Michelle T. Sison
ACTIVITY 1. Fill the gr!hic orgni"er to s#$$ri"e lerning o#tco$es deri%ed &ro$ Ed#c tionl Technolog' Technolog' 1.
Plan design and assess eectiv e learnin g environ Im mp e lnetm s e nd t an curricul e xperie nu cm es method s and strategi es that use technol ogy to maxim axe student learnin g
Demon strate an underst anding of emergi ng classro om technol ogies
Educ ation al Techn ology Ap ply 1 technol ogy to facilitat e a variety of assess ment and evaluat ion strategi es
Demon strate knowle dge attitude s and skills of didgital age work and learnin g C o ntrib ute meanin gfully to the educati onal professi on
Michelle T. Sison
Ess' 1. 1. Gi%en the the lc( o& reso#rces reso#rces in in o#r r#rl r#rl res in the the )hili!!ines )hili!!ines** +ht $edi $edi cn still still ,e #sed &or e&&ecti%e lerning in schools h'
Techers nd st#dent re #sing technologies s their !rtner in teching nd lerning. /sing technologies re $#ch esier nd con%enient ,ec#se it lessen the +or( o& the techers nd st#dent. /ntil no+* there re so$e !ro%inces es!ecill' the r#rl res re lc( o& technologicl reso#rces. As +e ll (no+ #sing technologies no+d's re %er' e&&ecti%e &or the st#dents lerning. Ho+e%er this is not hindrnce &or the techer nd the st#dents in their lerning ,ec#se e%en i& there re no technologies in%ol%ed in clssroo$ setting st#dents cn still lern thro#g thro#gh h the #se o& trdit trdition ionl l instr# instr#cti ction onll $teri $terils ls s#ch s#ch s !oster !osters* s* chrts chrts** ill#st ill#strt rtion ions* s* !ict#res* dr+ings or e%en te0t,oo(s the' cn lso h%e the ne+s!!ers* rticles* o#rnls or e%en dictionries. St#dents cn go o#tside the clssroo$ nd go &or the ct#l o,ect &or their to!ic. Since techers i$ to tech the st#dents nd to !ro$ote lerning techers sho#ld not onl' de!end on technologies he2she sho#ld !#t in $ind tht the technolog' is onl' !rtner o& his2her teching.
3. Co$!#t Co$!#ter er sho!s re !er%s !er%si%e i%e ro#nd ro#nd schools* schools* ,#t these these re $inl' #sed #sed &or !l'ing !l'ing g$es. itho#t #dging on the !ossi,l' deh#$ni"ing e&&ects o& e0cessi%e co$!#ter g$e h,its* ho+ cn lerner ,est #se co$!#ter reso#rces s the' $' ,e %il,le in schools or t ho$e In school +e cn see lot o& internet c&4 tht $(es the +or( or the ssign$ents o& the st#dents esier. The' cn #se the internet nd s#r& &or $#ch in&or$tion on ll s#,ect* ,#t there re so$e st#dents +ho $(e the technolog' ,ne* so$e st#dents #sed the co$!#ters &or their !les#re* &or !l'ing g$es or +orst &or +tching !ornogr!h'. !ornogr!h '. A st#dent st#dent cn ,est #se co$!#ter co $!#ter reso#rces tht re %il,le to their schools or ho$e ,' do+nloding the +e,sites tht re necessr' &or their lerning nd it is %er' con%enient i& the st#dent hs !rinter t ho$e in +hich he2she cn esil' !rint the in&or$tion nd ssign$ents tht he2she needs. I& lerner hs co$!#ter t ho$e he2she sho#ld loo( into the co$!#ter s his !rtner in lerning* he sho#ld %l#e the co$!#ter* nd he sho#ld not ,#se it ,ec#se technolog' cn ,e ,oon or ,ne
Michelle T. Sison
Acti%it' 3-A For$#lte 'o#r o+n !ersonl ntici!tion on +ht 'o# cn lern2chie%e &ro$ this co#rse* gi%en 'o#r e0!erience +ith co$!#ters. List 'o#r ntici!ted e0!ecttions in Mnil !!er &or clss !rtici!tion. M' !erso !erson nll ntic ntici! i!t tio ion n on +ht +ht I cn cn ler lern n or chi chie%e e%e regr regrdi ding ng this this co#r co#rse se** Ed#ctionl Technolog' 3 re (no+ledge ,o#t other s'ste$ so&t+re tht cn hel! $e do $' school +or( esier so$e+ht s(ill on ne+ s'ste$ so&t+re* s(ills on $ore co$!le0 co$!#ter ts( ts( so$eth so$ething ing li(e li(e ,sic ,sic !rogr !rogr$$i $$ing* ng* e0!eri e0!erience ence si$#l si$#ltio tion n g$es* g$es* (no+ (no+ the #ses #ses o& di&&erent instr#ctionl technolog' $terils* !rod#ce instr#ctionl technolog' tht cn #se in teching* o!erte instr#ctionl technolog'* (no+ ho+ to #tili"e instr#ctionl $edi nd the li$ittions o& #sing it.
E0!erience si$#ltion g$es
S(ill on ne+ s'ste$ so&t+re S(ill on ne+ s'ste$ so&t+re
S(ills on $ore co$!le0 co$!#ter ts( li(e ,sic !rogr$$ing
6no+ the #ses o& di&&erent instr#ctionl technolog' $terils
6no+ ho+ to #tili"e instr#ctionl $edi nd the li$ittions o& #sing it.
)rod#ce instr#ctionl technolog' tht cn #se in
teching 5!erte instr#ctionl technolog'
Michelle T. Sison
Ess' 3 1. All college college st#dents st#dents re !resentl !resentl' ' re7#ir re7#ired ed to t(e t(e Co$!#t Co$!#ter er co#rse co#rse incl#d incl#ding ing ord ord )rocessing* S!redsheet )re!rtion* )resenttion Techni7#es* etc. Ho+ do 'o# thin( this +ill hel! !!liction o& s(ills needed in Ed. Tech. 3 6no+ledge on +ord !rocessing* s!redsheet !re!rtion nd !resenttion techni7#es cn hel! hel! colleg collegee st#den st#dentt on co#rse co#rse Ed#ct Ed#ction ionl l Technol echnolog' og' 3 to esil' esil' co!e #! +ith +ith those those technolog' needed in this co#rse. Ed#ctionl Technolog' 3 re7#ires (no+ledge on di&&erent s'ste$ so&t+re ,ec#se it &oc#ses on the #se o& technolog'. I& st#dent doesn8t h%e !rior (no+ledge on those s'ste$ so&t+re !ro,,l' this +ill c#se ,#rden to hi$. Ed#ctionl Technolog' is !ro&essionl ed#ction &or techer the' needed those s(ills to crete their instr#ctionl $teril es!ecill' !o+er !oint !resenttion ,ec#se it ctches the ttention o& the st#dent in tht +' the' cn esil' instill the (no+ledge* s(ills nd %l#e the'8re s#!!osed to tech. F#rther$ore* those s'ste$ so&t+re hel! the$ to $(e the ed#ctionl !rocess e&&ecti%e nd esil' chie%e the lerning o,ecti%e o& the co#rse. 3. Fro$ those those h%e done internet internet s#r&ing s#r&ing2se 2serc rchin hing2r g2redi eding* ng* +ht do the +e,sites +e,sites o&&er o&&er to the #sers S#r&ing S#r&ing the internet internet +ill gi%e %riet' o& +e,sites +e,sites to cons#lt cons#lt +ith i& 'o# h%e so$ething so$ething in $ind tht isn8t cler to 'o# nd need clri&iction. First in line +s the Google it8s +e,sites +here 'o# cn re&er to on n'thing 'o# +nt to s(. It gi%es ,#l( o& in&or$tion on the things 'o# +nt to (no+. It lso o&&er other +e,sites li(e Fce,oo( tht connects !eo!le e%en in the other !lces or co#ntr'. Yo#T#,e this +here 'o# cn +tch n'thing 'o# +nt to +tch e!isode on the TV tht 'o#8%e $iss ,ec#se 'o# +ere ,#s'* t#toril ho+ to coo( $el* dessert or !!eti"er Yo#T#,e !ro%ides it. Yhoo t+o +' co$$#niction sending &iles or letter &or so$eone nd l$ost ll cn &ind in the Google. E%en the ,oo( 'o# +nt to red in Google 'o# cn &ind so&tco!' or s#$$r' o& it. A!!liction tht 'o# +nt to instll in 'o#r gdget 'o# cn &ind it in Google ,ec#se it o&&ers lot o& +e,sites tht cn 'o#r +or( esier. 9. :o 'o# thin( thin( there re re eno#gh +e,sites +e,sites &or &or ed#ctionl ed#ctionl !#r!oses !#r!oses :o 'o# thin( thin( there re re $n' #sers o& ed#ctionl +e,site /!on $' o,ser%tions e%er' ti$e I s#r& the Internet there re %riet' o& ed#ctionl +e,sites ,#t others re7#ires registrtion &ee others gi%es #st !re%ie+ o& the to!ic nd s's #nloc(. Ther Theree re re lots lots o& ,logs ,logs tht tht o&&e o&&err ns+e ns+err ,#t ,#t it gi%es gi%es n incor incorre rect ct ns+e ns+err or not not !rec !recis isee in&or$tion its onl' gi%es o!inion not &ct. There re $n' #ser o& ed#ctionl +e,sites ,#t onl' &e+ &ind the %eri&ied +e,sites tht cn s#!!l' their needed in&or$tion.
Michelle T. Sison
Acti%it' 3-B M(e ldderi"ed digr$ +ith s#$$r' +ords o& the lerning o,ecti%es o& Ed#ctionl Technolog'3
Operate basic instructional technology euipment! "ecome familiar with the organi#ation and administration administration of the instructional technology program!
Demonstrate the use of instructional technology materials in the class! Identify the various instructional material available! Devise guidelines for the selection of I$! %earn to produce some instructional technology materials for use in teaching! &xplore the various sources of instructional technology materials! 'nderstand the meaning( rational and scope of instructional technology techn ology!!
Michelle T. Sison
Acti%it' 9 In regrds to o#r Ed#ctionl Technolog'* Technolog'* crete &esi,le IT $ster !ln &or the )S/. ) S/.
Pangas ngasiinan nan )ta )tate 'niversity %ingayen Campus should have a wi* access for the student( instructors( and and Prof Profes esso sors rs to have have an easy easy acce access ss to each each and and ever every y stud studen entt spec specia iall lly y Panga Pangasin sinan an )tate )tate 'nive 'nivers rsity ity was now in onlin online e &nroll &nrollmen mentt and and +egistr egistrati ation! on! )tudents can easily check their student account for their balances and their grades! In the part of the teacher they can easily check their schedules( communicate to their their studen students ts if they they have have impor importan tantt announ announcem cement ents! s! ,oreov ,oreover er everyo everyone ne will will bene*t from that free internet access!
Michelle T. Sison
Ess' 9 1. Ho+ do )hili )hili!!i !!ine ne schools schools co$!r co$!ree +ith +ith school schoolss in !rogre !rogressi ssi%e %e co#ntries co#ntries in the Asi )ci&ic region
Those !restigio#s #ni%ersities in the )hili!!ines re e7#i!!ed +ith technologies &or ed #ction li(e those in Asi !ci&ic region ,#t in !#,lic schools the' re %er' &r ,ehind co$!red +ith the schools in !rogressi%e co#ntries in the Asi )ci&ic region. In r#rl regions in the )hili!!ines the' re lc( o& technologies nd e7#i!$ent to ,e #sed in the clssroo$. The' re #st #sing 1 !roector &or $n' sections. Clssroo$ re not ir-condition side &ro$ co$!#ter co#rses ,ec#se the' h%e co$!#ter l,ortor'. The' h%e li$ited internet ccess nd i& the' h%e the' cn8t #se it !ro!erl' ,ec#se the signl is +e(. St#dent doesn8t h%e n o!!ort#nit' to c7#ire co$!#ter s(ills i& the' re not enrolled in co$!#ter co#rse ,ec#se the generl ed#ction onl' o&&ers o&&ers ,sic ,sic co$!#t co$!#ter er s(ills s(ills.. So$e So$e st#dent st#dentss grd#t grd#ted ed High High School School +itho#t +itho#t (no+le (no+ledge dge on Microso&t 5&&ice* the si$!lest MS ord the' cn8t !er&or$. Mni!#lting co$!#ter re ,#rden to the$. In !rogressi%e co#ntries in the Asi )ci&ic ;egion their grde school (no+s ho+ to o!erte co$!#ter. There +ere rell' g! ,et+i0t )hili!!ine School in !rogressi%e co#ntries in the Asi )ci&ic ;egion. Ho!ing tht this st#dents o& $illennil co#ld co!e #! +ith the d%nce technolog' o& other co#ntr'. c o#ntr'. Techers Techers sho#ld instill the !!ro!rite (no+ledge &or the st#dents to ,e glo,ll' co$!etiti%e in s!ite tht their schools re not e7#i!!ed +ith technologies. 3. The The $st $ster er !ln o& the the :e!E :e!Ed d is to s#!!l s#!!l' ' co$! co$!#t #ter erss to !#,lic !#,lic ele$ent ele$entr' r' nd high schools t rtio o& 1 school < 1 co$!#ter. Ho+ de7#te or inde7#te do 'o# &ind this !ln considering tht the !#,lic schools s'ste$ in the )hili!!ines hs n %erge o& 1*=== st#dents in ech schools. 5ne co$!#ter !er school this is indeed inde7#te. Ass#$ing tht there re 1*=== st#dent in !#,lic school tht 1 co$!#ter cn8t cco$$odte tht n#$,er o& st#dent. M',e those in #!!er2 #!!er2&ir &irst st sectio section n cn #se tht co$!#te co$!#terr ,#t ho+ ,o#t ,o#t those those in lo+er lo+er sectio section n the' the' +ill +ill e%ent#ll' le&t ,ehind nd tht8s ginst the incl#si%e !!roch to ed#ction. Most !ro,,l' onl' the !rinci!l cn #se tht co$!#ter i& e%er she doesn8t h%e co$!#ter in her o&&ice. Tht $ster !ln o& :e!Ed re not hel!l t ll. St#dent doesn8t h%e chnce to $ni!#lte co$!#ter nd the' cn8t c7#ire ,sic co$!#ter s(ills. :e!Ed sho#ld t(e into considertion tht the $illennil st#dents es!ecill' in r#rl res sho#ld h%e trining or e0!erience in #sing co$!#ter ,ec#se the' cn8t co!e #! in the 31st cent#r' ed#ction. A (no+ledge in ,sic co$!#ter s(ills +s needed ,' the$. So tht e%er' st#dent +ill en,le to do +ht +estern co#ntr' st#dent cn !er&or$.
Michelle T. Sison
Activity 4 List at least 5 Traditional and IT Interated Instr!ctional "rocess
Traditional Instruction
IT-Integrated Instruction
Blackboard Chalk Textbook Manila paper Flash cards
Computer Gadgets projector internet software
Essay 4 #. $hat do yo! thin% is the &isdo' o( introd!cin introd!cin e)*ensive e)*ensive technoloy technoloy in schools on Third $orld co!ntries+
Technolog plas a !ital role in e!er schools it makes our school task easier and faster" Introducing expensi!e technolog in schools of Third #orld countries will gi!e a lot of wisdom to e!er student" $tudents will ac%uire a bulk of information& knowledge and skills through the use of technolog" $tudent will be more moti!ated to learn if he'she ha!e seen something new in their educational setting" It will capture the interest of the student to learn more complex task using computer" ( curious and !er much willing to learn student will ha!e an enthusiasm to create a new software if those expensi!e technolog will use in )nhancing Computer skills of the student" ,. $hile Ed!cational Technoloy , is not ao!t teachin co'*!ter s%ills do yo! elieve ade/!ate hands-on co'*!ter s%ills are necessary to *!t technoloy interation into *ractice+
*robabl es& we must take into account those student that doesn+t ha!e idea about basic computer skills" #e should appl the concept of ,ohn ewe learning b doing" $tudent learn l earn best through hands on learning" #hat the ha!e experience will retain to their mind not just temporar temporar but if this experienc experiences es was great great we can sa that those skills the ha!e ac%uired will instill to their mind lifelong" Computer $kills are necessar when ou are appling for a job especiall to us future educator it+s one to the re%uirements that we should ha!e at least . units computer course" (lso for the student to be aligned to the skills of /0 st centur learning outcomes"
Michelle T. Sison
Activity 5 LESS0NS
1eco''ended IT s!**orted instr!ctions
Learnin 0!tco'es
Science lesson on volcanoes2 (or'ation er!*tion e)tinction
"hotos (ro' the internet etc.
The student will become knowledgeable on how the !olc !olcan anoo form form&& how and and when the !olcanic eruption happen"
History lesson on *hases o( the "hili**ine revol!tion
Internet research on revol!tions in history *artic!larly the 3rench revol!tion.
$tudent will able to state what happen in the histor of the *hilippines particularl during French re!olution"
Enlish (or a**reciation as a loal lan!ae
Enlish 'ovies *!lication etc.
$tuden $tudentt will will appre apprecia ciate te the international 1ang 1angua uage ge and and insp inspir ired ed them to use the second lang langua uage ge in thei theirr dail dail life"
Moral val!es (or interity and e)cellence in "hili**ine li(e
Ho& other co!ntries li%e Sina*ore to* interity ratin
$tudent will possess the moral !alues for integrit and excellence for them to be globall competiti!e so tha that *hi *hilip lippine ine will ill raise its rating and be at the top"
Essay 5 #. $hat do yo! say to ed!cators ed!cators &ho say technoloy in in teachin ta%es ti'e and is e)*ensive+
)ducator )ducator who sas technolog technolog in teachin teachingg takes takes time and is expensi expensi!e !e are educators who are afraid to make inno!ations" The don+t ha!e the guts to face the new trends in education and mabe the are old enough to learn computer skills that+s wh the are keep on saing it takes time and expensi!e" The are educators who who do don+ n+tt want want to lea! lea!e e in thei theirr comf comfor ortt shel shelll the the stic stickk on usin usingg the the old old instructional material" The are educators that are boring& wh did I sa so2 It+s because the can+t cope up in the new trends" (s an )ducator ou should be updated on the things happening in the societ so that the learning process will be more more enjoa enjoable ble and in that that wa wa ou can creat create e a wholi wholisti sticc teachi teachingng-lea learn rning ing process"
Michelle T. Sison
,. o''ent on the o*inion o*inion the ET-s!**orted ET-s!**orted instr!ction instr!ction is di((ic!lt to assess+
(ssessing educational technolog supported instruction was not difficult" ,ust use a !ariet of assessment tool and authentic assessment tool so that educators will easil assess how far the student learn and achie!e" (cti!ities and drills are good assessment tool" . $hat co!ld (!t!re learners learners have as an advantae over over *resent-day *resent-day learners+
Future learners will be more knowledgeable knowledgeable in terms of using technologies notice that at this moment a lot kiddos age 3 below knows how to use technologies how much more when the got older" The are engage in using gadget at their !er oung age and we the present learners onl engaged during our secondar education" Furthermore the are more e%uipped with the ad!anced technologies than we are using toda" For the coming ears there will be an inno!ations for new technologies that will produce and it could be easier and offers a lot more" Essay 6 #. Do the ne& learnin theories 'ean &e sho!ld s ho!ld sto* 'e'ori7ation and drill activities in class+ $hy+
The new learning theories such as Meaningful 1earning& isco!er 1earning& Generati!e 1earning& 1earning& Constructi!ism etc" opposed the rote learning but not the drill acti!ities" (s far as education is concern ,ohn ewe+s 1earning b doing ha!e a best impact in e!er student and it is more important" (ppling the concept of those new learning theories will promote an effecti!e teaching-learning process" The more interaction happen the more student engaged in educational process" It also also help help them them to be globa globall ll compe competit titi!e i!e"" Th The e self-s self-sea earch rching ing and self-p self-pac aced ed learning are now the new trends for e!er students because the help themsel!es to be more knowledgeable on the tract the are taking" )ducational Technolog is the partner of those new learning theories"
Michelle T. Sison
Essay 7 1. :oes the ne+ &r$e+or( on higher thin(ing s(ills nd creti%it' $ens tht techers sho#ld no longer $(e e&&orts to hel! st#dents !ss2 e0cel in chie%ing test The ne+ &r$e+or( on higher thin(ing s(ills nd creti%it' doesn8t $en tht techers sho#ldn8t do e&&orts to hel! st#dents e0cel in chie%ing high score in test. It8s #st tht the ne+ &r$e +or( re &oc#s on st#dent* st#dent dri%en or st#dent centered. herein the st#dent re the one doing their o, to lern or lerning ho+ to lern. It is not trditionl +' o& teching +herein st#dent re s!oon &eeding. This ne+ &r$e+or( re lso design to $(e the st#dent co$!etent nd to ,e ,le to co!e #! +ith the ne+ inno%tion inno%tion in lerning lerning tht +s lred' !rctice in other ASEAN co#ntr' &or the st#dent to not le&t ,ehind. The &st nd chnging societ' lso need gret gret teche techers rs to &cili &cilitt ttee the st#dent st#dentss +hether +hether the'8re the'8re rell' rell' c7#iri c7#iring ng (no+le (no+ledge dge nd deter$ined i& the st#dents re red' to &ce rel +orld ts(. So s'ing techer +ill still need to e0ert e&&orts to do the instr#ction nd &cilittion on their st#dent. The id o& ed#ctionl technolog' +ill !l' %itl role in chie%ing chie%ing test. 3. Cn those co$!le0 thin(ing s(ills ,e lso chie%ed e%en +itho#t #sing ed#ctionl technolog' tool To ,e ,le ,le to chie chie%e %ed d thos thosee co$! co$!le le0 0 thin thin(i (ing ng s(il s(ills ls st#de st#dent nt need needss ed#c ed#cti tion onl l technolog' tool ,ec#se this ser%e s their g#ide in their lerning. Tho#gh st#dents cn lso chie%ed chie%ed co$!le co$!le0 0 thin(i thin(ing ng s(ill s(illss +itho# +itho#tt the id o& ed#cti ed#ctionl onl technol technolog' og' tool tool ,ec#se ,ec#se st#dents8 criticl thin(ing* creti%it' nd re&lecti%e thin(ing re the needs. St#dents !er&or$ rel +ord ts( nd $(e !roects +ith their o+n design. Techers +ill onl' &cilitte in $(ing the !roect. St#dents +ill ,e in chrged on $(ing decision* orgni"e in&or$tion nd (no+ ho+ to !c(ge o#tco$es &or !re!rtion. ith this* st#dents s#stined their re&lecti%e thin(ing on the to!ics tht hs 7#lit' to the$.
Michelle T. Sison
Essay 8 1. Sho#ld the creti%it' o& st#dents ,e !!ro%ed in $ore si$!le !roects Creti%it' o& the st#dents sho#ld !!ro%ed in doing si$!le !roects s long s the r#les o& the ts( re &ollo+ed nd the gol is $et. e sho#ldn8t #dge the st#dents creti%it' ,' his2her si$!le !roects ,ec#se s2he still !ln* sse$,le* design nd ,#ild ides in doing tht si$!le !roects. M',e s2he #st li$it his2her +or( in $(ing it si$!le. F#rther st#dents cn still sho+cse their creti%it' ,' $(ing tht si$!le !roects reli,le nd h%e ,ig i$!ct to their li%es. Techers sho#ld !!recite e%er' e&&ort gi%en ,' his st#dents &or the$ to $oti%te to +or( hrd on their !roects. In gro#! !roect techers sho#ld gi%e credit to those st#dents +ho re coo!erting in doing the !roect thn those +ho did not hel!ing. To do this &irl' the techer $' s(ed the gro#! to grde ech $e$,ers ,elongs to the gro#! side &ro$ gi%ing the grde s +hole to the gro#!. Gro#! !roect is one o& ,est cti%it' on de%elo!ing st#dents8 coo!ertion on ho+ the' +or( s gro#!. It lightens the +or( ,ec#se $ore re +or(ing in one o#t!#t. As ,elong in the gro#! 'o# sho#ld coo!erte +ith 'o#r 'o# r gro#! to do the ts( &ster. hen the !roect +s in the hnd o& the techer* he2she cn see i& there is coll,ortion o& ides ,' loo(ing to do o#t!#ts $de ,' his st#dents nd tht is +hen the o#t!#t is ,e#til nd ttrcti%e. 3. Sho#ld the s!ects o& e0!ense e0!e nse nd ti$e ,e considered in creti%it' !roects E0!ense sho#ldn8t considered in creti%it' !roect to $(e the #dg$ent &ir. Its8 sho#ld ,e e0cl#ded in the criteri o& rting certin !roect since not ll st#dents re ,lessed +ith reso#rces. This +ill !ro$ote #stice nd &irness $ong di%erse lerners. So +ht i& his !roect +s e0!ensi%e i& she doesn8t #se her criticl thin(ing in !lnning* sse$,ling* designing nd ,#ilding ides. heres the ti$e sho#ld ,e considered ,ec#se +e ll (no+ tht e%er' !roect hs its de&inite ti$et,le or ti$e&r$e &or it to ,e cco$!lished. This +ill hel! the st#dents de%elo! the %irt#e o& ,eing ti$e conscio#s. Another !ro,le$ in considering the ti$e +s +ht i& she &inished her !roect in short !eriod o& ti$e i& she8s doesn8t doesn8t $de it ,' hersel&. I& +e ssess !roect +e sho#ld ssess it in its s#,stnce. Also in doing n e%l#tion 'o# sho#ld h%e stndrd criteri to ,e non!rtisn. 9. In gro#! !roects* other $e$,ers ride on the creti%it' tlent o& one or so$e $e$,er in the gro#! gro#!.. Ho+ cn cn the the tech techer er gi%e gi%e !ro! !ro!er er credi creditt to $ore $ore tle tlent nted ed 2 cret creti% i%ee st#de st#dent ntss in coo!erti%e !roects The techer sho#ld gi%e gro#! grde nd lso gi%e indi%id#l grde to gi%e !ro!er #sti&iction to the e&&ort o& $ore tlented st#dents. In gi%ing coo!erti%e !roects* grdes sho#ld not ,e gi%en to the gro#! onl' s +hole. There $#st ,e n indi%id#l grding s'ste$ &or the tlented2creti%e st#dents +ho deser%e !ro!er credit. I& techer #ses coo!erti%e lerning* he sho#ld l+'s re$e$,er tht there +o#ld ,e &e+ $e$,ers in gro#! +ho de!end onl' to those res!onsi,le $e$,ers. Hence* n indi%id#l grding s 'ste$ sho#ld ,e !re!red.
Michelle T. Sison
Essay 9 :isc#ss the &ollo+ing iss#es* s#r& gin in the internet. 1. Intellectual property rights
Intellect#l !ro!ert' rights re the rights gi%en to !ersons o%er the cretions o& their $inds. The' #s#ll' gi%e the cretor n e0cl#si%e right o%er the #se o& his2her cretion &or certin !eriod o& ti$e. Intellect#l !ro!ert' rights re c#sto$ril' di%ided into t+o $in res> Copyright and rights related to copyright The rights o& #thors o& literr' nd rtistic +or(s ?s#ch s ,oo(s nd other +ritings* $#sicl co$!ositions* !intings* sc#l!t#re* co$!#ter !rogr$s nd &il$s@ re !rotected ,' co!'right* &or $ini$#$ !eriod o& = 'ers &ter the deth o& the #thor. Also !rotected thro#gh co!'right nd relted ?so$eti$es re&erred to s neigh,oring@ rights re the rights o& !er&or$ers ?e.g. ctors* sing singer erss nd nd $#si $#sici cin ns@ s@** !rod !rod#ce #cers rs o& !hono !honogr gr$ $ss ?so#n ?so#nd d recor recordi ding ngs@ s@ nd nd ,ro ,rodc dcs sti ting ng orgni orgni"t "tion ions. s. The $in $in socil socil !#r!os !#r!osee o& !rotec !rotectio tion n o& co!'rig co!'right ht nd relte relted d rights rights is to enco#rge nd re+rd creti%e +or(. Industrial property Ind#stril !ro!ert' cn #sell' ,e di%ided into t+o $in res>
1. 5ne re cn ,e chrcteri chrcteri"ed "ed s the !rotection o& distincti distincti%e %e signs* signs* in !rtic#lr !rtic#lr trde$r(s trde$r(s ?+hich disting#ish the goods or ser%ices o& one #ndert(ing &ro$ those o& other #ndert(ings@ nd geogr!hicl indictions ?+hich identi&' good s originting in !lce +here gi%en chrcteristic o& the good is essentill' ttri,#t,le to its geogr!hicl
[email protected] !rotection o& s#ch distincti%e signs i$s to sti$#lte nd ens#re &ir co$!etition nd to !rotect cons#$ers* ,' en,ling the$ to $(e in&or$ed choices ,et+een %rio#s goods nd ser%ices. The !rotection $' lst inde&initel'* !ro%ided the sign in 7#estion contin#es to ,e distincti%e. 3. 5ther t'!es o& ind#stril !ro!ert' re !rotected !ri$ril' to sti$#lte inno%tion* design nd the cretion o& technolog'. In this ctegor' &ll in%entions ?!rotected ,' !tents@* ind#stril designs nd trde secrets. The socil !#r!ose is to !ro%ide !rotection &or the res#lts o& in%est$ent in the de%elo!$ent de%elo!$ent o& ne+ technolog'* technolog'* th#s gi%ing the incenti%e nd $ens to &innce reserch nd de%elo!$ent cti%ities. A nctioning intellect#l !ro!ert' regi$e sho#ld lso &cilitte the trns&er o& technolog' in the &or$ o& &oreign direct in%est$ent* oint %ent#res nd licensing 3. )ornogr!h' #sing internet Internet !ornogr!h'8s ccessi,ilit'* &&ord,ilit' nd non'$it' h%e hel!ed the !orn ind#str' rech +hole ne+ le%el. )eo!le no longer h%e to dri%e to n d#lt store to get !orn* &or it is redil' %il,le t the clic( o& $o#se. )orn hs ,een nor$li"ed to the !oint +here $ost $en re not hiding their li(ing o& !orn* ,#t e$,rcing it. So$e +o$en h%e e%en ,eco$e ddicted to %ie+ing !orn on the +e,. As !ornogr!h' is $ore co$$on ,ec#se o& the Internet* it hs t(en lrger role in o#r li%es. Some have been hurt by it, some have been able to entertain more fantasies because of it and some have even made a fortune from it. Intern Internet et !orn !orn is se0#l se0#ll' l' e0!lici e0!licitt content content $de %il, %il,le le online online in %rio# %rio#ss &or$t &or$tss incl incl#di #ding ng i$ge i$ges* s* %ide %ideo o &ile &iles* s* nd %ide %ideo o g$es g$es nd stre stre$ing $ing %ideo %ideo.. The The legi legiti ti$ $c' c' o& !ornogr!h' is contro%ersil iss#e. In the cor!orte +orld* ho+e%er* Internet !orn is #n7#estion,l' !ro,le$tic. According to M. D. McMhon* !#,lisher o& AVN $g"ine* trde !#,liction tht trc(s the d#lt %ideo ind#str'* !orn sites recei%e $ore hits d#ring ,#siness ho#rs thn t other ti$es o& the d'. Nielsen re!orted tht 3 o& e$!lo'ees ccess !orn d#ring ,#siness ho#rs.
E$!l E$!lo' o'ee eess s#r& s#r&in ing g !orn !orn +st +stes es cor! cor!or ort tee reso reso#r #rce cess nd nd lo+e lo+ers rs !rod !rod#c #cti ti%i %it' t'.. F#rther$ore* the ,#siness $' ,e legll' res!onsi,le &or illicit cts on the !rt o& the e$!lo'ee* s#ch s distri,#ting child !ornogr!h' or sending !ornogr!hic content < !erh!s in n e$il $essge +ith cor!orte signt#re -- to so$eone +ho doesn8t +nt to recei%e it. Bec#se !orn sites re (no+n so#rces o& %ir#ses %ir#ses** s!'+re s!'+re nd nd d+re d+re** the' lso !ose sec#rit' ris( to #sers8 co$!#ters nd the cor!orte net+or(. Mn' orgni"tions #se e, $onitoring so&t+re to trc( e$!lo'ees8 online cti%it'. S#ch S#ch so&t+ so&t+re re #s#ll #s#ll' ' $onito $onitors rs e, site site %isit %isits* s* e$il* e$il* IM* cht nd serch serches es in intern internl l !!lictions. It $' lso incl#de (e' logger * to trc( +ht e$!lo'ees8 t'!e. E$il i$ge $onitoring !rogr$s cn identi&' nd ,loc( !ornogr!hic i$ges. Monitoring so&t+re t'!icll' iss#es re!orts in the e%ent o& n' ,rech o& n orgni"tion8s cce!t,le #se !olic' ?A/) ? A/)@* @* identi&'ing the e$!lo'ee nd detils o& the cti%it'. 9. )'r$iding sc$ #sing the internet A !'r$id sche$e is sche$e in +hich hierrch' is creted ,' !eo!le oining #nder others +ho oined !re%io#sl'* +here those +ho oin* $(e !'$ents to those ,o%e the$ in the hierrch'* +ith +ith the e0!ecttion o& ,eing ,le to collect !'$ents &ro$ those +ho oin ,elo+. All !'r$id sche$es rel' on incresing n#$,ers o& #ns#s!ecting in%estors to ,#' into the ,otto$ o& the chin in ho!es o& t(ing $one' o#t once the' rech the to!. Bec#se e-$il is !rcticll' instntneo#s* relti%el' non'$o#s nd incredi,l' che!* it is n l$ost idel %ehicle &or this t'!e o& sc$. Li(e other sc$s* !'r$id !'r$id sc$ $' !ro$ise rtes o& ret#rn tht see$ #st too good to ,e tr#e &or little or no e&&ort on 'o#r !rt* or it $' initill' ,e %g#e ,o#t +ht 'o#r initil initil in%est$ent +ill go to+rd. to+rd. ht h!!ens in !'r$id !'r$id sche$e is tht e0isting e0isting in%estors re !id ret#rn ,sed on the !ro$oters8 ,ilit' to rise ne+ nds once the nd rising sto!s* lter in%estors cnnot ,e re!id nd the !'r$id coll!ses. These sche$es l+'s chet $ost o& the !rtici!nts. Most !eo!le +ho !rtici!te in these !'r$id sche$es lose* ,ec#se sooner or lter* no ne+ !rtici!nts cn ,e recr#ited to (ee! the sche$e going. . G$ing or lotter' in the internet The Internet hs $de +' &or ne+ t'!es o& g$,ling to &or$ online. I$!ro%e$ents in tech technol nolog' og' h%e h%e chng chnged ed ,ett ,ettin ing g h,i h,its ts #st #st s %id %ideo eo lot lotter ter' ' ter ter$i $inls nls** (eno (eno nd nd scrtch crds chnged the g$,ling ind#str' in the erl' 3=th cent#r'. It llo+ so$e li$ited &or$s o& g$,ling nd n order to !ro%ide controlled o#tlet &or !eo!le +hos +illing to g$,le nd it lso !ro%ides $ethod o& socill' desir,le !#r!oses. E0 $!les o& g$ing re the &ollo+ing> )o(er • 5nline !o(er 5nline !o(er t,les t,les co$$onl' o&&er Te0s hold e$* e$* 5$h 5$h** Se%en-crd st#d* st#d* r"" r""** H5;SE H5;SE nd nd other g$e t'!es in ,oth to#rn$ent to#rn$ent nd nd Csh g$e str#ct#res. )l'ers !l' ginst ech other rther thn the ho#se* +ith the crd roo$ $(ing its $one' thro#gh r(e r(e nd thro#gh to#rn$ent &ees. Csinos • Ther Theree re re lrg lrgee n#$, n#$,er er o& online csin csinos os in +hich +hich !eo!l !eo!lee cn cn !l' !l' cs csino ino g$ g$es es s#ch s#ch s ro#lette ro#lette** ,lc(c( * !chin(o !chin(o** ,ccrt ,ccrt nd nd $n' others. These g$es re !l'ed ginst the ho#se +hich $(es $one' ,ec#se the odds re in its &%or. S!orts ,etting • S!orts ,etting is the cti%it' o& !redicting s!orts s!orts res#lts res#lts nd !lcing +ger on the o#tco$e. /s#ll' the +ger is in the &or$ o& $one'. $one '. Bingo • 5nline ,ingo is the g$e g$e o& o& ,ingo !l'ed on the Internet. Lotteries • Most lotteries re r#n ,' go%ern$ents nd re he%il' !rotected &ro$ co$!etition d#e to their ,ilit ,ilit' ' to genert genertee lrge lrge t0,l t0,lee csh csh &lo+s. &lo+s. The &irst &irst online online lotter lotteries ies +ere +ere r#n ,' !ri%t !ri%tee indi%id#ls or co$!nies nd licensed to o!erte ,' s$ll co#ntries. Most !ri%te online lotteries h%e sto!!ed trding s go%ern$ents h%e !ssed ne+ l+s gi%ing the$sel%es nd their o+n lotteries greter !rotection. Go%ern$ent-controlled lotteries no+ o&&er their g$es online.
Michelle T. Sison
Essay 1!" 1. :o 'o# ,elie%e CAI in so$e t#re ti$e cn re!lce techer in the clssroo$ Co$!#ter Assisted Instr#ction cn8t re!lce Techer ne%er e%er. ho +ill &cilitte the lerning i& theirs no techer %il,le. Techers re the one +ho $de so&t+re &or the st#dents. The' re the one (no+s the needed in&or$tion o& the lerner. The' re the one +ho #!lod dt to the internet. So its i$!ossi,le to re!lce the techers role in ed#ction. E%en the gret technolog' cn8t re!lce the techer. The techer role in CAI is deli%erer o& in&or$tion nd lerning en%iron$ent controller. heres the co$!#ter cn8t do ,ec#se it doesn8t h%e &eelings it cnt ens#re i& the st#dents h%e e7#i!!ed +ith needed (no+ledge* cn8t decide on lerning o,ect o,ecti%e i%es* s* !ln !ln the se7#en se7#enti till str#ct str#ct#re #red d cti%i cti%itie tiess to chie%e chie%e o,ect o,ecti%e i%ess nd e%l#t e%l#tee the st#dents chie%e$ent ,' +' o& test. The !er&ect !rtner is * gret techers !l#s gret technolog' is trns&or$tionl. 3. ht !ro,le$ cn ,e enco#ntered i& school ?s#ch s !oor co#ntries@ cnt &&ord to !ro%ide eno#gh eno#gh co$!#t co$!#ters ers to st#den st#dents ts ill ill CAI +or( +or( t ll +ith +hole +hole school school #sing single single co$!#ter Ins# Ins#&& &&ic icie ient nt n#$, n#$,er er o& co$!#t co$!#ter er t schoo schooll cn8t cn8t s#!! s#!!or ortt the the Co$! Co$!#t #ter er Assi Assist sted ed Instr#ctions. I& the school hs onl' one co$!#ter those st#dent +ho re in s!ecil science clss cn #sed tht co$!#ter. Not ll the st#dent cn $(e #se o& it. Also it +s ginst incl#si%e ed#ction i& theres re st#dent +ho +ill le&t ,ehind. E%en to tht single co$!#ter* the CAI cn8t +or( the it +ill ,eco$e #seless nd in tht cse other techer +ill !re&er to #se the trditionl +' o& teching nd $(e #se o& trditionl instr#ctionl $terils in disc#ssion.
Michelle T. Sison
Essay 1!# 1. Mn' so&t+re $terils %il,le in de%elo!ed co#ntries re not 'et %il,le in de%elo!ing co#ntries. :o 'o# thin( +reness o& the e0istence o& these $terils cn still hel! techer in de%elo!ing co#ntries )ro,,l' 'es* since techers no+ re ttending se$inrs the' cn do!t the +' o& teching #sing the so&t+re $terils in de%elo!ed co#ntr'. Altho#gh the' cn8t i$itte ll in ll the ed#ctionl !rocess t lest the' re integrting little ,' little the +' o& teching. The' re +re o& those so&t+re $terils ,ec#se there re !ro&essor in de%elo!ing co#ntr' +hose &ield is in co$!#ter 2 so&t+re. The' cn !rod#ce so&t+re $terils nd get the conce!t o& the so&t+re nd $(e #se o& it s their g#ide in creting so&t+re $terils. 3. St#dents !l' g$es t ho$e nd ner,' school co$!#ter c&es. Ho+ do these g$es di&&er &ro$ instr#ctionl co$!#ter g$es St#dents do !l' co$!#ter g$es d#ring their &ree ti$e &or entertin$ent* to! online g$es g$es the' the' !l' re Leg#e Leg#e o& Legend Legends* s* :5TA :5TA 3* co#nter co#nter stri(e* stri(e* clsh clsh o& clns* clns* soldier soldier si$#ltions s#ch s !oint ,lc(* s!ecil &orce nd cross&ire. Those g$es h%e still little i$!ct in their li%es. I s(ed g#' +ho l+'s +ent to co$!#ter sho!s +ht re the g$es the' #s#ll' !l' nd +ht8s the ,ene&it in !l'ing co$!#ter g$es* It gi%es +' in socili"ing ,ec#se 'o# cn $eet di&&erent !eo!le* ,#ilds te$+or( nd enhnce strtegic thin(ing sid he. +e !l' ,ec#se it is stress reli%er he dded. So indeed it still hel!l i& the' #sed it in !ro!er +' +ith li$ittions. li$ittions. Instr#ctionl Instr#ctionl co$!#ter g$es hel!s the$ de%elo! their criticl thin(ing* re&lecti%e thin(ing* in&erentil thin(ing* creti%e thin(ing nd strtegic thin(ing. It is &r $ore #sel ,ec#se it entertins 'o# t the s$e s $e ti$e 'o# re lerning. 9. :isc#ss the &ollo+ing 9.1.:i&&ic#lties o& #sing so&t+re So$e di&&ic#lties in #sing so&t+re +s lc( o& e0!erience in #sing co$!#ter. Also there re other so&t+re tht is criticll' to #se. )ro,le$s in so&t+re re the &ollo+ing #lue Screen of $eath • Mn' !eo!le thin( o& ,l#e s cl$ing color ho+e%er* +hen it co$es #! on 'o#r co$!#ter screen +ith ,#nch o& +hite te0t* it !ro,,l' hs the o!!osite e&&ect. The ,l#e screen o& deth ?ST5) Error@ $' !!er to ,e one o& the scriest co$!#ter !ro,le$s 'o#ll co$e cross. Ho+e%er* ll 'o#r co$!#ter $' need is &or 'o# to re,oot it. This ST5) error !!ers on 'o#r screen &or %riet' o& resons> &iling hrd+re* d$ged so&t+re* corr#!t :LL &iles* !ro,le$s +ith dri%ers dri%ers nd $ore. The re$ed' &or ,l#e screen o& deth de!ends on the originl originl !ro,le$. The screen !ro%ides 'o# +ith codes code s tht cn hel! 'o# identi&' nd n d &i0 'o#r co$!#ter !ro,le$s. %issing $&& 'ile • :'n$ic-Lin( Li,rr' ?:LL@ &iles ho#se in&or$tion &or 'o#r o!erting s'ste$ on ho+ to !er&or$ certin nctions. 5ccsionll'* 5ccsionll'* 'o#r co$!#ter loses :LL &iles or so$ething d$ges the$. hen 'o#r )C cnt red the !rtic#lr :LL &ile* it doesnt (no+ ho+ to res!ond in certin sit#tions. Yo# Yo# $' h%e $issing or corr#!t :LL &ile i& 'o# recei%e n error $essge e%er' ti$e 'o# !er&or$ certin nction* s#ch s s%ing. I& 'o#r co$!#ter !ro,le$s re ste$$ing &ro$ $issing nd d$ged :LL &iles* 'o# cn restore the$ ,' do+nlod ing the$ ,c( onto 'o#r )C. "pplications (hat )on*t Install • I& 'o#re h%ing tro#,le +ith n !!liction not instlling* it $' ,e ,ec#se 'o#r co$!#ter doesnt h%e eno#gh hrd h rd dri%e s!ce. I& this is the cse* 'o# need to &ree #! so$e s!ce. This is one o& the co$!#ter !ro,le$s thts* +ell* lest !ro,le$tic. Yo# Yo# cn &ree #! so$e hrd dri%e
s!ce ,' getting rid o& &iles nd &olders 'o# dont need. These $' ,e te$!orr' &iles* d#!licte &iles or dt &or so&t+re 'o#%e #ninstlled. "pplications +un Sloly • There re se%erl resons so&t+re $ight ,e r#nning t t#rtle s!eed. Yo# Yo# $' h%e h% e co$!#ter !ro,le$s tht in%ol%e 'o#r o!erting s'ste$ or n !!liction* 'o#r o!erting s'ste$ $ight ,e $issing #!dtes or 'o#r co$!#ter doesnt h%e eno#gh hrd dri%e s!ce. I& 'o# dont h%e eno#gh hrd dri%e s!ce* 'o# cn scn* clen nd o!ti$i"e 'o#r hrd dri%e. "bnormal "pplications #ehavior Co$!#ter !ro,le$s tht in%ol%e !!lictions cting strngel' o&tenti$es le%e 'o# +ondering +ht hs h!!ened. Yo#r !!liction hs ,een +or(ing #st &ine* ,#t no+* see$ingl' +itho#t reson* it is doing something strange! •
9.3.N#$,er o& school co$!#ter %il,le Co$!#ters in the clssroo$ incl#de n' digitl technolog' #sed to enhnce* s#!!le$ent* or re!lce trditionl ed#ctionl c#rric#l#$. As co$!#ters h%e ,eco$e $ore ccessi,le* ine0!en ine0!ensi% si%e* e* nd !o+er& !o+erl* #l* the de$nd de$nd &or this this technol technolog' og' hs incre incresed sed** ledin leding g to $ore $ore &re7#ent #se o& co$!#ter reso#rces +ithin clsses* nd decrese in the st#dent-to-co$!#ter rtio +ithin schools. No+d's e%er' school hs to h%e co$!#ters. 9.9.A%il,le 9.9.A%il,le so&t+re $terils In the )hili!!ines there is collection o& online teching nd lerning $terils re !ro%ided &or in the Lerning ;eso#rces Mnge$ent nd :e%elo!$ent S'ste$ ?L;M:S@ J n online li,rr' de%elo!ed ,' locl nd interntionl ed#ction !rtners nd e%en creted ,' techers the$sel%es. These lerning $terils $de %il,le online re &ree* nd tied in to the c#rric#l#$ to ens#re rele%nce nd !!ro!riteness. It is #sel s#!!le$ent to o#r contin#ing e&&orts to !ro%ide o#r techers nd st#dents +ith the necessr' lerning reso#rces. F#rther* the +hole s'ste$ lso intends to hr%est $terils de%elo!ed ,' o#r o+n techers +ith the intent o& recogni"ing 7#lit' $teril nd shre it +ith &ello+ techers nd ed#ctors #nder n o!en shring !lt&or$. 9.. 's 's to integrte the$ into lesson2 c#rric#l#$ Technolog' is #,i7#ito#s* to#ching l$ost e%er' !rt o& o#r li%es* o#r co$$#nities* o#r ho$es. Yet $ost schools lg &r ,ehind +hen it co$es to integrting technolog' into clssroo$ lerning. Mn' re #st ,eginning to e0!lore the tr#e !otentil tech o&&ers &or teching nd lerning. )ro!erl' #sed* technolog' +ill hel! st#dents c7#ire the s(ills the' need to s#r%i%e in co$!le0* highl' technologicl (no+ledge-,sed econo$'. Integr Integrti ting ng technol technolog' og' into into clssr clssroo$ oo$ instr instr#cti #ction on $ens $ens $ore $ore thn thn techi teching ng ,sic ,sic co$!#ter co$!#ter s(ills s(ills nd so&t+re so&t+re !rogr$s in se!rte se!rte co$!#ter co$!#ter clss. clss. E&&ecti%e E&&ecti%e tech integrtio integrtion n $#st h!!en cross the c#rric#l#$ in +'s tht reserch sho+s dee!en nd enhnce the lerning !rocess. In !rtic#lr* it $#st s#!!ort &o#r (e' co$!onents o& lerning> cti%e engge$ent* !rtici!tion in gro#!s* &re7#ent interction nd &eed,c(* nd nd connection con nection to rel-+orld e0!erts. E&&e E&&ect cti% i%ee techn technol olog' og' inte integr grt tio ion n is chi chie%e e%ed d +hen +hen the the #se #se o& tech technol nolog' og' is ro#t ro#tin inee nd nd trns!rent nd +hen technolog' s#!!orts c#rric#lr gols. Mn' !eo!le ,elie%e tht technolog'-en,led !roect lerning is the one !l#s #ltr o& clssroo$ instr#ction. Lerning thro#gh !roects +hile e7#i!!ed +ith technolog' tools llo+s st#dents to ,e intellect#ll' chllenged +hile !ro%iding the$ +ith relistic sn!shot o& +ht the $odern o&&ice loo(s li(e. Thro#gh !roects* st#dents c7#ire nd re&ine their nl'sis nd !ro,le$-sol%ing s(ills s the' +or( indi%id#ll' nd in te$s to &ind* !rocess* nd s'nthesi"e in&or$tion the'%e &o#nd online. .Ho+ t#ristic re co$!#ter s t#tor in o#r )hili!!ine Ed#ctionl Scenrio.
Co$!#ter co#ld ,e the t#tor o& the lerners it +ill hel! techer $ini$i"ed their +or(. Also it o&&er gret d%ntge to the lerner +herein the' cn st#d' e%en the' re t ho$e. The' cn reserch on the lesson the' +nt to lern nd to!ic the' +nt to ,e cler o&&. e cn !ro,,l' s' tht the co$!#ter no+d's nd to the t#re !l's %itl role in )hili!!ine Ed#ctionl Scenrio. Moreo%er* it o&&ers lot o& ser%ices tht $(e things done in short !eriod o& ti$e. Michelle T. Sison
Essay 11 Techers Techers re told not to #se the co$!#ter s sit#ting tool i& !re-school child* &or e0$!le cn ct#ll' !l'-nd-,#ild #sing ct#l logo ,loc(s. Cn 'o# n$e other sit#tion in +hich ct#l* !h'sicl nd hnds-on cti%ities cn ,e $ore !rod#cti%e thn co$!#ter cti%ities. )l'ing ,s(et,ll in rel +orld is $#ch $ore !rod#cti%e thn !l'ing ,s(et,ll g$e in co$!#ter. Since it is !rt o& )E s#,ect 'o# cn e0ercise 'o#r ,od' nd $de 'o# $ore strong. :r+ing +s lso !rod#cti%e thn $(ing gr!hics in co$!#ter in here 'o# cn see the rel tlent o& the st#dent +hen it co$es to dr+ing. M(ing !roect e0$!le $(ing $init#re o& ho#se this is &or st#dent t(ing #! rchitect#re this is $ore !rod#cti%e ,ec#se 'o# cn see the o#t!#t $de ,' the st#dent not #st co$!#teri"ed ,l#e!rinto& the ho#se. Another cti%it' +s $(ing rel o,ect !roect +herein st#dent cn #sed their creti%it'* re&lecti%e thin(ing nd in&erentil thin(ing.
Michelle T. Sison
"C(I-I( 7
/I0/E+ &E-E& (/I2I0 S2I&&S
CO,P%& $.I/0I/1 )0I%%) EVALUATION
)'"2 )0I%%) )electing criteria( testing Idea( +evising( 3erifying outcomes
)ummari#ing( Abstracting
Planning( 4ormulating 3isuali#ing( Predicting
Clasifying( +elating
Deducting( Inducting( &laborating
Identifying idea constructions Associating( +ealting new idea with old
)election( +ecording of data De*ning problem( goal5ob6ective setting( brainstorming
Michelle T. Sison
"C(I-I( 8
. Michelle T. Sison
"C(I-I( 8
1=. Michelle T. Sison
"C(I-I( 9 :isc#ss the &ollo+ing ter$s. S#r& in the internet
1. E-$il ?electronic $il or e$il@ E-$ E-$il il ?elec electtroni onic $il@ il@ is the e0ch e0chn nge ge o& co$! co$!#t #ter er--stor stored ed $ess essge gess ,' teleco$$#niction. ?So$e !#,lictions s!ell it e$il +e !re&er the c#rrentl' $ore est,lished s!elling o& e-$il.@ E-$il $essges re #s#ll' encoded in ASCII ASCII te0t. te0t. Ho+e%er* 'o# cn lso send end nonnon-te te0t 0t &iles iles** s#ch s#ch s gr! gr!hi hicc i$g i$ges es nd nd so#n so#nd d &iles iles** s tt ttch$ ch$en entts sent sent in ,inr' in ,inr' stre$s. stre$s. E-$il +s one o& the &irst #ses o& the Internet nd is still the $ost !o!#lr #se. A lrge !ercentge o& the totl tr&&ic o%er the Internet is e-$il. E-$il cn lso ,e e0chnged e0chnged ,et+een ,et+een onlin onlinee ser%i ser%ice ce !ro%i !ro%ider der #sers #sers nd in net+or(s other thn the Internet* ,oth !#,lic nd !ri%te. E-$il cn ,e distri,#ted to lists o& !eo!le s +ell s to indi%id#ls. A shred distri,#tion list cn ,e $nged ,' #sing n e-$il re&lector . So$e $iling lists llo+ 'o# to s#,scri,e ,' sending re7#est to the $iling list d$inistrtor. A $iling list tht is d$inistered #to$ticll' # to$ticll' is clled list ser%er 3. E-&innce E-&innce-incl#ding in%esting* ,n(ing* $ortgge lending* nd ins#rnce-+ill gro+ t d""ling rte in the co$ing 'ers. Its re&lection o& the s!ectc#lr gro+th o& the Internet. In #st &i%e 'ers* the orld orld ide e e, , hs gone &ro$ ,eing terr incognit to ,eco$ing #,i7#ito#s #,i7#ito#s $edi#$ &or trnscting trnscting ,#siness* ,#siness* shring in&or$tion* in&or$tion* nd co$$#nicting co$$#nicting +ith !eo!le ll o%er the +orld. E-&in E-&innce nce +ill +ill e$!o+e e$!o+err ,oth ,oth cons#$e cons#$ers rs nd ,#sine ,#sinesse sses* s* en,lin en,ling g the$ the$ to red#ce red#ce trns trnscti ction on costs* costs* s!eedi s!eedil' l' !roces !rocesss doc#$en doc#$ents ts online online** nd h%e h%e instn instntn tneo#s eo#s ccess ccess to in&or$tion. For ,#sinesses* online &innce cn dr$ticll' i$!ro%e e&&icienc' nd decrese the costs o& internl internl ,#siness ,#siness nctions s#ch s e0!ense re!orting* re!orting* contrct l,or $nge$ent* $nge$ent* nd ti$e-nd-,illing !roced#res. )l#s* ,' !ro%iding !ersonli"ed in&or$tion ,o#t cons#$ers* the Internet lets co$!nies engge in one-to-one $r(eting* llo+ing the$ to tilor the online e0!erience to &it #ni7#e indi%id#l needs. Moreo%er* Congress hs #st !ssed n electronic signt#re nd record-(ee!ing ,ill tht +ill $(e it esier &or ,oth co$!nies nd cons#$ers to do ,#sine ,#siness ss online online.. The ,ill ,ill +ill +ill gi%e gi%e ne+ techno technolog logies ies s#ch s#ch s electr electronic onicll ll' ' trns$ trns$itt itted ed &inger!rint scns nd encr'!tion (e's the legl +eigh t o& in(-on-!!er signt#res. Co$!nies cn no+ sho! &or lons on the e,* lese ,#ilding* or !#rchse helth ins#rnce ins#rnce &or their e$!lo'ees. e$!lo'ees. )roced#res )roced#res tht #sed to t(e +ee(s-nd tht re7#ired re7#ired see$ingl' see$ingl' endl endles esss !hone !hone cll clls* s* !!er !!er+or +or(* (* nd $n!o $n!o+e +err-c cn n no+ ,e hnd hndle led d in d's d's or ho#rs ho#rs** electronic electronicll' ll'.. In +orld &inncil &inncil $r(ets* $r(ets* trders nd $one' $ngers h%e ccess to c#ttingc#ttingedge dt ,o#t the $r(ets 3 ho#rs d'* ll o%er the +orld. For cons#$ers* the Internet is ,eco$ing !rt o& dil' li&e. A,o#t . $illion A$ericn ho#seholds +ill ,e online ,' the end o& this 'er* #! &ro$ 13. $illion in 1* ccording to I:C. Tht re!resents n increse o& nerl' 3= !ercent in &i%e 'ers. According to ind#str' e0!erts* tr&&ic on the Internet do#,les e%er' 1== d's
9. Entertin$ent Entertin$ent is n cti%it' designed to gi%e !les#re or rel0tion to n #dience. So +hen it co$es to the de&inition o& Internet Entertin$ent* it is ct#ll' the entertin$ent &ro$ internet. No+d's* internet hs ,een the $in so#rce o& entertin$ent since those entertin$ents cn esil' ,e do+nloded %i internet. :o+nlod cn ,e de&ined s to recei%e dt &ro$ re$ote or centrl centrl s'ste$* s'ste$* s#ch s +e, ser%er* FT) ser%er* ser%er* $il ser%er* ser%er* or other si$ilr s'ste$s. s'ste$s. )eo!le no+ no+d' d'ss re re o&te o&ten n s!en s!end d thei theirr leis leis#r #ree ti$e ti$e +ith +ith inte intern rnet et** do+nl do+nlod odin ing g ?or ?or #!lo #!lod din ing@ g@ entertin$ent s#ch s g$es* $o%ies* $#sic* nd other sort o& entertin$ent tht &it to their stis&ction. D#st &e+ t'!es on the (e',ord gi%e the$ +hte%er the Internet is c!,le o&. For instnce* one $in re o& leis#re on the Internet is $#lti!l'er g$ing. This &or$ o& leis#re cretes co$$#nities* ,ringing !eo!le o& ll ges nd origins to eno' the &st-!ced +orld o& $#lti!l'er g$es. This hs re%ol#tioni"ed the +' $n' !eo!le interct nd s!end their &ree ti$e on the Internet. Besides* $n' #se the Internet to ccess nd do+nlod $#sic* $o%ies nd other +or(s &or their eno'$ent nd rel0tion ?s disc#ss ,o%e@. As $tter o& &ct* the orld ide e,* +hich is !rt o& the internet ?or so$eti$es rther to ,e clled @ is o&ten #sed s gte+' to ccess in&or$tion s#ch s ne+s* +ether nd s!ort re!ort* to !ln nd ,oo( holid's nd to &ind o#t $ore ,o#t their rndo$ ides nd cs#l interests. Another e0$!le tht is ,est to descri,e internet entertin$ent is the rnge o& connection tht it co#ld ,ring to the +orld+ide. )eo!le )eo!le #se cht* cht* $essg $essging ing nd e$il e$il to $(e $(e nd st' st' in to#ch to#ch +ith +ith &riend &riendss +orld+ +orld+ide ide** so$eti$es in the s$e +' s so$e !re%io#sl' hd !en !ls. Socil net+or(ing e, sites li(e OM's!ce8 nd OFce,oo(8. Mn' others li(e the$ lso !#t nd (ee! !eo!le in contct &or their eno'$ent. . Ad%ertising 5nline d%ertising is t'!e o& $ss co$$#niction +hich is ,sed on trditionl &or$ o& d%ertising ,#t de%elo!s its o+n co$$#niction strtegies in correltion +ith the ne+ technicl nd $edi#$ ,sed re7#ire$ents. Brodl'* online d%ertising is ,o#t deli%ering d%ertise$ents to Internet2online #sers %i e, sites* e-$il* d-s#!!orted so&t+re nd Internet-en,led s$rt !hones. The ,iggest d%ntge d %ntge o%er trditionl d%ertise$ent is it is not li$ited ,' geogr!h' or ti$e. E0$!les o& online d%ertising incl#de conte0t#l ds on serch engine res#lts !ges* ,nner ds* ;ich Medi Ads* Socil net+or( d%ertising* interstitil ds* online clssi&ied d%ertising* d%ertising net+or(s nd e-$il $r(eting* incl#ding e-$il s!$. Internet $r(eting* or online $r(eting* re&ers to d%ertising nd $r(eting e&&orts tht #se the e e, , nd e$il e$il to to dri%e direct sles %i electronic co$$erce* co$$erce* in ddition to sles leds &ro$ e, sites or e$ils. Internet $r(eting nd online d%ertising e&&orts re t'!icll' #sed in con#nc con#ncti tion on +ith +ith trdit trdition ionll t'!es t'!es o& d%ert d%ertisi ising ng s#ch s#ch s rdio* rdio* tele%i tele%isio sion* n* ne+s! ne+s!!er !erss nd $g"ines. . :e%elo!$ent Co$$#niction :e%elo :e%elo!$en !$entt co$$#nic co$$#nicti tion on re&ers re&ers to the #se o& co$$#niction to &cili &cilitt ttee socil de%elo!$ent.. :e%elo!$ent co$$#niction engges st(eholders nd !olic' $(ers* est,lishes de%elo!$ent cond#ci%e en%iron$ents* ssesses ris(s nd o!!ort#nities nd !ro$otes in&or$tion e0chnges to ,ring ,o#t !ositi%e socil chnge %i s#stin,le de%elo!$ent. de%elo!$ent. :e%elo!$ent co$$#niction techni7#es incl#de in&or$tion disse$intion nd ed#ction* ,eh%ior chnge* socil $r(eting* socil socil $o,ili $o,ili"t "tion ion** $edi $edi d%occ' d%occ'** co$$#nic co$$#nicti tion on &or socil socil chnge chnge nd co$$#n co$$#nit' it' !rtici!tion. :e%elo!$ent co$$#niction hs ,een l,eled the Fi&th Theor' o& the )ress* +ith socil trns&or$tion nd de%elo!$ent* nd the l&ill$ent o& ,sic needs s its !ri$r' !#r!oses. D$is rtic#lted the !hiloso!h' o& de%elo!$ent co$$#niction +hich is nchored on three $in ides* n$el'> !#r!osi%e* !#r!osi%e* %l#e-lden %l#e-lden nd !rg$tic. Nor !rg$tic. Nor C. P#e,rl P#e,rl e0!nded e0!nded
the de&inition* clling it the rt nd science o& h#$n co$$#niction !!lied to the s!eed' trns&or$tion o& co#ntr' nd the $ss o& its !eo!le &ro$ !o%ert' to d'n$ic stte o& econo$ic gro+th tht $(es !ossi,le greter socil e7#lit' nd the lrger l&il$ent o& the h#$n !otentil. Melcote nd Stee%es s+ it s e$nci!tion co$$#niction* i$ed t co$,ting in#stice nd o!!ression.
Michelle T. Sison
"C(I-I( 1 /sing drill nd !rctice so&t+re st#dents shll #ndergo the e0!erience o& CAI. St#dents $#st shre nd disc#ss their e0!eriences
Co$!#ter-ssisted instr#ction ?CAI@ re&ers to instr#ction or re$edition !resented on co$!#ter. Mn' ed#ctionl co$!#ter !rogr$s re %il,le online nd &ro$ co$!#ter stores nd te0t,oo( co$!nies. The' enhnce techer instr#ction in se%erl +'s. Co$!#ter !rogr$s re intercti%e nd cn ill#strte conce!t thro#gh ttrcti%e ni$tion* so#n so#nd* d* nd nd de$o de$ons nstr trt tio ion. n. The' The' llo llo+ + st#de st#dent ntss to !rogr !rogres esss t thei theirr o+n o+n !ce !ce nd nd +or( +or( indi%i indi%id#l d#ll' l' or !ro,le !ro,le$ $ sol%e sol%e in gro#!. gro#!. Co$!#te Co$!#ters rs !ro%id !ro%idee i$$edi i$$edite te &eed,c &eed,c(* (* lettin letting g st#dents (no+ +hether their ns+er is correct. I& the ns+er is not correct* the !rogr$ sho+s st#dents ho+ to correctl' ns+er the 7#estion. Co$!#ters o&&er di&&erent t'!e o& cti%it' nd chnge o& !ce &ro$ techer-led tech er-led or gro#! instr#ction. Co$!#ter-ssisted instr#ction i$!ro%es instr#ction &or st#dents +ith dis,ilities ,ec#se st#dents recei%e i$$edite &eed,c( nd do not contin#e to !rctice the +rong s(ills. Co$!#ters c!t#re the st#dents ttention ,ec#se the ! rogr$s re intercti%e nd engge the st#dents s!irit o& co$!etiti%eness to increse their scores. Also* co$!#ter-ssisted instr#ction $o%es t the st#dents !ce nd #s#ll' does not $o%e hed #ntil the' h%e $stered the s(ill. )rogr$s !ro%ide di&&erentited lessons to chllenge st#dents +ho re t ris(* ris(* %erge* or gi&ted.
Michelle T. Sison
"C(I-I( 11 Serch the internet ,o#t the intercti%e :ior$s.
ht Is :ior$ The ter$ dior$ is Gree( origin +hich $ens to see thro#gh. A three di$ensionl re!resenttion o& e%ents* ides or conce!ts ginst scenic • Bc(gro#nd. Are !ort,le $eningl e0hi,it in ,o0es or cses. • A $init#re scene in 9: tret$ent tht is $ent to re!licte relit' nd c#se st#dents to • thin( creti%el' nd estheticll' A 9-di$ensionl scene creted to ill#strte n cde$ic s#,ect* !lot o& stor'* or n • e%ent in histor'. Here re e0$!le s o& dior$ #se in litert#re clss.
Here re the d%ntges o& #sing dior$ in clssroo$ disc#ssion. • • •
• •
Allo+ lerners to e0$ine $odels or $oc(-#!s +hich $' not ,e es' in the rel o,ect. F#nctionl $odel2$oc(-#!s llo+ lerners to hndle nd o!erte. A&ter !resenttion* $odel $odel cn ,e le&t on dis!l' dis!l' &or !eriod o& ti$es nd llo+s llo+s lerners dis!l' &or !eriod o& ti$es nd llo+s lerners to inde!endentl' st#d' the ite$ t their o+n con%enience. Cn !ro%ide lerning e0!eriences tht rel o,ects cnnot !ro%ide. or(ing $odels cn ill#strte ,sic o!ertions o& rel de%ice nd !ro%ide i$!ortnt detils.