Post Arrest Bail in case registred under Section 489-FFull description
Full text of Tehelka founder Tarun Tejpal's anticipatory bail pleaFull description
Sample petition for bail
Illegal Gambling Case
Sample petition for bail - RTCFull description
Just a sample
Format of Bail by Legal Desire
A legal research project on the unique concept of Anticipatory Bail in India, analyzing the relevant provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and interpreting the judicial position on t…Full description
BailFull description
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Application for Judicial Titling sample
As we know that database is a collection of interrelated data i.e. it is composed of collection of files that are linked in such a way that information from one of files may be combined with information from other files so that the user may receive t
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Shoppes on Main employment application
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regular expressionFull description
Application for Regular Bail
Application Application for Regular Bail Important points 1. A person may be accused of a Bailable or a Non Bailable offence. In case of a bailable offence, the accused has a right to secure his release by applying a pplying for bail under S. 436(1) of Cr P C, while in case of non-bailable offence, the accused may be released by the court on its discretion after he applied for bail under S. 437(1) of Cr P C. In case of a bailable offence, if the accused in indigent, he may be released my executing a personal bond without sureties. 2. The application for bail is made to the court in which the accused is tried (that depends on the offence). However, S. S. 439 gives special powers to HC and a nd Court of Session Session to release a person pe rson on bail (after imposing imposing certain conditions), and so an application may be made to HC or Court of Session as well if the person is under arrest. 3. No Verification, Notary, and Affidavit required.
Before the th e Judicial Magistrate Magistrate Ist Class at Indore Criminal Criminal Misc. Misc. Petition P etition No ....../2009 in Crime Crime No. 1234 / 2009 2 009 (or Criminal Complaint Complaint No 1234/2009) A. B. s/o B. C. age 30 yrs resident of 123, A B Road, Indore, MP
Application for Bail under under S. 437(1) of Cr P C
The aformentioned accused/applicant begs to state as under:1. That the accused a ccused is facing trial before this Hon'ble Hon'ble Court in case titled as State State of MP vs A.B. for the offence under Sections 323 and 325 of IPC. 2. That this Hon'ble Hon'ble court was pleased to issue a Warrant and the P olice has accordingly accordingly arrested the accused/applicant. 3. That the accused a ccused was not at all involved involved in the crime alleged alleged in the said case. 4. That the accused a ccused is a permanent resident of Indore and earning livelihood livelihood by working working as a fruit vendor in trains. 5. The accused has his old parents dependent upon him and the accused is the only bread earner for the family. 6. That by getting the accused/applicant arrested the accused has been deprived of his valuable fundamental right of liberty liberty by abuse of powers and process of law by the complainant. 7. That the accused accu sed is willi willing ng to furnish surety and bail bonds to the satisfaction of this learned court cou rt in case he is ordered to be released on bail. 8. That the accused a ccused will abide by all the conditions as imposed imposed by this Honourable Court. It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed tha t this application for bail may may kindly be allowed in the interest of justice justice and a nd the accused acc used be released on bail upon such conditions a this Honorable Honorable Court may deem fit. Indore 10/11/2009