NetAct™ 17.2
Single RAN Management Overview DN09212604 Issue: 3-0
Single RAN Management Overview
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Single RAN Management Overview
Table of Contents
Contents 1 Introduction to Single RAN............................................................................................................................ 4 2 Single RAN system architecture overview................................................................................................... 5 2.1 SBTS architecture..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 External SBTS management plane interfaces..........................................................................................6 2.3 Supported hardware..................................................................................................................................6 2.4 Supported network element versions....................................................................................................... 6 3 Object model....................................................................................................................................................8 4 Virtual SBTS OAM......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Creating virtual SBTS OAM instance..................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Removing virtual SBTS OAM instance...................................................................................................13 5 Roll-out overview...........................................................................................................................................14 6 Configuration management.......................................................................................................................... 16 6.1 SBTS site configuration: BTS profile, site configuration file, and templates........................................... 16 6.2 Configuration management operations................................................................................................... 16 6.2.1 Delta plan........................................................................................................................................17 7 Software management.................................................................................................................................. 18 8 Fault management......................................................................................................................................... 19 9 Performance management............................................................................................................................20 10 Hardware inventory management..............................................................................................................21 11 State management.......................................................................................................................................23 12 License management.................................................................................................................................. 25 13 Searching Single RAN data in Object Information Browser...................................................................26 14 Site element management.......................................................................................................................... 28 15 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................... 29
Single RAN Management Overview
Introduction to Single RAN
1 Introduction to Single RAN This document concentrates on some high-level differences between the Single RAN (SRAN) network management and the Single RAT LTE, WCDMA, and GSM network management operations. For more information on Single RAN documentation, see the documents in the Single RAN Operating Documentation set.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Single RAN system architecture overview
2 Single RAN system architecture overview The main difference between the Single RAN (SRAN) system architecture and the Single RAT LTE, WCDMA, and GSM BTS system architecture is in the radio network O&M architecture. While an SRAT base station represents one radio technology, the Single RAN base station (SBTS) can host several radio access technologies simultaneously. The maximum concurrent configuration can consist of one BCF, one WBTS, and one LNBTS. SBTS can also be configured for one technology only. Regardless of the radio configuration, SBTS has one common transport and one common Mplane connection for all the radio technologies. As a consequence of the flat M-plane architecture, LTE OMS, WCDMA OMS, and RNC are no longer involved in the M-plane traffic of the SRAN base station. The required functionality of the BTS O&M I/ F between RNC and SBTS is moved to C-NBAP protocol for direct RNC-SBTS communication. In the GSM system, Abis O&M between BSC and SBTS is kept in the SRAN architecture for tightly-coupled recovery services, but the O&M functionalities are restricted. C/U-plane of SRAN and SRAT base stations can be connected to the same RNC and BSC. The same NetAct can be used to manage both SRAN and SRAT base stations. The whole SRAN network (including all radio technologies in SBTS and the related controllers) is operated with one NetAct per area. The following picture illustrates the SRAN system architecture in comparison with the SRAT LTE, WCDMA, and GSM system architectures.
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Single RAN system architecture overview
Figure 1: Single RAN system architecture
SRAN transport, WCDMA, and LTE Performance Management data is collected in a single PM data file from SBTS and transferred to NetAct via NE3SWS mediation. SRAN GSM Performance Management data is transferred to NetAct via BSC and Q3 mediation. SRAN transport, GSM, WCDMA, and LTE Fault Management data is collected from SBTS and transferred to NetAct via NE3SWS mediation directly. Configuration management data for SRAN transport, site configuration, and LTE radio network is managed in SBTS via NE3SWS mediation. The GSM radio network configuration data in BSC is managed via Q3 mediation, and the WCDMA radio network configuration data in RNC via NWI3 mediation. Hardware inventory data for SRAN is collected from SBTS via NE3S/WS mediation.
2.1 SBTS architecture The SBTS O&M architecture is divided into two main components: • OAM component, which provides the maintenance and interfaces towards external systems. • SBTS node which provides 24/7 telecommunications services.
2.2 External SBTS management plane interfaces SBTS is integrated to NetAct via the NE3S interface. NE3S provides the M-plane interface for centralized configuration, software, fault, performance, and license management from NetAct. CMP is used to manage the SBTS certificates with the operator Certificate Authority servers. SBTS has the same functionality as in WCDMA and LTE. LDAP is used for SBTS remote user and operation authentication and authorization. SBTS has the same authentication and authorization functionality as the WCDMA and LTE base stations. The remote user authentication needs to be available in SBTS to guarantee the NE3S operation authentication and authorization and the local SBTS Element Manager access. SBTS implements an NTP client to retrieve the time information from the NTP server in NetAct. In the configurations with more than one system module, the master system module synchronizes the time with the other system modules.
2.3 Supported hardware Single RAN base station requires the FSMr3 system module hardware.
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Single RAN system architecture overview
2.4 Supported network element versions SBTS can be configured with the following versions: • SBTS O&M: SBTS16.2, SBTS16.10 • LTE Flexi Multiradio: FL16 • WCDMA Flexi Multiradio: WCDMA16 • GSM Flexi Multiradio 10: GF16 • BSC: S16_3 • RNC: RNC16, mcRNC16
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Single RAN Management Overview
Object model
3 Object model The Single RAN O&M architecture is reflected in the network element object model. A new SBTS ob ject is introduced to represent the base station configuration. This new SBTS is located directly under PLMN, similarly as LTE MRBTS, and requires therefore a unique instance ID within PLMN. In Single RAT WCDMA and GSM, the base station site configuration (MRBTS, BTSSCC, BTSSCU, BTSSCG) is modeled under RNC/WBTS and BSC/BCF. SBTS represents the site and transport configuration of a Single RAN base station that can be configured for multiple technologies. The association between the radio network configuration in RNC/WBTS and/or in BSC/BCF with an SBTS is defined by relationship attributes. A commissioned SBTS informs its ID towards RNC and BSC. Using the SBTS ID, NetAct builds a relationship between SBTS and the respective radio network configuration in the controller. LTE radio network configuration is modeled directly under the SBTS containment tree. The following picture illustrates the Single RAN object model. Solid line represents the parent-child relationship and dotted line represents the relationship by the SBTSId attribute. Note that the picture does not include all the object classes.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Object model
Figure 2: SRAN object model DN09212604 3-0
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Object model
The SBTS containment tree includes objects modeling • common RAT-independent resources, for example antenna line devices (ALD), management (MGMNT), synchronization (SYNC), transport (TNL), and hardware inventory (HW). • RAT-specific non-radio network layer resources like local cell configurations (BTSSCC, BTSSCL, BTSSCW). The GSM, WCDMA, and LTE parameters have been adapted to the SBTS context. Therefore the parameter definitions between Single RAT base stations and SBTS are slightly different. • LTE radio network layer resources (previously in the MRBTS/LNBTS tree). In Single RAT LTE, MRBTS ID equals to the LNBTS Macro eNB identifier. Note that in Single RAN, the SBTS identifier can have a different value than the LNBTS Macro eNB identifier. Note: FTM transport object model used in the mainstream WCDMA and LTE is not valid for SBTS. Moreover, LNBTS child objects SCTP and PMRNL are not valid for SBTS. The radio configuration object model in RNC/WBTS, BSC/BCF, and LNBTS is the same in Single RAT and Single RAN. The same radio network object hierarchies and versions are valid for both Single RAT and Single RAN. Here is more detailed information on the objects in the object model figure: • SBTS – Identifiers – Profile – States • ANTL, ALD, MHA, RET • Antenna lines and antenna line devices • BTSSCC – GSM, BTSSCL – LTE, BTSSCW – WCDMA –
• Radio access technology specific site configuration • Local cells, local cell groups • Control and user plane • Management plane towards BSC • Radio feature parameters
• LNBTS • LTE radio configuration • MGMNT – SBTS management • Management plane • User account management • Certificate management • DNS • Capacity configuration and limitation
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Object model
• External alarm, external control, climate control • Performance management • Security administration • Troubleshooting • SYNC – Synchronization • Synchronization mode • Synchronization sources • Synchronization priority list • Time synchronization • Clock outputs • TNL – Transport network layer • Physical Layer • Ethernet • PPP • IP interfaces • IP routing • Transport security • Quality of service • Transport network operation & maintenance • Protection • HW • Hardware inventory • WBTS • WCDMA radio configuration • BCF • GSM radio configuration
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Single RAN Management Overview
Virtual SBTS OAM
4 Virtual SBTS OAM Virtual SBTS OAM provides software and configuration management functionalities for an SBTS that has not yet been integrated physically to the network. Once the physical SBTS is connected to NetAct, the corresponding virtual SBTS OAM instance is removed. Virtual SBTS OAM runs in SBTS Adapter in the NetAct cluster hardware, and uses the NE3S interface towards NetAct. For more information on SBTS Adapter, see the SBTS Adapter installation instructions and SBTS Adapter Operating Guide available in Nokia Networks Online Services. Virtual SBTS OAM provides the following benefits: • Base station pre-integration configuration validation. With the validation, the configuration errors can be detected before the actual commissioning (autoconnection and autoconfiguration, manual rollouts). • Base station pre-integration configuration updates. The configuration of a virtual SBTS OAM can be updated by provisioning delta plans. When a new feature is introduced in the network, the virtual SBTS OAM configuration can also be updated. Note: Software level of the virtual SBTS OAM instance needs to match with the desired software level of the network element. Virtual SBTS OAM is integrated only to NetAct and not to the network. It does not have radio and system modules installed, and it does not serve radio network users. The following list contains virtual SBTS OAM functional limitations. Note that the list is not exhaustive: • Configuration validation against detected hardware is not supported. • Hardware inventory upload of virtual SBTS OAM returns an empty file. • Virtual SBTS OAM does not provide alarms. • Virtual SBTS OAM does not provide measurements. • The content of the virtual SBTS OAM snapshot is limited. • The virtual SBTS OAM does not set up Abis/NBAP interface towards controllers. NetAct cannot link virtual SBTS OAM to the related WBTS and BCF objects. • Virtual SBTS OAM does not set up X2/S1 links towards other network elements. Note this when planning the configuration, for example adjacencies. • Virtual SBTS OAM does not support state management operations (lock/unlock, reset). • SBTS Element Manager is not available for virtual SBTS OAM. For more information on integrating virtual SBTS OAM to NetAct, see Overview of virtual SBTS OAM integration in the Integrating Virtual SBTS OAM to NetAct document.
4.1 Creating virtual SBTS OAM instance SBTS Adapter supports 100 simultaneous instances of virtual SBTS OAM.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Virtual SBTS OAM
For more information on creating virtual SBTS OAM, see Overview of virtual SBTS OAM integration in the Integrating Virtual SBTS OAM to NetAct document. The virtual SBTS OAM instances need to be upgraded to the desired software level with Software Manager. After this, the configuration plan can be downloaded, validated, and activated. The site configuration objects of virtual SBTS OAM appear as operational after the plan activation. SBTS reports the Virtual status parameter value as true. Virtual SBTS OAM provides configuration change notifications to NetAct. The configuration upload can be triggered from NetAct.
4.2 Removing virtual SBTS OAM instance When the physical base station is integrated to the network, virtual SBTS OAM is not needed any more. In autoconnection and autoconfiguration, the plug and play server automatically shuts down the virtual SBTS OAM instance process. After this, all O&M operations are targeted to the physical SBTS Mplane address. To clean up the disk, it is recommended to delete the virtual SBTS OAM instance with the
script on the SBTS Adapter node as the sadap user, which is
the dedicated user for the SBTS Adapter service. If virtual SBTS OAM has been created for manual SBTS integration, the virtual SBTS OAM instance can be directly deleted with the script.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Roll-out overview
5 Roll-out overview The following picture shows an overview of different methods for rolling out Single RAN BTS sites.
Figure 3: Single RAN BTS site rollout overview
• Integrating virtual SBTS OAM to NetAct – Virtual SBTS OAM is integrated to NetAct to support the preparation of the SBTS configuration file before the actual installation of the base station. For more information, see Overview of virtual SBTS OAM integration in the Integrating Virtual SBTS OAM to NetAct document. • SBTS autoconnection and autoconfiguration • SBTS configuration is prepared with the help of a Configurator workflow, site templates, and virtual SBTS OAM. Connectivity between SBTS and NetAct is automatically established. The software and configuration is automatically activated in SBTS after a connection establishment. The integration to NetAct is completed.
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Roll-out overview
For more information, see Introduction to Single RAN BTS autoconnection and autoconfiguration in the Configuring Single RAN BTS Using Autoconnection and Autoconfiguration document. • Migrating LTE/WCDMA base stations to SBTS • Existing technology (LTE or WCDMA BTS site) can be migrated to SBTS. For more information, see Introduction to SRAN migration in the Migrating WCDMA and LTE BTS Sites to Single RAN BTS Sites document. • Switch-over from the virtual SBTS OAM to physical SBTS. • Manual SRAN BTS site configuring workflow • SBTS configuration is prepared with the help of the Configurator workflow, site templates, and virtual SBTS OAM. For more information, see Creating SBTS site configuration using Workflow Engine in the Creating and Rolling out Single RAN BTS Sites document. • Commissioning SBTS with LTE/WCDMA/SBTS Element Manager – SBTS is commissioned with the element managers by activating the SBTS software, the prepared site configuration file, and the required certificates. For more information, see the Single RAN BTS Commissioning Overview in the Single RAN documentation. • Switch-over from the virtual SBTS OAM to physical SBTS. • Integrating physical SBTS to NetAct – The commissioned SBTS is integrated to NetAct to enable fault management, performance management, license management, software management, and configuration management on SBTS from a centralized location. For more information, see Overview of SBTS integration in the Integrating SBTS to NetAct document.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Configuration management
6 Configuration management SBTS supports the basic configuration management operations (provisioning including download, validate, and activate; upload; configuration change notifications), following the same basic principles as the SRAT base stations. However, there are some important SBTS configuration management characteristics that are described in this chapter.
6.1 SBTS site configuration: BTS profile, site configuration file, and templates SBTS is commissioned with a similar XML-based site configuration file (SCF) as the SRAT base stations. Object-specific templates can be used to assist in building the configuration with the NetAct applications. SBTS introduces a new concept, BTS profile, in the configuration management. BTS profiles provided by Nokia represent the supported and pre-defined SBTS configuration setups. A BTS profile is a json file providing a detailed hardware configuration for the base station. Each profile includes installation documentation for the field engineer, describing which hardware components are included, and how they are physically connected in the site. Based on the SCF and BTS profile, SBTS automatically generates its internal configuration. BTS profile ID is a mandatory parameter in the SBTS site configuration file. When configuring an SBTS, a BTS profile is selected which best suits the expected hardware evolution of the site. The selected profile defines the maximum hardware configuration of the SBTS site including possible future expansion, not necessarily the exact hardware configuration of the current SBTS site. When the SBTS hardware is later extended with a new hardware installation, there is no need to change the profile in the site configuration, as long as the new hardware extensions are still included in the maximum configuration the profile defines. BTS profiles are part of the SBTS software package.
6.2 Configuration management operations SBTS is directly integrated to NetAct. There is no OMS, RNC, or BSC acting as a mediator between NetAct and SBTS. The configuration management operations from NetAct are handled as individual actions for each SBTS. This makes the operations more robust: there is no mediator waiting for an answer from one inaccessible element and thus delaying the mass operation. Both plan provisioning and send to network are supported for SBTS. There can be several configuration plans downloaded waiting to be activated in SBTS. NetAct provides two alternatives for mass provisioning of SBTS plans (including download, validate, and activate): • best effort where only the successfully validated SBTS configurations are activated.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Configuration management
• best consistency where a plan is activated only if all the accessible SBTSs are validated successfully. These two alternatives can be activated with the Activate only after successful pre-activation of all BTSs option in the Provision dialog of CM Operations Manager. When the plan has been transferred to SBTS, the configuration plan is validated in the SBTS. The main benefit is more efficient plan provisioning as the individual base stations can validate the plan simultaneously. The validation performance scales up with the number of network elements in the plan. There are three levels of validation: • parameter value and range check by the NetAct and SBTS software against parameter metadata. • SCF file offline validation against the planned BTS profile in the SBTS software using the selected BTS profile. • SCF file online validation against the actual hardware configuration by the SBTS software against the detected hardware configuration. Using the virtual SBTS OAM functionality in NetAct, the configuration can be planned and validated in NetAct bef ore the actual base station is rolled out. For more information, see Virtual SBTS OAM . The entire SBTS including site, transport, and LTE RNW configuration is uploaded to NetAct with the upload request. In the Configurator user interface, the upload scope can be SBTS, RNC, BSC, or OMS. When the scope is RNC, BSC, or OMS, Configurator creates separate upload requests for SRAT base stations and SBTSs. SBTS can handle only one configuration management operation at a time. For more information on creating and rolling out Single RAN BTS sites, see Introduction to rolling out Single RAN BTS sites in the Creating and Rolling out Single RAN BTS Sites document.
6.2.1 Delta plan SBTS supports the delta plan concept. Only the changed parameters are included in the plan when configuration changes are provisioned to SBTS. The service impact depends on the parameter content in the plan: BTS restart, RAT restart, object locking, or online. For more information, see State management . If needed, you can also create the full SCF from your plan using the Generate BTS configuration file command in CM Operations Manager. The file can be activated with SBTS Element Manager.
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Software management
7 Software management The basic software management operations are supported for SBTS. Software management operations are executed directly on the SBTS network elements, not via OMS, RNC, and BSC. However, it is possible to activate the SBTS software package on top of WCDMA and LTE software via OMS/RNC in the migration use case. SBTS software package includes the SBTS O&M software, common transport software, and the software of all the radio access technologies: LTE, WCDMA, and GSM. BTS profiles are part of the delivered SBTS software package. SBTS software package can be activated with NetAct Software Manager and SBTS Element Manager. It can be activated also with WCDMA and LTE BTS Site Managers when LN7.0 or WN9.1 based SRAT BTS is migrated to SBTS, and with FDSW BTS Site Manager when the SBTS software is upgraded on top of FDSW (Factory Delivery SW) based system module (FSMF). For more information on SBTS migration, see Introduction to SRAN migration in the Migrating WCDMA and LTE BTS Sites to Single RAN BTS Sites document. For more information on software management, see About Software Manager in the Software Manager Help document.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Fault management
8 Fault management Alarms regarding failures in the SBTS services are reported depending on the impact and entity detecting the fault. The alarms may be reported for common SBTS objects and/or for the radio configuration objects of the technology. Common alarms, for example transmission and hardware fault related alarms are targeted to the common objects of the SBTS site configuration. A common alarm without RAT impact can be, for example an EAC (external alarm connection) alarm, or an alarm about a configuration error of resources without RAT allocations. In case the fault is impacting the RATs in SBTS, the alarm is reported to the relevant RNW objects. If the fault is affecting more than one RAT, the alarm is reported to all relevant RATs. Since the common faults are reported for more than one object, NetAct provides an alarm correlation function for filtering and modifying alarms with user-defined correlation rules. For example, you can view only your important alarms, or several RAT alarms can be merged to one. For more information, see Alarm correlation in the Fault Management Overview and Operations document. If a fault affects the radio configuration, SBTS reports an alarm for the impacted radio, for example RNC-1010/WBTS-100/WCEL-1, BSC-1234/BCF-100/BTS-101, SBTS-123/LNBTS-100. For an alarm affecting more than one RAT, SBTS includes a shared tag in the alarm information. This can be used in the alarm correlation in NetAct later. RNC and BSC generate their own alarms for the radio service objects. The alarm numbers in the SBTS radio service and controller radio service alarms are different. Separate alarm uploads for each element (SBTS, RNC, BSC) are needed to get all the alarms related to a single RAN base station. For more information on fault management, see SingleRAN Site View in the SingleRAN Site View Help document.
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Performance management
9 Performance management Besides the common SBTS transport measurements, SBTS is able to generate BTS measurements for GSM, WCDMA, and LTE technologies. The legacy GSM and WCDMA topologies are reused in Performance Manager for Single RAN GSM and Single RAN WCDMA reporting. The legacy LTE topology is also reused with some enhancements in Performance Manager for Single RAN LTE reporting. In the Single RAN LTE modeling there are two additional sets of LTE hierarchies in Performance Manager. Hierarchy set PLMN/SBTS is used for reporting of PM data only coming from Single RAN LTE and hierarchy set PLMN/VLOFLNBTSPARENT is used for reporting of PM data for both Single RAN LTE and legacy LTE.
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Hardware inventory management
10 Hardware inventory management SBTS implements the 3GPP compliant hardware inventory model. Element-level parameters follow the 3GPP TS 32.622 definition for managedElement . Unit-level parameters apply the 3GPP TS 32.692 ALT1 version of the inventoryUnit parameters. The following table states the Nokia compliance to the inventoryUnit parameters: Attribute name
Support qualifier
Nokia compliance
Nokia format
Conditionally mandatory (de-
pends on the unit in question) vendorUnitTypeNumber
Conditionally mandatory (de-
pends on the unit in question) versionNumber
Compliant when available
Conditionally mandatory (de-
Compliant when available
pends on the unit in question) dateOfManufacture
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Table 1: Supported hardware inventory parameters In SBTS, HW object represents the base station. The hardware units have unit-specific object classes (for example FSM, FR, FBB). Hardware inventory data includes both auto-detected units and passive units, which are manually defined in the site configuration file. System module, baseband module, and radio module unit identification is defined in the BTS profile. The same unit identification is used across all fragments: hardware inventory, site configuration file (in referencing parameters), and alarm HW information paths. Subunits of the system module (for example FAN, TRM) use internally assigned unit IDs. SBTS allocates unit IDs for automatically detected antenna line devices (ALD). If antenna line devices have been included in the commissioning file, SBTS uses the user-defined object IDs.
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Hardware inventory management
Hardware inventory data can be uploaded to NetAct Configurator. Moreover, SBTS automatically synchronizes the hardware inventory data in NetAct by sending configuration change notifications on hardware unit setup changes. Hardware inventory can be viewed in NetAct Configurator user interface, and exported to upper-layer management systems via northbound interfaces. For more information on supported configurations, see SBTS Supported Configurations in the Single RAN Operating Documentation set.
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State management
11 State management State management refers to the network element's ability to report its current status (operational, administrative, local) and the operations to control the status (lock/unlock, reset). SBTS inherits the RAT-specific states from LTE, WCDMA, and GSM, so the same principles and functionalities are used. RAT and cell operational states can be displayed with the following tools: • LNBTS and LNCEL operational states are available in NetAct Monitor, NetAct Configurator, and SBTS Element Manager. • WBTS operational state is SBTS internal information. WCEL operational state is available in RNC MMLs and NetAct Configurator. • BCF, BTS, TRX, and timeslot operational states are available only in BSC MMLs. RAT and cell administrative states can be displayed and managed with the following tools: • LNCEL administrative state is managed in NetAct Monitor, NetAct Configurator, and SBTS Element Manager. • WCEL administrative state is managed in NetAct Monitor, NetAct Configurator, RNC MML, and OMS Element Manager. • BCF and BTS administrative state is managed in NetAct Monitor, NetAct Configurator, and BSC MML. TRX administrative state is managed in NetAct Configurator, and BSC MML. If a parameter modification requires object locking, an automatic lock/unlock is triggered in case the respective technology supports it. SBTS supports the restart of the whole base station and the restart of one technology only. • SBTS restart can be triggered with SBTS Element Manager only. • LNBTS and LNCEL restart can be triggered from NetAct Monitor, NetAct Configurator, and SBTS Element Manager. • WBTS restart can be triggered from NetAct Monitor, RNC MML, OMS Element Manager, and SBTS Element Manager. • BCF restart can only be triggered via BSC MMLs. The modification of the BTS restart needed parameters in SBTS triggers an automatic restart in the base station. Depending on the SBTS parameter, the restart can be limited to the impacted RAT (LTE, WCDMA), or the whole base station is restarted (common site configuration, transport configuration, and GSM parameter changes (BTSSCC, LCELC). In case the reset is triggered by BSC, for example via BCF parameter change or the reset command, only GSM RAT is restarted. Alarm status and Unknown status are determined by NetAct internally based on alarm information. • SBTS, LNBTS, and LNCEL Unknown status is based on the NetAct connectivity to SBTS. • WBTS and WCEL Unknown status is based on the NetAct connectivity to RNC. • BCF and BTS Unknown status is based on the NetAct connectivity to BSC.
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Single RAN Management Overview
State management
Local state (also known as blocking state) is only managed via SBTS Element Manager. It is possible to block and unblock SBTS, system module, radio module, extension module, and an individual cell. As SBTS is an additional layer on top of radio technologies, also SBTS level states are reported. SBTS level states are visible both in NetAct and SBTS Element Manager. SBTS operational state (enabled/disabled) reports the base station ability to provide radio service. SBTS virtual status (true/false) indicates whether the SBTS is only a virtual SBTS OAM, or whether it has actually been commissioned to the field.
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License management
12 License management The SBTS license management uses several approaches due to cross-technology and cross-element nature of the solution. The existing license management concepts for RNC, BSC, and LTE are still valid for controlling the feature and capacity usage in SBTS. RNC and BSC licenses need to be activated with License Manager. BSC also controls GSM capacity and base station optional features as before. LTE uses measurement-based monitoring by Software Asset Monitoring. The new SBTS license mechanism protects cross-technology SBTS and high value and hardware activation features (for example a feature configured for more cells than allowed). The file-based WCDMA BTS license management is replaced with the SBTS license concept. In the new license mechanism, the license files are not downloaded to the base station, but stored in NetAct Centralized License Server. When new optional functionality or capacity is configured in SBTS, SBTS reports the feature usage in configuration parameters. Software Entitlement Manager (SWEM) reserves the reported functionality from the license pool.
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Single RAN Management Overview
Searching Single RAN data in Object Information Browser
13 Searching Single RAN data in Object Information Browser Single RAN is a multi-RAT solution. There is Single RAN data for performance management, fault management, configuration management, and hardware inventory in the Single RAN specific adaptations. In addition, RAT-specific data (LTE, WCDMA, GSM) of the existing SRAT solutions are reused in Single RAN. Note, however, there are new adaptations for BCF and WBTS fault management data. To find RAT-specific performance management objects and measurements you can also use the Note field for advanced search (counters not supported). By entering a Single RAN release in the Note field, for example SBTS16.2, you get the RAT-specific data of the selected adaptation which is also relevant for SRAN16.2. You can use the same method when searching Object Information Browser Excels in NOLS. The table below shows how to search for Single RAN related data in Object Information Browser. SBTS • transport • site configu-
ration • hardware Objects
• PM and CM:
PM and CM:
Adaptation for Adaptation for NSN LTE Base Single RAN
PM and CM: Adap-
Adaptation for tation for NSN Base Station ConNSN WCDMA Radio
troller Adaptation
Base Station
Station (NOKLTE)
• PM and CM:
• HW: CM adaptation for Nokia Single RAN BTS HW ( sbts.hw) Measurements
PM adaptation for
PM adaptation for
PM adaptation for PM adaptation for
and counters
Single RAN Base
NSN WCDMA Ra- NSN Base Station
Station (noksrn)
Station (noklte)
dio Network ele-
Controller (nokbsc)
ments (nokrww) Alarms
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FM adaptation
LTE Base Sta-
FM adaptation for SRAN BCF Adap-
for Single RAN
tion Adaptation
Base Station (com. (NOKLTE)
Station (NOK-
© 2017
tation (NOKBCF)
Single RAN Management Overview
Searching Single RAN data in Object Information Browser
SBTS • transport • site configu-
ration • hardware CM parameters
CM adaptation for CM adaptation
CM adaptation for CM adaptation for
Nokia Single RAN
for Nokia LTE
Nokia Radio net-
Nokia Base station
work controller
controller (NOK-
adaptation for Nokia mcRNC ( mcrnc) Hardware invento- CM adaptation for ry
Nokia Single RAN BTS HW (com. nokia.sbts.hw)
Table 2: Single RAN data in Object Information Browser
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Single RAN Management Overview
Site element management
14 Site element management BTS Site Manager is replaced with a web-based SBTS Element Manager providing local and remote SBTS management functions. The management functions include, for example SBTS software packages and site configuration file activation, troubleshooting, alarm, and hardware views. Besides a standard compatible web browser application, SBTS Element Manager does not require any additional software installation for the used terminal (for example laptop). SBTS software provides the web server functionalities for SBTS Element Manager. When connected to the web server in SBTS, the browser uploads all the necessary data for SBTS Element Manager. As a consequence, SBTS Element Manager is available only in online mode when connected to SBTS. The local management terminal needs to be physically connected to an Ethernet connector in the SBTS system module. Also a remote connection through the O&M DCN is possible. NetAct integrates SBTS Element Manager into NetAct’s own management views and task flows for remote use. While the existing BTS Site Manager is no longer used for SBTS, it still has a role in the manual commissioning of the SBTS. This is because the FSMF factory delivery software is based on the BTS software architecture, and it does not have the web server for SBTS Element Manager. SBTS Element Manager cannot be used with BTSs in the BTS SW architecture, and vice versa. BTS Site Manager cannot be used with SBTSs. For more information on SBTS Element Manager, see the documents in the Single RAN Operating Documentation set.
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Single RAN Management Overview
15 Troubleshooting You can collect the SBTS snapshot remotely using NetAct, or with SBTS Element Manager. When using NetAct, you can collect snapshot data from multiple SBTSs parallel. The snapshot collection is triggered from NetAct Configurator. When the snapshot collection is completed at the SBTS, the snapshot is automatically uploaded, and saved to the NetAct file system. In Trace Viewer it is possible to use the LTE user tracing functionality (subscriber, equipment, and cell) for SBTS.
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