Comprehension Test
The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories M. R. James 1
Match a name from A with a description from B.
A 1
Mr Betts
Mrs Bowles
Mr Williams
Professor Parkins
Mr Karswell
B a A young man who went away on holiday, to play golf and to read. $ Owner of an inn in Suffolk. c A rich man who used witchcraft against his enemies. d A collector and uyer of pictures at O!ford "ni#ersity. e A murderer murderer who was urnt to t o death.
20 marks 2
%hich words are missin&' (or each sentence) tic* 1) or !.
white stone that Mr $homson saw on the heath was used for ... . a $he tall white %
showi showing ng the time time
guid guidin ing g ship shipss at sea
hang hangin ing g peopl peoplee
$ Professor Parkins found a whistle with some words in ... on the side.
(renc rench h
c +#entually, the figure in the picture of Anningly all carried away ... .
a dog
a chi child
a purse
d S-uire Bowles died ... .
sudd sudden enly ly
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 1
when he was #ery young
in an accident at sea
e Karswell secretly ga#e unning a piece of paper co#ered in ... .
strange letters 20 marks
Are these sentences true +T, or fa-se +(,'
Mr Britnell wanted to sell a picture of an old country house for twenty pounds.
$he innkeeper knew aout the ghost in the inn, ut he/d ne#er seen it.
Karswell e#entually killed Mr unning.
S-uire Bowles was uried in an e!pensi#e coffin.
When the 0olonel saw the whistle, he ad#ised Parkins to throw it into the sea. 20 marks
These sentences are a$out some of the events in The Picture. (i-- in the &aps usin& amateur ) nervous) lawn) rows) crawling .
Picture 1umer 234 showed the front of a large country house. $he house had three ............... of windows. $here was a large ............... in front of the house. 5t was not a #ery good picture, and was proaly painted y an ............... artist. At first, there were no people in the picture6 ut later a figure appeared, ............... towards the house on its hands and knees. Mr Williams locked the picture in a cupoard. e felt #ery ............... when he went to unlock the cupoard the ne!t morning. 20 marks 5
/ut the fo--owin& events in the stor0 Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Boy in the ri&ht order. um$er them 1–#. a
Parkins found a piece of old metal pipe.
Parkins went to the *loe 5nn for a holiday.
A #iolent wind lew Parkins/ window open in the night.
A dark figure followed Parkins along the each.
Parkins disco#ered the remains of a #ery old church. 20 marks
Total marks
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 2
Multiplechoice Test
The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories M. R. James
Setting 4056 2hoose the $est answer.
% Mr Britnell sends Mr Williams a picture of a 77777. a 8 9 church
8 9 mountain
c 8 9 country house
d 8 9 school
& At first, Mr Williams thinks the picture is 77777. a 8 9 interesting
8 9 too e!pensi#e
c 8 9 eautiful
d 8 9 strange
' Mr $homson stays at an inn near 77777. a 8 9 the sea
8 9 a city
c 8 9 a mountain
d 8 9 a lake
: $he inn where Mr $homson stays is #ery 77777. a 8 9 noisy
8 9 e!pensi#e
c 8 9 usy
d 8 9 -uiet
; Karswell is #ery interested in 77777. a 8 9 magic
8 9 sport
c 8 9 music
d 8 9 trees
< =ohn arrington died ecause he said ad things aout Karswell/s 77777. a 8 9 wife
8 9 house
c 8 9 ook
d 8 9 face
3 S-uire Bowles wants to e uried 77777. a 8 9 in a coffin
8 9 in the earth
c 8 9 in the family tom
d 8 9 in his garden
4 When S-uire Bowles dies, his wife wants to find out aout his 77777. a 8 9 friends
8 9 clothes
c 8 9 ooks
d 8 9 money
2 Professor Parkins goes to an inn in Burnstow ecause he wants to 77777. a 8 9 go fishing
8 9 impro#e his golf
c 8 9 swim in the sea
d 8 9 look for ghosts
%> Professor Parkins finds a whistle under a stone 77777. a 8 9 on a golf course
8 9 in the sea
c 8 9 in a garden
d 8 9 in the remains of a church
20 marks
Characters78 2hoose the $est answer.
%% Mr Williams works for the 77777 at the "ni#ersity of O!ford. a 8 9 lirary
8 9 museum
c 8 9 restaurant
d 8 9 ookshop
%& $he 77777, Mr (ilcher, thinks Williams/ picture would gi#e his daughter ad dreams. Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 3
a 8 9 teacher
8 9 doctor
c 8 9 painter
d 8 9 ser#ant
%' Mr $homson stays at an inn for a month ecause he wants to 77777. a 8 9 study
8 9 go sailing
c 8 9 sleep
d 8 9 meet his friends
%: When Mr $homson faints, Mr Betts gi#es him a glass of 77777. a 8 9 eer
8 9 milk
c 8 9 whisky
d 8 9 water
%; One 0hristmas, 77777 showed a film that frightened the #illage children. a 8 9 unning
8 9 Mrs Bennett
c 8 9 Karswell
d 8 9 Mr *ayton
%< 77777 knows more aout alchemy than any other person in +ngland. a 8 9 Mrs Bennett
8 9 Mr *ayton
c 8 9 Karswell
d 8 9 unning
%3 After his death, S-uire Bowles/ soul is 77777. a 8 9 angry
8 9 happy
c 8 9 silent
d 8 9 peaceful
%4 S-uire Bowles/ wife tries to escape with 77777. a 8 9 r all
8 9 Mr Wickem
c 8 9 her son
d 8 9 Mr (owler
%2 Professor Parkins finds a whistle with some 77777 words on the side. a 8 9 (rench
8 9 )atin
c 8 9 +nglish
d 8 9 *reek
&> After seeing a ghost, 77777 is more ner#ous than efore. a 8 9 0olonel Wilson
8 9 Mr ?ogers
c 8 9 r all
d 8 9 Professor Parkins
20 marks
Dialogue 9: %ho said or wrote this'
&% @5 think you might e interested in Picture 1umer 234 in our list./ a 8 9 Mr Williams
8 9 r *reen
c 8 9 Mr Britnell
d 8 9 Mr (ilcher
&& @5 would uy it if the price was two pounds./ a 8 9 Mr Britnell
8 9 Mr Williams
c 8 9 r *reen
d 8 9 Mr *arwood
&' @5/ll ust check that 5 ha#en/t left a ook or anything in my room./ a 8 9 Mr Betts
8 9 Mrs Betts
c 8 9 a #illager
d 8 9 Mr $homson
&: @ou shouldn/t go looking into other people/s secrets./ a 8 9 Mr Betts
8 9 Mr $homson
c 8 9 a #illager
d 8 9 Mrs Betts
&; @5 am returning your paper on $he $ruth of Alchemy./ a 8 9 =ohn arrington
8 9 Mr *ayton
c 8 9 unning
d 8 9 Karswell
&< @5 can grow a eard so that he won/t recognise me./ a 8 9 unning
8 9 Mr *ayton
c 8 9 Karswell
d 8 9 =ohn arrington
&3 @5 had only ust finished saying the words when 5 heard him./ a 8 9 S-uire Bowles
8 9 Mrs Bowles
c 8 9 Mrs Bowles/ son
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 4
d 8 9 r all
&4 @We/ll take the night oat to olland./ a 8 9 Mrs Bowles
8 9 Mr Wickem
c 8 9 r all
d 8 9 S-uire Bowles
&2 @5 cannot accept the idea of ghosts./ a 8 9 0olonel Wilson
8 9 Mr ?ogers
c 8 9 the ser#ant at the inn
d 8 9 Professor Parkins
'> @$he sheets and lankets were thrown all o#er the place./ a 8 9 Professor Parkins
8 9 Mr ?ogers
c 8 9 the ser#ant at the inn
20 marks
Vocabulary +B 2hoose the $est answer.
'% an area of grass in a garden a 8 9 court
8 9 pitch
c 8 9 lawn
d 8 9 s-uare
'& to mo#e slowly along the ground on hands and knees a 8 9 crawl
8 9 run
c 8 9 ump
d 8 9 roll
'' metal rings oined together a 8 9 string
8 9 chain
c 8 9 key
d 8 9 rope
': to shake with fear a 8 9 growl
8 9 rush
c 8 9 tremle
d 8 9 lean
'; an acti#ity that you do in your free time a 8 9 hoy
8 9 garment
c 8 9 dream
d 8 9 hait
'< a printed piece of paper which contains information a 8 9 leaflet
8 9 lanket
c 8 9 ooklet
d 8 9 film
'3 someone who knows a lot aout a suect a 8 9 amateur
8 9 secretary
c 8 9 neighour
d 8 9 e!pert
'4 to make a low angry sound like a dog a 8 9 shout
8 9 whistle
c 8 9 crawl
d 8 9 growl
'2 in the shape of a circle a 8 9 wide
8 9 round
c 8 9 crumpled
d 8 9 s-uare
:> annoyed, a little angry a 8 9 polite
8 9 cross
c 8 9 ner#ous
d 8 9 tired
20 marks
Plot CD
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d 8 9 0olonel Wilson
2hoose the $est answer.
:% Williams is shocked y the picture ecause it 77777. a 8 9 talks
8 9 mo#es
c 8 9 disappears
d 8 9 changes
:& 5n the end, the figure in Williams/ painting carries 77777 from the house. a 8 9 a o!
8 9 a child
c 8 9 a dog
d 8 9 some money
:' One afternoon when the inn is empty, Mr $homson decides to 77777. a 8 9 lea#e without paying
8 9 look in other rooms
c 8 9 watch $C
d 8 9 steal money
:: Many years ago, the innkeeper of Mr Betts/ inn was 77777. a 8 9 shot
8 9 urnt
c 8 9 hanged
d 8 9 drowned
:; Karswell secretly gi#es unning a 77777. a 8 9 stone
8 9 ook
c 8 9 coin
d 8 9 piece of paper
:< A piece of stone falls from a church and kills 77777. a 8 9 Karswell
8 9 unning
c 8 9 enry arrington
d 8 9 Mr *ayton
:3 Mrs Bowles kills her husand with 77777. a 8 9 a knife
8 9 a rope
c 8 9 poison
d 8 9 a gun
:4 Mrs Bowles tells 77777 the truth. a 8 9 a ournalist
8 9 a priest
c 8 9 a neighour
d 8 9 a policeman
:2 When Professor Parkins lows the whistle, there is a terrile 77777. a 8 9 wind
8 9 fire
c 8 9 e!plosion
d 8 9 noise
;> 0olonel Wilson takes the whistle and 77777. a 8 9 throws it away
8 9 keeps it
c 8 9 gi#es it to a shop
20 marks Total marks
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 6
d 8 9 throws it in the sea
The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories 1 %
& e ' d : a ; c
a '
& c & d % e '
! a $
$ c ( d ( e $
" rows, lawn, amateur, crawling, ner#ous
# a '
% c ; d : e &
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 7
The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories Setting %
Characters %%
Dialogue &%
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 8
Vocabulary '%
Plot :%
Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 4 9