PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COURSE OUTILE: A. Administering the the regular services ! architectu architecture re 1. Definition Definition of the archit architect’s ect’s role role in the building building industry industry 2. Liabilitie Liabilitiess and responsib responsibilitie ilitiess 3. Methods Methods of of selecti selecting ng the the archite architect ct 4. The archi architec tectur tural al projec projects ts 5. The profes professio sional nal fees fees . !nter"pro !nter"professio fessional nal relations relationships hips
2. 'ass the board board e-a( e-a( *ith an a#erage of )/ and *ith no day falling belo* belo* 5/ (a' ) 3/ 3/ hist histor ory y of of arc archi hite tect ctur ure e professional practice building tech. (a' * 3/ utilities structural (a' + 4/ 4/ arch archit itec ectu tura rall desig design n 3. 0egi 0egist ster ered ed a. '0& rene*ab rene*able le e#ery e#ery 3 years during during your birth birth (onth (onth b. !0 0& residence certificate 'T0 professional ta- receipt 0 official receipt c. $& securit security y e-cha e-change nge co((itte co((ittee e d. L6 loca locall go#ern go#ern(e (ent nt unit unit e. DT! depart(e depart(ent nt of trade trade and industr industry y 4. 7ilipino
". The s#ectru s#ectrum m ! the archite architect$s ct$s servic services es 1. The pre"de pre"desig sign n ser#i ser#ice cess 2. The regu regular lar desi design gn ser#i ser#ices ces 3. $pecia $peciali% li%ed ed allie allied d ser#ic ser#ices es 4. &onst &onstruc ructio tion n ser#i ser#ice cess 5. 'ost" 'ost"con constr struct uction ion ser#i ser#ices ces . &o(preh &o(prehensi# ensi#e e architec architectura turall ser#ices ser#ices ). Desig Design"b n"buil uild d ser# ser#ice icess A. "uilding La%s 1. The la*s la*s regulatin regulating g the practice practice of of architect architecture ure 2. The la*s affectin affecting g housing+ housing+ real estate+ estate+ design+ design+ genera generall construction+ etc. 3. The gener general al conditi conditions ons of of a contra contract ct
ARC&ITECT " legall' legall' and and technicall' technicall' ,ualified ,ualified to practice architecture. Legall' 1. 21 year yearss old old
Technicall' 1. raduate of $ 8rchitecture 2. 2 years di#ersified training e-perience
The 8bstract :orld
architect 1. &oncept 2. Docu(ent "reports9 pictures9 graphics9 dra* 3. !(ple(ent
The 'hysic al :orld
,-$s Resurces in Cnstructin 1. (aterials 2. (oney
4. 'ost !(pl e(entati on
3. (anpo*er 4. (achines 5. (inutes
CO(ES OF ET&ICS 1. eneral objecti#es 2. Ideals 3. Success 4. R e(uneration 5. Interest of the clients . Professional prerogati#es ). "usiness #enture ;. "eha#ior <. Criticis( 1. Creati#e endea#or -ET&O(S OF SELECTION OF ARC&ITECT 1. Direct $election 2. !ndirect $election a. 0eferral fro( another architect b. 0eco((endation fro( a satisfied client c. &o(parati#e $election 3. Design &o(petition
. R epetiti#e construction ). &ousing projects ;. E-tensi#e detailing <. Alterations and reno#ations 1. Consultations and arbitration ru# ). Sim#le Pr0ects " re,uires no interior partitions a. 8r(ories b. a@ery c. Aangar Mini(u( basic feeB / of the cost 5M or lessB /C8 5M to 1MB 85/C 1M to 2MB 4/ e-a(pleB 55M project 5M 3M 5M .25M 55M 3.25M
CLASSIFICATION OF ARC&ITECTURAL PRO/ECTS 1. N"C use and occupancy =>ational uilding &ode? 2. FCP ris@ of the occurrence of fire =7ire &ode of the 'hilippines? 3. UAP degree of difficulty in design =6nited 8rchitect’s of the 'hilippines?
ru# *. -derate Structures " ha#e interior partitions a. 8rt galleries b. &ity halls c. Libraries d. $uper(ar@ets e. an@s
LIST OF ARC&ITECTURAL PRO/ECTS 1. Si(ple projects 2. -oderate structures 3. E-ceptional structures 4. R esidential 5. -onu(ental structures
Mini(u( basic feeB )/ of the cost ru# +. E1ce#tinal Structures " *ith consultants a. 8to(ic facilities =physicist? b. 8,uariu( =(arine biologist?
c. Mortuary d. Medical facilities E hospital =electrical engineer? Mini(u( basic feeB ;/ ru# 2. Residential Mini(u( basic feeB 1/ Ntes: FF Cndminium - &onsidered as high"rise residential building. - 8ccording to 7&'B a. considered as Ge-ceptionalH b. 15( abo#e is considered a high"rise building that re,uires consultants forB - ele#ator - sprin@lers - structural engineer (minant Use - asis for classification of groupings - -a(ple is Mi-"6se building ru# ,. -numental Structures " it re,uires concept a. e-positions b. (ausoleu(s c. (useu(s d. gate*ays Mini(u( basic feeB 12/ ru# 3. Re#etitive Cnstructin - using one and the sa(e plan *ithout any (inute difference - used se#eral ti(es - includes group 1+2+3+I5 1st unit B M7 of rp. 1+2+3 or 5 2nd unit B ;/ of M7
3rd unit 4th to infinity
/ of M7 4/ of M7
ru# 4. &using Pr0ects - includes only houses 1st unit B M7 2nd 1th unit B =/ of M7 - >? C 11th infinity B =3/ of M7 - >? *hereB > C no. of units ru# 5. E1tensive (etailing - includes detailing of furniture+ cabinets+ landscapes and interior Mini(u( basic feeB 15/ ru# 6. Alteratins and Renvatins - includes groups Mini(u( basic feeB M7 5/ of M7 e-a(pleB
ru# )7. Cnsultatin and Ar8itratin - architect is entitled to recei#e pay(ent on clients *hen gi#ing an opinion regarding architectural ter(s - as of 1<)
2. Pr!essinal Fee ; Csts ,. Cm8inatin -ethd " co(bination of 1+2+3I4 3. Per (iem 4.
" pay(ents recei#ed after all the *or@s has been done
-ET&O(S OF CO-PENSATION ). Percentage ! cnstructin cst " based on (ini(u( basic fee *. -ulti#le ! (irect Persnnel E1#ense 9-(PE " none creati#e Gno"constructionH projects. " e-. feasibility studies 8rchitectB >0TMf &onsultantsB >0TMf $taffB >0TMf 'rofessional 7eeB Direct &ost M' 0 *hereB T B ti(e spend on the project > B nu(ber of person 0 B rate MfB (ultiplying factor =2."2.5? 0B rei(bursable e-penses M'B (argin of profit "not (ore than or e,ual to 3/ " reim8ursa8le e1#enses a. (utual agree(ent b. pertinent to the project c. occur outside of the 1J( radius fro( the base of operation or office +. Lum# Sum ; Fi1ed Fee " con#ert the cost to the nearest *hole nu(ber
Nte: FF ), da's recei#e pay(ent after all the *or@ing dra*ings ha#e been sub(itted.
SC&E(ULE OF PA?-ENT Cntractr 1. do*npay(entB 2/ " 5/ 2. progressi#e pay(entB based on partial co(plition 3. guaranteed bondB #unch listing inspect the building upon co(pletion S#eciali@ed Allied Services 1. proposal phaseB 5/ 2. sub(ission and acceptance of preli(inary dra*ingsB 25/ 3. sub(ission and acceptance of final dra*ingsB 5/ 4. retention feeB 2/ total 1/ Architect 1. proposal phase 2. sche(atic design phase 3. sub(ittance of design de#elop(ent phase 4. contract docu(ent phase 5. construction phase or retention fee total
5/ 15/ 15/ 5/ 15/ 1/
Ntes: FF T get the #r#sal #hase ! the architect fro( the lot area+ deter(ine the buildable area buildable area C lot area open spaces FF rule ! thum8B 3/ open area e-. buildable areaB 1s,( 3s,( B )s,( B '2+ - ) B '1+4+. 8 =architecturalEengineering fee?B 1/ B 14+. proposal phase of 5/ C ')+.
Sche(atic design phase "integrated regular engineering ser#ices (esign de#elop(ent phase Contract docu(ent phase . eneral conditions Agree(ent S pecifications S pecial 'ro#isions ( ra*ings Construction phase -ilestnes ! Cnstructin ). Esta8lishment ! Re!erences a. hori%ontal references " lot plan+ bench(ar@ b. #ertical references " positioning of ele#ations staing #lan positioning of *ood as (ar@s for the start of digging and e-ca#ation.
T&E SPECTRU- OF T&E ARC&ITECT$S SERICES UAP (c. *7) The #reB(esign Services " non"creati#e projects =MD'? Econo(ic feasibility studies Physical planning ser#ices Architectural progra((ing ser#ices Site selection and analysis Site utili%ation and land"use Space (anage(ent Pro(otional ser#ices
*. E1cavatin " super#ised by the architect and the structural engineer +. Rein!rcements " chec@ si%e of bars+ spacing+ splicing and nu(ber of bars. $upport bars for installation of slab reinforce(entB or s#acer
UAP (c. *7* Regular (esign Services " se,uential process
2. Cncreting ,. Finishing 2. $ubdi#ision 'lanning in the 6rban 8rea " as of 1<)
UAP (c. *7+ S#eciali@ed Allied Services " re,uires consultants+ ha#ing specified licenses Physical planning ser#ices Interior design Landscape architecture Acoustics+ co((unications and electronics Co(prehensi#e planning ser#ices
Nte: Estimate FF structuralB '5. ';. per s,(
3. $ubdi#ision 'lanning in the 0ural 8rea " as of 1<)
A. Ph'sical Planning Services + t'#es: 1. $ite De#elop(ent 'lanning " as of 1<)
(. AcusticsD Cmmunicatins and Electrnics Mini(u( basic feeB 1/ " 15/ E. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Cm#rehensive Planning Physical planning ser#ices Econo(ic planning ser#ices Socio"cultural planning ser#ices Transportation and utilities planning ser#ices " roads and bridges 5. Legal and ad(inistrati#e " includes for( of go#ern(ent
1. $alary (ethod 2. 45 to / of the gross (onthly rentals UAP (c. *73 Cm#rehensive Architectural Services " inclusion of 68' Doc. 21 " 25 " pac@age ser#ices
UAP (c. *72 Cnstructin Services F
Cm Pm
full"ti(e super#isionB 1/ " 1"1E2/ " super#ision of the architect on site or its representati#e fro( ;a( 5p( construction (anage(entB 1"1E2/ " 3/ project (anage(entB 2/ " 5/
UAP (c. *7, PstBCnstructin Services " (a@ing the structure habitable and has occupancy per(it "e "g
UAP (c. *74 (esignB"uild Services " guaranteed (a-i(u( cost 1/
ldg. and e,uip(ent (aintenance ldg. and grounds ad(inistration
a. Design"build ad(inistration b. Design"build guaranteed (a-i(u( cost Cntractr - holds the (oney - purchase the (aterials - pay(ent for laborers "uilder - co(pute the payroll - sub(it co(puted payroll to the o*ner - can#ass and identify suppliers - no responsibilities in holding the (oney
UAP (c. +7): ENERAL CON(ITIONS OF A CONTRACT !t establishes the relationship bet*eenB *ner"8rchitect+ *ner"&ontractor=s?+ and &ontractor"8rchitect. !t stipulates the nor(s by *hich the contractor shall perfor( his *or@ in accordance *ith the current trends in the practice of 8rchitecture.
Sectin ). (e!initin and (cuments 8rticle 1. Definitions 8rticle 2. -ecution+ &orrelation and !ntent of Docu(ent 8rticle 3. Dra*ings and $pecifications b. 8s"built c. Detailed Dra*ings d. $hop Dra*ings e. :or@ing Dra*ing Ntes: Cnstructin FF 3> t 5> " distances of nails FF Ever' 2> " distances of ri#et at ridge roll for roofing , Sets ! "lue Prints 1 office of the building official 1 contractor 1 o*ner 1 fire depart(ent 1 siteB nly the architect can use the copy at the site. May cause Gter(inationH of the contractor in case of lost or (ishandled. :ell"@ept at the site. 'rotected by electrical tape+ binded by *ood and scre* and supported by acetate co#er.
2 lending institution a. file b. appraiser FF 6 c#ies are free of charge and the succeeding copies are payable. Cn!licts n dra%ings and s#eci!icatins r te1t specifications or te-t *ill pre#ail if not stated on dra*ings and specification+ the contractor has the right to do it in the (ost e-pensi#e (anner + still the (aterials ha#e to be appro#ed by the architect.
Sectin * 1. La*s 2. 0egulations 3. $ite &onditions " the architect should do ocular inspection of the site 4. 'er(its " responsibility of the contractor to pro#ide per(it on his o*n e-pense 5. Ta-es " *hoe#er gains pays ta. !nsurance a. life insurance b. property insurance ). $ur#ey " actual #erification of si%e of the lots at the cost of the o*ner " re"sur#ey *hen proble( occur but at his o*n e-pense Sectin +. Eui#ment and -aterials o Eui#ments *ritten on ,uotation sub(itted by the contractor (ust co(ply *ith actual usage. -aterials should follo* *hat is *ritten on specifications. o
Additinal 2 c#ies ! 8lue #rints 1" ho(eo*ner association 1" security of ho(eo*ner association e-B to*n house+ condo(iniu(+ subdi#ision+ etc.
Sectin 2. Premises and Tem#rar' Facilities o Define by property line &onsideration of safety of adjacent lots and users. o
Tem#rar' Facilities 1. *arehouse 2. ban@house or barrac@s " for stay"in *or@ers 3. office " for architect’s negotiations 4. utilities " *ater+ electrical sources+ etc. 5. access " road+ path*ays+ etc. . trial usage ). enclosures ;. si gnage " Gfalling debrisH " Gpar@ at your o*n ris@H
FF duration starts counting 4 da's after the acceptance of NTP Knotice to proceed’. FF *ithin 4 da'sB (obili%ation and (aterials *ere prepared. FF i((ediately (eans , da's FF sBcurve allo*able deficiency is 1/ Cntractr 1. &ertificate of co(pletion =partial? 2. 0e,uest for !nspection 3. ill ing 4. &ertificate of >on"7inancial
Sectin ,. Prtectin ! r and Pr#ert' Sectin 3 ). La8r a. Guantit' B no. of *or@er+ lesser the *or@er *hen construction is al(ost finish b. Gualit' B proper *or@ designation such as painter+ carpenter+ steel (an+ etc. *. r " based on specifications and plans duratin include Kl i,uidated da(ages’ *hich (eans delayed construction to be deducted to the fee. a. %rCing da's Monday to 7riday b. calendar da's nu(ber of days including $aturday+ $unday and holidays +. Pa'ment " no pay(ent shall be (ade *ithout the appro#al of the architect. Ntes:
:hen GacceptedH " the architect furnish certificates to the o*nerB 1. &ertificate of acceptance 2. &ertificate of pay(ent
Ntes: FF the contractor (ay not be paid till 67 da's before he go to court. FF su8stantial cm#letin 965HB the contractor (ay e paid 1/ Sectin 4. CntractrBSe#arate CntractrsBSu8cntractrs relatins Sectin 5. Sus#ensin ! r 'eople *ho can suspend *or@B o*ner and contractor
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1. P( )763 The >ational uilding &ode 2. P( 6,4 The &ondo(iniu( and $ubdi#ision uyers 'rotecti#e La* 3. "P **7 The $ociali%ed Aousing La* 4. "P +22 The La* nhancing the Mobility of the Disabled =The 8ccessibility La*? 5. P( ))5, The 7ire &ode of the 'hilippines
Ntes: FF for(er president Ferdinand -arcs signed (ost of these la*s FF 8rchitect R8ert aite architect to juries FF "uilding Permit issued to buildings ha#ing a cost of '15+. of indigenous (aterials FF &n. Flrante Sriue@ secretary of D':A
PRIORIT? C&APTERS TO STU(? N"C: 1. &hapter 1 eneral 'ro#ision 2. &hapter 2 8d(. and nforce(ent 3. &hapter 3 'er(its and !nspection 4. &hapter )" &lassification and 6se 5. &hapter ; Light and entilation . &hapter 12 en. Design and &onstruction
OT&ER INFO A##rentice K (esigner K (ra!tsman " signed by 7ilipino architect " current and #alid !T0 " under (ini(u( of (onths *or@ *ith architect " (a-i(u( of four architects to sign the logboo@ " 3;4 hours
" *hile studying+ 4 hours a day (ay count " ; hours a day *hen *or@ing " o#erti(e+ $aturday and $undays are not included " sub(ission of logboo@ is 3 days before the board e-a(