WARMER Do you know animal sounds in English? Guess the sounds of these animals. Use the provided clues to help you. Check your your answers with your friends. a.
What does the pig say?
What does the horse say?
What does the cow say?
What does the bee say?
What does the little bird say?
What does the frog say?
What does the cat say?
What does the goose say?
Honk. Honk.
Meow. Moew.
Tweet. Tweet.
Oink. Oink
Croak. Croak
READING Zebras are equids, a fami! of mammas and members of the horse fami!, nati"e to #fri$a. The word %zebra& $omes from the 'ortuguese ze"ra, whi$h means %wid ass.& One $an $ertain! see how the zebra might ha"e been mistaken for the wid ass at first gan$e, sin$e the animas ha"e simiar bod! t!(es. Zebras Zebras are (robab! most famous for their distin$ti"e distin$ti"e stri(ed $oats, whi$h make them quite memorabe animas. )n addition to being found in (arts of #fri$a, zebras are aso hed in $a(ti"it! in zoos and $onser"ation (arks in man! (arts of the word, for (eo(e who want to see these animas
in (erson without taking a safari tri(. *e"era attem(ts ha"e been made to domesti$ate the zebra, with some animas being trained as riding or dri"ing animas. Howe"er, zebras a((ear to be too un(redi$tab un(redi$tabee and fight! fight! to fu! domesti$ate, domesti$ate, des(ite des(ite the best efforts of intre(id intre(id riders. )nstead, )nstead, some (eo(e breed zebra h!brids, h!brids, $rossing $rossing fu booded zebras with horses and other equids to (rodu$e more easi! trained and handed animas whi$h retain the $hara$teristi$ zebra stri(es. There are se"era different s(e$ies of zebra, but a of them are in the same genus, +quus, +quus, whi$h the! share with horses. horses. ike other equids, zebras are odd-toed odd-toed unguates unguates with mus$uar bodies whi$h are buit for running. Zebras were among the eariest animas to s(it from the origina equids, aong with asses, and as a resut, the! ha"e had an etended (eriod of time to ada(t to the unique $haenges of the #fri$an ands$a(e. These animas ha"e "er! stout, mus$uar bodies whi$h are designed for immense s(eed and strength. hen threatened, a zebra $an $hoose to run, often $hoosing a zig-zagging (attern to distra$t the (redator, or the! $an fight, using (owerfu /aws and hea"! hoo"es to atta$k their enemies. ike asses, zebras ha"e tufted tais, and the! aso ha"e short, u(right manes of $oarse hair, aong with unusua! arge ears whi$h gi"e these animas a "er! good sense of hearing. Zebras are herbi"ores, eating grass, foiage, and "arious shrubs. 0e(ending on the s(e$ies, a zebra ma! be ada(ted more for the o(en (ain, or for more hea"i! wooded and mountainous areas. )n a $ases, zebras are "er! so$ia animas, i"ing in arge herds whi$h are t!(i$a! o"erseen b! a singe staion. # zebra1s gestation (eriod is 23 months, t!(i$a! (rodu$ing a singe foa whi$h ma! /oin the herd when it rea$hes aduthood, or strike out on its own to find another grou( of zebras. The stri(es of the zebra a((ear to ha"e se"era fun$tions. 4or one thing, the! distra$t and $onfuse (redators, es(e$ia! when zebras are in a herd formation, be$ause the stri(es make it hard to (i$k out an indi"idua zebra. The stri(es aso a((ear to be unique to ea$h anima, aowing zebras to readi! identif! ea$h other, and the! he( to $amoufage indi"idua zebras, es(e$ia! in wooded areas, where the (a! of ight and shadow aows the zebra to bend. There is some debate as to how to des$ribe the zebra1s stri(es. The! are t!(i$a! des$ribed as white animas with ba$k stri(es, but zebras a$tua! ha"e entire! ba$k skin. The most $ommon zebra mutations $reate animas whi$h are darker, rather than ighter. This
(ro"es that the zebra is a$tua! ba$k with white stri(es. hie this might seem a bit (edanti$, it $an make a good /um(ing-off (oint for ed debates at (arties, if one fees so in$ined. 5#da(ted from htt(677www.wisegeek.$om7what-is-a-zebra.htm8
COM'9+H+N*)ON :;+*T)ON*
#nswer the questions brief!. 2.
here are zebras genera! found<
hat are the most ob"ious $hara$teristi$s of zebras<
How $an (eo(e domesti$ate zebras<
hat do (eo(e do to get more-easi!-trained animas<
h! $an zebras ada(t to the #fri$an and<
How do zebras (re"ent themse"es from (redators<
h! are zebras $aed so$ia animas<
hat are the fun$tions of the stri(es<
hat is being debated< hat is the fa$t< h! do !ou think so<
hat does the ast senten$e mean<
Observe the text structure .
The tet about zebras abo"e is $aed a factual report (information report). # fa$tua re(ort aims at des$ribing genera (henomena, natura as we as so$ia. How are fa$tua re(orts written< )n the mode tet, the first (aragra(h of the fa$tua re(ort gi"es us a $assifi$ation $ontaining some genera information about zebras. # the (aragra(hs that foow the first (aragra(h $ontain some des$ri(tion about zebrasE the! $ontain some detaied features. The (aragra(hs in the tet seem to res(ond to a series of questions about zebras6 the what, wh!, how, et$.
Observe the relating verbs.
ook through the tet again. Fou wi find "erbs ike is, was, are, were, have, and had . The! are $aed relating verbs.
Zebras are equids, a family of mammals and members of the horse family, native to Africa.
Zebras were among the earliest animals to split from the original equids, along with asses.
;nderine some other reating "erbs in the tetG
VOCABUAR! E"ERCISE As you already know the meaning of the (new) words in the reading text about ebras, now use the words to fill in the blanks. !onsider the context of the sentences in choosing the right words.
Nadia wishes that on her birthda! net month her (arents woud take her to her
grand(arents ran$h to see a new-born IIIIIIIIIIII. =.
# oud noise outside the inter"iew room seemed to
IIIIIIIIIIII his attention. He thought he $oud not res(ond to the inter"iew questions we. 3.
9on! is "er! IIIIIIIIIIII. He awa!s raises questions that the other students in the
$ass might not think about. >.
Most bab! mammas grow inside their mothers be! before the! are born. Their
IIIIIIIIIIII (eriod asts different!. ?.
Man! animas are now (ut in IIIIIIIIIIII.
Jod has $reated that ea$h $reature is unique be$ause of the IIIIIIIIIIII features.
One of the trends among anima o"ers is that the! tr! to
IIIIIIIIIIII some wid animas. .
)t is "er! $ommon to see a IIIIIIIIIIII of ee(hants in some *umatra forests.
New s(e$ies of animas are $reated through the e(eriment of geneti$ IIIIIIIIIIII.
The! think that the! ha"e to IIIIIIIIIIII their (osition as "iage heads.
GRA##AR E"ERCISE "se the correct relating verbs (is, are, was, were, has, have, or had) to fill in the blanks.
atin IIIIIIIIIIII the anguage that s$ientists usua! use to name i"ing things.
Birds IIIIIIIIIIII "er! strong mus$es for fa((ing their wings, and the wings
IIIIIIIIIIII the right sha(e for f!ing. 3.
One of the eariest mammas IIIIIIIIIIa rhino$eros.
)t started out sma, but as miions of !ears (assed, it be$ame arger. >.
Ows IIIIIIIIIIII arge, staring e!es, whi$h make them ook as if the!
IIIIIIIIIIII thinking "er! hard. ?.
Of the four kinds of (oisonous snakes i"ing in the ;nited *tates, the $ora snake
IIIIIIIIIIII the strongest "enom. @.
hen dinosaurs first a((eared, there IIIIIIIIIIII
man! kinds of dinosaurs in a sorts of sha(es and sizes. A.
*tegosaurus IIIIIIIIIIII a tin! brain K about the size of a wanut K e"en though the
$reature itsef weighed near! 3D tonsG .
# femae kangaroo IIIIIIIIIIII a (ou$h so that her bab! wi ha"e a (a$e to i"e.
The easiest wa! to te the differen$e between an aigator and a $ro$odie
IIIIIIIIIIII to ook at their fa$es. The $ro$odies fa$e IIIIIIIIIIII ong and (oint!, whereas the aigator IIIIIIIIIIII a shorter, wider fa$e. 2D.
9e(ties IIIIIIIIIIII $od-booded animas,so the tem(erature of their bood
$hanges with the weather.
WARMER Can you identify the humorous points of these okes?
Waiter" how long will my sausages be? Oh about three inches.
Why didn$t the man die when he drank the poison? Because he was in the living room.
What$s the difference between a eweler and a ailer? A jeweler sells watches, and a jailer watches cells.
Why is si' scared of seven? Because 7-8-9.
)ow do bees travel? They tae the bu!!.
READING The word tornado $omes from *(anish anguage and means to twist or turn. # tornado is a whirwind (rodu$ed b! atmos(heri$ $onditions, main! etreme! ow (ressure, during a se"ere thunderstorm. Tornadoes usua! turn $ounter$o$kwise. The! a((ear as funne sha(ed $oumns of "ioent! rotating winds that rea$h down from a storm and tou$h the ground. #though a tornado is not awa!s "isibe to the e!e, tornadi$ $onditions $an sti be (i$ked u( on radar, or the tornado ma! be$ome "isibe on$e debris and dirt are (ued into it. # tornado ma! aso be referred to as a funne $oud, but this is te$hni$a! not a $orre$t term. hie the two words are sometimes used inter$hangeab!, a funne $oud is different, not in its make u(, but in the fa$t that it does not tou$h the ground. #nother name that is often used to des$ribe a tornado is twister, due to its "ioent twisting motion. The tornado is one of the most un(redi$tabe and destru$ti"e for$es of nature, often destro!ing e"er!thing in its (ath. # tornado is usua! (re$eded b! se"ere storms, whi$h
ma! in$ude ightning, high winds, and frequent hai. )t $an $hange $ourse without noti$e, and is usua! a$$om(anied b! a roaring sound, or as some des$ribe it, the sound of freight train. 5Taken from htt(677www.wisegeek.$om7what-is-a-tornado.htm8
9ead the tet abo"e $arefu!, and then answer these questions brief!. 2.
hat does the word tornado mean<
hat is a tornado<
How do tornadoes usua! turn<
hat do tornadoes ook ike<
hat are the other names of tornadoes<
h! is it te$hni$a! not $orre$t to refer tornadoes as funne $ouds<
h! is a tornado des$ribed as a twister<
hat usua! (re$edes a tornado<
hat usua! a$$om(anies a tornado<
hat does the word some in the ast ine refer to<
#bserve the present verbs. ook through the tet again. Fou wi find "erbs ike $omes, means, is, turn, a((ear, and rea$h. The! are $aed the *im(e 'resent Tense. Obser"e these senten$es.
The word %tornado& $omes from *(anish anguage. The word means to twist or turn. # tornado is a whirwind (rodu$ed b! atmos(heri$ $onditions. Tornadoes usua! turn $ounter$o$kwise. The! appear as funne sha(ed $oumns of "ioent! rotating winds. The! reach down from a storm and tou$h the ground.
;nderine some other (resent "erbs in the tetG
0o !ou know wh! some "erbs end with Ks 5e.g., $omes, means8 and some other "erbs
do not 5e.g., turn, a((ear8< 0is$uss with !our friendsG
#bserve the text structure.
The tet about tornado abo"e is $aed a fa$tua re(ort 5information re(ort8. # fa$tua re(ort aims to (ro"ide information about natura or so$ia (henomena. )n this $ase, the tet about tornado is an eam(e of natura (henomena.
How are fa$tua re(orts written< The first (aragra(h of a fa$tua re(ort gi"es us a $assifi$ation $ontaining some genera information about the (henomena, in this $ase, tornado 5e.g., the origin of the word8. # the (aragra(hs that foow $ontain some des$ri(tion about tornadoE the des$ri(tion (ro"ides detais. The des$ri(tion answers to these questions6 hat is it< hat does it ook ike< hat s(e$ia features does it ha"e<
9ead the tet again, and then write in the tabe beow the a((ro(riate questions about tornados that the (aragra(hs wi answer. 'arts of the tet Cassifi$ation
:uestions to #nswer 'aragra(h 26 here does the word tornado $ome from< hat does it mean< 'aragra(h =6
hat do tornadoes ook ike< 'aragra(h 36 hat s(e$ia features do tornadoes ha"e< 'aragra(h >6 hat other s(e$ia feature do tornado ha"e<
VOCABUAR! E"ERCISE $ill in the blanks with the appropriate words. !onsider the contexts of the sentences in choosing the right words. *e"ere
make u(
The o$$uren$e of $!$ones is usua! $hara$terized b! inward s(iraing winds
that rotate IIIIIIIIIIII in the Northern Hemis(here and $o$kwise in the *outhern Hemis(here of the +arth. =.
This IIIIIIIIIIII materia mo"es a$$ording to the wind dire$tion.
*$ientists $an h!(othesize that $ertain signs of natura (henomena
IIIIIIIIIIII $ertain e"ents. >.
+n"ironmenta edu$ation is usefu in minimizing
IIIIIIIIIIII beha"iors to the en"ironment. ?.
On$e the buiding was destro!ed, the so$ia workers had to work hard to $ean
u( and remo"e a the IIIIIIIIIIII. @.
'iots de(end on $oordinates to ensure that the! are in the right
IIIIIIIIIIII beha"iors might be $aused b! se"ere menta iness.
The team had to work "er! hard how to find wa!s to IIIIIIIIIIII their oss
in the (restigious mat$h. .
e are "er! sorr! to hear that our friend is e(erien$ing a IIIIIIIIIIII
brain damage after the $ar a$$ident. 2D.
The students /ust earned from the tea$hers e(anation that the two terms are
used IIIIIIIIIIII in s$ien$e.
GRA##AR E"ERCISE %ut the verbs in the brackets into the correct present form.
Man! (eo(e 5use8 the )nternet to do ee$troni$ sho((ing.
Mu$h of the giant (andas wa! of ife sti 5remain8 a m!ster!.
*$ientists 5earn8 natura (henomena from time to time.
Catatumbo ightning 5o$$ur8 on! o"er the mouth of the Catatumbo 9i"er
where it 5em(t!8 into ake Mara$aibo. ?.
ike most and $rabs, red $rabs 5use8 gis to breathe and 5take8 great $are to
$onser"e bod! moisture.
The remains of a Caribbean hurri$ane 5threaten8 to swee( awa! summers
warm weather this weekend with gae-for$e winds and hea"! rains. A.
# snakes 5ha"e8 teeth, but on! (oisonous snakes 5ha"e8 fangs.
*now 5ha"e8 an o(en and therefore soft, white, and fuff!
stru$ture, uness sub/e$ted to eterna (ressure. .
Tro(i$a $!$ogenesis 5des$ribe8 the (ro$ess of de"eo(ment of tro(i$a
$!$ones. 2D.
*een from +arth, Mer$ur! 5a((ear8 to mo"e around its orbit in about 22@ da!s,
whi$h 5be8 mu$h faster than an! other (anet.
FACTUAL REPORT (SOCIAL) $AR#ER The following is a list of top 10 qualities of a good friend. However, the words are incorrectly arranged. Find the ten words by reading carefully these two groups of seemingly-nonsense words from the left top down and then up to the right and down again. s an e!ample, the "rst quality is trustworthy . #hat are the other nine qualities$ trust
READING Teenage Bu!ing
Bu!ing in$udes beha"iors that fo$us on making someone ese fee inadequate, or fo$us on beitting someone ese. Bu!ing in$udes harassment, (h!si$a harm, re(eated! demeaning s(ee$h and efforts to ostra$ize another (erson. Bu!ing is done with the intention of bringing another (erson down. )t is im(ortant to reaize that there are different kinds of bu!ing. 'h!si$a Bu!ing6 This is the most ob"ious form of bu!ing. )n this t!(e of bu!ing, the instigator attem(ts to (h!si$a! dominate another teen. This usua! in$udes ki$king, (un$hing and other (h!si$a! harmfu a$ti"ities. These are designed
to insti fear in the one buied, and $oer$e him or her to do something. Lerba Bu!ing6 hen someone "erba! buies another, he or she uses demeaning anguage to tear down another1s sef- image. Buies who use "erba te$hniques e$essi"e! tease others, sa! beitting things, and use a great dea of sar$asm with the intent to hurt the other (erson1s feeings or humiiate the other teen in front of others. +motiona Bu!ing6 This is e"en more subte than "erba bu!ing. Teenage bu!ing that in$udes emotiona methods aims at getting someone ese to fee isoated, and aone. This t!(e of bu!ing is designed to get others to ostra$ize the (erson being buied. C!ber Bu!ing6 +e$troni$ bu!ing is be$oming a "er! rea (robem for teens. This t!(e of bu!ing uses instant messaging, $e (hone tet messages, and onine so$ia networks to humiiate and embarrass others. This $an be es(e$ia! de"astating to the (eo(e being buied be$ause the! $annot e"en find a safe (a$e in the "irtua word. There are a number of effe$ts that $ome with teenage bu!ing. 4irst of a, there are the ob"ious (h!si$a (robems and in/uries that $an resut from (h!si$a bu!ing. Howe"er, emotiona, "erba and $!ber bu!ing $an dee(! affe$t teens as we. These a$ti"ities $an ead to de(ression 5and e"en sui$ide8, drug use and stunted so$ia de"eo(ment. These (robems $an affe$t a (erson we into aduthood. #nother (robem is retaiation. )n some $ases, buied teens ha"e "ioent fantasies of atta$king their buies. There are instan$es in whi$h these teens be$ome "ioent. The! turn to their $assmates in order to get re"enge. This $an be a $ause of heartbreak and diffi$ut!.
5#da(ted from htt(677www.bu!ingstatisti$s.org7$ontent7teenage-bu!ing.htm8
Comprehension questions
&ead again the text above and then answer these questions briefly. 2.
hat is bu!ing<
hat do buies usua! do to other (eo(e<
hat is the (ur(ose of bu!ing<
How man! t!(es of bu!ing are there<
hat differentiates one t!(e of bu!ing from another<
hat are the effe$ts of bu!ing<
hi$h do !ou think is the most damaging kind of bu!ing<
h! do the buied teens fantasize of atta$king the buies<
h! do the buied teens seek for su((ort to their $assmates in retaiating the bu!ing instead of doing it themse"es<
How $an retaiation $ause heartbreak<
hat is the authors (ur(ose in writing this arti$e<
VOCABUAR! BUIDER I%enti&' the (eaning )& *)r%s.
'atch the words in the left column to their meanings on the right column. ee the example. 2. beitte 5"erb8
a. not good enough, not big enough,
=. ostra$ize 5"erb8
et$. for a (arti$uar (ur(ose b. refuse to a$$e(t someone as a
3. inadequate 5"erb8
member of the grou( $. to make someone or something
>. instigator 5noun8 ?. insti 5"erb8
seem sma or unim(ortant d. a (erson who initiates something e. to for$e someone to do something the! do not want to do b!
@. $oer$e 5"erb8
threatening them f. to tea$h someone to think, beha"e, or fee in a (arti$uar wa! o"er a
A. demeaning 5"erb8
(eriod of time g. making someone fee ashamed or embrassed to destro! something
. tear down 5"erb8 . subte 5ad/e$ti"e8
deiberate! h. to destro! something deiberate! i. not eas! to noti$e or understand uness we (a! $arefu attention a$tion against someone who has
2D. stunted 5ad/e$ti"e8
22. de"astating 5ad/e$ti"e8 2=. reatiation 5noun8
done something bad to !ou k. making someone etrem! sad . not de"e(oing (ro(er! or to fu size
I%enti&' the gerun% in the sub+ect ,)siti)n .
&ead the following sentences. %ay attention to the subects of the sentences, the words printed in bold. *hey are called gerunds. *ry to understand what gerunds are by answering the questions. Bu!ing in$udes beha"iors that fo$us on making someone ese fee inadequate. C!ber bu!ing is be$oming a "er! rea (robem for teens. +e$troni$ bu!ing uses instant messaging, $e (hone tet messages, and onine so$ia networks to humiiate and embarrass others. i$king and (un$hing are eam(es of (h!si$a bu!ing. Buiding friendshi( with a students de"eo( our $ommuni$ation skis. Making fun of other (eo(e is not something to en/o!. +uestions6 2. hat is the (art of s(ee$h of the words (rinted in bod in the sub/e$t (osition< =. hat are the base forms of the words< 3. hat is the (art of s(ee$h of those words before the! are (ut in sub/e$t (osition< >. hat $on$usion $an !ou draw<
I%enti&' the gerun% in the )b+ect ,)siti)n.
&ead the following sentences. %ay attention to the obects of the sentences, particularly the boldfaced words. Answer the questions. 'h!si$a bu!ing in$uded ki$king, (un$hing, and other (h!si$a! harmfu a$ti"ities. Bu!ing is done with the intention of bringing another (erson down. )t fo$uses on beitting someone. +uestions2. hat is the (art of s(ee$h of the words (rinted in bod in the ob/e$t (osition< =. hat are the base forms of the words<
TE"T STRUCTURE Observe the text structure.
The tet about bu!ing abo"e is $aed a factual re(ort 5information report 8. # fa$tua re(ort aims to (ro"ide information about natura or so$ia (henomena. )n this $ase, the tet about bu!ing is an eam(e of s)cial ,hen)(ena.
How are fa$tua re(orts written< The first (aragra(h of a fa$tua re(ort gi"es us a classi&icati)n $ontaining some genera information about the (henomena, that is,
bu!ing 5e.g., the definition8. # the (aragra(hs that foow the first (aragra(h $ontain s)(e %escri,ti)n about bu!ingE the des$ri(tion (ro"ides detais. The des$ri(tion
refers to these questions6 hat is it< hat does it ook ike< hat s(e$ia features7$hara$teristi$s does it ha"e<
'aragra(h One
Main idea
'ur(ose of the tet
Two Three 4our 4i"e *i
'robems that arise 'h!si$a from bu!ing
and as
(s!$hoogi$a (robem6
su((orting that
in/ures, des$ribes7eaborates
de(ression, sui$ide, the effe$t of bu!ing drug use, stunded so$ia de"eo(ment *e"en
VOCABUAR! E"ERCISE !hoose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks. !onsider the contexts.
)nduge $ontributor! de"astating
refrain tear
The most so(histi$ated and dei$ious dish in the word, whi$h is
internationa! a$knowedged, has itsIIIIIIIIIIII in 'adang, est *umatra. 0o !ou know what that is< =.
) wi awa!s remember !ou as m! best friend e"er. The first time ) $ame here
as a new student from a remote area, !ou were the one who befriended me whie the other students sti IIIIIIIIIIIIII me. 3.
To be a good (erson, ne"er IIIIIIIIIII !oursef and other (eo(e be$ause
e"er! human being is Jods master(ie$e that ha"e their own designated $ontribution in making the word a better (a$e. Think (ositi"e!. >.
e were beginning to tak about IIIIIIIII against the neighboring s$hoo
whose some students buied our friends when more senior students reminded us to re(ort the $ase to the s$hoo (rin$i(a. ?.
Our +ngish tea$her ne"er makes us fee IIIIIIIII and stu(id if we make
mistakes. e rea! en/o! earning +ngish with him. @.
Jood tea$hers are $on$erned about $reating (ositi"e and friend! atmos(here
at s$hoo be$ause un$aring atmos(here $an ead to IIIIIIII growth of +: 5emotiona quotient8. A.
The (oi$e fina! arrested the students who be$ame the IIIIIIIIIIIII of the
s$hoo braw and worked together with the s$hoo and their (arents to edu$ate those (robemati$ students. .
The ke! to winning friendshi( and being (ositi"e! (o(uar is ne"er use
IIIIIIII and sar$asti$ words to other (eo(e. .
*in$ere and $ontinuing su((orts from friends and tea$hers he( "i$tims of
bu!ing o"er$ome theIIIIIIIII effe$t of bu!ing. 2D.
e shoud stand together against those who IIIIIIII us to do something
negati"e, su$h as making fun of some of our $assmates. 22.
) fee u$k! to be one of the students here be$ause this s$hoo IIIIIII great
earning enthusiasm and so$ia $on$ern into a its students. 2=.
iden !our IIIIIIIII smie. *in$ere big smie on !our fa$e $an make !our
own da! and others $heerfu. Thats the easiest wa! of doing good deed. 23.
hen deaing with (robemati$ students, the wise s$hoo (rin$i(a $hooses
en$ouraging words that do notIIIIIIIIIIIII the students (ositi"e sef-image. 2>.
#s his best friend, ) awa!s te him to IIIIIIIIIII from smoking.
'eanuts are dei$ious but the! are bad for m! a$ne. Howe"er, ) sometimes
IIIIIIIIIIm!sef in mun$hing (eanuts and m! B44, 0iea, usua! reminds me not to
eat too mu$h. 2@.
Both of us $ome from (oor fami! so that we ha"e to work to get mone! for
our s$hoo tuition. That diffi$ut! has strengthened the bond between IIIIIIII and me. e awa!s he( ea$h other. 2A.
+ating /unk food is a IIIIIIIIIII fa$tor in man! kinds of diseases.
GRA##AR E"ERCISE %ut the verbs into the ing form (gerund). 2. 5fish8 in this ake is forbidden. ishing in this ake is forbidden.
=. 5de"eo(8 good reationshi( is more rewarding than making troube. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3. 5ti(8 the waiters ten to fifteen (er$ent is the $ustom here. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII >. 5(re"ent8 bu!ing is e"er! bod!s obigation. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ?. 5wash8 dishes is m! dai! $hore. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @. 5gi"e8 ad"i$e shoud be done $arefu! b! using non demeaning words. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A. 5tea$h8 friends what we are good at $an shar(en the skis that we ha"e. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . 5smoke8 damages teenagers heath, but some students kee( on ignoring the fa$t. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . 5eer$ise8 reguar! is a strategi$ in"estment for a ha((! ife in the future. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2D. 5offer8 he( sometimes gi"es !ou nothing but a reiefE and that eads to true ha((iness be$ause we wi fee meaningfu. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
GRA##AR E"ERCISE / %ut the verbs in the brackets, which are in the obect position of preposition, into the
-ing form.
2. Jina is afraid of goP IIIIIIIIIIII to the bus station hersef. ) think ) wi tea$h her karate to make her more $onfident about hersef. =. 0o not refrain from earnP IIIIIIIIIIIII new things that $an make !ou more $a(abe of doing man! things though it is diffi$ut at the beginning. 3. #fter the unforgettabe $ommunit! ser"i$e e(erien$e, we ook forward to 5meet8 IIIIIIII again in the (rogram. >. *he is a genius who en/o!s her da!s b! usePIIIIIIIIIIII her being genius to he( her friends understand mathemati$s. ?. )f !ou want to (ass the nationa eam su$$essfu!, fo$us !our energ! and attention on masterP IIIIIIIIII the sub/e$ts that !ou are not good at. @. He works in the afternoon in that (hoto$o(! ser"i$e $enter to get some (o$ket mone! without nege$ting his a$ademi$ res(onsibiit!. A. Before swimPIIIIIIIII, we do some warming u( eer$ises. . The s$hoo ibrarians te the new students that the! do not need to (ut the news(a(ers and magazines awa! after readP IIIIIIIII them. . 0o not e"er dream of be$omeP IIIIIIII su$$essfu without workP IIIIIII hard. There is no gain without (ain. 2D. Those students i"e far awa! from s$hoo and the! ha"e to go to s$hoo on foot. B! wakP IIIIIII ong distan$e e"er! da!, the! de"eo( strong bone and mus$es and good stamina. That is a bessing in disguise.
READING /nteractional *ext
%ndah, &agus, and 'ya are preparing their biology pro(ect. They are loo)ing for an idea for the pro(ect.
6 He!, gu!s, ) think we shoud finish our Bioog! assignment before *unda!.
6 Foure rightG )t shoud be submitted on Monda!.
6 But, do !ou ha"e an! idea what we shoud write about<
6 e shoud make a (oster about underwater ife.
Bagus 6 ets ha"e a ook at some referen$es from the internet. Ma!be we $an get some ideas. !a
6 Thats a good ideaG
6 ) re$kon we ha"e to think of an anima underwater and make a (oster about it.
6 ook at this one. )ts a giant squid.
6 Ha"e a ook at the sizeG )ts "er! bigG
6 isten, the arti$e sa!s that the size $an be 2D meters ong. )ts as big as a s$hoo busG
6 owG ) think a giant squid is "er! unique.
6 )d sa! we shoud make a (oster about giant squid.
6 Fes, we $an (rint out the (i$ture and write the fa$ts about a giant squid. ) think it wi be greatG
6 Thats a good idea. Here, (a! attention to this. The arti$e sa!s that a giant squids e!es are the size of a dinner (ate. Ler! )nterestingG
6 9ea!< owG Now, ) rea! think that we shoud make a (oster about it.
6 Feah, ) think so.
6 Oka!, ets get startedG
Based on information found in6 0 http-11www.whalewatch.co.n1blog123451321351fascinating
ocean1 0 http-11animals.nationalgeographic.com1animals1 invertebrates1giantsquid1
'oo) at the list of e!pressions to get someone*s attention and to show opinions below. Then, bac) to the conversation above, identify which is which
+(ressions to get someones attention isten Q. ookQ Ha"e a ook atQ. 'a! attentionQ *o now, isten toQ +$use meQ He!Q
+(ressing o(inions 6ess $ormal )d sa!Q. )t seems to me ) thinkQ ) re$konQ ) feeQ. $ormal 'ersona!, ) $onsider7beie"eQ )n m! "iewQ )n m! o(inionQ To m! mindQ
#or) with a friend and ma)e short dialogs based on the situations below. Then, practice the dialogs with your friends.
Four tea$her is in front of the $ass. *he asks a students to isten to her announ$ement about a bioog! test net week. Four friend thinks that the test wi be diffi$ut. Four tea$her 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four friend 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four tea$her 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four friend 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. =.
Fou are wat$hing a "er! interesting quiz on TL. Four sister is reading a magazine net to !ou. Fou want her to wat$h the quiz with !ou be$ause !ou think that she $an answer the questions in the quiz. Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four sister 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four sister 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. 3.
Four friend is "er! e$ited when he sees a (oster de(i$ting a band $om(etition. He thinks that if !ou /oin the $om(etition, !ou stand a $han$e to win. Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four friend 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four friend 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
Four tea$her is e(aining a Math formua. *he wants !ou to (a! attention to her. Fou te !our friend that !ou think the Math formua is "er! eas!. Four tea$her 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four tea$her 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ........ Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. ?.
Four friend asks !ou to isten to his idea about going fishing.Fou think going fishing is "er! boring. Fou 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four friend 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Fou 6QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Four friend 6 QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. @. A.
5Four own idea8 5Four own idea8