minister a!alalitha Murdered; Indian Air /orce Scam Purchase of # Rafael /ighter ets for Rs 5# 000 Crore
Air Craft Purchases Purchases AI and IA "laced orders for ''' new 3oeing and Airus "lanes worth Rs 8&,&&& Crores des"ite the fact that they sim"ly did not have the money for such an amitious "urchase Done solely on Det, the interest urden is killing the airline today Merger of AI and IA in $00D !he "re.merger losses of IA and AI were Rs %& Crores and Rs E88 Crores, res"ectively 3ut the huge det urden the losses of the merged airline shot u" to Rs 88E in %&&.& and Rs ,%&& Crores in %&&.'& Bilaterals : 6oreign Airlines were given huge 0lying rights to 0ly to India !he other charges include withdrawl of 6lights from "ro0itale routes, allegedly to ene0it "rivate airlines, and e#tremely low aircraft utili4ation 5 aout nine hours a day !he "olicy of hiring e#"atriate "ilots at fancy salaries has also een
6pose Prime MinisterEs arendra arendra ModiFs *RA 1A1A SC46M6 Senior BP &eaders insult Ba2a Ramde' (estro!ing Ri'er 1anga arendra Modi 1o'ernment 8ill destro! Ri'er 1anga Congress President Sonia 1andhi calls Mahendra @arma, a 3Bastar 3Bastar Tiger Tig er at /uneral Read -h! 4o8 Mahara>a (ilip Singh udeo % 7riginal contender for Chhattisgarh Chief Minister 8as T7PP&6(; Police Brutalit! and A2use of Sadh'i Prag!a Singh Tha.ur 4I(* ATI7A&IST 6GP7S6S RSS H <4P ? SA14 PARI
!he story was "ulished on April on April "th $0"J y $0"J y Mail Toda! Toda! Mail !oday had written a story on A"ril this year on how Air India has gone on a distress sale of 6ive 3oeing /Rs to Au Dhai ased 6tihad Air8a!s of Air8a!s of merely one third of the listed "rice of %&&E Interesting 6tihad Air8a!s is Air8a!s is now looking to uy uy three more 3oeing /Rs from Air India to use these "lanes on international international air routes routes
-ho o8ns et Air8a!s; A Se in (elhi Cron! Capitalism in India Indian 8omen forced into prostitution /orced Closure of (ance Bars in Mum2ai The Times of India e8s Report Sahara (iaries on Pa!offs to Top Politicians in India (o !ou thin. that former Tamil adu Chief Minister a!alalitha 8as M*R(6R6(; The Times of India e8s Report Congress Congr ess &eader s (iar! on Pa!offs to Top Politicians in India Mone! laundering 2! $ Pu2lic Sector 2an.s Moinuddin ureshi ureshi ) or Moin ureshi ureshi + % A Middle Man for CBI CBI 4idden R6AS7S for Po'ert! in India The 1reat Indian Ban. Ro22er! uestion of Rs #,00,000 CR7R6S Indian a'! Scam Rs " 000 Crore Scorpene Su2marine Su2marine (eal Indian Air /orce Scam Purchase of # Rafael /ighter ets for Rs 5# 000 Crore
The Times of India " /e2 , $0"# 9 Saturda! Indian A'iation hi>ac.ed 2! 1ulf Based Airline Companies, 8hile *PA 1o'ernment ) led 2! Congress President Sonia 1andhi + .illed T-7 1o'ernment o8ned Airline Companies 9 Air India ? Indian Airlines o8 arendra Modi 1o'ernment is doing to Indian Rail8a!s 8hat *PA 1o'ernment
did to Air India ? Indian Airlines Both BP ? Congress Part! 8or. li.e 7ne Team
-ho o8ns et Air -a!s;
!his news was "ulished in MAI& T7(A= T7(A= on o n "th April, $0"J $0"J /ast 2ctoer ( %&'B ), Air ), Air India had India had worked out the deal with 9tihad Airways to sell 0ive 3oeings (3RAND N9J Boeing DDD 9 &Rs ) which has an average Age of -i# years for Rs %,'B8 Crores, which worked out to e meager Rs E%8 Crore "er "lane !he Air India had ordered these 3oeings (3RAND N9J Boeing DDD 9 &Rs ) for Rs "00 Crore each Crore each %&&8 6irst *PA 1o'ernment "urchased "urchased Boeing DDD 9 &Rs K &Rs K Air Air 2uses for 2uses for Rs 50,000 Crores and then hired epatriate Pilots ( Pilots ( foreigners ) at fancy salaries to 0ly them &Rs and Nevertheless 3RAND N9J Boeing DDD 9 &Rs and Air2us remained Air2us remained grounded All the while Air while Air India losses ke"t mounting, due to interest "ayment on /oans -o to cut the losses, Air losses, Air India took India took a decision to start selling off all rand new Jide 3odied 3oeing . /Rs at throw away "rices to 1ulf Based Airline Companies, Companies, which now rule Indian A'iation A 'iation All the while, silent "artners in the crime, -enior 3;+ /eaders, who formed the main ody of the o""osition, looked the other way Ask +rime Minister Narendra Modi give a s"eech 1 " Rs 55,000 55,000 Crore Crore Air Air India India Scam $ Rs #0,00,000 #0,00,000 Cror Crore e Thorium Thorium Scam !he reason given y Air India to discard these "lanes (3RAND N9J Boeing DDD 9 &Rs ) was that they were fuel gu44lers 3ut as many as nine international airline com"anies including ;a"an Airlines and 9tihad Airways use them 9tihad Airways 0lies 0ive "lanes rought from Air India at throw away "rices, to 9uro"e and *-A Interestingly these 3oeings (3RAND N9J Boeing DDD 9 &Rs ) were to 0ly for ne#t %8 years
-ho o8ns et Air -a!s; o8 6nter arendra Modi 1o'ernment This 8ill tell !ou ho8 these TRAIT7RS 8earning Saffron sell Bharatmata into a 8horehouse 1odhra Riots % BP B P, RSS, <4P ? other SA14 PARI< PARIarat CM % arendra Modi assumed ofKice as Prime Minister, on ul! ", $0"J 7n on Jth, Septem2er $0" Raghuram Ra>an assumed ofKice as RBI 1o'ernor, Raghuram Ra>an announced his resignation as RBI 1o'ernor, on " une $0"# B! March $0"#, IndiaEs Per Capita (e2t 2urden 9 Rs 5,D# 1oogle
-h! former RBI 1o'ernor Raghuram Ra>an 8as forced to R6SI1; $5 7cto2er $0"# SC: 5D de2tors ha'e defaulted on Rs 5,000 Crore-h! @eep their names under 8raps 9 RBI as.ed a s.ed;;
Indian 8omen forced into prostitution /orced Closure of (ance Bars in Mum2ai
After assuming of0ice, Prime Minister arendra Modi went on of0icial visits to numerous ARAB countries countries in the Middle 6ast A lot Shei.hs in the Middle 6astern Countries were allowed to invest in India ( uy everything ) in the name of 6DI Blac. Mone! of India:s !2+ +oliticians are now de"osited in foreign 2an.s owned y Ara -heikhs 5 all of whom are uislings of Rothschild
The Times of India Septem2er $0"# 9 Monda! Monda! Indian "olitical leaders work like PIMPS for PIMPS for Shei.hs elonging Shei.hs elonging to Ara Countries, who are asolute rulers within their res"ective countries !hey were all "ro""ed y Rothschild Blac. Mone! of Mone! of India:s !2+ +oliticians are now de"osited in foreign 2an.s owned 2an.s owned y Ara -heikhs
1oogle 6scape of Moin ureshi Arrest of Chhota Ra>an The 1reat Indian Ban. Ro22er! M!sterious (eath of (r Sh!ama Prasad Mu.her>ee Moinuddin Lureshi ( or Moin Lureshi ) was 0i#ing deals for C3I and laundering illicit money of certain senior of0icers of the anti.graft agency ?e is also a close friend of 6ire 3rand ?indutva M/A and 3;+ /eader -angeet -om Moinuddin Lureshi ( or Moin Lureshi ) was also a close friend and usiness associate of the controversial late li
Now 9nter arendra Modi 1o'ernment
Pri'atisation of Air India May % , %&' . -unday 1o'ernment 1o'ernment open to strategic strategic disin'estment in AI % /M NIf #O of the Kl!ing can 2e handled 2! pri'ate sector, "00O can 2e tooN May B', %&' . Jednesday ITI Aa!og pushes for Sale of AI, Rs 0,000 Crore (e2t 8ritten off ;une %%, %&' . !hursday Tatas in tal.s 8ith go'ernment to ta.e o'er Ailing Air India ;une %, %&' . !hursday Ca2inet clears pri'atisation of de2t ridden AI /M led panel to Ki liuidit!, sta.e uantum
!his is the legacy of Narendra Modi overnment, which invested Rs ",00,000 Crores in a 6ANC$ Bullet Train, Train, ut made no attem"t to revive two overnment owned India and Indian Airlines Airlines Airline com"anies . Air . Air India and Now Indian Aviation market has een hi=acked y ulf 3ased Airline Com"anies 9very Indian should know why -heikhs were determined to ca"ture Indian Aviation Market 5 for getting eautiful Indian girls Narendra Modi overnment also allows free 0low of Africans into India and allows them to resettle freely across India +rime Minister Narendra Modi is doing to Indian Railways what *+A overnment did to Air India and Indian Airlines
oogle arendra Modi 1o'ernment destro!ing I(IA RAI& RAI&-A=S Narendra Modi overnment is enslaving Indian 9conomy to 6oreign Com"anies -tatement y Arun ;aitley FIf 7 2f 6lying Can 3e ?andled 3y +vt -ector, '&& Can 3e !ooH Disinvestment is "olitically correct word for "rivatisation Narendra Modi overnment
Arun aitle! on Air India “….Today they have a market share of 14% and a debt of Rs 50,000 crore. Your money does not o !nto "r!vate sector a!r#!nes such as $nd!o, &"!ce'et, o(!1) 'et (!r*ays then *hy shou#d you "ut Rs 50,000 crore !n runn!n (!r $nd!a..+ overnment money means your money, th!s money can be used for educat!on,… ;aitley said during a "anel discussion on Doordarshan News
&oog'e -ho o8ns et Air -a!s; Police Brutalit! and A2use of Sadh'i Prag!a Singh Tha.ur -as Tamil adu Chief Minister a!alalitha Murdered; RAMAAMB477MI RAMA AMB477MI M7<6M6T % =6AR "0 RAMAAMB477MI RAMA AMB477MI M7<6M6T % =6AR "$
4indu ationalist eposes RSS, <4P ? SA14 PARIan 8as forced to R6SI1;
1o't to step up mergers of PS* Ban.s 9 /M The Times of India Ma! $, $0"D 9 Sunda!
arendra Modi 1o'ernment also also made determined efforts to "rivati4e all PS* Ban.s on Ban.s on assuming of0ice All Indians anks would e sold to foreign com"anies R-fooled Indian "eo"le with -wadeshi ;agran Manch, while secretly 3;+ /eaders were colluding with *+A overnment Jhen asked aout the government:s strategy to deal Air deal Air India, India, the 0inance minister said that if a good management comes forward, government will consider disinvestment ;aitley e#"lained that of Rs 8&,&&& Crore, det, nearly Rs %8,&&& crore is the value of aircraft !he airline also has some other assets !he civil aviation ministry is e#"loring all o"tions FOIf 7 of the 0lying can ehandled y the "rivate sector they can handle '&& also, OH ;aitley said 2n May ', !&' had re"orted that the Centre has the government has tasked Niti Aayog to devise a road ma" for the eleaguered state run carrierG which may include recommendation for a strategic sale !he 6M said that strategic sales in state run 0irms will gather "ace in the ne#t two years F/et there e no misunderstanding that we are going slow on disinvestments,H he said
-hat ITI Aa!og sa!s; Niti Aayog:s fourth re"ort, which was sumitted recently has detailed a "ossile roadma" for Air India disinvestment, which includes writing off loans to the tune of Rs B&,&&& crore Air crore Air India has India has det of around Rs 7&,&&& Crore, which includes around Rs %',&&& crore of aircraft.related loans and around Rs ,&&& Crore Jorking ca"ital, said aviation aviation sources !he "ro"osal is to transfer the aircraft related loans and the Jorking ca"ital to the new owner, Jhile taking care of half the liaility Real estate assets, which includes
"rime "ro"erties in Mumai:s Nariman +oint and some "laces in Delhi like asant iharG can e hived off into a se"arate com"any efore offering u" to '&& e
1oogle 6scape of Moin ureshi Arrest of Chhota Ra>an 1odhra Riots An Anal!sis Anal!sis on the Arrest of Chhota Ra>an Indian 8omen forced into prostitution /orced Closure of (ance Bars in Mum2ai Police Brutalit! and A2use of Sadh'i Prag!a Singh Tha.ur Rs " 000 Crore Scorpene Su2marine (eal M!sterious (eath of (r Sh!ama Prasad Mu.her>ee
The Times of India $" *6, $0"# % T*6S(A= !o all Indians, this is a Rothschild cons"iracy -enior /eaders of RSS are RSS are A9N!- of Rothschild 5 Rothschild 5 9# 2wners of British 6ast India Compan! Compan! Rothschild controlled Rothschild controlled . The Times of India . "raised arendra Modi 1o'ernment as it Ca2inet Cleared pri'atisation pri'atisation of Air India, India, as one of the oldest moves, without telling Indian "eo"le, how Air how Air India ecame India ecame -IC@ !he news was "ulished on . une $, $0"D 9 Thursda!
#amata Baneree )or Prime #inister
#amata Baneree )or Prime #inister *0 &enera' -'ections &oog'e -as Tamil adu Chief Minister a!alalitha Murdered; -ere Surgical on Pa.istan fa.ed 2! arendra Modi 1o'ernment; RAMAAMB477MI RAMA AMB477MI M7<6M6T % =6AR "0 RAMAAMB477MI RAMA AMB477MI M7<6M6T % =6AR "$
Police Brutalit! and A2use of Sadh'i Prag!a Singh Tha.ur