Systems professionas are systems anaysts! systems en"ineers! an# pro"rammers$ En# %sers are t&ose for '&om t&e system is (%it Sta)e&o#ers are are in#i*i#%as eit&er 'it&in or o%tsi#e t&e or"ani+ation '&o &a*e an interest in t&e system (%t are not en# %sers A,,o%ntants-A%#itors are t&ose professionas '&o a##ress t&e ,ontros! a,,o%ntin"! an# a%#itin" iss%es for systems #e*eopment
Systems professionas are systems anaysts! systems en"ineers! an# pro"rammers$ En# %sers are t&ose for '&om t&e system is (%it Sta)e&o#ers are are in#i*i#%as eit&er 'it&in or o%tsi#e t&e or"ani+ation '&o &a*e an interest in t&e system (%t are not en# %sers A,,o%ntants-A%#itors are t&ose professionas '&o a##ress t&e ,ontros! a,,o%ntin"! an# a%#itin" iss%es for systems #e*eopment
Why Are Accountants and Auditors Invoved !ith SDLC" •
t&e ,reation of an information system entais si"ni.,ant .nan,ia transa,tions t&e nat%re of t&e pro#%,ts t&at emer"e from t&e SDLC
#o! Are Accountants Invoved !ith the SDLC" •
a,,o%ntants are %sers a,,o%ntants parti,ipate in systems #e*eopment as mem(ers of t&e #e*eopment team$ a,,o%ntants are in*o*e# in systems #e*eopment as a%#itors
t&ey #e*eop ,%stomi+e# systems in/ &o%se t&ro%"& forma systems #e*eopment a,ti*ities T&ey p%r,&ase ,ommer,ia systems from soft'are *en#ors
In'#ouse Deveo()ent •
Many or"ani+ations re0%ire systems t&at are &i"&y t%ne# to t&eir %ni0%e operations$ T&ese .rms #esi"n t&eir o'n information systems t&ro%"& in/&o%se systems #e*eopment a,ti*ities$ In/&o%se #e*eopment re0%ires maintainin" a f%/time systems sta1 of anaysts an# pro"rammers '&o i#entify %ser information nee#s an# satisfy t&eir nee#s 'it& ,%stom systems
Co))ercia Syste)s •
2o%r fa,tors &a*e stim%ate# t&e "ro't& of t&e ,ommer,ia soft'are mar)et3 46 t&e reati*ey o' ,ost of "enera ,ommer,ia soft'are as ,ompare# to ,%stomi+e# soft'are7 486 t&e emer"en,e of in#%stry/spe,i., *en#ors '&o tar"et t&eir soft'are to t&e nee#s of parti,%ar types of (%sinesses7 496 a "ro'in" #eman# from (%sinesses t&at are too sma to a1or# in/&o%se systems: #e*eopment sta17 an# 4;6 t&e tren# to'ar# #o'nsi+in" of or"ani+ationa %nits an# t&e res%tin" mo*e to'ar# t&e #istri(%te# #ata pro,essin" en*ironment! '&i,& &as ma#e t&e ,ommer,ia soft'are option more appeain" to ar"er or"ani+ations
Types of Commer,ia Systems •
T%rn)ey systems are ,ompetey .nis&e# an# teste# systems t&at are rea#y for impementation Genera a,,o%ntin" systems are #esi"ne# to ser*e a 'i#e *ariety of %ser nee#s spe,ia/p%rpose systems t&at tar"et see,te# se"ments of t&e e,onomy
O<,e a%tomation systems are ,omp%ter systems t&at impro*e t&e pro#%,ti*ity of o<,e 'or)ers =a,)(one systems pro*i#e a (asi, system str%,t%re on '&i,& to (%i# Ven#or/s%pporte# systems are &y(ri#s of ,%stom systems an# ,ommer,ia soft'are
A#*anta"es of Commer,ia Soft'are •
Impementation time Cost reia(iity
Disa#*anta"es of Commer,ia Soft'are •
In#epen#en,e T&e nee# of ,%stomi+e# system maintenan,e
Ne' systems #e*eopment in*o*es ,on,ept%a steps t&at ,an appy to any pro(em/so*in" pro,ess3 –
i#entify t&e pro(em! %n#erstan# '&at nee#s to (e #one! ,onsi#er aternati*e so%tions! see,t t&e (est so%tion! an#! .nay! impement t&e so%tion
systems maintenan,e! ,onstit%tes t&e or"ani+ation:s pro"ram ,&an"e pro,e#%res
Syste)s Pannin*+ Phase I •
T&e o(>e,ti*e of syste)s (annin* is to in, individua syste) (ro-ects or a((ications to t&e strate"i, o(>e,ti*es of t&e .rm See ." 5$8 E1e,ti*e systems pannin" pro*i#es "oa ,on"r%en,e
?&o S&o%# Do Systems Pannin"@ •
steerin" ,ommittee may in,%#e t&e ,&ief ee,%ti*e o<,er! t&e ,&ief .nan,ia o<,er! t&e ,&ief information o<,er! senior mana"ement from %ser areas! t&e interna a%#itor! an# senior mana"ement from ,omp%ter ser*i,es
Systems pannin" o,,%rs at t'o e*es3 –
strate"i, systems pannin" an# pro>e,t pannin"
Strate"i, Systems Pannin" •
in*o*es t&e ao,ation of systems reso%r,es at t&e ma,ro e*e$ It %s%ay #eas 'it& a time frame of 9 to 5 years
Why Perform Strategic Systems Planning? •
A plan that changes constantly is better than no plan at all Strategic planning reduces the crisis component in systems development Strategic systems planning provides authorization control for the SDLC Cost management
Pro>e,t Pannin" •
T&e p%rpose of pro>e,t pannin" is to ao,ate reso%r,es to in#i*i#%a appi,ations 'it&in t&e frame'or) of t&e strate"i, pan –
i#entifyin" areas of %ser nee#s! Preparin" proposas! e*a%atin" ea,& proposa:s feasi(iity an# ,ontri(%tion to t&e (%siness pan! prioriti+in" in#i*i#%a pro>e,ts! an# s,&e#%in" t&e 'or) to (e #one
T&e pro#%,t of t&is p&ase ,onsists of t'o forma #o,%ments3 –
t&e pro>e,t proposa pro*i#es mana"ement 'it& a (asis for #e,i#in" '&et&er to pro,ee# 'it& t&e pro>e,t t&e pro>e,t s,&e#%e represents mana"ement:s ,ommitment to t&e pro>e,t
T&e A%#itor:s Roe in Systems Pannin" •
A%#itors ro%tiney eamine t&e systems pannin" p&ase of t&e SDLC
Syste)s Anaysis+Phase II •
Systems anaysis is a,t%ay a t'o step pro,ess in*o*in" .rst a s%r*ey of t&e ,%rrent system an# t&en an anaysis of t&e %ser:s nee#s T&e #ei*era(e from t&is p&ase is a forma syste)s anaysis re(ort. '&i,& presents t&e .n#in"s of t&e anaysis an# re,ommen#ations for t&e ne' system
T&e S%r*ey Step •
T&e anayst often (e"ins t&e anaysis (y #eterminin" '&at eements! if any! of t&e ,%rrent system s&o%# (e preser*e# as part of t&e ne' system
Gat&erin" 2a,ts •
Data so%r,es$ T&ese in,%#e eterna entities! s%,& as ,%stomers or *en#ors! as 'e as interna so%r,es from ot&er #epartments$ Bsers$ T&ese in,%#e (ot& mana"ers an# operations %sers$ Data stores$ Data stores are t&e .es! #ata(ases! a,,o%nts! an# so%r,e #o,%ments %se# in t&e system$ Pro,esses$ Pro,essin" tas)s are man%a or ,omp%ter operations t&at represent a #e,ision or an a,tion tri""ere# (y information
Data o's$ Data o's are represente# (y t&e mo*ement of #o,%ments an# reports (et'een #ata so%r,es! #ata stores! pro,essin" tas)s! an# %sers$ Contros$ T&ese in,%#e (ot& a,,o%ntin" an# operationa ,ontros an# may (e man%a pro,e#%res or ,omp%ter ,ontros$ Transa,tion *o%mes$ T&e anayst m%st o(tain a meas%re of t&e transa,tion *o%mes for a spe,i.e# perio# of time
Error rates$ Transa,tion errors are ,osey reate# to transa,tion *o%me Reso%r,e ,osts$ T&e reso%r,es %se# (y t&e ,%rrent system in,%#e t&e ,osts of a(or! ,omp%ter time! materias 4s%,& as in*oi,es6! an# #ire,t o*er&ea# =ottene,)s an# re#%n#ant operations$ T&e anayst s&o%# note points '&ere #ata o's ,ome to"et&er to form a (ottene,)
2a,t/Gat&erin" Te,&ni0%es •
Observation Task Participation Personal Interviews Reviewing Key Docments
T&e A%#itor:s Roe in Systems Anaysis •
T&e a,,o%ntant-a%#itor s&o%# (e in*o*e# in t&e nee#s anaysis of t&e propose# system to #etermine if it is a "oo# ,an#i#ate for a#*an,e# a%#it feat%res an#! if so! '&i,& feat%res are (est s%ite# for t&e system
Conce(tua Syste)s Desi*n+ Phase III •
T&e p%rpose of t&e ,on,ept%a #esi"n p&ase is to pro#%,e se*era aternati*e ,on,ept%a systems t&at satisfy t&e system re0%irements i#enti.e# #%rin" systems anaysis T'o approa,&es to ,on,ept%a systems #esi"n3 –
t&e str%,t%re# approa,& #e*eops ea,& ne' system from s,rat,& from t&e top #o'n t&e o(>e,t/oriente# approa,& from t&e (ottom %p t&ro%"& t&e assem(y of re%sa(e mo#%es rat&er t&an ,reate ea,& system from s,rat,&
Syste) Evauation and Seection+Phase IV •
an optimi+ation pro,ess t&at see)s to i#entify t&e (est system in*o*es t'o steps3 $ Perform a #etaie# feasi(iity st%#y te,&ni,a! e,onomi,! e"a! operationa! an# s,&e#%e 8$ Perform a ,ost/(ene.t anaysis
T&e A%#itor:s Roe in E*a%ation an# See,tion •
Ony es,apa(e ,osts are %se# in ,a,%ations of ,ost sa*in"s (ene.ts$ Reasona(e interest rates are %se# in meas%rin" present *a%es of ,as& o's$ One/time an# re,%rrin" ,osts are ,ompetey an# a,,%ratey reporte#$ Reaisti, %sef% i*es are %se# in ,omparin" ,ompetin" pro>e,ts$ Intan"i(e (ene.ts are assi"ne# reasona(e .nan,ia *a%es$
Detaied Desi*n+Phase V •
T&e p%rpose of t&e #etaie# #esi"n p&ase is to pro#%,e a #etaie# #es,ription of t&e propose# system t&at (ot& t&e system re0%irements i#enti.e# #%rin" systems anaysis an# is in a,,or#an,e 'it& t&e ,on,ept%a #esi"n
Perform a System Desi"n ?a)t&ro%"& Re*ie' System Do,%mentation
A((ication Pro*ra))in* and Testin*+Phase VI •
see,t a pro"rammin" an"%a"e from amon" t&e *ario%s an"%a"es a*aia(e an# s%ita(e to t&e appi,ation
Syste) I)(e)entation+Phase VII •
Data(ase str%,t%res are ,reate# an# pop%ate# 'it& #ata! e0%ipment is p%r,&ase# an# instae#! empoyees are traine#! t&e system is #o,%mente#! an# t&e ne' system is instae# Testin" t&e Entire System Do,%mentin" t&e System Con*ertin" t&e Data(ases
Con*ertin" to t&e Ne' System –
!ol" Trkey !tover Phase" !tover Parallel Operation !tover