Nature and Elements of Communication: Definition and the Process of Communication
The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on the context. The learner defines communication. (EN111!"C#la#1$ (EN111!"C#la#1$
LEARNING COMPETENCIES COMPETENCIES The learner explains the nature and process of communication. (EN111!"C#la#! (EN111!"C#la#!$$ SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES TIME ALLOTMENT
The learner defines effective communication communication and explains the elements of the communication process% the best communication approach% and internal and external barriers. The learner describes the value of effective communication communication and its various elements. !hrs
LESSON OUTLINE: During the lesson% the learners &ill: 1. !. ,. -. +. 0.
Introduction/Reie!: Define 'communication using their o&n insights (1)mins$ Moti"tion: *hare insights &ith a partner the importance of communication (1+mins$ In#truction/De$ier%: Discuss &ith the teacher the four main points for effective communication communication (+) minutes$ Pr"ctice: Perform Pr"ctice: Perform a communication activit% activit% and reflect if the &ere able to communicate &ith a partner effectivel (!)minutes$ Enric&'ent: /esearch different models of the communication process to define communication (optional$ E"$u"tion: ccomplish E"$u"tion: ccomplish different different evaluative evaluative tas2s (The teacher teacher decides &hich &hich activit to to use$ (!+ minutes$ minutes$ MATERIALS RESOURCES
Enlarged illustration of the 3ronbec24s *peech Communication Transaction Transaction 5odel 6ulan% Celia T.% and de 7eon% 8anthe C. Communication ,: Practical *peech 9undamentals% Experimental Edition. Department of *peech Communication and Theater rts% P Diliman. 5a !))!
3ronbec2% Ehninger et.al. Principles and Tpes of *peech Communication. 1! th ed. Ne& ;or2:
Publishers% 1==-
The Center for 7eadership and *ervice% The niversit of Tennessee >noxville. http:&&&.cls.ut2.edupdfls?ee21@7esson A.pdf.ccessed Banuar A% !)10.
Introduction/Reie!: (Time allotment$
Te"c&er Ti*:
1.*cript of the procedure
Moti"tion: (Time allotment$
*cript of the procedure
In#truction/De$ier%: (Time allotment$
!. ,. -.
1.*cript of the procedure Pr"ctice: (Time allotment$
1.*cript of the procedure Enric&'ent: (Time allotment$
*cript of the procedure
E"$u"tion: (Time allotment$
*cript of the procedure
Common m isconceptions% mista2es% and uestions Tips for assessment lternative &as of delivering content
Quarter: Subject matter:
Various Models of Communication The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context. The learner designs and performs eective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context. The learner dierentiates the various models of communication. (EN111!"C#$a#%& The learner distinguishes the uni'ue feature(s& of oral communication process from the other. (EN111!"C#$a& The learner compares and contrasts the various models of communication. The learner is able to design his o)n model of communication based on factors he learned. The learner )ill be able to learn the uni'ue feature of communication process. ! hours
LESSON OUTLINE: During the lesson, the learners will: 1 Re!"e#/M$t"!at"$%: *ecall the important points of the previous lesson. (1+ minutes& & I%tr$'uct"$%: Compare and contrast the various models of communication using the Venn diagram. (1+ minutes& ( I%)truct"$%/De*"!er+: ,resent and discuss to class the -ndings of the group b explaining the content of the Venn diagram. (/ minutes& , Pract"ce: ,erform communication activit b presenting one model per group thru role pla. (!/ minutes& - E%r"c.me%t: *esearch on the uni'ue features of one communication process. E!a*uat"$%: 0ccomplish individual evaluative tas. (%/ minutes&
2andouts of the various models of communication ,ena3 0ndre) *e 4. and 0li 5. 0nudin. Oral Communication. Manila6 Vibal ,ublishing 2ouse3 !/1+.
PROCEDURE REIE2/MOTIATION: 1. Show-Me6 Teacher )ill sho) e )ords and the students )ill sa )ords associated )ith these e )ords. $n this process3 students )ill recall the important points of the previous lesson. 2. Pop Corn Game: 5ive instructions to the students on ho) to do this game. 0fter the game3 let the students identif the elements of communication used in the process as )ell as the communication barriers.
Teac.er T"0 The teacher ma let the students )rite their ans)ers on sheets of paper3 )hich )ill then be de-ned. "ther related games on communication can be done.
INTRODUCTION: 1. 8ivide the class into six groups. 5ive each group a cop of the hand outs )ith the lesson on dierent models of communication. Models of Communication to be covered are6 a. 9aobson:s Model b. 4aussure:s Model c. 4hannon:s Model d. ;erlo:s Model e. Nida:s Model f. ;erg:s 8iscussion of
The teacher should revie) the concept of Venn diagram.
!. 0ssign t)o models for ever group )ith )hich the )ill compare and contrast using the Venn diagram.
INSTRUCTION/DELIER3: 1. The teacher )ill as each group to present to the class the -ndings in the comparison and contrast of the t)o models of communication assigned to the group. The group ma have a rapporteur or the members ma tae turns explaining their -ndings. The teacher )ill emphasi=e the main points mentioned b each group. !. The teacher )ill encourage the audience to as 'uestions3 clari-cations3 or give
The teacher need to elaborate the concepts3 should add information after the presentation of each group.
suggestions to the group presenter. The teacher )ill a>rm or invalidate the ans)er given.
PRACTICE: 1. ?sing a dierent grouping3 each group )ill choose a model that the )ill describe thru role pla. Each group )ill be given % minutes to perform. !. The rest of the class )ill determine the model being role#plaed b the group.
Encourage participation from the members of the group. The rest of the group ma be given a rubric to rate the role pla of the other group.
ENRIC4MENT: 1. The teacher )ill give an assignment to the students. Tell @*esearch on the uni'ue features of one communication process.A !. Bet the students present to class on the next meeting his -ndings.
*emind the students to use other printed resources in addition to )hat the can search in the internet.
EALUATION: 1. Come up )ith our o)n model of communication. Mae a dra)ing that sho)s our model of communication. $nclude a short description of the components of our model. Mention an special feature or characteristic of our model.
Bet the students create their o)n blog for enrichment and evaluation purposes.
!. 2ave a uni'ue name of our model. %. ,ost our model into our )ebsiteblog and let our classmates comment. . This )ill be evaluated using a rubric.
,aper and pen andor other form evaluation ma be given.
Lear%"%6 Sta%'ar') C$m0ete%c"e) (