PRACTICE 3 SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the frst sentence. se to !ord gi"en and other !ords to complete each sentence. #o$ m$st not $se more than f"e !ords incl$ding the !ord gi"en. %o not change this !ord. SET &
1. Don’t shout at the the dog dog like like that! that! (stop) (stop) Please like that! 2. ‘Get of of the bus bus at the statio station,’ n,’ said Peter Peter to Annett Annette. e. (told) (told) Peter the bus at the station. . "ant to kno" kno" "ho #ou #ou sa" #ester #esterda# da#.. (see) (see) $ho #esterda#% &. Did an#o an#one ne see see #ou #ou #ester #esterda# da#% % ("ho) ("ho) "ant to kno" #esterda#. '. ae s*ientis s*ientists ts eer inestigat inestigated ed the "a# ani+als *o++uni* *o++uni*ate ate "ith hu+an% hu+an% (looked) (looked) don’t kno" i s*ientists -----------------------------------------------------------------------------the ---------the "a# ani+als *o++uni*ate "ith hu+an. . Don’t Don’t let +e +e interr interrupt upt #our #our stor#! stor#! (go) (go) Please #our stor#. stor#. /. Do #ou #ou think think the *ost *ost o liing liing "ill eer eer all all again% again% (*o+e) (*o+e) $ill the *ost o liing -----------------------------------------------again, -----------------------------------------------again, do #ou think% 0. ’d like like #ou to nd nd this "ord "ord in the the di*tiona di*tionar# r#.. (look) (look) $ill #ou in the di*tionar#% . $illia+so $illia+son, n, the poli*e poli*e +an, +an, lied lied ne3t door door.. ("hose) ("hose) 4he poli*e+an, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ----, lied ne3t door. door. 15. $ords $ords are not as i+portant as a*tions. (speak) A*tions "ords. SET '
1. e3pe*t e3pe*t #ou’re #ou’re e3haus e3hausted ted ater ater #our #our long trip. trip. (+ust) (+ust) 6ou 6ou ater #our long trip. 2. 7+oking 7+oking is not allo"ed allo"ed on the under undergrou ground. nd. (+ust) (+ust) 6ou 6ou on the underground. underground. . 8an #ou #ou phone phone +e +e ater ater ' toni tonight ght% % (gie) (gie) Please ater ' tonight. &. Are the *hildr *hildren en keen keen on sports sports a*tiities a*tiities% % (part) (part) Do the *hildren en9o# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sports a*tiities% '. spent spent ages ages doing doing +# ho+e"ork ho+e"ork last last night. night. (took) (took) t +# ho+e"ork last night. . Do #ou "ant +e to take #ou to the airport in the *ar% (gie) $ould $ould #ou like +e to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to --------to the airport% /. $here $here is the the *oneren *oneren*e *e being being held this #ear% #ear% (takin (taking) g) don’t kno" "here the *oneren*e ---------------------------------this #ear. #ear. 0. 4here 4here are a lot o o old people people "ho need looking looking ate aterr. (take) (take) :an# old people need so+eone ------------------------------------the+. ------------------------------------the+. . s this this #our #our rst rst isit to ;ran*e ;ran*e% % (eer) (eer) ae to ;ran*e beore% 15. 6ou’d probabl# be as*inated b# Australia i #ou eer "ent there. (nd) think #ou’d probabl# ----------------------------------------------i ----------------------------------------------i #ou eer "ent there. SET 3
1. 4he girls are are e3*ited e3*ited at the thought thought o seeing their their grandpare grandparents nts again. again. (or"ard) (or"ard) 4he girls are their grandparents again. again. 2. ’e neer neer heard heard #ou +entio +ention n Paul’s Paul’s na+e na+e beore. beore. (*o+e) (*o+e) Paul’s na+e in our *onersation beore. . 4he *ro"ded *ro"ded bus "as "as so hot that that one o the the passenger passenger ainted ainted.. (passed) (passed)
&. ’+ sur sure e ’+ gett getting ing a *old *old.. (*o+in (*o+ing) g) eel as i a *old. '. =obod# =obod# is sure sure ho" the *rash *rash happened. happened. (*a+e) (*a+e) o" the *rash is un*ertain. . ae #ou #ou an# an# intention intention o o ofering ofering 7all# 7all# the the 9ob% 9ob% (going) (going) Are 7all# the 9ob or not% /. 4here’s 4here’s no doubt doubt that >rian >rian "ill "ill be pro+ pro+oted. oted. (bound (bound)) >rian be pro+oted. 0. don’t don’t think :ar#’s :ar#’s ne" 9ob 9ob is "hat "hat she she e3pe*te e3pe*ted. d. (see+) (see+) :ar#’s ne" 9ob --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"hat -------"hat she e3pe*ted. . 4he ne" *o+puter *o+puter s#ste+ s#ste+ has *aused *aused ?uite a e" proble+ proble+s s or the +anager +anager.. (against) (against) 4he +anager ?uite a e" proble+s "ith "ith the ne" *o+puter s#ste+. 15. 4his is the rst ti+e ’e eer seen a 9ob adertise+ent or a *at sitter! (*o+e) ’e a 9ob adertise+ent or a *at sitter beore! SET (
1. ’+ not bus# bus# all to+or to+orro" ro" so *ould t t in an appoint appoint+ent +ent then. then. (little) (little) hae so *ould t in an appoint+ent then. 2. =ot +an# +an# people people re+e+ber re+e+ber that that 5s ro*k ro*k band an# an# +ore. +ore. (e") (e") 4here are are re+e+ber that 5s 5s ro*k band an# +ore. +ore. . ‘ae #ou #ou had an# an# strange strange drea+s drea+s%’ %’ +# brother brother said. said. (asked (asked)) :# brother had an# strange drea+s. &. ‘4r# ‘4r# and re+e+be re+e+berr #our drea+,’ drea+,’ said said the do*tor do*tor to 7ue. 7ue. (asked) (asked) 4he do*tor and re+e+ber her drea+. drea+. '. ’d rather rather go go to the *ine+a *ine+a than sta# sta# in. in. (instead (instead)) @et’s go to the *ine+a ---------------------------------------- in. . 4he inention inention "as "as an oernight oernight su**ess su**ess be*ause be*ause it "as e3tre+e e3tre+el# l# useul. useul. (so) 4he inention it be*a+e an oernight oernight su**ess. /. >e*ause >e*ause o his his hard hard "ork, he he +ade a su**es su**ess s o his busine business. ss. (so) (so) e "orked he +ade a su**ess o his business. 0. ‘@et’s ‘@et’s go out out or a 8hinese 8hinese +eal,’ +eal,’ said said the the t"ins. (sugge (suggested) sted) 4he t"ins or a 8hinese +eal. . 4he pilot pilot dis*oered dis*oered that that the plane’s plane’s uel tanks tanks "ere e+pt# e+pt#.. (run) 4he pilot dis*oered dis*oered that the plane---------------plane------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uel. 15. ‘$h# don’t "e go oer the e+ergen*# re pro*edure pro*edure again,’ said the superisor. superisor. (running) 4he superisor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the --------the e+ergen*# e+ergen*# re pro*edure pro*edure again. SET )
1. s it alright alright i *lose *lose this this "indo"% "indo"% (*los (*losing) ing) Do #ou this "indo"% 2. s s+oking s+oking per+itted per+itted in the the art galler#% galler#% (allo"e (allo"ed) d) Are people in the art galler#% . ’d rather rather #ou #ou didn’t didn’t use use the the o*e o*e phone. phone. (+ind) (+ind) $ould #ou the o*e phone% &. ‘’ll *all *all the poli*e i #ou don’t don’t go a"a#,’ a"a#,’ :oll# said to the +an +an at the door. door. (threatened (threatened)) :oll# i the +an at the door didn’t go a"a#. a"a#. '. ‘$h# are are #ou +aking +aking so +u*h +u*h noise%’ noise%’ Grann# Grann# said said to :elinda :elinda.. (asked) (asked) Grann# +aking so +u*h noise. . ‘Please ‘Please don’t don’t go so so soon, soon, @u*#!’ @u*#!’ said said 8olin. 8olin. (begged) (begged) 8olin so soon. /. 8ould 8ould bor borro ro" " #our #our bi*#*l bi*#*le% e% (i) (i) $ould $ould it be all right ri ght ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#our ---------#our bi*#*le% 0. ‘$hen did did #ou stop s+okin s+oking%’ g%’ the do*tor do*tor said said to Bohn. Bohn. (gien) (gien) 4he do*tor asked asked Bohn "hen ----------------------------------------------------------------s+oking. -----------s+oking. .
1.C+ 1. C+ sorr# *anCt gie #ou all the e3pensie things in lie. ("ish) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------gie -------------gie #ou all the e3pensie things in lie. 2.Cd loe to be reall# intelligent. (onl#) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------reall# ----reall# intelligent. .Are #ou sorr# #ou donCt speak +ore languages% ("ish) Do #ou eer ------------------------------------------------------+ore ------------------------------------------------------+ore languages% &.Cd &. Cd like to borro" so+e +one# ro+ #ou. (lend) Do #ou think ------------------------------------------------------so+e +one#% '. ound the l+ rather boring. (b#) "as -------------------------------------------------------------the -------------------------------------------------------------the l+. . *ouldnCt understand "hat "as happening in the stor#. stor#. ("ork) t "as di*ult ----------------------------------"hat "as happening in the stor#. stor#. /. donCt beliee a "ord #ou hae told +e. (+ade) think #ou --------------------------------------------------------------------eer#thing -----eer#thing #ou hae told +e. 0.A lot o +en asked her to +arr# the+ but she reused to. (turned) 7he ---------------------------------------------all the +en "ho asked her to +arr# the+. .Please donCt "ipe #our hands on the table*loth! ("ish) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#our ----------#our hands on the table*loth! 15. regret telling hi+ the ne"s. ("ish) ------------------------------------------------hi+ the ne"s. SET +
1. *anCt speak ;ren*h ;ren*h so C+ not going to lie in ;ran*e. ("ould) *ould speak ;ren*h ------------------------------------------------in ;ran*e. 2.People donCt like her be*ause she doesnCt tell the truth. ("ould) she -----------------------------------------------------------------like her. .CDonCt open that "indo", Daniel!C said the tea*her! (not) 4he tea*her told Daniel Daniel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the ----the "indo". "indo". &.C think it "ould be a great idea i #ou did #our ho+e"ork ater dinner,C said his +other. (suggested) is +other --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------his ------------his ho+e"ork ater dinner. '.:# sister earns +ore than +# ather. ather. (+u*h) :# atherCs salar# --------------------------------------------------+# sister. sister. .C+ . C+ "aiting or #ou to tell +e "hat happened #esterda#. #esterda#. (still) 6ou 6ou --------------------------------------------------+e --------------------------------------------------+e "hat happened happened #esterda#. #esterda#. /. started learning Bapanese t"o #ears ago. ago. (or) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t"o ----------t"o #ears. 0.$hen did #ou +oe into #our ne" at% (liing) o" long ---------------------------------------------in #our ne" at% .C+ . C+ reall# sorr# orgot #our birthda#. birthda#. (apologiEe) Cd like --------------------------------------------------------------------------#our -------------------#our birthda#. birthda#. 15. 4he plans or the ne" *ar park are not er# popular. popular. (ob9e*t) People -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------or ----------or the ne" *ar park. SET ,
1. sa" the #oung bo# the +o+ent beore he stole a bar o *ho*olate. (about) 4he #oung bo# sa" -----------------------------------------------------------------a -----a bar o *ho*olate. *ho*olate. 2. sa" the #oung girl at the sa+e ti+e that she stole a bag o s"eets. ("as) 4he #oung girl sa" -----------------------------------------------------------------a --------a bag o s"eets. .4he teenager stole a pa*ket o *igarettes beore beore sa" hi+. (had) 4he teenager sa" ------------------------------------------------------------a ---------------a pa*ket pa*ket o *igarettes. *igarettes. &. donCt "at*h 4F progra+s be*ause the# bore bore +e too +u*h. (so) 4F progra+s are are so ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- donCt "at*h "at*h the+. '. *anCt stop pla#ing ga+es be*ause C+ addi*ted to the+. (too) C+ ------------------------------------------------------stop ------------------------------------------------------stop pla#ing the+. .$e *ouldnCt stop laughing be*ause the pla# "as er# unn#. unn#. (su*h) t "as ----------------------------------------------------"e *ouldnCt stop laughing. /.:# ather +anaged a s+all business in the *it# but doesnCt an# +ore. (used) :# ather ------------------------------------------------a s+all business in the *it#. 0.unning a large house is no proble+ or +# +other as she has done it or so+e ti+es. (used) :# +other -----------------------------------------------a large house.
.4ennis .4ennis "as so+ething that neer interested +e. (used) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in -------------in tennis. 15. Getting up earl# doesnCt suit +e at at all. (used) ---------------------------------------------------------up earl#. SET -
1.n 1. n spite o the heat in the aternoon, "e de*ided not to go or a s"i+. (although) $e de*ided not to go or a s"i+ ----------------------------------in the aternoon. 2.4he "ind "as *old this +orning but "e "ent or a "alk. (despite) $e "ent or a "alk -----------------------------------------------------------------------this ----------------------this +orning. .e had no ?uali*ations but ha *onin*ed eer#one he "as a do*tor. do*tor. (despite) Her#one thought he "as " as a do*tor ------------------------------------------------------------?uali*ations. --?uali*ations. &.is tiredness ater the long drie did not preent hi+ ro+ nishing his "ork. (although) e nished his "ork -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ater --ater the long drie. '.$e *anCt leae the house in this +ess! (*lear) $e +ust ---------------------------------------------------beore "e leae the house. .=o +ore staf are being re*ruited at the bank at the +o+ent. (taking) 4he bank -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ore ------+ore staf staf at the +o+ent. /.e "as *har+ing that eer#one belieed his a+aEing stor#. stor#. (take) >e*ause o his *har+ he "as able -------------------------"ith his a+aEing stor#. 0.4he a*t that she "as not a+iliar "ith the building sho"ed that she "as l#ing. (gae) $hat -----------------------------------------"as -----------------------------------------"as the a*t that she "as not a+iliar "ith the building. .$hateer gies #ou the i+pression that C+ angr#% (+akes) $hateer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C+ -------C+ angr#% 15.------------------------------------------------------ 4he tea*her gae +e no opport7H4 opport7H4# # to e3plain "h# "as late. (let) 4he tea*her ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"h# --------"h# "as late. late. SET &
1.t 1. t is +ore di*ult to e3press so+e eelings than it is to e3press others. (easier) 7o+e eelings -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------others. -----------others. 2.7o+e eelings are di*ult or +e to des*ribe. (nd) --------------------------------------------------------------------so+e eelings. .8an #ou understand ;ren*h ;ren*h +ore easil# than talian% (nd) Do #ou ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tha --------------------than n talian% &.$e like the *ountr#side +ore than the to"n. (preer) $e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the -------the to"n. '.:# "ritten Hnglish is better than +# spoken Hnglish. (better) a+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------speaking ---speaking it. .4he a+il# are nding it di*ult to +anage on the +one# the# hae. (get) t is di*ult or --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on ----on the +one# the# hae. /.Ce neer seen su*h an untid# roo+! (the) 4his is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eer --eer seen. 0. think Cll read a book instead o "at*hing 4F! (rather) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------than --------------than "at*h 4F. 4F. .Fer# e" bands hae been as su**essul as
1.ose+ar#Cs husband deserted her soon ater their rst *hild "as born. ("alked) ose+ar#Cs husband--------------------------------soon ater their rst *hild "as born. 2.o+eo loed Buliet ro+ the rst +o+ent he sa" her. (ell) o+eo --------------------------------------------------------------------------Buliet ---------------Buliet at rst sight. .s . s the ight going to arrie on ti+e% Do #ou kno"% (i) Do #ou kno" -------------------------------------------------------------------to ----------to arrie on ti+e% &. think it "ill be great to see Banet again. (looking) ---------------------------------------------------Banet again. '.:r. @a"son put the phone do"n as soon as told hi+ +# na+e. (up) :r. @a"son -----------------------------------------as soon as told hi+ +# na+e.
.t . t "ould be er# e3pensie or #ou to repair that house. (deal) 6ou 6ou "ould need ------------------------------------to ------------------------------------to repair repair that house. /.Anna "anted to sta#, but her boss or*ed her to resign. (+ade) Anna "anted to sta#, but her boss -----------------------resign. 0.@auraCs ather did not allo" her to see Bake. (preented) (preented) @auraCs ather ---------------------------------------------------Bake. . didnCt e3pe*t the+ to leae so late. (idea) had ------------------------------------------------------------leae so late. 15. donCt nd it di*ult to stud# late at at night. (used) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at ---------------at night. SET &'
1. donCt "ant to argue "ith #ou an# +ore. (tired) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"ith ---------------"ith #ou. 2.Ba*k 2.B a*k got so+eone to paint the house "hile he "as a"a#. a"a#. (painted) Ba*k -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"hile ----------"hile he "as a"a#. a"a#. .7a+ speaks 8hinese uentl# and his Bapanese is er# good too. (onl#) =ot -----------------------------------------8hinese, -----------------------------------------8hinese, but his Bapanese is er# good too. &.Ioe said, C #ou hurt +e in an# "a#, Cll *all the poli*e.C (hand) Ioe said, C #ou --------------------------------------------------------------------+e, -----+e, Cll *all the poli*e. '.Please be ?uiet J #ouCre being so nois# that the bab# *anCt sleep. (noise) Please be ?uiet J #ou ---------------------------------that the bab# *anCt sleep. .Ale3ander ;le+ing dis*oered peni*illin in 120. (b#) Peni*illin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ale3a -----------Ale3ander nder ;le+ing in 120. /.Ce /. Ce got to kno" a e" riends sin*e the ne" ter+ started. (+ade) -----------------------------------------------------sin*e -----------------------------------------------------sin*e the ne" ter+ started. 0.8ould arrange a ti+e to see the do*tor% (appoint+ent) 8ould --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to -----to see the do*tor% .Politi*s has neer interested +e. (interested) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------politi*s. ----------politi*s. 15. t took +e hours to get the *ar *ar started. (spent) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the ----------the *ar started. SET &3
1.enr# said he had not stolen the 9u+per. 9u+per. (denied) enr# ------------------------------------------------the 9u+per. 2.Anne asked :ar# to "at*h the *hildren *hildren "hile she "ent upstairs. (e#e) Anne asked :ar# to-----------------------------------the *hildren "hile she "ent upstairs. . . #ouCre driing to to"n, *ould #ou take Peter Peter to the station% (drop) #ouCre driing to to"n, *ould #ou -------------------------------------------------the --the station% &. 9ust +anaged to see the Kueen as she "ent past in her *arriage. (gli+pse) 9ust --------------------------------------------------------------------the ----------the Kueen as she "ent past in her *arriage. '.4he re started in the earl# hours o the +orning. (broke) 4he re ----------------------------------------------------------in ---------------in the earl# earl# hours o the +orning. +orning. .4he tea*her "as sa#ing so+ething, but H++a *ouldnCt hear it. ("hat) H++a -----------------------------------------------the tea*her "as sa#ing. /.$hat "as the na+e o that "o+an #ou rented the house ro+% ("hose) $hat "as the na+e o the "o+an ---------------------------------------r ---------------------------------------rented% ented% 0.4he# "onCt e3*hange it "ithout a re*eipt. (take) 4he# "onCt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"ithout ---"ithout a re*eipt. . "ant to take this *han*e o seeing H:, H:, or +a# neer see the+. (out) donCt "ant -------------------------------------this *han*e o seeing H:, or +a# neer see the+. 15. 4he house that 7arah lies in has a s+all garden. garden. ("ith) 7arah lies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a --a s+all garden. SET &(
1.6ou +ustnCt orget that the ele*tri*it# bill needs pa#ing toda#. (re+e+ber) 6ou 6ou -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ele*tri*it# -----ele*tri*it# bill toda#. 2.Please tell +e in *ase orget to phone +# +other this aternoon. (re+ind) Please --------------------------------------------+# +other this aternoon. . *an neer re+e+ber "hat happened in the a**ident. (+e+or#) --------------------------------------------------"hat happened in the a**ident.
&.4he do*tors are keeping an e#e on +# brother in hospital. (obseration) :# brother --------------------------------------------------------in hospital. '.4he surgeon sa#s +# brother "ill re*oer *o+pletel# in a e" "eeks. (+ake) 4he surgeon sa#s +# +# brother "ill -----------------------------------------------------in ------------in a e" e" "eeks. .6ou .6ou hae reall# upset Diana b# sa#ing those terrible things. (eelings) 6ou 6ou hae reall# ----------------------------------------------------------------------b# ---b# sa#ing those terrible terrible things. /.C+ /. C+ sure 4ina "as terribl# "orried "hen her son "as arrested. (+ust) 4ina ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"hen -------"hen her son son "as arrested. arrested. 0.t 0. t "as "rong o #ou *o+e ho+e so late "ithout telling us. (should) 6ou 6ou --------------------------------------------------ho+e --------------------------------------------------ho+e so late late "ithout telling us. .s . s there a bank near here% Do #ou kno"% (i) Do #ou kno" -------------------------------------------------------near -------------------------------------------------------near here% 15. 4hree diferent s#ste+s +ake up hu+an +e+or#. +e+or#. (*onsists) u+an --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------three -------------three diferent s#ste+s. SET &)
1.Ater a e" da#s, began to realiEe that +# "ie "as not *o+ing ba*k. (da"ned) Ater Ater a e" da#s, ----------------------------------------------------------------that ---------that +# "ie "as " as not *o+ing ba*k. 2.Hllen last "ent abroad three #ears ago. (or) Hllen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------three ----three #ears. .Lostas did the *o+position badl# be*ause he "as tired. (+ess) Lostas Lostas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------the ----the *o+position be*ause he "as tired. &.4he last ti+e sa" Bill "as in Banuar# 1. (sin*e) ------------------------------------------------------------Banuar# 1. '.4he poli*e are looking or the gangster the# *all C4he >ossC. (as) 4he poli*e are looking looking or the gangster -----------------------------C4he -----------------------------C4he >ossC. >ossC. .:# tea*her said, C "ere #ou, Cd do so+e +ore reading.C (suggested) (suggested) :# tea*her ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so+e ---------so+e +ore reading. /.C+ /. C+ surprised #ou "ere taken taken in b# hi+ or so long. (see) C+ surprised #ou -------------------------------------------------------------------ea --------------------------earlier rlier.. 0.4he sales+an persuaded +e to spend oer M155 on a silk shirt. (talked) 4he sales+an -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oer --oer M155 on a silk silk shirt. .4he kidnapper told the+ that *onta*ting the poli*e "ould be dangerous. ("arned) ("arned) 4he kidnapper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------the -------------------the poli*e. poli*e. 15. 4he *hildren en9o#ed the+seles at the part#. part#. (good) 4he *hildren ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------at ---------------------at the part# part#.. SET &* 1.tCs 1. tCs possible that he has +ade a big +istake. (+a#) e ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a ---------a big +istake. +istake. 2. a+ sure the garage "ill sell the *ar b# the end o ne3t "eek. (sold) a+ sure the garage "ill ----------------------------------------the end o ne3t "eek. . . "hat the e*ono+ists hae predi*ted is a**urate, +an# people "ill be out o "ork ne3t #ear. (*o+e) the e*ono+istsC ----------------------------------------------------------, ---------, +an# people "ill be out o "ork ne3t #ear. &.8ould #ou take *are *are o +# *at "hile C+ a"a# on holida#s% (look) 8ould #ou -------------------------------------"hile C+ a"a# on holida#s% '.t '. t looks as i #our sister is upset about so+ething. (see+s) 6our 6our ------------------------------------------upset ------------------------------------------upset about so+ething. so+ething. .t . t looks as i #our in9uries arenCt er# serious. (see+) 6our 6our in9uries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------er# ----er# serious. /.People sa# that sh is good or #ou. (supposed) ;ish ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------good ----good or #ou. 0.=e" te*hnolog# "ill enable +ore people to "ork ro+ ho+e. (possible) =e" te*hnolog# "ill ------------------------------------+ore people to "ork ro+ ho+e. .6ou .6ou "onCt get into uniersit# "ithout passing #our e3a+s. (unless) 6ou 6ou "onCt get into uniersit#----------------------uniersit#---------------------------------------------------------#our ---#our e3a+s. 15. think it "ould be a good idea to see see i #ou *an get a *heaper ight. ight. ("orth) think it "ould --------------------------------------------i #ou *an get a *heaper ight. SET &+
1.At the start o the re, no one see+ed er# "orried. (out) $hen ---------------------------------------------, no one see+ed er# "orried.
2.4he re destro#ed the s*hool *o+pletel#. *o+pletel#. (b#) 4he -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the --the re. .C+ . C+ not interested in ootball an# +ore. (lost) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ootball. ---ootball. &.tCs &. tCs essential that #ou donCt tell an#one about these plans. (+ust) =obod# -----------------------------------------------------about -----------------------------------------------------about these plans. '.C+ '. C+ sure that so+eone has been ollo"ing +e. (+ust) 7o+eone ---------------------------------------------------- +e. .@aura thought the artistCs "ork "as er# i+pressie. (b#) @aura -------------------------------------------------------the -------------------------------------------------------the artistCs "ork. /.6ou /.6ou are not obliged to gie +e an ans"er #et. (donCt) 6ou 6ou --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+e -------+e an ans"er ans"er #et. 0.Nnortunatel# "as unable to get 7ue on the phone. (+anage) Nnortunatel# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7ue ---------7ue on the phone. .:ost *ities are *heaper than @ondon. (one) @ondon ------------------------------------------------------*ities in the "orld. 15. t "as i+possible to get ba*k ho+e be*ause o the sno". sno". ("a#) 4here "as ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ba*k ----------ba*k ho+e be*ause be*ause o the sno". sno". SET &,
1.Guessing :ar#Cs age isnCt eas#. eas#. (tell) tCs hard -------------------------------------------------old -------------------------------------------------old :ar# is. 2.4ake 2.4ake the spare ke# be*ause +ight be out "hen #ou get ba*k tonight. (*ase) 4ake 4ake the spare spare ke# ------------------------------------------------------------"hen -----"hen #ou get ba*k tonight. . . #ou donCt hurr# up #ouCll +iss the train. (better) 6ou 6ou ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#ouCll -----#ouCll +iss the the train. &. donCt think that stor# o BaneCs about +eeting the President President "as true. (+ade) think Bane -----------------------------------------about +eeting the President. '.tCs '. tCs di*ult to see "hat Peter is doing be*ause itCs so dark. (out) (out) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------"hat -------------"hat Peter is doing be*ause itCs so dark. .6ouCe .6ouCe got to send that *ard toda# or #ouCll +iss #our +otherCs birthda#. birthda#. (had) 6ou 6ou -------------------------------------------------------that --that *ard toda# toda# or #ouCll +iss #our +otherCs birthda# birthda#.. /.4he driing instru*tor told +e to be +u*h +ore *areul in to"n. (not) 4he driing instru*tor told +e -------------------------------------------------------------in -----in to"n. 0.Nnortunatel# #ou "rote the "rong na+e on the *he*k. (+ade) Nnortunatel# #ou -----------------------------------------------the "rong person. .C+ . C+ araid that there is no roo+ in the hotel tonight. (ull#) C+ araid that the hotel -----------------------------------------tonight. 15. 6ouCd better not go near that dog in *ase it bites #ou. (be*ause) 6ouCd 6ouCd better not go near that dog------dog--------------------------------------------------------------------------#ou. ----#ou. SET &-
1. reall# think #ouCre old enough to start looking ater #oursel. (ti+e) think -------------------------------------------------------looking ater #oursel. 2.$e pla#ed so *arelessl# that "e lost the +at*h. ("on) "e hadnCt pla#ed so *arelessl#, "e -----------------------------------------------------------------the ---the +at*h. .:# brother and hae a good relationship no". no". ("ell) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+# --------------------+# brother no". no". &.:# sisterCs er# unhapp# about losing her bo#riend, but sheCll be oka# again soon. (get) :# sisterCs er# unhapp# about losing her bo#riend, but sheCll ------------------soon. ------------------soon. '. greatl# dislike people "ho talk too +u*h. (stand) -----------------------------------------------------people -----------------------------------------------------people "ho talk too +u*h. .6our .6our son doesnCt see+ to be *apable o *on*entrating on an#thing. (see+s) 6our 6our son ---------------------------------------------*on*entrat ---------------------------------------------*on*entrating ing on an#thing. /. ailed +# driing test be*ause "as too nerous. (so) -----------------------------------------nerous, "ouldnCt hae ailed +# driing test. 0. reall# do think #ou ought to go ho+e no". no". (ti+e) t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ho+e. -------------ho+e. .Gina didnCt see+ er# riendl# at rst. (rather) Gina -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------at ------------at rst. 15. like gardening +ore than like *#*ling. *#*ling. (preer) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*#*ling. ---*#*ling.
1.A lot o the people at s*hool hae got u. (do"n) A lot o the people at s*hool --------------------------------------u. --------------------------------------u. 2.4he inentor ound a solution to the proble+ in a drea+. (*a+e) 4he inentor -------------------------------------------------------------a ----a solution to the proble+ proble+ in a drea+. .6ou .6ou hae got to a**ept that #ou +a# neer see Buliet again. (a*e) 6ou 6ou hae got to -----------------------------------------------------a*t -------a*t that #ou #ou +a# neer see Buliet again. &.4he l+ "as so good that enr# "anted to see it again. (su*h) t ---------------------------------------------that ---------------------------------------------that enr# "anted to see it again. '.:ar# spent three "eeks *learing out her grand+otherCs house. (took) t ---------------------------------------------*lear ---------------------------------------------*lear out her grand+otherCs house. .4i+ see+s to hae en9o#ed hi+sel in A+eri*a. (ti+e) 4i+ see+s to to hae ----------------------------------------------------------------------------in ---------in A+eri*a. A+eri*a. /.$hen are #ou going to *o+e to a de*ision about +arr#ing Bohn% (+ind) $hen are #ou going to ------------------------------------------------------------------------about ------about +arr#ing Bohn% 0. haenCt seen Anna or ages. (last) tCs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anna ------------Anna.. .6ou .6ou "ere supposed to send in the or+ three "eeks ago. (should) 6ou 6ou -----------------------------------------------------------in -----------------------------------------------------------in three three "eeks ago. 15. 4hese are the +ost +ost di*ult ?uestions Ce eer seen. (neer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?uestions. ----------------?uestions.