1. How is communication planning diferent in agile rom the traditional method? a) Determine all stakeholder's communication requirement b) No documentation exists around communication c) Communication is an integral part of agile framework, which focuses on Individual interaction, and customer collaboration, through agile values d) ll of the above Answer! (c) " Communication is an integral part of agile framework, which focus on Individual interaction, and customer collaboration, through agile values# 2. Which one o the ollowings is the most important? a) Individuals and interactions b) $orking software# c) Customer collaboration collaboration d) %esponding to the change# Answer: (d) %esponding to change 3. Which one o the ollowings is !" true o co#located communication? a) Improves productivit& b& eliminating waste b& reducing the downtime# b) smotic communication# c) It improves cooperativeness# cooperativeness# d) (nables face to face communication# Answer !(c) " It improves cooperativeness cooperativeness $. What is true o the relation %etween &alues' principles and practice? a) ll are abstract# b) alues and principles are abstract# *ractice is derived from values# c) alues are abstract# *rinciples are application of those values# *ractices are applied to a pro+ect# d) alues, *rinciples, and *ractices are methodologies# Answer !(c) " alues are abstract# *rinciples are application of those values# *ractices are applied to a pro+ect# . How is the %enet o continuous ris* management achie&ed in Agile? a) igh risk and high value feature are pushed into earl& iteration# b) Demonstration of the pro+ect# c) Continuous build integration# d) ll of the above# Answer ! (d) " ll of the above# +. What does it mean to sa, -maimi/e the wor* not done-? a) (liminate the waste# b) Do less work c) (liminate the risk# d) ll of the above#
Answer ! (a) " (liminate the waste# 0. n which one o the ollowing wa,s the communication happens among sta*eholders? a) During dail& stand up meeting# b) During review and demo meetings# c) During visioning and release planning meeting# d) ll of the above# Answer !(d) " ll of the above# . How is scrum diferent rom traditional proect reporting and management? a) -crum measures requirement# b) -crum expects changes# c) -crum responds to exceptions# d) ll of the above# Answer! (d) " ll of the above# 4. What is a &elocit,? a) It is a measure of a team's rate of progress# b) It is a powerful equali.er that corrects estimation errors# c) It is used to derive duration# d) ll of the above# Answer !(d) " ll of the above# 15. Which one o the ollowing is !" correct o 6roduct %ac*log in scrum? a) *roduct backlog contains the complete list of requirements# b) *roduct backlog is used as input to all planning such as %elease planning and -print planning# c) *roduct owner continuousl& grooms it to make sure it is latest, appropriate, competitive and useful# d) *roduct backlog existence depends on life of the *roduct# Answer !(a) " *roduct backlog contains the complete list of requirements# 11. Who is responsi%le or grooming the product %ac*log and optimi/ing 7! in scrum? a) *roduct wner# b) *roduct /anager# c) -crum /aster# d) -crum Development team# Answer! (a) " *roduct wner# 12. What is the main reason o doing dail, stand up scrum meeting in scrum?
a) 0or the team to update status to -crum /aster# b) 0or the team to update the status to *roduct owner# c) 0or the team to sociali.e and s&nchroni.e their work# d) ll of the above#
Answer !(c) " 0or the team to sociali.e and s&nchroni.e# 13. 8enition o 8one#8one is dened and agreed' in which teration? a) During Iteration 1# b) During Iteration planning meeting# c) During Dail& stand up meeting# d) ll of the above# Answer! (a) " During Iteration 1 1$. How is 9crum ramewor* diferent rom 6 ramewor*? a) -crum is a pro+ect management framework, and 2* is a technical development methodolog b) 3oth frameworks are the same# c) -crum and 2*, values are the same# d) None of the above Answer! (a) " -crum is a pro+ect management framework, and 2* is a technical development framework# 1. What is mapped in agile' to 6roect schedule in waterall? a) %elease planning is one or two da&s event where the whole team is involved in evolving a large picture of the pro+ect# b) %elease plan contains a set of goals, assumptions, risks, dependencies, release backlogs and decisions that guide the team in execution of the %elease, which in turn is made of Iterations# c) %elease retrospective learnings4action items, 5eam velocit&, *roduct backlog, which contain prioriti.ed and estimated items, are inputs to the %elease plan# d) ll of the above# Answer !(d) " ll of the above# 1+. "he management wants to ha&e multiple 9crum teams so that $ ,ears proect or one 9crum team could %e completed in 1 ,ear. "he management wants to start all the 9crum teams on the same date. What;s ,our ad&ice? a) 5he management is making a smart decision b) 3efore the inset, of multiple -crum teams on this pro+ect, a couple of sprints b& a single -crum team should build the infrastructure, architecture, build process and coding standards which multiple teams can implement# c) 5he management should revert to traditional waterfall model due to the complexit d) Create h&brid model based on scrum and waterfall#
Answer !(%) " 3efore the inset, of multiple -crum teams on this pro+ect, a couple of sprints b& a single -crum team should build the infrastructure, architecture, build process and coding standards which multiple teams can implement# 10. What is the primar, measure o progress in teration? a) Iteration backlog# b) Iteration burn down chart c) Dail& stand up meetings# d) ll of the above# Answer !(d) " ll of the above# 1. Which one o the ollowing is true o the statement
cient and efecti&e method o con&e,ing inormation in a team? a) Conversation on a call b) ("mail conversation c) 0ace"to"face conversation d) None of the above
Answer: (c) 0ace"to"face conversation 22. What are agile methodologies? a) Collection of practices b) Collection of values c) Collection of principles d) ll of the above Answer: (a) Collection of *ractices 23. Which o the ollowing is true a%out scrum? a) It is based on empirical process control b) It is adaptive and not perspective c) It is one of the agile frameworks d) ll of the above Answer: (d) ll of the above 2$. What is the usual duration o 9print? a) 9":1 weeks b) ;"< weeks c) :"; weeks d) :1":; weeks Answer: (%) ;"< $eeks 2. How reuent is the 7is* %ac*log trac*ed? a) n a dail& basis b) t the end of each iteration c) 3oth =a) and =b) d) None of the above Answer: (c) 3oth =a) and =b)