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(1) DIONISIA DORADO VDA. DE DELFIN vs DELLO TA G.R. No. 143697 FACTS: FACTS: In her lifetime, the late Dionisia Dorado Delfin, executed an "Escritura De Venta Con Pacto de Retro" over a 50,000-square meter ortion of !ot o# $%$& in favor of souses Ildefonso Dellota and Patricia Delfin# 'o(ever, Dionisia failed to exercise her ri)ht of redemtion, thus, leavin) an unsold area of more than *&,000 square meters# Dionisia never redeemed this 50,000-square meter ortion from +umersindo# Records sho( that alvador Dellota also a resondent reresented ./ his heirs leased this area from +umersindo#
Dionisia executed a "Deed of 1ort)a)e and Promise 2o ell" ell" in favor of alvador over a 30,000-square meter ortion of !ot o# $%$&, (ithout (ithout secif/in) (hether (hether it included included the 50,000-square 50,000-square ortion sold (ith (ith ri)ht of redemtion to +umersindo# +umersindo# Dionisia filed (ith the then Court of 4irst Instance, ranch %, Roxas Cit/, a comlaint for recover/ of ossession and dama)es dama)es (ith an alicati alication on for a (rit of relimin reliminar/ ar/ mandator/ mandator/ in6unction in6unction a)ainst a)ainst resonden resondentt alvador alvador D# Dellota, Dellota, reresented ./ his (ife +enoveva D# Dellota and their children# 2he trial court rendered its Decision in favor of Petitioner# Court of 7eals rendered a Decision affirmin) in toto the 6ud)ment of the trial court# ISSUE8 9: the Deed of ale (ith Ri)ht of Redemtion is an equita.le mort)a)e under the la(# HELD: YES# 7R2# $;0% of the e( Civil Code#
4ollo(in) De :camo and uenaventura, this Court finds no co)ent reason to conclude that the $3*3 rice of P5,&00#00 as a)reed uon ./ the arties (as unreasona.le or unusuall/ inadequate# 1oreover, under the rules of evidence, it is resumed that a erson ta
() TO!AS ". CHUA vs. COURT CO URT OF A##EALS A##EALS $%& ENCARNACION E NCARNACION VALDES'CHOY VALDES'CHOY '''' &*o $+$,$ -o.. /o0-$%- $s *2% &-$s :) FACTS8 Resondent Valdes-Cho/ advertised for sale her arahernal house and lot in an !oren=o Villa)e, 1a00,000#00 a/a.le in cash# !ater, Valdes Valdes-Cho/ received from Chua a chec< for P$00,000#00# 2he receit evidencin) the transaction, si)ned ./ Valdes-Cho/ Valdes-Cho/ as seller, and Chua as .u/er#
Chua secured from PCom PCom a mana)er?s mana)er?s chec< for P*>0,000#00# P*>0,000#00# tran)el/ tran)el/,, after after securin) securin) the mana)er?s chec<, Chua immediatel/ )ave PCom a sto a/ment order claimin) that this mana)er?s chec< for P*>0,000#00 "(as lost and@or mislaced#" 'ence, 7sst# 7sst# VP Aulie C# Pe notified in (ritin) the PCom :erations +rou of Chua?s sto a/ment order# 2hus, Valdes-Cho/ as vendor and Chua as vendee si)ned t(o Deeds of 7.solute ale# 2he arties met a)ain at the office of Valdes-Cho/?s counsel# Chua handed to Valdes-Cho/ the PCom mana)er?s chec< for P*>5,000#00 It (as then also that Chua sho(ed to Valdes-Cho/ Valdes-Cho/ a PCom mana)er?s chec< for P$0,%$5,000#00 reresentin) the .alance of the urchase rice# Chua, ho(ever, did not )ive this PCom mana)er?s chec< to Valdes-Cho/ .ecause the 2C2 (as still re)istered in the name of Valdes-Cho/# Chua required that the Proert/ .e re)istered first in his name .efore he (ould turn over the chec< to Valdes-Cho/# Valdes-Cho/# 2his 2his an)ered Valdes-Cho/ Valdes-Cho/ (ho tore u the Deeds of ale, claimin) that (hat Chua required (as not art of their a)reement# Chua confirmed his sto a/ment order ./ su.mittin) to PCom an affidavit of loss of the PCom 1ana)er?s Chec< for P*>0,000#00# PCom 7ssistant 7ssistant Vice-President Vice-President Pe, ho(ever, testified that the mana)er?s chec<
(as nevertheless honored .ecause Chua su.sequentl/ ver.all/ advised the .an< that he (as liftin) the sto-a/ment order due to his "secial arran)ement" (ith the .an<# Chua filed a comlaint for secific erformance a)ainst Valdes-Cho/ Valdes-Cho/ (hich the trial court dismissed# Valdes Valdes-Cho/ -Cho/ aealed to the Court of 7eals (hich reversed the decision of the trial court# ISSUE: 1# 9: there is a erfected contract of sale or a mere contract to sell# # 9: Valdes-Cho/ ma/ not forfeit the earnest mone/ even if he did not a/ on time# HELD: 1. CONTRACT TO SELL. 7rticle $*>% of the Civil Code rovides that "9henever earnest mone/ is )iven in a contract of sale, it shall .e considered as art of the rice and roof of the erfection of the contract#"
In this case, the earnest mone/ (as )iven in a contract to sell# 2he Receit evidencin) the contract to sell stiulates that the earnest mone/ is a forfeita.le deosit, to .e forfeited if the sale is not consummated should Chua fail to a/ the .alance of the urchase rice# 2he earnest mone/ forms art of the consideration onl/ if the sale is consummated uon full a/ment of the urchase rice# If there is a contract of sale, Valdes-Cho/ Valdes-Cho/ should have the ri)ht to comel Chua to a/ the .alance of the urchase rice# Chua, ho(ever, has the ri)ht to (al< a(a/ from the transaction, (ith no to a/ the .alance, althou)h he (ill forfeit the earnest mone/# Clearl/, Clearl/, there is no contract of sale# 2he earnest mone/ (as )iven in a contract to sell, and thus 7rticle $*>%, (hich sea
ection &*-a of the IRC, the last sentence of (hich rovides, that "Bthe amount reali=ed from the sale or other disosition of roert/ shall .e the sum of mone/ received lus the fair marF of the urchase rice, is not customar/ in a sale of real estate# uch a condition, not secified in the contract to sell as evidenced ./ the Receit, cannot .e considered art of the "omissions of stiulations (hich are ordinaril/ esta.lished" ./ usa)e or custom#*$ 9hat is increasin)l/ .ecomin) customar/ is to deosit in escro( the .alance of the urchase rice endin) the issuance of a ne( certificate of title in the name of the .u/er# Valdes-Cho/ aldes-Cho/ su))ested this solution .ut unfortunatel/ unfortunatel/,, it dre( dre( no resonse from from Chua#
(3) HIERS OF SEVERINA SAN !IGUEL vs CA G.R. No. 13654. FACTS: Dominador, et al# filed a etition (ith the Court of 4irst Instance, Cavite, as a land re)istration court, to issue title over !ots $ and % of !RC Psu-$&$&, in their names# !and Re)istration Commission hereafter !RC rendered a decision directin) the issuance of :ri)inal Certificate of 2itle o# 0-$>$; in the names of Dominador, et al# everina filed (ith the Court of 4irst Instance of Cavite a etition for revie( of the decision alle)in) that the land re)istration roceedin)s (ere fraudulentl/ concealed ./ Dominador from her# 2he court resolved to set aside the decision of !RC and declared the 2Itle as null and void#
2he Re)ister of Deeds of Cavite issued 2ransfer Certificate of 2itle o# 2-%%&5$$ in the names of everina and her heirs# !ater the trial court issued an order in favor of everinas heirs# everinas heirs, decided not to ursue the (rits of ossession and demolition and entered into a comromise (ith Dominador, et al# Pursuant to the
ISSUE: 9: the the everinas has claim on the # 7rticle $*53# 7rticle $*35# 7rticle $*05# 7rticle $$>
Gnder the facts of the case, everinas heirs are not in a osition to transfer title# 9ithout assin) on the question of (ho actuall/ o(ned the land covered ./ !RC Psu -$&$%, (e note that there is no roof of o(nershi in favor of everinas heirs# In fact, it is a certain Emiliano Eu)enio, (ho holds a tax declaration over the said land in his name# 2hou)h tax declarations do not rove o(nershi of the roert/ of the declarant, tax declarations and receits can .e stron) evidence of o(nershi of land (hen accomanied ./ ossession for a eriod sufficient for rescrition# everinas heirs have nothin) to counter this document#
(4) Ro0o v. CA G.R. No. 15757 Nov,0 3 199 8. V-2
F$-s: 7 Deed of Conditional ale (as entered into ./ etitioner Vir)ilio Romero, and rivate resondent Enriqueta Chua Vda de :n)sion for the sale of a arcel of land in Paranaque to .e used . / the former as a (arehouse for his erlite .usiness#
Romero aid P50< uon the si)nin) of the contract for the filin) of e6ectment case a)ainst the ille)al settlers in the su.6ect roert/ as a)reed to ./ the arties# It (as li
7 sale is at once erfected (hen a erson the seller himself, for a rice certain, to deliver and to transfer o(nershi of a secified thin) or ri)ht to another the .u/er over (hich the latter a)rees# In determinin) the real character of the contract, the title )iven to it ./ the arties is not as much si)nificant as its su.stance# 4or examle, a deed of sale, althou)h denominated as a deed of conditional sale, ma/ .e treated as a.solute in nature, if title to the roert/ sold is not reserved in the vendor or if the vendor is not )ranted the ri)ht to unilaterall/ rescind the contract redicated on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment, as the case ma/ .e, of the rescri.ed condition# 2he term "condition" in the context of a erfected contract of sale ertains, in realit/, to the comliance ./ one art/ of an underta
4rom the moment the contract is erfected, the arties are .ound not onl/ to the fulfillment of (hat has .een exressl/ stiulated .ut also to all the consequences (hich, accordin) to their nature, ma/ .e in
+#R# o# $;5>>3 %0, %005 J7RE-72I7+:, A#
F$-s: :n 4e.ruar/ $%, $33K, resondent 7llan G# 2/ (rote to aco.ia a letter exressin) his intention to acquire one Class 7 share of 2rue orth +olf and Countr/ Clu. and accordin)l/ aid the reservation fee of P$>0,000#00#
2hrou)h letters dated 1a/ %>, $33K and Aul/ *, $33K, aco.ia assured its shareholders that the develoment of 2rue orth (as roceedin) on schedule that the )olf course (ould .e la/a.le ./ $333# :n $, $33K, aco.ia aroved the urchase alication and mem.ershi of resondent for P;00,000#00, su.6ect to certain terms and conditions# 2he notice of aroval rovided8 1.
Approval of an application to purchase golf/country club shares is subjected to the full payment of the total purchase price. 2. Your reserved share shall be considered withdrawn and may be deemed cancelled should you fail to settle your obligation within 15 days from due date, or failure to cover the value of the postdated cheques upon their maturity, or your failure to issue the required postdated cheques. 3. e will underta!e to e"ecute the corresponding sales documents/ #eed of Absolute $ale covering the reserved shares upon full payment of the total purchase price.
'o(ever, on Aanuar/ $%, $33>, resondent notified aco.ia that he is rescindin) the contract and sou)ht refund of the a/ments alread/ made due to the latterHs failure to comlete the ro6ect on time as reresented# !etters (ere sent ./ aco.ia to resondent assurin) him of the comletion and oerations of the )olf course in $333# ot(ithstandin), resondent notified aco.ia on 7ril $K, $33> that he had stoed a/ment on the 5 ost dated chec
ince the a)reement .et(een aco.ia and 2/ is a contract to sell, the full a/ment of the urchase rice arta
In a contract to sell, the rosective seller does not consent to transfer o(nershi of the roert/ to the .u/er until the haenin) of an event, (hich for resent uroses, is the full a/ment of the urchase rice# 9hat the seller a)rees or himself to do is to fulfill his romise to sell the su.6ect roert/ (hen the entire amount of the urchase rice is delivered to him# Gon the fulfillment of the susensive condition, o(nershi (ill not automaticall/ transfer to the .u/er althou)h the roert/ ma/ have .een reviousl/ delivered to him# 2he rosective seller still has to conve/ title to the rosective .u/er ./ enterin) into a contract of a.solute sale# 7s sho(n, 2/ did not a/ the full urchase rice (hich is his under the contract to sell, therefore, it cannot .e said that aco.ia .reached its o arose on its art .ecause resondents non-fulfillment of the susensive condition rendered the contract to sell ineffective and unerfected# Indeed, there can .e no rescission under 7rticle $$3$ of the Civil Code .ecause until the haenin) of the condition, i#e# full a/ment of the contract rice, aco.ias to deliver the title and o.6ect of the sale is not /et extant# 7 non-existent cannot .e su.6ect of rescission# 7rticle $$3$ sea
ometime in $3;%, a t(o-hectare ortion of the roert/ (as sold . / the etitioner to the 1unicialit/ of Isulan, Province of ultan Ludarat throu)h then Isulan 1a/or Datu 7matuan under a Deed of ale executed on Aul/ $>, $3;%, (hich state8 %&hat for and in consideration of the sum of &'()) &'*+$A# -)$*$ -0,222.223, -hilippine 4urrency, value to be paid and deliver to me, and of which receipt of which shall be ac!nowledged by me to my full satisfaction by the +646-A7 8*9)()& *: 6$+7A, represented by the unicipal ayor, #atu $ama Ampatuan, hereinafter referred to as the 9)#)), 6 hereby sell, transfer, cede, convey and assign as by these presents do have sold, transferred, ceded, conveyed and assigned, an area of &* ;3 hectares, more or less, to and in favor of the +646-A7 8*9)()& *: 6$+7A, her sic3 heirs, assigns and administrators to have and to hold forevery sic3 and definitely, which portion shall be utili
7 contract of sale is defined under 7rticle $*5> of the Civil Code N/ the contract of sale, one of the contractin) arties himself to transfer the o(nershi of and to deliver a determinate thin), and the other to a / therefore a rice certain in mone/ or its equivalent#
2he elements of a contract of sale are8 a3 consent or meeting of the minds, that is, consent to transfer ownership in e"change for the price> b3 determinate subject matter> and c3 price certain in money or its equivalent. 7 contract to sell, on the other hand, is defined ./ 7rticle $*K3 of the Civil Code8 A0 bilateral contract whereby the prospective seller, while e"pressly reserving the ownership of the subject property despite delivery thereof to the prospective buyer, binds himself to sell the said property e"clusively to the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of the condition agreed upon, that is, full payment of the purchase price. In a contract of sale, the title to the roert/ asses to the .u/er uon the deliver/ of the thin) sold, (hereas in a contract to sell, the o(nershi is, ./ a)reement, retained ./ the seller and is not to ass to the vendee until full a/ment of the urchase rice# 2he Deed of ale executed ./ the etitioner and the resondent is a erfected contract of sale, all its elements .ein) resent# 2here (as mutual a)reement .et(een them to enter into the sale, as sho(n ./ their free and voluntar/ si)nin) of the contract# 2here (as also an a.solute transfer of o(nershi of the roert/ ./ the etitioner to the resondent as sho(n in the stiulation8 N " " " 6 petitioner0 hereby sell, transfer, cede, convey and assign as by these presents do have sold, transferred, ceded, conveyed and assigned, " " ".= 2here (as also a determinate su.6ect matter, that is, the t(o-hectare arcel of land as descri.ed in the Deed of ale# !astl/, the rice or consideration is at P&,000#00, (hich (as to .e aid after the execution of the contract# 2he fact that no exress reservation of o(nershi or title to the roert/ can .e found in the Deed of ale .olsters the a.sence of such intent, and the contract, therefore, could not .e one to sell# 'ad the intention of the etitioner .een other(ise, he could have8 $ immediatel/ sou)ht 6udicial recourse to revent further construction of the municial .uildin) or % ta
the vendors could no lon)er le)all/ comel 2an to a/ the .alance of the urchase rice as a result of the le)al encum.rance (hich attached to the title of the roert/# ince 2ans refusal to a/ (as due to the suervenin) event of a le)al encum.rance on the roert/ and not throu)h his o(n fault or ne)li)ence, the court find and so hold that the forfeiture of 2ans do(n a/ment (as clearl/ un(arranted#
FACTS: • In $3K;, ouses Restituto onato and Ester onato urchased a vol
onato, in their defense, ar)ued that (hen the coman/ reossessed the car, I4C had, ./ that act, effectivel/ cancelled the sale of the vehicle# 7s such, it (as .arred from exactin) the recover/ of the unaid .alance of the urchase rice as mandated ./ 7rt $*>*# 2he trial court rendered in favor of I4C and ordered the souses onato a/ the .alance of the urchase rice of the car (ith interest# C7 affirmed the same#
ISSUE: 9: a vendor or his assi)nee, (ho had cancelled the sale of a motor vehicle for failure of the .u/er to a/ t(o or more of the stiulated installments, ma/ also demand a/ment of the .alance of the urchase rice HELD: o# 2he alica.le la( in the case at .ar is 7rt $*>* (hich rovides that8 In a contract of sale of ersonal roert/ the rice of (hich is a/a.le in installments, the vendor ma/ exercise an/ of the follo(in) remedies8 $ Exact fulfillment of the, should the vendee fail to a/ % Cancel the sale, should the vendee?s failure to a/ cover t(o or more installments & 4oreclose the chattel mort)a)e on the thin) sold, if one has .een constituted, should the vendee?s failure to a/ cover t(o or more installments# In this case, he shall have no further action a)ainst the urchaser to recover an/ unaid .alance of the rice# 7n/ a)reement to the contrar/ shall .e void# 2his rovision means that should the vendee or the urchaser of a ersonal roert/ default in the a/ment of t(o or more of the a)reed installments, the vendor or the seller has the otion to avail an/ of these & remediesOeither to exact fulfillment ./ the urchaser of the, or to cancel the sale, or to foreclose the mort)a)e on the urchased ersonal roert/, if one (as constituted# 2hese remedies have .een reco)ni=ed as an alternative, not cumulative, that the exercise of one should .ar the exercise of the others#
In the resent case, it is not disuted that I4C had ta
(11) G.R. No. L'431 !$* 6 1977 INDUSTRIAL FINANCE COR#ORATION etitioner,