some important question for c++ languageFull description
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some important question for c++ language
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C- Objectives Object ives ( Unit -1)SET-1 -1)SET-1 1. Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration? a) int _a3; b) int a_3 a_3;; d) int _3a c) int 3_a; 2. All keywords in are in a) LowerCase letters b) !""erase letters
c) CamelCase letters
3. Which of the following is not a valid variable name? a) int n#mber; b) float rate; c) int variable_count;
d) None
d) int $main;
$. %he format identifier format identifier &'i( is also #sed for _____ data ty"e? a) char c) float d) double b) int . What is the si*e of an int data ty"e? a) $ +ytes b) , +ytes c) Depends on the system/compiler -. Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration? a) float / 0 3.1$; b) do#ble / 0 3.1$ ; c) int PI = 3.!;
d) annot be determined
d) define / 3.1$
. Which is correct with res"ect to si*e of the dataty"es? a) char int float b) int char float c) char " int " do#ble
d) do#ble char int
,. Which keyword is #sed to "revent any changes in the variable within a "rogram? a) imm#table b) m#table d) volatile c) const 4. A variable declared in a function can be used in main d) None of the mentioned a) %r#e b) alse c) %r#e if it is declared static 15. Which esca"e character can character can be #sed to bee" from s"eaker in ?
B) \b C) \m 11. Explicit tpe conversion is !no"n as .................... .................... B) conversion C) dis#unction A) casting %) &a
D) \n D) separation
12. If a is an integer variable, a=7/3; will return a value A) 2.5 B) 3 C) 0 D) 2 13. ierar!"#$%&erat'r (re!een!e) e!ies w"i!" '&erat'r
$) is *'st i*&'rtant B) is used first C) is fastest +) %&erates 'n largest nu*bers 1. -"i!" 'f t"e f'll'wing is t"e !'rre!t 'rer 'f evaluati'n f'r t"e bel'w e&ressi'n =#/241 A. * / % + - =
B. = / 4
C. / 4 =
+. / 4 =
15. In w"i!" 'rer ' t"e f'll'wing gets evaluate 1.elati'nal 1.elati'nal A. 2134
2.Arit"*eti! 2.Arit"*eti! B.123
. Assign*ent Assign*ent +.321
C- Objectives (SET-2) 1. %hich of the follo"in& cannot be chec!ed in a s"itch'case statement( $. Character