Feasibility Study „Development „Development of Jatropha Curcas Oil for Bio-Energy in Rural Areas“, Indonesia Indonesia
Attachment 1: Classification of Climate
A. CLASSIFICATION OF OLDEMAN CLIMATE Climate Oldeman is classified to 5 types based on number of wet month consecutively, whilst subdivision subdivision consists of 4 depend on dry month consecutively (Table 1) Table 1. Criteria of Climate Oldeman Main Main Typ Type e A B C D E
Wet Wet mont month h cons conse ecuti cutive vely ly >9 7–9 5–6 3–4 <3
Months Wet month (WM) Humid month (HM) Dry month (DM)
Sub Sub Divi Divisi sion on 1 2 3 4
Dry Dry mont month h resp respec ecti tiv vely ely <2 2–3 4–6 >6
Average monthly rainfall in mm > 200 100- 200 < 100
Table 2. Interpretation of Climate Oldeman for Farming Systems Climate type A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2, C3, C3, C4 D1 D2, D3, D3, D4 E
Farming system Suitable for rice field, low yield because of low radiation Suitable for rice field, high yield if harvesting in dry season Suitab table fo for 2 times pa past ri ripping ri rice fifield, in dry season for secondary secondary crop Rice fifield 1 time, an and 2 times se secondary crop Rice Rice field field 1 time time,, and and 1-2 1-2 time times s seco seconda ndary ry crop Rice fifield 1 time, an and 1 times se secondary crop Only Only rice rice field field 1 time time or 1 times times seco seconda ndary ry crop Only 1 time secondary crop
In association with
Cropping pattern Rice-rice-rice or rice-ricesecondary crop Rice-rice-rice or rice-ricesecondary crop Rice-rice-secondary crop Rice + 2 secondary crop Rice + 1-2 secondary crop Rice + 1 secondary crop Rice field or secondary crop Secondary crop
Annex 4.1 / Attachment 1 - 1
Feasibility Study „Development of Jatropha Curcas Oil for Bio-Energy in Rural Areas“, Indonesia
B. CLASSIFICATION OF SCHMIDT-FERGUSON CLIMATE Classification of Schmidt-Ferguson climate have utilized in forest and estates areas in Indonesia. The criteria based on Q value, it is comparison between dry month (DM) and wet month (WM), and multiple 100% (Q = DM/WM x 100%). •
The criteria of wet month and dry month: Type of Months Wet month (WM) Humid month (HM) Dry month (DM)
Monthly Precipitation > 100 mm 60-100 mm < 60 mm
Classification of Schmidt-Ferguson climate was based on Q value, and classified to eight climate types: Table 3. Classification of Schmidt-Ferguson Climate Climate type A B C
Q value (%) < 14.3 14.3 – 33.3 33.3 – 60.0
60.0 – 100.0 100.0 – 167.0 167.0 – 300.0 300.0 – 700.0 > 700.0
Condition of climate and vegetation Very wet region, tropical rain forest Wet region, tropical rain forest Somewhat wet region, deciduous forest, in dry season Moderately climate, seasonal forest Somewhat dry climate, savanna forest Dry climate, savanna forest Very dry climate, grass Extremely dry climate, grass
Figure 1: Triangulation of Oldeman Climate Classification
C c o n s e c u t i v e l y d r y m o n t h
Consecutively wet months
In association with
Annex 4.1 / Attachment 1 - 2
Feasibility Study „Development of Jatropha Curcas Oil for Bio-Energy in Rural Areas“, Indonesia
Figure 2: Triangulation of Schmidt-Ferguson Climate Classification
A v e r a g e o f d r y m o n t h s
Average number of wet months xxxxx
In association with
Annex 4.1 / Attachment 1 - 3