======================================================================= ============================================== ================================== ========= == RNC Lazy KIT ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= == RNC Tools on the OSS are: 1 2 3 4
OSS Network Element OSS Common Explorer SMO Moshell
RNC Element Manage: This has so many views inside (IP, ATM, SS7, Software, Area, Radio Network) ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= === Scanner or Counter Activation ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= === 1. Opne Performance -> Initiate Data Collection -> WCDMA/LTE RAN Measurement 2. On the Administration Menu, you select Add profile 3. Choose user defined statistical subscription profile, and then click on next 4. Enter your username in the username field: eg. snwolley 5. Select Standard Statistics 6. select RNC network should be observed 7. Choose the RNC's on the network to the right 8. Then you move the respective counter to be activated to the right 9. Select the scheduled time be "Continuos" 10. Finally click finish
============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ===== LICENSE ACTIVATION ON RNC, IT IS THE SAME AS NODEB ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ===== There are 2 ways of doing this: STEP 1 -------------------------------------1. Get XML license file from Ericsson 2. Put it on home directory(OSS)
3. ct 4. 5.
Go to SMO -> SMO file store -> right click on Delivery -> Input files -> sele file Go to licenses -> Import Licenses key file -> next to Utran (set time to ... Go to the node: Right click and adjust -> Then right click Install L.K
Alternative step -------------------------------------1. Open a console 2. FTP(IP address of the node) eg: ftp user:rbs pass:rbs 3. ls 4. put (filename) 5. Go to moshell 6. cd /home/eric/moshell 7. ./moshell asrnc01 8. lt all 9. pr licensing 10. acl 6 11. are you sure : Y ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ======= TO CHECK ON RNC STATISTIC FILES (PMSERVICES) ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ======= 1. login to the RNC 2. cd /p001200/pm_data ======================================================================= ============================================== ================================== ========= ======= RNC HEALTHCHECK ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ======= 1. open SMO -> Select Network -> Select 3G nodes ->Right click choose health che ck 2. Then ftp from /var/opt/ericsson/nms_hc_server/resultfiles ======================================================================= ============================================== ================================== ========= ======= SITE INTEGRATION PATH ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ======= /var/opt/ericsson/nms_umts_bag/files/import ======================================================================= ============================================== ================================== ========= ======= TO INTEGRATE NEW SITE (RNC) ============================================== ====================== ================================================= ================================== ========= ======= NB: XML script can only be used 1. load NE from OSS Network explorer 2. Then open PCA on the common explorer 3. Choose new planned configuration from right pannel and give it a name
4. Right click on new planned name then import files 5. Right clik and activate ================================================================================ ======= RESTART OF RBS AND RNC ----- GUI ================================================================================ ======= 1. open tools -> Node status analysis -> view -> cabinode viewer ================================================================================ ======= EXPORTATION OF WHOLE 3G IN XML FILE ================================================================================ ======= 1. Tools -> transport topology viewer ================================================================================ ======= RESTART OF RBS AND RNC ----- COMMAND LINE ================================================================================ ======= 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
cd /home/eric/moshell ./moshell "node ip" lt all acc 0 manual restart h4 to get all commands
================================================================================ ======= NODE B INTEGRATION ================================================================================ ======= 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
log on to the oss cd /eric/moshell ./moshell RNCNAME lt all run /home/usename/file-mos ---------------- for ibb links then 5 scripts are to be run a - script to create the iub links b - script to create the cell ID and services c - script to create the routing area d - script to create the utran cell e - script to create the RBS
login to the RBS or nodeB then run the 5th script that will create iub and RBS s ite ******************************************************************************** ****** Four stepsfor integrating a nodeB in the RNC 1. Load all script
2. Upgrade the site 3. Load license on the site 4. Activate the counters 1. Loading all scripts - it has 3 types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. onsite scripts (O&M and hardware scripts) b. RNC scripts c. NodeB scripts ***Parameters to edit for O&M scripts*** a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
O&M IP Subnet mask Vlan IS's (VID's) Sync IP addresses Sync subnet masks Default browser IP ntpserver IP address
***Parameters to edit for hardware scripts*** a. b. c. d. e.
site name Geographocal area (long and lad) change configuration according to RBS type WCDMA 2100 frequency band change cell ID base on the last digit
sectors NC's 1 7 2 8 3 9 f. change HSDPA slot (8 and 11 depending on the RBS-type) slots No's 8 3418,3518 11 3206 ******************************************************************************** ****** 2. UPGRADE THROUGH THE MOSHELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A 1. Create software package on the nodeB 2. Check by : pr upgrade 3. Install the package a. Give the OSS IP Address for ftp b. Enter user details B - NODEB SCRIPT ----------------------------------------a. Edit site name,
b. site ID, c. IP's (IP Accesshot ET (this is the userplane or Traffic), IP access host GPB (This is the control plane or signalling also on the RNC)) C - RNC SCRIPT -----------------------------------------a. Edit sitename, b. siteID, c. prefered subrack by: lkr, NB: you have to get iub distribution on a sub-rack d. Edit RemoteCPAddress (IP AccessGPB or controlPlane or signaling)
================================================================================ ====== PATH TO IP DATABASE ================================================================================ ====== /home/eric/moshell/sitefiles/ipdatabase /opt/ericsson/amos/moshell/sitefiles/ipdatabase ================================================================================ ====== TO CHECK AND CHANGE A PARAMETER ================================================================================ ====== 1. get . releasecon 2. set . releasecon ================================================================================ ====== THROUGHPUT TEST ================================================================================ ====== Throughput test is about download speed to start a throughput test, HSDPA on both RNC and RBS has to enabled, this can b e done by checking the site 1. log on to the moshell 2. lst "sitename" ================================================================================ ====== HOW TO BLOCK AND DEBLOCK A SITE ================================================================================ ====== lbl "sitename" --------- BLOCK ldeb "sitename" --------- DEBLOCK
================================================================================ ====== MAIN SERVICES AND FUNCTIONS ----- RNC ================================================================================ ====== 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Mobile telephony (voice) Unrestricted digital information Packet data, including HSDPA short message service (SMS) Mobile Positioning and location Ciphering (Security)
================================================================================ ===== HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT A SITE ================================================================================ ===== 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
first check alarms on RNC and RBS cd /home/eric/moshell ./moshell "RNC" lt all alt | lak | al | ala | alc if there is an alarm, do - te log read Do lgo to see if changes has been done The restart the RBS
NB: the name of sectors are (G H J) respectively ================================================================================ ===== TO TROUBLESHOOT A SITE WHICH HAS A DROPCALL ================================================================================ ===== ON THE SITE (U0101) ------------------1. check on the hard of the site - st plugin 2. check alarms - alt 3. check temp - cabx 4. check load cell - lst "cell" 5. check carriers (ie 51 for cell 3 sectors) 6. check link b/n node and RNC - nbap ->nodeB application protocol - lst nbap ON THE RNC ------------------1. lst sitename (eg. u0101) 2. get u0101 (cell reserved) 7. Back to NODEB, check if the site is picking traffic - get radio no 8. Check performance record - pmr
===== RNO REQUEST ================================================================================ ===== How to change ELECTRICAL ANTENNA TIH: 1. login to the RBS 2. lst ret 3. get (proxy) eg. get (222) (Always choose the last sector) 4. Set (proxy) electricaAntennatih (equipment) eg. set (222) electricalAntennati H (40) 5. CUMS CR_BATCH03 ================================================================================ ===== UNLOCK AND RESERVE A SITE ================================================================================ ===== 1. 2. 3. 4.
login to the RNC lst "sitename" ldeb "sitename" then check if it is reserved a. get "sitename" cellreserved b. set "sitename" cellreserved 1 c. Yes to confirm
================================================================================ ===== HOW TO CORRECT LAC INCONSISTENCIES ================================================================================ ===== 1. Prepare script 2. log on to the RNC 3. then run lac mos ================================================================================ ==== UTRAN NEIGHBOR ADD_DEL (EG. U0101) ================================================================================ ==== Script: Create ( parent "managedElement =1, RncFunction =1, UtranCell= "u0101G1" identity "u0101G1_u0101H1 moType utranRelation exception none nrOfAttributes 1 utrancellRef Ref "ManagedElement=1,RncFunction=1, utranCel = "u0101H1" 1. Then ftp into your home directory on the oss 2. logon to the RNC
3. trun trun cr.txt ================================================================================ ===== SOME USEFUL RNC COMMANDS ================================================================================ ===== 1. str --------------2. pmr -mx ------------
to check how many nodeB's are down performance of the rnc. eg pmr -m(0.5) pmr -m(1) 3. uer --------------- to see the number of subscribers on the rnc 4. get synchr --------- to observe boards responsible with the synchronization o f the RNC 5. get aal2qp --------- this permit you to see if the aal2 counters are generate d by the RNC 6. uer -r (sitename) ------------- to see the number of packet and voice calls 7. st plue ---------- to see the boards 8. lst (sitename) ----9. lst (cell) -------10.get proxy 11.diff 1058 1117 ---- to find the different b/n the 2 proxy 12.license 13.inv license 14.st
NBus - protocol on IUB h - comand used for help after connected to a node. ___________ 1. amos asrnc01 2. lt all - to load all mos 3. strt - command to check the sites and cells that are down on the RNC 4. amos u0165 - to enter the site, amos/moshel site id (normally to check th ip and see if it is good) 5. lt all - complete the process for loging in to a site 6. alt - to see all the alarms on the site 7. get 10 - to check the sync btw the node B and RNC or the clock. NB. LOcked mo de is the correct operational mode, holdover moder will come up when site is res tarted, free runing mode - no sync requires site visit, startup mode never attem pt to restart - just wait until it goes to Locked mode or else any attempt to re start it will go to free running mode. 8. lst sync - to check the sync mode, it should be enabled and unlocked. lst U0135 - used to see the state of the site, whether disabled or enabled 7. cab - to check the temperature of the processor and also the boards. max oper ating temp is 51 8. get radio no - to check if the site is carrying traffic 9. lga - gives all the history or logs of the alarms lg -m 4d - gives logs for 4 days lga | grep NTP - gives only NTP server alarms 10. lst carr to check the carrier or channels (run lt all first before dis comma nd_ 11. cvls - to check the configuration of the node 12. cvms Trial - create a cv and make it startable NB: Trial = name of the cv 13. cvrm Trial - removes the cv named Trial . NB: Never remove a loaded CV.
14. ping -s - to ping the ip of a node, this has to be done on your pr ompt. 15. lst u0101 - dis command run at the rnc level shows the various chanels or mo s of that node 16. st plug - to list the plugging unit 17. get 0 - gives the type of cabinet 18. lbl 172 - to disable an mo NB; 172 is the prxy afte runing st plugin 19. acl 172 - to see help details or list action 20. acc 172 manualRestart - to innitiate manual restart. NB: for best practices it is always good to chose restart cold 21. ldeb 172 - to enable the mo 22. lgo - to know the history of commands on a node 22.NB: to restart a node, u can use 0 (zero) for the ip when ur locked unto that node or use the site id when ur on RNC, and also after initiating the restart c ommand, u enter a pol command [ie. > pol ] this gets the various MOs ready. _________ 23. lst ranap - to check the protocol btwn thr RNC and Core network node for mo (Noth band - Rnc to the core) 24. get ranap - to see the parameters for the MOs 25. get 17852 - to get MOs using the proxy 26. mom . sccpDisabledT - to get details of a parameter where sccpDisabledT is t he parameter 27. lst nbab - command for 28. bo - gives a printout of all the boards on the rnc. 29. st carr - shows whether the sectors enabled or not 30. hi - command to show all the commands that have been previously run ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 20120226 17:29:21 lt all 2 20120226 17:35:33 alt 3 20120226 17:36:56 acc 0 manualrestart 4 20120226 17:38:00 poll 5 20120226 17:41:15 lt all 6 20120226 17:41:20 alt 7 20120226 17:54:33 alt 8 20120226 17:54:40 alt 9 20120226 17:54:51 get radio no 10 20120226 17:55:02 get radio no 11 20120226 17:55:32 st carr 12 20120226 17:57:10 get radio no 13 20120226 17:57:15 get radio no _________________________ lbl u0526 - blocking or locking the site ldeb u0526 - deblocking the site cd /home/eric/moshell - moshell innitiation command ./moshell asrnc01 or ./moshell u0526 to enter an RnC or a Node B
================================================================================ ===== CREATE A CV ================================================================================ ===== 1. cvset "cvname" 2. do a warm restart on the nodeB
================================================================================ ================================= INSTALLING LICENSE ON NODEB ================================================================================ ================================= 1. Ftp the licence file given to you by Ericcson to this path: /c/
NB: the above command would display the Action to be selected eg "updateLicenseK eyFile" 2. U0525ASH_LEBANO2> acc 6 120404-11:38:05 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 ================================================================================ ================================= Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ================================================================================ ================================= 6 ########### ##### 6 updateLicen seKeyFile ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 0 MOs attempted, 0 MOs actioned
NB: This steps allows you to enter the parameters 1 to 4, username, password, ip , and absolute path ot the license 3. U0525ASH_LEBANO2> acc 6 updateLicenseKeyFile 120404-11:22:06 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 Call Action updatelicensekeyfile on following 1 MOs ? ================================================================================ === 6 SystemFunctions=1,Licensing=1
================================================================================ === Call action updatelicensekeyfile on 1 MOs. Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ================================================================================ ================================= Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ================================================================================ ================================= 6 Licensing=1 updateLice nseKeyFile 4 Parameter 1 of 4, userId (string): rbs Parameter 2 of 4, password (string): Parameter 3 of 4, ipAddress (string): Parameter 4 of 4, sFile (string): /c/TY12286034_120403_191952.xml >>> Return value = null ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 1 MOs attempted, 1 MOs actioned
get nodebfunction NB: this step gives you a display and means that license was successfully update d 4. U0525ASH_LEBANO2> license key 120404-11:23:04 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 $ license key Feature Id : CXC4020002 Describtion : FAJ121903; HSDPA16qam Start Date : 2012-04-02 Stop Date : 9999-12-31 Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4020005 FAJ121970; EnhancedUplink 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030516 FAJ121905; RabCombination016 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030569 FAJ121148; RabCombination069 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030568 FAJ121148; RabCombination068 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030567 FAJ121148; RabCombination067 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030553 FAJ121905; RabCombination053 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030552 FAJ121905; RabCombination052 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030001 FAJ121801; HSDPA Mobility Phase 1 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Feature Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date
: : : :
CXC4030002 FAJ121860; HSDPA Mobility Phase 2 2012-04-02 9999-12-31
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4021003 FAJ1211009; Delayed Activation of Capaci 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 14 14
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4021002 Number of HSDPA Users Per Cell 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 16 16
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4021001 FAJ1210399, FAJ1210400, FAJ1210401; HSDP 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 5 5
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4010071/4003 FAJ121073; RBS Channel Elements Downlink 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 64 64
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4010071/4002 FAJ121072; RBS Channel Elements Uplink 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 128 128
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4021007 FAJ1210450, FAJ1210451, FAJ1210452, FAJ1 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 4 4
Capacity Id Describtion Start Date Stop Date Capacity Level Hard Limit
: : : : : :
CXC4021005 Enhanced Uplink Introduction Package; 2012-04-02 9999-12-31 1 1
NB: check alarms to see if it has been cleared 5.U0525ASH_LEBANO2> alt 120404-11:23:26 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 Connecting to (CorbaSecurity=OFF, corba_class=2, java=1.5.0_2 4, jacoms=R71CD03, jacorb=R71AN04, jacsec=R61HH01) Trying file=/var/opt/ericsson/amos/moshell_logfiles/snwolley/logs_moshell/tempfi les/20120404-111608_21663/ior21663 Resolving the alarm service in OMS... Simple Alarm Client initialized... Starting to retrieve active alarms Nr of active alarms are: 5 ================================================================================ ================ Date & Time (Local) S Specific Problem Cause Mo-Reference ================================================================================ ================ 2012-04-03 08:27:21 m Emergency Unlock of Software Licensing alarm_indication_si gnal Licensing=1 2012-04-03 08:27:34 M Ethernet Switch Port Fault link_failure Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,ExchangeTerminalIp=1,EthernetSwitch=1,Ethernet SwitchPort=3 2012-04-03 08:28:57 m UplinkBaseBandPool_UlHwLessThanUlCapacity configuration_or _customizing_error Subrack=1,UplinkBaseBandPool=1 2012-04-03 08:28:57 m DownlinkBaseBandPool_DlHwLessThanDlCapacity configuration_ or_customizing_error Subrack=1,DownlinkBaseBandPool=1 2012-04-03 08:30:50 C System Clock Quality Degradation replaceable_unit_probl em Synchronization=1 >>> Total: 5 Alarms (1 Critical, 1 Major)
NB: create a backup with the below comand 6.U0525ASH_LEBANO2> cvms afterlicense
NB: do a restart so it restart with the last backup 7.U0525ASH_LEBANO2> cvms afterlicense 120404-11:24:36 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 U0525ASH_LEBANO2> confb+ Confirmation of bl/deb/set/acc commands = disabled U0525ASH_LEBANO2> acc 415 create *** 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 ================================================================================ ================================= Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ================================================================================ ================================= 415 ConfigurationVersion=1 create 5 Parameter 1 of 5, configurationVersionName (string): afterlicense Parameter 2 of 5, identity (string): afterlicense Parameter 3 of 5, type (enumRef-ConfigurationVersionType): Enter one of the following integers: 0:STANDARD, 1:UPGRADE, 2:MINIMAL, 3:TEST , 4:AUTOCREATE, 5:OTHER, 6:UPGRADE_TOLERATE_ERROR, 7:DOWNLOADED, 8:RESTORED: 5 Parameter 4 of 5, operatorName (string): snwolley Parameter 5 of 5, comment (string): none >>> Return value = null ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 1 MOs attempted, 1 MOs actioned U0525ASH_LEBANO2> if $nr_of_mos_ok = 1 Enter commands (one per line), then type "fi" > acc 415 setstartable > afterlicense > fi U0525ASH_LEBANO2> acc 415 setstartable *** 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 ================================================================================ ================================= Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ================================================================================ ================================= 415 ConfigurationVersion=1 setStartab le 1
Parameter 1 of 1, configurationVersionName (string): afterlicense >>> Return value = null ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 1 MOs attempted, 1 MOs actioned U0525ASH_LEBANO2> confbConfirmation of bl/deb/set/acc commands = enabled U0525ASH_LEBANO2> csls 120404-11:24:53 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 $ csls csls: command not found $
Do a printout of the backup to check the startable to see if it picked your back up 8.U0525ASH_LEBANO2> cvls 120404-11:24:56 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 ================================================================================ =================================== 120404-11:24 CV Name Upgrade Packag e Release ================================================================================ =================================== Startable: afterlicense CXP9014346/1_R 2AA/88 P7.1/W10 (EP23-CPP_7.0.3.7) Loaded: backup CXP9014346/1_R 2AA/88 P7.1/W10 (EP23-CPP_7.0.3.7) Executing: afterlicense CXP9014346/1_R 2AA/88 P7.1/W10 (EP23-CPP_7.0.3.7) Last created: afterlicense CXP9014346/1_R 2AA/88 P7.1/W10 (EP23-CPP_7.0.3.7) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Current UpgradePkg: UpgradePackage=CXP9014346_1_R2AA_88 CXP9014346/1_R 2AA/88 P7.1/W10 (EP23-CPP_7.0.3.7) AutoCreatedCV: Disabled Countdown status: Deactivated Ongoing CV activity: 0 (IDLE) Rollback status: Rollback is on Rollback init timer: 30 Rollback init counter: 2 Rollback counter: 2 Rollback list: s[0] = ================================================================================ ====================================================== UP name ProductData CVs LMs PrDate LastCV state Release CompatIndex ================================================================================
====================================================== InitialUP 0_0 0 0 0 IDLE, ONLY_DELET EABLE CXP9012073_R10AV01 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 6 296 080712 110825 IDLE, UPGRADE_CO MPLETED P6 CXP9012073-R10_07 CXP9012073_R11C%50 CXP9012073/1_R11C/50 3 302 091203 110826 IDLE, UPGRADE_CO MPLETED P6.1.3-36 () CXP9012073-R11_04 CXP9014346_1_R2AA_88 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 12 362 110117 120404 IDLE, UPGRADE_CO MPLETED P7.1/W10 (EP23-CPP_7.0.3.7) CXP9014346-R2_03 ================================================================================ ====================================================== CV Name Creation Date UpgradePackage Re lease Type Operator Comment ================================================================================ ====================================================== OAM_CXP9012073_1_R10AV01_700101_192136 1970-01-01 19:21 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 P6 other RBS EM Oam Wizard after_OAM 1970-01-01 19:26 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 P6 other Eben none SITE_CXP9012073_1_R10AV01_700101_193742 1970-01-01 19:37 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 P6 other RBS EM Site Equipment Wizard after_HW_script 1970-01-01 19:40 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 P6 other Eben none BasicCV_CXP9012418%2_R2B08 2008-07-16 07:08 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 P6 other unknown Basic CV CXP9012418/2-R2B08 Rb_CXP9012073%1_R11C%50_110825_1539 2011-08-25 15:39 CXP9012073/1_R10AV01 P6 other CPP Rollb. CV autocreated at SU SU_CXP9012073%1_R11C%50_110825_1554 2011-08-25 15:54 CXP9012073/1_R11C/50 P6 .1.3-36 upgr_tol CPP Temp. CV autocreated at SU Fi_CXP9012073%1_R11C%50_110826_1457 2011-08-26 14:57 CXP9012073/1_R11C/50 P6 .1.3-36 other CPP Final CV autocreated at SU Rb_CXP9014346%1_R2AA%88_110826_1459 2011-08-26 14:59 CXP9012073/1_R11C/50 P6 .1.3-36 other CPP Rollb. CV autocreated at SU SU_CXP9014346%1_R2AA%88_110826_1517 2011-08-26 15:17 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 upgr_tol CPP Temp. CV autocreated at SU Fi_CXP9014346%1_R2AA%88_110826_1522 2011-08-26 15:22 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other CPP Final CV autocreated at SU initial 2011-08-26 15:23 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other msharma none after_config 2011-08-26 15:50 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other msharma none intial_cv1 2011-08-26 15:51 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other msharma none restart_19.09.2011 2011-09-18 06:39 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other cisandu none after_all_set 2011-09-20 16:02 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other msharma none after_new_ip 2011-09-20 16:14 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other msharma none newbkup 2012-03-13 00:20 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other wnderba none latestbkup 2012-03-13 22:38 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other snwolley none backup 2012-04-02 08:25 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other aaaigbe none afterlicense 2012-04-04 01:54 CXP9014346/1_R2AA/88 P7 .1/W10 other snwolley none ================================================================================ ====================================================== >>> Total: 21 CV's, 4 UP's
NB: finally do a manual restart 9.U0525ASH_LEBANO2> acc 0 manualrestart 120404-11:25:50 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/21706 Call Action manualrestart on following 1 MOs ? ================================================================================ === 0 ManagedElement=1 INFO: The RBS node U0525ASH_LEBANO2 will be restarted on CV: afterlicense ================================================================================ === Call action manualrestart on 1 MOs. Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ================================================================================ ================================= Proxy MO Action Nr of Params ================================================================================ ================================= 0 ManagedElement=1 manualRest art 3 Parameter 1 of 3, restartRank (enumRef-RestartRank): Enter one of the following integers: 0:RESTART_WARM, 1:RESTART_REFRESH, 2:RES TART_COLD, 3:RESTART_COLDWTEST: 3 Parameter 2 of 3, restartReason (enumRef-RestartReason): Enter one of the following integers: 0:PLANNED_RECONFIGURATION, 1:UNPLANNED_N ODE_EXTERNAL_PROBLEMS, 2:UNPLANNED_NODE_UPGRADE_PROBLEMS, 3:UNPLANNED_O_AND_M_IS SUE, 4:UNPLANNED_CYCLIC_RECOVERY, 5:UNPLANNED_LOCKED_RESOURCES, 6:UNPLANNED_COLD _WITH_HW_TEST, 7:UNPLANNED_CALL_PROCESSING_DEGRADATION, 8:UNPLANNED_LOW_COVERAGE , 30:UPGRADE_BOARD_RESTART: man Incorrect value! Aborting... ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 1 MOs attempted, 0 MOs actioned
================================================================================ ====================================== HOW TO RESOLVE SOME ALARMS ON THE NODEB ================================================================================ ====================================== 1. Ethernet Switch Port Fault NB: on the Mo-Reference locate the EthernetSwitchPort number =3 eg. EthernetSwit chPort=3 and issue the comand below lbl port=3
2. System Clock Quality Degradation NB: you will do get 10 to check the nodesystemclok state, if it is G_MODE) you block and deblock
0525ASH_LEBANO2> get 10 120404-12:04:52 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/22844 ================================================================================ ================================= 10 TransportNetwork=1,Synchronization=1 ================================================================================ ================================= SynchronizationId 1 degradationIsFault 0 (DEGR_NOT_FAULT) nodeSystemClock 4 (FREE_RUNNING_MODE) syncRefActivity i[8] = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 syncRefPriority i[8] = 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 syncRefStatus i[8] = 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 syncReference [8] = >>> syncReference = IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=1 >>> syncReference = IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=2 >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = userLabel ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 1 MOs
NB:Block U0525ASH_LEBANO2> lbl host 120404-12:06:45 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/22844 Block following 3 MOs ? ================================================================================ === 1583 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1 1584 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=2 1585 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=1 ================================================================================ === Block 3 MOs. Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ================================================================================ ============================ Id MO administrat iveState Result ================================================================================ ============================ 1583 IpAccessHostEt=1 0
>>> Set. 1584 IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=2 0 >>> Set. 1585 IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=1 0 >>> Set. ================================================================================ ============================ Total: 3 MOs attempted, 3 MOs set
NB:deblock U0525ASH_LEBANO2> ldeb host 120404-12:07:03 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/22844 Deblock following 3 MOs ? ================================================================================ === 1583 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1 1584 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=2 1585 IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=1 ================================================================================ === Deblock 3 MOs. Are you Sure [y/n] ? y ================================================================================ ============================ Id MO administrat iveState Result ================================================================================ ============================ 1583 IpAccessHostEt=1 1 >>> Set. 1584 IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=2 1 >>> Set. 1585 IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=1 1 >>> Set. ================================================================================ ============================ Total: 3 MOs attempted, 3 MOs set
Do this to check the nodesystemclock again it would be (STARTUP_MODE) it would f inally change to LOCK mode U0525ASH_LEBANO2> get 10 120404-12:07:13 8.0p RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/22844 ================================================================================ ================================= 10 TransportNetwork=1,Synchronization=1 ================================================================================ ================================= SynchronizationId 1 degradationIsFault 0 (DEGR_NOT_FAULT) nodeSystemClock 1 (STARTUP_MODE) syncRefActivity i[8] = 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 syncRefPriority i[8] = 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
syncRefStatus i[8] = 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 syncReference [8] = >>> syncReference = IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=1 >>> syncReference = IpSystem=1,IpAccessHostEt=1,IpSyncRef=2 >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = >>> syncReference = userLabel ================================================================================ ================================= Total: 1 MOs
Logging lga -z 20120615.0000
strf | grep U0233 rELOADING FROM an Old backup cvset oldbackup acc 0 manualrestart sites http://www.scribd.com/doc/55366490/Moshell-Command-for-RNC-Monitoring checking command logs from node lgn -m 1
Automatic CV back up pr ConfigurationVersion=1 set SwManagement=1,ConfigurationVersion=1 autoCreatedCVIsTurnedOn true
get 0
rbs type
get 1
get 6 fingerprint get iphostlink uer -r iublink Duplexspeed
get ethernet duplex get 42 operatingmode set 42 operatingMode autoNegotiation=true, configuredSpeedDuplex
set 143 operatingmode autoNegotiation=false,configuredSpeedDuplex=4
U0153TET_QUARSHI> get . maxTotalOutputPower 121212-14:35:47 9.0f RBS_NODE_MODEL_M_1_8 stopfile=/tmp/25227 ================================================================================ ================================= MO Attribute Value ================================================================================ ================================= RbsSubrack=RUW1,RbsSlot=3,AuxPlugInUnit=RUW-1,DeviceGroup=RUW,TpaDeviceSet=1,Tpa Device=1 maxTotalOutputPower -1 RbsSubrack=RUW1,RbsSlot=7,AuxPlugInUnit=RUW-1,DeviceGroup=RUW,TpaDeviceSet=1,Tpa Device=1 maxTotalOutputPower -1 RbsSubrack=RUW1,RbsSlot=11,AuxPlugInUnit=RUW-1,DeviceGroup=RUW,TpaDeviceSet=1,Tp aDevice=1 maxTotalOutputPower -1 ================================================================================ =============== ================== AS AT
24 25
kget l+ u1302 kget all llst lhsh 000100 te log read Resub Sites get IubLink rncModuleRef RncModule=MS-6 resub iublink=full name subrack=ES-2 duplicate IP lget all ip std check all cc and dc devices.