Descripción: como migrar una maquina virtual de vmware a proxmox
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Q: What are the benefits of enhanced linked mode? (Choose two.) A: Does not require a W indows license Provides continuous availability for virtual machines Provides support for vCenter server appliance Decreases the configuration effort required to establish linked mode
Q: Identify the functions of the platform serices controller. (Choose three.) A: Auto Deploy SSO icensing Certificate Authority !pdate "anager
Which of these is a key feature of the !i"h Aailability serice? A: Automatically restarts restarts failed #"s on other production servers Automatically restarts restarts a failed server "igrates #"s to running servers by using v"otion Offers clustering solutions to vCenter Servers
Identify the alid Auto #eploy features? (Choose three.) A: Simplifies $S%i host management by eliminating the necessity to maintain a separate boot image for each host& Allows a standard $S%i $S%i image to be shared across many hosts& 'riggers failover( ensuring )ero downtime and preventing data loss& Coordinates replication operations between protected and recovery sites in a vSphere environment& Allows hosts to be recovered recovered without having to recover recover the hardware or restore from a backup&