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Istalación de automation studio, manual de corrección de valvulas.Descripción completa
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garden automation project
ABSTRACT Automation has been of hih !"io"it# fo" the manufa$tu"in se$to"% f"om &o"'(s fi"st set of Mo'e)*T Assemb)# )ines in the ea")# +,-.s to the mo'e"n fa$to"# f)oo"/ 0ith a!!"o!"iate automation% the aim 1as to "ationa)i2e the !"o'u$tion an' 3ee! the !"o$ess un'e" $ont"o)/ Inst"umentation fo" measu" measu"in in !"o$es !"o$esss 4a"iab 4a"iab)es )es assume assume' ' a sinif sinifi$a i$ant nt "o)e "o)e in meetin meetin su$h su$h oa)s/ The 'e4e)o!ment of ne1 senso"s an' inst"uments too3 !)a$e in staes $on$ $on$u" u""en "entt 1ith 1ith a'4a a'4an$ n$em emen ents ts in s$ie s$ien$ n$ee an' an' te$h te$hno no)o )o# #// This This !a!e !a!e"" $om!"ehensi4e)# "e4ie1s the e4o)ution of in'ust"ia) automation/ Essentia))#% it "e4ie1s the mi)estones in the in'ust"ia) automation an' $ont"o) s#stems% the eme"en$e of Dist"ibute' Cont"o) S#stems 5DCSs6% the a'4an$e' $ont"o) a"$hite$tu"e% the non*$on4entiona) te$hno)oies fo" the futu"e an' fina))# the benefits f"om the net1o"3e' s#stem/
ABSTRACT Automation has been of hih !"io"it# fo" the manufa$tu"in se$to"% f"om &o"'(s fi"st set of Mo'e)*T Assemb)# )ines in the ea")# +,-.s to the mo'e"n fa$to"# f)oo"/ 0ith a!!"o!"iate automation% the aim 1as to "ationa)i2e the !"o'u$tion an' 3ee! the !"o$ess un'e" $ont"o)/ Inst"umentation fo" measu" measu"in in !"o$es !"o$esss 4a"iab 4a"iab)es )es assume assume' ' a sinif sinifi$a i$ant nt "o)e "o)e in meetin meetin su$h su$h oa)s/ The 'e4e)o!ment of ne1 senso"s an' inst"uments too3 !)a$e in staes $on$ $on$u" u""en "entt 1ith 1ith a'4a a'4an$ n$em emen ents ts in s$ie s$ien$ n$ee an' an' te$h te$hno no)o )o# #// This This !a!e !a!e"" $om!"ehensi4e)# "e4ie1s the e4o)ution of in'ust"ia) automation/ Essentia))#% it "e4ie1s the mi)estones in the in'ust"ia) automation an' $ont"o) s#stems% the eme"en$e of Dist"ibute' Cont"o) S#stems 5DCSs6% the a'4an$e' $ont"o) a"$hite$tu"e% the non*$on4entiona) te$hno)oies fo" the futu"e an' fina))# the benefits f"om the net1o"3e' s#stem/
An in'u in'ust st"ia "ia)) SCAD SCADA A s#st s#stem em 1i)) 1i)) be use' use' fo" fo" the the 'e4e 'e4e)o )o!m !men entt of the the $ont"o)s of 7HC e8!e"iments/ He"e 1e 'es$"ibe the SCADA s#stems in te"ms te"ms of thei" thei" a"$hit a"$hite$t e$tu"e u"e%% thei" thei" inte"fa inte"fa$e $e to the !"o$es !"o$esss ha"'1a ha"'1a"e% "e% the fun$tiona)it# an' the a!!)i$ation 'e4e)o!ment fa$i)ities the# !"o4i'e/ Some attention is a)so ai' to in'ust"ia) stan'a"'s to 1hi$h the# abi'e% thei" !)anne' e4o)ution as 1e)) as the benefits of thei" use/
I'eas fo" 1a#s of automatin tas3s ha4e been in e8isten$e sin$e the time of the the an$i an$ien entt 9"ee 9"ee3s 3s// The The 9"ee 9"ee3 3 in4e in4ent nto" o" He"o He"o 5f)/ 5f)/ abou aboutt A/D/ A/D/ .6% .6% fo" fo" e8am!)e% is $"e'ite' 1ith ha4in 'e4e)o!e' an automate' s#stem that 1ou)' o!en a tem!)e 'oo" 1hen a !"iest )it a fi"e on the tem!)e a)ta"/ The "ea) im!etu im!etuss fo" the 'e4e)o 'e4e)o!me !ment nt of automa automatio tion n $ame% $ame% ho1e4e ho1e4e"% "% 'u"in 'u"in the In'ust"ia) Re4o)ution of Re4o)ution of the ea")# eihteenth $entu"#/ Man# of the steam* !o1e"e' 'e4i$es bui)t b# ;ames 0att% Ri$ha"' T"e4ithi$3% Ri$ha"' A"31"iht% Thomas Sa4e"#% Thomas Ne1$omen% an' thei" $ontem!o"a"ies 1e"e sim!)e e8am!)es of ma$hines $a!ab)e of ta3in o4e" the 1o"3 of huma humans ns// One One of the the most most e)ab e)abo" o"at atee e8am e8am!) !)es es of auto automa mate te' ' ma$h ma$hin ine"# e"# 'e4e)o!e' 'u"in this !e"io' 1as the '"a1)oom 'esine' b# the &"en$h in4ento" Basi)e Bou$hon in +<-/ The inst"u$tions fo" the o!e"ation of the
Bou$hon )oom 1e"e "e$o"'e' on sheets of !a!e" in the fo"m of ho)es/ The nee')es that $a""ie' th"ea' th"ouh the )oom to ma3e $)oth 1e"e ui'e' b# the !"esen$e o" absen$e of those ho)es/ The manua) !"o$ess of 1ea4in a !atte"n into a !ie$e of $)oth th"ouh the 1o"3 of an in'i4i'ua) 1as t"ansfo"me' b# the Bou$hon !"o$ess into an o!e"ation that $ou)' be !e"fo"me' min')ess)# b# me"e)# ste!!in on a !e'a)/
a/ 1hat is automation b/ t#!es of automation $/ "o)e of $om!ute"s in automation
a. What is Automation
De)eation of human $ont"o) fun$tion to te$hni$a) e=ui!ments a/ to in$"ease !"o'u$tion b/ to "e'u$e $ost $/ to "e'u$e man!o1e" '/ to im!"o4e safet# 1o"3in $on'itions e/ to "e'u$e !o1e" $onsum!tion f/ to im!"o4e =ua)it#
b. Types o Automation
Automate' ma$hines $an be sub'i4i'e' into t1o )a"e $ateo"ies>o!en* )oo! an' $)ose'*)oo! ma$hines% 1hi$h $an then be sub'i4i'e' into e4en sma))e" $ateo"ies/ O!en*)oo! ma$hines a"e 'e4i$es that% on$e sta"te'% o th"ouh a $#$)e an' then sto!/ A $ommon e8am!)e is the automati$ 'ish1ashin ma$hine/ On$e 'ishes a"e )oa'e' into the ma$hine an' a button !ushe'% the ma$hine oes th"ouh a !"e'ete"mine' $#$)e of o!e"ations: !"e* "inse% 1ash% "inse% an' '"#% fo" e8am!)e/ A human o!e"ato" ma# ha4e $hoi$es as to 1hi$h se=uen$e the ma$hine shou)' fo))o1>hea4# 1ash% )iht 1ash% 1a"m an' $o)'% an' so on>but ea$h of these o!e"ations is a)i3e in that the ma$hine sim!)# 'oes the tas3 an' then sto!s/ Man# of the most fami)ia" a!!)ian$es in homes to'a# o!e"ate on this basis/ A mi$"o1a4e o4en% a $offee ma3e"% an' a CD !)a#e" a"e e8am!)es/ 7a"e"% mo"e $om!)e8 in'ust"ia) o!e"ations a)so use o!en*$#$)e o!e"ations/ &o" e8am!)e% in the !"o'u$tion of a $a"% a sin)e ma$hine ma# be !"o"amme' to !)a$e a si'e !ane) in !)a$e on the $a" an' then 1e)' it in a 'o2en o" mo"e )o$ations/ Ea$h of the ste!s in4o)4e' in this !"o$ess>f"om !)a$in the 'oo" !"o!e")# to ea$h of the 'iffe"ent 1e)'s>ta3es !)a$e a$$o"'in to inst"u$tions !"o"amme' into the ma$hine/ Othe" $ateo"# in 1hi$h automation is 'i4i'e' is: a/ S$ientifi$ Automation
Sin$e the +,?.s% the natu"e of automation has un'e"one '"amati$ $hanes as a "esu)t of the a4ai)abi)it# of $om!ute"s/ &o" man# #ea"s% automate' ma$hines 1e"e )imite' b# the amount of fee'ba$3 'ata the# $ou)' $o))e$t an' inte"!"et/ Thus% thei" o!e"ation 1as )imite' to a "e)ati4e)# sma)) numbe" of a)te"nati4es/ 0hen an automate' ma$hine is !)a$e' un'e" the $ont"o) of a $om!ute"% ho1e4e"% that 'isa'4antae 'isa!!ea"s/ The $om!ute" $an ana)#2e a 4ast numbe" of senso"# in!uts f"om a s#stem an' 'e$i'e 1hi$h of man# "es!onses it shou)' ma3e/
Manufa$tu"in $om!anies in 4i"tua))# e4e"# in'ust"# a"e a$hie4in "a!i' in$"eases in !"o'u$ti4it# b# ta3in a'4antae of automation te$hno)oies/ 0hen one thin3s of automation in manufa$tu"in% "obots usua))# $ome to
min'/ The automoti4e in'ust"# 1as the ea")# a'o!te" of "oboti$s% usin these automate' ma$hines fo" mate"ia) han')in% !"o$essin o!e"ations% an' assemb)# an' ins!e$tion/ Dona)' A/ Vin$ent% e8e$uti4e 4i$e !"esi'ent% Roboti$ In'ust"ies Asso$iation% !"e'i$ts a "eate" use of "obots f o" assemb)#% !aint s#stems% fina) t"im% an' !a"ts t"ansfe" 1i)) be seen in the nea" futu"e/ Vin$ent e8!e$ts othe" in'ust"ies to hea4i)# in4est in "oboti$s as 1e))/ In'ust"ies su$h as the e)e$t"oni$s in'ust"#% 1ith its nee' fo" mass $ustomi2ation of e)e$t"oni$ oo's% the miniatu"i2ation of e)e$t"oni$s oo's an'
inte"na) $om!onents%
an' the
"e*stan'a"'i2ation of
semi$on'u$to" in'ust"#% 1hi$h% he sa#s% 1i)) $om!)ete)# "etoo) itse)f b# -..@/ Roboti$s 1i)) $ontinue to e8!an' into the foo' an' be4e"ae in'ust"# 1he"e the# 1i)) !e"fo"m su$h tas3s as !a$3ain% !a))eti2in% an' fi))in as 1e)) as the ae"os!a$e% a!!)ian$e% an' non*manufa$tu"in ma"3ets/ One $an b"ea3 'o1n automation in !"o'u$tion into basi$a))# th"ee $ateo"ies: fi8e' automation% !"o"ammab)e automation% an' f)e8ib)e automation/ The automoti4e in'ust"# !"ima"i)# uses fi8e' automation/ A)so 3no1n as ha"' automation% this "efe"s to an automate' !"o'u$tion fa$i)it# in 1hi$h the se=uen$e of !"o$essin o!e"ations is fi8e' b# the e=ui!ment )a#out/ A oo' e8am!)e of this 1ou)' be an automate' !"o'u$tion )ine 1he"e a se"ies of 1o"3stations a"e $onne$te' b# a t"ansfe" s#stem to mo4e !a"ts bet1een the stations/ 0hat sta"ts as a !ie$e of sheet meta) in the beinnin of the !"o$ess% be$omes a $a" at the en'/ "o"ammab)e automation is a fo"m of automation fo" !"o'u$in !"o'u$ts in bat$hes/ The !"o'u$ts a"e ma'e in bat$h =uantities "anin f"om se4e"a) 'o2en to se4e"a) thousan' units at a time/ &o" ea$h ne1 bat$h% the !"o'u$tion
e=ui!ment must be "e!"o"amme' an' $hane' o4e" to a$$ommo'ate the ne1 !"o'u$t st#)e/ &)e8ib)e automation is an e8tension of !"o"ammab)e automation/ He"e% the 4a"iet# of !"o'u$ts is suffi$ient)# )imite' so that the $haneo4e" of the e=ui!ment $an be 'one 4e"# =ui$3)# an' automati$a))#/ The "e!"o"ammin of the e=ui!ment in f)e8ib)e automation is 'one off*)ine that is% the !"o"ammin is a$$om!)ishe' at a $om!ute" te"mina) 1ithout usin the !"o'u$tion e=ui!ment itse)f/ Com!ute" nume"i$a) $ont"o) 5CNC6 is a fo"m of !"o"ammab)e automation in 1hi$h a ma$hine is $ont"o))e' b# numbe"s 5an' othe" s#mbo)s6 that ha4e been $o'e' into a $om!ute"/ The !"o"am is a$tuate' f"om the $om!ute"(s memo"#/ The ma$hine too) in'ust"# 1as the fi"st to use nume"i$a) $ont"o) to $ont"o) the !osition of a $uttin too) "e)ati4e to the 1o"3 !a"t bein ma$hine'/ The CNC !a"t !"o"am "e!"esents the set of ma$hinin inst"u$tions fo" the !a"ti$u)a" !a"t% 1hi)e the $o'e' numbe"s in the se=uen$e' !"o"am s!e$ifies 8*#*2 $oo"'inates in a Ca"tesian a8is s#stem% 'efinin the 4a"ious !ositions of the $uttin too) in "e)ation to the 1o"3 !a"t/
+/ Re!)a$in human o!e"ato" in te'ious tas3/
-/ Re!)a$in humans in tas3s that shou)' be 'one in 'ane"ous en4i"onment/
/ Ma3in tas3s that a"e be#on' human $a!abi)ities su$h as han')e too hea4# )oa's% too )a"e obe$ts% too hot o" $o)' substan$es o" the "e=ui"ement to ma3e thins too fast o" too s)o1/
@/ E$onom# im!"o4ement* sometimes some 3in's of automation im!)# im!"o4es in e$onom# of ente"!"ises% so$iet# o" most of the human3in'/
DISAD(ANTA)*S +/ Te$hno)o# )imits* no1a'a#s te$hno)o# is not ab)e to automati2e a)) 'esi"e' tas3/
-/ Initia) $osts a"e "e)ati4e hih/
ON -.TH SET/ -...% the &inan$e Committee a!!"o4e' the !"o!osa) to neotiate 1ith ETM A/9/ fo" the su!!)# of VSS*ETMFs SCADA 'e4e)o!in the $ont"o) s#stems of A7ICE% AT7AS% CMS an' 7HCb/ In a$$o"'an$e SCADA 0o"3in 9"ou!% that 1as set u! b# the CREN Cont"o)s
Boa"'% "e VSS as one of the SCADA !"o'u$ts fo" the 'e4e)o!ment of futu"e $ont"o) CREN/
These 'e$isions a"e the a$$om!)ishment of a"oun' thi"teen !e"son* #ea"s &TE* s!annin o4e" mo"e than th"ee #ea"s* to i'entif# an' e4a)uate a !"o!e" $ont"o) s#stem that $o!ies 1ith the e8t"eme "e=ui"ements of hih ene"# !a"ti$)e e8!e"iments su$h as those of 7HC/
0i'e)# use' in in'ust"# fo" Su!e"4iso"# Cont"o) an' Data A$=uisition of !"o$esses% SCADA s#stems a"e no1 a)so !enet"atin the e8!e"iments )abo"ato"ies fo" the $ont"o)s of an$i))a"# s#stems su$h as $oo)in% 4enti)ation 'ist"ibution et$/ Mo"e "e$ent)# the# 1e"e a)so a!!)ie' fo" the $ont"o)s of sma)) !a"ti$)e 'ete$to"s su$h as the 7 muon 'ete$to" an' the NA@G e8!e"iment% to t1o e8am!)es as CREN/
SCADA s#stems ha4e ma'e substantia) !"o"ess o4e" the "e$ent #ea"s in fun$tiona)it#% s$a)abi)it#% !e"fo"man$e an' o!enness/
WHAT IS A SCADA+ SCADA stan's fo" Su!e"4iso"# Cont"o) An' Data A$=uisition/ SCADA "efe"s to a s#stem that $o))e$ts 'ata f"om 4a"ious senso"s at a fa$to"#% !)ant o" in othe" "emote )o$ations an' then sen's this 'ata to a $ent"a) $om!ute" 1hi$h then manaes an' $ont"o)s the 'ata/ SCADA fo$uses on athe"in an'
$i"$u)atin the "iht amount of s#stem info"mation to the "iht !e"son o" $om!ute" 1ithin the "iht amount of time so that $"eati4e so)utions a"e ma'e !ossib)e/
The 3e#1o"' su!e"4iso"# in'i$ates that 'e$isions a"e not 'i"e$t)# ma'e b# the s#stem/ Instea'% the s#stem e8e$utes $ont"o) 'e$isions base' on $ont"o) !a"amete"s ente"e' b# the aen$# staff/ The s#stem monito"s the hea)th of the !"o$ess an' ene"ates a)a"m notifi$ations 1hen $on'itions a"e out of to)e"an$e/ It is a)so tas3e' 1ith !)a$in the !"o$ess in a safe mo'e/ It 1aits fo" use" in!uts to $o""e$t !"ob)ems/ The su!e"4iso"# mo'e is 'esine' to o!e"ate the s#stem in a manne" that a4oi's out of to)e"an$e $on'itions/ In a 1ate" 1aste1ate" !"o$ess% !um!s a"e sta"te' an' sto!!e' b# the s#stem a$$o"'in to )imits assine' b# o!e"ations/ As )on as the s#stem "es!on's $o""e$t)# to the $ont"o) $omman's% the s#stem "emains in $ont"o)/ It ene"a))# "efe"s to an in'ust"ia) $ont"o) s#stem: a $om!ute" s#stem monito"in an' $ont"o))in a !"o$ess/ The !"o$ess $an be in'ust"ia)% inf"ast"u$tu"e o" fa$i)it# base' as 'es$"ibe' be)o1: In'ust"ia) !"o$esses in$)u'e those of manufa$tu"in% !"o'u$tion% !o1e" ene"ation% fab"i$ation% an' "efinin% an' ma# "un in $ontinuous% bat$h% "e!etiti4e% o" 'is$"ete mo'es/ Inf"ast"u$tu"e !"o$esses ma# be !ub)i$ o" !"i4ate% an' in$)u'e 1ate" t"eatment an' 'ist"ibution% 1aste1ate" $o))e$tion an' t"eatment% oi) an' as !i!e)ines% e)e$t"i$a) !o1e" t"ansmission an' 'ist"ibution% $i4i) 'efense si"en s#stems% an' )a"e $ommuni$ation s#stems/
WHAT IS DATA AC,UISITION+ Data a$=uisition is the !"o$ess of "et"ie4in $ont"o) info"mation f"om the e=ui!ment 1hi$h is out of o"'e" o" ma# )ea' to some !"ob)em o" 1hen 'e$isions a"e nee' to be ta3en a$$o"'in to the situation in the e=ui!ment/ So this a$=uisition is 'one b# $ontinuous monito"in of the e=ui!ment to 1hi$h it is em!)o#e'/ The 'ata a$$esse' a"e then fo"1a"'e' onto a te)emet"# s#stem "ea'# fo" t"ansfe" to the 'iffe"ent sites/ The# $an be ana)o an' 'iita) info"mation athe"e' b# senso"s% su$h as f)o1 mete"% ammete"% et$/ It $an a)so be 'ata to $ont"o) e=ui!ment su$h as a$tuato"s% "e)a#s% 4a)4es% moto"s% et$/
SCADA $an be use' to monito" an' $ont"o) !)ant o" e=ui!ment/ The $ont"o) ma# be automati$% o" initiate' b# o!e"ato" $omman's/ The 'ata a$=uisition is a$$om!)ishe' fi"st)# b# the RTU(s 5"emote Te"mina) Units6 s$annin the
fie)' in!uts $onne$te' to the RTU 5RTUFs ma# a)so be $a))e' a 7C * !"o"ammab)e )oi$ $ont"o))e"6/ This is usua))# at a fast "ate/ The $ent"a) host 1i)) s$an the RTU(s 5usua))# at a s)o1e" "ate/6 The 'ata is !"o$esse' to 'ete$t a)a"m $on'itions% an' if an a)a"m is !"esent% it 1i)) be 'is!)a#e' on s!e$ia) a)a"m )ists/ Data $an be of th"ee main t#!es/ Ana)oue 'ata 5i/e/ "ea) numbe"s6 1i)) be t"en'e' 5i/e/ !)a$e' in "a!hs6/ Diita) 'ata 5onoff6 ma# ha4e a)a"ms atta$he' to one state o" the othe"/ u)se 'ata 5e// $ountin "e4o)utions of a mete"6 is no"ma))# a$$umu)ate' o" $ounte'/ These s#stems a"e use' not on)# in in'ust"ia) !"o$esses/ &o" e8am!)e% Manufa$tu"in% stee) ma3in% !o1e" ene"ation both in $on4entiona)% nu$)ea" an' its 'ist"ibution% $hemist"#% but a)so in some e8!e"imenta) fa$i)ities su$h as )abo"ato"ies "esea"$h% testin an' e4a)uation $ente"s% nu$)ea" fusion/ The si2e of su$h !)ants $an "ane f"om as fe1 as +. to se4e"a) +. thousan's in!utout!ut 5IO6 $hanne)s/ Ho1e4e"% SCADA s#stems e4o)4e "a!i')# an' a"e no1 !enet"atin the ma"3et of !)ants 1ith a numbe" of IO $hanne)s of se4e"a) +..K/ The !"ima"# inte"fa$e to the o!e"ato" is a "a!hi$a) 'is!)a# 5mimi$6 usua))# 4ia a C S$"een 1hi$h sho1s a "e!"esentation of the !)ant o" e=ui!ment in "a!hi$a) fo"m/ 7i4e 'ata is sho1n as "a!hi$a) sha!es 5fo"e"oun'6 o4e" a stati$ ba$3"oun'/ As the 'ata $hanes in the fie)'% the fo"e"oun' is u!'ate'/ E// a 4a)4e ma# be sho1n as o!en o" $)ose'/ Ana)o 'ata $an be sho1n eithe" as a numbe"% o" "a!hi$a))#/ The s#stem ma# ha4e man# su$h 'is!)a#s% an' the o!e"ato" $an se)e$t f"om the "e)e4ant ones at an# time/ SCADA s#stems 1e"e fi"st use' in the +,?.s/SCADA s#stems ha4e ma'e substantia) !"o"ess o4e" the "e$ent #ea"s in te"ms of fun$tiona)it#% s$a)abi)it#% !e"fo"man$e an' o!enness su$h that the# a"e an a)te"nati4e to in
house 'e4e)o!ment e4en fo" 4e"# 'eman'in an' $om!)e8 $ont"o) s#stems as those of !h#si$s e8!e"iments/ SCADA s#stems use' to "un on DOS% VMS an' UNIJ in "e$ent #ea"s a)) SCADA 4en'o"s ha4e mo4e' to NT an' some a)so to 7inu8/
In this se$tion 1e a"e oin to 'etai)s 1hi$h 'es$"ibe the $ommon a"$hite$tu"e "e=ui"e' fo" the SCADA !"o'u$ts/
Ha#-a#e A#!hite!tu#e The basi$ ha"'1a"e of the SCADA s#stem is 'istinuishe' into t1o basi$ )a#e"s: the $)ient )a#e" 1hi$h $ate"s fo" the man ma$hine inte"a$tion an' the 'ata se"4e" )a#e" 1hi$h han')es most of the !"o$ess 'ata $ont"o) a$ti4ities/ The 'ata se"4e"s $ommuni$ate 1ith 'e4i$es in the fie)' th"ouh !"o$ess $ont"o))e"s/ "o$ess $ont"o))e"s% e// 7CFs% a"e $onne$te' to the 'ata se"4e"s eithe" 'i"e$t)# o" 4ia net1o"3s o" fie)'buses that a"e !"o!"ieta"# 5e// Siemens H+6% o" non*!"o!"ieta"# 5e// "ofibus6/ Data se"4e"s a"e $onne$te' to ea$h othe" an' to $)ient stations 4ia an Ethe"net 7AN/ &i/+/ sho1s t#!i$a) ha"'1a"e a"$hite$tu"e/
&iu"e +: T#!i$a) Ha"'1a"e A"$hite$tu"e
Inte"na) Communi$ation: Se"4e"*$)ient an' se"4e"*se"4e" $ommuni$ation is in ene"a) on a !ub)ish*subs$"ibe an' e4ent*'"i4en basis an' uses a TCI !"oto$o)% i/e/% a $)ient a!!)i$ation subs$"ibes to a !a"amete" 1hi$h is o1ne' b# a !a"ti$u)a" se"4e"
a!!)i$ation an'
a"e then
$ommuni$ate' to the $)ient a!!)i$ation/ A$$ess to De4i$es: The 'ata se"4e"s !o)) the $ont"o))e"s at a use" 'efine' !o))in "ate/ The !o))in "ate ma# be 'iffe"ent fo" 'iffe"ent !a"amete"s/ The $ont"o))e"s !ass the "e=ueste' !a"amete"s to the 'ata se"4e"s/ Time stam!in of the !"o$ess !a"amete"s is t#!i$a))# !e"fo"me' in the $ont"o))e"s an' this time*stam! is ta3en o4e" b# the 'ata se"4e"/ If the $ont"o))e" an' $ommuni$ation !"oto$o) use' su!!o"t unso)i$ite' 'ata t"ansfe" then the !"o'u$ts 1i)) su!!o"t this too/ The !"o'u$ts !"o4i'e $ommuni$ation '"i4e"s fo" most of the $ommon 7Cs an' 1i'e)# use' fie)'*buses% e//% Mo'bus/ Of the th"ee fie)'buses that a"e "e$ommen'e' a"e% both "ofibus an' 0o")'fi! a"e su!!o"te' but CANbus often not/ Some of the '"i4e"s a"e base' on thi"' !a"t# !"o'u$ts 5e//% A!!)i$om $a"'s6 an' the"efo"e ha4e a''itiona) $ost asso$iate' 1ith them/ VME on the othe" han' is ene"a))# not su!!o"te'/ A sin)e 'ata se"4e" $an su!!o"t mu)ti!)e $ommuni$ations !"oto$o)s it $an ene"a))# su!!o"t as man# su$h !"oto$o)s as it has s)ots fo" inte"fa$e $a"'s/ The effo"t "e=ui"e' to 'e4e)o! ne1 '"i4e"s is t#!i$a))# in the "ane of -*? 1ee3s 'e!en'in on the $om!)e8it# an' simi)a"it# 1ith e8istin '"i4e"s% an' a '"i4e" 'e4e)o!ment too) 3it is !"o4i'e' fo" this/
Inte"fa$in A!!)i$ation Inte"fa$es O!enness The !"o4ision of OC $)ient fun$tiona)it# fo" SCADA to a$$ess 'e4i$es in an o!en an' stan'a"' manne" is 'e4e)o!in/ The"e sti)) seems to be a )a$3 of 'e4i$es$ont"o))e"s% 1hi$h !"o4i'e OC se"4e" soft1a"e% but this im!"o4es "a!i')# as most of the !"o'u$e"s of $ont"o))e"s a"e a$ti4e)# in4o)4e' in the 'e4e)o!ment of this stan'a"'/ The !"o'u$ts a)so !"o4i'e •
an O!en Data Base Conne$ti4it# 5ODBC6 inte"fa$e to the 'ata in the a"$hi4e)os% but not to the $onfiu"ation 'atabase%
an ASCII im!o"te8!o"t fa$i)it# fo" $onfiu"ation 'ata%
a )ib"a"# of AIs su!!o"tin C% C% an' Visua) Basi$ 5VB6 to a$$ess 'ata in the RTDB% )os an' a"$hi4e/ The AI often 'oes not !"o4i'e a$$ess to the !"o'u$t(s inte"na) featu"es su$h as a)a"m han')in% "e!o"tin% t"en'in% et$/ The C !"o'u$ts !"o4i'e su!!o"t fo" the Mi$"osoft stan'a"'s su$h as
D#nami$ Data E8$hane 5DDE6 1hi$h a))o1s e// to 4isua)i2e 'ata '#nami$a))# in an EJCE7 s!"ea'sheet% D#nami$ 7in3 7ib"a"# 5D776 an' Obe$t 7in3in an' Embe''in 5O7E6/
The $onfiu"ation 'ata a"e sto"e' in a 'atabase that is )oi$a))# $ent"a)i2e' but !h#si$a))# 'ist"ibute' an' that is ene"a))# of a !"o!"ieta"# fo"mat/ &o" !e"fo"man$e "easons% the RTDB "esi'es in the memo"# of the se"4e"s an' is a)so of !"o!"ieta"# fo"mat/ The a"$hi4e an' )oin fo"mat is usua))# a)so !"o!"ieta"# fo" !e"fo"man$e "easons% but some !"o'u$ts 'o su!!o"t )oin to a Re)ationa) Data Base Manaement S#stem 5RDBMS6 at a s)o1e" "ate eithe" 'i"e$t)# o" 4ia an ODBC inte"fa$e/ S$a)abi)it# S$a)abi)it# is un'e"stoo' as the !ossibi)it# to e8ten' the SCADA base' $ont"o) s#stem b# a''in mo"e !"o$ess 4a"iab)es% mo"e s!e$ia)i2e' se"4e"s 5e// fo" a)a"m han')in6 o" mo"e $)ients/ The !"o'u$ts a$hie4e s$a)abi)it# b# ha4in mu)ti!)e 'ata se"4e"s $onne$te' to mu)ti!)e $ont"o))e"s/ Ea$h 'ata se"4e" has its o1n $onfiu"ation 'atabase an' RTDB an' is "es!onsib)e fo" the han')in of a sub*set of the !"o$ess 4a"iab)es 5a$=uisition% a)a"m han')in% a"$hi4in6/
SCADA AS A SYST*M A SCADA S#stem usua))# $onsists of the fo))o1in subs#stems: •
A Human&Ma!hine Inte#a!e o" HMI is the a!!a"atus 1hi$h !"esents !"o$ess 'ata to a human o!e"ato"% an' th"ouh this% the human o!e"ato" monito"s an' $ont"o)s the !"o$ess/ A su!e"4iso"# 5$om!ute"6 s#stem% athe"in 5a$=ui"in6 'ata on the !"o$ess an' sen'in $omman's 5$ont"o)6 to the !"o$ess/
Remote Te#mina" Units 5RTUs6 $onne$tin to senso"s in the !"o$ess%
$on4e"tin senso" sina)s to 'iita) 'ata an' sen'in 'iita) 'ata to the su!e"4iso"# s#stem/
'#o/#ammab"e $o/i! Cont#o""e# 57Cs6 use' as fie)' 'e4i$es
$onfiu"ab)e than s!e$ia)*!u"!ose RTUs/
Communi!ation in#ast#u!tu#e $onne$tin the su!e"4iso"# s#stem to
the Remote Te"mina) Units
SCADA 5Su!e"4iso"# Cont"o) an' Data A$=uisition6 HMI 5Human Ma$hine Inte"fa$e6 L CCC 5Cont"o)% Cost "e'u$tion an' Confi'en$e6 CCC s#stems use "ea)*time 'ata a$=uisition an' t"en'in to a))o1 #ou to see 1hat is ha!!enin 1ith #ou" business% as it ha!!ens/ An# !"o$ess $an be automate' an' monito"e' b# these s#stems/ ionee"e' in the $hemi$a) an' !et"o$hemi$a) in'ust"ies% ne1 ha"'1a"e an' soft1a"e no1 a))o1 these
s#stems to be use' fo" e4e"#'a# !"o$esses/ This "esu)ts in $ost sa4ins that !a# fo" a s#stem in a fe1 months/ A =ui$3 e8am!)e is the automation of a 'osin s#stem usin 'a# tan3s an' )a"e ho)'in tan3s use' to fi)) the 'a# tan3s/
A SCADA s#stem $ou)' be !"o"amme' to: •
monito" hih an' )o1 )e4e)s in the 'a# tan3s%
fi)) them 1hen a $e"tain )e4e) is "ea$he'%
$a)$u)ate' an' sto"e the 4o)ume use'%
monito" the )e4e) in the main fee' tan3%
A)a"m 1hen a $e"tain )e4e) is "ea$he' to notif# !u"$hasin 5o" sen' an e*mai)6%
)ot the usae of $hemi$a)s 4s time% !"o$ess% o" an# othe" !a"amete"/
A Human*Ma$hine Inte"fa$e o" HMI is the a!!a"atus 1hi$h !"esents !"o$ess 'ata to a human o!e"ato"% an' th"ouh 1hi$h the human o!e"ato" $ont"o)s the !"o$ess/ HMI(s a"e an eas# 1a# to stan'a"'i2e the fa$i)itation of monito"in mu)ti!)e RTU(s o" 7C(s 5!"o"ammab)e )oi$ $ont"o))e"s6/ Usua))# RTU(s o" 7C(s 1i)) "un a !"e !"o"amme' !"o$ess% but monito"in ea$h of them in'i4i'ua))# $an be 'iffi$u)t% usua))# be$ause the# a"e s!"ea' out o4e" the s#stem/ Be$ause RTU(s an' 7C(s histo"i$a))# ha' no stan'a"'i2e' metho' to 'is!)a# o" !"esent 'ata to an o!e"ato"% the SCADA s#stem $ommuni$ates 1ith 7C(s th"ouhout the s#stem net1o"3 an' !"o$esses info"mation that is easi)# 'isseminate' b# the HMI/ HMI(s $an a)so be )in3e' to a 'atabase% 1hi$h $an use 'ata athe"e' f"om 7C(s o" RTU(s to !"o4i'e "a!hs on t"en's% )oisti$ info% s$hemati$s fo" a s!e$ifi$ senso" o" ma$hine o" e4en ma3e t"oub)eshootin ui'es a$$essib)e/
An im!o"tant !a"t of most SCADA im!)ementations a"e a)a"ms/ An a)a"m is a 'iita) status !oint that has eithe" the 4a)ue NORMA7 o" A7ARM/ A)a"ms $an be $"eate' in su$h a 1a# that 1hen thei" "e=ui"ements a"e met% the# a"e a$ti4ate'/ An e8am!)e of an a)a"m is the fue) tan3 em!t# )iht in a $a"/ The SCADA o!e"ato"(s attention is '"a1n to the !a"t of the s#stem "e=ui"in attention b# the a)a"m/ Emai)s an' te8t messaes a"e often sent a)on 1ith an a)a"m a$ti4ation a)e"tin manae"s a)on 1ith the SCADA o!e"ato"/
SCADA so)ution often has Dist"ibute' Cont"o) S#stems $om!onents/ Use of sma"t RTUs o" 7Cs% 1hi$h a"e $a!ab)e of autonomous)# e8e$utin sim!)e )oi$ !"o$esses 1ithout in4o)4in the maste" $om!ute"% is in$"easin/ A fun$tiona) b)o$3 !"o"ammin )anuae% IEC ?+++*% is f"e=uent)# use' to $"eate !"o"ams 1hi$h "un on these RTUs an' 7Cs/ Un)i3e a !"o$e'u"a) )anuae su$h as the C !"o"ammin )anuae o" &ORTAN%IEC ?+++*+ has minima) t"ainin "e=ui"ements b# 4i"tue of "esemb)in histo"i$ !h#si$a) $ont"o) a""a#s/ This a))o1s SCADA s#stem eninee"s to !e"fo"m both 'esin an' im!)ementation of a !"o"am to be e8e$ute' on a TRU o" 7C/
S#stem $om!onents
The th"ee $om!onents of SCADA s#stem a"e: +/ Mu)ti!)e Remote Te"mina) Units -/ Cent"a) Cont"o) Room 1ith Host Com!ute" / Communi$ation Inf"ast"u$tu"e
R*MOT* T*RMINA$ UNIT The RTU $onne$ts to !h#si$a) e=ui!ment/ T#!i$a))#% an RTU $on4e"ts the e)e$t"i$a) sina)s f"om the e=ui!ment to 'iita) 4a)ues su$h as the o!en$)ose' status f"om a s1it$h o" a 4a)4e% o" measu"ements su$h as !"essu"e% f)o1% 4o)tae o" $u""ent/ B# $on4e"tin an' sen'in these e)e$t"i$a) sina)s out to e=ui!ment the RTU $an $ont"o) e=ui!ment% su$h as o!enin o" $)osin a s1it$h o" a 4a)4e% o" settin the s!ee' of a !um!/ The RTU $an "ea' 'iita) status 'ata o" ana)oue measu"ement 'ata% an' sen' out 'iita) $omman's o" ana)oue set!oints/ An im!o"tant !a"t of most SCADA im!)ementation a"ea)a"ms/ An a)a"m is a 'iita) status !oint that has eithe" the 4a)ue NORMA7 o" A7ARM/ A)a"ms $an be $"eate' in su$h a 1a# that 1hen thei" "e=ui"ements a"e met% the# a"e a$ti4ate'/ An e8am!)e of an a)a"m is the fue) tan3 em!t# )iht in a $a"/ The SCADA o!e"ato"Fs attention is '"a1n to the !a"t of the s#stem "e=ui"in attention b# the a)a"m/ Emai)s an' the te8t messaes a"e often sent a)on 1ith an a)a"m a$ti4ation a)e"tin manae"s a)on 1ith the SCADA o!e"ato"/
C*NTRA$ CONTRO$ ROOM COM'UT*R The SCADA usua))# !"esents the info"mation in the fo"m of mimi$/ This means that a o!e"ato" $an see a "e!"esentation of the !)ant bein $ont"o))e'/ &o" e8am!)e a !i$tu"e of a !um! $onne$te' to a !i!e $an sho1 the o!e"ato" that the !um! is "unnin an' ho1 mu$h f)ui' it is !um!in th"ouh the !i!e at the moment/ The o!e"ato" $an then s1it$h the !um! off/ The SCADA 1i)) sho1 the f)o1 "ate of the f)ui' in the !i!e 'e$"ease in "e)a# time/ The HMI !a$3ae fo" the SCADA s#stem in$)u'es a '"a1in !"o"am that the o!e"ato" o" s#stem !e"sonne) use to $hane the 1a# these !oints a"e "e!"esente' in the inte"fa$e/ These "e!"esentation $an be as sim!)e as an on s$"een t"affi$ )iht% 1hi$h "e!"esents the state of an a$tua) t"affi$ )iht in the fie)' o" as $om!)e8 as a mu)ti*!"oe$to" 'is!)a# "e!"esentin the !osition of a)) the e)e4ato"s in a s3#s$"a!e" o" a)) the t"ains on a "ai)1a#/ The inte"fa$e is usua))# -D an' is 'is!)a#e' usin the J++ !"oto$o)% a)thouh some 4en'o"s !"o4i'e imme"si4e D inte"fa$es an' su!!o"t fo" othe" 'is!)a# AIs su$h as 0in - 9DIDi"e$tD"a1/ S$a'a maste" $om!ute"s t#!i$a))# "un on to! of a thi"' !a"t# o!e"atin s#stem/ Nea")# a)) SCADA !"o'u$ts "un on eithe" a UNIJ 4a"iant o" H O!en VMS% a)thouh man# 4en'o"s a"e beinnin to !"o4i'e Mi$"osoft 0in'o1s as a host o!e"atin s#stem o!tion/ Initia))# mo"e o!enF !)atfo"ms su$h as 7inu8 1e"e no as 1i'e)# use' 'ue to hih)# '#nami$ 'e4e)o!ment en4i"onment an' be$ause a SCADA
$ustome" that
1as ab)e to affo"' the fie)' ha"'1a"e an' 'e4i$es to be $ont"o))e' $ou)' usua))# a)so !u"$hase UNIJ o" o!en VMS )i$enses/
O'*RATIONA$ 'HI$OSO'HY Instea' of "e)#in on o!e"ato" inte"4ention% o" maste" station automation% RTUs ma# no1 be "e=ui"e' to o!e"ate on thei" o1n to $ont"o) tunne) fi"es o" !e"fo"m othe" safet# "e)ate' tas3s/ The maste" station soft1a"e is "e=ui"e' to 'o mo"e ana)#sis of 'ata befo"e !"esentin it to o!e"ato"s in$)u'in histo"i$a) ana)#sis an' ana)#sis asso$iate' 1ith !a"ti$u)a" in'ust"# "e=ui"ements/ Safet# "e=ui"ements a"e no1 bein a!!)ie' to the s#stems as a 1ho)e an' e4en maste" station soft1a"e must meet st"inent safet# stan'a"'s fo" some ma"3ets/ &o" some insta))ations% the $ost that 1ou)' "esu)t f"om the $ont"o) s#stem fai)in is e8t"eme)# hih !ossib)# e4en )i4es $ou)' be )ost/ Ha"'1a"e fo" SCADA s#stems is ene"a))# "ue'i2e' to 1ithstan' tem!e"atu"e% 4ib"ation an' 4o)tae e8t"emes but in these insta))ations "e)iabi)it# is enhan$e' b# ha4in "e'un'ant ha"'1a"e an' $ommuni$ations $hanne)s/ A fai)in !a"t $an be =ui$3)# i'entifie' an' its fun$tiona)it# automati$a))# ta3en o4e" b# ba$3u! ha"'1a"e/ A fi)e' !a"t $an often be "e!)a$e' 1ithout inte""u!tin the !"o$ess/ The "e)iabi)it# of su$h s#stems $an be $a)$u)ate' statisti$a))# an' is state' as the mean time to fai)u"e% 1hi$h is a 4a"iant of mean time bet1een fai)u"es/ The $a)$u)ate' mean time to fai)u"e of su$h hih "e)iabi)it# s#stems $an be in the $entu"ies/
SCADA s#stems ha4e t"a'itiona))# use' $ombinations of "a'io an' 'i"e$t se"ia) o" mo'em $onne$tions to meet $ommuni$ation "e=ui"ements% a)thouh Ethe"net an' I o4e" SONET is a)so f"e=uent)# use' at )a"e sites su$h as "ai)1a#s an' !o1e" stations/ This has a)so $ome un'e" th"eat 1ith some $ustome" 1ant in SCADA 'ata to t"a4e) o4e" thei" !"e*estab)ishe' $o"!o"ate net1o"3s o" to sha"e the net1o"3 1ith othe" a!!)i$ations/ The )ea$# of the ea")# )o1 ban'1i'th !"oto$o)s "emains% thouh% SCADA !"oto$o)s a"e 'esine' to be 4e"# $om!a$t an' man# a"e 'esine' to sen' info"mation to the maste" station on)# 1hen the maste" station !o))s the RTU/
The te"m SCADA usua))# "efe"s to $ent"a)i2e' s#stems 1hi$h monito" an' $ont"o) enti"e sites% o" $om!)e8es of s#stems s!"ea' out o4e" )a"e a"eas 5an#thin bet1een an in'ust"ia) !)ant an' a $ount"#6/ Most $ont"o) a$tions a"e !e"fo"me' automati$a))# b# "emote te"mina) units 5RTUs6 o" b# !"o"ammab)e )oi$ $ont"o))e"s 57Cs6/ Host $ont"o) fun$tions a"e usua))# "est"i$te' to basi$ o4e""i'in o" su!e"4iso"# )e4e) inte"4ention/ &o" e8am!)e% a 7C ma# $ont"o) the f)o1 of $oo)in 1ate" th"ouh !a"t of an in'ust"ia) !"o$ess% but the SCADA s#stem ma# a))o1 o!e"ato"s to $hane the set !oints fo" the f)o1 an' enab)e a)a"m $on'itions% su$h as )oss of f)o1 an' hih tem!e"atu"e% to be 'is!)a#e' an' "e$o"'e'/ The fee'ba$3 $ont"o) )oo! !asses th"ouh the RTU o" 7C% 1hi)e the SCADA s#stem monito"s the o4e"a)) !e"fo"man$e of the )oo!/
Data a$=uisition beins at the RTU o" 7C )e4e) an' in$)u'es mete" "ea'ins an' e=ui!ment status "e!o"ts that a"e $ommuni$ate' to SCADA as "e=ui"e'/ Data is then $om!i)e' an' fo"matte' in su$h a 1a# that a $ont"o) "oom o!e"ato" usin the HMI $an ma3e su!e"4iso"# 'e$isions to a'ust o" o4e""i'e no"ma) RTU 57C6 $ont"o)s/ SCADA s#stems t#!i$a))# im!)ement a 'ist"ibute' 'atabase% $ommon)# "efe""e' to as a ta 'atabase% 1hi$h $ontains 'ata e)ements $a))e' tas o" !oints/ A !oint "e!"esents a sin)e in!ut o" out!ut 4a)ue monito"e' o" $ont"o))e' b# the s#stem/ oints $an be eithe" ha"' o" soft/ A ha"' !oint "e!"esents an a$tua) in!ut o" out!ut 1ithin the s#stem% 1hi)e a soft !oint
"esu)ts f"om )oi$ an' math o!e"ations a!!)ie' to othe" !oints/ 5Most im!)ementations $on$e!tua))# "emo4e the 'istin$tion b# ma3in e4e"# !"o!e"t# a soft !oint e8!"ession% 1hi$h ma#% in the sim!)est $ase% e=ua) a sin)e ha"' !oint/6 oints a"e no"ma))# sto"e' as 4a)ue*timestam! !ai"s: a 4a)ue an' the timestam! 1hen it 1as "e$o"'e' o" $a)$u)ate'/ A se"ies of 4a)ue*timestam! !ai"s i4es the histo"# of that !oint/ It(s a)so $ommon to sto"e a''itiona) meta'ata 1ith tas% su$h as the !ath to a fie)' 'e4i$e o" 7C "eiste"% 'esin time $omments% an' a)a"m info"mation/
A$$ess Cont"o) Use"s a"e a))o$ate' to "ou!s% 1hi$h ha4e 'efine' "ea'1"ite a$$ess !"i4i)ees to the !"o$ess !a"amete"s in the s#stem an' often a)so to s!e$ifi$ !"o'u$t fun$tiona)it#/ MMI The
$ombinations of s#no!ti$ 'ia"ams an' te8t/ The# a)so su!!o"t the $on$e!t of a ene"i$ "a!hi$a) obe$t 1ith )in3s to !"o$ess 4a"iab)es/ These obe$ts $an be '"ae' an' '"o!!e' f"om a )ib"a"# an' in$)u'e' into a s#no!ti$ 'ia"am/ Most of the SCADA !"o'u$ts that 1e"e e4a)uate' 'e$om!ose the !"o$ess in atomi$ !a"amete"s 5e// a !o1e" su!!)# $u""ent% its ma8imum 4a)ue% its onoff status% et$/6 to 1hi$h a Ta*name is asso$iate'/ The Ta* names use' to )in3 "a!hi$a) obe$ts to 'e4i$es $an be e'ite' as "e=ui"e'/ The !"o'u$ts in$)u'e a )ib"a"# of stan'a"' "a!hi$a) s#mbo)s% man# of 1hi$h 1ou)' ho1e4e" not be a!!)i$ab)e to the t#!e of a!!)i$ations en$ounte"e' in the e8!e"imenta) !h#si$s $ommunit#/ Stan'a"' 1in'o1s e'itin fa$i)ities a"e !"o4i'e': 2oomin% "e*si2in% s$"o))in/// On*)ine $onfiu"ation an' $ustomi2ation of the MMI is !ossib)e fo" use"s 1ith the a!!"o!"iate !"i4i)ees/ 7in3s $an be $"eate' bet1een 'is!)a# !aes to na4iate f"om one 4ie1 to anothe"/
T"en'in The !"o'u$ts a)) !"o4i'e t"en'in fa$i)ities an' one $an summa"i2e the $ommon $a!abi)ities as fo))o1s: •
the !a"amete"s to be t"en'e' in a s!e$ifi$ $ha"t $an be !"e'efine' o" 'efine' on*)ine
a $ha"t ma# $ontain mo"e than G t"en'e' !a"amete"s o" !ens an' an un)imite' numbe" of $ha"ts $an be 'is!)a#e' 5"est"i$te' on)# b# the "ea'abi)it#6
"ea)*time an' histo"i$a) t"en'in a"e !ossib)e% a)thouh ene"a))# not in the same $ha"t
histo"i$a) t"en'in is !ossib)e fo" an# a"$hi4e' !a"amete"
2oomin an' s$"o))in fun$tions a"e !"o4i'e'
!a"amete" 4a)ues at the $u"so" !osition $an be 'is!)a#e' The t"en'in featu"e is eithe" !"o4i'e' as a se!a"ate mo'u)e o" as a
"a!hi$a) obe$t 5A$ti4eJ6% 1hi$h $an then be embe''e' into a s#no!ti$ 'is!)a#/ JY an' othe" statisti$a) ana)#sis !)ots a"e ene"a))# not !"o4i'e'/
A)a"m Han')in A)a"m han')in is base' on )imit an' status $he$3in an' !e"fo"me' in the 'ata se"4e"s/ Mo"e $om!)i$ate' e8!"essions 5usin a"ithmeti$ o" )oi$a) e8!"essions6 $an be 'e4e)o!e' b# $"eatin 'e"i4e' !a"amete"s on 1hi$h status o" )imit $he$3in is then !e"fo"me'/ The a)a"ms a"e )oi$a))# han')e' $ent"a))#% i/e/% the info"mation on)# e8ists in one !)a$e an' a)) use"s see the same status 5e//% the a$3no1)e'ement6% an' mu)ti!)e a)a"m !"io"it# )e4e)s 5in ene"a) man# mo"e than su$h )e4e)s6 a"e su!!o"te'/ It is ene"a))# !ossib)e to "ou! a)a"ms an' to han')e these as an entit# 5t#!i$a))# fi)te"in on "ou! o" a$3no1)e'ement of a)) a)a"ms in a "ou!6/ &u"the"mo"e% it is !ossib)e to su!!"ess a)a"ms eithe" in'i4i'ua))# o" as a $om!)ete "ou!/ The fi)te"in of a)a"ms seen on the a)a"m !ae o" 1hen 4ie1in the a)a"m )o is a)so !ossib)e at )east on !"io"it#% time an' "ou!/ Ho1e4e"% "e)ationshi!s bet1een a)a"ms $annot ene"a))# be 'efine' in a st"aihtfo"1a"' manne"/ E*mai)s $an be ene"ate' o" !"e'efine' a$tions automati$a))# e8e$ute' in "es!onse to a)a"m $on'itions/ 7oinA"$hi4in The te"ms )oin an' a"$hi4in a"e often use' to 'es$"ibe the same fa$i)it#/ Ho1e4e"% )oin $an be thouht of as me'ium*te"m sto"ae of 'ata on 'is3% 1he"eas a"$hi4in is )on*te"m sto"ae of 'ata eithe" on 'is3 o" on anothe" !e"manent sto"ae me'ium/ 7oin is t#!i$a))# !e"fo"me' on a $#$)i$ basis% i/e/% on$e a $e"tain fi)e si2e% time !e"io' o" numbe" of !oints is "ea$he' the 'ata is o4e"1"itten/ 7oin of 'ata $an be !e"fo"me' at a set f"e=uen$#% o" on)# initiate' if the 4a)ue $hanes o" 1hen a s!e$ifi$
!"e'efine' e4ent o$$u"s/ 7oe' 'ata $an be t"ansfe""e' to an a"$hi4e on$e the )o is fu))/ The )oe' 'ata is time*stam!e' an' $an be fi)te"e' 1hen 4ie1e' b# a use"/ The )oin of use" a$tions is in ene"a) !e"fo"me' toethe" 1ith eithe" a use" ID o" station ID/ The"e is often a)so a VCR fa$i)it# to !)a# ba$3 a"$hi4e' 'ata/ Re!o"t 9ene"ation One $an !"o'u$e "e!o"ts usin SP7 t#!e =ue"ies to the a"$hi4e% RTDB o" )os/ A)thouh it is sometimes !ossib)e to embe' EJCE7 $ha"ts in the "e!o"t% a $ut an' !aste $a!abi)it# is in ene"a) not !"o4i'e'/ &a$i)ities e8ist to be ab)e to automati$a))# ene"ate% !"int an' a"$hi4e "e!o"ts/ Automation The mao"it# of the !"o'u$ts a))o1 a$tions to be automati$a))# t"ie"e' b# e4ents/ A s$"i!tin )anuae !"o4i'e' b# the SCADA !"o'u$ts a))o1s these a$tions to be 'efine'/ In ene"a)% one $an )oa' a !a"ti$u)a" 'is!)a#% sen' an Emai)% "un a use" 'efine' a!!)i$ation o" s$"i!t an' 1"ite to the RTDB/ The $on$e!t of "e$i!es is su!!o"te'% 1he"eb# a !a"ti$u)a" s#stem $onfiu"ation $an be sa4e' to a fi)e an' then "e*)oa'e' at a )ate" 'ate/ Se=uen$in is a)so su!!o"te' 1he"eb#% as the name in'i$ates% it is !ossib)e to e8e$ute a mo"e $om!)e8 se=uen$e of a$tions on one o" mo"e 'e4i$es/ Se=uen$es ma# a)so "ea$t to e8te"na) e4ents/ Some of the !"o'u$ts 'o su!!o"t an e8!e"t s#stem but none has the $on$e!t of a &inite State Ma$hine 5&SM6/
SCADA 4en'o"s "e)ease one mao" 4e"sion an' one to t1o a''itiona) mino" 4e"sions on$e !e" #ea"/ These !"o'u$ts e4o)4e thus 4e"# "a!i')# so as to ta3e a'4antae of ne1 ma"3et o!!o"tunities% to meet ne1 "e=ui"ements of thei" $ustome"s an' to ta3e a'4antae of ne1 te$hno)oies/ As 1as a)"ea'# mentione'% most of the SCADA !"o'u$ts that 1e"e e4a)uate' 'e$om!ose the !"o$ess in atomi$ !a"amete"s to 1hi$h a Ta* name is asso$iate'/ This is im!"a$ti$a) in the $ase of 4e"# )a"e !"o$esses 1hen 4e"# )a"e sets of Tas nee' to be $onfiu"e'/ As the in'ust"ia) a!!)i$ations a"e in$"easin in si2e% ne1 SCADA 4e"sions a"e no1 bein 'esine' to han')e 'e4i$es an' e4en enti"e s#stems as fu)) entities 5$)asses6 that en$a!su)ate a)) thei" s!e$ifi$ att"ibutes an' fun$tiona)it#/ In a''ition% the# 1i)) a)so su!!o"t mu)ti*team 'e4e)o!ment/ As fa" as ne1 te$hno)oies a"e $on$e"ne'% the SCADA !"o'u$ts a"e no1 a'o!tin: •
0eb te$hno)o#% A$ti4eJ% ;a4a% et$/
OC as a means fo" $ommuni$atin inte"na))# bet1een the $)ient an' se"4e" mo'u)es/ It shou)' thus be !ossib)e to $onne$t OC $om!)iant thi"' !a"t# mo'u)es to that SCADA !"o'u$t/
DYNAMIC 'ROC*SS )RA'HIC mimi$s 'e4e)o!e' in SCADA soft1a"e
shou)' "esemb)e the !"o$ess mimi$/ SCADA shou)' ha4e oo' )ib"a"# of s#mbo)s so that #ou $an 'e4e)o! the mimi$ as !e" "e=ui"ement/ On$e the o!e"ato" sees the s$"een he shou)' 3no1 1hat is oin on in the !)ant/
R*A$ TIM* AND HISTORICA$ TR*ND the t"en' !)a# 4e"# im!o"tant
"o)e in the !"o$ess o!e"ation/ If #ou" bat$h fai)s o" the !)ant t"i!s% #ou $an sim!)# o to the histo"i$a) t"en' 'ata an' 'o the ana)#sis/ You $an ha4e bette" )oo3 of the !a"amete"s th"ouh the t"en'/ E8/ 0e $ommission a SCADA s#stem fo" A$i' Reene"ation !)ant 1he"e the !)ant has to be o!e"ate' on G.*'e tem!e"atu"e/ If the o!e"ato" o!e"ates the !)ant at ,.. 'e #ou $an imaine ho1 mu$h a''itiona) 79 he is !uttin into the "ea$to"/ Aain 1hat 1i)) ha!!en to the b"i$3s of the "ea$to"Q So the !"o'u$tion mane"Fs fi"st ob 1i)) be to o th"ouh the t"en's ho1 the o!e"ato"s a"e o!e"atin the !)ant/ E4en 1hen the !)ant t"i!s the"e a"e mo"e than - !"obab)e "easons fo" the sam!)e but if #ou o th"ouh the histo"# t"en's% itFs 4e"# eas# to i'entif# the !"ob)em/
A$ARMS ha4e a 4e"# $"iti$a) "o)e in automation/ 9ene"a))# #ou ha4e a)a"m
states fo" ea$h in!utsout!uts )i3e #ou" tem!e"atu"e shou)' not $"oss G. 'e o" )e4e" shou)' be )ess than ?./ So if the !a"amete"s o in a)a"m state the o!e"ato" shou)' be intimate' 1ith a)a"m/ Most of the SCADA soft1a"e su!!o"t fou" t#!es of a)a"ms )i3e 7O7O%7O%HI an' HIHI/ Dea'ban' the 4a)ue of 'ea'ban' 'efines the "ane afte" 1hi$h a hih )o1 a)a"m $on'ition "etu"ns to no"ma)/ A)a"ms a"e the most im!o"tant !a"t of the !)ant $ont"o) a!!)i$ations be$ause the o!e"ato" must 3no1 instant)# 1hen somethin oes 1"on/ It is often e=ua))# im!o"tant to ha4e a "e$o"' of a)a"ms an' 1hethe" an a)a"m 1as a$3no1)e'e'/ An a)a"m o$$u"s 1hen somethin oes 1"on/ It $an sina) that a 'e4i$e o" !"o$ess has $ease' o!e"atin 1ithin a$$e!tab)e% !"e'efine' )imits o" it $an in'i$ate b"ea3'o1n% 1ea" o" !"o$ess ma)fun$tion/
R*CI'* MANA)*M*NT is an a''itiona) featu"e/ Some SCADA
soft1a"e su!!o"t it% some 'o not/ Most of the !)ants a"e manufa$tu"in mu)ti !"o'u$ts/ 0hen #ou ha4e 'iffe"ent !"o'u$ts to manufa$tu"e% #ou ust ha4e to )oa' the "e$i!e of the !a"ti$u)a" !"o'u$t/
S*CURITY is on fa$i)it# !eo!)e ene"a))# )oo3 fo"/ You $an a))o$ate
$e"tain fa$i)ities o" featu"es to the o!e"ato"% !"o$ess !eo!)e% eninee"in 'e!t an' maintenan$e 'e!t/ fo" e8am!)e o!e"ato"s shou)' on)# o!e"ate the s#stem% he shou)' not be ab)e $hane the a!!)i$ation/ The eninee"s shou)'
ha4e a$$ess to $hanin the a!!)i$ation/ The eninee"s shou)' ha4e a$$ess to $hanin the a!!)i$ation 'e4e)o!e'/
D*(IC* CONN*CTI(ITY #ou 1i)) fin' the"e a"e hun'"e's of
automation ha"'1a"e manufa$tu"e" )i3e Mo'i$on% Siemens% A))en B"a')#% ABB/ E4e"#bo'# has the"e o1n 1a# of $ommuni$ation o" 1e $an sa# the# ha4e the"e o1n $ommuni$ation !"oto$o)/ SCADA soft1a"e shou)' ha4e $onne$ti4it# to the 'iffe"ent ha"'1a"e use' in automation/ It shou)' not ha!!en that fo" Mo'i$on I am bu#in one soft1a"e an' fo" Siemens anothe" one/ The soft1a"e )i3e As!i$ o" 0on'e"1a"e has $onne$ti4it# to a)most a)) ha"'1a"e use' in automation/
DATABAS* CONN*CTI(ITY no1 a 'a#s info"mation !)a#s 4e"#
im!o"tant "o)e in an# business/ Most manufa$tu"in units o fo" Ente"!"ise Resou"$e )annin o" Manaement Info"mation S#stem/
'#o-u!tion Dept.
Rea) time !"o'u$tion status: manufa$tu"in status is u!'ate' in "ea) time in 'i"e$t $ommuni$ation to o!e"ato" an' $ont"o) 'e4i$e "o'u$tion s$he'u)es: !"o'u$tion s$he'u)es $an be 4ie1e' an' u!'ate' 'i"e$t)# "o'u$tion info"mation manaement: !"o'u$tion s!e$ifi$ info"mation is 'ist"ibute' to a)) ,ua"ity Dept.
Data inte"it# an' =ua)it# $ont"o) is im!"o4e' b# usin a $ommon inte"fa$e It is an o!en !)atfo"m fo" statisti$a) ana)#sis Conso)i'ation of manufa$tu"in an' )ab 'ata Maintenan!e Dept.
Im!"o4e' t"oub)eshootin an' 'e*buin: 'i"e$t $onne$tion to 1i'e 4a"iet#
Inte"ate' automation so)utions "e'u$e 'esin an' $onfiu"ation time
$onfiu"ation in a)) a"eas Ca!ab)e of $onne$tin to 1i'e 4a"iet# of s#stems/ Re'u$es sta"t u! time an' s#stem t"ainin 1ith in'ust"# !"o4en o!en inte"fa$es Manua!tu#in/ Dept.
Uns$he'u)e' 'o1n time is "e'u$e' 'ue to s1ift a)a"m 'ete$tion an' e4ent '"i4en info"mation
Ma3es o!e"ations easie" an' mo"e "e!eatab)e 1ith its "ea) time fun$tiona)it# Se$u"e' "ea) time o!e"ation a"e maintaine' 1ith 1in'o1s
What is a Ta/* a ta is a )oi$a) name fo" a 4a"iab)e in a 'e4i$e o" )o$a)
memo"# 5RAM6/ Tas that "e$ei4e 'ata f"om some e8te"na) 'e4i$es su$h as !"o"ammab)e )oi$ $ont"o))e"s o" se"4e"s a"e "efe"ee' to as IO tas/ Tas that "e$ei4e 'ata inte"na))# f"om soft1a"e a"e $a))e' memo"# tas/ Ana"o/ Ta/s* sto"e a "ane of 4a)ues/ EJ tem!% f)o1% 'ensit# et$ Dis!#ete ta/s* to sto"e 4a)ues su$h as . o" +/ EJ onoff status of a !um!%
4a)4es% s1it$hes et$/ System ta/s* sto"e info"mation ene"ate' 1hi)e the soft1a"e is "unnin
in$)u'in a)a"m info an' s#stem time an' 'ate/ St#in/ ta/s* a"e use' to sto"e ASCII st"ins a se"ies of $ha"a$te"s o" 1ho)e
1o"'/ The ma8 st"in )enth is ++ $ha"a$te"s/ Tou!h "in1s* a))o1 the o!e"ato" to in!ut 'ata into the s#stem/ EJ/ O!e"ato"
ma# tu"n the 4a)ue on o" off% ente" a ne1 a)a"m set !oint% "un a $om!)e8 )oi$ s$"i!t et$/ Tou!h push buttons*a"e use' to $"eate obe$t )in3 that imme'iate)# !e"fo"m
an o!e"ation 1hen $)i$3e' 1ith the mouse o" tou$he'/ These o!e"ations $an be 'is$"ete 4a)ue $hanes% a$tion s$"i!t e8e$utions an' sho1 o" hi'e 1in'o1 $omman's/
Co"ou# "in1s* a"e use' to animate the )ine $o)ou"% fi)) $o)ou" o" te8t $o)ou" of
an obe$t/ Ea$h of these $o)ou" att"ibutes $an be ma'e '#nami$ b# 'efinin a $o)ou" )in3 fo" the att"ibute/ The $o)ou" att"ibute ma# be )in3e' to the 4a)ue of a 'is$"ete e8!"ession% ana)oue e8!"ession% 'is$"ete a)a"m status o" ana)o a)a"m status/ (isibi"ity* use' to $ont"o) 4isibi)it# of an obe$t base' on the 4a)ue of
'is$"ete ta name o" e8!"ession/ B"in1& use' to ma3e an obe$t b)in3 base' on the 4a)ue of the 'is$"ete
taname o" e8!"ession/ O#ientation* use' to ma3e an obe$t "otate base' on the 4a)ue of a
taname e8!"ession/ Disab"e* use' to 'isab)e the tou$h fun$tiona)it# of obe$ts base' on the 4a)ue
of a taname of e8!"ession/ Often use' as a !a"t of a se$u"it# st"ate#/ (a"ue -isp"ay "in1s * !"o4i'es the abi)it# to use te8t obe$t to 'is!)a# the
4a)ue of a 'is$"ete% ana)o o" st"in taname/ 'e#!ent i"" "in1s* use' to !"o4i'e abi)it# to 4a"# the fi)) )e4e) of a fi))e'
sha!e a$$o"'in to the 4a)ue of an ana)o taname o" an e8!"ession that $om!utes to an ana)o 4a)ue/ App"i!ation s!#ipt* a"e )in3e' to enti"e a!!)i$ations an' a"e use' to sta"t
othe" a!!)i$ations% $"eate !"o$ess simu)ation% $a)$u)ate 4a"iab)es an' so on: th"ee t#!es of a!!)i$ation s$"i!ts a"e on sta"t u!% 1hi)e "unnin% on shut 'o1n/
Win-o s!#ipt* is )in3e' to s!e$ifi$ 1in'o1/ t#!es of 1in'o1 s$"i!ts a"e
on sho1% 1hi)e sho1in% on hi'e/ 2ey s!#ipt* tou$h !ushbutton a$tion s$"i!ts a"e simi)a" to 3e# s$"i!ts% e8$e!t
the# a"e asso$iate' 1ith an obe$t that #ou )in3 to a tou$h )in3 a$tion !ushbutton/ t#!es a"e on 3e# 'o1n% 1hi)e 'o1n% on 3e# u!/ Con-ition s!#ipt* is )in3e' to 'is$"ete taname o" e8!"ession that e=uates to
t"ue o" fa)se/ You $an a)so use 'is$"ete e8!"essions that $ontain ana)o tanames/ @ t#!es of s$"i!ts that #ou $an a!!)# to a $on'ition a"e on t"ue% on fa)se% 1hi)e t"ue% 1hi)e fa)se/ Data !han/e s!#ipt* a"e )in3e' to a taname an'o" taname fie)' $hanes
b# a 4a)ue "eate" than a 'ea' ban' that #ou 'efine' fo" the taname in the taname 'i$tiona"#/ App"i!ation se!u#ity* to an a!!)i$ation is o!tiona)/ It !"o4i'es the
a!!)i$ation 'e4e)o!e" 1ith the abi)it# to $ont"o) 1hethe" o" not s!e$ifi$ o!e"ato"s a"e a))o1e' to !e"fo"m s!e$ifi$ fun$tions 1ithin an a!!)i$ation Se$u"it# is base' on the $on$e!t of o!e"ato" )oin on to the a!!)i$ation an' ente"in his use" name an' !ass1o"' an' a$$ess )e4e)/ &o" ea$h o!e"ato" a$$ess to an# !"ote$te' fun$tion is "ante' u!on 4e"ifi$ation of his !ass1o"' an' a$$ess )e4e) /
The mo4e f"om !"o!"ieta"# te$hno)oies to mo"e stan'a"'i2e' an' o!en so)utions toethe" 1ith the in$"ease' numbe" of $onne$tions bet1een SCADA s#stems an' offi$e net1o"3s an' the Inte"net has ma'e them mo"e 4u)ne"ab)e to atta$3s/Conse=uent)#% the se$u"it# of SCADA*base' s#stems has $ome into =uestion as the# a"e in$"easin)# seen as e8t"eme)# 4u)ne"ab)e to $#be"1a"fa"e$#be"te""o"ism atta$3s/ In !a"ti$u)a"% se$u"it# "esea"$he"s a"e $on$e"ne' about: •
the )a$3 of $on$e"n about se$u"it# an' authenti$ation in the 'esin% 'e!)o#ment an' o!e"ation of e8istin SCADA net1o"3s
the mista3en be)ief that SCADA s#stems ha4e the benefit of se$u"it# th"ouh obs$u"it# th"ouh the use of s!e$ia)i2e' !"oto$o)s an' !"o!"ieta"# inte"fa$es
the mista3en be)ief that SCADA net1o"3s a"e se$u"e be$ause the# a"e !u"!o"te')# !h#si$a))# se$u"e'
the mista3en be)ief that SCADA net1o"3s a"e se$u"e be$ause the# a"e su!!ose')# 'is$onne$te' f"om the Inte"net
SCADA s#stems a"e use' to $ont"o) an' monito" !h#si$a) !"o$esses% e8am!)es of 1hi$h a"e t"ansmission of e)e$t"i$it#% t"ans!o"tation of as an' oi) in !i!e)ines% 1ate" 'ist"ibution% t"affi$ )ihts% an' othe" s#stems use' as
the basis of mo'e"n so$iet#/ The se$u"it# of these SCADA s#stems is im!o"tant be$ause $om!"omise o" 'est"u$tion of these s#stems 1ou)' im!a$t mu)ti!)e a"eas of so$iet# fa" "emo4e' f"om the o"iina) $om!"omise/ &o" e8am!)e% a b)a$3out $ause' b# a $om!"omise' e)e$t"i$a) SCADA s#stem 1ou)' $ause finan$ia) )osses to a)) the $ustome"s that "e$ei4e' e)e$t"i$it# f"om that sou"$e/ Ho1 se$u"it# 1i)) affe$t )ea$# SCADA an' ne1 'e!)o#ments "emains to be seen/ The"e a"e t1o 'istin$t th"eats to a mo'e"n SCADA s#stem/ &i"st is the th"eat of unautho"i2e' a$$ess to the $ont"o) soft1a"e% 1hethe" it be human a$$ess o" $hanes in'u$e' intentiona))# o" a$$i'enta))# b# 4i"us infe$tions an' othe" soft1a"e th"eats "esi'in on the $ont"o) host ma$hine/ Se$on' is the th"eat of !a$3et a$$ess to the net1o"3 sements hostin SCADA 'e4i$es/ In man# $ases% the"e is "u'imenta"# o" no se$u"it# on the a$tua) !a$3et $ont"o) !"oto$o)% so an#one 1ho $an sen' !a$3ets to the SCADA 'e4i$e $an $ont"o) it/ In man# $ases SCADA use"s assume that a VN is suffi$ient !"ote$tion an' a"e una1a"e that !h#si$a) a$$ess to SCADA*"e)ate' net1o"3 a$3s an' s1it$hes !"o4i'es the abi)it# to tota))# b#!ass a)) se$u"it# on the $ont"o) soft1a"e an' fu))# $ont"o) those SCADA net1o"3s/ These 3in's of !h#si$a) a$$ess atta$3s b#!ass fi"e1a)) an' VN se$u"it# an' a"e best a''"esse' b# en'!oint*to*en'!oint authenti$ation an' autho"i2ation su$h as a"e $ommon)# !"o4i'e' in the non*SCADA 1o")' b# in*'e4i$e SS7 o" othe" $"#!to"a!hi$ te$hni=ues/ Man# 4en'o"s of SCADA an' $ont"o) !"o'u$ts ha4e beun to a''"ess these "is3s in a basi$ sense b# 'e4e)o!in )ines of s!e$ia)i2e' in'ust"ia) fi"e1a)) an' VN so)utions fo" TCI*base' SCADA net1o"3s/ A''itiona))#% a!!)i$ation 1hite )istin so)utions a"e bein im!)emente' be$ause of thei"
abi)it# to !"e4ent ma)1a"e an' unautho"i2e' a!!)i$ation $hanes 1ithout the !e"fo"man$e im!a$ts of t"a'itiona) anti4i"us s$an s/ A)so% the ISA Se$u"it# Com!)ian$e Institute 5ISCI6 is eme"in to fo"ma)i2e SCADA se$u"it# testin sta"tin as soon as -..,/ ISCI is $on$e!tua))# simi)a" to !"i4ate testin an' $e"tifi$ation that has been !e"fo"me' b# 4en'o"s sin$e -.. E4entua))#% stan'a"'s bein 'efine' b# ISA,, 09@ 1i)) su!e"se'e the initia) in'ust"# $onso"tia effo"ts% but !"obab)# not befo"e -.++/ The in$"ease' inte"est in SCADA 4u)ne"abi)ities has "esu)te' in 4u)ne"abi)it# "esea"$he"s 'is$o4e"in 4u)ne"abi)ities in $omme"$ia) SCADA soft1a"e an' mo"e ene"a) offensi4e SCADA te$hni=ues !"esente' to the ene"a) se$u"it# $ommunit#/ In e)e$t"i$ an' as uti)it# SCADA s#stems% the 4u)ne"abi)it# of the )a"e insta))e' base of 1i"e' an' 1i"e)ess se"ia) $ommuni$ations )in3s is a''"esse' in some $ases b# a!!)#in bum!*in*the*1i"e 'e4i$es that em!)o# authenti$ation an' A'4an$e' En$"#!tion Stan'a"' en$"#!tion "athe" than "e!)a$in a)) e8istin no'es/
0on'e"1a"e InTou$h !"o4i'es a sin)e inte"ate' 4ie1 of a)) #ou" $ont"o)s an' info"mation "esou"$es/ Intou$h enab)es eninee"s% su!e"4iso"s% o!e"ato"s an' manae"s to 4ie1 to 4ie1 an' inte"a$t 1ith the 1o"3in of enti"e o!e"ation th"ouh "a!hi$a) "e!"esentations of thei" !"o'u$tion !"o$esses/
InTou$h $onsist of th"ee mao" !"o"ams/ The InTou$h A!!)i$ation Manae"% 0in'o1ma3e" an' 0in'o14ie1e"/ InTou$h a)so in$)u'es the 'ianosti$s !"o"am 0in'o1 7oe"/ The InTou!h App"i!ation Mana/e# o"ani2es the a!!)i$ation to $"eate/ It
is a)so use' to $onfiu"e 0in'o14ie1e" as an NT se"4i$e% to $onfiu"e Net1o"3 A!!)i$ation De4e)o!ment fo" $)ient base' an' se"4e" base' a"$hite$tu"es%
'ist"ibute' a)a"ms/ Win-oMa1e# is the 'e4e)o!ment en4i"onment% 1he"e obe$t o"iente'
"a!hi$s a"e use' to $"eate animate'% tou$h sensiti4e 'is!)a# 1in'o1s/
These 'is!)a# 1in'o1s $an be $onne$te' to in'ust"ia) IO s#stems an' othe" Mi$"osoft 0in'o1s a!!)i$ation/ Win-o(iee# is the "untime en4i"onment use' to 'is!)a# "a!hi$
1in'o1s $"eate' in 0in'o1Ma3e"/ 0in'o1Vie1e" e8e$utes InTou$h Pui$3S$"i!t% !e"fo"ms histo"i$a) 'ata )oin an' "e!o"tin% !"o$esses a)a"m )oin an' "e!o"tin an' $an fun$tion as a $)ient an' a se"4e" fo" both DDE an' Suite )in3 $ommuni$ation !"oto$o)/
SCADA so)utions often im!ose $om!)e8 'eman's on soft1a"e a"$hite$tu"es/ 0on'e"1a"e InTou$h HMI Visua)i2ation% $ou!)e' 1ith the a1a"'*1innin A"$hest"A*base' 0on'e"1a"e S#stem )atfo"m is uni=ue)# !ositione' to meet these $ha))enes/ So)utions bui)t on A"$hest"A te$hno)o# benefit f"om a sin)e% o!en an' s$a)ab)e soft1a"e a"$hite$tu"e that $an $onne$t to 4i"tua))# an# automation s#stem% s#stem% "emote te"mina) unit 5RTU6% inte))ient inte))ient e)e$t"oni$ e)e$t"oni$ 'e4i$e 'e4i$e 5IED6% !"o"ammab)e )oi$ $ont"o))e" 57C6% 'atabase% histo"ian o" business s#stem in use to'a#/ The o!en natu"e of this !)atfo"m enab)es use"s to e8!an' thei" e8istin s#stems 1ithout ha4in to bu# ne1 ha"'1a"e o" $ont"o) s#stems/ 9eo"a!hi$a))# 'is!e"se' a!!)i$ations% f"om a fe1 hun'"e' to one mi))ion IO an' f"om a sin)e no'e to hun'"e's of stations% $an be "a!i')# an' se$u"e)# im!)emente'/
SCADA S#stems Manaement 5SSM6 he)!s its $ustome"s to t"ansfo"m the o!e"ationa)
Manufa$tu"in Ente"!"ise So)utions 5MES6/ Ou" in*'e!th !"a$ti$a) e8!e"ien$e of a "ane of in'ust"ies $ombines 1ith ou" e8!e"tise in the a1a"'*1innin 9E &anu$ "ofi$# !"o'u$ts to enab)e us to 'e)i4e" insihts that b"in benefits/ 0e offe" a "ane of $ost*effe$ti4e se"4i$es that a''"ess the o!e"ationa) manaement issues f"om sho! f)oo" to boa"' "oom/ Ou" !"amati$ so)utions a"e ta"ete' at un)o$3in 4a)ue =ui$3)#
maintenan$e sa4ins b# a'o!tin SCADA !"o'u$t fo" the im!)ementation of a $ont"o) s#stem% it 'oes not mean a no effo"t o!e"ation/ The nee' fo" !"o!e" eninee"in $an not be suffi$ient)# em!hasi2e' to "e'u$e 'e4e)o!ment effo"t an' to "ea$h a s#stem that $om!)ies 1ith the "e=ui"ements% that is e$onomi$a) in 'e4e)o!ment an' maintenan$e an' that is "e)iab)e an' "obust/ E8am!)es of eninee"in a$ti4ities s!e$ifi$ to the use of a SCADA s#stem a"e the 'efinition of: a )ib"a"# of obe$ts $om!)ete 1ith stan'a"' obe$t beha4io"% "a!hi$a) inte"fa$e an' asso$iate' s$"i!ts fo" animation% tem!)ates fo" 'iffe"ent t#!es of !ane)s% e a)a"ms inst"u$tions on ho1 to $ont"o) e/ A 'e4i$e a me$hanism to !"e4ent $onf)i$tin $ont"o)s
SCADA use' as a $ont"o) me$hanism fo" $hemi$a) !)ants% e)e$t"i$it# ene"ation% e)e$t"i$ !o1e" t"ansmission% e)e$t"i$it# 'ist"ibution% 'ist"i$t heatin/ Cont"o) me$hanisms a"e 'es$"ibe' in "o$ess Cont"o)/ EICS is an e8am!)e of an o!en sou"$e soft1a"e en4i"onment use' to 'e4e)o! an' im!)ement SCADA s#stem to o!e"ate 'e4i$es su$h as !a"ti$)e a$$e)e"ato"s% te)es$o!es an' othe" )a"e e8!e"iments/
+/ A SCADA s#stem is no"ma))# sinifi$ant)# $hea!e" than a DCS/ -/ SCADA $an $ontinue o!e"atin e4en 1hen te)e$ommuni$ation a"e tem!o"a"i)# )ost/
/ SCADA s#stems a))o1 a sma))e" numbe" of o!e"ato"s to $ont"o) a )a"e numbe" of in'i4i'ua) assets/
@/ SCADA s#stems 1e"e 'esine' to be use' on )a"e s$a)e
s#stems 1ith
"emote assets o4e" a 4e"# )a"e eo"a!hi$a) a"ea/
"o)ifi$ Te$hno)o# In$/% a )ea'in IC 'esin house an' ASIC 'esin se"4i$e !"o4i'e"% 1as foun'e' in No4embe" +,,< b# a "ou! of hih)# e8!e"ien$e' an' s!e$ia)i2e' te$hni$a) eninee"s/ The Com!an# sta"te' out b# 'e4e)o!in Sma"t IO IC so)utions% fo$usin on ni$he USBIEEE +,@ b"i'e $ont"o))e" !"o'u$ts/ The Com!an# then a)so 4entu"e' in the Mi8e'*Mo'e te$hno)o# 'e4e)o!ment% su$$essfu))# 'esinin B"ush)ess Moto" D"i4e" IC an' Ha)) senso"s/ 0ith the futu"e to1a"'s C inte"ation% the Com!an# 1i)) 'e4ote mo"e effo"ts in SOC 'e4e)o!ment as 1e)) as inte"ation of $om!etiti4e mu)time'ia 5ME9*@;E9M6 an' 9S !"o'u$ts/ The Com!an# 1i)) a)so $ontinue to int"o'u$e ne1 te$hno)oies fo" e8istin IC !"o'u$t base that 1i)) offe" $ustome"s a 1i'e "ane of !"o'u$t so)utions/ Th"ouh S#stem Inte"ation te$hno)o#% "o)ifi$ is en4isionin he"se)f to "o1 f"om a "ofessiona) IC Desin House to a )ea'in SOC Co"e Te$hno)o# ionee"/