ASSESSMENT TASK: TASK: 01 Identify Change Requirements Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date dat e se!ified "y your assessor# Any $ariations to this arrangement must "e aro$ed in %riting "y your assessor# Su"mit this do!ument %ith any required e$iden!e atta!hed# See se!ifi!ations "e&o% for detai&s# Performance objective
The !andidate %i&& demonstrate the ski&&s and kno%&edge required to identify change requirements requirements for an organisation# Assessment Assessment description
'sing the Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd s!enario information su&ied in appendix 1( the !andidate %i&&: • • • • • •
identify strategi! !hange needs( re$ie% e)isting o&i!y( monitor trends in the e)terna& en$ironment that ima!t on organisation*s o"+e!ti$es( identify oerationa& !hange o"+e!ti$es( rioritise !hange requirements( and !onsu&t e)erts or se!ia&ists to assist in identifi!ation of !hange requirements and oortunities#
The !andidate %i&& then %rite a reort to management out&ining the !hange requirements# Task
It is the end of the ,011 finan!ia& year# -ou -ou are an e)terna& !hange management mana gement !onsu&tant em&oyed "y .ast Tra!k Couriers# -ou -ou ha$e "een "ee n asked "y the /enera& Manager to reare a reort to identify oortunities and requirements for !hange for the organisation in the !oming year# -ou ha$e "een gi$en some information a"out the organisation and the organisation*s strategi! goa&s# Se!ifi! oerationa& and human resour!es goa&s %ere de$e&oed to suort the strategi! goa&s# &ease see Appendix 1# The strategi! goa&s %ere de$e&oed as a resu&t of e)terna& market resear!h indi!ating an oortunity for .ast Tra!k Couriers to "ui&d market share in Sydney# The "usiness has the oortunity to in!rease Sydney market share "y #23 on the "a!k of in!reased effi!ien!y and shorter de&i$ery times from &arger tru!k f&eet and imro$ed distri"ution systems# -ou ha$e a&so "een gi$en some information a"out em&oyees and some "a!kground information regarding the organisation*s %orkfor!e re&ations#
4efore su"mitting the fina& reort( you %i&& need to re$ie% your roosed !hanges %ith a&& re&e$ant manager stakeho&ders# The /enera& Manager is $ery !on!erned a"out identifying !hange requirements in !&ose !onsu&tation %ith key management stakeho&ders %ithin the organisation in order to ensure the &east resistan!e to im&ementation# Procedure
1# Re$ie% the s!enario information ro$ided 5in the Aendi) of this task6 for .ast Tra!k Couriers# ,# reare to %rite a reort on !hange requirements for .ast Tra!k "y fo&&o%ing stes 7810 "e&o%# 7# Ana&yse the organisationa& o"+e!ti$es ro$ided in the s!enario to identify the !hange requirements for .ast Tra!k Couriers: a# Identify requirements for !hange "# reare an e)&anation of ho% your identified !hange needs &ink to the organisation*s strategi! &an goa&9s# # Re$ie% the organisation*s !urrent state to understand ho% the !urrent o&i!ies( ra!ti!es and oerations de&i$er against the organisation*s strategi! goa&s# Re$ie% the organisation*s erforman!e against o"+e!ti$es %ith regards to its: a# eo&e "# ro!esses !# Te!hno&ogy d# stru!ture# 2# Monitor e)terna& trends to identify e$ents or trends %hi!h may ima!t on the a!hie$ement of the organisation*s strategi! &an goa&s: a# identify t%o e)terna& trends "# de$e&o an e)&anation of ho% the trends !urrent&y ima!t or %i&& ima!t organisationa& o"+e!ti$es # ;# Identify ma+or oerationa& !hange requirements: a# identify !hanges due to erforman!e gas "# identify !hanges due to "usiness oortunities !# identify !hanges due to threats d# identify !hanges due to management de!isions# # Identify se!ia&ists to "e !onsu&ted to assist %ith identifying !hange needs: a# identify se!ia&ists you %i&& engage to he& identify !hange requirements and "e reared to e)&ain your reasons for engaging these se!ia&ists "# identify %hat !onsu&ting mode& you %ou&d adot to engage the se!ia&ists and "e reared to e)&ain %hy you %ou&d use this mode <# Assume your assessor is a se!ia&ist9e)ert of the kind you ha$e identified in ste # Consu&t %ith your assessor to assist %ith identifi!ation of !hange management requirements and oortunities# =# Identify the managers that need to "e informed# reare a &an that identifies %ho( %hen and ho% stakeho&der managers %i&& "e engaged to re$ie% and rioritise !hange requirements# 10# Assume your assessor is a manager you ha$e identified# Consu&t %ith your assessor to re$ie% the !hanges you roose and to he& you rioritise !hanges# Suggest and +ustify the riority you ha$e assigned to ea!h !hange you re!ommend#
11# reare a 7 to age reort detai&ing !hange requirements for the organisation# In!&ude a&& of the information you identified and e)&anations that you reared in stes 7810# 1,# Su"mit a&& do!uments to your assessor as er the se!ifi!ations "e&o%# Ensure you kee a !oy of a&& %ork su"mitted for your re!ords#
-ou must ro$ide: >ne reort detai&ing !hange requirements for the simu&ated organisation# -our assessor %i&& "e &ooking for: • • • • • • •
A 7 to age reort in!&uding a&& information identified in the ro!edure a"o$e kno%&edge of the ima!t of e)terna& trends on organisationa& !hange kno%&edge of se!ifi! organisationa& requirements &earning ski&&s to in!ororate ne% ideas into your reort on !hange requirements &anning ski&&s to organise engagement %ith manager stakeho&ders team%ork ski&&s to !onsu&t %ith re&e$ant eo&e for inut $er"a& !ommuni!ation ski&&s to des!ri"e( suort( and negotiate !hange requirements and riorities %ith stakeho&ders#
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Task: Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd It is the end of the ,011 finan!ia& year# -ou are an e)terna& !hange management !onsu&tant em&oyed "y .ast Tra!k Couriers# -ou ha$e "een asked "y the /enera& Manager to de$e&o a !hange management strategy and resent the strategy to management for aro$a Management has identified the fo&&o%ing high?riority !hange requirements: ● oal A: Im&ement @A9 /S usage 5rodu!ti$ity fun!tion6 on tru!k f&eet in the first
quarter of the ,01, finan!ia& year# ● oal !: Im&ement one erson9tru!k o&i!y using automati! &ift gates in the first quarter
of the ,01, finan!ia& year# A!hie$ement of these goa&s shou&d in!rease net rofit in th e ne)t finan!ia& year "y ,00(000 due to in!reased effi!ien!ies and in!reased "usiness# oal A is essentia& to the "usiness to ensure 5in riority order6:
1# Most effi!ient use of resour!es to !o$er market needs# Management %i&& &ook at more than the ra% hours sent on +o" and !onsider a&& fa!tors su!h as +o" diffi!u&ty( traffi! !onditions in order to otimise f&eet usage# ,# Bo" erforman!e measurement for training needs# 7# Re!ognition of outstanding erforman!e 5"onuses for e)!eeding targets ad$an!ement9 &eadershi oortunities6# oal ! is essentia& to the "usiness to ensure: ● Most effi!ient use of resour!es to !o$er market needs# ● Redu!ed need to hire e)terna& tru!kers use resent em&oyees as mu!h as ossi"&e# ● Redu!ed ossi"i&ity of &ifting in+ury#
The !hange management strategy( on!e aro$ed "y the /enera& Manager( shou&d "e im&emented immediate&y#
.ast Tra!k Couriers has im&emented and re!ruited the eo&e required to fi&& the ro&es in the fo&&o%ing organisationa& stru!ture:
General Manager/CF O
#uman $esources manager
Sales manager
Sales team (3)
Trucking manager
Trucking team (20)
Ofce manager
Aministrati!e su""ort/rece"ti on
#ana$erial duties"role description
/enera& manager9C.>
DR manager
Sa&es manager Tru!king 9oerations manager >ffi!e manager
>$ersees !omany aro$es ma+or "usiness de!isions su!h as strategi! goa&s( !hange management initiati$es reorts to "oard of dire!tors reares finan!ia& reorts# >$ersees and im&ements !hange management rograms !o&&e!t feed"a!k( assessment resu&ts( and a&& other data regarding !hange management ro$ides reort to the /enera& Manager on im&ementation of ma+or !hanges o$ersees re!ruitment# Coordinates sa&es team ro$ides sa&es team training manages erforman!e of sa&es team# Coordinates a!ti$ities of tru!king team manages erforman!e of tru!king team !omi&es rodu!ti$ity reorts manages oerations( authorises ur!hasing of oerationa& equiment et!# Coordinates a!ti$ities of a!!ountant and administrati$e suort# Authorises ayro&
The "udget for im&ementing the !hange strategy 5e)!&uding !ost of ne% tru!ks( te!hno&ogy and &ift gates( &ost rodu!ti$ity from tru!kers6 is ,2(000# >$erruns must "e aro$ed "y /enera& Manager#
-ou %i&& "e em&oyed for t%o %eeks fu&&?time 50 hrs9%eek6 and < hours a %eek unti& end of the first quarter# %esources:
The fo&&o%ing resour!es are a$ai&a"&e for your use: %esource
ro+e!t ana&yst9manager 5you6# Tru!king manager 54o" Rogers6# Sa&es team mem"er %ith high?&e$e& ora& and %ritten !ommuni!ation ski&&s to assist ne% Duman Resour!es manager 5Bessi!a Smith6# Ne% Duman Resour!es manager eggy Anderson6# @A9/S trainer 5Ba!k Ma!@ona&d6# ift gates trainer 5Erin Mit!he&&6 Dead offi!e training rooms equied %ith training su&ies for fi$e arti!iants# @A9/S de$i!e( "ased at offi!e# >ne ne% tru!k %ith tai& gate "ased at offi!e
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
8 1209hour
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
,nd %eek of Bu&y ,011 on&y#
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
ength of ro+e!t( as needed
>ther resour!es must "e requested for aro$a& "y /enera& Manager# &ducation" trainin$ ● oal A: Im&ement @A9 /S usage 5rodu!ti$ity fun!tion6 on tru!k f&eet in the first
quarter of the ,01, finan!ia& year# Requires a ha&f?day training session# ● oal !: Im&ement one erson9tru!k o&i!y using automati! &ift gates in the first quarter
of the ,01, finan!ia& year# Requires a ha&f?day training session# Project mana$ement reportin$
The /enera& Manager %ou&d &ike you to reort to her on a dai&y "asis in the initia& %eek of the ro+e!t and then %eek&y unti& the end of the first quarter# The DR manager shou&d re!ei$e a !oy of this reort#
.ast Tra!k Couriers o&i!y mandates the use of the fo&&o%ing ro+e!t management tem&ate# ● /reen: !om&eted ● Am"er: in rogress ● Red: not !om&eted#
%eportin$ element
Change goa& A
Im&ement @A9 /S usage 5rodu!ti$ity fun!tion6 on tru!k f&eet in the first quarter of the ,01, finan!ia& year#
ro+e!t management
@e&i$ery of ro+e!t a!ti$ities as er ro+e!t &an for ea!h stream eo&e ro!ess Te!hno&ogy Stru!ture
Stakeho&der Management
Stakeho&ders engaged and !omforta"&e %ith !urrent osition
Communi!ation &an a!ti$ities on s!hedu&e
Edu!ation &an a!ti$ities on s!hedu&e
Cost "enefits
ro+e!t "udget on tra!k Cost "enefits on tra!k to "e rea&ised
Risk Management
Risk management &an effe!ti$e&y managing risk
>$era&& status:
!ack$round information: Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd About Fast Track Couriers
.ast Tra!k Couriers is a !ourier !omany that has "een oerating in Ne% South Fa&es for the &ast 12 years# Its rimary "usiness fun!tion is de&i$ering medium to &arge siGe a!kages a!ross metroo&itan Sydney# Strate$ic plan $oals
The organisation*s strategi! goa&s are: ● To e)and "usiness in the metroo&itan area so that sma&& to medium a!kage
de&i$eries market share in!reases "y #23# ● To e)and the "usiness to in!&ude sma&& and medium a!kage de&i$eries to regiona&
NSF# ● To de$e&o an integrated aroa!h to distri"ution management uti&ising te!hno&ogy
su!h as @A de$i!es and /S# ● To de$e&o and maintain a !ohesi$e and %e&&?moti$ated %orkfor!e#
Strategi! goa&s are suorted "y the fo&&o%ing oerationa& and human resour!es goa&s# 'perational plan $oals ● Testing of the distri"ution management system is to !ease and a&&o% im&ementation
%ithin the first quarter of the ,01, finan!ia& year# ● The tru!k f&eet %i&& need to "e e)anded "y < tru!ks %ithin the ,01, finan!ia& year# ● Sma&& distri"ution hu"s %i&& "e ositioned at Mait&and( /ou&"urn( No%ra and 4athurst
ea!h manned "y t%o em&oyees %ithin the ne)t eighteen months# ● .ast Tra!k Couriers %i&& !om&ete ,03 of de&i$eries to reg iona& &o!ations in the ne)t
three years# (uman resources $oals: ● To in!ororate a Duman Resour!es fun!tion to fa!i&itate the !hanges in %orkfor!e
management in the first quarter of the ,01, finan!ia& year# ● Introdu!e rofessiona& de$e&oment and training to a!hie$e organisationa& goa&s and
romote understanding of organisation*s strategi! goa&s in the first quarter of the ,01, finan!ia& year# ● E&iminate industria& re&ations ro"&ems in the ,01, finan!ia& year# Con!&ude
negotiations %ith em&oyees and union# ● E&iminate &ifting in+uries#
&mployee profile )pre*c+an$es,
.ast Tra!k Couriers em&oyee the fo&&o%ing eo&e: ● /enera& manager 5/M6 8 /enera&&y on the road ne$er in offi!e# ● Chief finan!ia& offi!er 5C.>6 8 Reorts to /M and kees offi!e hours =82( Mon8.ri# ● A!!ountant 8 Reorts to C.> and kees offi!e hours =82( Mon8.ri# ● Tru!k dri$ers 5),06 8 Reort to offi!e# ● >ffi!e team manager 8 Reorts to /M and kees offi!e hours =82( Mon8.ri# ● >ffi!e team mem"ers 5)26 8 erform administrati$e( sa&es( !ustomer re&ationshi
management duties# Monitor tru!k dri$ers and hand&e enquiries# Reort to offi!e team manager# (ead office employees ● Co$ered under indi$idua& !ontra!ts# ● Sa&ary range 7,(00082(000 annum# ● Sma&& team of main&y fema&e em&oyees( ranging in age# ● ots of oortunity to arti!iate in &earning and de$e&oment rograms due to
management suort ho%e$er &itt&e desire to arti!iate# ● Digh em&oyee engagement s!ores# Em&oyees !ite team %ork and oortunities as
moti$ating fa!tors affe!ting the "usiness su!!ess# -rivers ● Co$ered "y an a%ard# ● Sa&ary 2(000 er annum# ● Dea$i&y unionised# ● Em&oyee demograhi!s are a&& ma&e em&oyees aged ,28;2# ● itt&e oortunity to arti!iate in &earning and de$e&oment rograms due to "eing on
the road ho%e$er( &itt&e to no interest to arti!iate in de$e&oment oortunities# ● arge num"er of %ork&a!e in+uries due to hea$y &ifting# ● o% em&oyee engagement s!ores# @ri$ers !ite ay as an issue# ● Current&y e)erien!ing &o% turno$er# ● Distory of industria& disutes regarding ay and re$ious !hange initiati$es#
!ack$round to .orkforce mana$ement and relations
T%e com"an& communicates 'it% em"lo&ees !ia email (or %ea ofce em"lo&ees an a "rinte mont%l& ne'sletter (or ri!ers) T%e com"an& "ro!ies in(ormation regaring "olicies "roceures t%roug% ocumente
manuals t%at are %el in eac% truck as an em"lo&ee manual) Ofce*+ase sta, can access co"ies o( t%ese manuals at t%e ofce) A&& tru!ks are fitted %ith a /S system to assist dri$ers %ith na$igating to ea!h i!k u and dro off &o!ation# Tru!ks are a&so assigned a @A that ro$ides dri$ers %ith the detai&s of ea!h i!k u and dro off and re!ords %hen a +o" starts and finishes# The data from this de$i!e is sent "a!k to head offi!e to monitor +o" rogress "ut is not used to !om&ete rodu!ti$ity reorting# Fhen this de$i!e %as introdu!ed( dri$ers %ere not hay as they fe&t the organisation %as saying that it did not trust the dri$ers to manua&&y re!ord the time sent on ea!h +o"# Many of the dri$ers a&so resented ha$ing to &earn ho% to use the de$i!e and thought it %as a %aste of time# Dead offi!e em&oyees %ork $ery !&ose&y together and are a $ery !ohesi$e and moti$ated team# They are ositi$e a"out the organisation*s dire!tion and resond %e&& to !hange# @ri$ers ha$e histori!a&&y rea!ted negati$e&y to !hange# Change im&emented in the ast has met %ith resistan!e and %as therefore diffi!u&t to im&ement# @ri$ers ha$e in the ast done their "est to "&o!k any !hanges from "eing im&emented( e$en going to the &engths of threatening strike a!tion and ha$ing the union in$o&$ed to assist %ith reso&$ing the issue# .ast Tra!k Couriers !urrent&y a&&o!ates t%o dri$ers er tru!k to ensure that dri$ers are a"&e to &oad and un&oad hea$y a!kages# The strategy going for%ard is to remo$e the need for ha$ing t%o dri$ers er tru!k "y insta&&ing an automati! &ift gate on the "a!k of ea!h gate at a !ost of 10(000 er tru!k# This %i&& mean that on&y one dri$er is needed er tru!k as no hea$y &ifting %i&& "e required# It is .ast Tra!k Couriers intention to use these sur&us dri$ers to dri$e the ne% tru!ks that %i&& "e ur!hased to ena"&e the !omany to e)tend its ser$i!es to regiona& NSF# @ri$ers are !urrent&y hay %ith the %ork en$ironment as they en+oy %orking as art of a t%o?man team# The organisation tyi!a&&y &ea$es the dri$ers a&one and &ets them do their +o" as this is %hat seems to make them hay# Management has tried in the ast to ha$e dri$ers arti!iate in organisationa& a!ti$ities# These a!ti$ities %ere not re!ei$ed ositi$e&y and the dri$ers !om&ained and asked not to "e in$o&$ed# The dri$ers* $ie% is that their referred team is their t%o?man dri$er team and they on&y see the "enefits of that se!ifi! %orking arrangement# There is a high $a&ue &a!ed on !ommuni!ation %ith tru!king team mem"ers#
Appendix / %isk mana$ement analysis
%isk " !arriers
a!k of trust regarding use of rodu!ti$ity data# Refusa& to im&ement#
Address em&oyee !on!erns# er!ei$ed threat to +o" se!urity Resistan!e to im&ementation#
Industria& a!tion#
Strate$ies for miti$atin$ risk Communi!ations and training to out&ine "usiness need# HTra!king rodu!ti$ity he&s imro$e the effi!ien!y of oerations( %here and %hen resour!es are de&oyed it is not a too& to erforman!e manage or ena&ise indi$idua&s#* Digh E)&ain !onne!tion "et%een "usiness e)ansion &ans and: in!reased +o" se!urity: "e!ause of the need for dri$ers to suort e)ansion "e!ause o$era&& rofita"i&ity and hea&th of the "usiness redu!es risk to e$eryone "enefit of training and !onsequent in!rease in em&oya"i&ity due to ne% ski&&s#
Address em&oyee !on!erns# /ain trust and a!!etan!e#