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A fairly large list of the different types of Fae I found on the Internet. An interesting read.Descripción completa
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Types of Reading According to Brown (2003: 189) reading can be classified into for types based on t!e lengt!" focs" and process# 1# $erc $ercep epti ti%e %e Rea Readi ding ng $ercepti%e reading is type of reading w!ic! in%ol%es attending to t!e components of larger larger strect! strect!es es of disco discorse: rse: letters" letters" words" words" pnct pnctati ation" on" and ot!er ot!er grap!e grap!e&ic &ic sy&bols# 2# 'ele 'elect cti% i%ee rea readi ding ng 'electi%e reading is largey part of assess&ent for&ats in w!ic! to ascertain ones reading recognition of leical" gra&&atical of langage wit!in a %ery s!ort stretc! of lang langa age ge## T!is T!is type type of read readin ing g ses ses certa certain in typi typical cal tas*s tas*s:: pict pictre red+c d+ce ed d tas* tas*s" s" &atc!ing" tre,false" <iple+c!oice" etc# 3# -nte -ntera ract cti% i%ee Readi Reading ng T!is type of reading forces t!e readers to interact wit! t!e tet in w!ic! t!e readers s!old be able to bring a set of sc!e&ata to t!e tet for nderstanding it# Typical reading reading genres genres t!at lend lend t!e&se t!e&sel%e l%ess to interac interactati tati%e %e readin reading g are anecdo anecdotes" tes" s!ort s!ort narrati%es" directions" recipes" and ot!er for&s si&ilar to t!ose genres# t!e &ain focs in inte interac racti% ti%ee readi reading ng tas* tas* is to iden identi tify fy rele% rele%an antt feat feates es (lei (leical cal"" sy&b sy&bol olic ic"" gra&&atical" and discorse) wit!in tet of &oderately s!ort lengt! wit! t!e ob.ecti%e to retain t!e infor&ation t!at is processed# /# te tens nsi% i%ee rea readi ding ng T!is type of reading is w!en a reader reads tets of &ore t!an a page# or instance" professional articles" essays" tec!nica report" s!ort stories" and boo*s# -t s!old .stified !ere t!at etensi%e reading refers r efers to longer stretc!es of discorse" sc! s c! as long articles and boo*s t!at are sally read otside a classroo& !or and its focses to tap into a learners global derstanding of a tet" as opposed to as*ing test+ta*ers to 4oo& in on s&all details (Brown" 2003: 190)# Brown, H.D. (2003). LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT Practices. Practices.San Fransicso, California : Longman.
Principles Principles
According to 'engpta (2003: 3) cited by 5oang (2016: 3) acade&ic reading is defined as 7prposefl and critical reading of a range of lengt!y acade&ic tets for co&pleting t!e stdy of specific &a.or sb.ect areas# 5oang (2016: 8) conclded t!at rearding can be di%ided into two &ain types: oral reading or reading alod and silent reading# T!e ter& 7oral reading ca&e fro& early definition by Bloo&field (19/2) and ries (1962) w!o regarded reading as t!e action of identifying langage signs" i#e# &atc!ing sond i&ages wit! t!eir corresponding %isal i&ages# T!ey also w!o !ig!ly e&p!asi4ed t!at oral reading is i&portance to t!e stdents so t!at t!ey are able to spell and prononce langage sy&bols Taylor and os!bs! (1983: 23/)# n t!e contrary" 'ilent reading was deri%ed fro& t!e state&ent coined by tall (1996: 3) w!o e&p!asi4ed t!at 7reading is far &ore t!an a &ec!anical process of recogni4ing langage sy&bols in fact" it os t!e transfer of a &essage fro& writer to reader# Brown (200/) classifies reading into t!ree types in ter&s of reading prposes: acade&ic reading" .ob+related reading and personal reading#
Typs of !a"ing According to $atel and ;ain (2008: 11<+123) t!e types of reading: a# -ntensi%e Reading
-ntensi%e reading is related to frt!er in langage learning nder t!e teac!ers gidance# -ntensi%e reading will pro%ide a basic for eplaining difficlties of strctre and for etending *nowledge of %ocablary and idio&s# -ntensi%e reading &aterial will be t!e basis for classroo& acti%ity# -t will not only be read bt will be discssed in detail in t!e target langage" so&eti&es analy4ed and sed as a basis for writing eercises# -ntensi%e reading is tet reading or passage reading# -n t!is reading t!e learner read t!e tet to get *nowledge or analysis# T!e goal of t!is reading is to read s!orted tet# T!is reading is done to carry ot to get specific infor&ation# b# tensi%e Reading tensi%e reading is sed to obtain a general nderstanding of a sb.ect and incldes reading longer tets for pleasre# T!e reader wants to *now abot so&et!ing# T!e reader doesnt care abot specific or i&portant infor&ation after reading# =sally people read for to *eep t!e& pdate# c.
Reading Alod Alod reading is basic for& of classroo& organi4ation and disciplines# -n reading alod" t!e stdents are confronted wit! written sentences w!ic! !a%ent spo*en before# T!e ai& of reading alod is t!e ac!ie%e&ent or better spea*ing ability and t!e pronnciation of t!e stdents#
'ilent Reading 'ilent reading is a %ery i&portant s*ill in teac!ing of nglis!# T!is reading s!old be e&ployed to increase reading ability a&ong learners# 'ilent reading is done to ac>ire a lot of infor&ation# 'ilent reading &st be based on stdents selected tet# 'ilent reading enables t!e stdents to read co&pletely silently wit!ot &a*ing sonds and &o%ing !is lips# -t !elps !i& read wit! speed" ease and flency# -t aids co&pre!ension and epands t!e stdents %ocablary# Als!&ai&eri (2011: 186) pro%ided &ore co&ple definiton of silent reading in w!ic! !e stated t!at 7silent reading &eans reading wit!ot labial &o%e&ents or t!e %ibration of %ocal cords# T!e tet or ot!er grap!ic for&s are %isally percei%ed and t!en transfor&ed into &eanings and ideas wit!ot passing t!rog! %ocal stage# -t is belie%ed t!at silent reading is associated closely wit! t!e idea of reading for co&pre!ension# $atel" ?# #" ;ain" $# ?# (2008)# English Language Teaching (Methods, Tools & Techniques). ;aipr: 'nrise $blis!ers @ istribtors# Als!&ai&eri" # (2011)# T!e effect of reading &et!od on t!e co&pre!ension perfor&ance of 'adi C stdents# International Electric Journal of Elementary Education, /(1):18D+19D# Brown" 5## (2003)# L!"#"E $$E$$ME!T% ractices.'an ransicso" Ealifornia : Cong&an#