IMPORTANT NOTE: BPM does not provide IMPORTANT provide any warranties or guarantees relating to the correctness of the formulas or outputs contained in this model.
Best Practice Modelling Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Primary Developer: BPM Cover Notes - This is a simple exampl example e of a best practice practice forecast forecast business business planning planning model. model. - The purpose of this model is to provide an example of a forecast business planning model developed using bpmToolbox in accordance with the Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards. - To navigate or view the content of this this model, click on the 'Go to Table of of Contents' hyperlink above. above. - Subscribe to the Best Practice Modelling Network to be notified of new best practice example models. - For mo more re inf inform ormati ation on see see:: Model Notes
Table of Contents Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Cover Sheet
Section & Sheet Titles
1. Ov Over ervi view ew
1.1. 1. 1. No Note tes s
a. Mod Model el Notes Notes
1.2. Keys a. Keys Keys - Formats & Styles Key - Sheet Naming Key - Range Naming Key
2. Ass Assum umpt ptio ions ns 2.1. Tim Time e Series Assumpti Assumptions ons
7 8 -
11 12
a. Time Series Series Assumptio Assumptions ns
2.2. Fore Forecast cast Assumpt Assumptions ions
a. Assump Assumptio tions ns - Operational - Assumptions - Working Capital - Assumptions Assumptions - Assets - Assumptions - Capital - Assumptions - Taxation - Assumptions - Other Balance Sheet Items - Assumptions
15 -
Table of Contents Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Cover Sheet
Section & Sheet Titles 3. Ou Outp tput uts s 3.1. Forecast Outputs a. Outp Output utss - Operational - Outputs - Working Capital - Outputs - Assets - Outputs - Capital - Outputs - Taxation - Output Summary - Other Balance Sheet Items - Outputs
3.2. Financ Financial ial Statem Statements ents a. Income Income Statem Statement ent b. Balan Balance ce Sheet c. Cash Flow Flow Statemen Statementt - Direct Cash Flow Statement - Indirect Cash Flow Statement - Capital Providers - Cash Flow Reconciliation
3.3. Dashboard Outputs a. Busin Business ess Planning Planning Summary Summary
4. App Append endice ices s 4.1. 4. 1. Ch Chec ecks ks a. Checks - Error Checks - Sensitivity Checks - Alert Checks
4.2.. Loo 4.2 Lookup kup Table Tables s a. Time Series Series Lookup Lookup Tables Tables b. Capita Capitall - Lookup Lookup Tables Tables c. Dashb Dashboards oards - Lookup Lookup Tables Tables
Total Pages:
Page 20 21 22 -
30 31 32 34 -
37 38
39 40 41 -
44 45 48 49 49
Overview Section 1. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Section Cover Notes Contains notes explaining the purpose and use of this model and where more help can be obtained. Contains diagrams summarising designated components of the model. Also contains contains keys explaining explaining the Formats Formats & Styles, Styles, Sheet Naming Naming & Range Naming principles principles used in this model.
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Notes Sub-Section 1.1. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes Contains general notes about the purpose and use of this model. Also contains contact contact details for BPM.
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Model Notes Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
This model has been designed to provide an example of how bpmToolbox 6.0 can be used within Microsoft Excel to efficiently build a basic forecast business planning model in strict accordance with the Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards & Conventions.
Intended Audience
This model has been developed for those who: - Have purchased bpmToolbox 6.0; - Are currently trialing bpmToolbox; or - Are interested in understanding the benefits of using bpmToolbox.
Many components of this model have been significantly simplified to pre vent confusion.
This model has been built in accordance with Version 6.0 of the Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards. For more information on the standards go to
Applied Theme
This workbook has been built using the bpmToolbox 6.0 default theme - i.e. Styles, Colors, Page Setups, etc. These settings may differ from your personal or corporate theme settings.
Brief notes have been included throughout the Section Cover Sheets and Assumption Sheets within this workbook. These notes have been included in accordance with Best Practice and are not designed to provide detailed insight into how this model was developed or how it could be improved o r enhanced.
Further Training
BPM specializes in the provision of Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling products and services, including the provision of training and support services. This training and support ranges from our base courses (such as the bpmToolbox Fundamentals course) to courses customized to meet specific client needs. For more information on BPM's training and support services, contact BPM on the details provided below.
Contact BPM
Telephone: Email: Website:
BPM Level 8, 330 Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria Australia 3000 +613 9244 9800
[email protected]
To order the Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards, go to: Downloads:
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Keys Sub-Section 1.2. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes Contains Formats & Styles, Sheet Naming and Range Naming Keys explaining the approaches adopted throughout this model.
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Keys Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Formats & Styles Key Color Name
Color Description / Purpose
Font Colors Input (Blue)
Indicates ranges contain 100% input text / numbers.
Output (Black)
Indicates ranges contain 100% formulas / output calculations.
Mixed Cell (Green)
Indicates ranges contain a mixture of input text / numbers and formulae / output calculations.
Error (Red)
Indicates calculation errors – normally used as a conditional format.
Indicates ranges contain Hyperlinks to other ranges within the workbook or to other linked models.
Input Output Mixed Cell Error Hyperlink
Fill Colors Assumption Sheet (Grey)
Indicates sheet is an Assumption Sheet.
Work in Progress (WIP) (Yellow)
Indicates ranges contain data or formulae that remain uncertain or are subject to change.
Hidden Whit e (Whi te)
Indic ates A ssumpti on C el ls when used on t he int eri or of As sumpti on Sheets.
Hyperlink Type
Hyperlink Description / Purpose
Cover Hyperlink
Links Contents Sheet to Cover Sheet.
Go To Cover Sheet
Home Hyperlink
Links worksheets to Contents Sheet.
Go To Table of Contents
Custom Hyperlink
Links worksheet ranges to other worksheet ranges in the model.
Sheet Top Hyperlink
Scrolls worksheet to the upper-most viewable section.
Sheet Left Hyperlink
Links active worksheet to the previous visible worksheet.
Sheet Right Hyperlink
Links active worksheet to the next visible worksheet.
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Linked Cell Text
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Keys Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sheet Naming Key Base Sheet Type
Sheet Description / Purpose
Indicates the start of a workbook.
Contains the workbook Table of Contents.
Suffix Cover Contents
Section Cover
Indicates the start of a workbook section.
Sub-Section Cover
Indicates the start of a workbook sub-section.
Blank Assumption
Residual category (contains assumptions).
Time Series Assumption
Contains time series titles for entering assumptions over a set time frame.
Blank Output
Residual category (contains outputs).
Time Series Output
Contains time series titles for calculating outputs over a set time frame.
Contains lookup data for use in forms / controls and in worksheet formulas.
Model Schematic
Contains model diagrams and flow charts.
Contains a chart.
Model Import**
Contains formulas that reference worksheet ranges in another workbook.
Model Export**
Contains worksheet ranges that are referenced by formulas in another workbook.
Notes * The names of the Cover and Contents sheets are al ways "Cover" and "Contents" respectively. ** Model Import and Export Sheet suffixes are used in addit ion to the other sheet naming suffixes.
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Keys Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Range Naming Key Prefix
Range Type / Purpose
Range Description / Purpose
Row Array
Single row, multiple column, single area array.
Column Array
Single column, multiple row, single area array.
Block Array
Single area, multiple cell, non-row, non-column array.
Multiple Area Array
Multiple area (includes areas of any type).
Base Cell
Single cell base cell (for OFFSET function reference, etc).
Names a Lookup Table Array on a Lookup Sheet.
Hyperlink cell reference.
Check Box
Check box cell link.
Drop Down Box
Drop down box cell link.
List Box
List box cell link.
Option Button
Option button cell link.
Spin Button
Spin button cell link.
Scroll Bar
Scroll bar cell link.
Residual category (i.e. single cell non-base cells, etc).
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No Prefix
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Assumptions Section 2. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Section Cover Notes Contains base case assumptions used to generate the base case outputs.
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Time Series Assumptions Sub-Section 2.1. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes: Contains assumptions used to drive the time series analysis within the model.
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Time Series Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of C ontents
Time Series Assumptions Core Time Series Assumptions Primary Annual
Title Periodicity Financial Year End Start Date Periods Denomination
12 1-Jan-10 10 2
Historical & Forecast Period Titles Include in Period Titles? Actual Periods Budget Periods
Data & Projections - Timing Assumptions Data Term Basis Data - Active Periods Projections - Start Date
1 3 1-Jan-13
Notes - A Financial Year End assumption of 28th of February is assumed to be a month end financial year end, even in a leap year. - The "Model Denomination" assumption will not necessarily automatically change the denomination of the outputs of this model. - A "Budget Period" refers to either a period in the current financial year or periods containing combined actual and forecast data. - "Data & Projections - Timing Assumptions" are used as the basis for related data and projections time series sheets. - Use the bpmToolbox "Update Time Series Columns" tool to hide inactive data and projections time series periods.
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Forecast Assumptions Sub-Section 2.2. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes: Contains forecast assumptions for all areas within the underlying business.
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Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
30 45
30 45
30 45
30 45
30 45
30 45
90.0% 25.0%
90.0% 25.0%
90.0% 25.0%
90.0% 25.0%
Operational - Assumptions Base Amount 125.0 25.0 40.0 15.0 2.5
Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expenditure Capital Expenditure - Assets Capital Expenditure - Intangibles
Periodic Growth Rate (%) 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%
Notes 1. Revenue and expense base amount assumptions are specified in $Millions. 2. Revenue and expense assumptions are entered as positive numbers.
Working Capital - Assumptions Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable
Opening Balance 21.0 16.0
Error Check (Invalid Days Assumption)
Debtors/Creditors Days 30 30 45 45 -
Notes 1. Opening balance assumptions are specified in $Millions. 2. Debtors/creditors days assumptions cannot be greater than the number of days in that period.
Assets - Assumptions Assets Intangible Assets
Opening Balance 145.0 11.5
Depreciation/Amortization - % of Capital Expenditure 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0%
Notes 1. Opening balance assumptions are specified in $Millions.
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Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
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2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
Page 16 of 50
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0 45.0 55.0
55.0 55.0
55.0 55.0
55.0 55.0
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
Capital - Assumptions Debt - Assumptions Funds Drawn ($Millions) Opening Balance Debt Drawdowns Debt Repayments Closing Debt Balance Drawdowns/Repayments % into Period Interest Expense Opening Interest Payable Base Interest Rate (% p.a.) Margin (% p.a.) All-In Interest Rate (% p.a.)
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5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
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Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
Yes 50.0% -
Yes 50.0% -
Yes 50.0% -
Yes 50.0% -
Yes 50.0% -
Yes 50.0% -
Yes 50.0% -
Ordinary Equity - Assumptions Ordinary Equity Balances ($Millions) Opening Balance Equity Raisings Equity Repayments Closing Ordinary Equity Dividends Payable & Paid Opening Balance Dividend Determination Method: Dividend Declaration Period? Dividend Payout Ratio - % of NPAT Assumed Dividends - Not Applied ###
Include Opening Retained Profits in NPAT?
Limit dividends to prevent negative Cash at Bank?
Yes 50.0% -
Notes 1. Dividends cannot be negative. 2. Dividends cannot exceed accumulated Retained Profits (Opening Retained Profits + Net Profit After Tax) in any period.
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Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
Taxation - Assumptions Tax Payable ($Millions) Opening Tax Payable
Taxation Rate Corporate Taxation Rate
Notes 1. Tax is assumed to be paid in the period after tax expense is incurred. 2. The Corporate Taxation Rate is limited to a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 100%. 3. Tax calculations do not allow for tax losses, deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities - i.e. negative tax expense will result in cash tax receipts.
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2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Assumptions Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0
9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0
Other Balance Sheet Items - Assumptions Cash at Bank ($Millions) Opening Cash at Bank
Other Balance Sheet Items ($Millions) Other Other Other Other
Current Assets Current Liabilities Non-Current Assets Non-Current Liabilities
Opening Balance 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Notes 1. Opening balance assumptions are specified in $Millions. 2. Retained Profits are used to balance the Opening Balance Sheet. 3. Other Current Assets and Other Current Liabilities assumed to impact Other Operating Cash Flows. 4. Other Non-Current Assets and Non-Other Current Liabilities assumed to impact Other Investing Cash Flows.
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Outputs Section 3. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Section Cover Notes Contains base case outputs - i.e. includes only the impacts of base case assumptions.
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Forecast Outputs Sub-Section 3.1. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes: Contains forecast outputs for all areas within the underlying business other than financial statements.
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Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
125.0 25.0 40.0 15.0 2.5
128.1 25.6 41.0 15.4 2.6
131.3 26.3 42.0 15.8 2.6
134.6 26.9 43.1 16.2 2.7
138.0 27.6 44.2 16.6 2.8
141.4 28.3 45.3 17.0 2.8
145.0 29.0 46.4 17.4 2.9
148.6 29.7 47.5 17.8 3.0
Operational - Outputs Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expenditure Capital Expenditure - Assets Capital Expenditure - Intangibles
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Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of C ontents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
10.3 128.1 (127.9) 10.5
10.5 131.3 (131.1) 10.8
10.8 134.6 (134.3) 11.1
11.1 138.0 (137.7) 11.3
11.3 141.4 (141.1) 11.6
11.6 145.0 (144.7) 11.9
11.9 148.6 (148.3) 12.2
2.5% 30
2.2% 30
2.8% 30
2.5% 30
2.5% 30
2.2% 30
2.8% 30
Working Capital - Outputs Accounts Receivable Balances ($Millions) Opening Balance Revenue Cash Receipts Closing Balance
21.0 125.0 (135.7) 10.3
Closing Balance Periodic Growth (% per Year) Debtors Days
Total Error Checks Result
Accounts Payable Balances ($Millions) Opening Balance Costs Cash Payments Closing Balance
16.0 65.0 (73.0) 8.0
Closing Balance Periodic Growth (% per Year) Creditors Days
Total Error Checks Result
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8.0 66.6 (66.4) 8.2
8.2 68.3 (68.1) 8.4
8.4 70.0 (69.8) 8.6
8.6 71.7 (71.5) 8.8
8.8 73.5 (73.3) 9.1
9.1 75.4 (75.2) 9.3
2.5% 45
2.2% 45
2.8% 45
2.5% 45
2.5% 45
2.2% 45
Page 24 of 50
9.3 77.3 (77.0) 9.5 2.8% 45
Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
149.6 16.2 (14.5) 151.2
151.2 16.6 (14.9) 152.9
152.9 17.0 (15.3) 154.6
154.6 17.4 (15.7) 156.3
156.3 17.8 (16.0) 158.1
Assets - Outputs Assets Balances ($Millions) Opening Balance Capital Expenditure - Assets Depreciation Closing Balance Total Error Checks Result
145.0 15.0 (13.5) 146.5 -
146.5 15.4 (13.8) 148.0
148.0 15.8 (14.2) 149.6
Intangibles Balances ($Millions) Opening Balance Capital Expenditure - Intangibles Amortization Closing Balance Total Error Checks Result
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11.5 2.5 (0.6) 13.4 -
13.4 2.6 (0.6) 15.3
15.3 2.6 (0.7) 17.3
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17.3 2.7 (0.7) 19.3 -
19.3 2.8 (0.7) 21.4 -
21.4 2.8 (0.7) 23.5 -
23.5 2.9 (0.7) 25.7 -
25.7 3.0 (0.7) 27.9 -
Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0 (45.0) 55.0
55.0 55.0
55.0 55.0
55.0 55.0
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
5.00% 1.50% 6.50%
12 100.0% 50.0% 50.0 3.3
12 100.0% 50.0% 50.0 3.3
12 100.0% 50.0% 50.0 3.3
12 100.0% 50.0% 50.0 3.3
12 100.0% 50.0% 52.5 3.4
12 100.0% 50.0% 55.0 3.6
12 100.0% 50.0% 55.0 3.6
12 100.0% 50.0% 55.0 3.6
Capital - Outputs Debt - Outputs Funds Drawn ($Millions) Opening Balance Debt Drawdowns Debt Repayments Closing Debt Balance Interest Expense Base Interest Rate (% p.a.) Margin (% p.a.) All-In Interest Rate (% p.a.) Months in Financial Year Period % of Full Year Drawdowns/Repayments % into Period Average Debt Outstanding Interest Expense Opening Interest Payable Interest Expense Interest Paid Closing Interest Payable
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3.3 (3.3) -
3.3 (3.3) -
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3.3 (3.3) -
3.3 (3.3) -
3.4 (3.4) -
3.6 (3.6) -
3.6 (3.6) -
3.6 (3.6) -
Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
75.0 75.0
14.9 (14.9) -
15.3 (15.3) -
15.7 (15.7) -
16.2 (16.2) -
16.5 (16.5) -
16.9 (16.9) -
17.4 (17.4) -
17.8 (17.8) -
Ordinary Equity - Outputs Ordinary Equity Balances ($Millions) Opening Balance Equity Raisings Equity Repayments Closing Ordinary Equity Dividends Payable & Paid Opening Balance Dividends Declared During Period Dividends Paid During Period Closing Dividends Payable Total Error Checks Result
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Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Dividends Payable & Paid - Calculation Dividend Determination Method:
% of NPAT
Dividend Declaration Period?
Opening Retained Profits Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) Maximum Dividends Allowed Opening Cash at Bank Cash Flow Available for Dividends Total Available Cash For Dividends Dividend Payout Ratio - % of NPAT Assumed Dividends - Not Applied Target Dividends Declared Actual Dividends Declared Alert Check (Limited Dividends)
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29.8 29.8 15.0 38.5 53.5 50.0% 14.9 14.9
60.9 30.6 91.6 38.6 27.5 66.0 50.0% 15.3 15.3
76.2 31.5 107.7 50.7 28.2 78.9 50.0% 15.7 15.7
92.0 32.3 124.3 63.2 29.0 92.2 50.0% 16.2 16.2
108.1 33.1 141.2 76.0 34.6 110.6 50.0% 16.5 16.5
124.7 33.8 158.5 94.1 30.3 124.4 50.0% 16.9 16.9
141.6 34.7 176.3 107.5 31.2 138.6 50.0% 17.4 17.4
158.9 35.7 194.6 121.2 32.0 153.2 50.0% 17.8 17.8
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Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Taxation - Output Summary Tax Expense ($Millions) Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expenditure Depreciation Amortization Interest Expense Net Profit Before Tax (NPBT)
125.0 (25.0) (40.0) (13.5) (0.6) (3.3) 42.6
128.1 (25.6) (41.0) (13.8) (0.6) (3.3) 43.8
131.3 (26.3) (42.0) (14.2) (0.7) (3.3) 44.9
134.6 (26.9) (43.1) (14.5) (0.7) (3.3) 46.2
138.0 (27.6) (44.2) (14.9) (0.7) (3.4) 47.2
141.4 (28.3) (45.3) (15.3) (0.7) (3.6) 48.3
145.0 (29.0) (46.4) (15.7) (0.7) (3.6) 49.6
148.6 (29.7) (47.5) (16.0) (0.7) (3.6) 51.0
Accounting Taxable Profit / (Loss)
3.5 12.8 (3.5) 12.8
12.8 13.1 (12.8) 13.1
13.1 13.5 (13.1) 13.5
13.5 13.8 (13.5) 13.8
13.8 14.2 (13.8) 14.2
14.2 14.5 (14.2) 14.5
14.5 14.9 (14.5) 14.9
14.9 15.3 (14.9) 15.3
Corporate Taxation Rate Tax Expense / (Benefit)
Tax Payable (& Paid) Opening Balance Tax Expense / (Benefit) Tax Paid Closing Balance
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Outputs Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
2.0 1.0 3.0
3.0 1.0 4.0
4.0 1.0 5.0
5.0 1.0 6.0
6.0 1.0 7.0
7.0 1.0 8.0
8.0 1.0 9.0
9.0 1.0 10.0
3.0 1.0 4.0
4.0 1.0 5.0
5.0 1.0 6.0
6.0 1.0 7.0
7.0 1.0 8.0
8.0 1.0 9.0
9.0 1.0 10.0
10.0 1.0 11.0
4.0 1.0 5.0
5.0 1.0 6.0
6.0 1.0 7.0
7.0 1.0 8.0
8.0 1.0 9.0
9.0 1.0 10.0
10.0 1.0 11.0
11.0 1.0 12.0
5.0 1.0 6.0
6.0 1.0 7.0
7.0 1.0 8.0
8.0 1.0 9.0
9.0 1.0 10.0
10.0 1.0 11.0
11.0 1.0 12.0
12.0 1.0 13.0
Other Balance Sheet Items - Outputs Other Current Assets ($Millions) Opening Balance Movement Closing Balance
Other Current Liabilities ($Millions) Opening Balance Movement Closing Balance
Other Non-Current Assets ($Millions) Opening Balance Movement Closing Balance
Other Non-Current Liabilities ($Millions) Opening Balance Movement Closing Balance
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Financial Statements Sub-Section 3.2. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes: Contains the forecast Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement.
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Income Statement Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
131.3 (26.3)
134.6 (26.9)
138.0 (27.6)
141.4 (28.3)
145.0 (29.0)
148.6 (29.7)
Income Statement - Base Case ($Millions) Revenue Cost of Goods Sold
125.0 (25.0)
Gross Margin
Operating Expenditure
EBITDA Depreciation & Amortization
EBIT Interest Expense
Tax Expense / (Benefit) Net Profit After Tax
Error Check
Notes 1. Revenues and expenses enter the Income Statement as positive and negative numbers respectively. Go to Balance Sheet
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Net Profit Before Tax
128.1 (25.6)
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Balance Sheet Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
38.6 10.3 3.0 51.8
50.7 10.5 4.0 65.3
63.2 10.8 5.0 79.0
76.0 11.1 6.0 93.1
94.1 11.3 7.0 112.4
107.5 11.6 8.0 127.1
121.2 11.9 9.0 142.1
135.4 12.2 10.0 157.6
146.5 13.4 5.0 164.9
148.0 15.3 6.0 169.3
149.6 17.3 7.0 173.9
151.2 19.3 8.0 178.5
152.9 21.4 9.0 183.2
154.6 23.5 10.0 188.1
156.3 25.7 11.0 193.0
158.1 27.9 12.0 198.0
8.0 12.8 4.0 24.8
8.2 13.1 5.0 26.3
8.4 13.5 6.0 27.9
8.6 13.8 7.0 29.5
8.8 14.2 8.0 31.0
9.1 14.5 9.0 32.6
9.3 14.9 10.0 34.2
9.5 15.3 11.0 35.8
Balance Sheet - Base Case ($Millions) Current Assets Cash at Bank Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets Total Current Assets
Non-Current Assets Assets Intangibles Deferred Tax Assets Other Non-Current Assets Total Non-Current Assets
Total Assets Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Tax Payable Debt Interest Payable Ordinary Equity Dividends Payable Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities
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Balance Sheet Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
50.0 6.0 56.0
50.0 7.0 57.0
50.0 8.0 58.0
50.0 9.0 59.0
55.0 10.0 65.0
55.0 11.0 66.0
55.0 12.0 67.0
55.0 13.0 68.0
75.0 60.9
75.0 76.2
75.0 92.0
75.0 108.1
75.0 124.7
75.0 141.6
75.0 158.9
75.0 176.8
Non-Current Liabilities Debt Deferred Tax Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities Net Assets Equity Ordinary Equity Retained Profits
Total Equity Total Error Check Result Alert Check (Negative Cash)
Go to Income Statement Go to Cash Flow Statement
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Cash Flow Statement Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
135.7 (73.0) (3.3) (3.5) (1.0) 1.0 56.0
127.9 (66.4) (3.3) (12.8) (1.0) 1.0 45.4
131.1 (68.1) (3.3) (13.1) (1.0) 1.0 46.6
134.3 (69.8) (3.3) (13.5) (1.0) 1.0 47.8
137.7 (71.5) (3.4) (13.8) (1.0) 1.0 48.9
141.1 (73.3) (3.6) (14.2) (1.0) 1.0 50.1
144.7 (75.2) (3.6) (14.5) (1.0) 1.0 51.5
148.3 (77.0) (3.6) (14.9) (1.0) 1.0 52.8
(15.0) (2.5) (1.0) 1.0 (17.5)
(15.4) (2.6) (1.0) 1.0 (17.9)
(15.8) (2.6) (1.0) 1.0 (18.4)
(16.2) (2.7) (1.0) 1.0 (18.8)
(16.6) (2.8) (1.0) 1.0 (19.3)
(17.0) (2.8) (1.0) 1.0 (19.8)
(17.4) (2.9) (1.0) 1.0 (20.3)
(17.8) (3.0) (1.0) 1.0 (20.8)
(14.9) (14.9)
(15.3) (15.3)
(15.7) (15.7)
(16.2) (16.2)
50.0 (45.0) (16.5) (11.5)
(16.9) (16.9)
(17.4) (17.4)
(17.8) (17.8)
Direct Cash Flow Statement Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cash Receipts Cash Payments Interest Paid Tax Paid Decrease in Other Current Assets Increase in Other Current Liabilities Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Cash Flow from Investing Activities Capital Expenditure - Assets Capital Expenditure - Intangibles Decrease in Other Non-Current Assets Increase in Other Non-Current Liabilities Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Cash Flow from Financing Activities Debt Drawdowns Debt Repayments Equity Raisings Equity Repayments Dividends Paid During Period Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash Held
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Cash Flow Statement Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Indirect Cash Flow Statement Cash Flow from Operating Activities Net Profit After Tax (Add Back) Tax Expense (Add Back) Total Debt Interest Expense (Add Back) Total Book Depreciation & Amortisation Decrease in Accounts Receivable Increase in Accounts Payable Interest Paid Tax Paid Decrease in Other Current Assets Increase in Other Current Liabilities Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities
29.8 12.8 3.3 14.1 10.7 (8.0) (3.3) (3.5) (1.0) 1.0 56.0
30.6 13.1 3.3 14.5 (0.3) 0.2 (3.3) (12.8) (1.0) 1.0 45.4
31.5 13.5 3.3 14.8 (0.2) 0.2 (3.3) (13.1) (1.0) 1.0 46.6
32.3 13.8 3.3 15.2 (0.3) 0.2 (3.3) (13.5) (1.0) 1.0 47.8
33.1 14.2 3.4 15.6 (0.3) 0.2 (3.4) (13.8) (1.0) 1.0 48.9
33.8 14.5 3.6 16.0 (0.3) 0.2 (3.6) (14.2) (1.0) 1.0 50.1
34.7 14.9 3.6 16.4 (0.3) 0.2 (3.6) (14.5) (1.0) 1.0 51.5
35.7 15.3 3.6 16.8 (0.3) 0.3 (3.6) (14.9) (1.0) 1.0 52.8
(15.0) (2.5) (1.0) 1.0 (17.5)
(15.4) (2.6) (1.0) 1.0 (17.9)
(15.8) (2.6) (1.0) 1.0 (18.4)
(16.2) (2.7) (1.0) 1.0 (18.8)
(16.6) (2.8) (1.0) 1.0 (19.3)
(17.0) (2.8) (1.0) 1.0 (19.8)
(17.4) (2.9) (1.0) 1.0 (20.3)
(17.8) (3.0) (1.0) 1.0 (20.8)
(14.9) (14.9)
(15.3) (15.3)
(15.7) (15.7)
(16.2) (16.2)
50.0 (45.0) (16.5) (11.5)
(16.9) (16.9)
(17.4) (17.4)
(17.8) (17.8)
Cash Flow from Investing Activities Capital Expenditure - Assets Capital Expenditure - Intangibles Decrease in Other Non-Current Assets Increase in Other Non-Current Liabilities Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Cash Flow from Financing Activities Debt Drawdowns Debt Repayments Equity Raisings Equity Repayments Dividends Paid During Period Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash Held
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Cash Flow Statement Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
45.4 (17.9) 3.3 30.7 (3.3) 27.5 27.5 (15.3) 12.1
46.6 (18.4) 3.3 31.5 (3.3) 28.2 28.2 (15.7) 12.5
47.8 (18.8) 3.3 32.2 (3.3) 29.0 29.0 (16.2) 12.8
48.9 (19.3) 3.4 33.0 (3.4) 50.0 (45.0) 34.6 34.6 (16.5) 18.1
50.1 (19.8) 3.6 33.9 (3.6) 30.3 30.3 (16.9) 13.4
51.5 (20.3) 3.6 34.7 (3.6) 31.2 31.2 (17.4) 13.8
52.8 (20.8) 3.6 35.6 (3.6) 32.0 32.0 (17.8) 14.1
Capital Providers - Cash Flow Reconciliation Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (Add Back) Interest Paid Cash Flow Available To Capital Providers Interest Paid Debt Drawdowns Debt Repayments Cash Flow Available to Equity (CFAE) Equity Raisings Equity Repayments Cash Flow Available for Dividends Dividends Paid During Period Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash Held Total Error Checks Result
56.0 (17.5) 3.3 41.7 (3.3) 38.5 38.5 (14.9) 23.6 -
Notes 1. All values are stated in $Millions unless stated otherwise. Go to Income Statement Go to Balance Sheet
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Dashboard Outputs Sub-Section 3.3. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes: Contains a dashboard-style presentation output sheet.
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Business Planning Summary Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Income Statement Year Ending 31 December
[Insert Tile 2 Heading]
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
Revenue Cost of Goods Sold Gross Margin Operating Expenditure EBITDA Depreciation & Amortization EBIT Interest Expense Net Profit Before Tax Tax Expense / (Benefit) Net Profit After Tax
125.0 (25.0) 100.0 (40.0) 60.0 (14.1) 45.9 (3.3) 42.6 (12.8) 29.8
128.1 (25.6) 102.5 (41.0) 61.5 (14.5) 47.0 (3.3) 43.8 (13.1) 30.6
131.3 (26.3) 105.1 (42.0) 63.0 (14.8) 48.2 (3.3) 44.9 (13.5) 31.5
134.6 (26.9) 107.7 (43.1) 64.6 (15.2) 49.4 (3.3) 46.2 (13.8) 32.3
138.0 (27.6) 110.4 (44.2) 66.2 (15.6) 50.6 (3.4) 47.2 (14.2) 33.1
141.4 (28.3) 113.1 (45.3) 67.9 (16.0) 51.9 (3.6) 48.3 (14.5) 33.8
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold
155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Balance Sheet Year Ending 31 December Current Assets Non-Current Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities
2010 (F) 51.8 164.9 216.7 24.8 56.0 80.8
2011 (F) 65.3 169.3 234.6 26.3 57.0 83.3
2012 (F) 79.0 173.9 252.9 27.9 58.0 85.9
2013 (F) 93.1 178.5 271.6 29.5 59.0 88.5
2014 (F) 112.4 183.2 295.7 31.0 65.0 96.0
127.1 188.1 315.1 32.6 66.0 98.6
Net Assets
Ordinary Equity Retained Profits Total Equity
75.0 60.9 135.9
75.0 76.2 151.2
75.0 92.0 167.0
75.0 108.1 183.1
75.0 124.7 199.7
75.0 141.6 216.6
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
[Insert Tile 4 Heading]
Operating Expenditure
2015 (F)
Operating Expenditure 50
EBITDA Breakdown Revenue
Cost of Goods Sold
Operating Expenditure
42 40
36 2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
(100) 2010 (F)
2011 (F)
2012 (F)
2013 (F)
2014 (F)
2015 (F)
2016 (F)
2017 (F)
Cash Flow Statement Year Ending 31 December
2010 (F)
2011 (F)
Cash Receipts Cash Payments Other Operating Cash Flows Operating Cash Flows
135.7 (73.0) (6.8) 56.0
127.9 (66.4) (16.0) 45.4
131.1 (68.1) (16.4) 46.6
134.3 (69.8) (16.7) 47.8
137.7 (71.5) (17.3) 48.9
141.1 (73.3) (17.7) 50.1
Capital Expenditure Other Investing Cash Flows Investing Cash Flows
(17.5) (17.5)
(17.9) (17.9)
(18.4) (18.4)
(18.8) (18.8)
(19.3) (19.3)
(19.8) (19.8)
Debt Drawdowns/(Repayments) Equity Drawdowns/(Repayments) Equity Dividends Paid Financing Cash Flows
(14.9) (14.9)
(15.3) (15.3)
(15.7) (15.7)
(16.2) (16.2)
5.0 (16.5) (11.5)
(16.9) (16.9)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held
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[Insert Tile 6 Heading] Operating Expenditure - Committed vs. Discretionary - 2010(F)
Net Assets - 1
200.0 80.8 Discretionar y 53%
Committed 47%
216.7 135.9
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Net Assets
Appendices Section 4. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Section Cover Notes Contains checks and lookup tables.
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Checks Sub-Section 4.1. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes Contains error, sensitivity and alert checks.
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Checks Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Error Checks ## Include summary in model name?
Errors Detected - Summary Total Errors: Error Message (Empty if None):
Error Checks Error Checks Working Capital - Assumptions Accounts Receivable Balances ($Millions) Accounts Payable Balances ($Millions) Assets Balances ($Millions) Intangibles Balances ($Millions) Ordinary Equity - Outputs Income Statement Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Total Errors:
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Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Checks Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sensitivity Checks ## Include summary in model name?
Sensitivities Detected - Summary Total Sensitivities: Sensitivity Message (Empty if None):
Sensitivity Checks Sensitivity Checks
Total Sensitivities:
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Checks Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Alert Checks ## Include summary in model name?
Alerts Detected - Summary Total Alerts: Alert Message (Empty if None):
Alert Checks Alert Checks Ordinary Equity - Outputs Balance Sheet Total Alerts:
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Yes Yes
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Lookup Tables Sub-Section 4.2. Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Sub-Section Cover Notes Contains model lookup tables.
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Time Series Lookup Tables Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Time Series Lookup Tables Month Days
Names Month Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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Time Series Lookup Tables Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Time Series Lookup Tables Month Names
Names Month Names January February March April May June July August September October November December
Names Denomination $Billions $Millions $'000 $
Data Term Basis Data Term Basis Active Data Periods Projections Start
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LU_Denom Billions Millions Thousands Currency
Names LU_Data_Term_Basis
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Time Series Lookup Tables Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Time Series Lookup Tables Periodicity
Names Periodicity Annual Semi-Annual Quarterly Monthly
Period Type Names Period Type Names Year Half Year Quarter Month
Periods In Year Periods In Year 1 2 4 12
Conversion Factors Conversion Factors 10 100 1,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000
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LU_Periodicity Annual Semi_Annual Qtrly Mthly
Names LU_Period_Type_Names Yr_Name Half_Yr_Name Qtr_Name Mth_Name
Names LU_Pers_In_Yr Yrs_In_Yr Halves_In_Yr Qtrs_In_Yr Mths_In_Yr
Ten Hundred Thousand Million Billion
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Capital - Lookup Tables Forecast Business Planning Model 6.0 (Basic) Go to Table of Contents
Capital - Lookup Tables Dividend Method Lookup Dividend Method % of NPAT Assume Dividend Amounts
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Names: LU_Eq_Ord_Div_Meth
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