Egyptian Natural Gas Co. Project: Gas Pipeline Abu Humos/ El Nobaria 42" Diameter & 65 Km Length Location: Purchase Order No. GASCO Project No.:
RT procedure Gas Pipeline Abu Humos/ El Nobaria 42" Diameter & 65 Km Length
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
Pipe line & western desert projects Doc No. Revision
PTJ – GASCO – 42" P/L
File Ref.
Revision history Rev
Description of Change Approved
Authorization for this Issue
GASCO Approved
Summary This construction method statement is intended to ensure the integrity of the activity for Construction of abu humos el nobaria p/l 42" will done safely and matching with the company spec. and requirement also consider the all parameter for work in agriculture field and the common ability of the available available equipment without any environmental environmental impact . This method of statement will apply along the project unless otherwise noted in the project quality manual or procedures. This covers all activities related to the construction of front end activity.
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
1- Scope
This procedure is applicable for Radiographic inspection method When it is used for for examination of welds to determine the compliance of a product with specified Code 2- References
Applicable Codes Sections are ASME V, article2 ASME B31.3 3- Evaluation
Acceptance Criteria are as described herein under (subject tables are enclosed): 4- Personnel
4.1 4.1
Pers Person onne nell shal hall be Know Knowle ledg dgea eabl ble, e, Trai Traine nedd and and fami famili liar ar wit with rele releva vant nt codes, Standards, Specification, equipment and Procedures. 4.2 4.2 Shal Shalll be qu qual alif ifie iedd and and cert certif ifie iedd acco accordi rding ng .to .to Petr Petroj ojet et Writ Writte tenn Pract Practic ice. e. 4.3 Examination shal hall be made by personnel ce certified as le level I (und ndeer supervision of level II or III) Or Level II. Results shall be interpreted by personnel certified as level II or III. 5- Equipment
Gamma ray source IR 192 and X- ray 450 KV, 10 MA. 6- Manufacturing stage
As per applicable ITP. 7- Surface preparation
Test surface shall be free From weld ripples or irregularities. 8- Marking
The weld shall be marked by equally spaced reference markers (numerals) Each Each refere reference nce marker marker shall shall be identi identifie fiedd by progress progressive ive num numbers bers.. see attached location marker sketches. 9- Film identification
Radiographs shall be identified by symbols consisting of lead letters or nume nu meral rals, s, that that shal shalll be po posi siti tion oned ed so that that thei theirr imag imagee appe appear ar in the the radiog radiograph raph,, each section section of weld weld radiog radiograph raph shall shall be identi identifie fiedd by the information shown in fig I
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
Fig 1 Film Identification
10- Film Density
10-1 The film density corresponding to the radiographic image sound weld metal shall be in accordance with the following : Table “1” X ray Gamma ray Minimum 1.8 Minimum 2.0 Maximum 4.0 Maximum 4.0 10-2 The above-mentioned values for single film viewing .for composite viewing of multiple film exposures, each film of the composite shall have a minimum density of 1.3. 10-3 Density variation through area of interest shall not be varies by more than minus 15% or plus 30% The density adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI and the area of interest 10-4 If density varies by more than the above mentioned values then an additional IQI shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph Retaken. 11-Scattered radiation
As a check on back – scattered radiation a lead letter (B) (13Mm height 1.5Mm thickness) Shall be attached to the back of each film holder if the light image of the “B” appear on the dark background, the radiograph shall considered unacceptable. A dark image of B on a lighter background is not cause for Rejection. 12-Geometric unsharpness
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
12-1 Geometric unsharpness of the Ug =Fd/D
radiograph shall be determined in in accordance with :
Ug= geometric unsharpness. F = source size(mm) D = distance from source of radiation to weld or object being radiograph(mm) d= distance from source side of weld or object being radiograph to the film(mm) 12.2 recommended maximum values for Ug as follow : Table “2” Material thickness mm under 50 50 through 75 over 75 mm through 100 greater than 100 12-3
Ug (mm) 0.51 0.76 1.02 1.78
Final acceptance of radiographs shall be based on the ability to see the prescribed pentameters Image and the designated wire of a wire pentameter.
13-Penetrameters 13-1 Numbers of IQI
at least one IQI shall be used for each radiograph, except the source is placed on the axis of the object and a complete circumstance is radiographed with a single exposure , at least four equally spaced IQI shall be used . 13-2 IQI placement
A source side IQI shall be placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld where inaccessibility prevents hand placing on the source side, the IQI shall be placed on the film side of the weld and a letter “F” shall be placed adjacent to the IQI.. Or when due to weld configuration or size, it is not practical to place the IQI on the weld, the IQI may be placed on a separate block, separate blocks shall be made of the same or radiographically Similar materials and may be used to facilitate IQI positioning. in case wide weld configuration wider than the width of the film ,special IQI of reasonable height shall be used or to radiograph such weld twice separately ( upper edge with IQI and lower edge with its own IQI) provide
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
sufficient overlap area between the two films has been maintained to fulfill Ug . Requirements.
Table “4” IQI selection S et A
Wire Diameter Mm 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.20 0.25
Set B
Wire Identity 1 2 3 4 5 6
Wire Diameter Mm 0.25 0.33 0.41 0.51 0.64 0.81
Set C
Wire Diameter, Mm 0.81 1.02 1.27 1.60 2.03 2.54
Wire Identity 6 7 8 9 10 11
Set D
Wire Identity 11 12 13 14 15 16
Wire Diameter Mm 2.54 3.20 4.06 5.08 6.35 8.13
Wire Identity 16 17 18 19 20 21
Table “5” IQI selection Nominal Single-Wall Material Thickness Range Mm
Source Side Wire type “essential wire”
Film Side Wire type “essential wire”
Up to 6.4, incl. Over 6.4 through 9.5
5 6
4 5
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
Over 9.5 through 12.7 Over 12.7 through 19.0 Over 19.0 through 25.4 Over 25.4 through 38.1 Over 38.1 through 50.8 Over 50.8 through 63.5 Over 63.5 through 101.6 Over 101.6 through 152.4 Over 152.4 through 203.2 Over 203.2 through 254.0 Over 254.0 through 304.8 Over 304.8 through 406.4 Over 406.4through 508.0
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20
DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
t : thickness of weld excluding any allowable reinforcement . 1-1 In case of two different thickness as T is the thinner of these two thickness. L: length of the longest indications in the group.
: Butt welds with thickness up to 90 mm for gamma ray and 120 for X-ray : Carbon , low alloy and stainless steels : ASME V Article 2
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
Source Description
Source Description
Radiation type : Gamma ray Source type : Ir 192 Source size : Φ 5.9 mm Max. Activity : 60 Curie max. Exposure Condition Condition : In accordance accordance with Decay Decay Chart
Radiation type : X-Ray Source type : X-Ray 450 KV. 10 ma. Source size : Φ 5.5 mm Energy & intensity : 450 KV& 10 ma. Exposure Condition : In accordance with Decay Chart
Exposure container & Film characteristic Film Manufact Manufacturer urer Class Class :AGFA-GEAV :AGFA-GEAVERT ERT D7, D4 or Equivalent Equivalent Intensifyi Intensifying ng screens screens :Thicknes :Thicknesss 0.027 0.027 mm Material : Pb Processing : Manual or automatic. Container Type :TYPE B Camera Model 66 :AMER TEST 660 Penetrameter (IQI) Material : Steel or non ferrous. IQI Location :Source Side or Film Side when source side is not accessible Minimum Focal - Film Distance Distance :300 mm Object Object to Film Film Distan Distance ce :Film :Film Adhere Adherent nt to object object Method of Marking : Hard Stamping, if impracticable, radio graphing map shall be used EXPOSURE ARRANGEMENTS Source
Single Wall Single Image Reference Procedure: RT 06 Rev. 0 Panoramic Method
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Double Wall Single Image
Double Wall Double Image
DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
This procedure is used for the control and maintenance the quality image development process of industrial radiographic film processing. This procedure is used for wet chemical manual and automatic processes techniques. 2- References codes
ASME V , ASME SE 999. 3- Personnel
3-1 Personnel shall be knowledge, trained and familiar with developing process, equipments and procedures. 3-2 Personnel shall have level I or II according to SNT-TC-1A. 4- Equipment
4-1 Automatic processing M/C. 4-2 Stainless steel hangers. 4-3 Stainless steel rod. 4-4 Calibrated thermometer. 4-5 Stainless steel heater. 4-6 Timer. 4-7 Automatic dryer. 4-8 Calibrated Densitometers. 5- storages
5-1 Storage of chemicals :follow the manufacturer s recommendations, storage temperatures as per manufacturers recommendations or between ( 4-30 C º) , higher temperature will produce rapid oxidation that cause decrease in activity, lower temperature can cause crystallization. 5-2 Film storage at temperature less than 24 C º ,air tight and light tight tight and humidity humidity less than 50 % 6- Procedure
6-1 Chemical mixing: before mixing solutions thoroughly thor oughly clean all mixing equipment, the chemical solution for manual and automatic processing shall be mixed in poly-ethylene, pvc, stainless steel tanks. 6-2 Follow up the MSDS instructed by the manufacturers. 6-3 The manufacturers instructions shall be followed for mixing the chemicals ( correct volume of water, temperature specified and add chemicals in the order listed.). 6-4 The water supply should be filtered filtered water to insure that there no sedimentation. 6-5 Processing hangers and tanks should be free of corrosion and chemicals deposits.
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
6-6 In case of no processing is running the chemical solutions are protected in tanks with dust cover (tight cover ) which also minimize evaporation and oxidation 6-7 manual processing : 6-7-1 Check the temperature once / shift. 6-7-2 Processing temperature shall be between 20-23C º, stop , fixer and washing water within ± 3 C º of the developer temperature. 6-7-3 Developing time shall be between 3-8 minutes. 6-7-4 Rinse film in stop bath for 1 minute. 6-7-5 Fixing time shall be between 6 -12 minutes. 6-7-6 Final washing time between 5-10 minutes. 6-7-7 Allow 5-10second for the film to drain before transferring it to the next solution. 6-7-8 Before drying make sure that the dryer is clean, check dryer by testing six films ( test films ) the manufacturer recommendation shall be followed (for time and temperature) . in case of any problems check the manufacture. 6-8 automatic processing :
6-8-1 The temperature are controlled automatically which is 23 C º as per manufacture recommendation. 6-8-2 The required time for the complete processing cycle is 8 minutes. 6-8-3 Check the temperature once before each processing. 6-8-4 Check the time (speed) by measuring the time it take for a given length of Film to pass a specific point.
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
7.0 Activity testing of solutions
7-1 By using step wedge single wall-single viewing technique. 7-2 The required densities range between 1.5 - 4. 7-3 Exposed film shall be cut into four strips, three of them shall be designated, identified and completely warped to be completely light and air tight, and to be stored in a container under the same condition of the production film. 7-4 The first first film film processed through freshly mixed and seasoned chemistry will become the reference or standard film. 7-5 Three films strips are used as monitoring monitoring films films and compared to the reference or standard film. 7-6 The strips used are : 7-6-1 AGFA D7 , KODAK AA400, AGFA D4,KODAK Brand names. Film size 10cm *40 cm. 7.6.2 Chemicals used are AGFA structurix G128, G328 brand name KODAK kat no.5273198, cat no.5288998 Temperature and time time as per procedure SOL. ACT.RT05 ACT.RT05 item “6” 7-7 After 250,500,750 films films 10*40 cm or equivalent processing. One from from the Three Strips shall be processed at this intervals under the same condition of the reference strips. 7-8 Activity of developer 7-8-1 If there is a change in the film density more than ± 10% of the original monitoring film density the developer should be discard. 7-9 Activity of fixer 7-9-1 Placed unexposed film into into the fixer solution solution under the condition stated in the procedure ITEM “6” ( normal condition) and measure the time required to remove the silver halide crystals (the film become translucent film). This time should be 25% les than the fixer immersion time. 7-9-2 If physical examination shows unfixed spots or areas the fixer should be discarded. unfixed areas appear dull or yellowish in color. N.B: If Time Of Processing Solution Exceed One Month, A Test Strip Shall Be Processed And Follow The Above Steps 6, 7.8, 7.9 .
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
8- Records
8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6
Brand name and model of processor. Brand names and batch number of chemicals used. Time of development. Temperature of chemicals. Date new chemicals. Replenishment rate .
* Attached form shall be used for records.
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DOCUMENT NO.: Abu Humos/El Nobaria PTJ-GASCO-42" P/L-001PL Revision No.: A
Table “IX” S.NO 1 2
Unacceptable imperfection. Crack Crack or zone zone of incomp incomplet letee fusion fusion or penetr penetrati ation. on. Any elongated slag inclusion which has a length greater than 3mm for t up to 10mm.
any group of slag inclusion in line that have an aggregate length greater than t in a length of 12 t except when distance between successive imperfections exceed 6 L Round indications. 4-1 Maximum permissible dimension for round indication shall be 20% of t or 3Mm whichever is smaller. 4-2 for welds in material less than 3mm in thickness the Maximum number of acceptable rounded indication shall not exceed 305mm in a 150mm length of weld. A Proportionately fewer number of rounded indications shall be permitted in weld less than 150 mm. 4-3 for weld in material 3mm or greater in thickness, The chart No.IX-1 Represent the Maximum Acceptable types of rounded indications. 4.4 Rounded indications less than 0.8mm in Maximum diameter shall not be considered in the radiographic acceptance tests of welders and welding operators in these ranges of material thicknesses.
1- t: Thickness of weld.
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