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Casting Project Report
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Project Report
Productivity Improvement of Non Ferrous Foundry A Project Report Submitted by
VATSAL DOSHI, INAL LAD, !OHA" !#HTA , PALASH SRIVASTAVA in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of
At !("#SH PAT#L S%HOOL OF T#%HNOLO&' !ANA!#NT AND #N&IN##RIN&, !(!$AI NOV#!$#R )*+
T-./e of %ontents
%0-pter No1
P-2e No1
List of Fi2ures
+1+ A.out Non Ferrous
+1) Products of Nff
4 5
)1+Process f/o6 c0-rt
)13 %upo/- %onstruction %onstruction
-nd Oper-tion )17 S-nd Processin2
)1 !ou/d m-8in2 process
31+:or8 study
31)P-nc0-/ Foundry visit
%onc/usion < Future -ims
T-./e T-./e of o f Fi2ures Fi2u res
%0-pter No1
P-2e No1
CASTING PROCESS Fig.2.1 Flow Process Char
Fig2.2 Secio"al #iews o$
co"#e"io"al a"% waer& coole% c'(olas
Fig 2.3* Sa"% Flow Char
Fig. 2.4 Esse"ial co+(o"e"s o$ a co"#e"io"al #erical wheel ,ach&-(e +'ller
Fig.2./ Fig.2./ 0asic se(s i"#ol#e% i" +ai"g a casi"g $ro+ a gree" sa"% +ol%
Fig 2.*o'l%i"g E'i(+e"s
Fig2.* Po'ri"g E'i(+e"s
OUR STUD5 Fig3.1 * A((roach o 6or
Fig3.2 *T-(es O$ Process
Fig3.3* Flow (rocess char
7so'rce* I8O9
Fig* 3.4* Flow Process char
,- o'r ea+
FIG3./* Co+(a"- wor $low
FIG 3. A cross secio" o$ a
coreless&-(e i"%'cio" $'r"ace.
Fig3.* :ol s'ee;e
+o'l%i"g +achi"e wih soli% s'ee;e hea%s
Fig're* 3.!
Fig're* 3.)
Fig're* 3.1>
Fig're* 3.11
Fig're* 3.12
A.str-ct :0y t0is topic= 6e choose his (ro?ec ,eca'se his wo'l% e"ha"ce o'r +a"age+e" sills a"% gi#e 's a" i%ea a,o' how he i"%'sr- ac'all- wors. 4
This (ro?ec will hel( 's o* &Sol#e I"%'sr- a"'$ac'ri"g Pro,le+s &a"age Di$$ere" I"#e"ories &A"al-;e +eho% s'%- @ i+e s'%- so as o i+(ro#e i. &I+(ro#i"g Pro%'cio" C-cles &E"ha"ce Casi"g a"'$ac'ri"g 'ali&Tae acco'" o$ worer ergo"o+ics @ sa$e- wih i"creasi"g (ro%'cio". &Orga"i;e $'ll (la" ai"g acco'" o$ all (ossi,le $acors a"% (ro,le+s &I+(ro#ise Pla" sa$e-= Pla" h-gie"e a"% e"#iro"+e" sa$eF'rher we ai+ o (rocee% i" his $iel% o$ (ro?ec +a"age+e"
:0y 6e c0oose NFF -s our project= The co+(a"-Bs c'rre" c'so+er relaio"s are sro"g "o %'e o is 'ali- o$ wor ,' solel%'e o ol% ,'si"ess relaio"s. 6e wa" 'ali- o ,eco+e he (ri+e $acor $or ,'si"ess relaio"s. So achie#i"g goo% 'ali- (ro%'cs is he "ee% o$ he ho'r $or his co+(a"- o ee( '( wih e#er i"creasi"g +are co+(eiio". The co+(a"- lies o r'" he ol% ra%iio"al waa"% he"ce (a-s less ae"io" o" he +a"age+e" a"% sa$e- o$ is worers= raw +aerials= (ro%'cs @ wor(lace. So we wa" o a((l- he i"%'srial e"gi"eeri"g ech"i'es o" o his co+(a"- o '(gra%e i o he c'rre" co+(eii#e +are.
!et0odo/o2y Initi-tion> 6e sare% wih he i%ea o$ i"creasi"g he o#erall (ro%'ci#i- o$ NFF. So he $irs se( was he co+(lee (la" #isi= he" each +e+,er lise% he #ario's %raw,acs a"% areas $or sco(e o$ i+(ro#e+e" a"% wor '(o" i. 8aer we shi$e% o 6or S'%- a"% Ti+e S'%+eho%olog- o srea+li"e o'r (ro?ec.
P/-nnin2> Aci#i-
Pla" la-o'
o%i$ie% (la"
6or s'%-
:o, (rocess
la-o' I"#e"ora"age+e" o$ Raw aerial =(aer" @$i"ishe% (ro%'cs
Ta,le "o* 1 :o, Assig"+e" Char
%0-pter> + Introduction> A.out Non Ferrous Foundry NFF is a casi"g +a"'$ac'ri"g co+(a"- $o'"%e% ,- Shree Dheera?lal eha i" he -ear 1)>. C'rre"l- '"%er ishor eha si"ce 2>>1. The $o'"%r- is locae% i"
s'are ,locs a"% oher c'so+i;e% +achi"er- (ars. Fiel% o$ ,'si"ess is aro'"%
&1/ worers wori"g i" he co+(a"-
Products of Nff> 1. <&0el P'lle2. I+(ellar 3. P'+( 0o%4. Plae -(e P'lle/. oor Co#er . Fire 0ar . Sewage Co#er !. I"go ). Oher ge"eral ('r(ose (ro%'cs lie 0'sh= Ro%= Circle= S'are ,loc= CI a"% wheel= Ri"g.
%0-pter )> %-stin2 Processes Casi"g is a +a"'$ac'ri"g (rocess i" which +ole" +eal is (o're% or i"?ece% a"% allowe% o soli%i$- i" a s'ia,l- sha(e% +o'l% ca#i-. D'ri"g or a$er cooli"g= he cas (ar is re+o#e% $ro+ he +o'l% a"% he" (rocesse% $or %eli#er-. Casi"g (rocesses a"% cas &+aerial ech"ologies #ar- $ro+ si+(le o highl- co+(le. aerial a"% (rocess selecio" %e(e"%s o" he (ars co+(lei- a"% $'"cio"= he (ro%'cs 'ali- s(eci$icaio"s= a"% he (ro?ece% cos
8e#el. Casi"gs are (ars ha are +a%e close o heir $i"al %i+e"sio"s ,- a casi"g (rocess. 6ih a hisor- %ai"g ,ac >>> -ears= he #ario's casi"g (rocesses are i" a sae o$ co"i"'o's re$i"e+e" a"% e#ol'io"s ech"ological a%#a"ces are ,ei"g +a%e.
Process f/o6 c0-rt
Fi2ure )1+> Process F/o6 %0-rt
!#LTIN&> Furn-ce used in NFF> %upo/TE CUPO8A is ,asicall- a c-li"%rical sha$ $'r"ace ha ,'r"s coe i"e"si$ie% ,- he ,lowi"g o$ air hro'gh ',ers 7"o;;les9. Aler"ae la-ers o$ +eal= alo"g wih re(lace+e" coe= are charge% i"o he o(. I" is %esce"= he +eal is +ele% ,- %irec co"ac wih he co'"er c'rre" $low o$ ho gases $ro+ he coe co+,'sio". The +ole" +eal collecs i" he well= where i is %ischarge% $or 'se ,- i"er+ie" a((i"g or ,- co"i"'o's $low I" high&o""age o(eraio"s= he c'(ola re+ai"s he +os relia,le so'rce o$ he co"i"'o's high #ol'+es o$ iro" "ee%e% o sais$- +'li(le +o'l%i"g li"es o$ high&(ro%'cio" $o'"%ries or +'li(le casi"g +achi"es o$ ce"ri$'gal (i(e (ro%'cers. The co"i"'o's srea+ o$ c'(ola& +ele% iro" is "o i"err'(e% ,- chargi"g= which is %o"e i"%e(e"%e"l- '(sairs o" he )
,ac si%e= "or ,- slag re+o#al= ,eca'se he slag $lows o$$ o he si%e co"i"'o'sl- $ro+ $ro" or rear slag s(o' wiho' i"err'(i"g he +eli"g (rocess.
Fi21)1)> Secio"al #iews o$ co"#e"io"al a"% waer&coole% c'(olas
%upo/- %onstruction -nd Oper-tion> This secio" will %isc'ss he shell= i"er+ie" or co"i"'o's a((i"g= '-ere a"% ,lower s-se+s a"% re$racor- li"i"g
S0e// A #erical= c-li"%rical seel shell is he co"ai"er o$ he co+,'sio" a"% +eli"g o(eraio"
Intermittent or %ontinuous T-ppin2 Iro" $low ca" ,e i"er+ie" or co"i"'o's. C'(olas are a((e% co"i"'o'sl-= wih clea" +eal $lowi"g '"%er a re$racor- "i$e a"% o#er a %a+. This s(ecial ro'gh si+s o$$ he ligher slag o" o(. This slag he" $lows co"i"'o'sl- %ow" a si%e s(o' i"o a waer&sl'ici"g ro'gh a"% co"ai"ers $or ha"%li"g. The le#els o$ +eal %a+ a"% slag "och +'s ,e care$'llcalc'lae% a"% +ai"ai"e% o he (ro(er relaio"shi( wih ,las (ress're i"si%e he c'(ola.
Tuyere -nd $/o6er Systems
T'-eres. Air $or he co+,'sio" o$ coe is i"ro%'ce% hro'gh '-eres e'all- s(ace% aro'"% he c'(ola= wih he "'+,er a"% si;e (ro(orio"e% o c'(ola si;e $or (ro(er air #ol'+e= (ress're= a"% #eloci-. Toal '-ere area 's'all- ra"ges $ro+ 3 o 1>H o$ c'(ola area $or o(i+'+ air #eloci- $or (e"eraio" a"% co+,'sio" e$$icie"c-. O" waer&coole% C'(olas= he '-eres are (ro?eci"g waer&coole% co((er "o;;les ha (ror'%e i"o he c'(ola 1/2 o 4/ ++ 7 o1! i".9 a"% are i"cli"e% %ow"war% 1> o 1/
$/o6ers $or ge"erai"g he "ecessar- ,las air #ol'+e a"% (ress're ha#e ,ee" o$ he (osii#e
%is(lace+e"= $a"= or ce"ri$'gal -(e. The laes (re$ere"ce o" large c'(olas has ,ee" owar% wo or hree +'lisage ce"ri$'gal ,lowers wih a'o+aic air weigh co"rol. The air re'ire% o +el )>> g 71 o"9 o$ iro" is 2> o !> +3 722=>>> o 24=>>> $39 STP or > o !3/ g 71>> o 1!4> l,9. Air $ro+ he ,lower is ra"s+ie% i"o '-eres hro'gh a %'c s-se+ a"% wi"%,o. 0ac (ress're "or+all- ra"ges $ro+ 3.3 o !./ N 7>./ o 1.) l,$9 or +ore= %e(e"%i"g o" charge %e"si- a"% sac heigh.
Refr-ctory Linin2 Co"#e"io"al c'(olas are li"e% wih re$racories o (roec he shell agai"s a,rasio"= hea= a"% oi%aio". 8i"i"g hic"esses ra"ge $ro+ 114 o 3>/ ++ 74./ o 12 i".9. The +os (o('lar li"i"g is $irecla- ,ric or ,loc. As he hea (rogresses= he re$racor- li"i"g i" he +eli"g ;o"e is (rogressi#el- $l'e% awa- ,- he high e+(era're a"% oi%i;i"g a+os(here. The "ewes a"% +os wi%el- 'se% +eho% o$ li"i"g re(air 'ses a ("e'+aic g'" o ,low a +i're o$ cla- a"% ga"iser hro'gh a "o;;le co"ai"i"g waer ha ,eco+es e"rai"e% i" he srea+ as i eis he +ii"g "o;;le.
%o8e Specific-tions>
As he +a?or $'el= coe is he +os i+(ora" charge +aerial. igh&'ali-= $o'"%r- gra%e coe is esse"ial $or o(i+'+ c'(ola (er$or+a"ce. Goo% $o'"%r- gra%e coe re'ires lo"ger coi"g i+e a"% +ore care$'l ,le"%i"g o$ coals a"% is here$ore higher i" (rice ha" oher gra%es o$ coe. Fo'"%r- coe +'s ,e sro"g a"% s'$$icie"l- i+(ac resisa" o +ai"ai" a%e'ae l'+( si;e o (ro#i%e (er+ea,ili-= ,las (e"eraio"= a"% air a#aila,ili- o he ce"er o$ a large c'(ola. E(eri+e"s a"% (ro%'cio" e(erie"ce ha#e show"
ha (er$or+a"ce is o(i+i;e% whe" coe si;e is wihi" a ra"ge (ro(orio"al o c'(ola %ia+eer= (re$era,l- ! o 12H o$ c'(ola %ia+eer. Fi"e coe sho'l% ,e scree"e% o' ,eca'se i $ills i"ersiial s(ace= li+is air %isri,'io"= a"% o#erloa%s he e+issio" s-se+. O" large c'(olas= he larges a#aila,le coe si;e is (re$erre%= ,' o" s+all c'(olas= coe scree"e% o (ro(er si;e ra"ges (ro#i%es he ,es (er$or+a"ce.
Coe sho'l% ha#e low ash co"e" 7J1>H9 a"% a che+ical sr'c're ha (ro#i%es $or o(i+'+ car,o" (ic'( a"% co+,'sio" e$$icie"c-. 8ow s'l$'r co"e" 7J>.>H S9 is re'ire% $or (re#e"i"g ecessi#e s'l$'r (ic'(.
H a"% $ie% car,o" a,o#e )>H $or +ai+'+ c'(ola (er$or+a"ce.
!et-/ %0-r2e>
The +o%er" c'(ola ca" +el a wi%e ra"ge o$ charge +aerials= +osl- scra( iro" a"% seel. Thro'gh is e$$icie" 'se o$ scra( +aerials= he casi"g i"%'sr- co"ri,'es o e"#iro"+e"al clea"'( a"% reso'rce 'ili;aio".
Foundry returns, s'ch as gaes= r'""ers= a"% i"er"all- ge"erae% scra( casi"gs= 's'all-
co"si'es 3> o />H o$ he (o'ri"g weigh a"% sho'l% ,e re+ele% i" he (ro(orio"s ge"erae%.
Pi2 iron is co"si%ere% a (re+i'+ charge +aerial ,eca'se o$ is '"i$or+i- o$ co+(osiio"
a"% si;e a"% is lac o$ '"%esira,le race ele+e"s. As eco"o+ics e"co'rage% he 'se o$ +ore scra( a"% less (ig iro"= (ig iro" has re+ai"e% he ,es +aerial $or resori"g iro" 'aliwhe"e#er ecessi#e ra+( ele+e"s or (oor&'ali- iro" are (ro%'ce%.
%-st iron scr-p has ,ee" i"creasi"gl- 'se% as $aser s(ecro+eer a"al-ses ha#e gi#e"
ass'ra"ce o$ che+ical co"rol a"% as +ore "owle%ge has ,ee" gai"e% a,o' he characerisics o$ #ario's -(es o$ scra(. 6ih he coo(eraio" o$ scra( %ealers a"% heir ra%e orga"i;aio"= cas iro" scra( has ,ee" se(arae% a"% sol% i" 1> o 1/ %esig"ae% -(es wih s(eci$ic co+(osiio" ra"ges a"% i"cli"aio"s. Thro'gh care$'l ,le"%i"g= a"ici(aio" o$ re"%s= a#oi%a"ce o$ ecessi#e (ro(orio"s o$ cerai" ere+es= a"% $as s(ecro+eer checs o" race ele+e"s= high (ro(orio"s o$ cas iro" scra( ha#e ,ee" s'ccess$'ll- 'se% i" so+e o$ he highes&'ali- iro"s. 12
Stee/ scr-p i" low&car,o" +allea,le iro"s is i" co"si%era,le
(ro(orio"s is "ee%e% o o,ai" a low car,o" co"e".The Scra( I"si'e has classi$ie% seel scra( i"o 1/ o 2> caegories. 0ase% o" e(eri+e"aio" a"% e(erie"ce= a%?'s+e"s ca" ,e +a%e o co+(e"sae $or he e$$ecs o$ si;e= hic"ess= a"% s'r$ace&area&o& #ol'+e raio a$$eci"g he #ario's reacio"s i" he c'(ola. 6ih he a%#e" o$ %'cile iro" ha re'ires he lowes (ossi,le (hos(hor's co"e"K seel scra( ,eca+e a +ore araci#e charge +aerial $or cos re%'cio". The ,asic c'(ola allows he a%?'s+e" o$ $l'es a"% slag che+isr- o (er+i he +eli"g o$ /> o !>H seel scra(.
F/u?es for F/uidi@in2 S/-2 The a%%iio" o$ li+eso"e or %olo+ie is "ecessar- o $l'i%i;e he slag. Na'ral so'rces o$ slag s'ch as coe ash= oi%i;e% silico"= a"% li"i"g co"s'+e%= as well as a"- sa"% a"% %ir o" he scra(= are (re%o+i"a"l- aci% a"% (ro%'ce a #er- #isco's slag wiho' he a%%iio" o$ s'$$icie" ,asic $l'.
Limestone or do/omite a%%iio"s o$ 2 o /H are ge"erall- "ee%e% i" a" aci% c'(ola o
co"ri,'e e"o'gh ,asic co"si'e"s o$ calci'+ oi%e a"% +ag"esi'+ oi%e o i+(ar s'$$icie" $l'i%i- $or he slag o $low $reel- hro'gh he coe s(aces= i"o he well= a"% %ow" he $ro" sagi"g ro'gh. I" he ,asic slag c'(ola= eiher wih ,asic re$racories or "e'ral waer cooli"g= +ore ,asic $l' is a%%e% o "e a s'$$icie" ecess o$ ,asic slag co"si'e"s.
%ontro/ Princip/es> !e/t R-te1 A c'(ola is e(ece% o +ai"ai" a +eli"g rae s'$$icie" o +ee he "ee%s o$
+ol% (ro%'cio". The c'(ola si;e +'s ,e chose" $or he +i%ra"ge o$ (ro%'cio" %e+a"%. A ge"eral r'le is ha 4./ g 71> l,9 o$ iro" ca" ,e +ele% (er ho'r $or each s'are i"ch o$ cross&secio"al area. 0- i"creasi"g or %ecreasi"g he ,las= +el rae ca" ,e #arie% L2>H wih reaso"a,l- goo% e$$icie"c- a"% co"rol.
s'$$icie" air %isri,'io" $or o(i+'+ co+,'sio" e$$icie"c. Iron Temper-ture1 The iro" e+(era're a he c'(ola s(o' +'s ,e a%e'ae o s'r#i#e
ha"%li"g losses a"% o ,e (o're% i"o he +o'l%s a s'$$icie" e+(era're a"% $l'i%i- o (ro%'ce so'"% casi"gs. Iro" e+(era're is +eas're% ,- o(ical (-ro+eers= her+oco'(les= a"% co"i"'o'sl- recor%i"g ra%io+eric i"sr'+e"s. Iro" e+(era're is (ri+aril- i"$l'e"ce% ,- he coe co"ce"raio" i" relaio" o he +eal charge. I$ coe (erce"age is i"crease% $ro+ ! o 12H o$ he +eal charge= he iro" e+(era're is 's'all- i"crease% a((roi+ael- / C 712> F9= while he +eli"g rae is re%'ce% 2> o 2/H= es(eciall- i$ air #ol'+e is +ai"ai"e% a he sa+e le#el. I"creasi"g he (rehea e+(era're o" he ,las air or i"creasi"g he (erce"age o$ o-ge" i"?ece% will i"sa"a"eo'sl- i"crease +eal.
I is o"e o$ +a"- +eho%s a#aila,le o he $o'"%r-+a" $or +ai"g a +ol% i"o which +ole" +eal ca" ,e (o're%. Gree" sa"% +ol%i"g a"% che+icall- ,o"%e% sa"% +ol%i"g are co"si%ere% o ,e he +os ,asic a"% wi%el- 'se% +ol% +ai"g (rocesses. Gree" sa"% +e%ia are (re(are% ,- coai"g he grai"s o$ sa"% wih ,i"%er ha is laer sha(e% i"o a rigi% +ass ,- he a((licaio" o$ $orce. Gree" sa"% +ol%i"g is he leas e(e"si#e= $ases= a"% +os co++o" o$ all he c'rre"l- a#aila,le +ol%i"g +eho%s. The +i're o$ sa"% a"% ,i"%er ca" ,e 'se% i++e%iael- a$er he +ii"g (rocess ha coas he sa"% grai"s.
Fi2 )13> S-nd F/o6 %0-rt
$-sic reuirements of refr-ctory s-nd for mou/din2 M M M M M M M M
Di+e"sio"al a"% her+al sa,ili- a ele#ae% e+(era'res S'ia,le (aricle si;e a"% sha(e Che+icall- '"reaci#e wih +ole" +eals No rea%il- wee% ,- +ole" +eals Free%o+ $ro+ #olailes ha (ro%'ce gas '(o" heai"g Eco"o+ical a#aila,iliCo"sise" clea"li"ess= co+(osiio"= a"% ( Co+(ai,ili- wih ,i"%er s-se+s
Si/ic-S-nds os gree" sa"% +ol%s co"sis o$ silica sa"%s ,o"%e% wih a ,e"o"ie&waer +i're. 7The er+ gree" +ea"s ha he +ol%= which is e+(ere% wih waer= is "o %rie% or ,ae%.9 The co+(osiio"= si;e= si;e %isri,'io"= ('ri-= a"% sha(e o$ he sa"% are i+(ora" o he s'ccess o$ he +ol% +ai"g o(eraio".
Fo'"%r- sa"%s are co+(ose% al+os e"irel- o$ silica 7SiO29 i" he $or+ o$ 'ar;. So+e i+('riies +a-,e (rese"= s'ch as il+e"ie 7FeO&TiO29= +ag"eie 7Fe3O49= or oli#i"e= which is co+(ose% o$ +ag"esi'+ a"% $erro's orhosilicae 7g=Fe9 SiO4. Silica sa"% is 'se% (ri+aril- ,eca'se i is rea%il- a#aila,le a"% i"e(e"si#e.silica reacs wih +ole" iro" o $or+ a slag&-(e co+(o'"%= which ca" ca'se ,'r"&i"= or he $or+aio" o$ aro'gh la-er o$ sa"% a"% +eal ha a%heres o he casi"g s'r$ace. owe#er= ,eca'se hese (ro,le+s wih silica ca" ,e alle#iae% ,- (ro(er a%%iio"s o he sa"% +i= silica re+ai"s he +os wi%el- 'se% +ol%i"gaggregae.silica sa"%= alho'gh i"e(e"si#e= has so+e shorco+i"gs as a +ol%i"g sa"%. I$ %o"e (ro(erl-= hea%%iio" o$ oher +aerials ca" alle#iae hese %e$icie"cies. %ere-/s, which i"cl'%e cor" $lo'r= %eri"e= a"% oher sarches= are a%hesi#e whe" wee% a"%
here$ore ac as a ,i"%er. The- si$$e" he sa"% a"% i+(ro#e is a,ili- o %raw %ee( (oces. owe#er= 'se o$ cereals +aes shaeo' +ore %i$$ic'l= a"% ecessi#e 'a"iies +ae he sa"% o'gh a"% ca" ca'se he sa"% o $or+ ,alls i" he +'ller. 0eca'se cereals are #olaile= he- ca" ca'se gas %e$ecs i" casi"gs i$ 'se% i+(ro(erl-.
No .inders -re used in comp-ny,.ec-use cere-/ is costin2 t0em c0e-per
A" a%%ii#e "a+e +olasses is 'se% which is he ,-&(ro%'c o$ re$i"i"g o$ s'garca"e o s'gar U( o 2H o$ cereal ,i"%ers= s'ch as %eri"= sarch= s'l(hie l-e= a"% +olasses= ca" ,e 'se% o i"crease %r- sre"gh 7he sre"gh o$ he +ol% a$er c'ri"g9 a"% i+(ro#e s'r$ace $i"ish. Cereal ,i"%ers also i+(ro#e colla(si,ili- a"% re%'ce shaeo' i+e ,eca'se he- ,'r"&o$$ whe" he +eal is (o're%.
$-tc0BType !u//er1Alho'gh "o a "ew %esig"= he ,ach&-(e +'ller 7Fig. 139 ca" (ro%'ce
high&'ali- +ol%i"g sa"%. I is e'i((e% wih (lows o +o#e he sa"% +ass '"%er he large= weighe% rolli"g wheels= which are #ericallorie"e%. This "ea%i"g acio" (ro#i%es he ca(a,ili- o$ co"sise" co"rol ,' "o shor c-cle i+es.
Fi21 )17 Esse"ial co+(o"e"s o$ a co"#e"io"al #erical wheel ,ach&-(e +'ller
P-ttern used Loose p-tterns, also calle% o"e&(iece (aer"s or soli% (aer"s= are he si+(les= leas
e(e"si#e -(e o$ re'sa,le (aer" a"% are s'ie% o"l- o #er- low&'a"i- (ro%'cio". This -(e o$ (aer" 7Fig. 2a9 is +os a((ro(riae $or e(eri+e"al or (roo-(e casi"gs a"% is o"l- rarel- 'se% $or shor&r'" (ro%'cio" casi"gs. ol%i"g wih a loose (aer" re'ires +ore +a"'al o(eraio"s a"% a +'ch higher %egree o$ +ol%er sill ha" +ol%i"g wih oher (aer" -(es. a"$o'"%r-+ol%i"g %e(ar+e"s are "o se '( o 'se loose (aer"s. This i"creases he cos (er +ol% a"% res'ls i" #ariaio"s i" casi"g 'ali- $ro+ +ol% o +ol% co+(are% o +ol%+ai"g wih oher (aer" -(es. A loose (aer" ca" ,e +a%e i" o"e (iece or i" wo (ieces 7s(li (aer"s9. The s(li i" he wo&(iece (aer" corres(o"%s o he (ari"g li"e i" he (aer". O"e&(iece loose (aer"s are o$e" 'se% whe" o"e si%e o$ he (aer" is a $la (la"e ha ca" ser#e as he (ari"g li"e= while wo&(iece loose (aer"s are +ore co++o"l- 'se% whe" he sha(e o ,e cas is +ore co+(le.o'l%i"g wih o"e&(iece loose (aer"s o$e" re'ires co"si%era,le i+e a"% sill o" he (ar o$ he +o'l%er. . P-ttern H-nd/in2 -nd Stor-2e1 0eca'se sig"i$ica" i"#es+e"s are +a%e i" (aer"
e'i(+e"= (aer" ha"%li"g a"% sorage +'s ,e care$'ll- co"si%ere% ,- he $o'"%r-. I+(ro(er sorage a"% ha"%li"g ca" ca'se (aer" %eerioraio" a"% %a+age= (aric'larl- $or woo% (aer"s ,eca'se h'+i%i- a"% e+(era're cha"ges ca" ca'se se#ere %isorio". The $o'"%r- -(icall- has +a"- (aer"s i" i"#e"or-. O,solee or %isco"i"'e% (aer"s sho'l% ,e ro'i"el- %esro-e% o +ae roo+ $or "ew (aer"s. 1
Fi21)1 $-sic se(s i"#ol#e% i" +ai"g a casi"g $ro+ a gree" sa"% +ol%
!O(LD !A"IN& PRO%#SS CAS! The se'e"ce ,egi"s wih a +echa"ical %rawi"g o$ he %esire% (ar. Paer"s are he" (ro%'ce% a"% +o'"e% o" (aer" (laes. 0oh he co(e a"% %rag (aer"s i"cl'%e core (ri"s= which will (ro%'ce ca#iies i" he +ol% o acco++o%ae ee"sio"s o" eiher e"% o$ he core. These ee"sio"s $i soli%l- i"o he core (ri"s o hol% he core i" (lace %'ri"g (o'ri"g. The gae or (assagewa- i" he sa"% +ol% hro'gh which he +ole" +eal will e"er he +ol% ca#i- is 's'all+o'"e% o" he %rag (aer" (lae. 8ocai"g (i"s o" eiher e"% o$ he (aer" (laes allow $or acc'rael- sei"g he $las o#er he (lae.Cores are (ro%'ce% se(arael- ,- a #arie- o$ +eho%s. The core ,oes= which are ra++e% wih a +i're o$ sa"% a"% core ,i"%er 7see he aricle Core+ai"g i" his Secio"9. I$ he cores +'s ,e asse+,le% $ro+ se(arael- +a%e co+(o"e"s= he- are (ase% ogeher a$er c'ri"g. The- are he" rea%- o ,e i"sere% i"o he sa"% +ol%. The +ol% is +a%e ,- (laci"g a $las 7a" o(e" +eal ,o9 o#er he co(e (aer" (lae. 0e$ore +ol%i"g ca" ,egi"= risers are a%%e% o he (aer" a (re%eer+i"e% (oi"s o co"rol soli%i$icaio" a"% s'((l- li'i% +eal o he casi"g o co+(e"sae $or he shri"age ha aes (lace %'ri"g cooli"g a"% soli%i$icaio". Th's= a"- shri"age #oi%s $or+ i" he risers= a"% he casi"g will ,e so'"%. A hole or holes 7calle% s(r'es9 +'s also ,e $or+e% i" he co(e secio" o$ he +ol% o (ro#i%e a cha""el hro'gh which he +ole" +eal ca" e"er he gai"g s-se+ a"% he +ol% ca#i-. The co(e hal$ o$ he +ol% is (ro%'ce% ,- ra++i"g sa"% i"o he $las= which is locae% o" he (aer" (lae wih (i"s. The $las $'ll o$ sa"% is he" %raw" awa- $ro+ he (aer" ,oar%= a"% he riser a"% s(r'e (ieces re+o#e%.A $las is s',se'e"l- (lace% o#er he %rag (aer" (lae 'si"g he locai"g (i"s o" he (lae. Sa"% is ra++e% aro'"% he (aer"= a"% a ,oo+ ,oar% is (lace% o" o( o$ he $las $'ll o$ sa"%. The (aer"= $las= a"% ,oo+ ,oar% are he" rolle% o#er 1!>= a"% he (aer" is wih%raw".The co+(lee% core is se i"o he core (ri"s i" he %rag hal$ o$ he +ol% a"% he co(e hal$ o$ he +ol% is se o" o( o$ he%rag. Pro(er alig"+e" o$ he +ol% ca#i- i" he co(e a"% %rag (orio"s o$ he +ol% is e"s're% ,- he 'se o$ closi"g (i"s=which alig" he wo $lass. The $lass ca" ,e cla+(e% ogeher= or weighs ca" ,e (lace% o" o( o$ he co(e= o co'"erac he ,'o-a" $orce o$ he li'i% +eal= which wo'l% oherwise e"% o $loa he co(e o$$ he %rag %'ri"g (o'i"g.eal is he" (o're% i"o he +ol% ca#i- hro'gh he s(r'e a"% allowe% o soli%i$-. The casi"g is shae" $ro+ he sa"% a"% a((ears as show" i" Fig. 2= wih he 1)
s(r'e= gai"g s-se+= a"% risers aache%. Followi"g shaeo'= he $lass= ,oo+ ,oar%s= a"% cla+(s are c-cle% ,ac o he +ol%i"g saio" while he casi"g is +o#e% hro'gh he (ro%'cio" (rocess. 6he" he gaes a"% risers are re+o#e% $ro+ he casi"g= he- are re'r"e% o he $'r"ace o ,e re+ele%. A$er clea"i"g= $i"ishi"g= a"% hea reai"g= he casi"gs are rea%- $or shi(+e".
Too/s for !ou/din2 H-nd ridd/e I co"siss o$ a scree" is sa"%ar% circ'lar wire +esh e'i((e% wih circ'lar wo%%e" $ra+e.i is ge"erall- 'se% $or clea"i"g he sa"% $or re+o#i"g $oreig" +aerials s'ch as "ails sho +eal s(li"ers o$ woo% ec. $ro+ i e#e" he (ower o(erae% ri%%les are a#aila,le $or ri%%li"g large #ol'+es o$ sa"%
S0ove/ I co"siss o$ a" seel (a" $ie% wih a lo"g ha"%le i is 'se% i" +ii"g e+(eri"g a"% co"%iio"i"g he $o'"%r- sa"% ,- ha"%.i is also 'se% $or +o#i"g a"% ra"s$or+i"g he +o'l%i"g sa"% o he co"ai"er a"% +o'l%i"g ,o or $las
R-mmers There are re'ire% $or srii"g he +ol%i"g sa"% +ass i" he +ol%i"g ,o o (ac or co+(ac i '"i$or+l- all ro'"% he (aer".he co++o" $or+s o$ ra++ers 'se% i" ra++i"g are ha"% ra++er=(ee"ra++er=$loor ra++er a"% ("e'+aic ra++er which are ,rie$l- %esecri,e% as
Types of r-mmers H-nd r-mmer> I is ge"erall- +a%e o$ woo% or +eal.i is s+all a"% o"e e"% o$ which carries a we%ge -(e co"sr'cio" calle% (ee" a"% he oher e"% (osseses a soli% c-li"%rical sha(e "ow" as ,'.i is 'se% $or ra++i"$ he sa"% i" ,e"ch +ol%i"g wor
Peen 0-mmer
I has a we%ge sha(e% co"sr'cio" $or+e% a he ,oo+ o$ a +eaalic ro%.i is ge"erall- 'se% i" (aci"g he +ol%i"g sa"% i" (oces a"% cor"ers
F/oor r-mmer I co"sisis o$ a lo"g seel ,ar carr-i"g a (ee" a o"e e"% a $la (orio" o" he oher.i is hea#ier a"% larger i" co+(arisio" o ha"% ra++er.is s(eci$ic 'se is i" $loor +ol%i"g $or ra++i"g he sa"% $or larger +ol%s.%'e o is large le"gh he +ol%er ca" o(erae i i" sa"%i"g (osiio"
Pneum-tic r-mmer The- sa#e co"si%era,le i+e a"% la,or a"% are 'se% $or +ai"g large +ol%s
Sprue pin
S(r'e (i" is show" i" $ig I is a a(ere% ro% o$ woo% or iro" which is (lace% or ('she% i" co(e o ?oi" +ol% ca#i- while he +ol%i"g sa"% i" he co(e is ,ei"g ra++e%. 8aer is wih%rawal $ro+ co(e (ro%'ce a #erical hole i" +ol%i"g sa"%= calle% s(r'e hro'gh which he +ole" +eal is (o're% i"o he +o'l% 'si"g gai"g s-se+. I hel(s o +ae a (assage $or (o'ri"g +ole" +eal i" +ol% hro'gh gai"g s-se+
Stri8e off .-r> Srie o$$ ,ar is a $la ,ar ha#i"g sraigh e%ge a"% is +a%e o$ woo% or iro". I is 'se% o srie o$$ or re+o#e he ecess sa"% $ro+ he o( o$ a +ol%i"g ,o a$erco+(leio" o$ ra++i"g here,- +ai"g is s'r$ace (la"e a"% s+ooh. Is o"e e%ge is +a% ,e#ele% a"% he oher e"% is e( (er$ecl- s+ooh a"% (la"e.
!-//et> alle is si+ilar o a woo%e" ha++er a"% is ge"erall- as 'se% i" car(e"r- or shee +eal sho(s. I" +ol%i"g sho(= i is 'se% $or %ri#i"g he %raw s(ie i"o he (aer" a"% he" ra((i"g i $or se(araio" $ro+ he +o'l% s'r$aces so ha (aer" ca" ,e easil- wih%raw" lea#i"g he +ol% ca#i- wiho' %a+agi"g he +ol% s'r$aces
Dr-6 spi8e> Draw s(ie is show". I is a a(ere% seel ro% ha#i"g a loo( or ri"g a is o"e e"% a"% a shar( (oi" a he oher. I +a- ha#e screw hrea%s o" he e"% o e"gage +eal (aer" $or i wih%rawal $ro+ he +ol%. I is 'se% $or %ri#e" i"o (aer" which is e+,e%%e% i" he +ol%i"g sa"% a"% ra(s he (aer" o ge se(arae% $ro+ he (aer" a"% $i"all- %raws o' i $ro+ he +ol% ca#i-.
Lifters> The- are also "ow" as clea"ers or Fi"ishi"g ool which are +a%e o$ hi" secio"s o$ seel o$ #ario's le"gh a"% wi%h wih o"e e"% ,e" a righ a"gle. The- are 'se% $or clea"i"g= re(airi"g a"% $i"ishi"g he ,oo+ a"% si%es o$ %ee( a"% "arrow o(e"i"gs i" +ol% ca#i- a$er wih%rawal o$ (aer". The- are also 'se% $or re+o#i"g loose sa"% $ro+ +ol% ca#i-.
Tro6e/> The- are 'ili;e% $or $i"ishi"g $la s'r$aces a"% ?oi"s a"% (ari"gs li"es o$ he +ol%. Theco"sis o$ +eal ,la%e +a%e o$ iro" a"% are e'i((e% wih a woo%e" ha"%le. The co++o" +eal ,la%e sha(es o$ rowels +a- ,e (oi"e% or co"o're% or reca"g'lar orie"e%. The rowels are ,asicall- e+(lo-e% $or s+oohi"g or slici"g he s'r$aces o$ +ol%s. The- +aalso ,e 'se% o c' i"&gaes a"% re(air he +ol% s'r$aces.
S/ic8s>The- are also recog"i;e% as s+all %o',le e"%e% +ol% $i"ishi"g ool which are ge"erall- 'se% $or re(airi"g a"% $i"ishi"g he +ol% s'r$aces a"% heir e%ges a$er wih%rawal o$ he (aer". The co++o"l- 'se% slics are o$ he -(es o$ hear a"% lea$= s'are a"% hear= s(oo" a"% ,ea% a"% hear a"% s(oo". The "o+e"cla'res o$ he slics are largel- %'e o heir sha(es.
Smot0ers> Accor%i"g o heir 'se a"% sha(e heare gi#e" %i$$ere" "a+es. The- are also "ow" as $i"ishi"g ools which are co++o"l- 'se% $or re(airi"g a"% $i"ishi"g $la a"% ro'"% s'r$aces= ro'"% or s'are cor"ers a"% e%ges o$ +ol%s.
S6-.> 22
I is a s+all he+( $i,er ,r'sh 'se% $or +oise"i"g he e%ges o$ sa"% +o'l%= which are i" co"ac wih he Paer" s'r$ace ,e$ore wih%rawi"g he (aer". I is 'se% $or swee(i"g awa- he +ol%i"g sa"% $ro+ he +ol% s'r$ace a"% (aer". I is also 'se% $or coai"g he li'i% ,laci"g o" he +ol% $aces i" %r- sa"% +ol%s.
Spirit /eve/ iis 'se% ,- +ol%er o chec wheher he sa"% ,e% or +ol%i"g ,o is hori;o"al or "o.
&-te cutter Gae c'er is a s+all sha(e% (iece o$ shee +eal co++o"l- 'se% o c' r'""ers a"% $ee%i"g gaes $or co""eci"g s(r'e hole wih he +ol% ca#i-.
&-22ers are (ieces o$ wires or ro%s ,e" a o"e or ,oh e"%s which
are 'se% $or rei"$orci"g he %ow"war% (ro?eci"g sa"% +ass i" he co(e are "ow" as gaggers.
$e//o6s 2un> I is ha"% o(erae% leaher
+a%e %e#ice e'i((e% wih co+(resse% air ?e o ,low or ('+( air whe" o(erae%. I is 'se% o ,low awa- he loose or '"wa"e% sa"% $ro+ he s'r$aces o$ +ol%ca#iies.The-are +a%e o$ seel a"% are 'se% $or cla+(i"g he +ol%i"g ,oes $ir+l- ogeher %'ri"g (o'ri"g.
&-te cutter
Vent rod
Dr-6 spi8e
Stri8e off .-r
Sprue pin
H-nd ridd/e
Fi2 )1;> !ou/din2#uipments
Pourin2 euipment> L-d/es> 8a%les are 'se% o ra"s(or +ole" +eal $ro+ +eli"g $'r"a"ce o he +ol% a"% #ice #ersa.hese la%les co"sis o$ a seel shell li"e% wih a s'ia,le re$racor- +aerial lie $ire cla-
Fi2)14> Pourin2 #uipments
Cr'ci,les is 'se% o +el he +eal i" he $'r"a"ce.i is (ace% i"si%e he $'r"a"ce a"% raw +aerial is (' i" his cr'ci,le. COR#!A"IN& i"#ol#es coai"g a re$racor- aggregae wih ,i"%er= co+(aci"g he coae% sa"% i"o he %esire% sha(e= a"% he" c'ri"g 7har%e"i"g9 he co+(ace% +ass so ha i ca" ,e ha"%le%. Re$racor- coai"gs are also o$e" a((lie% o he core s'r$ace o (re#e" sa"%& a%heri"g %e$ecs o" he casi"g a"% o -iel% a s+ooher casi"g $i"ish
Cores are "ee%e% o creae he recesses= '"%erc's= a"% i"erior ca#iies ha are o$e" a (ar o$ casi"gs. The sa"%s= ,i"%ers= +eho%s= a"% e'i(+e" 'se% o +ae hese cores are %escri,e% i" his secio". wih he ece(io" o$ hose $or shell cores= which are %isc'sse% i" he (re#io's secio" o" shell +ol%i"g. The (rocesses %escri,e% here +a- also ,e 'se% i" he (ro%'cio" o$ +ol%s as well as cores. The ,i"%er a"'$ac'rers sho'l% ,e co"s'le% co"cer"i"g (reca'io"s "ecessar- $or he #ario's +aerials
:OR" ST(D'> 6or s'%- is he s-se+aic ea+i"aio" o$ he +eho%s o$ carr-i"g o" aci#iies so as o i+(ro#e he e$$eci#e 'se o$ reso'rces a"% o se '( sa"%ar%s o$ (er$or+a"ce $or he aci#iies ,ei"g carrie% o'.
$-sic procedure of 6or8 study There are eigh se(s i" (er$or+i"g a co+(lee wor s'%-. The- are* 719 Se/ect he ?o, or (rocess o ,e s'%ie%. 729 Record or collec all rele#a" %aa a,o' he ?o, or (rocess= 'si"g he +os s'ia,le %aa collecio" ech"i'es 7e(lai"e% i" Par Two9= so ha he %aa will ,e i" he +os co"#e"ie" $or+ o ,e a"al-se%. 739 #?-mine he recor%e% $acs criicall- a"% challe"ge e#er-hi"g ha is %o"e= co"si%eri"g i" 'r"* he ('r(ose o$ he aci#i-K he (lace where i is (er$or+e%K he se'e"ce i" which i is %o"eK he (erso" who is %oi"g iK he +ea"s ,- which i is %o"e. 749 Deve/op he +os eco"o+ic +eho%= ai"g i"o acco'" all he circ'+sa"ces a"% %rawi"g as a((ro(riae o" #ario's (ro%'cio" +a"age+e" ech"i'es 7e(lai"e% i" Par Three9= as well as o" he co"ri,'io"s o$ +a"agers= s'(er#isors= worers a"% oher s(ecialiss wih who+ "ew a((roaches sho'l% ,e e(lore% a"% %isc'sse%. 7/9 #v-/u-te he res'ls aai"e% ,- he i+(ro#e% +eho% co+(are% wih he 'a"i- o$ wor i"#ol#e% a"% calc'lae a sa"%ar% i+e $or i. 79 Define he "ew +eho% a"% he relae% i+e a"% (rese" i o all hose co"cer"e%= eiher #er,all- or i" wrii"g= 'si"g %e+o"sraio"s. 79 Inst-// he "ew +eho%= rai"i"g hose i"#ol#e%= as a" agree% (racice wih he alloe% i+e o$ o(eraio". 7!9 !-int-in he "ew sa"%ar% (racice ,- +o"iori"g he res'ls a"% co+(ari"g he+ wih he origi"al arges.
Fi231+ > Appro-c0 to :or8 Study
!et0od study
eho% s'%- is he s-se+aic recor%i"g a"% criical ea+i"aio" o$ wa-s o$ %oi"g hi"gs i" or%er o +ae i+(ro#e+e"s
Se/ectin2 t0e 6or8 to .e studied
There are hree $acors ha sho'l% ,e e( i" +i"% whe" seleci"g a ?o,. 1. Eco"o+ic or cos&e$$eci#e co"si%eraio"s. 2. Tech"ical co"si%eraio"s. 3. '+a" co"si%eraio"s. 719 #conomic consider-tions> I is o,#io'sl- a wase o$ i+e o sar or o co"i"'e a lo"g i"#esigaio" i$ he eco"o+ic i+(ora"ce o$ a ?o, is s+all= or i$ i is o"e ha is "o e(ece% o r'" $or lo"g.
So we %eci%e% o selec Core a"'$ac'ri"g (rocesses i.e o'l%i"g= Po'ri"g= Pre(o'ri"g where lile i+(ro#e+e" ca" +ae a larger i+(ac o" (ro%'ci#i-.
C) Tec0nic-/ or tec0no/o2ic-/ consider-tions> O"e o$ he i+(ora"
co"si%eraio"s is he %esire ,- +a"age+e" o ac'ire +ore a%#a"ce% ech"olog-= wheher i" e'i(+e" or i" (rocesses. Th's +a"age+e" +a- wa" o co+('eri;e is o$$ice (a(erwor or is i"#e"or- s-se+= or o i"ro%'ce a'o+aio" i" he (ro%'cio" o(eraio"s.
The ow"er $or he co+(a"- wa"e% o i"ro%'ce "ew ech"i'es i" (rocess o$ casi"g=so +o'l%i"g (o'ri"g a"% (re (o'ri"g (rocess was ae" '"%er s'%-
739 Hum-n consider-tions> Cerai" o(eraio"s are o$e" a ca'se o$ %issais$acio" ,- worers. The- +a- i"%'ce $aig'e or +o"oo"- or +a- ,e '"sa$e or cl'+s- o o(erae. The le#el o$ sais$acio" sho'l% (oi" o a "ee% $or 3>
+eho% s'%-. Th's a" o(eraio" which +a- ,e (ercei#e% as e$$eci#e ,+a"age+e" +a-= o" he oher ha"%= ge"erae a grea %eal o$ rese"+e" ,- he wor$orce. I$ s'ch o(eraio"s are a%%resse% ,- wor s'%- s(ecialiss as (ar o$ a" o#erall wor s'%- (rogra++e= he ,e"e$is o$ wor s'%- ca" ,eco+e +ore a((are" o he wor$orce.
The +a?or (h-sical wor is %o"e i" +o'l%i"g a"% (o'ri"g (rocess which i$ e"ha"ce% ergo"o+icall- ca" i+(ro#e (ro%'ci#i-.
Limitin2 t0e scope of t0e 6or8 to .e studied O"e o$ he $irs %ecisio"s a wor s'%- s(ecialis has o +ae is o %e$i"e Eacl- he -(e o$ wor o ,e s'%ie% se '( ,o'"%aries aro'"% i a"% %eci%e wha eacl- i will e"co+(ass.so li+ii"g o'r s'%- o +o'l%i"g (o'ri"g a"% (re (o'ri"g (rocess was %eci%e% ,- 's a"% $acors ha a$$ec (ro%'ci#i- relae% o o"l- hese (rocesses are s'%ie%.
Record f-cts>
A$er seleci"g he wor o ,e s'%ie%= is o record -// t0e f-cts relai"g o he eisi"g +eho%. The s'ccess o$ he whole (roce%'re %e(e"%s o" he acc'rac- wih which he $acs are recor%e%= ,eca'se he- will (ro#i%e he ,asis o$ ,oh he criical ea+i"aio" a"% he %e#elo(+e" o$ he i+(ro#e% +eho%. I is here$ore esse"ial ha he recor% ,e clear a"% co"cise
The 's'al wa- o$ recor%i"g $acs is o wrie he+ %ow". U"$or'"ael-= his +eho% is "o s'ie% o recor%i"g he co+(licae% (rocesses which are so co++o" i" +o%er" i"%'sr-.
The +os co++o"l- 'se% o$ hese recor%i"g ech"i'es are c0-rts a"% Di-2r-ms1There are se#eral -(es o$ sa"%ar% char a#aila,le= each wih is
ow" s(ecial ('r(oses
Fig3.2* T-(es O$ Process
Fig3.3* Flow (rocess char 7so'rce* I8O9
F#AT(R#S> 1.Ta,le ca" hel( A"al-s o recor% i+e as well as %isa"ce i" (ro(er or%er $or he E#e" where i is "ecessar-. 2.6e ca" classi$- he e#e"s 'si"g s-+,ols which i"cl'%es s-+,ol o$ OPERATION =INSPECTION =CO0INE=TRANSPORT=DE8A5=STORAGE.Also he $low ca" ,e a"al-se ,- ?oi"i"g he -(e o$ e#e" ,- is or%er o$ $low 3.A"al-s ca" also reco++e"% +eho%s i$ he- $i"% i as a oall- i"correc +eho%. 4.This a,le ca" ,e 'se% as F8O6 PROCESS CART $or 6ORER T5PE=ATERIA8 T5PE=ACINE T5PE.A"al-s ca" 'se ,oh $or Recor%i"g Prese" E#e" S'%- as well as Pro(osi"g he %aa. So ha he a"al-s ca" e$$eci#el- a"al-se he s'%- co+(ari"g ,oh chars si+'la"eo'sl-. /.Also a REARS s(ace is gi#e" i" he a,le $or he a"al-s o recor% hose hi"gs which is o ,e ae" i" co"si%eraio" while a"al-si"g a"% is "o %irecl- relae% o E#e"s o$ he (rocess. .Ta,le (ro#i%es s(ace $or A%%i"g "oes a"% (ro(osi"g esi+ae% Sa#i"g $ro+ he (ro(ose% +eho%s . 34
%omp-ny :or8 F/o6>
FIG3./* Co+(a"- wor $low
P-nc0-/ Foundry visit> Pa"chal $o'"%r- %eals i" high 'ali- a"% (recise CI= S a"% Allo- Casi"gs. The $o'"%r'ses a co'(le o$ i"%'cio" $'r"aces. owe#er whe" we were ai"g he (la" #isi he (ri+ar$'r"ace was %ow". The i"%'cio" $'r"ace was co""ece% o a cooli"g waer li"e= $or he cooli"g li"e a se(arae waer cooli"g ower was si'ae% ?'s o'si%e he worsho(. I" he worsho( se(arae areas were alloe% $or +o'l%i"g= (o'ri"g a"% core ,o +ai"g. o'l%i"g was %o"e o" a $la s'r$ace area a"% he" arra"ge% i" or%erl- +a""er 7ee(i"g i" +i"% he (o'ri"g (rocess9 i" oher (lace "ear he $'r"ace. There were a+(le "'+,er o$ %ea% weighs= each +o'l% ha#i"g is ow" se o$ %ea% weighs. The- ha% a" a'o+ae% +achi"e $or he ra++i"g (rocess. The (aer" i"#e"or- was #er- less. The +o'l% ,oes were "ew= i" (ro(er sha(e a"% were sace% i" a" or%erl- +a""er whe" "o i" 'se. The- also 'se% a s(ecial -(e o$ o"e i+e 'se $iler which is (laces a he ,oo+ o$ s(r'e ,e$ore (o'ri"g. I hel(s o se(arae i+('riies $ro+ he +el. O"e hal$ o$ he worsho( was %e%icae% $or he s'r$ace $i"ishi"g o$ he casi"g. The- %i% Sho ,lasi"g a"% gri"%i"g $or high gra%e s'r$ace $i"ish. The "'+,er o$ -o'"g worers were 'ie high.
!A%HIN#S (S#D IN PAN%HAL FO(NDR' INDUCTION FURNACES ha#e gra%'all- ,eco+e he +os wi%el- 'se% +ea"s $or +eli"g iro" a"%= i"creasi"gl-= "o"$erro's allo-s as well. The e- o he rea%- acce(a"ce o$ his -(e o$ $'r"ace has ,ee" is ecelle" +eall'rgical co"rol co'(le% wih is relai#el- (oll'io"&$ree o(eraio". Coreless '"is ra"ge i" ca(aci- $ro+ a $ew (o'"%s= $a#o're% ,- he (recisio" cas +eal (ro%'cers= o ! g 7/ o"s9 (owere% a 21=>>> 6. Coreless '"is o$ >>> 6 i" (ower $or $erro's +eals a"% 4>>> 6 $or "o"$erro's +eals ha#e ,ee" ,'il i" +e%i'+ $re'e"cies= a"% e#e" cha""el&-(e '"is ha#e rece"l- ,ee" e'i((e% wih soli%&sae= +e%i'+ $re'e"c- (ower s'((lies. The a%#a"age o$ +e%i'+ $re'e"c- is ha he (ower %e"si- o$ he $'r"ace s-se+ ca" ,e i"crease% s',sa"iall- wiho' i"creasi"g is si;e. 'ch +ore +eli"g (ower ca" ,e a((lie%= while +ai"ai"i"g he sirri"g acio" a %esira,le le#els.
ea losses= which are a $'"cio" o$ $'r"ace si;e= are re%'ce%= a"% o#erall e$$icie"c- o$ he s-se+ is i+(ro#e%. The $'r"ace is also easier o o(erae ,eca'se a si"gle (oe"io+eer will -(icall- (ro#i%e e$$icie" a"% se(less co"rol o$ he (ower.
Types of Furn-ces
There are wo classi$icaio"s o$ i"%'cio" $'r"aces* coreless a"% cha""el. Cross secio"s o$ each are show" i" Fig.
$acor- sh'%ow"s a"% 'icl- sare% '( agai" wih a col% charge. I is "o "ecessar- o +ai"ai" a +ole" heel or o 'se (recas sarer ,locs.
!O(LDIN& !A%HIN# In Jolt squeeze moulding machines he s'((le+e"al co+(acio" aes (lace as he res'l o$ a s'ee;e hea% ,ei"g $orce% i"o he +o'l%i"g $las= h's co+(aci"g he loose sa"% a he o(. The re'ire% (ress're ca" ,e a((lie% ("e'+aicall- or h-%ra'licall-. I" +a"cases= he s'ee;e hea% will ,e o"e (iece a"% +a- e#e" ha#e ,'il&'( areas o (ro#i%e +ore co+(acio" i" %ee( areas ha are har% o ra+. I" oher cases= he s'ee;e hea% +a- ,e o$ he co+(e"sai"g -(e= which co"siss o$ a "'+,er o$ i"%i#i%'al c-li"%ers= each eeri"g a s(eci$ie% $orce o" he rear +o'l% $ace. The- ca" ,e o(erae% +a"'all- or a'o+aicall-. The o(eraor has he o(io" o$ i"%e(e"%e"l- a%?'si"g he "'+,er o$ ?ols $ro+ ;ero o a"- "'+,er a"% a%?'si"g he s'ee;e (ress're $ro+ ;ero '( o (ress're ha is co"si%ere% ecessi#e. a"% or ("e'+aic ra++i"g is o$e" co+,i"e% wih his (rocess.
Fig3.7: Jolt squeeze moulding machine with solid squeeze heads 3)
Sodium Silicate Bonds.The so%i'+ silicae (rocess is a"oher +eho% o$ $or+i"g a ,o"% +a%e '( o$ a silicae (ol-+er. I" his case= car,o" %ioi%e is 'se% o (reci(iae so%i'+ $ro+ wha are esse"iall- silicic aci% co"ai"i"g large 'a"iies o$ colloi%al so%i'+. The reacio" is* Na2O 2SiO2 Q CO2 .Na2CO3 Q 2SiO2 Co"i"'e% gassi"g gi#es* Na2O 2SiO2 Q 2CO2 Q 2O .2Na2CO3 Q 2SiO2 This shows ha co"i"'e% gassi"g %eh-%raes he a+or(ho's silica gel a"% i"creases he sre"gh o$ he +o'l%. So%i'+ silicae +o'l%s are wi%el- 'se% $or large cores a"% casi"gs where here is a (re+i'+ o" +o'l% har%"ess a"% %i+e"sio"al co"rol. The ,o"% ,reas %ow" easil- a high e+(era'res a"% here$ore $aciliaes shaeo'. The silicae ,o"%e% sa"%= a$er (o'ri"g a"% shaeo'= ca" ,e reclai+e% ,- +echa"ical +ea"s= a"% '( o >H o$ he reclai+e% sa"% ca" ,e re'se%. 6e recla+aio" o$ silicae sa"% s-se+s is also (ossi,le.
%OR# !A"IN& The col% ,o core +ai"g (rocess. The we sa"% +i= (re(are% ,- +ii"g sa"% wih he wo& co+(o"e" li'i% resi" ,i"%er= is ,low" i"o he core ,o. The core ,o is he" si'ae% ,ewee" a" '((er gas i"(' +a"i$ol% a"% a lower gas eha's +a"i$ol%. The caal-s gas e"ers he core ,o hro'gh he ,low (ors or #e"s a"% (asses hro'gh he core= ca'si"g al+os i"sa"a"eo's har%e"i"g o$ he resi"&coae% sa"%. The core is rea%- $or e?ecio" $ro+ he core ,o a$er ('rgi"g wih clea" air $or a $ew seco"%s. A$er he caal-s gas (asses hro'gh he core= i lea#es he core ,o hro'gh #e"s i"o he eha's +a"i$ol%. Fro+ he gas eha's +a"i$ol%= he caal-s gas is (i(e% o a" a((ro(riae %is(osal '"i.
6e o,ser#e% he $ollowi"g %i$$ere"ce*
1.Pro(er %ea% weighs were 'se% a"% also (rese" i" a+(le 'a"i- whereas i" NFF
2. The "'+,er o$ %ea% weighs were less= i+(ro(er a"% %i% "o ser#e heir ('r(ose righ. 3.The- 'se so%i'+ silicae +i're sa"% a"% gree" sa"%.
/. Cr'shi"g +achi"e
. The- 'se% i"%'cio" $'r"ace i" (lace o$ coal $'r"ace. Also he- ha% a seco"%ari"%'cio" $'r"ace i" case he (ri+ar- $'r"ace is %ow" %'e o +ai"e"a"ce. No seco"%ar- $'r"ace a NFF
. To gi#e ,eer s'r$ace $i"ish sho ,lasi"g o$ he casi"g is %o"e whereas a NFF "ohi"g +ore ha" chi((i"g is %o"e $or s'r$ace $i"ish. !. Ra++i"g a'o+ae% ool
).S(ecial $iler e( a he ,oo+ o$ s(r'e o$ he +o'l% o $iler o' a"- i+('riies (rese" i" he +el. No s'ch $iler is 'se% i" NFF
1>. A#erage age o$ worers was less as co+(are% o NFF. 5o'"g worers ca" gi#e ,eer (ro%'ci#i- si"ce he- ca" %o wor $aser a"% %o "o ire o' easilco+(are% o a"- worer. •
11.There was har%l- a"- (aer" i"#e"or- he"ce less cos a"% +ai"e"a"ce o$ i"#e"or-. Paer" i"#e"or- o$ NFF is ere+el- large.
12.The +o'l% ,oes were "ew a"% ha% (ro(er ,or%er sha(es a"% whe" "o i" 'se he- were sace% (ro(erl-. o'l% ,oes are cl'+s- a"% "o ha"%le% (ro(erl-.
13. o'l%i"g is %o"e a a se(arae $la s'r$ace area a"% he" all he +o'l% is (ro(erlarra"ge% a a"oher (lace where (o'ri"g is %o"e.
Fig're *3.!
Fi2ure> 315 V-rious pro./ems, c-uses, so/ution -nd .enefits of oper-tions
Fig're* 3.1>
Fig're* 3.11
Fig're* 3.12
%HAPT#R> 7 Future Aims ●
6ori"g o" he c'rre" (ro,le+s which we ha#e $o'"%= lie lac o$ ergo"o+icall- goo%.
● ●
%ea% weighs= (ro(er +o'l% ,oes= $la s'r$aces $or +o'l%i"g = i+e co"srai"s.
$or i+(ro#e+e"s. Desig"i"g a" i%eal la-o' $or +i"i+'+ +aerial ha"%li"g.
The c'rre" casi"g (rocess %o"e ,- he co+(a"- has ,ee" $ollowe% a"% he +a?or areas o$ co"cer" ha#e ,ee" $o'"%. These (rocesses "ow will ,e co+(are% o he sa"%ar% (rocess se ,- AS a"% i+(ro#e+e"s i" he c'rre" (rocess will ,e ,ro'gh o e"ha"ce he co+(a"-Bs (ro%'ci#i-.
1 AS a"%0oo
2INTRODUCTION TO 6OR STUD5 E%ie% ,- George a"awa- Fo'rh 7re#ise%9 e%iio".(g!/ 3Pa"chal Fo'"%r- =
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