Sentence Sent ence transforma transf ormation tion,, 17 0 They published this book in England. came This book …..came ….. came from…. from…. England. 31.- Can you understand what this paper means? sense Can you ……make …… make sense of …… …… this paper? 32.- It wasn’t necessary to meet me at the airport yesterday. needn’t ou ……needn’t ……needn’t have met … me at the airport yesterday. 33.-It was unkind o! you to talk to her like that. not ou … should not have talked … to her like that. 34.-I saw the !ilm although I strongly dislike thrillers. spite I saw the !ilm in … spite of my strong dislike… dislike… o! thrillers. 35.-It’s not possible to play tennis because o! the rain. makes The rain ……makes ……makes it impossible…. impossible…. to play tennis. 36.-I’"e ne"er tasted such good !ood be!ore. ever It is the …best …best food I’ve ever .. .. tasted. 37.-#o your parents allow you to watch T$ late at night? let #o your parents …let …let you watch…. watch…. T$ late at night? 38.-%#id you write a note !or &nna?% I asked my mother. she I asked my mother …whether/if … whether/if she had written…. written …. a note !or &nna. 39.-'e ga"e me the money !irst( and then he le!t. after 'e le!t ……after ……after he had given me/after giving me….. me ….. the money. 40.-I don’t !ind it di!!icult to get up early any more. sed I ……am ……am used to getting …. …. up early.
Sentence Sent ence tran transfo sformat rmation ion,16 ,16 0 )r *ones needn’t go i! he doesn’t want to. o!li"ed )r *ones …is …is not obliged to go ….i! go ….i! he doesn’t want to +, 'e really likes correcting her English. pleasre 'e …takes …takes pleasure in.. in.. correcting her English. + It’s not necessary to take a lot o! luggage when going on holiday. mch ou …don’t …don’t need much / needn’t take much / don’t have to take much … luggage when going on holiday. ++ erhaps he hasn’t recei"ed the doctor’s results yet. ma# 'e ..may ..may not have received .. .. the doctor’s results yet. +/ &ll I want you to do is to look a!ter my dog. care &ll I want you to do is to ……take …… take care of ….. ….. my dog. + 1he was not certain about the trip. decide 1he ……could ……could not decide….. decide….. about the trip. +2 'e locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape. prevent 'e locked the gate ……to …… to prevent the dog (from3.. (from 3.. escaping. +4 They did not like to pay e5tra ta5es. o!$ected They ……objected ……objected to paying ………. ………. e5tra ta5es. +6 The day was so nice that we went on a picnic. sch It was … such a nice day…. day…. that we went on a picnic. +7 The only person I didn’t see was *ane. e%cept I ……… saw everyone except ….. ….. *ane. /0 1he decided to "isit her !riend and tell her the news. drop 1he decided to …drop …drop in on… on… her !riend and tell her the news.
Sentence transformation, 15 o They worked "ery little last week. hardl# They ….hardly worked ….at all last week. 31 8e ha"e to reduce our e5penses. ct 8e ha"e to ………cut down on……….. our e5penses. 32 9Can you please e5plain this to me?% she asked the teacher. if 1he asked the teacher ………if she could explain that ……… to her. 33 erhaps he’s working late. ma# 'e ……may be working …. late. 34 :obody e"er told me about it. never I ………was never told …. about it. 35 9I’ll pick him up !rom the airport(% she said. offered 1he …offered to pick him up….. !rom the airport. 36 I was so shocked that I couldn’t react. &asn’t I ………wasn’t calm enough to…… react. 37 eople say ;reek is a di!!icult language to learn. said ;reek ……is said to be a……. di!!icult language to learn. 38 The police ha"e in"estigated the crime. !# The crime ……has been investigated by…… the police. 39 8ithout your help( I would ne"er ha"e managed. #o I! …… you hadn`t helped me……. ( I would ne"er ha"e managed. 40 The manager made the employees stay late. made The employees ……were made to stay late… by the manager.
Sentence 'ransformation,14 )r *ones needn’t go i! he doesn’t want to. o!li"ed )r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesn’t want to. +, 'e knows e"erything about !lowers. e%pert 'e …is an expert on… !lowers. + I! you are not old enough you cannot watch certain !ilms. a"e I! you …are under age….. you cannot watch certain !ilms. ++ I regret that I ga"e him the money. lent I! only …… I hadn’t lent …. him the money. +/ It was such a boring mo"ie that we le!t. so The mo"ie ….was so boring ……..….. that we le!t. + eople say that the pyramids are worth "isiting. spposed The pyramids …are supposed to be…. worth "isiting. +2 *ohn cannot possibly borrow the car tonight. (estion It’s …out of the question… !or *ohn to borrow the car tonight. +4 Could I continue what I was doing? "et Could I … get on with… what I was doing? +6 )ary is slower at doing things than *ill. fast )ary is …not as fast as…….. *ill at doing things. +7 I can’t make up my mind about the colour. decide I …cannot decide on….. the colour. /0 There are times when you ha"e to do things by yoursel!. o&n There are times when you ha"e to do things … on your own….
Sentence transformation, 13 o E"erybody has le!t the building one There’s …no one le!t in…. the building. 31 ou were late( so you missed the match. &oldn’t I! you hadn’t …been late you wouldn’t have…….. missed the match. 32 I am sorry I !orgot your birthday. &ish I …wish I hadn’t forgotten…. your birthday. 33 The burglar managed to escape without punishment. "et The burglar managed to … get away without …. punishment. 34 'e !ailed the test because he did not study enough. attri!ted 'is !ailure in the test …was attributed to his….. not studying enough. 35 I wonder i! you can lend me something to wear tonight. mind 8ould … you mind lending me.. something to wear tonight? 36 8e can’t decide where to go on holidays. decision 8e can’t …make a decision about …. where to go on holidays. 37 Can you take me to the station by car? "ive Can you … give me a lift …. to the station? 38 ou will miss the bus i! you don’t hurry up. nless ou will miss the bus ……unless you hurry up……. 39 It is likely that they ha"e already le!t. ma# They ……may have already.. le!t. 40 'ow much is the bus !are !rom
Sentence transformation, 12 o )r *ones needn’t go i! he doesn’t want to. o!li"ed )r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesn’t want to. +, 1ally has not come to school because she has been sick. a!sent 1ally …has been absent from …. school because she has been sick. + It is o!ten di!!icult to !ind an answer to a problem. soltion =inding …a solution to… a problem is o!ten di!!icult. ++ I was lucky you let me stay with you !or the night. pt I was lucky you …… put me up…. !or the night. +/ I ad"ised him to stop smoking. s""ested I …… suggested (that he….. stop smoking. + They are going to do up my room. have I’m going to…have my room……….…. decorated. +2 *ane doesn’t o!ten see )ike. seldom *ane …… seldom sees…. )ike. +4 I can understand this >uite well eas# It’s …easy for me to….. understand this. +6 )y mother doesn’t like us to stay out late. approve )y mother doesn’t ……approve of us/our staying …… out late. +7 )ary is employed by I)( isn’t she? &orks )ary …………works for I!"# doesn’t …… she? /0 They could not understand what she said. difficlt# They ……had difficulty in understanding …. what she said.
Sentence transformation, 11 o at says she’s going to stop smoking ne5t week. "ive at says she’s … going to give up… smoking ne5t wee +, There is no sugar le!t. rn 8e ha"e …run out of …. sugar. + @:ew 8orld’ &d"ertising is considering your application. is our application ……is being considered by…. ’:ew 8orld’ &d"ertising. ++ The shel! was so high that he couldn’t reach it. eno"h The shel! was not … low enough for him to … reach. +/ I’"e ne"er seen such a bad !ilm. ever It’s the ……worst film I have ever .. seen. + 9#on’t open itA% he said. &arned 'e ……warned me not to.. open it. +2 1he has ne"er told me lies be!ore. first It’s ……the first time she has….. told me lies. 9I didn’t start the !ireA% he said. denied 'e …denied that he had started/ starting/ having started … the !ire. +6 1tudy hard because you may write a test tomorrow. case 1tudy hard …in case you write.. a test tomorrow. +7 I’m sure he took the che>ue-book with him. mst 'e …must have taken.. the che>ue-book with him. /0 8hat a pityA don’t know how to dance. &ish I ……wish I knew…. how to dance.
Sentence transformation, 10 0 )r *ones needn’t go i! he doesn’t want to. o!li"ed o )r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesn’t want to. +, 8e would rather stop than continue in this manner. prefer 8e …$d prefer to stop….. than to continue in this manner. + )other told Tom that he had to go to bed early. mst @ou to …must go……bed early(’ )other told Tom. ++ I last saw her at the end o! )ay. since I …haven’t seen her since….the end o! )ay. +/ I’ll ne"er be able to persuade her to agree with the idea. !rin" I’ll ne"er …bring her round … to the idea. + 1he could not understand how they were related. connection 1he could not understand …their connection… to her. +2 I don’t think I can a!!ord to buy this dress. have I don’t think I …have enough…. money to buy this dress. +4 'e is helping his mother so that they can !inish >uickly. order 'e is helping his mother …in order to finish….. >uickly. +6 I !ound my old diary by chance. came I ……came across.. my old diary by chance. +7 'e was "ery rude when he spoke to the old man. politel# 'e ……did not speak politely to… the old man. /0 1he caught the early bus so that she would not be late !or work. avoid 1he caught the early bus …to avoid being …. late !or work.
Sentence transformation, 9 +, despite his rude beha"iour B despite beha"ing rudely + is to blame !or ++ would rather order !ood than +/ time the go"ernment did + can’t ha"e been +2 were you I would tidy +4 should ha"e your hair +6 put up with +7 wasn’t as good as /0 congratulated him on getting a The last time I had a dental appointment was si5 months ago. since It’s ……been six months since…. I had a dental appointment. +, 'e was not reprimanded( e"en though he beha"ed rudely in class. despite 'e was not reprimanded …………………………….. in class. + @8hose mistake is this?’ !lame 8ho……………………… this? . ++ I pre!er ordering !ood than cooking it. rather I …………………………….. cook it. +/ The go"ernment should do something about unemployment immediately. time It’s ………………………………. something about unemployment. + I’m sure she wasn’t the one who stole the money. can’t 1he ……………………………….. the one who stole the money. +2 It would be a good idea to tidy the desk be!ore starting work. #o I! I ………………………….. the desk be!ore starting work. +4 our hair needs cutting. shold ou ……………………………… cut. +6 I can’t tolerate this kind o! beha"iour any longer. pt I can’t …………………………… this kind o! beha"iour any longer
+7 The dessert was better than the main course. &asn’t The main course ……………………………. the dessert. /0 98ell doneA ou’"e got the ob you applied !or(% she said to him. con"ratlated 1he …………………………………. the ob he had applied !or.
Sentence transformation, 8 0 )r *ones needn’t go i! he doesn’t want to. o!li"ed )r *ones is not obliged to go i! he doesn’t want to. +, The !ootball match was postponed due to the rain. pt The !ootball match was DDDDDD put off DDD due to the rain. + There was no one here e5cept *ohn. apart There was no one here DDDDDD apart from DDDD *ohn. ++ ou will ha"e to pay at least 00 to get that watch. impossi!le ou’ll !ind it DDDD impossible to get/buy DD that watch !or less than 00. +/ I don’t want to eat this now. rather I DDDDDDD $d rather not DDDDDD eat this now. + @1hall I turn on the light?’ 1ue asked *ill. &anted 1ue asked *ill DD if/whether she wanted DD the light turned on. +2 )other walked in >uietly so as to a"oid waking the baby. order )other walked in >uietly DDDD in order not to wake DD the baby. +4 It’s possible that she didn’t understand what I had said. mi"ht 1he DDD might not have understood DDwhat I had said. +6 I couldn’t concentrate !ully because o! the loud music. difficlt The loud music DD made it difficult to concentrate DD !ully. +7 The tea is too hot to drink. eno"h The tea DD isn’t cool/cold enough D to drink. /0 1he is certain to ha"e heard about it on the news. mst 1he DD must have heard DD about it on the news.
Sentence transformation, 7 0 Terrorists tried to destroy the bridge using dynamite. !lo& Terrorists tried to blow up the bridge. , 'e went to 1pain to try to speak 1panish better. !rsh 'e went to 1pain DDD to brush up his DD 1panish Is she &ustralian? come DDD %oes he come from DD&ustralia? + &sk aul to do it. ou can rely on him. let &sk aul to do it. 'e D will not let you down DD / It’s a "ery !ormal dinner party. dress 8e are e5pected DD to dress up DD!or the dinner party. &n ankle inury pre"ented her !rom taking part in the race. drop 1he had to DD drop out of DDthe race because o! an ankle inury. 2 It was nearly midnight when *ohn arri"ed. trn *ohn DD did not turn up DDuntil nearly midnight. 4 I’m not "ery con!ident o! passing my dri"ing test. "et I don’t DD think I will / expect to get through Dmy dri"ing test 6 The meeting went on until ,,.+0 !reak The meeting DD did not break up DD until ,,.+0 7 Fnless business impro"es soon( we’ll be bankrupt by the end o! the year. pick I! business DD don’t pick up Dsoon( we’ll be bankrupt by the end o! the year. ,0 The last time my rent rose was three years ago. pt They ha"en’t DD put my rent up / put up my rent D !or three years. ,, ou will support me at the meeting( won’t you? !ack
ou will DD back me up Dat the meeting( won’t you? , This !orm must be completed be!ore you lea"e. fill ou DD must/arerequired to/are expected to/have to fill in Dthis !orm be!ore you lea"e. ,+ I don’t think I’ll go out on 1aturday. sta# I think D I will stay in DD on 1aturday. ,/ Fnless it stops raining soon( we’ll ha"e to cancel the picnic. clear I! it DDD does not clear up DDsoon we’ll ha"e to cancel the picnic. , I don’t smoke as many cigarettes as I used to. ct I’"e managed to D cut down the number of Dcigarettes I smoke.
Sentence transformation, 6 0 @8hat’s the date today?’ )ichael asked kno& )ichael wanted to know what the date was today , Their wedding takes place on 1aturday. married They DDD will get/are getting married D on 1aturday. 8ould you like some more sauce with your meat? eno"h 'a"e DD you got/had enough sauce DDwith your meat? + 'ow likely is she to win the race? chances 8hatDD are her chances of winning Dthe race? / 'e wished he had gone to uni"ersity. re"retted 'e DD regretted not having /that he hadn’t Dgone to uni"ersity. aul had di!!iculty in starting the car. difficlt aul DD found it difficult to start DDthe car. 2 Take a umper with you because it might get cold later on. case Take a umper with youDDD in case it gets DDDcold later on. 4 'ow much did that acket cost? pa# 'ow much DDD did you pay for DDthat acket? 6 The only >uestion I had wrong was >uestion se"en. e%cept I had DD every question/all the questions/ everything right except DD>uestion se"en 7 I don’t think I’ll go to *ane’s party on 1aturday. do!t I DDD doubt if/whether I’ll go DDto *ane’s party on 1aturday. ,0 It was "ery kind o! them to help us. "ratefl 8e DD were grateful to them D!or their help. ,, )y uncle had ne"er been abroad be!ore. trip
It was DDD my uncle’s first trip DDabroad. , This is the best !ood I’"e e"er eaten. better I’"e DDDD never eaten/tasted better food than DDthis
Sentence transformation, 5 0 aul likes music interested aul is interested in music , #o you want a sandwich? care DD &ould you care for DDa sandwich? Is this pen yours? !elon" #oes DD this pen belong to DDyou? + #a"id was too ill to go camping with us. eno"h #a"idDDD was not well/fit enough DDto go camping with us. / ou can’t "ote unless you are o"er eighteen. mst ouD must be over eighteen DDto "ote I think we should go home now. time It DD is time we went/were going DDhome now. 2 I certainly won’t go there againA last That DDD is the last time DDDI go thereA 4 I regret not getting married. &ish I D wish I had got DD married. 6 'e !ound it hard to start the car. difficlt# 'e DDD had difficulty in starting DD the car. 7 8hy wouldn’t she gi"e you her telephone number? refse 8hyDDD did she refuse to DDgi"e you her telephone number? ,0 *ohn and I last >uarrelled o"er a week ago. fallen *ohn and I D have not fallen out D !or o"er a week.
,, I doubt "ery much that you saw Carla at the party as she’s in 1cotland at the moment. can’t ou DDDD cannot have seen DDDCarla at the party as she’s in 1cotland at the moment , &!ter nearly an hour the coach had still not arri"ed. si"n &!ter nearly an hour DD there was still no sign DDo! the coach.
Sentence transformation, 4 0 @8ill you lend me !i"e pounds?’ he asked !orro& 'e asked to borrow / if he could borrow !i"e pounds. , 8e started eating when all the guests had arri"ed. ntil 8e D did not start eating until DDall the guests had arri"ed. I should "ery much like to play the guitar. &ish I DD wish I could/knew how to Dplay the guitar + The pop star le!t by the back e5it so as to a"oid meeting the press. order The pop start le!t by the back e5it DD in order not to meet / in order to avoid (meeting Dthe press / Gur dri"ing laws and theirs are not the same. different Gur dri"ing laws DD are different from Dtheirs 1ally hasn’t contacted me !or o"er si5 weeks. heard I DD last heard from 'ally DDo"er si5 weeks ago 2 @ou really must stay the night(’ he said to us insisted 'e DD insisted on us staying / that we stayed DDthe night 4 They make (000 cars a week at that !actory. trns That !actoryDD turns out DD(000 cars a week. 6 'e was punished !or his bad beha"iour. !adl# I! he DD had not behaved badly DD( he wouldn’t ha"e been punished. 7 1peaking personally( I don’t care whether she comes with us or not. matter It DD does not matter to me Dwhether she comes with us or not. ,0 I don’t really want to go out tonight. prefer IDD would prefer not to Dgo out tonight.
,, @8ould you like to play tennis on =riday?’ Emily asked :ick. felt Emily asked :ick DD if he felt like playing Dtennis on =riday , &s soon as he came in( he switched on the tele"ision. immediatel# 'e came in DD and immediately switched on Dthe tele"ision
Sentence transformation, 3 , 8e hired a pri"ate nurse to look a!ter my mother when she broke her leg. care 8e hired a pri"ate nurse DDD to take care of / to care for DDmy mother when she broke her leg. 'e’s only now beginning to reco"er !rom his illness. "et It’s taken him until DDD now to get over DDDhis illness. + #a"id li"es >uite near the station. far #a"id DDD doesn’t live (very far from / lives not very far from DD the station / The programme was so boring that he !ell aseep. sch ItDDDD was such a boring programme DDDthat he !ell asleep. )y parents don’t like us smoking at home. approve )y parents DD don’t approve of (us3DDsmoking at home 2 8e couldn’t dri"e home because o! hea"y snow. prevented 'ea"y snow DDDD prevented us from driving DD home 4 eter wishes now that he hadn’t sold his !lat. re"rets eterDDDD regrets selling / regrets having sold DDDhis !lat. 6 They say that ca"iare tastes nice. spposed Ca"iare DDD is supposed to DDDnice 7 It was nearly midnight be!ore e"eryone le!t. time yDDD the time everyone left DDit was nearly midnight. ,0 1he doesn’t !ind this course "ery interesting. !ored 1he DD is bored by/with DDthis course ,, #id &ngela say why she arri"ed late? reason #id &ngelaDDD give a/any reason for arriving DDDlate?
, 1he couldn’t concentrate because the room was so hot difficlt The heat in the roomDDD made it difficult (for her 3Dto concentrate
Sentence transformation, 2 , 8e were surprised to see amela at the party. e%pect 8eDDD did not expect to DDto see amela at the party. E"eryone has heard about the canals in &msterdam famos &msterdam DDD is famous for (its canals + I! you pay no attention to him( he’ll soon go away. notice I! youDD take no notice of DDhim( he’ll soon go away. / *ohn
, I don’t really want to lea"e yet. rather I DDD would rather not DDDlea"e yet.
Sentence transformation, 1 +, 8hy are you interested in taking up a new hobby? &ant 8hy ……do you want H to take…… up a new hobby? + @'a"e you seen my glo"es anywhere( Eric?’ asked )rs :oble. seen )rs :oble asked Eric ……if/whether H he/she had seen……… her glo"es anywhere. ++ 1uanne was too e5cited to sleep. that 1uanne was …. so excited that H she could …… not sleep. +/ Jobert has not had a ob !or two years. ot Jobert has ……been H out of work/a job…… !or two years. + @I will complete the work only i! you pay me 00 e5tra(’ said =rank. not @I will …not complete the work H unless…… you pay me 00 e5tra(’ said =rank. +2 The thie! ran right past you so I’m sure you saw his !ace. mst The thie! ran right past you so …… you must H have seen…… his !ace. +4 The clients demanded to stay in a !irst-class hotel. sta#in" The clients …insisted on/upon H staying …… in a !irst-class hotel. +6 I don’t obect to the council building a new road here. o!$ection I …have no/haven’t any/make no H objection to… the council building a new road here. +7 The author wrote her latest no"el while she was staying in )aorca. &as The author’s latest no"el ……was written H during her/a…… stay in )aorca. /0 The newspaper o!!ered
*ollocations, 3 , ou should always D insure Dyour homeD against DD!ire. @#oes eter DD remind DyouDD of D)ichael *ackson?’ @:o( he doesn’t look anything like him.’ + I! I were you *ulie I’d DD think D "ery care!ully D about D his o!!er. I don’t think you’ll get a better one. / 1he made the children DD apologi)e for DDtheir bad beha"iour at the party. The man was arrested and D charged with D murder. 2 #on’t !orget to wear a scar!. It will D protect D youD from Dthe cold. 4 &!ter three attempts she !inally DD succeeded in D breaking the world record. 6 'amlet was DD written by DD1hakespeare. 7 @#oes )ark really DD believe in DD!lying saucers?’ @Gh yes( he’s >uite con"inced they e5ist’ ,0 The mother told the group o! children to DD share DD the sweets DD among DD themsel"es. ,, 1he !elt really pleased when her teacher DD complimented DD her D on D her homework. , It was largely my !ault that we D lost at DD tennis. I played so badly. ,+ 8e le!t 'eathrow airport at ,2./ and D arrived in D Copenhagen at ,7.+0. ,/ <hough she had only painted the kitchen( the whole !lat DD smelled of DDpaint. , )y sister D suffers from Dhay !e"er e"ery summer. ,2 I really D feel sorry for D people who are tone dea!. It must be aw!ul not to be able to sing ,4 @8ould you DD care for D another piece o! cake( =rank?’ @:o thanks( *ill. I really couldn’t eat another thing.’ ,6 )ost young people D prefer D pop music DD to D classical music. ,7 &sk )ike to do it. ou can D rely on Dhim. 'e ne"er lets you down. 0 This book has been DD translated into D !i"e languages( including Jussian
*ollocations, 2 , I’m sorry( *oe. I didn’t mean DD to hurt DDDyour !eelings. 8hen she was a child( her parents wouldn’t allow her DD to play Din the street. + There must be something wrong with 1imon. 'e keeps D thinking DD he’s being !ollowed by ),. / &s they’d recei"ed a bomb threat( the police ordered e"eryone DD to leave DDthe building. 8hat with in!lation and e"erything( it’s ust not worth DD saving Dnowadays. 2 I remember DD wanting D to be a pop star when I was a child. 4 #on’t pretend DD to like D a. I know you hate it really. 6 @)ary hasn’t got a car. 8ould you mind DD giving DD her a li!t?’ @:o( not at all.’ 7 I really enoy going to parties and DD meeting D new people. ,0 'er parents were "ery strict and wouldn’t allow her DDD to stay DDout later than ,0.+0 at night. ,, arents usually warn their children against D talking D to strangers. , I ne"er go swimming because I dislike DD getting DD my hair wet. ,+ I agreed DD to teach D her English i! she helped me with my 1panish. ,/ It was a "ery tough match( but in the end England managed DD to win DD by two goals to one. , 'e suggested D taking DD a ta5i to the station. ,2 The !ilm star disguised hersel! to a"oid DD being DD recognied ,4 8ould you dare DD to walk DD through a gra"eyard on your own at night? ,6 1he was "ery upset when she !ailed DD to pass DD her dri"ing test. ,7 'e wasn’t happy with his room so he demanded DD to see D the manager 0 It’s hard to imagine D living Dwithout tele"ision(isn’t it? 8hat on earth would you do in the e"enings?
*ollocations, 1 oth my dogs are "eryDD fond of/keen on DDDDice cream. I’"e been DDD ill with DDa cold !or o"er a week. =or the last time who is D responsible for DDthis mess? ou’re not DD DDlea"ing this country and going to li"e in China( are you? serious about I’"e always been DD terrified of DDDD water since I nearly drowned as a child. )ark’s been DD absent from DDschool !or o"er a month. 'e’ll ha"e a lot o! catching up to do when he comes back. I’m a!raid only single people under the age o! thirty are DD eligible for DDDmembership o! this club *ulie’s my oldest !riend. 8e’"e been DD friendly with DDone another since we were at rimary school Gur daughter has ust won a scholarship to Cambridge. 8e are "ery DD proud of DDher. &ustralia is DDD rich in DDnatural resources Could I phone you later( &lan? I’m a bit D short of D time right now. 'e was so DD absorbed in DDDwhat he was doing that he didn’t notice me come into the room. 1witerland is DD famous for DDits beauti!ul scenery. )y cousin is "ery DD good at DDmusic and can play !our or !i"e instruments I like ballet but I’m not "ery D fond of / keen on DDopera There’s no pleasing our teacher. 'e’s ne"er DD satisfied with D our workA 1he is D similar DDin character DD to Dher sister 8e are DD grateful to DDD you !or all you’"e done !or us )ichael wasD jealous of D his brother’s success. 1mall children are o!ten DD cruel to DD animals without realiing it.
*ollocations, 4 , Come here immediatelyA Come hereDDDD at once DDDDDDDDDDDDA )y name’s atrick( but most people call me at. )y name’s atrick. at DD for short DDDDDDDD + )ost people in this country work !orty hours a week. DD *n average DDDDpeople in this country work !orty hours a week. / 'e le!t Jussia in ,77 and will ne"er go back there. 'e le!t Jussia DD for good DDDDDin ,77 8e’ll ha"e to use the stairs. The li!t’s not working. 8e’ll ha"e to use the stairs. The li!t’s D out of order DDDDD 2 )r lake comes back !rom his holiday ne5t week. )r lake is on holidayDDDD at the moment DDDDDD 4 'e owes the bank (000. 'e is (000DD in debt DDDDDDD 6 I memoried the poem. I learnt the poemDD by heart DDDDDDDDDDD 7 It was no accident. 'e did it deliberately. It was no accident. 'e did it DD on purpose DDDDDDDDD ,0 'e hasn’t had a ob !or o"er two years. 'e’s been DD out of work DDDDDDD!or o"er two years ,, I !ell in lo"e with her the moment I saw her. It was lo"eDD at first sight DDDDDDD , :o one helped me with the homework. I did the homeworkDD by myself DDDDDD ,+ The goods you want won’t come in until ne5t week. The goods you want are DD out of stock DDDDat the moment. ,/ @ou don’t ha"e to pay !or the drinks -they’re !ree tonight’( said the hotel manager. @The drinks are D on the house DDDtonight’( said the hotel manager , 8hen you play bingo( the numbers are not called out in any particular order. 8hen you play bingo( the numbers are called out Dat randomD
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