This is a details tutorial about java programming. At least, any java programmer needs those skills to develop an application in java platform. However, I didn’t write this tutorial. I’d like to sh...
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This is a labreport on chemical kinetics... From this labreport students of chemical engineering and chemistry students can get a huge advantage in working in their lab..Full description
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EC 201: FUNDAMENTAL PROGRAMMING Ministry Of Higher Education Malaysia Department Of Electrical Engineering
Name: _____________________________________ _____________________________ ________ ID.No: ____________________________ No. Lab :_____________ Title Title of Lab or Project: _________________________ ______________
Lab Report Rubric Abstract
8ormat and 9ab :rotocols
Excellent (4 pts)
Good (3 pts)
Adequate (2 pts)
Needs or! (" pt)
" ncludes t*e question to be ans+ered b, t*e lab 2 states *,pot*esis t*at is based on researc* and-or sound reasoning 3 title is rele.ant
One of t*e /excellent/ conditions is not met0 t+o conditions met
1+o of t*e /excellent/ conditions is not met 0 one is met
ntroduction present0 no exemplar, conditions met
Anal,sis-Description Anal,sis-Description or stepb,step process is included0 could be repeated b, anot*er scientist
Description included0 some steps are .ague or unclear
ould be difficult to repeat0 reader must guess at *o+ t*e data +as gat*ered or experiment conducted
%esults and data are clearl, recorded0 organied so it is eas, for t*e reader to see trends All appropriate labels are included
%esults are clear and labeled0 trends are not ob.ious or t*ere are minor errors in organiation
1*e description generalities0 enoug* for reader to understand *o+ t*e experiment +as conducted %esults are unclear0 missing labels0 trends are not ob.ious0 disorganied0 t*ere is enoug* data to s*o+ t*e experiment +as conducted
%esults are disorganied or poorl, recorded0 do not ma!e sense not enoug* data +as ta!en to 5ustif, results
" 'ummaries data used to dra+ conclusions 2 6onclusions follo+ data (not +ild guesses or leaps of logic)0 3 Discusses applications or real +orld connections 4 7,pot*esis is re5ected or accepted based on t*e data
3 of 4 of t*e /excellent/ conditions is met
9ab report submitted as directed0 and on time Directions +ere follo+ed0 stations +ere cleaned All safet, protocols follo+ed
$ost of t*e excellent conditions +ere met possible minor errors in format or procedures
'ome of t*e excellent conditions +ere met directions +ere not follo+ed0 problems +it* lab stations0 questionable safet,
'tudent did not follo+ directions0 practiced unsafe procedures0 goofed around in t*e lab0 left a mess or equipment lost
$ost of files and ot*er material t*at is referred to in t*e report are include
'ome of files and ot*er material t*at is referred to in t*e report are include
No files and ot*er material t*at is referred to in t*e report are include
All files and ot*er ot*er material t*at is referred to in t*e report are include
# mar!
9 3 6 3 16 12 4
8 4 16
12 4
2 of 4 of t*e /excellent/ conditions is met
" of 4 of t*e /excellent/ conditions is met
9 3
6 2 4 2 4 3 1
2 1
EC 201: FUNDAMENTAL PROGRAMMING Ministry Of Higher Education Malaysia Department Of Electrical Engineering