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Study Plan Academic Background :I have completed my undergraduate studies in Electrical engineering from “ABCDUniversity of Engineering and Technology” !a"istan in #arch $%&$ 'ith aC(!A of )*+, out of -*%%* I 'as an active someho' indulgent student among othersduring my undergraduate studies very often involved in many curricular andco.curricular activities* In fact I 'as up to the mar" and honored in the top &/slist of &$% students in my undergraduate class* If o0served 0y the meritoriousefforts I remain very competent and I have passed all entrance tests conducted0y the academic institution of my education 'ith high achievements and securedoverall -th place in the 'hole district*I did my final year thesis pro1ect on “Design development and fa0rication ofunder2over voltage relay using static devices” 'ith the group of five mem0ersin 'hich I 'as made the (roup 3eader* The fa0ricated relay can 0e used for theautomatic protection of house hold appliances a nd po'er system against voltagerelated pro0lems* In this pro1ect I learned and researched automated controland protection using Circuit Brea"ers and 4elays along 'ith other high speedautomatic control and protecting e5uipment/s involved in automation of themodern systems* 6hile 'or"ing on this pro1ect I found strong motivation inmyself to'ards graduate study and research in the area of po'er systemautomation*At present I am 'or"ing as a #aintenance Engineer in Da'lance (roup of Companies7the leading household appliances company in !a"istan89 my 1o0/s ma1orresponsi0ilities include9 #aintenance and Automation of industry/s po'er systemand machines along 'ith the planning and the proper allocation of availa0leresources to achieve the smooth and efficient operation of the plant 0yconducting routine and reactive preventive maintenance activities* ere inDa'lance I have learned researched and practically implemented theapplications of electrical automation engineering in manufacturing processalong 'ith the e;tensive "no'ledge of Electrical automation devices li"edigital relays vacuum and oil circuit 0rea"ers !rogramma0le 3ogicControllers !rogramma0le automation controllers uman #achine Interface andinstrumentation devices* 4 0yconducting efficiency analysis 4ight si=ing of installed installed motors formulatingthe saving calculations and o0taining U?AID @<
My Personality: By fact I am socially active person 'ith friendly nature a good communicatorindeed 'ho is 0lessed 'ith many friends* I "eep a "een vie' to the reality oflife thus approach people 'ith positive mind and an d attitude and al'ays prove to0e helpful 'ith honest
efforts and true dedication* Besides that I al'ays feelvery 1oyous and fortunate to meet and greet people 0elonging to different0ac"grounds and cultures* As such meetings are al'ays important 0ecause theyprove to 0e 0eneficial in future also it ma"es things easy to cope 'hether one'or"s or studies in his o'n country or outside the country*
Study Plan in China: I 'ould li"e to apply for the #asters Degree in Electrical Power system andits automaton in China 0ecause from my current industrial 1o0 e;periencepast internship and my final year pro1ect I come to "no' the vast practicalapplications of the automation engineering this caught my attention andcreated a thirst of "no'ledge in me to study my chosen course* #y motto is to'or" in an international field related to Electrical Engineering* Therefore I'ould li"e to gain deeper theoretical and practical "no'ledge in starting andmanaging most innovative pro1ects* During my studies 'ith great hiddena0ilities in myself I 'ill try to come up 'ith the 0est of everything9 toaccompany the professors and university colleagues in carrying out research ande;ploring for immense e;citing industrial mysteries in the field of po'ersystem Automation* After completion of my master/s studies I hope to 0e a0le tota"e part in ma;imi=ing my country/s research technology in such fields to0enefit its economy and enhance the living standards of my compatriots*I 0elieve that this #asters !rogram 'ill provide me 'ith the chan ce to get to"no' 'ith Electrical systems and affiliates me dedicatedly to the industries'hich are living e;amples of the art of Electrical and au tomation engineering*I hope that I can gain more e;perience in dealing 'ith situations peoplessystems and demands 'hich 'ill 0e of a great help in my future career*
Reasons to study in China: o' the 5uestion arises “Why China” 4eading the 0oo"s 'atchingthe ne's analy=ing and o0serving the people of China I am really impressed 0ythe 'ay these individuals have proved themselves to 0e dedicated to their 'or"and 'ith true efforts they have set China as a successful e;ample for otherthird 'orld or developed countries* The fast gro'ing economy technologicaladvancement and the glo0al ran"ing educa tion institutes of China 'ith highreputation ma"es a great aspiration to the students and professionals for the0etter career perspectives* Thus such "ind of positivity has 0oosted my confidencefurther and I am highly satisfied 'ith the decision I have ta"en* #oreoverChina/s diverse cultural norms and values the famous gentle hospitality of itspeople and !a"istan.China all 'eather friendly relations since past to promote0ilateral trade acceptance and peace to 0oth sides in great clarity ma"e mefeel China as my second homeland9 also my family fully supports my choice forChina 0eing my preference for graduate studies* All these reasons put togetherma"e China an ideal place for me to do my #asters degree*Concluding it 'ith high hopes I 0elieve this application 'ill receive yourfavora0le consideration and I 'ill 0e h appy to provide any additionalinformation you may need* I loo" for'ard to receiving your reply*