Laboratory Report No. 2 Cell Anatomy
Barcelona, J. ; Baxa, R. ; Doroteo, DA. ; Garcia, KP ; Garcia, J ; Odosis, E. Jr. ; Rabanera, D. ; San Pedro, J. Far Eastern Universit ! "# $%& ! B'O$"# ( )AB
Abstract All living things things are made up of cells, cells, including humans, humans, animals and plants. Every cell’s cell’s purpose is to survive survive for them to perform their function well. This laboratory experiment is limited only to identify the different parts and function of the the cell and also to to observe three three different different specimens specimens in the microscope: microscope: cheek cell, Allium Allium cepa or onion and fish blastula. t is divided into two parts. !irst, parts. !irst, the students familiari"ed familiari"ed the different different parts parts of the cell cell with the help of their instructor. Then, they observed specimens with different cell structures under a microscope and identified their parts. The experiment aimed to observe and to differentiate animal cells from plant cells. Three specimens were were observed and tested as seen seen in the microscope. microscope. !irst, !irst, the human cheek cell, which which was taken from the last experiment, was seen under high power ob#ective $%&&x'. (ext, the Allium cepa $onion' cell was seen under high power ob#ective $%&&x'. )astly, the fish blastula was also seen under high power $%&&x'. The organelles present in the cells were labeled* the only difference is that plant cells have cell wall. Almost all types of cells have the same organelles* it+s #ust that some can only be found in plants. !rom this data, the organelles from the animal cell are different from a plant cell but it can’t deny the fact that each of them is very important for them to live.
*ave o+ ever ondered -at lie can be bein/ as t-e s0allest o all1 A lie t-at even o+r na2ed ee cannot see1 And even believe t-at t-e -ave +nctions t-at can even s+33ort a lie1 #-is s0all bein/ are called cell. 4ells are s0all co03art0ents t-at -old t-e biolo/ical e5+i30ent necessar to 2ee3 an or/anis0 o r/anis0 alive and s+ccess+l 6#o-id, 6#o-id, $%%&7 )ivin/ t-in/s 0a be +nicell+lar or 0+lticell+lar s+c- as a -+0an bein/. 6Scitable, $%897 Accordin/ to cell t-eor, t-eor, cells are t-e +nda0ental +nit o str+ct+re and +nction in all livin/ or/anis0s and co0e ro0 3re:existin/ cells, and t-at all cells contain -ereditar inor0ation inor0ation necessar or re/+latin/ cell +nctions and or trans0ittin/ inor0ation to t-e next /eneration o cells. 6ol3ert, 6ol3ert, 8<<=7 #-+s, cells are 3arts o lar/er +nits 6tiss+es and or/ans7 and are co03osed o s0aller +nits 6or/anelles7.
#-is /ives t-e vario+s vital co03onents o t-e cell s+c- as t-e 0itoc-ondria, riboso0es, endo3las0ic retic+l+0, c-loro3last 6or 3lant cell7, n+cle+s etc. 4ell or/anelles and its co03onents 3la a vital role in t-e +nctionin/ and or2in/ o t-e cell.
At t-e end o t-is ex3eri0ent>activit, t-e st+dents s-o+ld be able to? 3lace t-e cell and its or/anelles it-in t-e sc-e0e o or/ani@ational levels, identi t-e 0aor or/anelles on a 0odel, c-art, s3eci0en, or 0icro/ra3-, describe 3ri0ar +nctions o t3ical or/anelles and +nderstand t-e anato0ical relations-i3 a0on/ vario+s cell 3arts.
Materials and Methods
#-e ex3eri0ent as divided into to 3arts. #-e irst 3art o t-e ex3eri0ent as identiin/ t-e 3arts o t-e cell. 4olored 3encils ere +sed to dierentiate and e03-asi@e eac- 3arts o t-e cell in t-e cell str+ct+re b assi/nin/ a s3eciic color to a s3eciic 3art.
For t-e second 3art o t-e ex3eri0ent, t-ree s3eci0ens ere observed +sin/ a co03o+nd li/-t 0icrosco3e. #-e t-ree s3eci0ens ere Allium epa, Fis- Blast+la and 4-ee2 4ell. Eac- slide as 3ositioned on t-e sta/e and as sae 2e3t b t-e sta/e cli3s o t-e 0icrosco3e. #-e s3eci0ens ere vieed and observed +sin/ t-e *i/- Poer Obective )ens 68%x7. #-e color, s-a3e and 3arts o t-e cell str+ct+re ere noted. #-e s3eci0en as t-en dran and labeled.
Results and Visuals
A. Parts o t-e 4ell
Figure 1.1 Dierent t3es o cells and t-eir or/anelles. 687 Ani0al 4ell 6$7 Plant 4ell able 1 )ist o t-e 3arts o cell and t-eir classiication
"e0brano+s Endo3las0ic retic+l+0 Gol/i a33arat+s )soso0es "itoc-ondrion +cle+s 4ell "e0brane
B. "icrosco3ic 4ell S3eci0en For 4-ee2 cell?
on0e0brano+s 4entriole +cleol+s Riboso0e
Figure 1.2 4-ee2 cell +nder *i/- Poer Obective lens, total 0a/niication 9%%x 687 4-ee2 cell
+nder )o Poer Obective lens, total 0a/niication 8%%x 6$7
For Alli+0 4e3a?
687 Figure 1.! Alli+0 ce3a +nder *i/- Poer Obective lens, total 0a/niication 9%%x 687
For Fis- blast+la?
687 Figure 1." Fis- blast+la +nder *i/- Poer Obective lens, total 0a/niication 9%%x 687
Generall, t-ese t-ree s3eci0en, t-e cell o -+0an c-ee2, alli+0 ce3a and is- blast+la s-are certain c-aracteristics even t-e ere classiied into dierent /ro+3s. #-o+/- t-ese s3eci0en -ave a n+0ber o 2e si0ilarities, t-e also so0e noted so0e dierences. #-e str+ct+res and t-e 3arts o t-e cell inside eac- cells or2s as an indicators t-at -el3s st+dent to identi -et-er t-at s3eci0en or cell is a 3lant cell or an ani0al cell.
Chee$ Cell
CAs t-e cells observed do not -ave a cell all, nor a 3ro0inent vac+ole, t-e cells o t-e s3eci0en on t-e slide are ani0al cells. 6A0rita )abs7
'n t-is activit, one o t-e0 ill /entl scra3ed t-e inside o t-e c-ee2 +sin/ a sterile toot-3ic2. Ater collectin/ t-e s3eci0en, t-e st+dent s0eared t-e sa03le onto t-e 0icrosco3ic slide and t-en care+ll 3laced a dro3 o crstal violet on t-e s0ear so t-at t-e s3eci0en ill beco0e visible or vivid. 4ell o -+0an c-ee2 as an exa03le o ani0al cell -as a s3-erical or oval s-a3e. Fro0 t-e 3revio+s laborator ex3eri0ent, e learned t-at t-e dar2l stained re/ion o c-ee2 cell is a n+cle+s.
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#-e lo 3oer obective -as t-e total 0a/niication o 8%%x. #-e located t-e dots, or t-e c-ee2 cells, and it a33eared to be se3arated and s3read o+t. And t-en t-e sitc-ed to -i/- 3oer obective to see a lar/er detail o t-e cell.
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At 9%%x total 0a/niication, t-e st+dents -ave seen onl one cell +nder t-e 0icrosco3e as t-e c-ee2 cells beca0e art-er ro0 eac- ot-er as seen at t-e lo 3oer obective t-at t-e cells ere s3read o+t.
#-e cell o -+0an c-ee2 is an exa03le o an ani0al cell t-at consists o a n+cle+s, cto3las0, and cell 0e0brane, it doesnt s-o an cell all as it is onl seen on a 3lant cell. *oever, eaccell -as a t-in cell 0e0brane. #-e cto3las0 in t-e c-ee2 cell occ+3ies a lar/er s3ace -ere t-e n+cle+s is o+nd. #-e n+cle+s is dee3l stained as observed at t-e center o eac- cell. #-e cells seen are s5+a0o+s e3it-elial cells; s5+a0o+s beca+se it a33ears scale:li2e, and e3it-elial beca+se it ca0e ro0 t-e linin/ o t-e 0o+t-. CStains 0a be +sed to deine and exa0ine dierent t3es o 0icrobes, vario+s sta/es o cell+lar lie 6e./., t-e 0itotic ccle7, and even or/anelles it-in individ+al cells 6Bo+ndless7 4rstal violet is +sed to en-ance t-e contrast in t-e 0icrosco3ic i0a/e seen. 't as +sed to 0a2e a s3eci0en, or so0e o its 3art visible or vivid. 't as +sed to -i/-li/-t t-e biolo/ical str+ct+re, or/anelles, in t-e s3eci0en. *oever, t-e de onl reacts on certain or/anelles. So0e stains re5+ire s3ecial tec-ni5+es, b+t 0ost stain can si03l dro33ed or added to t-e s3eci0en and vieed. #-e absence o a cell all and a 3ro0inent vac+ole are indicators t-at -el3 identi ani0al cells, s+c- as cell seen in t-e -+0an c-ee2. 6sc-ool.or2>3lant>stainin/7 Allium cepa
CAs cell alls and lar/e vac+oles are clearl observed in all t-e cells, t-e cells 3laced or observation are 3lant cells. 6A0rita )abs7 #-ere as alread a 3re3ared 0icrosco3e slide o t-e s3eci0en read to be seen +nder t-e 0icrosco3e. #-e st+dents +sed a co03o+nd li/-t 0icrosco3e to 0a/ni Allium cepa +nder -i/ 3oer obective 6*PO7 it- a total 0a/niication o 9%%x.
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As t-e s3eci0en vieed +nder t-e 0icrosco3e, t-e s3eci0en a33eared to be in a li/-t /reen color it- dar2 /reen lines t-at -ave t-e 3attern o a bric2 or c-ec2ered all and in 0ost o t-e irre/+larl:s-a3ed boxes, t-ere are dots to be seen.
#-e onion cell or alli+0 ce3a s3eciicall, is a co00on exa03le o 3lant cell t-at -as a rectan/+lar s-a3e. #-e str+ct+res and t-e 3arts o alli+0 ce3as cell ere ali/ned to/et-er creatin/ a c-ec2ered li2e 3attern. #-e i0a/e seen t-ro+/- t-e 0icrosco3e -as a str+ct+re or line t-at is /reenis- in color, and t-at str+ct+re is c-loro3-ll. #-e onion cell consists o a cell all, cell 0e0brane, cto3las0, n+cle+s and a lar/e vac+ole. An onion is a 3lant or/anis0 t-at is consistin/ o 0an cells t-at is called 0+lticell+lar. #-e n+cle+s is seen near t-e bo+ndar o t-e cto3las0. )i/-tl stained cto3las0 is observed in eac- cell. #-e vac+ole is at t-e center o t-e cell and it is easil seen and it is s+rro+nded b t-e cto3las0. #o certainl identi a 3lant cell, t-e 3resence o a cell all and a lar/e vac+ole is a bi/ /iveaa. As all o t-ose c-aracteristics s-on on an onion 3eel 0a2es it a 3lant cell. #-e i0a/e seen t-ro+/- t-e 0icrosco3e -as a str+ct+re or line t-at is /reenis- in color, and t-at str+ct+re is c-loro3-ll. #-e 3resence o a cell all and a lar/e vac+ole are indicators t-at - el3 identi 3lant cells, s+cas seen in t-e onion 3eel. 6sc-ool.or2>3lant>stainin/7
Fish blastula
C#-e blast+la is an earl sta/e o e0bro develo30ent and re3resents a 3eriod in t-e or/anis0s lie -en 0ost o t-e cells are constantl dividin/. 6Green River7 #-ere is alread a ixed /lass ride to be seen +nder t-e 0icrosco3e. 'n t-is activit, st+dents ill observe cell o t-e -ite is- blast+la in a 3re3ared slide. At a total 0a/niication o 9%% x, t-e st+dents +sed a co03o+nd li/-t 0icrosco3e to 0a/ni Cis- blast+la
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Under t-e 0icrosco3e, t-e s3eci0en -as 3in2 colored cells, it- irre/+lar:s-a3ed circles and ovals close to/et-er. A dar2l stained dot in ever circles and ovals are seen. -iteis- blast+la is a s3eci0en t-at t-e biolo/ists +se to st+d 0itosis. Beca+se t-e cell os blast+la are still +nder/oin/ ra3id cell division, 0a2in/ it s3eci0en li2el -ave 0an cells at vario+s sta/es o t-e cell lie ccle. 6Kevin Patton7
At t-e end o t-e ex3eri0ent, t-e st+dents concl+ded t-at even t-o+/- cells are s0aller t-an a dot, its +nction is ver essential to ever livin/ t-in/. #o/et-er it- t-e ot-er cells, t-e or0 tiss+es t-at t-e0selves or0 or/ans, and event+all entire or/anis0s. Eac- and ever str+ct+re o t-e cell -as a s3eciic 3+r3ose it- 0an o t-e0 -avin/ a 0+lti3le +nctions. "oreover, t-e also discovered t-at -+0an cell is sa0e as t-e ani0al cell b+t dierent ro0 3lant cell. All in all, cells 0a be s0all b+t t-e -ave t-e bi//est res3onsibilities -ic- are to be t-e s+33ort and o+ndation o ever livin/ or/anis0.
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