: Agnesti Agnesti Pramuktiasih Nugroho, Nugroho, S.Pd
: 0203515042
MAJOR RESEARCH TRADITIONS Lecturer : Prof. Mursid Saleh Ph.D HANDO!T " #$ee% "& Acti'it( ": Read Nu)a) "**+:",+ a)d fi)d the a)s-er to the follo-i) /uestio)s0 ". $h $hat at is rese resear arch ch1 1 Nunan %&''() Resear*h is a +ro*ess o ormu-ating uestions, +ro-ems or h0+othesis: *o--e*ting data or e1iden*e re-e1an*e to these uestions, +ro-ems or h0+othesis2 and ana-03ing or inter+reting these data. "ased on the deinition ao1e, it is *-ear-0 kno4n that resear*h is used to ormu-ate, *o--e*t and ana-03e data 4hi*h has re-e1an*e r e-e1an*e to the uestions, +ro-ems and h0+othesis. +. $hat 2a%es 2a%es resear research ch differe differe)t )t fro2 fro2 other t(3es of of i)/uir(1 i)/uir(1 Nunan %&''() Resear*h is a s0stemati* +ro*ess o inuir0 *onsisting o three e-ements. An0 a*ti1it0 a*ti1it0 4hi*h 4hi*h -a*ks -a*ks one o these these e-emen e-ements ts %or %or e5am+ e5am+-e, -e, data) data) 4i-4i-- *-assi *-assi0 0 as something other than resear*h. A**ording to the e5+-anation ao1e, there are three e-ements that make resear*h dierent rom other t0+es o inuir0. inuir0. !he three e-ements o resear*h are e-o4: %&) A uestion, +ro-em, or h0+otheses h0+otheses %() %() Data Data %6) Ana-0sis Ana-0sis and inter+retat inter+retation ion o data 4. Me)tio Me)tio) ) the three three 2a5or 2a5or co23o) co23o)e)t e)tss of resear research0 ch0 Nunan %&''() Resear*h is a s0stemati* +ro*ess o inuir0 *onsisting three e-ements or *om+ *om+on onen ents: ts: %&) %&) a ues uesti tion on,, +ro +ro-e -em, m, or h0+o h0+oth thes eses, es, %() %() data data,, %6) %6) anaana-0s 0sis is and and inter+retation o data. 6. Me)ti Me)tio) o) as 2a)( 2a)( other other ter2s ter2s as (ou ca) -hich -hich are co22o) co22o)l( l( associ associate ated d -ith -ith research0 The Ter2s Ter2s -hich -h ich are Associated -ith Research Ater reading Nunan %&''(: &7() in handout ook, I ound some terms 4hi*h are re-ated 4ith resear*h, resear*h, those are: eui+men eui+ment, t, kno4-edg kno4-edge, e, ski--, method, method, inuir0 inuir0,, *om+onen *om+onent, t, +ro*ess, +rodu*t, +ro-em, ormu-ate, h0+othesis, *-assii*ation, ana-0sis, inter+retation, in1estigation, resu-t, *riti*a--0, e1a-uate, *o--e*t, data, theor0, uestion, *onirm, o1er1ie4, s*ientii*, o8e*ti1e-0, 1eri0, a++-i*ation, ne4 insight, +ro1e/dis+ro1e, idea, +henomena, aim, +-an, so-ution, inormation, dem0sti0, dem0sti0, e1iden*e, s0stemati*. s 0stemati*. Acti'it( +: Read Ru)cie "*78:"8,"" a)d fi)d the a)s-er to the follo-i) /uestio)s0 ". Ho- does does resear research ch rrela elate te -ith -ith theor theor(1 (1 The Relatio) 9et-ee) Research a)d Theor( Ka+-an in Run*ie %&'9) suggested that a good set o *on*e+ts is needed to arri1e at a good theor0 at the same time that a good theor0 is needed to arri1e at a good set o *on*e+ts. ;eeda*k s0stems et4een the method and theories o an0 s*ien*e are im+ortant and must not e o1er-ooked. Run*ie %&'9) stated that on*e the resear*h +ro8e*t is *om+-eted and the resear*her kno4 the resu-t, the0 ma0 return to the theories and eed the resu-t a*k into them, modi0ing
them into +ro*ess. "et4een the theor0 and resear*h +ro8e*t there are e5treme-0 *om+-e5 and im+ortant eeda*k me*hanism at 4ork. "ased on the t4o e5+-anations ao1e, the eeda*k et4een resear*h and theor0 is im+ortant or the resear*h resu-t. A good theor0 needed to get a good resear*h resu-t, as 4e-- as 4hen the resu-t has *om+-eted it shou-d a*k to the theor0 or modi0ing in the +ro*ess. +. $hat ha33e)s if the research results,co)tradict the theor(1 "ased on the -o4 diagram or so*ia- resear*h %Run*ie, &'9) resear*her shou-d *ontinue to suggest uture resear*h then 4rite the resu-t in*-uding reasons or re8e*ting h0+otheses. 4. $hat is the e)eral 3ur3ose of research1 Run*ie %&'9) !here are man0 reason or *ondu*ting, the +rimar0 one seems to e to urther the kno4-edge o the su8e*t matter that is *-aimed 0 the dis*i+-ine. 6. $hat 2a( 9e the 3ur3ose of research i) E)lish or E)lish teachi)1 "ased on the genera- +ur+ose o resear*h stated 0 Run*ie, it *an e said that the +ur+ose o resear*h in Eng-ish tea*hing is to de1e-o+ Eng-ish edu*ation kno4-edge in*-uding *urri*u-um de1e-o+ment, im+ro1ement materia-, resour*es and methods or Eng-ish tea*hers and -earners. Acti'it( 4 Read Ru)cie "*78:""," a)d Tuc%2a) "*;7:"8," a)d sol'e the follo-i) 3ro9le2s i) a s2all rou3 discussio) #6, 2e29ers&. ". $hat are the characteristics of the research 3rocess a)d descri9e #i) o)e se)te)ce& each o)e of the20 The Characteristic of Research Process #Ru)cie "*78& A so*ia- sur1e0 asked the same uestions o se1era- hundred or se1era- thousand +ersons. An oser1ationa- resear*h +ro8e*t in 4hi*h uestions are not asked 0 the resear*her ut 4hi*h is *ondu*ted on-0 through the 4at*hing o the eha1ior o the su8e*t. An e5+eriment 4ith human su8e*t *areu--0 *ontro--ing the ee*t o some inde+endent 1aria-e to see 4hat its ee*t is on some su++osed de+endant 1aria-e. %Run*ie, &'9) The Characteristic of Research Process #Tuc%2a) "*;7& Resear*h is s0stemati* Resear*h is stru*tured +ro*ess 0 +ro*edura- s+e*ii*ations or identi0ing and deining 1aria-es, or designing studies in 4hi*h these 1aria-es 4i-- e e5amined and their ee*t on other 1aria-es determined, and or re-ating the data thus *o--e*ted to the origina--0 stated +ro-em and h0+othesis. Resear*h is -ogi*aResear*h o--o4s a s0stem that em+-o0s -ogi* at man0 +oints. Resear*h is em+iri*aResear*h has a rea-it0 reeren*es. Resear*h is redu*ti1e Resear*h +-a0s an e5+-anator0 ro-e rather than sim+-0 a des*ri+ti1e one. Resear*h is re+-i*a-e and transmitta-e Resear*her ma0 use the resu-ts o a stud0 or ui-d resear*h resu-t o another. +. $hat is o)e of the 2ost i23orta)t features co22o) to all research 3ro5ect1 O)e of the Most I23orta)t
The ste3s i) co)ducti) research are: Identi0ing a +ro-em
stud0. Run*ie stated that o+erationa- deinition as a -eading to h0+othesis 4hi-e !u*kman
make it or mani+u-ation, *ontro- and e5amination. Run*ie *ondu*ts re1ision o h0+othesis 4hi-e !u*kman test it that 4i-- use in the
stud0. !o ind the re-ating data, !u*kman use statisti*a- ana-0sis 4hi-e Run*ie a*k to the theor0 and h0+othesis.